LIBRARY N.W.F.P. UNIVERSITY OF ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGY ABBOTTABAD CAMPUS, ABBOTTABAD LIST OF ELECTRONIC TEXT BOOKS S.No. Title Author Quantity Remarks 1 Alternating Current Circuits Tang, K. Y. 10 13-22 2 Electrical & Electronic Technology Hughes, Edward 20 23-42 3 Principles of Electric Circuits Floyd, Thomas L. 20 43-62 4 Introductory Electronic Devices and Circuits: conventional flow version Paynter, Robert T. 109 63-117 4206-4259 5 Engineering Mechanics: Dynamics: Vol. II Meriam, J. L. & L. G. Kraige 108 118-172 3755-3807 6 Electronic Devices and Circuits Theodore F. Bogart, Jeffrey S. Beasley & Guillermo Rico 110 173-227 3808-3862 7 A First Year Engineering Drawing Parkinson, A. C. 108 228-282 3916-3968 8 Calculus and Analytic Geometry Thomas, George B. Jr. & Rose L. Finney 63 452-461 4313-4365 9 Mathematical Methods: for B.A., B.Sc. and engineering students Yusuf, S. M., Dr. Abdul Majeed & Prof. Muhammad Amin 56 462-471 4160-4205 10 Advanced Engineering Mathematics Kreyszig, Erwin 69 472-477 893-902 4107-4159 11 Basic Engineering Circuit Analysis Irwin, J. David 63 600-609 4366-4418 12 Calculus With Analytic Geometry Yousaf, S. M. & Mohammad Amin 10 610-619 13 Calculus With Analytic Geometry A. S. Mahajan 53 4471-4523 14 Engineering Electromagnetics William H. Hayt 115 670-734 2372-2421 15 Numerical Analysis Burden, Richard I. & J. Douglas Faires 69 748-816 16 Semiconductor Devices Fry, Jim 65 818-882 17 Engineering Mechanics Statistics: Vol. I Meriam, J. L. & L. G. Kraige 63 883-892 3863-3915 18 Modern Electronic Instrumentation and Helfrick, Albert D. & 125 1397-1461 Measurement Techniques William D. Cooper 4825-4884 19 Engineering Economy Degarmo, E. Paul, William G. Sullivan and James A. Bontadelli 60 1462-1521 20 Engineering Economy Blank, Leland & Anthony Tarquin 60 2919-2978 21 Data Communications and Networking Forouzan, Behrouz A. 50 1525-1574 22 Data Structures Using C and C++ Langsam, Yedidyah, Moshe J. Augenstein and Aaron M. Tenenbaum 61 1575-1635 23 Complex Variables: with an introduction to confromal mapping and its applications Spiegel, Murray R. 61 1636-1696 24 Digital Logic and Computer Design Mano, M. Morris 61 1697-1757 25 Electronic Devices Floyd, Thomas L. 61 1758-1818 26 The Intel Microprocessors: 8086/8088, 80186/80188, 80286, 80386, 80486, Pentium, Pentium Pro Processor, Pentium II, Pentium III, and pentium 4: architecture, programming and interfacing Brey, Barry B. & C. R. Sarma 50 1852-1901 27 Signals & Systems Oppenheim, Alan V. & Alan S. Willsky 110 1902-1951 3395-3454 28 Object Oriented Programming in C++ Lafore, Robert 60 2020-2079 29 Network Analysis Valkenburg 60 2312-2371 30 Introduction to Statistical Theory: Part-I Chaudhry, Sher Muhammad & Dr. Shahid Kamal 60 2476-2535 31 Numerical Methods: for engineering, science and Mathematics Khan, Mumtaz 70 2536-2595 2909-2918 32 Islamiat Lazmi: baraiy degree classes Prof. Dr. Nasim, Arif & Prof. Dr. Saeed Ullah Qazi 70 2626-2655 4067-4106 33 Mutalea e Pakistan (Pakistan Studies): for degree classes Prof. Iqbal, Javed 70 2656-2685 4027-4066 34 Infotech Insider: all you want to know about computer, information & communication technologies Prof. Dr. Chowdhry, B. S. & Saifullah Hassan 20 2729-2748 35 Telecommunication Technologies: more than 1001 multiple choice questions Engr. Memon, Muhammad Asif & Prof. Dr. B.S. Chowdhry 20 2749-2768 36 Digital Electronics & Microprocesor Technology: more than 1010 objective questions and definitions Memon, Tauyyab Din & Muhammad Asif Memon 20 2769-2788 37 Modern Control Systems Dorf, Richard C. & Robert H. Bishop 60 2789-2848 38 Electronic Communication Systems Kennedy, George & Bernard Davis 60 2849-2908 39 Probability, Random Variables and Stochastic Processes Papoulis, Athanasios & S. Unnikrishna Pillai 30 2979-3008 40 Elements of Electromagnetics Sadiko, Mathew, N. O. 65 3011-3075 41 Wireless Communications: principles and practice Rappaport, Theodore S. 50 3110-3159 42 The 8088 and 8086 Microprocessors: programming, interfacing, software, hardware and applications Triebel, Walter A. & Avtar Singh 60 3160-3219 43 Modern Control Engineering Ogata, Katsuhiko 55 3220-3274 44 Physics for Electrical Engineers Pointon, A. J. and D. Elwell 60 3275-3334 45 Fundamentals of Physics Halliday, David, Robert Resnick, and Jearl Walker 