Name and Address: Thomas J. Vanderloop, CMfgE & CMfgT; Faculty Advisor CHIPPEWA VALLEY TECHNICAL COLLEGE 620 WEST CLAIREMONT AVENUE EAU CLAIRE, WISCONSIN 54701-6162 Office Phone: 715-874-4612 or e-mail: Academic Rank/Title: Full Time Manufacturing Technology-CAD Instructor Over 25 Years, an SME Faculty Advisor to Chippewa Valley Technical College-S170 from 1985. Formal Education (College Degrees and Certificates Awarded): Chippewa Valley Technical College, Eau Claire, WisconsinReceived the Advanced Technical Certificate in Computer Integrated Manufacturing (CIM) with Honors Graduated Magna cum Laude; May 1992. University of Wisconsin – Stout, Menomonie, Wisconsin-Received the Education Specialist Degree in Vocational and Technical Education (EdS), May 1982. (Graduate Research in Engineering Documentation for Print Reading.) University of Wisconsin – Stout, Menomonie, Wisconsin-Received a Master of Science Degree in Industrial Education (MS), August 1977. (Graduate Research Industry Survey of Competencies for Mechanical Design Technology.) University of Wisconsin – Stout, Menomonie, Wisconsin-Received a double major with two undergraduate degrees in Industrial Technology-Product Development (BS), and Industrial Education (BS) with an emphasis in Engineering Design/Technology, June 1973. Fox Valley Technical Institute (Currently Fox Valley Technical College), Appleton, Wisconsin-Received an Associate Degree in Mechanical Design Technology, June 1970. (Introduced to ASTME or SME with Chapter 45.) University of Wisconsin – Educational Extension Courses in Madison, Wisconsin, completed Stamping Die Design with a Professor of Production Engineering in the Mechanical Engineering Department; Roy A. Lindberg; Faculty Professor with Dr. Marvin F. DeVries – Department Chairman, FSME, 1983. Computer-software Classes through the Wisconsin Technical College System and the University of Wisconsin – Stout Campus in Menomonie, WI. (Teacher Education Courses and Certification Classes from 1983 through 2011.) Other Related Full-time Work Experiences: Society of Manufacturing Engineers - Curriculum Vitae Technical Certifications and Professional Education Requirements: Certified Manufacturing Engineer (CMfgE), Certified for Life #1008341 Certified Manufacturing Technologist (CMfgT), Certified for Life #2034007 State of Wisconsin Certifications within for – Technical College the “Standard Five-Year the following career areas: Mechanical Drafting; #606 Teacher Technology and #10-623-131 System #421 of Blueprint Board Certificate” Teacher of Mechanical Reading & Geometric Tolerancing, Valid to August 31, 2012 or with Recertification Courses. Certified Geometric Dimensioning & Tolerancing (GD&T) Trainer by Hutchinson Wisconsin Facility. Technology, Inc., Eau Claire, Teacher of Level I & Level II GD&T (Tool-Room & Quality Control) certification courses. Classes are certified by classroom instruction and a valid exam. *Design Engineering & Consulting to Industry, 1981 to the Present 2011: World-Class; Business & Industry-Contract Work. Print Reading, Level I & Level II Geometric Technical Writing, Dimensioning & Tolerancing, Engineering Consulting Education to Over *20 Clients Internationally and within the United States (30 Years). Arabian American Oil Company Phillips in Dhahran, Saudi Plastics Corporation; Arabia Trained at Three Locations; Eau (ARAMCO Oil of Houston, Texas) Claire, Menomonie, and Phillips, Technical Writing UW-Stout Education Dept. in 1984 for Wisconsin (Product Engineering – Technology GD&T Training, 25 Years) Cray Research, Wisconsin Chippewa (GD&T Falls, Regal-Beloit – for Super- Motors, computers) (Lesson