Relational model-base structures: underpinnings for decision-centered management systems John W. Sutherland [Virginia Commonwealth University] Elizabeth Baker [Virginia Military Institute] ABSTRACT Relational model-base structures can provide the technical foundations for the development of decisiondriven (vs. conventional database-dependent) management support systems. The pragmatic import of decision-driven management support systems, and so also the core rationale for relational model-base structures, stems most obviously from the increasingly heavy dependency on mathematical models to answer for the analytical aspects of administration. Rather more significant, however, is that they can accommodate a novel class of models now starting to appear in both the commercial and governmental sectors: computer programs acting as Administrative Agents. Like conventional decisions aids, administrative agents are anchored on ordinary algorithmic constructs. But instead of being bound in service to a human manager, they themselves will be invested with some measure of managerial decision authority. The greater significance of relational model-base structures is that, in allowing management systems to accommodate Administrative Agents, they also accommodate the advance of automation into the administrative arena. Keywords: Decision systems Management Support Systems Real-time systems INTRODUCTION Relational model-base structures have their conceptual origin in one of the grounding propositions of the management science movement: the contention that enterprises can be meaningfully comprehended as collections of decision points rather than merely as collections of people. This puts the focus on the analytical aspects of administration in contrast to the sociobehavioral thrust of mainstream management theory or the morphological matters that sit at the center of concern for organization theorists. So, as elaborated in the first section of this paper, the general mission for relational model-base structures is to capture and encode, for purposes of computer apprehension/execution, the assemblage of interrelated administrative decision requirements entailed in some enterprise. Note that, as the term is used here, an enterprise may refer either to an activity undertaken entirely within the confines of a singular organization, or to an inter-organizational or collective endeavor of some kind. The portrait of an enterprise as conveyed by a relational model-base structure would then show which decisions are linked with which others, in what ways, at some particular point in time. In this way, relational model-base structures could come to serve as the substantive foundations for decision-driven management support systems. These would stand as practical expressions of the management science emphasis on analytical administrative requirements. They’d stand also as natural complements to the relational database-centered designs that reflect the mainstream management information system community’s long preoccupation with the informational aspects of administration (business administration, in the main). Much like archetypal MIS of fifty years ago, the systems designs that are today being produced under the ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) banner tend to be strongly database dependent, long on information technology and short on the decision technology side; it’s not unreasonable, in fact, to think of ERP type products as merely relational database management systems writ large. Thus, while relational model-base structures are conceived with managerial decision requirements foremost in mind, they remain something of an afterthought for ERP constructs. For the latter, whatever an enterprise needs in the way of instances of decision technology must generally imported from outside vendors as plug-in programs —sometimes imperiously styled as Business Intelligence Modules— that must subsequently be grafted onto the underlying database. This points up a key practical distinction between relational model-base and ERP inspired management support systems. The former are designed to effect direct functional interconnections among an enterprise’s decision-making apparatus. In ERP systems, in contrast, linkages among analytical instruments are typically indirect, mediated by middleware operating along the spinal database structure (in pursuit of what’s referred to in commercial data processing circles as Interoperability). This indirectness is not a defect of ERP products; it’s just a natural reflection of their functional focus on data integration. For relational model-base structures, on the other hand, the focus is firmly fixed on decision interdependencies. The practical pertinence of decision-driven vs. database centered management systems stems from the increasingly central role played by formal models in the context of modern managerial practice. This is a trend that’s been underway for some time. Orman (1995), for example, more than a decade ago, wrote that “Modern organizations rely extensively on computer-based mathematical models designed to solve various statistical, optimization, and decision making problems.” He then goes on to note a deficiency that still remains largely unaddressed: “The correspondence between software modules and organizational tasks on the one hand, and models and model components on the other, still needs to be established.” This is a deficiency that relational model-base structures must necessarily attempt to attack head-on. 2 So far as the case for relational model-base structures is concerned, what matters is not just that recourse to mathematical models is now so common, nor even that they are being asked to carry a successively heavier share of the analytical burdens devolving on administrative authorities. What matters more is that relational model-base anchored management systems should be able to accommodate a fundamentally new class of models that are starting to claim an increasingly substantial share of managerial authority: computer-based constructs operating as de facto administrative functionaries! Such models may be thought to herald the advance of automation into the administrative arena. What’s meant here is automation in the serious sense, not just the mechanization of menial clerical chores or arithmetically tedious counting/accounting applications, or even the more technically interesting statistical analysis activities (e.g., Exploratory Factor Analysis and Data Mining (Witten and Frank, 2005)) undertaken within the confines of the extensive data sets qua Data Warehouses supported by ERP products. That is, rather than being put in service as passive analytical assistants to some administrative authority, these models will themselves have been invested with operative (if not always titular) authority over some administrative application. To put these constructs on a more familiar footing, they can be viewed as a variety of decision agent (Phillips-Wren and Forgionne, 2002; Klusch, et. al, 2002; Gymtrasiewicz and Parsons, 2002). Hence their designation here as administrative agents. In echo of what seems to be the pattern of employments for decision agents in general (Davenport and Harris, 2005; Noh and Gmytrasiewicz, 2005), it’s assumed that the applications that are most likely to wind up being assigned to administrative agents are the sort that people are least likely to welcome, i.e., tasks that are long on computational requirements and short on leisure. In so far as computational requirements are concerned, however, this paper presumes a practical stricture on the domain of feasible authority for administrative agents. The only sorts of administrative decision situations for which they can be held responsible will be those that can be resolved by taking recourse to: (a). mathematical optimization methods that can deliver deterministic conclusions, or (b). statistical inference based instruments yielding empirically-predicated probabilistic outcomes. This has the practical effect of confining administrative agents to applications for which an entirely objective approach is entirely appropriate. But the residual reach of administrative agents is still broad enough that they may be seen to presage a perhaps seismic shift in the balance of managerial power from people to computer programs. The practical effect of this is that attempts to deploy administrative agents may be as apt to run afoul of cultural obstacles as technical challenges. It’s only the latter that concern us here. Paramount among technical problems is the issue of how to interconnect decision models to obtain functionally-coherent metamodels that could perform complex, multifaceted administrative tasks rather than being confined to singular, isolated decision instances. While some clues as to how this problem might be solved are available from post-mortems on projects to implement multi-agent networks (c.f., Technical Report WS-04-06 put out by the American Association for Artificial Intelligence in 2004), the second section of this paper will introduce an approach whose elements are mostly unique to relational model-base structures. As will be argued there in some detail, relational model-base structures may be seen as opening up a line of access to a new class of initiatives to which enterprise managements might turn in an attempt obtain/maintain adequately high levels of lateral integration. Beyond this lies the more interesting prospect of relational model-base embedded provisions for actively managing —executing, enforcing or maybe just experimentally manipulating— conditions in the intersections among administrative agents, and so moving the automation of management one step further along. 