60 3335-3394 46 Microelectronic Circuits Sedra Adel S. & Kenneth C. Smith 63 3455-3517 47 Computers: information technology in perspective Long, Larry & Nancy Long 52 3547-3598 48 Modern Engineering Graphics & Design Voland, Gerard G. S. 52 3599-3650 49 Introduction to Computers Norton's, Peter 105 4260-4312 4524-4575 50 Fiber Optic Communications Palais, Joseph, C. 60 4885-4944 51 Power Electronics (3rd Edition) Lander, Cyril W. 60 5042-5101 52 Differential Equations : with boundary-value problems (3rd Ed.) Zill, Dennis G. & Michael R. Cullen 60 5102-5161 53 introduction to VLSI Circuits and systems Uyemura, John P. 56 5289-5344 54 Modern digital and analog communication system B.P. Lathi 60 5376-5435 55 Control system engineering Norman S. Nice 2 5436-5437 LIBRARY N.W.F.P. UNIVERSITY OF ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGY ABBOTTABAD CAMPUS, ABBOTTABAD LIST OF ELECTRONIC REFERENCE BOOKS S.No. Acc.No. Title Author 1 295 Mechanical & Electrical Systems in Building (3rd Edition) Janis, Richard & K. Y. Tao 2 296 Mechanical & Electrical Systems in Building (3rd Edition) Janis, Richard & K. Y. Tao 3 349 Penguin Dictionary of Electronics Illingworth, Valerie 4 350 Data Structures Using C Aaron M. Tenebaum 5 351 Fundamentals of Data Structures in C++ Horowitz, Ellis & S. Hani Mehta 6 352 Data Structure & Algorithm Analysis in C++ Weiss, Mark Allen 7 353 Microelectronic Circuits Sedra Adel S. & Kenneth C. Smith 8 354 Electrical Machines Yasin, Mohammad 9 355 Analysis of Structures: analysis, design and details of structures: Vol - II Vazirani, V. N., DR. M. M. Ratwani & Dr.S. K. Duggal 10 356 Analysis of Structures: analysis, design and details of structures: Vol - I Vazirani, V. N., DR. M. M. Ratwani & Dr.S. K. Duggal 11 478 Calculus Swokowski, Earl W., Michael Olinick, Dennis Pence & Jeffery A. Cole 12 479 Data Structures Using C and C++ Langsam, Yedidyah, Moshe J. Augenstein and Aaron M. Tenenbaum 13 480 Calculus: with analytic geometry Anton, Howard 14 483 Autocade 2004 and Autocade LT 2004 Frey, David 15 484 Turbo C++ by Examples Perry, Greg 16 583 Digital Logic and Computer Design Mano, M. Morris 17 665 Electronic Devices and Circuits Mithal, G. K. 18 666 Electronic Devices and Circuits Gupta, J. B. 19 667 Semiconductor Devices Fry, Jim 20 668 Semiconductor Devices Fry, Jim 21 738 Analog and Digital Circuit Design Mahmood, Shahzad 22 739 Network Analysis Valkenburg, M. E. Van 23 740 Analog Filter Design Valkenburg, M. E. Van 24 741 Numerical Analysis: schaum's outline series theory and practice Scheid, Francis J. 25 742 Discrete Mathematics With Application (2nd Edition) EPP, Susanna S. 26 743 Applied Numerical Analysis Gerald, Curtis F. & Patrick O. Wheatley 27 744 Electronic Devices and Circuit Theory Boylestad, Robert & Louis Nashelsky 28 745 Basic Electronics: a text-lab mannual Zbar, Paul B., Albert P. Malvino & Michael A. Miller 29 746 Digital Electronics: principal and applications Tokheim, Roger L. 30 747 Digital Design Mano, M. Morris 31 903 Upgrading and Repairing PCS Mueller, Scott 32 929 The Intel Microprocessors (5th Edition) Brey, Barry B. 33 930 Theory and Problem of Feedback and Control Systems Distefano, Joseph J., Allen R. Stubberud & Ivan J. Williams 34 931 Modern Control Engineering Ogata, Katsuhiko 35 932 The Intel Microprocessors (6th Edition) Brey, Barry B. 36 933 Signals & Systems Oppenheim, Alan V. & Alan S. Willsky 37 934 Shaum's Outlines Feedback and Control Systems (2nd Edition) Distefano, Joseph J., Allen R. Stubberud & Ivan J. Williams 38 935 Mastering Matlab 7 Hanselman, Dvane 39 1086 Power Electronics (3rd Edition) Mohan Undeland Robbins 40 1087 Industrial Electronics and Control Paul, Biswanath 41 1088 Mobile Satellite Communications : principles and trends Richharia, M. 42 1089 Introduction to Semiconductor Materials & Devices Tagi, M. S. 43 1090 Digital Fundamentals Floyd, Thomas L. & Jain 44 1091 Communication Systems: an itroduction to signals and noise in electrical communication Carlson, A. Bruce, Paul B. Crilly & Janet C. Rutledge 45 1092 Modern Electronic Instrumentation and Measurement Techniques Helfrick, Albert D. & William D. Cooper 46 1093 Telecommunications Switching, Traffic and Networks Flood, J. E. 47 1094 Electric Machines Nagrath D P Kothari 48 1095 Introductory Circuits for Electrical and Computer Engineering