N Love CFP Submission Form 2013

Presentation Proposal
2013 ICF Australasia Conference
Sydney, Australia – March 20-22
Complete your proposal using this form and save to your computer.
Once you have a completed your written proposal (using this proposal template), please
proceed to http://www.icfacoachingconference2013.com/Program/CFP/call-for-proposals
and enter the required information as well as upload your proposal, biography, photo and
any video links.
All questions must be responded to and all requested information provided. Failure to do so may jeopardize
the assessment and selection of your proposal. If you have any problems, please contact the Conference
Secretariat on conference@icfaustralasia.com or +61 (0)2 4337 5624.
Deadline to submit: 9am, Monday 14th May 2012.
Title of Presentation:
Clarify Your Coaching Message to Create Your Difference
Name of Presenter:
Nadine Love
Email Address:
If applicable:
Co-Presenter’s Name:
Please complete one of these pages per presenter
Presenter Details
Business Name:
The Motivational Mentor
PO Box 1188
Email Address:
Business Phone:
+61 7 54767737
0411 017234
ICF Chapter:
Business Fax:
ICF Member:
ICF Member No:
ICF Member:
Yes YES! PCCNo
009 002 964
PCC 
Not Credentialed
2011 - Trainer N L P, The Coaching Institute, Mel, AU
2010 - Diploma Executive & Life Coaching, The Coaching Institute, Mel, AU
2010 - Master Practitioner NLP, The Coaching Institute, Mel , AU
2010 - Master Practitioner Hypnotherapy, The Coaching Institute, Mel , AU
2010 - Master Practitioner Matrix Therapies, The Coaching Institute, Mel , AU
Other Professional
Relevant to Coaching:
2009 - Certificate IV Life Coaching, The Coaching Institute, Mel , AU
2009 - Trainers & Speaking Skills, The Coaching Institute, Mel , AU
2009 - Certificate IV Business, The Coaching Institute, Melbourne, Australia
2009 - Advanced Practitioner Life Coaching, The Coaching Institute, Mel , AU
2009 - Timeline Practitioner, The Coaching Institute, Mel , AU
2009 - Practitioner NLP, The Coaching Institute, Mel , AU
2009 - Practitioner Life Coaching, The Coaching Institute, Mel , AU
2009 - Practitioner Matrix Therapies, The Coaching Institute, Mel , AU
2009 - Certificate Performance Coach, The Coaching Institute, Mel , AU
2008 - Avatar Masters, Florida, USA
2007 - Avatar, Auckland, New Zealand
2005 - International Writers Finalist, BC, Canada
2004 - International Writers, NZ/Australia/Canada
2000 - Permaculture Design, Waiheke Island, NZ
1997 - MA Dramatherapy, University Hertfordshire, UK
1994 - PG Diploma Dramatherapy, University Hertfordshire, UK
1993 - Reiki Masters, London, UK
1987 - Theatre/English BA, Rhodes University, South Africa
1987 - Theatre/Education BA, Rhodes University, South Africa
1984 - Drama Licentiate Teachers Diploma, Trinity College, London, UK
How many years of coaching experience do you have or how many years of experience in a field relevant to
coaching do you have?
1-2 years
2-4 years
4-10 years
>10 years
Field Relevant:
1-2 years
2-4 years
4-10 years
>10 years
Specify Field
Dramatherapy; Teaching;
Theatre In Education
Previous ICF Conference Presentations (Title, Location, Year, Format)
“How to have Your Coaching Business Thrive In Topsy Turvy Times”, Gold Coast, Crowne Plaza
Hotel for ICF Coach Week QLD, Full day Seminar., 2012. Fully Resourced with 21 Worksheets,
Templates, Articles all provided in a bound folder. Also CD’s given. Suite of 90 Slides made available
to participants.
“So What’s the Fuss about NLP?” Gold Coast, Crowne Plaza Hotel for ICF Coach Week, QLD, Fully
resourced. CD handout. One hour presentation, Slide Suite made available to participants.
“Business Essentials for Coaches” Brisbane, 2011 Full day Seminar., 2012. Fully Resourced with 18
Worksheets, Templates, Articles all provided in a bound folder. CD’s given. Cards Sets given. Suite of
75 Slides made available to participants, plus further articles.
So What’s the Fuss about NLP?” Brisbane, for ICF Coach Week, 2011 QLD, Fully resourced. CD
handout. One-hour presentation, Slide Suite made available to participants.
