doc, 7 MB - Granville South Creative and Performing Arts High School

* PHONE: 9892 2654 * FAX:
Last Day of Term 1 is Thursday 2nd April
First Day of Term 2 is Tuesday 21st April
Year 11 Examinations will be Week 2
Cross Country Carnival will be on Friday 1st May (Week 2)
School Athletics Carnival will be on Friday 15th May (Week 4)
P and C Meeting 27th May at 5:30pm
Student Achievements:
Congratulations to Corey Patten of Year 10 who has been involved in the
creation of a short film which has been chosen to be shown at this years Kid's
Flick Festival.
Congratulations to all Year 11 students who participated in the 2014 Peer
Literacy Tutoring; AMOUD, Iman, AVAGIAN, Ashkhen, AYDIN, Selin, BARBERA,
Cortney, CHARROUF, Amanda, DUPOVAC, Vehid, EL DIRANI, Shazar, ELHALLAK, Hassan, EL-HALLAK, Mohamad, HASNA, Fatime
New Staff:
Welcome to Ms Emma Orton who will be taking the role of Ms Carla Lombardo
who is on leave for the remainder of the year.
Mrs Maria Leiva will be commencing her new position as Deputy Principal at
Strathfield South High School
Front page photos: Pictures from Harmony Day Celebrations. Courtesy of Ms
VISIT: * PHONE: 9892 2654 * FAX: 9892 2764
We have had a very busy term 1 2015, and I am
sure we will all enjoy the school holiday break.
I would like to recognise the efforts of our staff,
students and parents who have managed and
supported a number of key events and hosted
visitors to our school. These events have
Harmony day – thanks to Ms Issa and Ms
Armont for their leadership, and Ms Jouni
for co-ordinating the parent helpers and
local community business donations. This
event would not have been successful
without our amazing parents and
generous sponsors.
Year 6 Open Day – thanks to Mr Garrido
and Ms Cameron for their organisation,
and our ensemble students for promoting
our school in a very exciting positive way
SOLES (self organised learning
environments) – congratulations to Ms
King, Mr White and Ms Nguyen for their
success in presenting this at a state
conference this term and organising
external teacher visits to observe our
teachers delivering this to students. This
highlights some of the amazing work our
teachers are doing in providing excellent
learning opportunities.
‘Beyond the Bridge’ student teacher visits
from Sydney University – thanks to Mr
Woollams for managing this.
School Photos – thanks Mr Woollams
Commencement of student tutoring
sessions on Thursdays by UWS student
teachers – thanks Mr Woollams for
organising this and Ms Jouni for
contacting parents to get support and
permission for students to be involved
‘Links to Learning’ – I’m sure the boys
involved in this program will join me in
thanking Ms Kassapakis
Student Immunisations – thanks Ms Fares
‘Helmsman’ – The girls from year 10 have
had their first sailing session with Ms
Tsaloukas and will be excitedly preparing
for their second sailing trip early next
The teachers at Granville South Creative and
Performing Arts High School are very committed
to success and are involved in many activities
beyond their class teaching responsibilities. We
understand that there are times when parents
would like to speak with staff and this is
encouraged. I ask that parents please respect the
professional responsibilities of our staff and make
arrangements through the front office to book
appropriate times and dates for either phone
conversations or face to face meetings. If you can
provide an outline of the reason for your request,
staff can prepare information and ensure matters
can be addressed appropriately.
VISIT: * PHONE: 9892 2654 * FAX: 9892 2764
I also ask parents to respect and support our
school policy on student phone use. Students
have been reminded of appropriate phone use at
school. This includes the expectation that phones
are ‘off and out of sight’ in the classroom and
during school events such as assemblies. There
have been a number of incidents where students
are refusing to follow this expectation even after
multiple reminders, interrupting the teaching and
learning that is expected to take place. At
Granville South Creative and Performing Arts High
School, this is considered a breach of student
behaviour expectations.
We recognise that the world of learning is
changing and technology is integral to this world,
a very different place to that of schooling in the
past. Last year Ms King prepared a BYOD policy
and a requirement for parents and students to
sign an agreement to allow use of technology
such as phones for educational purposes only.
This was provided to students currently in year
10. We will be providing a BYOD agreement for
students and parents to sign through this year.
This agreement will enable students with parent
permission to use a device as directed by
teachers for educational purposes only. Until this
time, students are expected to have phones ‘off
and out of sight’ at all times in class and events
such as assemblies.
We also have a duty of care responsibility for
students and as such, communication between
students and parents or family needs to be
considerate of this duty of care and appropriate
phone use expectations. If parents or family and
students need to correspond this cannot be done
in class or during events such as assemblies. We
can give permission for students to use their
phones to contact parents or family, but this
must be done in consultation with executive
teachers and/or office staff, at an appropriate
We have been working on ways of improving
communication with parents and have now had
our Facebook and electronic signage for nearly 12
months. Both have been received well by our
community. Feedback on what you would like
added to these forms of communication can be
given to Ms King.
