U02 - Boonswang Vocab - Words 1-30 - Word

Unit 2: Essential SAT Vocabulary
Words 1 - 30
Directions: FIRST, highlight the words that have a positive connotation in green; highlight the words that have
a negative connotation in red; highlight the neutral words in yellow. NEXT, complete the practice exercises that
follow. FINALLY, highlight the context clues in each sentence (definitions, completing the sentences, and
choosing the right word).
Note: The letter and number to the left of the term and its definition refer to the level and unit where the term
can be found in the Sadlier-Oxford vocabulary workbooks.
F14 16.
obdurate adj. stubbornly resistant, unyielding to authority
SAT synonyms: intransigent, recalcitrant, intractable, obstinate
The _____ delinquent refused to acknowledge any wrongdoing even after he was convicted of
committing a heinous crime.
perfidious adj. (perfidy n.) treacherous, traitorous, deceitful
SAT synonyms: insidious, unfaithful, disloyal, untrustworthy
Rulers in Shakespeare’s plays often find themselves armed against enemies but not
against the _____ of their friends.
repudiate v. to reject, disown, disavow, have nothing to do with
SAT synonyms: recant, renounce, abjure, reprobate
I was surprised when rank-and-file members of the union _____ out of hand the agreement that their
representatives and those of management had worked so hard to conclude.
H10 19.
anachronism n. something out of place in time or history
SAT synonyms: anomalous, incongruity, prolepsis, inappropriate
I am annoyed to distraction by _____ that inexplicably appear in period-piece movies.
prudent adj. showing good judgment, wise OR cautious, careful
SAT synonyms: sagacious, judicious, circumspect, provident
I was _____ enough to set up a savings account in case of an emergency.
digress v. stray from the point, go off in another direction, get sidetracked
SAT synonyms: desultory, divagate, wander, deviate
Students appear to be happy when the teacher _____ and allows the class to stray off topic.
intrepid adj. courageous, brave in the face of danger
SAT synonyms: resolute, audacious, undaunted, plucky
The brave sailors on the _____ certainly lived up to the ship’s name; they were fearless through
unspeakable hardships.
pragmatic adj. practical, concerned with actual practice and everyday affairs
SAT synonyms: utilitarian, unidealistic, businesslike, commonsensical
The husband attended all town council meetings, as he was a _____ citizen.
archaic adj. extremely old, outdated
SAT synonyms: antiquated, obsolete, superannuated, ancient
Consequently, we are reverting to the _____ method of using pencil and paper since our computer
subtle adj. gradual, not obvious OR able to make fine distinctions
SAT synonyms: inconspicuous, refined, tenuous, slight
Her summation for the jury was _____—quiet and understated—and yet so verbally convincing that
it was a clear sign that the prosecution had not done its work.
tenacious adj. (tenacity n.) persistent, determined not to give up
SAT synonyms: relentless, resolute, unshakeable, persevering
Elena faced many obstacles on that project; nonetheless, she was _____, sticking to her guns and
seeing the program through to completion.
E11 27.
exemplary adj. worthy of imitation, standing out from the norm
SAT synonyms: meritorious, laudable, commendable, estimable
Plutarch wrote biographies of _____ Greeks and Romans whose lives, he believed, could serve as
role models to his readers.
anecdote n. a short, entertaining account of an incident that is usually personal
SAT synonyms: episode, narration, recital, sketch
She always has a humorous _____ about what she has been doing since the last time I saw her.
compromise v. to weaken or place at risk OR n. a settlement of differences by mutual concession
SAT synonyms: jeopardize, endanger, accommodation, mean
After fighting over the car, my brother and I struck a _____, so we could both see our friends.
opulent adj. exhibiting wealth, verging on ostentatious
SAT synonyms: prosperous, affluent, sumptuous, luscious
In the book The Little Princess, the heroine is forced by circumstances to leave her _____ home,
move to a cold garret, and wear the rough clothing of a servant.