Report On Deserving Applicant For the position of Restaurant

On Deserving Applicant
For the position of
Restaurant manager
Hotel: Carruthers Hotel
Restaurant: Red Sea
Purpose: I am a recruitment consultant and make a report for my client “Carruthers Hotel”. The purpose of the
report is to discuss the merits of two applicants for the position of restaurant manager for the Carruthers Hotel
and then make recommendations about who deserve the job and should be offered the position.
The merits include their past experience in this field, their skills and their leadership qualities not only this but
their motivational techniques and teamwork capabilities are also should be considered.
The two close applicants’ for the job of restaurant manager are Grace Hannaford and Ronan Atkins.
Grace the first applicant is in her late 20’s and have a very good existing experience of customer
service, and team management and also worked as a trainer, currently working as assistant manager at the
Stockade Tavern where her responsibilities include rostering, stock control, budget analysis and assisting the
restaurant’s manager as required.
Ronan the second applicant is in his early 30’s and have a past experience to run his family motel. He
worked in all areas their including reception, kitchen food and drink service, housekeeping and general cleaning
and also completed Advanced Diploma in Hospitality Management, he also worked as a crowd-controller and a
trainer in a night club, as a waiter and later as a team leader in the same restaurant.
Circumstances leading to the job vacancy are, as hotel is doing good business in the field of restaurant
so need more people to maintain the quality of food and customer service. Previously there were same
staffs for the hotel and restaurant as well, but now as the conditions are changed and hotel business is
expanding so the management decide to have a separate staff for the Restaurant.
a) Leadership theories appropriate for the position of Restaurant Manger.
According to the theory of “Blake and Mouton’s managerial grid” the first applicant Grace Hannaford falls
under the category of leaders who concern for people and the production as well the second applicant Ronan
Atkins falls under the category of leaders who concern for production, as the theory stated -:
Concern for People - This is the degree to which a leader considers the needs of team members, their
interests, and areas of personal development when deciding how best to accomplish a task
Concern for Production - This is the degree to which a leader emphasizes concrete objectives,
organizational efficiency and high productivity when deciding how best to accomplish a task.
Some leaders are very task-oriented; they simply want to get things done. Others are very people-oriented; they
want people to be happy. As Ronan is much focused on completing the task and often says to his staff that is top
priority is always to get the job done. So as per the theory his leadership is a “Produce or Perish Leadership” so
he is not a suitable leader in this criteria. On the other hand Grace’s leadership is a kind of “Team Leadership”
as per theory, so she is a better deserving candidate for the job.
According to the theory of “Hersey and Blanchard’s theory” they develop a “Situation Leadership
Model” and as per theory Ronan falls under the category of S1-Telling/Directing and Grace Falls under
the category of S2-Selling or Coaching. So, as per these criteria Ronan is the best option to choose for
the job of manager.
But there are some weaknesses in this theory:Model fails to distinguish between leadership and management. What is called leadership style is really
management style.
Leadership is not primarily about making decisions anyway - it is about inspiring people to change
Leaders may indeed vary the way they inspire people to change. But this is when they have already
decided on the need to change. Hence leadership style does not reduce to decision making style.
Focuses too exclusively on what the person in charge does.
Of course both leaders and managers have to behave differently in different situations. But that is just a
trivial fact of life, rather than anything profound in terms of our basic understanding of what it means
to lead or manage.
Both the theories are very helpful and suitable to choose the right applicant as the existing workplace
culture of both the applicants are very similar to these theories and with the help of these it’s very easy
to make the decision about the deserving candidate and also the process is very less time consuming.
b) Motivational theories appropriate for the position of Restaurant Manager.
Herzberg’s two factor theory is very helpful “Motivational theory”, as per his theory man is not content with
the satisfaction of lower-order needs at work, for example, those associated with minimum salary levels or safe
and pleasant working conditions. Rather, he looks for the gratification of higher-level psychological needs
having to do with achievement, recognition, responsibility, advancement, and the nature of the work itself. So
far, this appears to parallel Maslow's theory of a need hierarchy.
However, Herzberg added a new dimension to this theory by proposing a two-factor model of motivation, based
on the notion that the presence of one set of job characteristics or incentives lead to worker satisfaction at work,
while another and separate set of job characteristics lead to dissatisfaction at work. Thus, satisfaction and
dissatisfaction are not on a continuum with one increasing as the other diminishes, but are independent
phenomena. This theory suggests that to improve job attitudes and productivity, administrators must recognize
and attend to both sets of characteristics and not assume that an increase in satisfaction leads to a commensurate
decrease in dissatisfaction.
