21st Century Instructional Guide for Career Technical Education Introduction to Business and Marketing Course Business and Marketing Cluster Accounting Concentration Administrative and Information Support Concentration Business Financial Management and Accounting Concentration Business Concentration Human Resource Management Concentration Office Administrative Support Concentration Personal Financial Management Concentration Title: Introduction to Business and Marketing (WVEIS 1439) Standard Number: BE.S.BNBM.1 Essential Questions: Career Planning and Development Students will explore careers. How could current fads affect an individual’s career goals and opportunities? What are the essential qualities and skills needed for individuals seeking a career in the business and marketing industry? How does the current economic state of the economy affect your career goals, educational opportunities, and employment opportunities? What are several ways that the student organizations, DECA and FBLA, can enhance the curriculum and impact your career goals? Why is it important to have experience and education to enhance your career goals? Students will Learning Plan & Notes to Instructor: research various sources of obtaining career The textbook you select will have a chapter information. devoted to career opportunities in the business and marketing industry and will be an excellent resource for students to understand the different career paths. Other resources include: Internet research, industry guest speakers, interest/ aptitude surveys, field trips, Occupational Outlook Handbook; and career books associated with the industry. Use brainstorming, guided notes, and lecture to help students identify the skills necessary to obtain employment within the different management levels. Objectives: BE.O.BNBM.1.1 1 BE.O.BNBM.1.2 produce a portfolio. BE.O.BNBM.1.3 choose appropriate personal appearance. Standard Number: BE.S.BNBM.2 Essential Questions: Communication Skills Students will apply verbal skills to obtain and convey information. Why are communication and written skills an important component for individuals pursuing a career in business? What constitutes politically correct written communication skills in the business world? What business and marketing careers entail employees to use presentation skills? Students will Learning Plan & Notes to Instructor: prepare an oral presentation. Students can create and present a project. Possible topics: types of ownership, careers, professional appearance, any type of business/FBLA or marketing/DECA related activity. examine peers’ oral presentations. Teacher/students can develop a rubric and/or submit written or oral comments. utilize appropriate visuals/graphics. Use PowerPoint, posters, project display boards, and display models for presentations. produce professional correspondence. Correspondence can include: E-mails, business letters, memos, written thank-you cards and letters, and electronic and written resumes. edit written work consistent with professional Use proofreading guidelines to edit business standards. documents. Objectives: BE.O.BNBM.2.1 BE.O.BNBM.2.2 BE.O.BNBM.2.3 BE.O.BNBM.2.4 BE.O.BNBM.2.5 Include in Portfolio (documentation of activities) Resume, cover letter, application letter, follow-up letter, resignation letter. Students should participate in mock interviews. Students should dress appropriately for interviews and other professional activities Resource contacts - WV Junior College and Huntington Junior College, and/or retail stores. Students can participate in fashion shows; create a collage of clothes of the dos and don’ts. 2 Standard Number: BE.S.BNBM.3 Essential Questions: Objectives: BE.O.BNBM.3.1 BE.O.BNBM.3.2 BE.O.BNBM.3.3 BE.O.BNBM.3.4 BE.O.BNBM.3.5 BE.O.BNBM.3.6 BE.O.BNBM.3.7 Economics Students will explain how the market works in an economic system. What are the characteristics of the private enterprise system and how do they differ significantly from the economic systems of socialism and communism? How does a shortage of natural resources affect the economy of the United States? What domino effect does increasing gasoline prices have on the United States’ economy? In West Virginia? How have downsizing and outsourcing affected job growth and career choices among the work force? Students will Learning Plan & Notes to Instructor: compare the private enterprise system with Economic systems: Capitalism, socialism, other economic systems. communism – compare using graphic organizers. distinguish between consumer needs and Students can devise a list (or teacher can provide wants and how they are satisfied. students a list) of needs and wants to support class discussion. predict the effect that supply and demand will Choose a product relevant to students’ lives. For have on prices of goods and services. example, I-Pod, I-Phone, PlayStation 3, etc. Graph supply and demand to illustrate the effect on prices. differentiate among natural, human, and Create an ad that may appear in a national capital resources (factors of production) used magazine/newspaper