3 The remaining section of this paper then turns to the second technical challenge that relational model-base structures are intended to address: how they can expedite administrative decision exercises that must be carried out in real-time. This echoes the argument that the applications that administrative agents are most likely to be assigned will be characterized by high workloads coupled with reasonably rigorous response-related or throughput requirements. As a yet broader rationale, the real-time orientation of relational model-base structures is an acknowledgement of the general quickening of interest in moving away from traditional planning-based managerial platforms in favor of more dynamic-adaptive regimes. RELATIONAL MODEL-BASE BASICS In echo of their management science origins, relational model-base structures conceive of enterprises as assemblages of problems to be solved that, in their turn, give rise to decision requirements. Because their focus is on administrative decision applications, they consider only the routine problems, or recurrent vs. episodic decision requirements, that might arise within the confines of some enterprise. Enterprises can appear in either of two guises. An enterprise may, firstly, be an effort (project, line-of-business, mission) undertaken entirely within the confines of a single organization. In their second guise, enterprises are collective endeavors involving two or more otherwise autonomous organizations acting in concert (as with joint-ventures between business firms or, towards the grander end, international undertakings). In either case, any enterprise (Si) could be deconstructed as a simple mapping, Si D x E, where D is a set of decision requirements distributed in some way over a collection of entities, E. An enterprise might then be represented in tableau form as shown in Table 1. Si Tasks K1 K2 K3 Kn Table 1: Decision Tasking Tableau Organizational Entities E1 E2 Em D11 = (d1,1,1…d1,1,i) D12 = (d1,2,1…d1,2,i) D1m = (d1,m,1…d1,m,i) D21 = (d2,1,1…d2,1,i) D22 = (d2,2,1… d2,2,i) D2m = (d2,m,1…d2,m,i) D31 = (d3,1,1…d3,1,i) D32 = (d3,2,1… d3,2,i) D3m = (d3,m,1…d3,m,i) Dn1 = (dn,1,1…dn,1,i) Dn2 = (dn,2,1… dn,2,i) Dnm = (dn,m,1…dn,m,i) The elementary entry in a decision tasking table is a depiction (in the form of what will shortly be defined as a proper model) of a singular decision instance. In Table 1, a decision instance appears as some dk,e,p, which identifies it as the pth member of the array of decision requirements, pertinent to the kth task, consigned to the eth entity. Hereafter, for simplicity’s sake, decision instances will be fixed with a single subscript, so that d k,e,p becomes dx. Dnm thus specifies the set of decision instances falling to the mth entity pertaining to the nth task. The entities (E) heading the columns of a decision tasking tableau need not have any correspondence with the components that might show up on formal organization charts. Some disconnect, in fact, may be desirable even when it’s not strictly necessary (Rogers & Blenko, 2006), if only to preclude the possibility of the prevailing organizational structure being imposed as an implacable a priori constraint on those attempting to design management support systems. But distinguishing entities from ordinary organizational components will usually be necessary. For one thing, while the components covered by organizational charts constitute centers of 4 administrative authority, the entities employed in relational model-base structures are meant to represent repositories of decision responsibilities. Entities, then, can appear in a considerable variety of forms. They may, certainly, be ordinary organizational units (the production department of a manufacturing firm, say) or conventional line management functionaries (department heads). But the term entity may also extend to cover transinstitutional bodies (the U.N. Security Council, for instance), collective executives, steering committees or contingency management cadres (technical specialists that displace ordinary administrative officials under certain circumstances, as with the United States Forest Service transfer of command from bureaucratic to technocratic functionaries in the face of major conflagrations). But the entities of most relevance to relational model-base structures will be neither institutional components nor people, but that novel class of computer-constructs spoken of earlier: models designed to function as decision-makers rather than in their usual capacity of decision aids or decision support devices. As for tasks, they are used as conveyances for integral enterprise management activities, ‘integral’ in the sense that they encompass two or more identifiable elementary decision instances. If, say, the task at hand was Inventory Management, it might include this quartet of subordinate decisions: d1: What to reorder? d2: From whom to reorder? d3: How much to reorder? and d4: When to reorder? This task could then be denoted as Kj {dx = (d1 … d4)}, meaning that the indicated task is taken to subsume (per ) the set of decision instances included in {dx}. Operative Decision Models Decision instances are themselves higher-order constructs. Each is expected to be anchored on a fundamental decision function of the form F{V}dx or, more simply, F(Vx), where V is a set of variables (decision factors) thought to have some bearing on the decision at hand, and F prescribes a set of computational operations over the members of V in pursuit of some outcome objective (goal, decision criterion). Thus, with respect to the first of the above-cited decision instances subsumed under the inventory management task, F(d1) would most likely be a multivariate, regression-type demand projection function, perhaps encoded as a Regression Tree (Brieman, et. al., 1984). The usual approach to the second decision would be to have F(d2) turn out to be a multicriteria supplier-selection function that would deliver optima-at-the-margin resolutions over considerations such as cost, quality, responsiveness and reliability (Ostebee, 2000). As for d3, a common tactic would have F(d3) set up to deliver an EOQ solution that would, at the same time, provide an answer for d 4 by prescribing the intervals at which replenishment orders should be placed (Greene, 1997). When its procedural properties are fully explicated, a function of the F(Vx) variety would serve as a descriptive model of a decision process. Were then its instrumental provisions encoded for computer execution, an F-type function would have been transformed into an operative decision model that would take its place as a core working component of a relational model-base structure. What’s meant here by an operative decision model is one whose specifications are complete on all four of the dimensions over which formal models are defined, as per Table 2 (below). As is perhaps clear from Table 2, any F (Vx) would subsume as many lowest-order (-level) functions as there are unique, non-null intersects (pairings or otherwise) among the members of the statevariable array: F(Vx) {(vm:vn)} (vm ∩ vn) ≠ 0. 