Cash takeover notes Aloke Mukherjee June 2006 1. Implementation notes Numerical integration Calculating the price of the option subject to takeover requires integrating the model option value against takeover times up to expiry. In the first iteration this was done using a fixed step-size. This code is It yields acceptable results in many cases. However, if the takeover intensity is very high the probability of takeover is concentrated in the next instant. Integrating this “half-delta” function requires additional resolution in this area. I first rewrote the function to adaptively adjust the step-size using Richardson extrapolation: the step-size is halved until the error in the result is less than the given tolerance. This code is This yielded more accurate values at the cost of performance: the overhead of repeated integrations with smaller and smaller step sizes obviously increases run time. . The most recent iteration uses MATLAB’s quadv (vectorized quadrature) function which implements a recursive adaptive Simpson quadrature. This code is It yields similar results to the adaptive method above but it is faster since it partitions the integral, increasing resolution only where required. The vectorization allows results to be calculated for a range of parameter values at once (e.g. for different volatility levels). Other changes MATLAB’s Black-Scholes function blsprice rejects negative risk-free rates. Inherently, the BS formula has no such restriction. Negative risk-free rates arise easily in the cash takeover model since takeover intensity induces a compensating negative drift. The method was altered to remove this restriction. As discussed above, a high takeover intensity leads to a rapid decay in the integrand with time. This can lead to NaNs being returned by the Black-Scholes function for high lambda and far future times. These values can be treated as zeros with no impact on accuracy since they are vanishingly small (the normal CDF is evaluated at very negative values). This change allows options to be correctly valued at higher takeover intensities. NaN implied volatilities are also possible in the cash takeover model. The minimum value of an option as a function of volatility occurs when volatility is zero. Lower option values are possible in the presence of cash takeover resulting in undefined BS implied volatilities. These are now treated as zero when calculating the implied volatility surface. Jump-to-default Defaults, like takeovers, are assumed to be a Poisson process with a unique intensity. We assume the default and takeover processes are independent. As Merton observed, incorporating default into the option pricing formula simply requires replacing appearances of the risk-free rate r with r + λ where λ is the default intensity. This makes intuitive sense since the possibility of default induces a compensating drift in the diffusion, however this drift affects only the no-default term (standard Black-Scholes) of the summation over number of defaults. All other terms contribute nothing since the option value goes to zero in default. The same applies with takeover, default only manifests in the drift. Monte Carlo Simulating the process where the underlying follows GBM requires first generating takeover and default times using the standard method for generating Poisson arrival times from uniform random variables. We make the simplifying assumption that the processes are independent, which allows the draws to be made separately. For each sample path one takeover time and one default time are generated. The following logic is used to determine the simulation horizon: If (Default time < takeover time & Default time < expiry) No need to simulate path (PV of zero is zero) Else if (Takeover time < default time & Takeover time < expiry) Simulate to takeover time Else Simulate to expiry We make a draw from the lognormal distribution appropriate for the given horizon. For paths with no takeover or default, the payoff function is applied at expiry and discounted to the present. For takeovers, the payoff is applied at takeover time to the stock price multiplied by the jump factor and discounted to the present. The option price is the average present value over all paths. 2. Validation Reproduce standard Black-Scholes when default and takeover intensity are zero Agreement between “closed-form” and MC MC error convergence Non-zero default intensity price > zero default intensity As takeover intensity goes to infinity convergence to Soe^j – K (doesn’t) Zero vol If jump in S upon takeover is 0% call value should be decreasing in arrival rate of takeover (intuition – lower the takeover rate, greater the range of possible ending prices) 3. Stylized Facts / Motivation (show results for combinations of set parameter values, including default) Term structure of vol (upward sloping for low takeover, downward for high) When takeover imminent – short term atm options go down, slightly otm options go up (has to do with change in slope?) / long term options go down, more so the higher the strike Peak in option value as a function of takeover intensity (not for higher lambdas – graph) Show other graphs – how option value changes with time, strike, vol, etc.