Our attendance team led by Mr Nagi have
significantly reduced lateness to school and we
appreciate the efforts of our parents in
supporting this. I would also like to acknowledge
the work of Ms Leiva who has been working on
procedures to improve management and
notification to parents of concerns with
attendance, including whole day and truancy.
Parents have been included in reviewing these
processes and we know that we will also get
parent support as we implement these
procedures next term.
In closing my message for this newsletter, I would
like to personally thank Ms Leiva for her support
and work at Granville South Creative and
Performing Arts High School as Deputy Principal.
She has made very strong connections with staff,
student and parents and will be missed.
Enjoy the holidays.
Melissa Johnston
VISIT: * PHONE: 9892 2654 * FAX: 9892 2764
Deputy Principal
Mr Price
s we near the end of term 1 I would like to take
the opportunity of reminding both students and
their families of the importance of pedestrian
safety at the end of the school day. Students are
required to leave the school via. the pedestrian
gate only. No student should walk through the
upper carpark. This carpark is strictly out of
bounds for obvious safety reasons. Students
catching buses are reminded that they should line
up inside the gate nearest the bus bay and await
the directions of the Head Teacher on duty.
A number of students leave via the gate at the
back of the school. Please watch for traffic, use
the designated crossing and walk directly across
the road. On rare occasions the gate may not
have been unlocked due to unforeseen
circumstances. If this is the case, students are not
to climb over the fence under any circumstances.
Once again this is for safety reasons as well as
respecting the privacy of our neighbours.
Students have been advised on assembly that a
staff member will open the gate if the front office
is informed it is locked.
It is also timely to remind parents and students
who drive of safe driving practices outside the
school. Road use laws are designed to ensure the
safety of all, and special laws apply in and around
schools during school time. It is against the law to
double park near a pedestrian crossing, block
traffic, pick up students in a no-parking or nostanding zone or do a u-turn across the double
lines outside the school. There are also strict
speed limits in school zones. The police and
council rangers have indicated that patrols of
school zones are conducted regularly to monitor
driving habits and issue infringement notices. I
encourage parents to pick up students further up
Rowley Rd, or at the back of the school so as to
ease traffic congestion directly at the front of the
May I take this opportunity to wish our students
and school community a safe and relaxing
Mr T Price,
Deputy Principal
Deputy Principal
Ms Issa
We have had a very busy term to begin the year.
We celebrated Harmony Day on Thursday 19th
March. Students participated in a formal
assembly, harmony day lesson, and afternoon
celebration. Thank you to everyone who assisted
on the day.
We are continuing to examine our Welfare Policy
and have had regular meetings throughout the
term. We will continue to keep you informed
through the school newsletter next term.
We have also surveyed students, staff and
parents in regards to the delivery of Scripture at
VISIT: * PHONE: 9892 2654 * FAX: 9892 2764
GSCAPAHS. We will finalise this process ready to
start next term. Thank you for all of your input
and feedback.
A social committee has been formed in
preparation for our 50th Anniversary Celebration
next year. If you are interested in helping with
the celebrations please inform the front office on
9892 2654.
will be trained in CPR.
Finally I would like to thank all of the senior
executive, executive, staff, SASS ladies and David.
I will be taking up the position of Deputy Principal
at Strathfield South High School commencing
Term 2.
From next term onwards we will be running a
breakfast club. The program will be run in A Block
between 8am and 8:30am every Wednesday. All
students are welcome to attend.
To all the families, I thank you for assisting me
achieve all that I possibility could over the past 3
years and 1 term. To all the students I would like
thank you for your support. I will miss you all
I wish you a happy, safe and restful holidays.
Looking forward to a bright and brand new term.
To my year 12 - I will be thinking you and wish
you all well for the HSC and future endeavours.
We are continuing to examine our Welfare Policy
and have had regular meetings throughout the
term. We will continue to keep you informed
through the school newsletter next term.
Donna Issa
To GSCAPAHS community I thank you as I walk
away a very confident and competent DP.
Maria Leiva
Deputy Principal
Deputy Principal
Deputy Principal
Ms Leiva
Year 12 are completing their Half Yearly
Examinations in the hall during weeks 9 and 10.
Term 2 will see a revamped attendance policy
after consultation sessions with staff and parents
take off to ensure students are maximizing every
learning opportunity possible.
This term has been a very busy but eventful term
where staff have actively been involved in
professional learning. All staff at GSCAPAHS have
completed DEC mandatory training which
include: emergency care, anaphylaxis and child
awareness protection training and next term we
We had a good attendance at our first P & C
meeting this year that was held on Wednesday
18th March. Thank you to Miss Cameron for
presenting the new Merit System to us. At the
meeting parents and carers had the opportunity
to clarify and discuss school and community
topics that were concerning them.
