KOÇ UNIVERSITY ECON 200: Principles of Economics Fall 2012

ECON 200: Principles of Economics
Fall 2012
Course Syllabus
Office :
Phone :
E-mail :
Office Hours:
Sinan Sarpça
3 and 4
CASE 251
Tuesday 1-2pm
(or by appointment)
Thomas Crossley
1 and 2
CASE 276
Monday 1-2pm
(or by appointment)
Course Web Page:
The course web page for all four sections is http://ais.ku.edu.tr/course/19823/Default.html. Regular
problem sets will be posted on the web page. Exam dates, places and seating arrangements will also be
made available. You should frequently visit the web site for new information.
Course Description: This course examines the basic concepts in economics. The first part covers
microeconomics. Topics include how firms decide on production and how market works. The second
part covers macroeconomics. In this part, we will study the economy as a whole.
Textbook : Mankiw and Taylor, Economics, 2nd Edition
Teaching Assistants: Teaching Assistants (TAs) will hold office hours every week to help the
students. Time and place for these will be announced on the web page.
Course Requirements: It is essential that you attend class meetings, and do your problem sets.
Although these will not be graded, you will have similar questions in the exams.
(1) There will be two midterms (25% of your grade each) and a final exam (50% of your grade).
(The time and place of the midterm exams will be posted on the web page).
(2) In addition, a bonus of up to 10% will be available for class participation.
(3) The midterms will contain multiple choice questions. The final exam will both contain both
multiple choice and short answer questions. The final exam covers the whole course.
(4) Any objections to exam grades must be submitted to the instructors in writing within one week
after the exam grades are announced. The time and place for the objections will be announced
in class.
(5) Make-up Exam Policy: If you miss an midterm and have a valid excuse, for each midterm
you missed, you will be given a make-up on the official final make-up exam date, scheduled
by the Registrar’s office. If you miss the final with a valid excuse, you will be given a makeup
on a date to be announced.
“Honesty and trust are important to all of us as individuals. Students and faculty adhere to the
following principles of academic honesty at Koç University:
1. Individual accountability for all individual work, written or oral. Copying from others or providing
answers or information, written or oral, to others is cheating.
2. Providing proper acknowledgement of original author. Copying from another student’s paper or
from another text without written acknowledgement is plagiarism.
3. Authorized Teamwork. Unauthorized help from another person or having someone else write one’s
paper or assignment is collusion.
Cheating, plagiarism, and collusion are serious offenses resulting in an F grade and disciplinary
1. Opportunity cost and the gains from trade.
2. Supply, demand and the efficiency of markets
Ch. 1 (principle 2), 3.
Ch. 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
First midterm (covering topics 1 and 2)
3. Firms and Industries
4. The Data of Macroeconomics
Ch. 13, 14, 15, 16
Ch. 23, 24
and 28 (pages 593-600 only)
Second Midterm (covering topics 3 and 4)
5. Growth, Saving and Investment
6. Money and Exchange rates
Final (covering the whole course)
Ch. 25, 26, 27
Ch. 29, 31