Neillsville, Electric) WI (Print Reading - 2009) Cummins Diesel, Industries), (Nelson Riverland Laser, Inc., River Falls, Stoughton, Wisconsin Wisconsin (GD&T-Mufflers) (Precision Laser Engraving) Hutchinson Technology, Inc, Eau Riverside Machine & Engineering, Claire, WI (GD&T Chippewa Tooling/Computer Disk Drives) Ingersoll Milling Company, WI (GD&T Training) Machine Spectrum Industries, Chippewa Illinois Falls, WI (Metal Furniture-Product Rockford, Design in 2006) (GD&T Contract-1990) Madison-Kipp Madison, Falls, Corporation, Stresau Laboratory, Inc., Spooner, Wisconsin (GD&T- WI Precision Die Casting) (DOD & Military Defense Contracts-2007) McNally Industries, Grantsburg, WI Thomas & Betts, Structural Steel (Military Contracting & Training) GD&T Div., Hager City, WI (Curriculumwriting 2009) Miniature Precision Components, UFE Incorporated, River Falls, WI Walworth, WI (GD&T-Product (1988 GD&T in Plant-Training & Design) Product Design) OEM Fabricators, Inc., Woodville, UW-Stout Wisconsin Education (CAD/Design Classes for Teachers of Trinidad & Engineering in Geometric Dimensioning Tolerancing Technical in ASME Y14.5, Tobago in the Caribbean (Summer & 1985 Technology Plant-Training- Education/Summer Project) 2008) Polymer Technology Corporation, Waukesha Engines, A Division of Menomonie, WI Training) (2010-GD&T Dresser Industries, Waukesha, WI (GD&T) (*Admiral Tool & Mfg., Chicago, Illinois; PDM Bridge, Eau Claire, Wisconsin & Other Clients all received Engineering Technology and Design Consulting.) Courses Taught Over the 35 Years as an Engineering/Technology Teacher: Current Coursework at Chippewa Valley Technical College: ASME Y14.5-2009 Geometric Dimensioning & Tolerancing (Level I & II in GD&T) Basic AutoCAD 2010 – Engineering Graphics and Technical DraftingCAD Manufacturing Materials and Processes Parametric Modeling with SolidWorks 2010 (CSWA-Certification for 2011) Print Reading for Electromechanical Technology Print Reading for Machine Tool Techniques Print Reading/Welding Technology; AWS A2.4 Symbols: 2007 & AWS A3.0:2001 Tool Design (Functional Gage-making, Stamping Die Design and MoldDesign) Volunteer Review for the Certified Manufacturing Technologist (CMfgT) Exam; Note over 300 SME/CVTC Students have taken the CMfgT Fundamentals Test, since 1986. Other Course Taught Over a 35 Year Technical-Education Experience: Apprenticeship Courses for the Manufacturing-Machine Trades Cray Research Science & Technology/Teacher Academy in 2002 (Metrology) Engineering Design Problems Descriptive Geometry Kinematics & Mechanisms (Cams & Precision Gearing AGMA- Standards) Machine Design Metallurgy and Material Science OSHA and Safety Education for the Manufacturing Skill Standards Council-2008 Principles & Philosophy of Vocational/Technical Education (UWStout/Extension) Statics & Strength of Materials Technical Publications for Industry & Manufacturing Curriculum: Blueprint Reading for the Machine Trades by Thomas J. Vanderloop with Reston Publishing Company, a Division of Prentice-Hall; Copyright 1983. (Library of Congress Cataloging ISBN: 0-8359-0515-2) Fourteen Video Tapes on Geometric Dimensioning & Tolerancing; along with Ten Video Tapes on Interpreting Engineering CAD Drawings for Manufacturers; Produced at the Chippewa Valley Technical College, and Published with RMI Media Productions, Inc. of Olathe, Kansas in 1991. All Video Tapes are achieved within the CVTC & UW-Stout Libraries. 