As a group we also discussed funding
opportunities we could participate in as a whole
school initiative and independently as a P&C.
Please feel free to join us at our next meeting on
the 27/05/2015 at 5:30pm.
Karen Tookey
P and C Secretary.
VISIT: * PHONE: 9892 2654 * FAX: 9892 2764
On Wednesday 18th March, students competed in
the Canterbury Bulldogs Rugby League 9’s Gala
Day. The girls team performed extremely well
and demonstrated great sportsmanship
throughout the day. The girls won 2 out of their 3
round games to make it to the final, however,
narrowly going down to 4-2 to Bass Hill High
School. Thank you to the staff involved on the day
and to one of our senior students Meliame Lasalo
for assisting our coaches.
A special mention to Margret Cava, Iasinita
Fangupo, Atelina Rakuli, Brodie Dillon and RavenLee Kairua on their selection for the Canterbury
Bulldogs representative team. This is the first
time students from Granville South Creative and
Performing Arts High School have been selected
in this team and we wish them all the best.
If you see
trespassers in
the school out of
hours we would
appreciate a call
to school
1300 880 021
24 hours
Miss Orton
VISIT: * PHONE: 9892 2654 * FAX: 9892 2764
Harmony Day Rugby Cup
The SRC and SLG have begun the year by
establishing a new school tradition, that is, the
annual Harmony Day Rugby Cup.
The event was organised by Prefect, Meliame
Lasalo with the support of Minoneti Langi and
Josefa Toga.
We had 6 teams of 12 players challenge each
other to be crowned champions of the Harmony
Day Rugby Cup. Congratulations to the Year 12
boys for a fine display of athleticism and
sportsmanship. Well done to all the students who
participated in the event and made it such a
Harmony Day Celebration
Just wanting to send a big thanks for Granville
South Creative and Performing Arts High School,
Community, Parents and caregivers as well as the
local businesses who supported the school and
donated food and drinks.
Abu Hussein grocery specially Ahmad, Hot bread
and Zraika Family Butchers.
Ms Jouni
Community Liaison Officer
Thank you to all the PDHPE staff who helped
referee the games.
Thank you to Farous Nghath, Nathan Kellett and
Mustafa Al-Modhefer for helping with the clean
up after school.
We look forward to bringing you more exciting
events in the future so please continue to support
the SRC and SLG to make our school a better
Miss L Nguyen and
Miss R Rama
SRC and SLG Coordinators.
VISIT: * PHONE: 9892 2654 * FAX: 9892 2764
HSIE Faculty
excursion which has been planned for Term 2,
2015. Modern History students have debated the
veracity of theories on the assassination of JFK
and the broader implication of such debates for
the study of history.
A huge welcome back to all our students to a
wonderful start to the 2015 school year. Students
have been working diligently in HSIE subjects this
term and developing their skills in a range of
areas. Year 7 Geography students have been
investigating the world and will be going on a
thrill packed excursion to Blue Mountains next
term while Year 8 History students have been
going back in time to study about Medieval
Year 9 Geography students have been polishing
their skills on Australia’s physical environment
while Year 9 History students have been learning
about the movement of people around the world.
Year 10 Geography students have been engaged
in an analysis of geographical issues including
coastal management and they have evaluated the
strategies that could be implemented to manage
these issues whereas in History they have been
focusing on the rights and freedoms of people
around the world.
While all of this has been going on, the HSIE
teachers have been applying Literacy and
Numeracy strategies to assist our students with
their reading, writing and when solving historical
or geographical problems involving numbers.
For the first time students will be sitting for their
HSC in Studies of Religion and we are anticipating
some good results. Yr 12 Retail Services students
are busy finalising their work placements which
will commence next term. Yr 12 Business Studies
students have been participating really well in
class and are also preparing for their excursion to
Sydney Tower Restaurant early next term as part
of their Marketing topic and also to finish off
their Yr 12 Business Studies in style. Our Year 12
students have undertaken their Half Yearly
Examinations and they are planning ahead for
further strategies for improvement in their work.
We encourage them to remain consistent and
diligent over the next two terms in preparation
for the HSC examinations in October this year. I
would like to take this opportunity to thank all
the HSIE staff for their hard work this term.
S. Sharma-Lal
Head Teacher HSIE
Support Faculty
On Friday the 27th of March 2015, Support
students from years 11 and 12 attended the
Nicholson Museum at the University of Sydney.
The HSIE faculty is proud to announce that for the
first time we will be taking our Yr 11 and 12 Legal
Studies students and Yr 10 Commerce students
on an excursion to Canberra to visit the High
Court of Australia and the Federal Parliament.
Both students and HSIE teachers are very excited
about this and really looking forward to this
VISIT: * PHONE: 9892 2654 * FAX: 9892 2764
Cafeteria and walking along side other University
students as they went to their lectures.
It was a fun and exciting day. After all, they did
meet an ancient mummy!