5 Table 2: Specification Requirements for Proper Decision Models DIMENSIONS [LEVELS OF ANALYSIS] Determinant: Assembles an array of suspected decision factors qua state-variables (V), which may be culled to include only a subset of assumedly most significant factors Structural Magnitudinal Connective: Delineates intra-decision intersect (∩) conditions via a set of categorical connective operators (C), so indicating which variables are expectedly linked with which others, in what ways (influence patterns), under what conditions Coefficient: Supplies a computed or imputed measure of the strength/intensity of the various inter-variable connections defined above Parametric: Assigns point-in-time numerical values (observation and/or function driven) to each of the determinants/decision variables NOTATIONALS {V | (V) > } Vx, which restricts membership to variables whose impact/pertinence () is expected to exceed a minimal acceptance level () {C | dx} = {c(vm ∩ vn) | vm, vn Vx}, where c-type operators define relationships between/among variables in terms of categorical (i.e., qualitative, logical) connectors Coefficient specifications are of the form vn = f(vm) f(vn, vm), where f is typically a computational function {vm,t}, vm Vx, where {vm,t} is a vector containing the current (time-t) values for all decision variables As is clear from the way in which coefficient specifications are set out in Table 2, any F(Vx) function will subsume as many lowest-order, coefficient-type (-level) functions as there are unique, non-null intersects (pairings or otherwise) among the members of the state-variable array, so that F(Vx) {(vm:vn)} (vm ∩ vn) ≠ 0. Lower-Order Relational Operators The f- and F-level functions have rough counterparts on the relational side of relational model-base structures. Corresponding in order to the former is an elementary relational operator (r) used to depict the conditions in the intersect between pairs of variables as r(vn,vm). More strictly speaking, it’s not usually r that’s an elementary relational operator, but one or another of its two directional variants that are used to account for asymmetrical relational affects: v m = rnm(vn) and vn = rmn(vm). If it’s to be able to depict inter-variable intersect conditions, an elementary relational operator would have to be able to recognize both categorical (connective) and computational (coefficient) linkages, so that rnm = ( c f )nm. A collection of categorical descriptors could include the following: if c(v1:v2) = ↑ : v2 is positively and proportionally related to v1 : v2 is more than proportionally positively related to v1 ↓ : v2 is inversely related to (negatively correlated with) v1 : v2 is strongly negatively (inversely) related to v1 : v2 is dependent on (dominated by) v1 : v1 is subordinate to v2 ↔ : v1 and v2 are co-determinate : v1 and v2 are symmetrically (reciprocally) interrelated Ф : v1 and v2 are to be kept independent, so that v1 ∩ v2 = 0. 6 Connectives may be compound, e.g., c(vm:vn) = () would describe a case where causality is both unidirectional and ampliative, such that any change in the value of v m is expected to incur a more than proportional change in vn in the same direction. A corresponding computational function would then be of the form f(vn, vm) vn = vm2, so vn / vm > 1. This suggests there will be cases, many probably in the decision situations dominating the day-to-day decision making of most organizations, where qualitative connections can be expressed in mathematical terms. In such cases, connective conditions can be enfolded into computational expression, so that vn = r(vm) ≡ vn = ƒ(vm). That is, whenever a computational expression can be used to cover both connective and coefficient level specifications, the former can be considered equivalent to, and hence replace, an elementary relational operator. Relational Model-Base Substructures The relational counterpart to an F-level function is R(Vx) = (r1 ∩ r2 ∩ …∩ rz), where R is a first-order relational operator (in that it conjoins two or more elementary relational operators). First-order relational operators, when deconstructed as shown in Table 3, are the basic building blocks (substructures) of relational model-base structures. v1 v2 v3 vm Table 3: Relational Model-Base Substructure: R(dx)t 1 2 3 m f(1,2) f(1,3) f(1,m) v1 r(2,1) f(2,3) f(2,m) ν 2 f(3,2) f(3,m) f(3,1) r(3,1) v 3 rm1= c(m,1) + f(m,1) f(m,2) f(m,3) v m The cells of a relational matrix (excepting those lying along the major diagonal) can contain either elementary relational operators (coupling and coefficient specifications) or coefficient-type computational expressions. Thus, for example, r(m,1) is an elementary relational operator explicating the categorical and magnitudinal impacts of vm on v1. When connective conditions can be enfolded into a computational construct, a relational operator can be replaced by a coefficienttype function, as in Cell 3,1. When all the cells in a relational substructure contain computational (f-type) expressions, the result is essentially a coefficient matrix. This has special significance for accelerating the execution of decision models that employ linear algebra conventions, as well as for ‘mechanizing’ interconnections between relational model-base substructures in cases where F(dx) and a another model/function(s), F(dy) for example, can both be encoded as systems of linear equations. The cells to the right of the major diagonal are of material significance only when r(i,j) ≠ r(j,i) and ƒ(i,j) ≠ ƒ(j,i). The peripheral cells heading the columns hold current parameter values for the indicated variable, e.g. m = m,t is the prevailing point value for vm Vx. It’s assumed that the values assigned variables (and coefficients, also) will most often be observation-based. But parameter/coefficient values may, however, be projective (extrapolative) or even putative (notational) in provenance. The -type functions occupying the cells lying along the major diagonal can be used to force values for variables (or coefficients). This is a nod to the possibility that it may sometimes be desirable to directly determine variable values rather than having them remain data-driven. There might, for instance, be enough regularity to anticipate changes in variable values, or perhaps some reason to distrust some segments of a data stream; allowing for forced values also provides an 7 opportunity to perform simulation-like operations over the components of relational model base structures. These -functions could be of various types, e.g., Reflexive ( = Vm|t), Conditional ( = vm|Xj, where Xj is a contingency event) or Complex ( might, for instance, be constructed as/over a regression tree). A relational model-base substructure thus encodes all that is known, or thought to be known, about a particular decision requirement at a particular point in time. A mature relational modelbase structure should then house a separate substructure for each of the regular decision instances an organization includes, with its composition changing as new decision requirements arise or old ones are retired. The ‘regular’ qualifier indicates that not all decision situations can be readily (or meaningfully, it might better be said) accommodated within a relational model-base structure, but only those that: (a). are recurrent or otherwise routine, and (b). can be expected to admit to a conventional technical solution along one or another of the lines illustrated in Table 4. Table 4: Permissible Classes of Decision Situations Deterministic Probabilistic Target Applications Situations involving simple (well-bounded and well-behaved) subjects amenable to Positivist apprehension Tasks associated with subjects that are in part empirically inaccessible and/or have some stochastic potentiality Primary Predication Clinical data, obtained directly from measuring devices (e.g., sensor data) or first-hand observations made by individuals of established objectivity and expertise Empirical data, of estimative or projective purport via a samplingbased scheme (experimental evidence; results of surveys or polling processes) Analytical Instruments Algorithmic formulations based on mathematical methods for generating optimal or optimum-at-themargin resolutions) Statistical inference techniques that can recognize maximumlikelihood or maximal-utility decision choices In echo of a previous point, the ‘regular’ stipulation restricts the effective operating range of relational model-base structures to decision situations for which an objective approach is both available and appropriate. It also acts to reserve relational model-base structures (in their operational vs. informative roles) for applications that can be brought within the practical authority of an administrative agent; and the implication of this harks back to the suggestion that the main rationale for relational model-base structures are movements in the direction of the automation of management. RELATIONAL MODEL-BASE INSPIRED INTEGRATIVE FACILITIES Conventional management process models, as derived from organization charts, tend to have a strong vertical cast to them. Formal administrative authority is, after all, asserted to cluster at the apex of the managerial hierarchy, and so is exercised dominantly downward along one or more chains-of-command. The result is a natural emphasis on organizational integration in its vertical orientation, which involves interconnections among organizational units or administrative functionaries sitting at different levels of a managerial hierarchy. Recall, though, the founding formulation from which relational model-base