to describe your state’s in the production of goods and services. resources. Provide a list of natural, human, and capital resources and have students label each resource. assess the economic measurements of GDP. Have students choose a country and research the country’s population, currency, major imports, major exports, trading partners, official name, infrastructure, etc. differentiate among the four phases of the Business cycle - Prosperity, recession, business cycle. depression and recovery – Use examples such as mountain top removal, loss of manufacturing, Toyota, gaming, tourism (white water rafting, golf, etc). examine the results of layoffs, downsizing, and Research the impact that layoffs, downsizing, and outsourcing. outsourcing have on the local community. 3 BE.O.BNBM.3.8 Standard Number: BE.S.BNBM.4 Essential Questions: Objectives: BE.O.BNBM.4.1 BE.O.BNBM.4.2 BE.O.BNBM.4.3 BE.O.BNBM.4.4 BE.O.BNBM.4.5 recognize the economic impact of inflation on Show the relationship of inflation when using the business. above supply and demand activity. Financial Management Students will demonstrate the handling of business finances. What are the advantages and disadvantages of consumers buying goods and services on credit? What long term impact will the growing credit card debt of American consumers have on the economy in the United States? What role should parents and schools have on teaching students about financial literacy? Students will Learning Plan & Notes to Instructor: relate the purposes of a balance sheet and an Use the Jump$tart Coalition, the Practical Money income statement. Skills for Life, and the West Virginia State Treasurer's Office websites as a reference to gain valuable supplemental materials in which to teach this unit of study. Also, students can play the online game of Financial Football, endorsed by the West Virginia State Treasurer’s Office (check to see if this DVD was sent to your school). Invite an Accounting I or II student to explain the concept behind a balance sheet and an income statement. discover the Federal Reserve System’s Visit the Federal Reserve website for student and function of holding reserves and clearing teacher information. Obtain a guest speaker from services. a banking institution to illustrate a checking simulation. reconcile a bank statement. Contact a local bank for a checking simulation. compare the services of financial institutions. Savings accounts, checking and payment accounts, loans and other credit plans, safe deposit boxes, and investment advice. Obtain a guest speaker from a banking institution. Visit a bank’s online website to determine services offered. implement preventive measures against Obtain a guest speaker or obtain identity theft identity theft. information online. Get parental support to view Catch Me if You Can. 4 BE.O.BNBM.4.6 compute interest. Obtain credit card information and car information for buyers, etc. – compare interest rates, services and calculate interest – use www.bankrate.com, or www.lendingtree.com Students can obtain information from www.consumercredit.com, Bureau of Public Debt, and/or Better Business Bureau. Excellent supplement is the DVD – Oprah’s Debt Diet, available through Oprah.com. Create a graphic organizer to compare the consumer credit laws - Truth and Lending Act, Equal Credit Opportunity Act, Fair Debt Collection Act – Contact Attorney General’s Office. Enrichment activity: Obtain parental permission for students to access his or her credit report from www.annualcreditreport.gov. Financial exchanges include: Debit card, credit card, direct deposit, electronic funds transfer, checking and savings account, and/or Stock Market Game. Contact the State Insurance Commission and local insurance agents for literature and request speakers. Develop a personal budget; visit a car dealership and insurance agent for information. BE.O.BNBM.4.7 debate the purposes and implications of credit. BE.O.BNBM.4.8 examine consumer credit laws. BE.O.BNBM.4.9 compare the fundamental principles of money needed to make financial exchanges. BE.O.BNBM.4.10 research the purpose of vehicle, property, life, and health insurance. Standard Number: BE.S.BNBM.5 Essential Questions: Social and Ethical Business Environment Students will explore policies of a diverse workplace. What is the difference between ethics, values, and morals? What are the long term consequences of unethical behavior in the workplace? Why does corporate America have to be concerned with issues involving social responsibility? 