Ms Menezes
Support Unit
PDHPE Faculty
Lawn Bowls Gala Day
On Friday the 20th March Andre Ulavalu,
Mesuilame Vea-Williams, Kohlahse Cherrington
and Ian Norman represented the school at the
NSW CHS Lawn Bowls gala day. The boys turned
up to a chilly morning at Glenbrook Bowling Club
with little to no experience in the sport.
As part of their HSIE stage 6 program, students
have been studying Ancient Civilisations and were
given the opportunity to view this private
collection of ancient artefacts donated by the late
Sir Charles Nicholson; a past Chancellor of the
Ian Norman led the team through 5 games
throughout the day only going down to Model
Farms High School in the first game. The boys
then motored throughout the day winning the 4
remaining games to finish up 3rd overall on the
Students were given the opportunity to view a
real mummified Egyptian; along with their highly
decorated casket, fragments of Egyptian tiles and
Not only did our students get the rare
opportunity to view ancient Egyptian artefacts
but they were also able to view ancient Roman
sculptures, Grecian Urns and Ancient Battle wear.
After the visit at the Museum, year 11 and 12
students were taken around the grounds of the
University to appreciate and experience
University life for the day. This included
graduation day, having lunch at the University
The skill and talent of the boys was identified and
they were accordingly invited to compete as the
Prospect Zone team in the regional
championships on the 1st of May. Good luck boys.
VISIT: * PHONE: 9892 2654 * FAX: 9892 2764
Open Boys Volleyball
A tough game was witnessed by spectators
watching our boys taking on Greystanes High
School. Our boys put up a good fight evening up
the sets at 1-1 after the second set. This meant a
decider in the third set and after a tough 30
minutes we went down to Greystanes losing 3433 in the third set.
Open Girls Softball
Open Girls Soccer
The open girls’ soccer team played in their first
round competition game against James Ruse High
School. The girls took an early lead thanks to a
brilliant goal from Brodie Dillon slamming a great
through ball from Farous Nghath into the top of
the net. Unfortunately we conceded a last minute
equaliser from the opposition which forced the
game into Penalty Shootouts. With an
outstanding performance in goals Raven-Lee
Kairua didn’t let the team down and put up an
amazing fight pulling off some brilliant saves. We
eventually went down 3-2 on penalties.
For the first time we fielded a girls softball team
thanks to Miss Zahra from the English faculty. A
team formed and trained with enthusiasm and
fire in the bellies. Unfortunately the girls lost their
first round match, however there were lots of
laughs to be had by all.
Open Boys Soccer
The open boys’ soccer team played their
competition opener against Merrylands High
School. With a lot of Prospect Zone soccer players
in the opposition team this game was always
going to be a challenge. Due credit goes to our
boys for playing well as a team coming away with
a 3-1 win over Merrylands. They moved into the
second round against Wyndham College. Again
the boys played really well as a team with some
individual brilliance from Ahmad Al Mansure and
Ali Rifahi who scored the equaliser in the second
half. This game went to penalty shootouts, just
like our girls teams and unfortunately went down
3-2 on penalties.
Cross Country and Athletics Carnivals
Our annual school cross country carnival will be
held on Friday the 1st of May at Campbell Hill
Reserve. If the day is spoiled by rain student will
enter in compete during their sport lessons the
following week.
The athletics carnival will be held at Wyatt Park
Athletics Carnival on Friday the 15th of May.
Similarly to the swimming carnival, students will
be given the option of meeting at the venue if the
appropriate permission notes are signed and
returned. Otherwise students can meet at school
and catch the bus to the venue.
VISIT: * PHONE: 9892 2654 * FAX: 9892 2764
These are both compulsory school days and all
students are required to attend.
Year 11 Sport
Year 11 students are being given the opportunity
to remove sport from their pattern of study in the
Preliminary RoSA year. In light of the new
Department of Education and Communities sport
and physical activity guidelines students will still
be given the opportunity to participate in sport
through the various carnivals, knockout and gala
day events the school enters throughout the
to stay at school on Friday afternoons with
supervision to complete work. Parents will be
notified. In addition, there may be some
circumstances where students have made
arrangements to work with staff with prior
appointments. And parent notification.
Mr Farthing
Year 11 sport currently occurs on Friday’s period
5 and 6. If your child has completed all
mandatory work required of them in term 1 sport
time, they can choose 1 of the following options;
Remove sport from their timetable and
leave school at lunch time on a Friday. Students
must return the attached permission note
indicating that they want Year 11 sport removed
from their timetable and that they understand
that this means they must leave school at lunch
time on a Friday.
Leave sport on their timetable and remain
at school engaged in sport sessions supervised by
a teacher. All students who do return their
permission note will remain in a sport class and
must stay at school until the end of period 6.
Ensemble students - Remove sport from
their timetable and have ensembles added. This
will be done automatically for students in
ensembles. These students will be expected to
attend ensembles on a Friday afternoon and will
not have permission to leave at lunch on a Friday.
