UNIVERSITY OF OTTAWA DEPARTMENT OF ECONOMICS COURSE INFORMATION AND SCHEDULE ECO 2144 - Microeconomic Theory I Fall 2007 professor: office: telephone: email: Pierre Brochu 55 Laurier, 10105 562-5800 (1424) room: schedule: SITE G0103 M 14:30-16:00 TH 16:00-17:30 office hours: M 13:00-14:00 TH 14:30-15:30 ________________________________________________________________________ COURSE DESCRIPTION This course builds on the foundations of ECO1104. It explores the decision making process of consumers and firms, and examines the determination of prices in individual markets. The impact of government on market outcomes will also be explored. PREREQUISITES The prerequisites for this course are ECO1102, ECO1104, MAT1300 and MAT1302. REQUIRED COURSE MATERIALS Besanko, David and Ronald R. Braeutigam. Microeconomics, 2nd edition. Hoboken, NJ: John Riley and Sons, Inc., 2005. Rockett, Catherine. Study Guide to Accompany Microeconomics Second edition by David Besanko and Ronald R. Braeutigam. Hoboken, NJ: John Riley and Sons, Inc., 2005. Both textbook and study guide are available at Agora Bookstore and Internet Café, 145 Besserer street. The two items can be purchased as a package deal, or they can be purchased individually. With the purchase of the textbook you will be given a registration code that will allow you to access online resources, i.e. Wiley Plus. It provides an online version of the text, interactive simulations and some problems with their respective solutions. Note: Wiley Plus, which includes an electronic version of the text, can be purchased separately or with the study guide. EVALUATION Best midterm Worst midterm Final exam 35% 15% 50% The midterms will be written in class on Thursday October 11th, and Monday November 12th. The final exam will be cumulative, the midterms are not. No make-up exams or extra assignments will be provided for student who do poorly. There will no make-up midterms. If you miss a midterm AND HAVE A VALID MEDICAL CERTIFICATE, the weight assigned to the missed midterm (15%) will be transferred to the other midterm (+5%) and to the final (+10%). COURSE OUTLINE AND READING LIST Introduction to Microeconomics Consumer Theory Production and Cost Theory Perfectly Competitive Markets Monopoly Chapters 1 and 2 Chapters 3, 4 and 5 Chapters 6, 7 and 8 Chapters 9 and 10 Chapter 11 Note: the course outline and required readings are subject to change. GENERAL COMMENTS Class notes will not be made available to students. If you miss a class, I encourage you to ask a fellow student about the content missed and borrow their notes. Students are greatly encouraged to try as many problems from the study guide (and textbook) as possible. If you would like to have your answers checked, you can hand them in to the T.A. He or she will also be holding regular office hours during the term.