Nilsson, James w. & Susan a. Riedel 49 1096 Antenna Theory and Design: revised edition Elliott, Robert S. 50 1097 An Introduction to Semiconductor Devices Neamen, Donald A. 51 1098 Foundation of Mems Liu, Chang 52 1099 Microelectronics (2nd Edition) Millman, Jacob 53 1100 Introduction to Artificial Intelligence Charniak, Eugence & Drew McDermott 54 1101 Signals & Systems Ghosh, Smarajit 55 1102 Understanding Digital Signals Processing (2nd Edition) Lyons, Richard G. 56 1103 Optical Communications: components and system Jain Franz 57 1104 Fundamentals of Electrical and Electronics Engineering Ghosh, Smarajit 58 1105 Electronics Analog and Digital Nagrath, I. J. 59 1106 Digital Communication Bhattacharya, Amitabha 60 1107 Nanoelectronics Diwan, Parag & Ashish Bharadwaj 61 1108 The Transforms and Application Handbook Poularikas, Alexander D. (Editor) 62 1109 Electrical Engineering Fundamentals (2nd Edition) Toro, Vincent Del 63 1110 Engineering Circuit Analysis Hayt, William H. Jr., Jack E. Kemmerly & Steven M. Durbin 64 1111 Electromagnetic Field Theory and Transmission Lines Raju, G. S. N. 65 1112 Electricity Magnetism and Light Saslow, Wayne 66 1113 Electronic Materials and Devices Ferry, David H 67 1114 Electricity and Magnetism Mahajan, A S & A. A. Rangwala 68 1115 Introduction to Electric Circuits Dorf, Richard C. & James A. Svoboda 69 1116 Applied Data Structures with C++ Smith, Peter F. 70 1117 Electrical Power System Design Deshpande, M. V. 71 1118 A Textbook of Electrical Technology Rajput, R. K. 72 1119 Electronic Devices and Circuits: an introduction Mottershead, Allen 73 1120 Electronic Instrumentation (2nd Edition) Kalsi, H. S. 74 1121 Measurement Instrumentation and Experiment Design in Physics and Engineering Sayer, Michael 75 1122 Fuzzy Logic with Engineering Applications (2nd Edition) Ross, Timothy J. 76 1123 Engineering Electromagnetics (2nd Edition) Nathan Ida 77 1124 Electronic Instruments and Systems : Principles, Maintenance & Troubleshooting Gupta, R. G. 78 1125 Digital Telephony (3rd Edition) Bellamy, John C. 79 1126 Student Manual for the Art of Electronics Hayes, Thomas c. & Paul Horowitz 80 1127 Power Electronic Control in Electrical Systems Acha, E., V. G. Agelidis, O. Anaya-Lara & T. J. E. Miller 81 1128 Printed Circuit Boards: design and technology Bosshart, Walter C. 82 1129 Electronics Laboratory Primer : a design approach Chandra, S. Poorna & B. Sasikala 83 1130 Microelectronic Circuit Design Jaeger, Richard C. & Travis N. Blalock 84 1131 Feedback Control of Dynamic System (4th Edition) Franklin, Gene F. 85 1132 Network Analysis With Application (4rth edition) Stanley, William d. 86 1133 The Art of Electronics (2nd Edition) Horowitz, Paul & Winfield Hill 87 1134 Fundamentals of Electronic Image Processing Weeks, Arthur r. 88 1135 Modern Power Electronics Sen, P. C. 89 1136 Circuits and Networks: analysis and synthesis Sudhakar, A. & Shyammohan S. Palli 90 1137 Digital Systems Engineering Dally, William J. & John W. Poulton 91 1138 Numerical Analysis Burden, Richard I. & J. Douglas Faires 92 1139 A Textbook of Electrical Technology: volume II Theraja, B. L. & A. K. Theraja 93 1140 Elements of Engineering Electromagnetics (5th Edition) Rao, Nannapaneni Narayana 94 1141 Pulse and Digital Circuits Kumar, A. Anand 95 1142 Principles and Application of Electrical Engineering (5th Edition) Rizzoni, Giorgio 96 1143 Microwave Devices and Circuit (3rd Edition) Liao, Samuel Y. 97 1144 Digital And Analog Communication Systems Shanmugam, K. Sam 98 1145 Digital Signal Processing: a computer Stein, Jonathan (Y) science perspective 99 1146 100 Microelectronic Devices Nagchoudhuri, Dipankar Engineering circuit analysis Kemmerly, Jack E. 101 1148 Handbook of Electrical and Electronic Insulating Materials Shugg, W. Tillar 102 1149 A Textbook of Electrical Technology: volume Theraja, B. L. & A. K. Theraja 103 1150 A Textbook of Electrical Technology: volume IV electronic devices & circuits in s.i. system of units Theraja, B. L. & A. K. Theraja 104 1151 A Textbook of Electrical Technology: volume IV electronic devices & circuits in s.i. system of units Theraja, B. L. & A. K. Theraja 105 1152 A Textbook of Electrical Technology: volume III transmission, distribution & utilization in s.i. system of units Theraja, B. L. & A. K. Theraja 106 1153 Electromagnetics