Eng Lit
: 1. The snakes secret, 2. The Daffodils 3. The Bishops candle sticks, 4. Diwali, 5.
Rapid Reader : 1. The Lonely Heart, 2. I keep six honest serving man.
Eng Lang : 1. Verbs, 2. Agreement of verb with the subject, 3. Modals, 4. Adjectives, 5. Active &
Passive voice, 6. Question Tags, 7. letter writing (Informal), 8. Essay writing, 9. Unseen passage.
Hindi Lit : 4- pkWap ls FkksM+h lh xIisa] 5- v{kjksa dk egRo] 6- ikj utj ds] 7- ,sls ,sls] 8- fVdV ,yce] 9- >kWalh dh jkuh] vyjke dFkk& 21 ls 40
Hindi Lang : 8- laf/k] 9- lekl] 10- milxZ&izR;;] 11- vusd 'kCnksa ds fy, , 'kcn] 12- vusdkFkhZ
'kCn] 13- vifBr x|ka'k] dkO;ka'k&01] 01] 14- fuca/k&2] 15- vuqPNsn&2] fp= ys[ku] 16- dgkuh ys[ku&01] O;ogkfjd O;kdj.k
: 5. Negative numbers and integers, 8. Introduction to Algebra, 9. Ratio, proportion and unitary method, 11. Angles, 12. Triangles, 13. Quadrilaterals, 14. Circles
Physics :
Chemistry :
Hist / Civ
Ch 12. Light, Shadows and Reflection
Ch 3. Fibre and Fabric, Ch 4. Sorting materials into groups
Ch 7. Living and non living, Ch 8. Getting to know plants, Ch 9. Body movements
Geography :
Computers :
Hist : Ch 4. In the earliest cities, Ch 6. Kingdoms, kings and an early republic,
Ch 7. New questions and ideas.
Civ : Ch 3. What is government, Ch 4. Key elements of a Democratic government.
2. Globe
– latitudes and longitudes, 3. Motions of the Earth
3. Formatting paragraph in word, 4. Advance word features.
2. Environment : Everything is connected, 3. Natural resources : We cannot live without sunlight and air, 4. Natural resources : We cannot live without water and soil, 5. Natural resources : We are over using them.
Punjabi : Alphabets, Onkard maatra, Dulanlkard, Laa, Dulama Hora, Kanaura, Tippi, Bindi, Adak
Maatra will be taught.
Sanskrit : 3- vdkjkUr uiqald fyax] 4- loZuke iz;ksx%] 5- f}rh;k foHkfDr yV ydkj] 6- vga uekfe] 7- leqnz rV%] 'kCn #i &jke] ckyd] /kkrq #i &LFkk] uh
Eng Lit
Eng Lang :
: 3. Gopal and the Hilsa fish, 4. The Ashes that made trees bloom, 5. Quality.
Poem – 1. The trees, 2. The shed, 3. Chivvy
Essay writing, notice writing, unseen poems, modals, agreement of the verbs with the subject, adjectives, determiners, articles, active and passive voices and prepositions.
Hindi Lit : 4- dBiqryh] 5- feBkbZokyk] 6- jDr vkSj gekjk 'kjhj] 7- ikik [kks x,] 8- 'kke ,d fdlku] 9- fpfM+;k dh cPph] 10- viwoZ vuqHko] egkHkkjr dFkk& ist 21&50
Hindi Lang : 8- lekl] 9- milxZ&izR;;] 10- vusdkFkZd 'kCn] 11- vusd 'kcnksa ds fy, ,d 'kCn] 12- fHkUukFkZd 'kCn] 13- yksdksfDr] 14- vifBr x|ka'k&1] vifBr dkO;ka'k&1] 15- dgkuh ys[ku] 16- i=&2] fucU/k&2
: 5. Operation on Rational Numbers, 6. Exponents, 7. Algebraic Expressions, 8. Linear equations in one variable, 10. Unitary method, 11. Percentage, 16. Properties of triangles.
Physics :
Chemistry :
Biology :
Hist / Civ :
Ch 8. Winds, storms and cyclones, Ch 13. Motion and Time
Ch 3. Fibre to Fabric, Ch 6. Physical and Chemical change.