structures are derived, Si = D x E, where D is an array of (regular) decision instances and the members of E are entities. Again, entities are unlike ordinary organizational units (which serve as centers of administrative authority) in that they are repositories of decision responsibilities, and so denotable 8 as EM {d} D. Connections among entities could then be depicted in terms of decision intersects, i.e., Ei Ej {(dx Ei) (dy Ej)}. Thus, while it’s indeed necessary that a relational model-base structure allow for decisions to be arrayed in different patterns/degrees of influence, there is no need to make any assertions about one entity being more or less superior to another. What’s assumed, rather, is that the entities involved in an enterprise will all be positioned as peers; none is bureaucratically ascendant, nor does any enjoy anything resembling plenary powers. In this way, relational model-base structures are tuned to lateral integrative requirements. Lateral integration is concerned with the functional or task-related (vs. vertical, commandcontrol type) linkages between entities sitting —actually or effectively— at the same level of the enterprise hierarchy, be they organizational units, autonomous institutions or artifacts like administrative agents (Sutherland, 1998). The attraction of higher levels of lateral integration is then that they can mean more in the way of cooperative, complementary, synergistic or otherwise constructive interconnections among the entities involved in an enterprise. In this way, more highly integrated enterprises may come to be blessed with higher aggregate efficiency potentials than their more loosely-coupled counterparts — albeit, as Perrow (1984) has pointed out, at the price of greater fragility. Recall also that one of the principal introductory points in defense of relational model-base structures is that they can inspire a fundamentally new family of initiatives to which enterprise administrators might turn in the attempt to obtain/maintain adequately high levels of lateral integration. Because they can recognize decision interdependencies, relational model-base structures open up another —a fourth, in fact— dimension on which lateral integration can be addressed. A four-part taxonomy of lateral integrative initiatives might then be constructed along the lines of Table 5a. Table 5a: Categories of Lateral Integrative Initiatives 1. Configurational tactics intended to encourage positive interactions among institutional components 2. Communications-related techniques for enabling and/or expediting interchanges among people 3. Facilities for interconnecting informational items 4. Instruments targeted at decision intersects Establishment of interdepartmental liaison units or cross-agency task forces; recourse to collective executiveships; concurrent engineering arrangements; cultivation of kieretsu type interorganizational alliances. Groupware to support intranet or extranet-based collaborative efforts, teleand videoconferencing provisions, Electronic Town Meeting technologies (interactive television, eVoting, etc.). Apparatus to implement applications like long-distance learning and remote medical diagnoses Provisions like those found in ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) type products r for establishing/maintaining extensive data sets (e.g., data warehouses), setting up information sharing networks, and arranging for limited interoperability among computer programs connected via a spinal database structure In relational model-base structures, responsibility for inter-decision linkages falls to first-order relational operators The relational operators incorporated in relational model-base structures are all intelligible as lateral integrative instruments, with successively higher-order relational operators distinguished by their successively more extensive breadths of purview. The respective roles and ranges of effect for relational operators are shown in Table 5b, with R', R'' and R''' being higher-order variants. 9 Elementary Primary 1st Order [InterDecision] 2nd Order [Intra-Task] 3rd Order [Trans-task] Table 5b: Orders of Relational Operators Defines direction-specific linkages between variables/decision factors: r(vm : vn) {V}dX Conjoins two or more elementary relational operators within a decision model: R = [ri,j ∩ … rm,n] dx Allows for task/entity independent (or ad hoc) links between decision models or relational model-base substructures: R' = [di ∩ dj…∩ dm] or R' = [R(dx) ∩ R(dy)…] Establishes intersects among the array of decision models entailed in a task: R'' = [d1 ∩ d2 ∩…dz] KX Establishes interconnections between/among two or more tasks: R''' = R′′ (K) ∩ R′′ (K) … With the introduction of higher-order relational operators, any enterprise could now be defined on three dimensions as Si = Ř x D x E, where Ř is an array of higher-order relational operators and, again, D is the array of regular decision requirements included in Si, and the members of E are entities. The Ř x D component in this formulation is then the generative form for a Relational Model-Base Structure. First-Order Relational Operators Thus, as depicted in Table 5b, a first-order operator (R') is, in effect, a model that establishes connections between other models as R' = (di ∩ dj…∩ dm). Alternatively, the assignment for a first-order relational operator can be written as R' [RX ∩ RY …], where RX and RY are primary relational operators and the symbol signifies that R' is superimposed on the primary relational operators rather than subsuming them (in which case the integrative expression would have appeared as R' [Rx ∩ Ry …]). The key distinction between a subsumptive and a superimpositional role for higher-order relational operators is the greater magnitude of the instrumental challenge posed by the former relative to the latter. Were a higher-order relational operator to subsume some number of lower-order relational operators, it would have to absorb all the intra-decision integrative responsibilities once handled by the lower-order relational operators, as well as being required to cover any inter-decision connections. Under a superimpositional scheme, a higher-order relational operator is responsible only for the interconnections among lower-order relational operators, so that the challenge for a higher-order relational operator is confined to those integrative requirements that remain to be met after the lower-order relational operators have done their work. As with their elementary (r) and primary (R) counterparts, a first-order relational operator would have both a connective/categorical (C') and computational/functional (F') component, so that R' = (C' F'), where F' is a first-order computational function. The former would be used to convey qualitative intersect conditions. These will tend to be of two broad types, decision dependencies and interdependencies. Computational constructs will also tend to be of two broad types, recursive and reciprocal. Though decision dependencies are rooted in hierarchical (vertically oriented) relationships, relational model-base structures would deal with them as if they were lateral. Several sorts of ‘lateralized’ decision dependencies are recognizable: 10 a). Serial dependency (dX dY), where two or several decision models are to be executed in a definite temporal sequence, with the results of the previously executed passed as predicates/premises to the next in the sequence. b). Directive dependency ({d}EX ► {d}EY), where the decision choices made by one entity (agency) serve to bound the search-solution spaces over which a second is allowed/expected to wander with respect to some application or area of endeavor. c). Codependency (dZ▼(dX,dY … )), where two or more decision models are connected in the sense that they are commonly subject to (but perhaps differentially so) the influence of some other decision model/agency. Note that a lesser variant on codependency would cover cases where the connection between two or more decision models would consist of a shared variable(s), so that F' {V} = (d X ∩ dY). The most obvious technical tactic for handling decision dependencies is to have first-order relational operators employ recursive functions, which are themselves hierarchical (Ershov 1998). Under a recursive protocol, situationally-superior elements —independent variables, decision models, entities— are positioned upstream of, and so allowed to influence, subordinates positioned somewhere downstream. Take, as an example, a recursive first-order function of the sort that might be used to regulate a JIT (Just-in-Time) arrangement between a producer and supplier. Were dx a model used by the manufacturer to determine a near-term, desired production schedule (Qp), and dy the model used by the supplier firm to determine its