“Coaching Crackers” Brisbane, 2011 Keynote Speech for ICFAQ Christmas Party. Gifts given to each
guest including especially constructed crackers with coach related quotes inside and gifts,
bookmarks, cd’s, inspirational cards.
Essential Strategies for Winning Implementation for Coaches, Brisbane, International Coach Week,
2010 Half Day Seminar, Fully resourced with handouts and slide deck provided, plus relevant cd’s
Essential Strategies for Winning Implementation for Coaches, Gold Coast 2010, International Coach
Week, Full Day Seminar, Fully resourced with handouts and slide deck provided, plus relevant cd’s
Product Power, Brisbane International Coach Week, 2010 Hour long Seminar, Fully resourced with
handouts and slide deck provided, plus relevant cd’s, dvd’s coaching coaster with session starter
questions, my 108 Transformational Coaching Questions cards sets given. As this was a product
seminar I went overboard with gifting a range of products as examples of what can be done.
Presentation Experience (Title, Event, Date, Target Audience, Format)
I have been presenting for the last 25 years. In the last four years my target audience is Coaches, Trainers,
Speakers, Authors, Online Marketers and Entrepreneurs.
In terms of relevant presentation experience, I ran Mastermind, Diploma and Advanced Skills trainings
and presentations for The Coaching Institute, Melbourne. These were Full Day, half day or one hour
presentations and included:
Mastermind The Coaching Institute, Melbourne: 7 Steps for Winning Implementation
Mastermind The Coaching Institute Melbourne: Product Power
Diploma Students and Advanced Skills: “Business Essentials for Coaches” and
“How to package and sell you and what you do” are examples.
I am also an NLP Trainer and I run my own Transformational NLP trainings.
I also hold regular monthly NLP Practice Group.
I also put together a Suite of 32 Webinars specifically on Coach Training for The Coaching Institute
Melbourne, which I ran between 2009 and 2011.
I have been a keynote speaker here on the Sunshine Coast at many events.
Professional Publications / Materials / Services related to or referred to in your presentation
I take pride in providing supporting material and resources of the highest quality. I am well known for the
quantity and quality of my resources. Bound folders containing beautifully produced handouts, checklists,
worksheets and templates; cd’s; dvd’s; book marks; 108 transformational coaching cards; inspirational
coaching cards, my well loved and reknowned Session Starting Coaster and my ebook Precision Questioning
for Coaches are all resources given at my seminars, talks and presentations.
I won an international award for my book Hot Confidence: Conscious Pathways to take you from Mini Me to
Magnificent and materials relating to self worth and self esteem building for coaches and trainers comes
from my book. The book launches in the next two months.
Speaker Motivation (What is your personal motivation for presenting at the Conference?)
I am passionate about empowering those who empower others. As coaches, mentors and trainers we have
the potential to be these leaders. Education and mentorship in the business of coaching as well as the art
and craft of coaching are vital.
I assist coaches and trainers to build the confidence they need, to clarify their message in order to make
their unique difference in the world. Especially in these times of global change and uncertainty,
outstanding, skilled leaders are needed to inspire, instruct and motivate people.
Sharing the knowledge I have gained over the course of my life which has included building two million
dollar businesses in the wellness industry. My coaching business is successful and making a difference. The
businesses of my clients are successful and making a difference. I feel compelled to share as much as I can
with other coaches and trainers in order to assist them to create unique, resilient practices, making a
contribution to a world we are delighted to be a part of.
I would consider it a delight, an honour and a privilege to present at the conference. Thank you.
Presentation Videos / Recordings (Please provide links of any videos showing you presenting – e.g. YouTube)
Eileen Duncan introduces Nadine Love at Business Essentials for the ICF Brisbane 2011 – Full day
workshop: Business Essentials
From “How to Have your Coaching Busienss Thrive In Topsy Turvy times” 2012
https://vimeo.com/41960116: Transformational System for Success
https://vimeo.com/41956656 : What Would Be Your Legacy
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kKf-JVI4A5g: Eileen Duncan of ICF Thanks Nadine Love for
“Product Power” Half Day & “Business Essentials” Full Day
Sharon Hudson Thanks Nadine Love for Presenting Three times at International Coach Week 2010
“Product Power” Half Day & “Business Essentials” Full Day
Eileen Duncan introduces Nadine Love at Business Essentials for the ICF Brisbane 2011 – Full day
workshop: Business Essentials
Sharon Hudson Thanks Nadine Love for Seminar- Business Essentials
“How To have Your Coaching Business Thrive In Topsy Turvy Times”
7 Strategies for Winning Implementation: Training For Mastermind
The Coaching Institute, Melbourne
“Business Essentials” for Diploma Students, The Coaching Institute, Melbourne
Speaker References – Please provide references for 2 people who have heard you speak and 2 people who
have hired you to speak (Name, Phone, Email)
Heard Speak
e 1 & 2:
Sharon Hudson Thanks Nadine Love for Seminar- Business
“How To have Your Coaching Business Thrive In Topsy Turvy
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kKf-JVI4A5g: Eileen Duncan of
ICF Thanks Nadine Love for
“Product Power” Half Day & “Business Essentials” Full Day
If you go onto You Tube my nadinelovelive channel there are many
testimonials from students and people who have heard me speak
e 2:
There are a host of testimonials from people including Austin
Parry, President ICF Queensland who was a client of mine for 18
Hired To Speak
I run my own seminars largely, by choice.
