Project name Completion report (component) Project Name – Completion Report Tips for completing templates – Every section of the template should be addressed. If the section is not relevant to the project, use ‘not applicable to this project’. This enables the project manager to tailor the documentation to the needs of the project, while ensuring the knowledge areas of project management have been addressed. – While deleting the guidance box streamlines the appearance of the document it is also useful to save a version with all guidance intact. This allows you to review the guidance again if any changes are required to the document, following review by other parties. – Information can be presented in table form. – This document should be managed in accordance with the Department of Transport and Main Roads Recordkeeping Policy. – It could be useful to refer to a completed completion report as an example of how to complete this document. – Templates should be completed in a language that is: – clear and easy to understand – pleasant to read – well-punctuated and grammatically correct. To delete this guidance text box, double mouse click in the left margin and then press delete. Document title Department of Transport and Main RoadsComponent OnQ template Page 2 of 9 Project Name – Completion Report Document control sheet Action statement Date Name Position Action required Due date (Review/Endorse/Approve) Version history Version no. Date Changed by dd/mm/yyyy Prepared by: Title: Branch/District: Division/Region: Location: Version no: Version date: Status: DMS ref. no: File/Doc no: Nature of amendment Initial draft. Name Job title Branch/District Division/Region Floor, street, city 0.1 dd mmmm yyyy Initial Draft / Consultation Draft / Approved Document / Minor Revision / Major Revision DMS reference number File number/document number Contact for enquiries and proposed changes If you have any questions regarding this document or if you have a suggestion for improvements, please contact: Project manager: Insert Project Manager's name here Phone: Insert phone number here Document title Department of Transport and Main RoadsComponent OnQ template Page 3 of 9 Project Name – Completion Report Completion report approval In signing this approval: I agree that the document meets the standard required for the completion report. Customer Name Position Signature Date Sponsor Name Position Signature The following officer has endorsed this document. Date Name Position Signature Date Add further names as required Document title Department of Transport and Main RoadsComponent OnQ template Page 4 of 9 Project Name – Completion Report Contents Executive summary .................................................................................................. 6 1 Introduction .................................................................................................. 7 1.1 Purpose of this document .............................................................................. 7 2 Overall project .............................................................................................. 7 2.1 Project name and description ........................................................................ 7 3 Component project ...................................................................................... 7 3.1 Scope of project ............................................................................................. 7 3.1.1 3.1.2 3.1.3 3.1.4 3.1.5 3.1.6 In scope ................................................................................................................... 7 Out of scope ............................................................................................................ 7 Related projects ....................................................................................................... 7 Constraints .............................................................................................................. 8 Urgency ................................................................................................................... 8 Assumptions ............................................................................................................ 8 4 Project management aspects ..................................................................... 8 5 Lessons learned........................................................................................... 9 6 Key dates and resources ............................................................................ 9 Document title Department of Transport and Main RoadsComponent OnQ template Page 5 of 9 Project Name – Completion Report Executive summary – The executive summary is mandatory. – Outline the strengths and weaknesses of the options considered and summarise key justification for the recommended option. To delete this guidance text box, double mouse click in the left margin and then press delete. Type here Document title Department of Transport and Main RoadsComponent OnQ template Page 6 of 9 Project Name – Completion Report 1 Introduction 1.1 Purpose of this document Type here 2 Overall project 2.1 Project name and description Enter the name and description of the overall project. To delete this guidance text box, double mouse click in the left margin and then press delete. Type here 3 Component project 3.1 Scope of project 3.1.1 In scope Identify scope items documented in the component management plan and assess actual scope delivered against them. To delete this guidance text box, double mouse click in the left margin and then press delete. Type here 3.1.2 Out of scope Identify items as ‘out of scope’ for the component management plan and comment on any impacts with actual scope delivery. To delete this guidance text box, double mouse click in the left margin and then press delete. Type here 3.1.3 Related projects List any related projects or proposals that may have affected this project and how their relationships to this project were managed. To delete this guidance text box, double mouse click in the left margin and then press delete. Type here Document title Department of Transport and Main RoadsComponent OnQ template Page 7 of 9 Project Name – Completion Report 3.1.4 Constraints Describe anything that might have impacted on the successful development or implementation of the project and how they were managed. Refer to constraints identified in the project plan and describe their impact on the project. To delete this guidance text box, double mouse click in the left margin and then press delete. Type here 3.1.5 Urgency Identify the urgency of the project and describe how this affected the management of the project. To delete this guidance text box, double mouse click in the left margin and then press delete. Type here 3.1.6 Assumptions List all assumptions made during the course of the project and discuss their validity. To delete this guidance text box, double mouse click in the left margin and then press delete. Type here 4 Project management aspects – Detail performance data including under and over achievements, adequacy of estimates and customer satisfaction. The following nine project management key functional areas should be addressed: – integration management – scope – time – cost – quality – risk – communications – human resources – procurement management. – Baseline is the approved project plan. Effects of constraints and assumption in project plan on performance. To delete this guidance text box, double mouse click in the left margin and then press delete. Type here Document title Department of Transport and Main RoadsComponent OnQ template Page 8 of 9 Project Name – Completion Report 5 Lessons learned Mistakes, undesirable outcomes, exceptional performance, and recommendations: as recorded during the life of the project. To delete this guidance text box, double mouse click in the left margin and then press delete. Type here 6 Key dates and resources Describe the current status of operationalisation of the project’s outcomes, further actions required by operational areas, and the remaining risk and issues that operational areas will need to manage. To delete this guidance text box, double mouse click in the left margin and then press delete. Type here When all information has been put into this document and the guidance text boxes have been deleted, it will be necessary to reformat the document. To update the table of contents: – right click mouse in the table of content, ‘click update fields’ – click on ‘update entire table’, then click ‘ok’. (This will update the table of contents to show the new page numbers). To delete this guidance text box, double mouse click in the left margin and then press delete. Document title Department of Transport and Main RoadsComponent OnQ template Page 9 of 9