The Ward Family History Consultant Calling

The Ward Family History Consultant Calling
Infrastructure of he Ward Consultant calling includes:
1. Called by a member of the Bishopric
2. Sustained in a Sacrament meeting
3. Supervised by the High Priest Group Leader (HPGL), who coordinates all
family history effort in the Ward
4. Reports go through the HPGL who pass it on in Ward PEC and Ward Council
5. Meet with their HPGL regularly
6. Stake Family History Consultant is available to
A. answer questions
B. provide training
C. communicate new announcements, ideas and opportunities
7. FHC Director and staff are available to teach members genealogy research
8. Stake High Council’s Temple and Family History Representative directs the
Stakes family history programs under the direction of the Stake Presidency
Responsibilities of the Ward Family History Consultant include:
1. Teach and assist Ward members to do the following tasks:
a. Complete a 3-5 generations pedigree chart of their family
b. Complete family group sheets for the families on their pedigree chart
c. Learn what sources of information are readily available
d. Search the church provided computer databases
e. Learn how to evaluate the information found in various sources
f. Enter and manage their family history in a computer program, PAF,
Legacy, etc.
g. Analyze the pedigree to determine where temple work is needed
h. Prepare names to take to the temple, (New FamilySearch)
2. Teach a 3-4 week Family History Course in Sunday School
3. Teach by example
4. Assist Ward members on a one-to-one basis, and where possible in members
5. Publicize Family History events and help inspire others
6. Report progress on your stewardship to the Ward HPGL regularly
7. Meet with the Stake Family History Consultant Monthly
8. Praise members for each small success and give them encouragement
9. Take initiative, don’t wait for others to tell you what to do
10. When possible, assist with Stake Family History Programs, (Family History
The Ward Family History Consultant Calling
The following is information for Bishoprics, High Priest Group Leaders, Ward Family
History Consultants and others involved in family history at the Ward level. This
information is taken from the church publications and statements by general authorities,
though this is not an official church publication.
Necessary Skills for the Ward Family History Consultant Calling include:
1. Must have a testimony of temple work and be willing to share it
2. Be able to skillfully teach members both in a classroom and one-on-one
3. Willingness to strive to motivate the members and to take personal initiative
Required Experience Level
Ward Family History Consultants do not need to be expert genealogists. Expert
genealogists tend to share their knowledge gained over decades of hard research with
members within the first 15 minutes. Experts often show disappointment in members
who know little of their own family history. Typical members often feel guilty and
overwhelmed. Many walk away from family history to avoid those feelings. Ward Family
History Consultants can be very successful as a novice to genealogy. They would not
intimidate members. A novice tends to learn along with the other members and
appreciates every small accomplishment the members make. This leads the members
from success to success.
Church Publications include:
“Temple and Family History Work”
“New Family File Procedures implemented in Temples”
“A Members Guide to Temple and Family History Work”
“A Guide to Research”
Publicity, here are a few ideas to publicize family history
1. Announcement in Ward Sunday Programs, newsletters and calendars
2. Posters on bulletin boards
3. Flyers to Ward Members
4. Bearing Testimony on fast Sundays regarding Family History and Temple
5. Phone Ward members to ask about their family history and offer them help
6. Help Ward leaders first, they can then tell others of their successes
7. Join Ward temple excursions
8. Work with the Activities Committee to have a Family History or Temple
fireside event