Reference you tube again:
Edgar Winter
07 54423302
I presented for his group in January.
Presentation Details
Title of Presentation:
How To Have Your Coaching Business Thrive In Topsy Turvy
Times or
Clarifying Your Coaching Message to Make Your Difference
How to Build the Confidence to Step Up Your Coaching
1. Preferred duration of session:
60 minutes
90 minutes Either 60 or 90 minutes 
2. Format Percentage of time during the session that will be:
Demonstration 10%
Individual Reflective, Journaling Time
Case Study 10%
Debate/Panel Discussion
Computer/Network/Video broadcast 
Role Play
Open Dialogue/Space
Practice/Application activity 10%
Action Planning for the future 5%
Other – please specify
Questions & Answers
3. Participant Interaction – percentage of time during sessions participants will be:
Interacting with other participants 30%
4. Equipment Requirements:
Flip Chart
Yes Please
Other – please specify
LCD (data) Projector
I bring my own
5. Room Set-Up Style (all rooms will be set up chairs-only style. If you have a special request please indicate
below and we will try to accommodate your request):
Chairs Only
Cabaret (round tables) 
Other – please specify
U Shape
Yes please
Open Space
6. Session Objectives – Please state clearly what the participant will be able to do differently as a result of
your session (to be included in conference program and website):
In every presentation I offer participants are given practical, doable steps that they can take away to apply
to their coaching and their businesses, right away. They are given resources to support this beyond the
Clarify Your Coaching Message to Create Your Difference
Participants will take away a seven step system to apply to their message in order to clarify and
communicate what they offer as unique and different. Participants will discover the secret to leveraging
their message and understand how to market themselves with an essential difference. I will also share the
11 ingredients to a knock out thirty second sound bite on who you are and what you do. Participants will be
able to language what they do at networking events and beyond easily, effortlessly and eloquently.
I could also offer :
How To Have Your Thriving Coaching Business In Topsy Turvy Times
How to Build Your Confidence to Step Up Your Coaching Business
Please let me know if either of these appeal and I will send in descriptions.
7. Session Description – Please provide a description of the session content (to be included in conference
program and website). Please do not use abbreviations or acronyms in your description. Min 150 words:
Clarify Your Coaching Message to Create Your Difference
If you’d like to know how to communicate who you are and what you do at networking events and beyond
easily, effortlessly and eloquently, then this seminar is for you. Discover Nadine Love’s comprehensive
seven-step system to clarify and find the language for what you offer. You’ll be inspired by the formula that
will give you the clarity you may have been searching for, so that you can differentiate yourself effectively in
a competitive marketplace.
You are unique and what you offer is distinguishable as especially yours, if you know how. There is a secret
to leveraging your message in such a way that your solution becomes irresistible. Your success in signing
clients depends on this crucial link in the chain which will be revealed in Nadine’s content rich and eyeopening presentation. You’ll get to understand how to market yourself with your compelling edge.
Nadine will also share the 11 ingredients to crafting a knock-out thirty-second sound bite on who you are
and what you do.
This presentation will give you the next steps to take to really move the needle in terms of attracting
qualified clients and also building a business that differentiates you from any other coach in the
marketplace, so that you can create and communicate the difference you know you are here to make.
Buckle up for an incredibly exiting ride into how to plug into the appropriate needs of your potential clients,
whilst expressing yourself congruently. This session will engage, inspire and challenge as it cuts to the heart
of who you are, helps you to craft your offerings and connects you favourably with those you most wish to
8. Target Audience Level:
Novice Coach
Master Coach 
Experienced Coach
Coach Leaders/Educators 
9. Target Audience Focus – How will this session engage, inspire and challenge the target audience?
This session will directly benefit participants because it is about who they are, what they offer uniquely and
how to express that in such a way that it interrupts, engages, entertains, offers their particular solution and
educates qualified prospects in an authentic, aligned way. My system will give each participant a gripping
perspective on who they are and how to sell what they do.