Explained: a handbook for wireless/rf,emc, and high speed electronics Schmitt, Ron 107 1154 The Essentials of Computer Organization and Architecture Null, Linda & Julia Lobur 108 1155 R. F. Circuit Design : theory and application Ludwig, Rainhold & Pavel Bretchko 109 1156 Foundation of Analog and Digital Electronic Circuits Agarwal, Anant & Jeffrey H. Lang 110 1157 Advanced Engineering Mathematics Kreyszig, Erwin 111 1158 Fiber Optic Communication Harold Kolimbiris 112 1159 Introduction to Electromagnetic Theory : a modern perspective Chow, Tai L. 113 1160 Electromagnetic Field Theory Fundamentals (2nd Edition) Guru, Bhag 114 1161 Applied Calculus: for business, economics, and the social and life sciences Hoffmann, Laurence D., Gerald L. Bradley & Kenneth H. Rosen 115 1162 Microprocessors and Microcomputer Based System Design (2nd Edition) Muhammad Rafiquzzaman 116 1163 Digital Communications Proakis, John G. 117 1164 Digital Communications Haykin, Simon 118 1165 Introduction to Electronic Circuit Design Spencer, Richard R. & M. S. Ghausi 119 1166 Automatic Control Systems Kuo, Benjamin C. & Farid Golnaraghi 120 1167 Modern Electronic Communication Beasley, Jeffrey & Gary M. Miller 121 1330 Electronic Principles (6th Edition) Malvino, Albert Paul 122 1331 Mobile Communication (2nd Edition) Jachen Schiller 123 1332 Advanced Digital Design with the Verilog HDL (With CD) Michael d. Cilehi 124 1333 Irrigation and Water Power Engineering (11th Edition) Punmia, B. C. 125 1334 A VHDL Primer Bhasker, J. 126 1335 Power Electronics for Technology Ahmed, Ashfaq 127 1336 Fundamentals of Electric Circuits Alexander, Charles K. & Matthew N. O. Sadiku 128 1337 Microwave Engineering Passive Circuits Rizzi, Peter A. 129 1338 Electromagnetic Waves R. R. Shergaonkar 130 1339 Computer Algorithms: introduction to design & analysis Baase, Sara & Allen Van Gelder 131 1340 Digital Image processing Using Matlab Gonzalez, Rafel C., Richard E. Woods 132 1341 Electronic Devices and Circuits Theodore F. Bogart, Jeffrey S. Beasley & Guillermo Rico 133 1342 Digital electronics Principles & Applications Maini, A. K. 134 1343 Antenna Theory : analysis and design Balanis, Constantine A. 135 1344 Introduction to Algorithms (2nd Edition) Cormen, Thomas H. 136 1345 Analog Electronics Maheshwari, L. K. & M. M. S. Anand 137 1346 Electronic Communication Simplified Maini, A. K. 138 1347 Shaum's Outlines Partial Differential Equations Paul, Duchateau & David W. Zachmann 139 1348 Electric Circuit (4th Edition) Nahvi, Muhmood 140 1349 Antennas: for all applications Kraus, John D. & Ronald J. Marhefka 141 1350 Antenna Theory and Design: revised edition Elliott, Robert S. 142 1351 Algorithms in C++: part 1-4 Sedgewick, Robert 143 1352 2000 Solved Problems in Digital Electronics Bali, S. P. 144 1353 Fibre Optic Communication D. C. Agwal 145 1354 Principles of Electrical Engineering Electronics Mehta, V. K. 146 1355 Wireless Digital Communications: modulation & spread spectrum applications Feher, Dr. Kamilo 147 1356 Computer Graphics: c version Hearn, Donald & M. Pauline Baker 148 1357 Engineering Electromagnetics (7th Hayt, William Hart & John Edition) A. Buck 149 1358 Electromagnetic Field Theory and Transmission Lines Raju, G. S. N. 150 1359 Automatic Control Systems (8th Edition) Duo, Benjamin C. 151 1360 Structural Mechanics (2nd Edition) Hulse Ray & Jack Cain 152 1361 Structural Mechanics (2nd Edition) Hulse Ray & Jack Cain 153 1362 Principles & Application of GSM Garg, Vijay K. & Joseph e. Wilkes 154 1363 Electric Circuit (6th Edition) Bell, David A. 155 1364 Principles of Wireless Network : a unified approach Pahlavan, Karch 156 1365 Electro Optical Instrumentation Sensing & Measuring with Lasers Donati, Silvano 157 1366 Digital Signal Processing: principles, algorithms and applications Proakis, John G. & Dimitris G. Manolakis 158 1367 Data Communications and Networking (3rd Edition) Forouzan, Behrouz A. 159 1368 Communication Systems Haykin, Simon 160 1369 Shaums Outlines Engineering Mechanics Statistics and Dynamics (5th edition) Nelson, E. W., C. L. Best & W. G. Mclean 161 1370 Probability and Random Processes for Electrical Engineering (2nd Edition) Garcia, Alberto Leon 162 1371 Modern Electronic Instrumentation and Measurement Techniques Helfrick, Albert D. & William D. Cooper 163 1372 Signals & Systems (2nd