output schedule (Qs), then F' (dx ►dy) would prescribe a set of algorithmic procedures (each executed via an F-level decision function) designed to keep Qs properly responsive to, or dynamically well synchronized with, the producer's desired schedule, Qp. The latter are, however, beyond the direct influence of the former, as recursive constructs allow for simple feedback loops and reflexivity, but not for circular causality or mutuality. Circularity, where decision models alternate being superior and subordinate, is one of the three main instances of decision interdependency, the other two being Codeterminacy (where the decision choices arrived at by any one model give due deference to the intents, purposes or priorities of the others with which it’s interconnected) and Communality (which has two or more decision models arrayed in cooperative/conciliatory arrangement whereby the choices of each are determined dominantly by what’s taken to be in the best interests of the collectivity or organization as a whole (Zhang, Lesser & Wagner, 2006). In place of a recursive connective construct, decision situations involving interdependency would require non-recursive relational functions (Berry, 1984; Kline 2004) that can recognize and regulate the reciprocal interchanges common among entities ‘positioned as peers’. Consider, for instance, the OPEC cartel, comprised as it is of sovereign nations. OPEC’s administrative problem is to establish an aggregate production level that’s low enough level to preserve a favorable perbarrel price, yet at the same time high enough to meet the revenue requirements (or desires, rather) of its several members. Hence the need for an F' function, formulated perhaps over a set of difference equations (F-level expressions) or set up as a stochastic simulation construct, that can mediate among the output decisions proposed by the various producer states in an attempt to realize an allocation schedule that sets production quotas in a way calculated to best serve the welfare of all, without unduly disserving any. 11 Second Order Relational Operators The core contribution of second-order relational operators is intra-task integration, per the notation introduced in Table 5b as R'' = [d1 ∩ d2 ∩ … dz] KX. Their normal charge, that is, is the establishment and maintenance of interconnections among the complement of decision models involved in a particular task. There is, however, a special significance to second-order operators that derives from the earlier-noted restriction of relational model-base structures to regular decision instances (in that they can be resolved by taking recourse to a readily programmable, orthodox algorithmic approach). In addition to allowing the wholesale displacement of elementary and primary relational operators by their computational correspondents (r f and R F), this stricture should also regularly allow first-order categorical connectives (C') to be folded into a companion computational expression, so that R' F'. Second-order replacements, R'' F'', should also be widely available, where F'' = (F'1 ∩ F'2 …∩ F'n). The special significance of second-order functions of this form is that they can be used to generate metamodels that encompassing the full complement of decision models entailed in one or another of the administrative tasks from which enterprise management processes are ultimately assembled. The more interesting prospect is, however, the construction of metamodels whose components are not just decision models, but Administrative Agents. It’s these that can make automated task management a practicable prospect in the context of relational model-base structures. TOWARDS AUTOMATED TASK-MANAGEMENT What immediately comes to mind as a medium for implementing metamodels is a species of node-arc constructs that, for lack of any better term, will here be referred to as Manifold Network Models. Reminiscent of conventional decision trees, the skeletal structure of manifold network models can be made to reflect the procedural properties of an administrative task, specifying which nodes are to be executed in which order under which conditions. But unlike ordinary decision trees, whose nodes typically hold imported numerical (or sometimes qualitative) items, or even their more capable cousins, Classification Trees (Breiman, et. al., 1984; Loh and Shih 1997), the nodes of manifold network models will contain algorithmic formulations that constitute fullblown models —decision models of the F(dx) variety, in fact — which may perhaps be assigned to an Administrative Agent for actual execution. Whatever the exact nature of the nodes, the arcs of manifold network models would then serve as avenues of interconnection among the various decision models positioned at the nodes. Pathways for task-management protocols could then be made conditional by having the selection of a particular avenue (or arc), radiating from a particular node, depend on the results of the current running of the pertinent nodal algorithms or decision model. The basic characteristics of manifold network models, it may be recognized, are reflective of the features of a class of constructs known in computer science circles as Cooperative Distributed Problem Solving or CDPS systems (Durfee, Lesser & Corkill, 1995). In light of the earlier discussion of the two basic varieties of decision situations, it makes sense to think of manifold network models as being dominantly either recursive or reciprocal in their instrumental fittings. Recursive manifold network models would tend to carve out neatly linear execution paths during any iteration, with the results of a superior (upstream) decision model not only determining which downstream nodal constructs will subsequently be executed in what order, but perhaps also passing down decision predicates (as exogenous arguments or constraints) that direct the decision choices arrived at by the latter. The most promising targets for administration via manifold network models will then be tasks punctuated by sequential-state processing 12 protocols or trajectory-type decision dynamics. One such area is conventional Supply-Chain Management (Mahajan, Vakharia and Radas, 2002), marked as it is by an ordinarily neat succession of procurement-related decisions covering materials requirements, standards and specifications, pricing and delivery schedules and provider selection. It’s also marked, not surprisingly, by a rising reliance on computer-based agents to make these determinations (Fox, Barbuceano & Teigen, 2000; Rodriguez-Aguilar, et. al, 2003). Traffic Management is another area where recursive constructs are common, e.g., for urban road systems, during outbound rush hours for example, sensor-data regarding rates of passage and congestion are fed to computer models controlling more inward intersections, that then go on to direct the timing and duration of traffic lights at more outlier or downstream intersections. Agent-based traffic management applications abound (Bazzan, Klügl and Ossowski, 2005), and extend well beyond road-based systems to cover air and marine-related applications (Davidsson, et. al., 2005), and project still further outward into areas as diverse as communications routing, workflow control, synchronizing workstations in assembly lines and load-balancing in power grids. This is not to say that there have not been attempts to formulate and effect non-hierarchical approaches to supply chain management (Collins and Gini, 2001; Davidsson and Wernstedt, 2002; Labarthe, et. al., 2005) and traffic management (Bazzan, de Oliveira & Lesser, 2005). But nonrecursive manifold network models would be most at home in task management contexts where a decentralized decision protocol is commanded by the nature of their composition. This is clearly the case with enterprises configured as cooperatives. Take shipping conferences, for example. These are confederacies formed by ocean transport companies operating along a particular trading corridor (e.g., New York-Amsterdam). They are formed in pursuit of cartel-type advantages, and also to obviate mutually destructive competitive initiatives like price wars. Shipping conferences might then welcome a computer-based collective executive if it could be relied on to manage all matters in the ostensibly best interests of the general membership. A manifold network model could conceivably play this role were it programmed to encourage/enforce decisions to comply with communal welfare criteria throughout the operational management (where determinations are made regarding the composition of the fleet, allocations of transport jobs among vessels, access to channel and port facilities, departure and arrival times, loading and offloading priorities and price schedules, etc.). Another candidate for management via a non-recursive manifold network model comes from the military sector in terms of what’s known in Pentagon parlance as the Cooperative Engagement Capability (Busch and Grant 2003; Korzyk 2003). In prior days, each ship was held individually responsible for dealing with any directed at it. The CEC, however, transforms fleet security from a proprietary to a popular problem. What it promises is a computer-mediated, distributivenegotiative approach to the defensive decision process (which requires provisions for threat recognition and ranking as well as tactical response selection and asset/resource allocation). It’s objective would be to manage things so that interdictive responsibilities would fall to whatever element —ship, aircraft, submarine, shore battery or armed drone, etc.