Ch2. Nutrition in animals, Ch 7. Weather, climate and adaptation to climate, Ch 9. Soil
Hist : Ch 4. The Mughal empire, Ch 5. Rulers and building, Ch 7. Tribes, Nomads and settled communities
Civ : Ch 2. Rule of the government in health, Ch 3. How the state government works,
Ch 3. How the state government works.
Geography :
Computers :
Ch 3. Our changing Earth, Ch 4. Air, Ch 5. Water
3. Views, styles and mail merge, 4. Formatting workbooks in Excel,
5. Viewing worksheets and entering formulas.
Punjabi :
Ch 2. Water : It is blue gold, Ch 3. Air : It is the breath of life, Ch 4. Soil : It is the source of food, Ch 5. Forest : It is the reservoir of life.
Letter writing, story writing,
4. Mera Pind, 5. Sher Dee Kucheri, 6. Chidia Ghar Del Sair, 7. Saada Jhanda,
8. Teelephona dee ghanti, 9. Buddhiman mantra, 10. Tithi, 11. Adhikar
Eng Lit
: 1. The Tsunami, 2. Bepin Choudhuriys Lapee of memory, 3. The mystery cat (poem), 4.
The last Burgain (poem), 5. Citi mpses of the past. Rapid Reader – 1. Children at work,
2. The selfish giant.
Eng Lang : 1. Modals, 2. Adjectives, 3. Articles, 4. Determiners, 5. Punctuations, 6. Agreement of verb with the subject, 7. letter writing (informal), 8. Essay writing, 9. Unseen passage / poem (any 2 from the text)
Hindi Lit : clar& 4- nhokuksa dh gLrh] 5- fpfVB;ksa dh vuwBh nqfu;k] 6- Hkxoku ds Mkfd,] 7-
D;k fujk'k gqvk tk,] 8- ;g lcls dfBu le; ugha] 9- dchj dh lf[k;kWa] 10- dkepksjA
Hkkjr dh [kkst& ist 21 ls 50
Hindi Lang : 9- milxZ izR;;] 10- lekl] 11- vusdkFkZd 'kCn] 12- fHkuukFkZd 'kCn] 13- vusd
'kCnksa ds fy, ,d 'kCn] 14- vifBr x|ka'k] dkO;ka'k&-01] 01] 15- i=&01] 16- fucU/k&02] 17- vuqPNsn] dgkuh ys[ku&01] 18- ekSf[kd vfHkO;fDr
: 6. Algebraic expression & identities, 7. Factorization, 8. Division of algebraic expression,
9. Linear equation in one variable, 12. Percentage, 13. Profit, Loss, Discount & VAT,
23. Data handling – I, 24. Data handling – II,
Physics :
Chemistry :
Biology :
Hist / Civ :
Ch 12. Friction, Ch 13. Sound
Ch 5. Coal & Petroleum, Ch 6. Combustion & Flame
Ch 2. Microorganisms : Friends and Foe, Ch 7. Conservation of plants and animals.
Hist : Ch 3. Ruling the country side, Ch 4. Tribals – vision of a golden age, Ch 5. When people rebel.
Civ : Ch 2. Understanding Secularism, Ch 3. Why do we need a Parliament?
Ch 4. Understanding Laws.
Geography :
Computers :
2. Natural Vegetation, Water and Wildlife Resources, 3. Mineral and Power Resources.
3. Downloading and installing files, 4. Word and Web, 5. Advanced features of Excel,
6. Power Point features
EVE : 3. Population : We are too many, 4. Energy : We are running out o oil, 5. Agriculture and
Industry : We are harming nature & ourselves, 6. Lifestyle : We are consuming too much.
Sanskrit :
Punjabi :
4- HkxonTiqde] 5- /kesZ /keu ikis iq.;a] 6- izseyL; izseY;k'p dFkk] 7- tyokfguh]
8- lalkj lkxjL; uk;dk%A 'kCn #i& jktu] ekr`A
Letter writing, story writing,
4. Nimarta, 5. Dim Dum Doru, 6. Balabh Di kahani, 7. Asli Kajhana, 8. Changin Aadata,
10. Taara poem, 11. Diwali