Edition) Haykin, Simon & Barry Van Veen 164 1373 Digital Signal Processing: a computer based approach Mitra, Sanjit Kumar 165 1374 Electric Circuit Theory Rajeswaran, K. 166 1375 Antennas and Ware Propagation Ragn, G. S. N. 167 1376 Electronic Communications Roddy, Dennis & John Coolen 168 1377 Power Electronics Circuits, Devices, And Applications Rashid, Muhammad H. 169 1378 Digital and Analog Communication Systems Couch, Leon W. 170 1379 Data And Computer Communications Stallings, William 171 1380 Electronic Communication Systems George, Kennedy 172 1381 Engineering Economics Riggs, James L., David D. Bedworth & Sabah U. Randhawa 173 1382 Digital: principles and applications Leach, Donald P. & Albert Paul Malvino 174 1383 The 8051 Micro Controller & Embedded Systems (Disk attahched) Muhammad Ali Mazidi 175 1384 Network Analysis Valkenburg, M. E. Van 176 1385 Network Analysis Valkenburg, M. E. Van 177 1386 Network Analysis Valkenburg, M. E. Van 178 1387 Basic Electrical Engineering Nagsarkar, T. K. & M. S. Sukhija 179 1388 Design of Analog Filters Schaumann, Rolf & Mac E. Van Valkenburg 180 1389 Fiber Optics and Optoelectronics R. P. Rhare 181 1390 Linear Circuits: analysis and synthesis Ramakalyan, A. 182 1391 Artificial Intelligence and Intelligent Systems Padhy, N. P. 183 1392 Business Communication Raman, Meenakshi & Prakash Singh 184 1393 Understanding Organizational Behaviour Pareek, Udai 185 1394 Production and Operations Management Bedi, Kanishka 186 1395 Environmental Management : a core text for O level Pallister, John 187 1396 Analysis of Structures: strength and behaviour Thandavamoorthy, T. S. 188 1522 Mechanics of Solids Mubeen, Abdul 189 1523 Electric Motor Drives Modeling Analysis and Control Krishnan, R. 190 1524 Understanding Pure Mathematics Sadler, A. J. 191 1975 Microprocessors & Interfacing Programming & Hardware (2nd Edition) Hall, Douglas V. 192 1976 The 8088 and 8086 Microprocessors: programming, interfacing, software, hardware and applications Triebel, Walter A. & Avtar Singh 193 2013 Field and Wave Electromagnetics (2nd Edition) Cheng, David K. 194 2014 Engineering Electromagnetics (4th Edition) Hayt, William H. Jr. 195 2015 Engineering Electromagnetics (7th Edition) Hayt, William H. Jr. 196 2016 Engineering Electromagnetics Demarest, Kenneth R. 197 2017 Shaum's Outline of Theory and Problems of Electromagnetics Edminister, Joseph 198 2018 Electronic Devices and Circuits: schaum's outlines theory and problems Cathey, Jimmie J. 199 2080 Generation Distribution and Utilization Wadhwa, C. L. of Electrical Energy (2nd Edition) 200 2081 Wireless Networks Nicopolitidis, P. & M. S. Obaidat 201 2082 Communication Networks: principles and practice Kasera, Sumit, Nishit Narang & Sumita Narang 202 2083 Coding Techniques: an introduction to compression and error control Wade, Graham 203 2084 Pulse, Digital and Switching Wareforms Millman, Jacob 204 2085 Electric Power Generation Transmission and Distribution Singh, S. N. 205 2086 Microwave Devices and Circuit Design Srivastava, Ganesh Prasaed & Vijay Laxmi Gupta 206 2087 Digital Logic Design : principles Mano, M. Morris 207 2088 Telecommunication Transmission Systems Winch, Robert G. 208 2089 Electric Circuit Analysis John, David E., Johnny R. Johnson, John L. Hilburn & Peter D. Scott 209 2090 Power System Optimization Kothari, D. P. & J. S. Dhillon 210 2091 Wireless and Mobile Network Architecture Yi Bing Lin Imrich chalamtac 211 2092 A Networking Approach to Grid Computing Minoli, Daniel 212 2093 Introduction to Electric Circuits Dorf, Richard C. & James A. Svoboda 213 2094 Radar Systems, Peak Detection and Tracking Kolawole, Michael O. 214 2095 Artificial Intelligence Rich, Elaine & Devin Knight 215 2096 Management Consulting in Practice : case studies in international best practice Czerniawska, Fiona & Paul May 216 2097 Control System Engineering (4th Edition) Nise, Norman S. 217 2098 Microprocessors and Interfacing Hall, Douglas V. 218 2099 Digital Modulation and Coding Wilson, Stephen G. 219 2100 Essential Electrical And Computer Engineering Kerns, David V. Jr. & J. David Irwin 220 2101 Power Electronic Control in Electrical Systems Acha, E., V. G. Agelidis, O. Anaya-Lara & T. J. E. Miller 221 2102 Mechatronics Singh, M. D. & J. G. Joshi 222 2103 Electromagnetism : problems with solutions Pramanik, Ashutosh 