5 Objectives: BE.O.BNBM.5.1 Students will characterize business ethics. BE.O.BNBM.5.2 debate reasons why ethical behavior is good for business. BE.O.BNBM.5.3 compare the social responsibilities of businesses. BE.O.BNBM.5.4 point out workplace responsibilities pertaining to employee rights. BE.O.BNBM.5.5 recognize personal biases and stereotypes. BE.O.BNBM.5.6 show cultural sensitivity. BE.O.BNBM.5.7 discover the nature of organizational culture. Learning Plan & Notes to Instructor: Contact SIFE – Students in Free Enterprise to play the Ethics Game; use case studies concerning business ethics. Have students write scenarios to role-play. For example: downloading music, giving away free food at their place of employment, etc. Students can defend their reasons from above activity. Debate news articles concerning any current event. Responsibilities can include: Community service, conserving the environment, and profit and nonprofit organizations. Employee rights: Title IX Civil Rights Act, Age Discrimination in Employment Act, Americans with Disabilities Act, Equal Pay Act, Equal Employment Opportunity Act – Conduct an online scavenger hunt to locate information regarding the above acts. Define and debate stereotypical scenarios and statements of biases and stereotypes. Working in groups, select a country and explore cultures, traditions, language, and customs. If the school has a foreign exchange student, contact him/her to talk with class. Obtain and review information on passport requirements. Select a country and explore the country’s culture and how it differs with the culture in the United States. Research business’ websites and explore the working environment: company policies regarding dress codes, orientation process, flextime, and/or alternative work schedules (virtual office). 6 Standard Number: BE.S.BNBM.6 Essential Questions: Objectives: BE.O.BNBM.6.1 BE.O.BNBM.6.2 BE.O.BNBM.6.3 BE.O.BNBM.6.4 Role of Marketing Students will define the role of marketing. How does marketing impact sales and competition within the business industry? Why is it important for a business to focus upon the marketing functions? How does marketing influence your decision making process for purchasing goods and services? Students will Learning Plan & Notes to Instructor: analyze the four elements of the marketing Marketing mix - Product, Place, Price and mix. Promotion – Students can choose a current product and apply the four elements of the marketing mix - Price the product, choose where to sell the product, how to promote the product (find an ad) and identify the target market for the product. Present the information to the class. compare the channels of distribution for Using the above product, trace the channel of products. distribution. outline the functions of marketing. Group activity: Divide students into groups of two and assign each group one of the seven functions of marketing. Each group should prepare a multimedia presentation using PowerPoint that they will present to the class. Students’ presentation should relate to how the function directly affects a business within the business and marketing industry. Students viewing the presentations should create a chart and make guided notes as presentations are made. illustrate the common types of promotion. Elements of promotion: Advertising, publicity, sales promotion, personal selling. Create a graphic organizer that charts the four elements of promotion. Select a company: Nike, Walt Disney World, etc. or an entertainer, such as Miley Cyrus, and create a demonstration for the students on how each element has been enhanced. For example: How has promotion enhanced the career of Miley Cyrus? 7 Advertising: Magazine advertisements, Disney commercials for Hannah Montana, WalMart circular with Hannah Montana products. Publicity: Disney show, Hannah Montana, Friday concert series appearance on the Today Show, and the Vanity Fair article. Sales Promotion: WalMart circular featuring a Hannah Montana look-alike contest and the winner receives a $500 shopping spree. Personal Selling: Salesclerk at WalMart sells a Miley Cyrus shirt to a customer. Have the students use their own example and prepare a chart that identifies examples for each element. Standard Number: BE.S.BNBM.7 Essential Questions: Objectives: BE.O.BNBM.7.1 Business Structure Students will explore development and maintenance of a business. What are the advantages and disadvantages of the three types of business ownership? How can the weakening economy impact entrepreneurial opportunities in the United States? Students will Learning Plan & Notes to Instructor: compare the advantages and disadvantages of Types of business ownership - Sole the types of business ownership. proprietorship, partnership, and corporations. Discuss other types of business ownerships (franchise, nonprofit organization, cooperative). Assign a type of business ownership to groups or pairs of students to research and present the advantages and disadvantages of each type of ownership and have students work in groups and compare unique interests and skills in the group and identify possible businesses that could be formed as a partnership by combining the talents of two or more of the group members. 