1994 SME Certification Technical-writer; SME Certification researcher and writer for Certification Staff-Administrator Linda Brown in Dearborn, Michigan. Tech Span 1999 Core Curriculum Project funded by the National Science Foundation (NSF) with support from the Wisconsin Technical College Board. Curriculum guides on (A) Engineering Drawings and (B) Manufacturing Processes Project for the “Wisconsin Manufacturing Curriculum Consortium (WMCC), and the Wisconsin Department of Public Education (DPI); Terri Johnson was a Curriculum Coordinator and Educational Specialist. Mechanical Design 2002 Competency Bank (Compact Published by the Wisconsin Technical College Board. Disk-CD) Developed and supported all the “Tool Design & GD&T-Gaging Competencies” for a mechanical design CAD curriculum. Contact the Worldwide Instructional Design System (WIDS) Consultant; Terri Johnson by Direct Cell Phone; 1-800-677-9437. She is a subject matter expert on all Wisconsin State Technical College Curriculum Projects. Terri is a subject matter expert. SME North Central Region 9 Publications from 1994 & 1995; Volume 5, Numbers 1 to 4 written and published as a 1995 Region- Chair/Editorials: *Manufacturing Technology and Education *Teamwork, the Power of Partnership *World-Class Excellence *Manufacturing Excellence…Preparing for the Future Professional Awards, SME Recognition and Faculty Teaching Honors: *Chippewa Valley Technical College, Faculty Recognition/banquet for 25 Years of Faculty Service; Presented by College President, Bruce Barker (Doctor of Law) in the spring 2010. *SME President’s Circle with Membership Recruitment Support totally over 110 new members representing a “Gold Level of Support” on June 17, 2009 from Richard W. Shoemaker, FSME and Past SME President in 2009. *SME 25 Years Membership Pin as an SME Senior Membership from 1983 to 2008. *University of Wisconsin – Stout; School of Education Exemplary Service Award for Service Excellence as a Cooperating Teacher in the Spring Semester 2008. Presented May 16, 2008; Awarded by UW-Stout and the School of Education, Dean Mary Hopkins-Best, and Brad Hornung. *SME North Central Region 9 presented the “Olin Simpson – A Leadership Award of Merit in 1998” for valued Balanced Contributions to the Society’s Professional Activities and Growth. Acknowledgement is made for Unusual Efforts to the Chapter and Region, and in contributing to the Society’s Greater Recognition and Prestige. Presented by North Central SME Region 9-Chair, Carolyn Walker. *Wisconsin Association for Career & Technical Education, along with the Region III National Association; Awarded both a “Wisconsin Vocational Teacher of the Year,” and the “Region III Vocational Teacher of the Year”. (1 of 6 honored technology teachers in America reaching-out for Professional Excellence in Education…December 9, 1996 in Cincinnati, Ohio). Presented by Greg G. Gumble, (Television Sports Broadcaster), on behalf of the American Vocational Association. *SME International Award of Merit. It was presented in 1995 by Chapter- official, Stewart Gehler and the SME Senior Chapter #335-Indianhead Organization. *SME President’s Pin, it was awarded by Mark Senti, CMfgT and the Indianhead Chapter #335 Chairman in March 1991. *SME-Outstanding Faculty Advisor Honors for S170 Chapter Recognition from 1986 to the present-time. Outstanding Student Chapter Award from SME Headquarters; 1986-87, 1989-1990, 1990-1991, 1994-95, 1998-1999. Region honors and awards also recognized. *Chippewa Valley Technical College-Unsung Hero Award was presented by the Student Senate (Nancy Salbelko) for her nominating efforts in the SME Faculty Advisor honor-1991. *Endowed the SME/Roth/Jansen/Vanderloop Scholarship at the Chippewa Valley Technical College for any Manufacturing Student demonstrating SME College Leadership (Endowed with the Chippewa Valley Technical CollegeFoundation for Students in 1988-1989).