Note: Students who are failing to meet
preliminary RoSA requirements, as indicated by
N-Warning letters sent home, may be expected
Last year Year 9 students participated in Bring
Your Own Device. Next term all students will be
able to participate in the whole school program.
All students who bring any electronic device to
school will be required to sign a BYOD form. Both
students and their parents must sign the
agreement forms and return them to the front
The BYOD form will be sent to all parents and
students and can be printed off and returned in
Term 2. An email will also be sent to all parents
and students at the beginning of the term
VISIT: * PHONE: 9892 2654 * FAX: 9892 2764
workshops give HSC students a chance to do experiments
and demonstrations of key ideas in the syllabus that are
difficult to do in the classroom. Kickstart Biology, Chemistry
and Physics are running in the June School Holidays.
Students can register individually to attend at
Camden Open Day Explore the fascinating world of
agriculture, environment, science and veterinary science at
the University of Sydney’s Camden Open Day. Do hands-on
workshops, hear captivating talks and meet scientists
conducting cutting edge research. Register your Year 9&10
students at
Year 10 University Day@UWS Tuesday 28
April 2015. There are some outstanding notes
please bring them in by the end of the week.
Notes will be distributed to years 7& 8 week
10 (term 1) !
Years 7 & 8 UNSW ASPIRE in school
workshops Wednesday 29 April 2015
Parent/Teacher Courses of Interest
JMC Academy- Sydney Information Session JMC Academy
invite you to our information session on Thursday April
16th from 6.00pm. This small forum for students and
parents will give you the opportunity to ask lots of
questions and will help you gain deeper insight into our
creative industry courses, career outcomes, industry trends,
fee-help and application
Kickstart in the School Holidays Kickstart Science
Galuwa Engineering and IT Experience 2015 Galuwa
Engineering and IT Experience 29th June to 3rd July. For
NSW Aboriginal and Torrest Strait Islander students in year
9 to 12 who are interested in Engineering or IT. All expenses
paid.More information at or by email to
The Art of Presenting,5th May 2015 6.00pm to 8.30pm
Mastering the art of presenting yourself, your product, your
ideas Project professionalism-Increase confidence-Succeed
at interviews Marketing, Media and Design Personality,
John Eussen , will share his key points
to: PRESENT, ARTICULATE and DELIVER your message with
Email to register.
Macquarie in a Day – Thursday 16 April The schedule for
Macquarie in a day is now available. You can plan your day
and get a feel for what uni is really like. You’ll be able to: •
get a feel for the campus • sit in on lectures and demos •
experience some practicals and tutorials • choose your own
subjects and plan your own day • ask professors and
current students all of your burning questions Register now
Scholarship Application Process, Turning Point Consulting,
Your Venue & Date Focusing on competencies and
understanding of these we work to create a depth of
knowledge as to personal abilities as demonstrated in
school, work and home life for students to draw on in
scholarship applications. Offering suggestions as to
effective application writing we highlight areas requiring
attention and recommend self-reflection, assessment of
Leadership Skills Workshop, Turning Point Consulting,
Your Venue & Date Throughout higher education and into
tertiary studies or the workplace, students are required to
better understand and utilise leadership capabilities to
demonstrate behaviours within their school or institution.
Students also need to provide a framework for allowing
ACE the HSC Charity Seminars at UOW “ACE the HSC”
Seminars at UOW – An evening of HSC seminars designed
for Year 11 & 12 at UOW Wollongong on Tuesday 26th
March (6:30-8:30pm). These 40 minute sessions, presented
by Senior HSC Teachers, Counsellors and previous highachieving students. Tickets are $10 with proceeds to Youth
Off The Streets charity. Register at or call 1300 677 336.
HSC Charity Seminars at UTS - Tuesday 5th May “ACE the
HSC” Seminars at UTS – An evening of HSC seminars
designed for Year 11 & 12 at UTS Broadway on Tuesday 5th
May(6:30-8:30pm). These 40 minute sessions are presented
by Senior HSC Teachers, Counsellors and previous highachieving students. Tickets are $10 with proceeds to Youth
Off The Streets charity. Register at or call 1300 677 336.
Change of date - ACU Strathfield HSC Enrichment Day –
Now Thursday 2 July Come along to our HSC Enrichment
Days where you’ll have an opportunity to listen to lectures
from University academics who have set and marked the
HSC. Strathfield Campus Thursday 2 July Subjects include
Economics and English. North Sydney Campus Thursday 9
July Subjects include Business Studies and Legal Studies.