8 BE.O.BNBM.7.2 determine the importance of entrepreneurship to the economy. BE.O.BNBM.7.3 establish the importance and uses of a business plan. BE.O.BNBM.7.4 debate the opportunities and risks of entrepreneurship. BE.O.BNBM.7.5 examine conflicts prohibiting repeat business. BE.O.BNBM.7.6 recognize the functions of management. Standard Number: BE.S.BNBM.8 Essential Questions: Global Business Students will define the importance of global business. What are the advantages and disadvantages of placing higher tariffs on imports? What impact does global competition have on the economy in the United States and why should high school students be concerned? Students will Learning Plan & Notes to Instructor: differentiate among the trade barriers of tariffs, Create a graphic organizer listing the advantages embargos, and quotas. and disadvantages countries face with tariffs, embargos, and quotas and compare the information with other countries. Objectives: BE.O.BNBM.8.1 Contact the WV Coordinator of Entrepreneurship. Discuss how a small business in a local community can expand the business and its effects on the local community. Review the components of a business plan. Contact a local entrepreneur or banker and a representative from the Small Business Authority to explain their business plan. Contact a local entrepreneur and have him/her to discuss the advantages and disadvantages of owing a business. Students can role play scenarios and ethically discuss personal examples of shopping experiences, purchases, miscommunications, etc. Functions of management - Planning, organizing, staffing, leading, and controlling. Divide the students into groups of two. Each group should select a local business and create an organizational chart that outlines the specific functions. Students should also include the types of career opportunities that are available within each function. 9 BE.O.BNBM.8.2 research the economic impact of conducting business globally. Standard Number: BE.S.BNBM.9 Essential Questions: Role of a Consumer Students will identify the role of a consumer. What promotional strategies do companies use to attract consumers? What is the decision making steps involved in making a purchase? What effect does the economic condition of the United States have on consumer buying decisions? Students will Learning Plan & Notes to Instructor: report the sources of consumer information. Sources of consumer information - Product testing organizations, media sources, and government agencies such as the Better Business Bureau and the Attorney General’s Office. Also, consult websites such as Amazon, Circuit City, Best Buy, Sears, etc. to review consumer reviews for products. Assign each student a product to review by using the available sources. Also, pay particular attention to compiling a list from which the students will choose products that provide them the opportunity to compare different brands. examine comparison shopping tactics. Compare prices, quality, services, and brands through advertisements and online shopping sites. Divide students into groups of two and have them design a dorm room or apartment that emphasizes using the skill of comparison shopping tactics to obtain the best value for their dollar. Students should use a poster board to outline the layout of their dorm or apartment that emphasizes the cost of furnishings. The objective of this assignment is for students to realize the high cost of setting up their first apartment or dorm room. Emphasize shopping at yard sales and thrift stores to stay within a budget. Objectives: BE.O.BNBM.9.1 BE.O.BNBM.9.2 Discuss strategies, benefits and drawbacks, outsourcing – participate in an online virtual fieldtrip of other countries. 10 BE.O.BNBM.9.3 BE.O.BNBM.9.4 Standard Number: BE.S.BNBM.10 Essential Questions: Objectives: BE.O.BNBM.10.1 BE.O.BNBM.10.2 BE.O.BNBM.10.3 debate the basic rights and responsibilities of a Contact the state’s Attorney General’s Office for consumer. information and speaker. Discuss students’ personal experiences and Consumers’ Bill of Rights. analyze the consumer complaint process and Contact the state’s Attorney General’s Office for the legal actions available. information and speaker. Participating in a Student Organization Students will participate in a student organization. Is an individual born with the characteristics of a leader or is it a skill that can be enhanced? What are the qualities of a leader? How can the student organization, DECA or FBLA, significantly impact your leadership skills and opportunities? Students will Learning Plan & Notes to Instructor: assess the purposes and goals of a local Teacher should expose students to the student student organization. organization, DECA or FBLA. discover the benefits and responsibilities of Students should have the opportunity to participation in a local student organization as participate in state and national conferences an adult. associated with being a member of DECA or FBLA. demonstrate leadership skills through Teacher should serve as the DECA or FBLA participation in local student organization advisor and allow students the opportunity to activities such as meetings, programs, and participate in order to enhance leadership skills projects. and educational opportunities. 