Participants can buckle up for an incredibly exiting ride into how to plug into the appropriate needs in their
potential clients, whilst expressing themselves congruently. This session will engage, inspire and challenge
as it’s designed to reveal an essential truth about who participants are, what they really offer and how these
elements can be effectively expressed to others who may be their hottest prospects.
10a. Has this session been presented at a coaching related conference by you or any co-presenters:
b. If yes, how would you customise or change this presentation for this conference and its audience to make
this a fresh and new presentation?
If you’d like me to present “How To have Your Thriving Coaching Business in Topsy
Turvy Times or Business Essentials for Coaches, both of these presentations are
constantly updated to weave in best practices and current trends. I am constantly
studying and up-skilling, so my presentations grow each time I present.
c. If yes, please provide the name of the organisation presented to, as well as date presented.
How To have Your Thriving Coaching Business in Topsy Turvy Times: ICFAQ 14 th
January 2012
or Business Essentials for Coaches, The Coaching Institute, Melbourne, 27th July
11. Post-Session Value – What valuable tools, take-aways or materials will be given to participants that they
will find practical, insightful and/or easily usable?
There will be a full resource kit of handouts, templates, checklist and worksheets Audio downloads, full slide
deck – there are always gifts and surprises.
12. Link to Theme – how is this content linked to the conference theme “Expand. Connect. Reflect.”?
“Clarify Your Coaching Message to Create Your Difference“ will give participants an expansion in self
awareness and communication of their message, so that they can connect with who they are and what they
do more deeply. Participants will learn how to connect effectively with ideal prospects by having clarified
their message in such a way that it can be easily communicated, shared and understood, and so deepening
connection. All of this would not be possible without self –reflection and making certain that the way in
which participants can reflect exactly what is being offered. “Expand. Connect. Reflect.” Is woven through
Nadine Love’s seven step system for clarifying your Coaching message – and is perfectly aligned with the
conference theme.
Continuing Coaching Education (CCE)
Continuing Coaching Education (CCE) are formal courses and seminars that teach skills or tools directly related
to ICF Core Competencies, the personal development of the coach, the development of the coach’s practice or
other skills or tools that are directly applicable to coaching.
A Continuing Coaching Education Unit (CCEU) is defined to be an element of time one (1) CCEU being the
equivalent of sixty (60) minutes of direct educational contact.
As part of the call for proposals, we request that you complete the following CCE Units.
What Continuing Coaching Education Units (CCEUs) do you recommend assigning to this session?
Coaching Core Competencies
Personal Development of the Coach 1 - 2
Business Development
Other Skills & Tools
What Coaching Core Competencies will this session address?
Meeting Ethical Guidelines & Professional Standards Yes
Establishing the Coaching Agreement
Establishing Trust & Intimacy with the Client
Coaching Presence
Active Listening
Powerful Questioning Yes
Direct Communication Yes
Creating Awareness
Designing Actions
Planning & Goal Setting Yes
Managing Progress & Accountability
All of the above!
Submission Agreement for 2013 ICF Australasia Conference
Title of Presentation:
Clarify Your Coaching Message to Create Your Difference
Name of Presenter:
Nadine Love – the motivational mentor
In submitting my proposal I agree to:
Work closely with conference organisers in
advance of the conference and adhere to
deadline dates;
Give permission to ICF Australasia to duplicate,
distribute and sell copies of my presentation
materials and video recording on CD-ROM;
presentation to meet conference theme and
programme requirements;
Make no substantial changes in content,
format, audio/visual needs, room set-up,
identity or number of presenters (if a joint
presentation is offered) without prior
approval of conference organisers;
To recognise that a conference presentation is an
opportunity to share information and is not a
showcase for promotion of a business, practice
or product;
To tailor their content and remarks to uphold the
dignity of individuals participating in the
conference and reflect a spirit of inclusion,
respect and support;
To respect ICF Australasia as the sponsoring
organisation with either positive or neutral
comments from the platform.
To register for the conference and receive the
early bird member rate. In the spirit of
professional sharing among peers, we do not pay
registration costs or make payment to presenters
who are selected to speak. We may offer a
partial refund on the registration fee.
To only present original ideas or information
for which you have author permission,
Provide high quality handouts by the date
requested for duplicating and/or an
electronic version to be provided to