Based on this theory Grace is a better leader than Ronan because she understands the requirements of the
employees and as she gives them extra benefits it guarantees the stability of the employees at work and also they
work hard to get the job done and also to earn more incentives. Grace’s idea of being familiar with the
employees is helpful to make the working conditions better and to enhance the quality of production and also to
achieve the targets.
As the Hotel and the restaurant is very popular for its food and services in the immediate vicinity, the
restaurant’s manager should have good communication skills, experience in customer service, Positive attitude,
good leadership qualities, good motivational qualities, knowledge of safe and hygienic working environment,
should be a good team worker.
a) Applicant’s Leadership Style:1st applicant- Grace Hannaford, as when asked about leadership she replied “I believe people do want
to work and give their best effort as long as the right work conditions are provided” that clearly shows
that she is well aware of the working conditions that should be appropriate for the work to be done, and
as well, when she talk about the commitment of the employees to get the work done by showing her
effective leadership it shows that she also have good leadership qualities. She also has the qualities of
making quick decisions, as and when required she involve the staff to take the decisions basically on
operational issues.
2nd applicant- Ronan Atkins, as when asked about leadership he replied “I believe staffs need to be
monitored at all times. If I can get them to be aware that they are being watched they will perform in
their jobs” it shows that he is that type of leader who are focused on the work to be done and also when
the decisions are to be taken he never emphasis on getting opinions from staff and listening to their
ideas before making decisions. He will always take full responsibility to research all information and
then make the final decision on any issue to do with work, and if anything goes wrong he take full
responsibility and if things go well then get all the credit himself. He also thinks that it’s much more
time efficient to have all the control in his own hands.
So, according to the above analysis Grace’s leadership style is more appropriate for the staff of “Red
Sea” because the positive thing which she has is that she is cooperative with the staff have got good
leadership qualities, she could make quick decisions depend upon circumstances.
b) Applicant’s Motivational Technique:1st applicant- Grace Hannaford, as asked about motivation she replied “There is nothing more
gratifying and motivating for me than to help establish a harmonious team where everyone successfully
works together to achieve the goal or target” it shows that she wants to be very close to the workers and
also she wants to work together with them to get the target achieved. Moreover she thinks that
employees are the most important part of the business and a good manager should provide the workers
 Recognition for the job performance.
 Training for skills enhancement.
 A pleasant work environment.
 Opportunities for staff to socialise after work.
 Opportunities for advancement, where possible.
2nd applicant- Ronan Atkins, as asked about motivation he replied “Well, I certainly believe that staff
need to do their best work. That’s why I have weekly talks with them to remind them of the many
benefits that this restaurant provides them” it shows that he does not want to give the extra benefits to
the employees, he thinks that the benefits provided by the restaurant are sufficient to motivate the
workers but he make arrangements so that all staff get enough shifts and according to him it’s most
important to motivate them as it gives them sufficient funds to pay their bills.
So, according to the above analysis Grace’s motivational technique is better than the Ronan
because she talks to them on every situation. Moreover, she provide the staff with all the facilities
needed to get the job done, she also take care of the working environment with in which employees
have to work.
c) Applicant’s Teamwork Capability:1st applicant- Grace Hannaford, according to her, building an effective team takes a lot of work, a
group of staff goes through a struggle when they are adjusting to each other. So, basically she
communicates a lot to make sure that there should be no misunderstanding when setting out the rules
for team behaviour and individual roles of team members. Finally, she tries to set team goals together
with employees than just telling them what they are, than the employees more likely to commit to the
2nd applicant- Ronan Atkins, according to him, any team needs a strong head to guide and give them
direction, so his team should know that he is the leader and his goals are their goals, therefore, they
don’t have a shared vision. He also in favour of team meetings where he give individual staff positive
and negative feedback on the performance of staff. Moreover, he believes that “honesty is the best
policy” and like the staff to see him for support rather than rely on other staff members as they may
get poor advise from others. Usually when new people join his team, he gives them a quick one hour
induction and then expected them to fit into the team.
So, according to the above analysis of the capability of both the applicant’s as a good team worker
Grace seems to be the best team worker because she don’t want any of his team member to be in any
difficulty and she also helps them when they needed her help and as she talks a lot with all her team
members she is very close to them and the environment is very good at work because there is a
familiar environment at work and they get the targets achieved according to the plans.
As both the applicants are very close to the job requirements but as per the outcomes of the leadership
analysis and motivation analysis and an overall view of both the applicants as a good team worker Grace
should be given the job.