11 21st Century Skills Information and Communication Skills: Learning Skills & Technology Tools 21C.O.912.1.LS1 Student recognizes information needed for problem solving, can efficiently browse, search and navigate online to access relevant information, evaluates information based on credibility, social, economic, political and/or ethical issues, and presents findings clearly and persuasively using a range of technology tools and media. Teaching Strategies Culminating Activity The student should participate in projectbased learning activities to achieve the standard. Project-based learning can include: Designing an advertisement, direct mail, or brochure. Creating a PowerPoint. Designing a presentation board. 21C.O.912.1.LS3 21C.O.912.1.TT2 Evidence of Success Students will display appropriate leadership, communication, and interpersonal traits/behaviors in personal applications and collaboration with others. Students will use basic computer operations to complete tasks and projects. Students will utilize and enhance presentation skills. Teacher will use a grading rubric to objectively critique students’ work. Student creates information using advanced skills of analysis, synthesis, and evaluation and shares this information through a variety of oral, written and multimedia communications that target academic, professional and technical audiences and purposes. Student routinely applies keyboarding skills, keyboard shortcut techniques, and mouse skills with facility, speed and accuracy. 12 21C.O.912.1.TT4 21C.O.912.1.TT10 Thinking and Reasoning Skills: 21C.O.912.2.LS3 Student uses audio, video, pictures, clip art, moviemaker programs, webpage design software, electronic documents and other files to collaborate for the creation of electronic products that inform multiple audiences both inside and outside the school environment. Student implements various Internet search techniques (e.g., Boolean searches, metasearches, web bots) to gather information; student evaluates the information for validity, appropriateness, content, bias, currency, and usefulness. Student engages in a problem solving process by formulating questions and applying complex strategies in order to independently solve problems. Students will use Microsoft Word, Publisher, and PowerPoint software. The student should participate in projectbased learning activities to collaborate with team members on using creative thinking and problem solving skills to develop the most feasible strategy for their case study. Projectbased learning, including DECA and FBLA team management role-plays, can include: Students will display appropriate leadership, communication, and interpersonal traits/behaviors in personal applications and collaboration with others. Students will use basic computer operations to complete tasks and projects. Students will utilize and enhance presentation skills. Developing a business plan. 13 Designing an advertisement, direct mail, or brochure. Teacher will use a grading rubric to objectively critique students’ work. Designing a PowerPoint or presentation board. 21C.O.912.2.LS2 21C.O.912.2.TT2 21C.O.912.2.TT4 Personal and Workplace Skills: 21C.O.912.3.LS4 Student draws conclusions from a variety of data sources to analyze and interpret systems. Student collaborates with peers, experts and others to contribute to a content-related knowledge base by using technology to compile, synthesize, produce, and disseminate information, models, and other creative works. Student uses technology tools and multiple media sources to analyze a real-world problem, design and implement a process to assess the information, and chart and evaluate progress toward the solution. Student demonstrates ethical Community service behavior and works responsibly projects. and collaboratively with others in the context of the school and the larger community, and he/she demonstrates civic responsibility through engagement in public discourse and participation in service learning. Student participates in a community service project. 14 21C.O.912.3.LS5 Student exhibits positive leadership through interpersonal and problem-solving skills that contribute to achieving the goal. He/she helps others stay focused, distributes tasks and responsibilities effectively, and monitors group progress toward the goal without undermining the efforts of others. The student should participate in projectbased learning activities to collaborate with team members on using creative thinking, and problem solving skills to develop the most feasible strategy for their case study. Projectbased learning, including DECA and FBLA team management role-plays, can include: Developing a business plan. Designing an advertisement, direct mail, or brochure. Students will display appropriate leadership, communication, and interpersonal traits/behaviors in personal applications and collaboration with others. Students will use basic computer operations to complete tasks and projects. Students will utilize and enhance presentation skills. Teacher will use a grading rubric to objectively critique students’ work. Designing a PowerPoint or presentation board. 