— is commonly determined to be best equipped to defeat the threat most easily or economically. It would be expected, of course, that current period defensive assignments in the CEC context would consider any projected/prospective threats foreseen by the members of the battlegroup and other sources. Finally, as a somewhat more pedestrian example, there is the proverbial smart elevator system. Physically, of course, elevator systems are comprehensible as non-hierarchical node-arc constructs. This makes them ideal subjects for probabilistic management by drawing on the pattern-recognition capabilities of neural-network constructs (Freeman and Skapura 1991), as these can be configured to replicate the morphological properties of the subject they are intended 13 to control. A more sophisticated variant would have the behavior of an elevator complex determined with respect to dynamically-modified demand projections that combine historical usage patterns with both real-time stimuli (people pushing call buttons) and near-term indicators (probable destination floors for people entering a building based on what their digital ID cards say about the location of their offices (c.f., United States Patent 6988071 at When fed such inputs, a non-hierarchical elevator management model would have all deployment decisions for any car introduced as a proposal to be examined in concert with the current positioning and routing proposals of all other cars. Deployment instructions would then be issued to the several elevators that ostensibly best serve the now and near-future interests of the aggregate population of passengers (with the interests of regular or recurrent users likely given relatively more weight than those of transients). RELATIONAL MODEL-BASE MEDIATED REAL TIME OPERATIONS If the increased reliance on decision models and computer-based decision agents is one of the key attributes of the contemporary administrative arena, another is the burgeoning interest in moving away from traditional planning-based (anticipatory) managerial postures towards more real-time (adaptive-reactive) regimes. This movement owes much to the realization that it’s improvident to opt for a probabilistic approach to a decision situation for which a non-inferior deterministic solution is available, and to the companion realization that transitions towards realtime open up opportunities to transform previously probabilistic into deterministic decisions. More particularly, what real-time transits offer are opportunities for administrative decisionmakers to ease their dependency on projections or expectations in favor of more definite data of more recent vintage. To exploit these opportunities, administrative authorities can turn to an ever expanding array of real-time data-capturing devices. These devices, along with regular improvements in digital data communications capabilities, have shortened the intervals between the time of the first emergence of informational items and the point at which they become available as decision predicates. What’s also emerged are new-age conceptual referents, like the “dashboard” model of business administration (Eckerson, 2005), that suggest how managers should put accelerated predicates to proper use. So it is, also, that the main message of one of the most influential of modern management treatises, The Virtual Corporation (Davidow and Malone 1993), is how manufacturers might make their production decisions —and retailers their restocking decisions— less reliant on demand forecasts and more responsive to revealed demand (as revealed by actual product purchases recorded and reported by point-of-sale terminals). Decision choices that wind up owing less to expectations and more to actualities have a correspondingly better chance of proving favorable or optimal in terms of whatever criterion applies. This, of course, is the core rationale for today’s essays in the direction of dynamic resource allocation. Hence the modern military’s embrace of remote sensor platforms and other facilities that can deliver real-time reconnaissance data, which allows force disposition and other combat management decisions to be based on authenticated vs. merely anticipated battlefield conditions. Applications in the public sector are also not uncommon, one of the most impressive being the United States Forest Service's elicitation of real-time fire location data from the MODIS Rapid Response system in an effort to make the best possible use of high-impact, low-availability assets like smoke jumpers and airplanes (Kaufman, et. al., 1998; Giglio, et. al., 2003). 14 Anyway, the focus for the remainder of this section is on how relational model-base structures can support attempts at adaptive-reactive management, and thereby enable more extensive essays in dynamic resource allocation. Centripetal Data Acquisition What’s proposed by way of a real-time information handling system is a centripetal scheme like that illustrated in Figure 1. Figure 1: A Real-Time Information Handling Protocol Centripetal processing protocols acquire contributions from a multiplicity of monitoring/reporting reporting sources and channel them into a single data stream directed at a single relational modelbase substructure. A relational model-base structure may be the province of an Administrative Agent rather that merely a disembodied mathematical function (Davidsson, et. al., 2003). It’s also possible, probable even, that the decision function/agent to which a relational model-base substructure pertains will be incorporated in a manifold network model, and so be counted as aspect of an administrative task. An important implicit provision of the protocol shown in Figure 1 is that any data items that are received will have their significance assessed more or less immediately, and can thereafter be discarded. This pretty much obviates the need for archival databases, much less the huge data warehouses that serve as the spinal substance for the management systems now being produced under the ERP banner. For enterprises operating under a real-time regime, historical data is of substantive significance only in so far as it’s necessary to satisfy externally-imposed reporting or internal auditing requirements. Thus, enormously popular though they are these days among both administrators and academics, data mining devices would be seen as having no practical role to play in the context of real-time management systems. Retrospective pattern-recognition operations would simply be deemed unnecessary, as whatever patterns might be practically pertinent to a decision situation would presumably already have been routinely recognized in the normal course of coefficient estimation exercises. This view of the fate of real-time information is certainly not 15 unprecedented; it’s not really all that different from the approach incorporated in Complex Event Processing protocols that engine event-driven information systems (Luckham, 2002). As for information acquisition requirements, these would expectedly first be established with respect to the factors (determinants, state-variables) over which a decision model is defined. Thereafter, items may be assigned different acquisition priorities depending on their apparent importance to the quality of decision choices, or what remains to be achieved in terms of increases in levels of precision or probity for a particular component (parametric or coefficient entry). The informational requirements specific to a relational substructure/decision model might then be denoted as {I}dx <, which sets a maximally-acceptable time interval ( ) between the emergence of potentially interesting informational items and their presentation as decision inputs. This phrasing is consistent with the concept of effective vs. strict real-time. Real-time, in its strict interpretation, requires that information always (unconditionally) be delivered as immediately as possible. Effective real-time, on the other hand, treats timeliness as relativistic, requiring only that information be delivered prior