You must register online at
BiG Day In @ University of Newcastle - Thursday 30 April
BiG Day In Newcastle IT Careers Conference for high school
students from Years 9-12 will be held on Thursday 30 April
2015 at University of Newcastle. Bring your students to
hear industry speakers from Microsoft, Westpac, WiseTech
Global and more to come, talking about their career paths
& the future of technology as well as visiting cool exhibitor
stands. Enq: Kerrie, ACS Foundation 02 8296 4
BiG Day In @ University of Canberra - Thursday 11 June
2015 BiG Day In Canberra IT Careers Conference for high
school students from Years 9-12 will be held on Thursday
11 June 2015 at University of Canberra. Bring your students
to hear industry speakers from Microsoft, Westpac, HP, ACT
Health, WiseTech Global and more to come, talking about
their career paths & the future of technology as well as
visiting cool exhibitor stands. Enq: Kerrie, ACS Foundati
High standards at College of Event Management College of
Event Management is on a bit of a high at the moment.
Recent data shows a high calibre of participants in our
Diploma of Events, a high standard of work, a high
completion rate, a high take-up of industry engagement
and a high rate of students gaining employment after
graduating. Contact us for more information on
1300725846. Or visit us at
Information Session March 26 at 6pm If you’re passionate
about becoming an Interior Designer or Interior Decorator
then we invite you to come to an information session at our
VISIT: * PHONE: 9892 2654 * FAX: 9892 2764
studios to learn more and find out which course is best for
you. While you’re here, have a look around and view our
graduate’s exciting work. Register below
Construction industry employers discuss
recruitment Students can watch employers talk about
their approach to recruiting and interviewing
apprentices in the “Australian Apprenticeships
Construction Pathways – Employer Stories” videos Also on the Australian
Apprenticeships and Traineeships Information
Service’s Australian Apprenticeships – My Gain
YouTube channel are apprentice job hunting stories
The Young Worker Toolkit - The Australian Government
has a website to help you find information about your
workplace rights and obligations Visit
MoneySmart Rookie Campaign Learn more about
managing your money, moving out of home, studying,
budgeting, credit cards, debt and more. Visit:
The Bert Evans Apprentice Scholarships and Country
Apprentice Scholarships are open for nominations until
30th May 2015. A total of fifty scholarships are available.
Updated eligibility criteria apply to include apprentices
working in a skills shortage area and experiencing hardship
in both metropolitan and regional areas. Scholarships are
open to apprentices who meet the eligibility criteria and
are in the first year of their apprenticeship contract
including school based apprentices. Scholarship recipients
will receive $5,000 per year up to year 3 of their
apprenticeship contract. Please review the information at:
RESUME Template - Available in Careers office.
Need a TAX FILE NUMBER: Do you have a tax file number
(TFN)? If you don’t, you will need one soon- for
employment, youth allowance or for the Higher Education
Contribution Scheme (HECS). Schools no longer process the
Tax File form. The application process requires you to apply
online and visit your nearest Australian Post Office. For
more information visit:
William Angliss Institute Scholarships The William Angliss
Institute Foundation provides educational opportunities
and financial assistance to support students in achieving
their career ambitions. See website for further information,
closing date is 30th May. * PHONE: 9892 2654 * FAX: 9892 2764
VISIT: * PHONE: 9892 2654 * FAX: 9892 2764
23 March 2015 JobJump Careers News
KLA Bulletin
Helping our students and inspiring them
in a subject area has become easier. Find
below a listing of special careers news, If
you know students have a talent, this is a
great way to assist them, so please
encourage them to take part in those
events mentioned below.
Dance, Drama, Music, Visual Arts
Excelsia College Schools Visitation Program
Find out how Excelsia College can benefit your school with
their performing arts visitation program. Book workshops,
performances or enquire into other possibilities for Drama
and Music. Contact 9819 8810 or email Visit
Jobs and open auditions for actors, dancers, film crews,
AIE Interview with a Programmer
Former student James Gale, talks about career pathways in
the game design industry, advice he would give.
JMC Academy Upcoming Sydney Performances
24 March and 1 April, 6.30pm
Underground 195 Oxford St, Bondi Junction
14 April, 6.00pm to 8.00pm
Level 2, 7 Kelly Street, Ultimo
Careers in the Sign and Graphic Design Industry
Lists available apprenticeships and gives sign career advice.
Contact: or (02) 9868 1577
Australian College of Physical Education A Day in the Life
of a Professional Dance Teacher
National Institute of Dramatic Art Short Courses for Young
Ages 12 to 18. Courses include HSC Drama Group and HSC
Drama Individual Project. Develop techniques to perform a
dynamic monologue , analyse a play, create a character.
Heywire Competition
Closes 16 September
Aged 16 and over. Live in regional area. Tell your story in
text, video, photo or audio form.
Book an Excursion at Australia’s Industry Focused
Institution Macleay College
We offer Industry-focused excursions for students to
experience their future careers in Advertising and
Journalism. Free workshops and tours can be tailored to the
needs of your student group. Create your own TV
commercial from scratch in our state of the art TV studio!
Become a news presenter in our live newsroom! Visit
Lions Australia Youth Exchange
Closes 30 June
Over 17 . Experience life overseas. 5 or 6 weeks. December
to mid-January.
