Ch. 1 worksheet.

Name __________________
Date ____________ Pd. ____
Ch. 1 p. 5 Understanding Our Environment
1. What is the major goal of environmental Science? P. 6
2. What are the two main focuses of study?
3. Read the ECO fact- The Fall of Troy. Why did the economy collapse?
4. What is the difference between environmental science and ecology?
5. Are there hunter-gathers still living on Earth today? ______ Where?
6. What two ways did the hunter-gathers affect the environment of North America?
7. What might have happened to some large mammals to cause their extinction?
8. List two effects of the agricultural revolution?
9. What is the result of replacing grasslands, forests and wetlands with farming?
10. How does this damage the environment?
11. The Industrial revolution involved a shift from energy sources such as ___________
___________ and __________ ___________ to fossil fuels such as _________ and
12. List three effects that the Industrial Revolution had o n society?
13. List three positive changes introduced by the Industrial revolution?
14. Name three problems caused by this change?
15. Why is Earth considered a “closed system”?
16. Name four reasons human population has grown so rapidly?
17. Look at figure 11 How large is world population in 2000?
18. Read the Case study and Answer the critical thinking question.
1Explain the roles of the a. Scientistsb. Advisory committeec. Citizens-
d. Law makers-
E engineers2.
19. Three major problems are:
Resource DepletionDefine natural resourceRenewable resourceNonrenewable resourceDepleted-
20. Define pollution-
21. What are biodegradable pollutants? And give two examples
22. Describe non-biodegradable pollutants and give three examples.
23. Why are non-degradable pollutants a problem?
24. How many species became extinct during the Permian Period and how long ago did
this mass extinction occur?
25. Why do many people argue that all species are important?
26. Why is environmental science called interdisciplinary?
Section 2 p. 16 The Environment and Society
27. Read the first paragraph and name five “common resources”?
28. What is the main point to be learned form “The tragedy of the Commons”?
29. What is the rule of “supply and demand”?
30. Study figure 16. What happened when the production of oil declined?
Read the MathPractice at the bottom of the page. Answer the three questions.
31. What are often the results from a cost-benefits analysis?
32. Who usually “absorbs” the price?
33. What are the benefits of a “risk-assessment”?
34. List four factors of developed countries?
Name 4 developed countries?
35. List three factors used to describe developing countries?
Name three.
36. Study Figure 17 and answer the question.
37. What are three problems in overpopulated regions?
38. Developed nations use about ________percent of the world’s resources, even though
they make up only about _________ percent of the world population.
This results I more _____________ and __________________ per person.
39. Use Figure 18 to describe an ecological footprint-
Which country has the largest footprint?
40. List five things you can do to reduce your ecological footprint?
41. How does one learn how to think critically about environmental issues?
42. Define sustainability-