to the point where it's required to inform a decision. Taking steps to reduce the input burdens on real-time systems will make it easier to meet whatever timeliness requirements are in place. One way to ease data handling demands is to try to increase levels of information compression. This, it may be clear, will occur as a natural consequence of any exchange of conventional relational database for relational model-base structures. Consider, for example, that the informational value of a coefficient sitting in a cell of a relational model-base substructure would be no less than the sum of the multitude of raw data items from which it was derived. The happy consequence of higher levels of information compression is a corresponding reduction in the volume of inputs needed to drive decision functions under relational model-base vs. database management conventions. Loadings on communication facilities used to support intra- or inter-organizational information would also be diminished to the extent that exchanges consist of compressed parameter or coefficient passing rather than transfers of raw (unconditioned, undigested) data items. A second tactic for moderating real-time data capturing and communication demands is Redundancy Filtering. Equipping real-time systems with redundancy filtering facilities is done in response to the assertion that information is of practicable value only to the extent that it's indicative of a change of some sort (Dawkins, 1998). Redundancy filtering is thus aimed at the systematic recognition and elimination of all items that are coincidental with expectations (e.g., in a true real-time Air Traffic Control System, the only aircraft of which human flight controllers would be aware are those that have departed in some way from previously-filed flight plans). Another feature required in real-time contexts is some sort of Input Fusion facility. Such would be needed whenever decision predicates might possibly be of different orders and/or origins. Trying to integrate information of different orders quantitative and categorical, apodictic and anecdotal, logical and axiological, textual and visual, Elint (electronic intelligence) and Humint (human-originated intelligence) is a daunting challenge, both conceptually and mechanically. It’s presumed, however, that this challenge will be kept reasonably well contained in the context of relational model-base structures because of the previously noted restriction to regular decision situations. This means that the only inputs that need to be accommodated will all be neatly numerical, such that input fusion may involve nothing more than elementary arithmetic conditioning initiatives like standardization, normalization, compilation (development of simple statistical digests like means and modes), minor mathematical as is done in GPS (Global Positioning System) based navigational systems or the two to three dimensional conversions that produce topographical charts from aerial photographs. 16 Inputs of different origins means something more than merely inputs from multiple sources. It means information collected on different dimensions, and so of disparate provenance rather than just disparate formatting. Contemporary climate control systems now routinely employ a simple fusion function to generate a composite variable, humiture (an amalgamation of temperature and humidity), which is then used as a key determinant of heating and cooling decisions. Somewhat more impressive are the fusion facilities that sit at the front-end of modern surveillance systems that allow reconnaissance to be carried out simultaneously on several different dimensions: visual, infrared, auditory, electrical (spectral), etc. Because the sensors in such platforms deliver data of different origins, the input fusion task is to combine the several output sets elements into coherent multidimensional portrait of the object of interest (Hall and Llinas, 2001). In some cases it's the mere mobility of sensors, not their variety, that raises the requirement for a data fusion facility. The task in these cases is to converge on a composite real-time construct by collating observations taken by a dispersed array set of similarly-configured sensors operating at different scanningangles and/or distances. In these cases, readings taken from different perspectives are treated as data of different origins, with the data fusion function usually falling to Multiresolution Integration Algorithms like those designed to conjoin inputs from migratory agents embedded in distributed sensor networks (Qi, Iyengar and Chakrabarty, 2001). GIS Constructs and Templating Tactics Administrative applications requiring a real-time (dynamic) resource allocation run the gamut from prosaic activities like just-in-time inventory replenishment to more dramatic functions like disaster relief or the fielding of rapid deployment forces in the hopes of interdicting looming civil crises. If relational model-base structures are to properly support such applications, they should be set up to operate on GIS (Geographic Information Systems) type constructs. These are becoming ever more widely recognized as a prime medium for portraying phenomena that are multifaceted, protean and have a geospatial or textural-topological aspect to them (Arctur and Zeiler, 2004; Kropla 2005). And indeed, in addition to their traditional command of cartographic, demographic and ecological applications, GIS constructs now stand as primary sources of decision predicates in a variety of other fields: Civil engineering, urban planning, transportation system architecture, epidemiology, military targeting, disaster management (e.g., evacuation routing, containment of oil spills, distribution of relief aid), as well as public and business administration (re: location of facilities, logistics (Revelle and Eiselt, 2005). Of most pertinence to relational model-base aided adaptive-dynamic management are GIS configured as composite mapping constructs (Malczewski 1999). Composite mapping constructs are intended to show how various properties of interest are distributed within some bounded domain (model space), and also how their distributions might change in response to natural or introduced initiatives. Towards this end, each of the properties of a composite mapping construct would correspond to one of the facets of the subject phenomenon. Each of these properties is then assigned to a separable layer, where it can be depicted in terms of a density distribution. For suitably-configured GIS constructs, input integration (data fusion) thus consists of conjunctions established among different sets of density distribution data (or, less abstractly, the interleaving, infusion or superimposition of property-specific expository layers). As a further and particularly technically appealing possibility, composite GIS might be constructed so that each of their separable layers corresponds to a factor (determinant, state-variable) over which some decision model is defined. These layers qua decision dimensions would then become the targets of real time information acquisition efforts. 17 This may, at its most menial, merely require GIS constructs to be reconfigurable, so that density distributions can be altered and properties added, deleted or repositioned relative to one another. So, for example, a GIS construct covering a wetland ecosystem could be tuned to use real-time survey data to chart changes in the distribution of an index-species, along with any alterations in ancillary factors like water chemistry, comings and goings of water birds, frequency and the intensity of human intrusions. Thus, as is increasingly recognized by organization or agencies with ecological interests or missions, emendable GIS constructs can provide a regularly refreshed complex of predicates to feed multicriteria-multiobjective conservancy management models or to inform local land-use decisions with sets of at least partially competitive stakeholders (Evans, VanWey & Moran, 2005). GIS constructs can also host a special class of real-time referents that function as templates. As an adjunct to adaptive-reactive management support systems, a template is an only partiallyelaborated model that's intended to reduce the volume of decision-related analytical requirements that need to be met in real-time. It does so by trying to answer, in advance, for as many as possible of the requirements associated with a decision, in as much detail as possible. Templates thus play a role in adaptive/reactive management systems similar to that played by contingencies in planning-based schemes. However, as appendages to GIS models, templates are formulated as graphic constructs that are designed to be superimposed singly or in company with other templates on a background map. Templates are perhaps of