21C.O.912.3.TT2 Student works collaboratively to acquire information from electronic resources, conducts online research, and evaluates information as to validity, appropriateness, usefulness, comprehensiveness and bias. 15 21C.O.912.3.TT3 21C.O.912.3.TT4 Student evaluates current trends in information technology, discusses the potential social, ethical, political, and economic impact of these technologies, and analyzes the advantages and disadvantages of widespread use and reliance on technology in the workplace and society. Student adheres to acceptable use policy and displays ethical behaviors related to acceptable use of information and communication technology (e.g., privacy, security, copyright, filesharing, plagiarism); student predicts the possible cost and effects of unethical use of technology (e.g., consumer fraud, intrusion, spamming, virus setting, hacking) on culture and society; student identifies the methodologies that individuals and businesses can employ to protect the integrity of technology systems. Adherence to county policy for Internet usage. Policy 2460-Safety and Acceptable Use of the Internet by Students and Educators. 16 21C.O.912.3.TT5 21C.O.912.3.TT7 21C.O.912.3.TT8 Student models ethical behavior relating to security, privacy, computer etiquette, passwords and personal information and demonstrates an understanding of copyrighting by citing sources of copyrighted materials in papers, projects and multi-media presentations. Student advocates for legal and ethical behaviors among peers, family, and community regarding the use of technology and information. Student protects his/her identity online and in email and/or websites, limits the distribution of personal information/pictures, and evaluates the authenticity of emails that solicit personal information. Student identifies the methodologies that individuals and businesses can employ to protect the integrity of technology systems. Student uses technology to seek strategies and information to address limits in their own knowledge. 17 Learning Skills & Technology Tools Entrepreneurship Skills: B D E H Student understands the personal traits/behaviors associated with successful entrepreneurial performance. Student understands concepts, strategies, and systems needed to interact effectively with others. Student understands concepts and procedures needed for basic computer operations. Student understands concepts and strategies needed for career exploration, development, and growth. Teaching Strategies Culminating Activity Students will process leadership, personal management, communication, and interpersonal skills as they engage in collaborative work, decision-making processes, operate multimedia equipment, and draw career conclusions. Evidence of Success Students will display appropriate leadership, communication, and interpersonal traits/behaviors in personal applications and collaboration with others. Students will use basic computer operations to complete tasks and projects. Students will draw conclusions regarding educational requirements, job duties, and salary expectations in their area of interest. Culminating Assessment Culminating Assessment: DECA and FBLA Written Events Student Portfolio Technical Skills Performance Assessment 18 Links and Other Resources Links and Other Resources: Related Websites: Advanced Distributed Learning www.adlnet.org America's Career InfoNet www.acinet.org America's Job Bank www.ajb.org America's Service Locator www.servicelocator.org A*S*K Institute www.ASKInstitute.org CareerOneStop www.careeronestop.org Career Voyages http://www.careervoyages.gov/index.cfm Employment & Training Administration www.doleta.gov The Job Accommodation Network (JAN) http://www.jan.wvu.edu Jump$tart Coalition www.jumpstartcoalition.com Marketing Education Association www.nationalmea.org 19 Marketing Education Resource Teaching Cite www.marketingteacher.com Marketing Education Review www.marketingeducationreview.com Marketing Education Teaching Ideas www.knowthis.com/academic/marketinged.htm MBA Research and Curriculum Center www.mark-ed.org Monthly Labor Review Online: Labor Force Archives http://www.bls.gov/opub/mlr/indexL.htm#Labor force National DECA www.deca.org National FBLA www.fbla-pbl.org Occupational Information Network www.doleta.gov/programs/onet Office of Disability Employment Policy www.dol.gov/odep Practical Money Skills for Life http://www.practicalmoneyskills.com/english/at_school/trainingcamp/ U.S. Department of Labor in the 21st Century http://www.dol.gov/ West Virginia Career and Technical Education http://careertech.k12.wv.us/ 20 West Virginia Earn A Degree Graduate Early (EDGE) http://www.wvtechprep.wvnet.edu/edge.htm The West Virginia State Treasurer’s Office http://www.wvtreasury.com/textversion/sites/education/linksbas.html Workforce West Virginia https://www.workforcewv.org/ Contacts: Contacts Business Teachers: Utilize K12 Business Marketing Listserv at K12-BUSMKT@listserv.wvnet.edu Business and Marketing Cluster Lead Coordinator: Abigail Reynolds, areynold@access.k12.wv.us Marketing Coordinator: Betty Sias, bsias@access.k12.wv.us OCTI Assistant Executive Director and EOCTST Coordinator: Donna Burge-Tetrick OCTI Executive Director: Gene Coulson 21