Academy of Information Technology Information Night
VISIT: * PHONE: 9892 2654 * FAX: 9892 2764
Student Exchange Australia New Zealand Scholarship
Overseas experiences. Early Bird Discount applications 31
My Health Career Health Career Videos
Students and industry experts tell their career
opportunities and study pathways . Selected videos on
dietetics, medicine, nursing, occupational therapy,
optometry, pharmacy, physiotherapy, podiatry and
WEP Student Exchange Scholarships
World Education Program (WEP) Australia is awarding two
$3000 scholarships towards semester and year-long
student exchange programs to over 25 countries around
the world commencing in 2016 (Jan/Feb or July/Aug
departure). To request program information for your school
visit: or email
Senior Science, Biology, Chemistry
UNSW Actuarial Studies Workshop
15 May, 9.30am to 11.30am,
Finity Offices, Level 7
Yr 11 and 12s. UNSW Business School and FINITY, an
Actuarial consultancy, give pathways available to actuary,
what an actuary does.
UTS Bachelor of Accounting Information Evening
19 May, 6.30pm to 7.30pm
UTS City Broadway
All students receive tax free scholarship worth over
Community and Family Studies,
FIA Fitnation Open Day
20 June, 10.00am to 12.30pm
Level 3, 815 George St
Minerals Tertiary Education Council
Careers in the minerals industry, courses, webinars, a
tertiary degree and career guide.
National Youth Science Forum 2016 Applications
Closes 31 May for the National Youth Science Forum 2016.
12 day residential science programs for year 12 students
with lab visits, site tours, professional networks and social
activities. Applications must be endorsed by local Rotary
CSIRO Work Experience
Years 10 to 12 have experience of core research.
Professional Cadetships Australia 2016 Cadetship
Business Cadetship applications close 13 May
Engineering and Technology Cadetship applications open 28
Engineering and Technology Cadetship applications close 12
Year 12 students . Be selected on academic achievement,
leadership potential, teamwork, work experience and
University of Newcastle Women in Engineering and Built
Environment Morning Tea
27 March, 10.00am to 11.30am
RW149 Nursing Theatre, University of Newcastle
Success stories and advice to work in engineering.
University of Newcastle Science and Engineering Challenge
Cobar 28 April
Narrabri 2 to 4 May
Kempsey 5 to 7 May
Taree 18 May
Bowral 19 May
VISIT: * PHONE: 9892 2654 * FAX: 9892 2764
Sydney at Lucas Heights 26 May
Sydney at Silverwater 28 May
Inspiring year 10s to study science and mathematics leading
to future careers.
Med Entry UMAT Preparation Courses
Various dates available from 3 April to 26 July in Sydney
Wollongong, Newcastle and Canberra. Book here.
My Health Career Health Career Videos
Students and industry experts tell their career
opportunities and study pathways . Selected videos on
dietetics, medicine, nursing, occupational therapy,
optometry, pharmacy, physiotherapy, podiatry and
Ancient History, Business Studies,
Legal Studies, Modern History ,
Society and Culture, Studies of
Professional Cadetships Australia 2016 Cadetship
Business Cadetship applications close 13 May
Engineering and Technology Cadetship applications open 28
Engineering and Technology Cadetship applications close 12
Year 12 students . Be selected on academic achievement,
leadership potential, teamwork, work experience and
UNSW Actuarial Studies Workshop
15 May, 9.30am to 11.30am,
Finity Offices, Level 7
Yr 11 and 12s. UNSW Business School and FINITY, an
Actuarial consultancy, give pathways available to actuary,
what an actuary does.
UTS Bachelor of Accounting Information Evening
19 May, 6.30pm to 7.30pm
UTS City Broadway
All students receive tax free scholarship worth over
Book an Excursion at Australia’s Industry Focused
Institution Macleay College
We offer Industry-focused excursions for students to
experience their future careers in Advertising, Journalism or
Business. Free workshops and tours can be tailored to the
needs of your student group. Create your own TV
commercial from scratch in our state of the art TV studio!
Become a news presenter in our live newsroom! Visit
Design and Technology, Food
Technology, Industrial Technology,
Information Processes Technology and
Technology, Software Design and
AIE Interview with a Programmer
Former student James Gale, talks about career pathways in
the game design industry, advice he would give.
Academy of Information Technology Information Night
14 April, 6.00pm to 8.00pm
Level 2, 7 Kelly Street, Ultimo
Before You Sign Up to a Training Course Know Your Rights
NSW Fair Trading education campaign alerting about
inappropriate conduct by training providers marketing
VET FEE-HELP courses. Know your rights and obligations
before signing to a training course.
