The fall of Soviet Union

Activity 1: We will read the following story together. Use the story to answer the
following 7 questions in your notebook.
The Cold Pizza War
In the town of Globalville, there were two pizza parlors; Sal’s and Tony’s. The
two pizza joints were located across the street from each other. For over forty years the
two pizza places were bitter rival. However, after forty years Sal’s Pizza finally won
because Tony’s could was no longer compete and was forced to close down.
Both Pizza parlors made an excellent slice and had a wide variety of pizza. So
why did Sal’s pizza win? There are five major reasons why Sal’s won and Tony’s failed.
The owners of Sal’s pizza believed that the hardest worker should be paid the
most. Sal felt that hard work should always be rewarded with a raise or an extra paid day
off. This gave Sal’s workers an incentive to make the best pizza and work as hard as
Tony did not agree with this philosophy. Workers at Tony’s were paid the same
no matter how hard they worked or how good the pizza was, this gave his employees no
incentive to work harder. Empolyees at Tony’s became lazy. Fewer pizzas were made
every day and the quality of the pizza began to decline. Eventually, Tony’s could not
keep up with the quantity or quality of pizza being produced at Sal’s.
The way in which Sal used his profits was another factor that helped his pizza
place win the war. Ever year Sal took a large percentage of his profits and used it to
improve his store and pay his workers more. On the other hand, Tony used his profits to
by cars and boats for himself. Tony did not reinvest in his store or use the money to
improve the lives of his workers. Because of this Tony’s store began to fall apart and his
workers were angry that Tony was not sharing the wealth with them.
After 35, year Tony moved to Florida and gave his pizza joint to his son, Tony
Junior. Tony Junior disagreed with the way his father ran the business. He wanted to
reform the way Tony’s Pizza was run. To do this, Tony Junior created two new policies;
Glasnost and Perestroika.
Glasnost, which means openness, allowed the employees of Tony’s pizza to
openly speak out against their boss. The employees, who for years had been mistreated,
quickly began to demand better pay, shorter hours and better working conditions. When
Tony Junior could not meet the demands of his workers they threatened to walk out.
Perestroika, encouraged workers at Tony’s to get a second job so they could make
more money. Many of the employees took advantage of this. Some of these workers even
got jobs at Sal’s. Many workers saw how good it was to work at another place and
refused to return to Tony’s.
Finally, after forty years Tony Junior was forced to close Tony’s Pizza. Sal’s won
the Cold Pizza war and continued to make pizza. Over the next twenty years Sal grew
richer and richer.
1. Which economic system was Sal’s Pizza an example of?
A. Mercantilism
B. Capitalism
C. Democracy
D. Communism
2. Which Economic system was Tony’s Pizza an example of?
A. Democracy
B. Totalitarian
C. Communism
D. Capitalism
3. How did Tony’s decision to pay his worker the same amount have a negative
affect on his business? (do not right it hurt it or it was bad)
4. What did Tony spend his profits on and how did affect his business?
5. How did giving the business to Tony Junior help lead to the downfall of Tony’s
Pizza? Explain in detail.
6. What was the result of Glasnost?
7. Why was perestroika bad for Tony’s Pizza?
Activity 2: Read the chart below and find four similarities and one difference between the
falls of Tony’s Pizza and the Fall of the Soviet Union.
1.The Neolithic Revolution dramatically
changed the way people lived by:
1. Forcing them to hunt and gather
2. Allowing people to farm and live in
permanent settlements
3. Established a communist
4. Allowing people to be nomadic
2 Democracy in modern Japan resulted
primarily from
1. Shinto and Buddhist beliefs about
equality and justice
2. reforms imposed by the United
States after World War II
3. a history of imperial justice under
the constitution of the Emperor
4. the diffusion of ideas and practices
from China and Korea
3. In the Soviet Union, Joseph Stalin
governed by means of secret police,
censorship, and purges. This type of
government is called
limited monarchy
4. After World War II, the Soviet Union
established satellites (puppet governments)
in Eastern Europe to
1. support the remaining Fascist
governments in Eastern Europe
2. preserve capitalism in Eastern
3. establish democratic governments
in Eastern European nations
4. expand its power and control over
Eastern Europe
5. Feudal societies are generally
characterized by
an emphasis on social order
a representative government
many economic opportunities
the protection of political rights
6. Which was a major characteristic of the
7. What was the purpose of the Marshal
1. To help the Soviet Union Territory in
Eastern Europe
2. Provide support to Mao and the Chinese
3. Defeat the Nazi’s during World War II
4. Prevent European nations from
becoming communist after World War II
8. After World War II, the Chinese
Communists were successful in their
revolution mainly because the
1. United States refused to support the
2. communists had the support of the
3. communists had more
technologically advanced weapons
4. nationalist had been defeated by
Theme: Turning point
Do Now: multiple choice
Why did the Soviet union fall?