223 2104 Linear Integrated Circuits Carr, Joseph J 224 2105 Electromagnetics for Engineers Ulabay, Fawwaz T. 225 2106 Electrical Circuit Theory and Technology Bird, John 226 2107 Digital Electronics: principal and applications Tokheim, Roger L. 227 2108 Microcontrollers Architecture Programming Interfacing and System Design Kamal, Raj 228 2109 Semiconductor Devices : physics and technology Sze, S. M. 229 2110 Installing, Troubleshooting, and Repairing Wireless Networks Aspinwall, Jim 230 2111 Fundamentals of Electromagnetics with MATLAB Lonngren, Karl E. & Sava V. Savov 231 2112 Engineering Management Mazda, Fraidoon 232 2113 Basic Electrical Circuit Analysis Johnson, David E., John L. Hilburn, Johny R. Johnson & Peter D. Scott 233 2114 Electronic Materials and Devices (3rd Edition) Kasap, S. O. 234 2115 Digital Switching Systems : system reliability and analysis Ali, Syed Riffat 235 2116 Digital Principles and Design Givone, Donald D. 236 2117 Engineering Economics Riggs, James L., David D. Bedworth & Sabah U. Randhawa 237 2118 Electronic Devices and Circuit Nair, B. Somarathan 238 2119 Fundamentals of Engineering Numerical Analysis Moin, Perviz 239 2120 Basic Control System Technology Chesmond, C. J. 240 2121 Op Amps for Everyone (2nd Edition) Mancini, Ron 241 2122 An Introduction to the Intel Family of Microprocessors: a hands-on approach utilizing the 80x86 microprocessor family Antonakos, James L. 242 2123 Microcomputer Based Design Peatman, John B. 243 2124 University Physics Benson, Harris 244 2125 Data Structures and Algorithms Alfred V. Aho John E Hopcroft 245 2126 Digital Signature : network security practices Gupta, Kailash N. , Kamlesh N. Agarwala & Prateek A. Agarwala 246 2127 Digital Communication: fundamentals and applications (2nd Edition) Bernard Sklar 247 2128 Digital Computer Fundamentals (6th Bartee, Thomas C. Edition) 248 2129 Cellular Neural Networks and Visual Computing: foundation and applicatioins Chua, Leon O. & Thomas Roska 249 2130 Dictionary of Management Jain, N. C. & Dimple Goel 250 2131 Power Electronic Control in Electrical Systems Acha, E., V. G. Agelidis, O. Anaya-Lara & T. J. E. Miller 251 2132 Advanced 80386 Programming Techniques Turley, James L. 252 2133 Digital Fundamentals Floyd, Thomas L. 253 2134 Network Management : principles and practice Subramanian, Mani 254 2135 Essential Electrical And Computer Engineering Kerns, David V. Jr. & J. David Irwin 255 2136 Radar Foundations for Imaging and Advanced Concepts Sullivan, Roger J. 256 2137 TAB Electronics Guide to Understanding Electricity and Electronics (2nd Edition) Slone, G. Randy 257 2138 Computer Systems Organization & Architecture Carpinelli, John D. 258 2139 Programming Languages: concept and constructs Sethi, Ravi 259 2140 Fundamentals of Computer Networks Kundu, Sudakshina 260 2141 Optics and Spectroscopy (5th Edition) Murugeshan, R. 261 2142 Electronics Arun, P. 262 2143 Sears and Zemansky's University Physics (11th Edition) Young, Hugh, D. & Roger A. Freedman 263 2144 Power Electronics Circuits, Devices, And Applications Rashid, Muhammad H. 264 2145 Electronic Communication (4th Edition) Roddy, Dennis & John Coolen 265 2146 C++ and Object Oriented Programming Paradigm (2nd Edition) Jana, Debasish 266 2147 A Complete Guide to C# Bishop, David Wayne 267 2150 Fundamentals of Electrical and Electronics Engineering Ghosh, Smarajit 268 2151 Fundamentals of Electrical and Electronics Engineering Ghosh, Smarajit 269 2152 Fundamentals of Electrical and Electronics Engineering Ghosh, Smarajit 270 2153 Fundamentals of Electrical and Electronics Engineering Ghosh, Smarajit 271 2188 Vector Mechanics for Engineers STATICS (3rd Edition) A. S. Mahajan 272 2190 Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English Summers, Della 273 2191 Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English Summers, Della 274 2198 Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary Hornby, A. S. 275 2199 Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary Hornby, A. S. 276 2250 Modern Power Electronics Sen, P. C. 277 2251 Power Electronic Systems: theory and design Agrawal, Jai P. 278 2252 Semiconductor Optoelectronic Devices (2nd Edition) Bhattacharya, Pallab 279 2253 The 8088 and 8086 Microprocessors: programming, interfacing, software, hardware and applications Triebel, Walter