most obvious pragmatic import for organizations having emergency or crisis management missions, where they can promise to both increase responsiveness and preserve the rationality of decision commitments. As an illustration of the utility of templates, consider a situation where there has been a serious accidental discharge of toxic chemicals at an exurban industrial facility. Suppose also that, an array of templates had been developed that described the generic diffusion characteristics of each of the different chemical compounds the plant produces, as derived from plume projections developed using modern Atmospheric Dispersion Modeling methods (Barratt, 2001). That is, each template is a graphic portrayal of the expected behavior of a particular chemical compound given those properties that constitute constants (volatility, decomposability, particulate predispositions, etc.). As they stand, these templates are incomplete. Missing are situation-specific details such as the exact composition, location and magnitude of a release and, of course, details on contextual variables like wind velocity and humidity, etc. Thus, given a suitable set of templates, what mainly remains to be done is to get a real-time portrayal of an actual release event is to interpose particulars about actual/emergent situational conditions as they become apparent. For plume projection problems, then, templates can mean that the deep structural substance of diffusion models should already be in place, so that the development of actionable managerial scripts for evacuation, containment and damage control demands only the introduction of superficialities. Dynamic Updating of Decision Models Finally, still in recollection of Figure 1, amendment activities involving relational model-base substructures would be set in motion by the appearance of an input(s) that causes a change in the value of a variable. There are several different ways of assigning point-in-time values within the confines of relational model-base substructures. To the extent that it's available (and it's only going to be available for decision situations involving very simple subjects and where there's the luxury of some leisure), a Positivist-type approach would be the generally preferred option because it offers both high reliability (probative value) and precision. It has variable values determined by direct measurement; there is no 18 substantive mediation, and conditioning consists solely of simple arithmetic (counting-type) activities. This results in parameter values meriting considerable confidence, requiring neither qualification nor dilution. Variable values may also, secondly, be a product of conventional statistical conditioning. Statistical mediation may mean little more than the numerical compression to yield artifices like means and standard deviations, or it may involve the use of perhaps quite elaborate projective (longitudinal or cross-sectional) functions. These will yield either range estimates (where the likelihood of including the true parameter value somewhere within its interval can be purchased only at the expense of practicable precision), or an inferential value whose veracity must itself be treated as a variable. There is a third alternative that's probably going to be the option of most frequent recourse for most decision situations or administrative tasks. This would have current variable values computed via a Bayesian-type procedure similar to one that’s been used for fifty or more years to provide decision predicates for Dynamic Programming exercises (Beckman, 1968; DeNardo, 2003). Data is derived from a sequence of measurements/observations on variables of interest. These data are then taken to represent running samples, with sampling frequencies set in reflection of apparent volatility of the subject/object of interest. Inputs will usually be sought from multiple sources, with the selection of sources respectful of the rules for devising properly random and/or adequately representative samples. The resultant data could then drive a Bayesian-type updating function of this familiar form, ϋm,t = ( {I}t), where ϋ is the current (time-t) Bayesiandominant valuation for Vm, is the prior data set (an assemblage of all previously-handled historical values for Vm) and {I}t is a posterior data set housing the values acquired during the latest iteration of the measurement/observational exercises on V m. The advantage of Bayesian-type parameter-setting mechanics is that they can be easily tuned and also readily retuned to allow relatively more recent data to regularly exert relatively more influence. Not to belabor the obvious, but what’s been said here about dynamic updating of parameter values could just as well apply to coefficients. Though not expected to arise with any regularity, there can be cases where coefficient-related data are more accessible than that pertaining to parametric values for variables. In cases where a change in the value of a coefficient is the triggering incident, the subsequent effect would be to induce changes in the prevailing values for the immediately involved variables, which might then go on to excite secondary changes in still other variables included in a decision substructure. To return to what’s expected to be the normal course of events, should it happen that the receipt of new data forces a non-trivial change in the value of a variable, the concatenation of downstream effects would be determined by the character of relational operators, or coefficient functions, sitting in any activated cells of the relational substructure in which the originally altered variable is embedded. Alternatively, things may be arranged so that a change in a variable's value could induce a change in the value of a coefficient tying it to another variable, or variables, and so radiate from there throughout the relevant portions of a relational substructure. In any event, a change in the value of any component variable or coefficient should trigger a rerunning of the affected decision model, and so possibly lead an alteration to the ongoing courseof-action, or perhaps to the adoption of a disparate approach all together. Beyond this, any iteration of a decision model can generate impacts that will resonate outward, along channels interconnecting relational model-base substructures, and perhaps excite changes in other models as dictated by first-order relational operators/functions. And, finally, for decision models (or administrative agents) that are embedded in manifold network constructs, second-order relational operators make it possible for a change in the value of a single variable to resonate throughout the 19 reaches of some administrative task, and so perhaps come to affect the fortunes of an enterprise in its entirety. It’s this last feature that makes it practically possible to think of relational model-base structures as being able to support not just more extensive, but more effective, essays in dynamic resource allocation. If, in fact, there’s a signature application for relational model-base structures, it’s emergency management, given the high analytical loadings it imposes and the premium on timeliness. If there were ever any doubts about the pressing need for improvements in this area, they were dramatically dispelled by the awful inadequacies of the institutional responses to Hurricane Katrina. CONCLUSION The grounding proposition of this paper was, recall, that the requirement for relational modelbase structures, or something like them, arises from the likelihood of an increasing number of enterprises becoming increasingly more dependent on decision models, particularly in their more active vs. passive incarnations. This accounts for the problem the previous pages attempted to answer, how enterprises’ administrative apparatus might be brought within the comprehension of computers. To be sure, what these pages put forward was just a single vision of how model-base structures might be constructed; they illuminated only one avenue of approach to the automation of management. Other options surely exist; but it remains for others to find them. While making administrative processes apparent to computers is the main mission for relational models-base structures, there’s an ancillary role they can play that’s at least worth a quick mention before closing. This posits an instructional rationale, as relational model-base structures should be able to offer executives an opportunity to get to know their enterprises in a new way. What a relational model-base structure can provide, after all, is a finely-drawn portrait of an enterprise’s actual administrative system (as distinct from the distributions of nominal decision responsibilities available from organization charts). 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