Foster Girls in Trades
Do you have Girls studying & interested in a Trade or Non
Traditional Role? If so, The Lady Tradies will come along to
your school, talk to your students & help foster this interest
VISIT: * PHONE: 9892 2654 * FAX: 9892 2764
within these girls. Lets encourage them to step outside the
square & be true to themselves, empower them to know
they really can be whatever they want to be. Ph Wendy on
0418400054 or
VET Entertainment Industry
Heywire Competition
Closes 16 September
Aged 16 and over. Live in regional area. Tell your story in
text, video, photo or audio form.
JMC Academy Upcoming Sydney Performances
24 March and 1 April, 6.30pm
Underground 195 Oxford St, Bondi Junction
National Institute of Dramatic Art Short Courses for Young
Ages 12 to 18. Courses include HSC Drama Group and HSC
Drama Individual Project. Develop techniques to perform a
dynamic monologue , analyse a play, create a character.
VET Financial Services
Professional Cadetships Australia 2016 Cadetship
Business Cadetship applications close 13 May
Year 12 students . Be selected on academic achievement,
leadership potential, teamwork, work experience and
UNSW Actuarial Studies Workshop
15 May, 9.30am to 11.30am,
Finity Offices, Level 7
Yr 11 and 12s. UNSW Business School and FINITY, an
Actuarial consultancy, give pathways available to actuary,
what an actuary does.
UTS Bachelor of Accounting Information Evening
19 May, 6.30pm to 7.30pm
UTS City Broadway
All students receive tax free scholarship worth over
Book an Excursion at Australia’s Industry Focused
Institution Macleay College
We offer Industry-focused excursions for students to
experience their future careers in Business. Free workshops
and tours can be tailored to the needs of your student
group. Create your own TV commercial from scratch in our
state of the art TV studio! Become a news presenter in our
live newsroom! Visit
Early Childhood Course
Are you a caring and patient person who would enjoy
a career with children? TAFEnow’s CHC30113 Certificate III in Early Childhood Education and Care –
is the perfect starter qualification to formalise your
existing childcare experience or gain knowledge and
experience to become part of a centre or specialist
childcare service. Studying with TAFEnow means
studying at your own pace, at a time and in a place
that suits you. Full details or call us on
1300 823 366.
UNSW Indigenous Students Enabling Programs
One year program for Indigenous people who demonstrate
ability to apply into a degree program at UNSW.
The HSC and Careers Expo 2015
28 May to 31 May
Royal Hall of Industries, Moore Park, Sydney
145 exhibitors on HSC, university study, TAFE, exchange
and gap programs.
Hobsons Course Finder Year 12 Survival Tips
OTEN Enrolment
Australia’s largest online TAFE provider. Enrolment at any
UWS Campus Experience
Hawkesbury 16 April, 28 May
Parramatta 26 March, 14 May
Penrith 9 April, 21 May
Register for a ‘Campus Experience’
Meet current student to view UWS facilities.
VISIT: * PHONE: 9892 2654 * FAX: 9892 2764
1 hour tours run from 4.00pm.
UTS International Students’ Info Day
21 May, 10.00am to 1.00pm
UTS Tower Building, Front Entrance, 15 Broadway, Ultimo
Info on courses, visas, fees, support services and student
UTS 2016 Course Guides Now Available Online
Subject Bonus Points at ACU
Up to five bonus points based on performance in specific
year 12 subjects relevant to Uni course.
Charles Sturt University Live
Videos on key study areas and student life at CSU.
University of Wollongong Information Evenings
Young 3 May
Forbes 4 May
Illawarra 4 May
Southern Sydney 5 May
Dubbo 5 May
Campbelltown 6 May
Bathurst 6 May
Penrith 7 May
Canberra 14 May
Coffs Harbour 20 May
Goulburn 27 May
2 week exploration of East Timor. Gain opportunity to visit
development projects, meet diplomats, see NGOs,
experience life in East Timor.
Contact: Chloe Kelly on
Certificate IV in Community Services Work - Information
1 April
The UOW College is proud to announce we now offer the
Certificate IV in Community Services Work at the UOW
Shoalhaven Campus in Nowra. We will be holding at
Shoalhaven Campus. Details of the event can be found on
the UOW College website
or contact Sherien Khachiche via
Basair Aviation College Career Information Seminar
30 April, 7.00pm to 8.30pm
26 May, 7.00pm to 8.30pm
Bankstown Airport, 628/23-25 Airport Avenue, Bankstown
Largest flying school in Australia.
Matrix Education Holiday Courses
7 April to 17 April
Sydney CBD, Chatswood, Strathfield, and Epping
For years 7 to 12. English and maths and HSC specific.
Meet Melbourne Albury
29 April. 6.00pm TO 8.00pm
Albury Entertainment Centre, Swift St
course info, scholarships, Access Melbourne, housing
options and Indigenous students info.
UN Youth Australia Pacific Project
Applications are now open for years 10, 11 and 12.
VISIT: * PHONE: 9892 2654 * FAX: 9892 2764
Have a safe and
happy holiday.
VISIT: * PHONE: 9892 2654 * FAX: 9892 2764