VCE Legal Studies - Transport Accident Commission

Transport Accident Commission
VCE Legal Studies
This resource is designed to supplement existing textbooks for VCE Legal Studies. There
are links made to electronic resources to ensure that these materials are contemporary
and dynamic. Use has also been made of resources produced by the Transport Accident
Commission (TAC), which are aligned closely with the content requirements of VCE Legal
Studies courses.
Links to the VCE Legal Studies course
The resources on this website relate to two specific units of the VCE Legal Studies
Unit 1: Criminal law in action
Area of Study 1: Law in society
Assessment: There are individual worksheets that have been developed to meet
the Key Knowledge and Key Skills requirement for this area of study.
Area of Study 2: Criminal law
Assessment: 75-minute test
Area of Study 3: The criminal courtroom
Assessment: case study of culpable driving – Nei Lima da Costa
Unit 4: Resolution and justice
Area of Study 2: Court processes and procedures, and engaging in justice
Assessment: 75-minute test
Content and skills
The areas covered in these materials relate to:
 Risk-taking behaviour by young people, with an emphasis on the use of alcohol.
 The behaviour of young people which may lead to increased risk of road trauma
 Perceptions relating to car ownership and driving.
 The role of the TAC and its road safety initiatives, including advertising
 The need for road laws and the roles of parliament, courts and subordinate
 The role of groups and individuals in society who attempt to influence law-makers
in the development of public policy on the issue of road safety.
 The nature and purpose of criminal law relating to drink-driving offences, culpable
driving causing death, dangerous driving causing death and serious injury and
sentencing issues.
 The effectiveness of the Victorian Government’s road safety strategy.
 Road safety legislation as it applies in a variety of scenarios and case studies.
The activities encourage the development of skills in:
Analysing and interpreting textual information, including documentary film
Organising ideas
Interpreting graphs and tables
Drawing conclusions
Report writing
Interviewing and researching
Devising multimedia productions such as web pages or a slideshow presentation.
Make a Film, Make a Difference. (MAFMAD) (short films produced with the assistance
of the Transport Accident Commission)
Connecting the Dots (documentary film based on an episode of Australian Story)
Mentally, teens drive best alone: feature article by Steve Biddulph (Sydney Morning
Herald, 11/01/07), which is attached to this site as a link
Selected Internet resources
Prison term for speeding (written text)
Assessment for Unit 1: Criminal law in action
This task involves three components, covering all of the key knowledge points for this
major area of study. Each worksheet is designed to be undertaken separately as a
distinct resource. A criteria sheet covers the key skills relevant to this unit of work.
Area of Study 1: Law in society
Worksheet 1: An introduction to law-making
Introduces concepts such as legal and non-legal rules and law-making through the
parliament and subordinate authorities.
Area of Study 2: Criminal law
Worksheet 2: Criminal law and road use
A case study on a conviction for the offence of culpable driving causing death, with
references to the applicable law.
Worksheet 3: The effects of road trauma on the individual and the community
A case study analysis of a road fatality, Alisha Longmore, drawing on TAC materials,
news media resources on road safety, criminal law and law-making. This is followed by a
written, oral and/or multimedia report based on findings from the folio. This is found in
the website materials based on Pictures of You.
Area of Study 3: The criminal courtroom
A case study analysis of a multiple road fatality drawing on TAC materials, news media
resources on road safety, criminal law and law-making.
Worksheet 4: Analysis of the Nei Lima da Costa case
Teaching strategies for Unit 1: Criminal law in action
Links to area of study
The difference between
legal and non-legal rules;
the distinction between
criminal and civil law; an
introduction to law-making
through Parliament and
subordinate authorities; the
need for criminal laws and
the characteristics of an
effective law.
Prescribed textbook being
used in class.
Resource article, Prison
term for speeding.
Internet resources
Worksheet 1 –
Structured questions
Writing task
The general principles of
criminal liability; types of
crime and related defences;
rights and responsibilities
within the criminal
investigation process;
possible sanctions under
criminal law and an
evaluation of their
Prescribed textbook being
used in class.
Connecting the dots
‘Mentally, teens drive best
alone’ by Steve Biddulph
Internet resources
Worksheet 2 –
Structured questions
Writing task
The effects of criminal acts
on individuals and the
Prescribed textbook being
used in class.
Connecting the dots
Internet resources
Notes on the criminal
prosecution and sentencing
of Nei Lima da Costa
Worksheet 3 –
Structured questions
Oral/multimedia/ written
Criminal cases are heard
across a number of courts
in the Victorian court
hierarchy and these are
to specific processes and
Worksheet 4
Written essay on the
outcome imposed in the Nei
Lima da Costa case and the
extent to which it meets the
expectations of the