A. & Avtar Singh 280 2254 Electronic Principles (6th Edition) Malvino, Albert Paul 281 2255 Object Oriented Programming with C++ Bhave, M. P. & S. A. Patekar 282 2256 Electronis Arun, P. 283 2257 Wireless Crash Course Bedell, Paul 284 2258 Electronic Devices and Integrated Circuits Singh, B. P. Rekha Singh 285 2259 Microprocessors : principles and applications (2nd Edition) Glimore, Charles Minot 286 2260 MATLAB Programming for Engineers (3rd Edition) Chapman, Stephen J. 287 2261 Electronic Devices And Circuits Millman, Jacob & Christos C. Halkias 288 2262 Concise Handbook of Electronics and Electrical Engineering Khanna, V. K. 289 2263 Numerical Methods Using MATLAB (4th Edition) Mathews, John H. & Kurtis D. Fink 290 2264 Calculus: Vol. II Apostol, Thom M. 291 2265 Power Electronics: converters, applications, and design Mohan, Ned, Tore M. Undeland & William P. Robbins 292 2266 Digital Hardware Design Peatman, John, B. 293 2267 Programming Vol. I Huston, Stephen, D. 294 2268 Digital Signal Processing: a computer science perspective Stein, Jonathan (Y) 295 2269 Semiconductor Physics and Devices: basic principles Neamen, Donald A. 296 2270 Digital Computer Fundamentals (6th Edition) Bartee, Thomas C. 297 2271 Electronic Communication Systems George, Kennedy 298 2272 Basic Electronics: solid state Theraja, B. L. 299 2273 Electronic Communication Simplified Maini, A. K. 300 2274 Telecommunication Transmission Systems Winch, Robert G. 301 2275 Calculus: Vol. I Apostol, Thom M. 302 2276 Calculus and Analytic Geometry Thomas, George B. Jr., Ross L. Finney & Maurice D. Weir 303 2277 Digital Signal Processing: a practical approach Stein, Jonathan (Y) 304 2278 Digital: principles and applications Leach, Donald P. & Albert Paul Malvino 305 2279 Introduction to Numerical Analysis Prasad, Devi 306 2280 Electronic Communication: schaum's outline of theory and problems Temes, Lloyd & Mitchel E. Schultz 307 2281 Differntial Equations (2nd Edition) Bronson, Richard 308 2282 Electric Circuits: schaum's outlines of theory and problems Nahvi, Mahmood & Joseph Eminister 309 2283 Architecture and the Urban Environment Thomas, Derek 310 2286 Modern Control Engineering Ogata, Katsuhiko 311 2287 Modern Control Engineering Ogata, Katsuhiko 312 2288 Modern Control Engineering Ogata, Katsuhiko 313 2289 Modern Control Engineering Ogata, Katsuhiko 314 2290 Modern Control Engineering Ogata, Katsuhiko 315 2291 Modern Control Systems Dorf, Richard C. & Robert H. Bishop 316 2292 Modern Control Systems Dorf, Richard C. & Robert H. Bishop 317 2293 Modern Control Systems Dorf, Richard C. & Robert H. Bishop 318 2294 Modern Digital And Analog Communication Systems Lathi, B. P. 319 2295 Modern Digital And Analog Communication Systems Lathi, B. P. 320 2296 Modern Digital And Analog Communication Systems Lathi, B. P. 321 2297 Modern Digital And Analog Communication Systems Lathi, B. P. 322 2298 Modern Digital And Analog Communication Systems Lathi, B. P. 323 2299 Power Electronics Circuits, Devices, And Applications Rashid, Muhammad H. 324 2300 Power Electronics Circuits, Devices, Rashid, Muhammad H. And Applications 325 2301 Power Electronics Circuits, Devices, And Applications Rashid, Muhammad H. 326 2302 Power Electronics Circuits, Devices, And Applications Rashid, Muhammad H. 327 2303 Power Electronics Circuits, Devices, And Applications Rashid, Muhammad H. 328 2304 Electronic Communication Systems George, Kennedy 329 2305 Electronic Communication Systems George, Kennedy 330 2306 Electronic Communication Systems George, Kennedy 331 2307 Electronic Communication Systems George, Kennedy 332 2308 Electronic Communication Systems George, Kennedy 333 2309 Electronic Communication Systems George, Kennedy 334 2310 Electronic Communication Systems George, Kennedy 335 2311 Electronic Communication Systems George, Kennedy 336 3099 Discrete Time Signal Processing Oppenheim, Alan V. & Ronald W. Schafer 337 3100 Discrete Time Signal Processing Oppenheim, Alan V. & Ronald W. Schafer 338 3101 Discrete Time Signal Processing Oppenheim, Alan V. & Ronald W. Schafer 339 3105 Modern Control Engineering Ogata, Katsuhiko 340 3106 Modern Control Engineering Ogata, Katsuhiko 341 3107 Modern Control Engineering Ogata, Katsuhiko 342 3108 Modern Control Engineering Ogata, Katsuhiko 343 3109 Modern Control Engineering Ogata, Katsuhiko 344 3518 Optoelectronics: an introduction (2nd Edition) Wilson J. F. B. Hawkes 345 3519 Electronic Instruments and Instrumentation Technology Anand, M. M. S. 346 3520 Digital Integrated Circuit: a design perspective (2nd Edition) Rabaey, Jan M. 347 3521 Digital Integrated Circuit: a design perspective (2nd Edition) Rabaey, Jan M. 348 3522 Digital Integrated Circuit: a design perspective (2nd Edition) Rabaey, Jan M. 349 3523 Microprocessors and Interfacing Hall, Douglas V. 350 3524 Microprocessors and Interfacing Hall, Douglas V. 351 3524 Microprocessors and Interfacing Hall, Douglas V. 352 3526 Electronic Devices Floyd, Thomas L. 353 3527 Electronic Devices Floyd, Thomas L. 354 3528 Electronic Devices Floyd, Thomas L. 355 3529 Electronic Principles (6th Edition) Malvino, Albert Paul 356 3530 Electronic Principles (6th Edition) Malvino, Albert Paul 357 3531 Electronic Principles (6th Edition) Malvino, Albert Paul 358 3532 Digital Electronics: principal and applications Tokheim, Roger L. 359 3533 Digital Electronics: principal and applications Tokheim, Roger L. 360 3534 Digital Electronics: principal and applications Tokheim, Roger L. 361 3535 The Intel Microprocessors: 8086/8088, 80186/80188, 80286, 80386, 80486, Pentium, Pentium Pro Processor, Pentium II, Pentium III, Pentium 4, architecture, programming and interfacing Brey, Barry B. 362 3536 The Intel Microprocessors: 8086/8088, 80186/80188, 80286, 80386, 80486, Pentium, Pentium Pro Processor, Pentium II, Pentium III, Pentium 4, architecture, programming and interfacing Brey, Barry B. 363 3537 The Intel Microprocessors: 8086/8088, 80186/80188, 80286, 80386, 80486, Pentium, Pentium Pro Processor, Pentium II, Pentium III, Pentium 4, architecture, programming and interfacing Brey, Barry B. 364 3538 Digital Computer Electronics Brown, Malvino 365 3539 Digital Computer Electronics Brown, Malvino 366 3540 Digital Computer Electronics Brown, Malvino 367 4630 Alternating Current Circuits Tang K. Y. 368 4631 Alternating Current Circuits Tang K. Y. 369 4632 Basic Electrical Engineering Fitzgerald, Arthur Eugence, Date 370 4633 SAMS Teach Yourself Microsoft Office 2003 in 24 Hours Perry, Greg 371 4634 SAMS Teach Yourself Microsoft Office 2003 in 24 Hours Perry, Greg 372 4635 SAMS Teach Yourself Microsoft Office 2003 in 24 Hours Perry, Greg 373 4636 SAMS Teach Yourself Microsoft Office 2003 in 24 Hours Perry, Greg 374 4945 Optical Fiber Communications: principles and practice Senior, John M. 375 4946 Optical Fiber Communications: principles and practice Senior, John M. 376 4947 Optical Fiber Communications: Senior, John M. principles and practice 377 4948 Advanced Engineering Mathematics: for the students of M.E., B.E. and other engineering examinations Dass, H. K. 378 4949 Advanced Engineering Mathematics: for the students of M.E., B.E. and other engineering examinations Dass, H. K. 379 4950 Advanced Engineering Mathematics: for the students of M.E., B.E. and other engineering examinations Dass, H. K. 380 4955 The Illustrated Computer Dictionary Spencer, Donald D. 381 4956 Introduction to Business Programming & Systems Analysis Lohmuller, Keith 382 4959 Computer Telephony Integration Yarberry, William A. Jr 383 4960 Operating Systems Nutt, Gary 384 4969 Hughes Electrical Technology Smith, I. Mckenzie 385 4970 A Textbook of Electrical Technology Theraja, B. L. & A. K. Theraja 386 5024 Theory and Problems of Electric Circuits (3rd Ed) (Schaum's Outlines) Edminister, Joseph A. & mahmood Nahvi 387 5038 Power Electronics Circuits, Devices, And Applications Rashid, Muhammad H. 388 5039 Power Electronics Circuits, Devices, And Applications Rashid, Muhammad H. 389 5040 Power Electronics Circuits, Devices, And Applications Rashid, Muhammad H. 390 5041 Power Electronics Circuits, Devices, And Applications Rashid, Muhammad H. 391 5194 Physic for class XI Khattak, Dr. M. 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(with CD) Alexander, Charles K. & Matthew N. O. Sadiku 404 5259 Digital Signal Processing Cavicchi, Thomas J. 405 5260 Internet Marketing : building advantage in a networked economy (with CD) Mohammed, Rafi et al... 406 5261 PBX Systems For IP Telephony: migrating enterprise communications Sulkin, Allan 407 5263 Basic Electronics (8th ed.) Grob, Bernard 408 5264 SAMS Teach Yourself Microsoft Office 2003 in 24 Hours Perry, Greg