Published by Cambridge University Press - authors : Raymond Haynes, Roslynn Haynes, David Malin
and Richard McGee - 1996 - £ 60.00/US$ 90.00 (hardcover) - ISBN 0 521 36575 9 - number of pages :
527 - history of astronomy
This well-illustrated volume is the most conprehensive account of Australian astronomy to date. It is
both an indispensabel reference book on the history of astronomy in Australia and a highly readable
study of a scientific discipline in the context of emerging nationhood. It covers not only the science, but
the individuals envolved and the social and economic climate in which they worked. Starting from the
ancient Aboriginal beliefs about the Sky World - the earliest known astronomy anywhere in the world we are led through to the most exciting high)tech current and projected research being carried out at
Australia’s world-class national astronomy facilities and by groups in Australian universities. All
branches of astronomy are covered - optical, infrared, X-ray, gamma ray, microwave, gravitational wave
and theoretical - including the contribution of amateur astronomers. The non-technical language, many
illustations and explanatory figures ensure that this guide will appeal to a wide range of readers including professional astronomers, historians of science, students, amateur astronomers and general
Published by Cambridge University Press - author : Andrzej Krasi´nski - 1997 - £ 50.00/US$
80.00(hardcover) - ISBN 0 521 48180 5 - number of pages : 317 - Cosmology/Relativity - professionals
This unique volume provides a comprehensive survey of our understanding of the Universe based on the
axact solutions of the theory of relativity. More preciseley, it describes those models that fit with
astronomical observations of galaxy clusters, cosmic voids and ohter key features of our Universe. This
authoritative account achieves two important goals. Firstly, it collects together all independently derived
cosmological solutions from the birth of relativity in 1915 to the present day, and clearly shows how
they are interrelated. Secondly, it presents a coherent overview of the physical properties of these
inhomogeneous models. It demonstrates, for instance, that the formation of voids and the interaction of
the cosmic microwave background radiation with matter in the Universe can be explained by exact
solutions of the Einstein equations, without the need for approximations.
This book will be of particular interest to graduate and researchers in gravity, relativity and theoretical
cosmology, as well as historians of science.
Published by Cambridge University Press - author : Malcolm S. Longair - 1997 - £ 14.95/US$ 19.95
(softcover) - ISBN 0 521 55091 2 - number of pages : 185 - evolution of stars and galaxies/quasars amateur
“Our Evolving Universe” is a lucid, non-technical and infectiously enthusiastic introduction to current
astronomy and cosmology. Highly illustrated throughout with the latest colour images from the world’s
most advanced telescopes, it also provides a colourful tour of our Universe - right across the spectrum,
from X- and gamma-rays, through to radio waves. For the general reader, student or professional
wishing to understand the key questions today’s astronomers and cosmologists are trying to answer, this
is an invaluable and inspiring read.
Published by Springer Verlag - Practical Astronomy Series edited by Patrick Moore - editor : David
Ratledge - 1997 - DM 49.00/öS 357.70/sFr 44.00 (softcover) - ISBN 3 540 76103 9 - number of pages :
158 - astronomical instruments - amateur
Charge-coupled Devices (CCD’s) have revolutionised astronomy. Even affordable CCD cameras can be
ten times a sensitive as photographic film, and they deliver a digitised image that is easy to enhance
using a personal computer. David Ratledge has brought together contributions from twelve leading
amaterus from around the world, people who are routinely producing astronomical images of a quality
that rivals those of professional observatories only of 10 years ago. These experts describe their
techniques and solutions, and offer essential tips and advice for anyone who is choosing or using a CCD
camera. Now glance through the Colour Gallery at the back of this book to see just what they have done
R589 THE SOLAR SYSTEM (second and corrected edition)
Published by Springer Verlag - Astronomy & Astrophysics Library Series - authors : T. Encrenaz
(CNRS, France), J.-P. Bibring (Université Paris) - 1995 - DM 84.00/£ 39.50/FF 317.00 (hardcover) ISBN 3 540 58836 1 - number of pages : 349 - planet observers, students is astronomy
This text treats our knowledge of the solar system from an astrophysical point of view. Part 1 deals with
the formation of the solar system and is interaction with the interplanetary medium. Part 2 presents its
various objects: planets and satellites, asteroids, comets and interplanetary dust. The final sections on
comparative planetology, open questions and future space exploration round off an introduction to a
field which has grown dramatically following the space missions of the last two decades. In this second
corrected and revised edition students and lecturers in astronomy and planetary science as well as planet
observers will find a mine of contemporary information.
(third and enlarged edition)
Published by Springer Verlag - author : Lutz D. Schmadel - 1997 - DM 168,00/öS 1,226.40/sFr 147,00
(hardcover) - ISBN 3 540 61747 7 - number of pages : 940 - general readers
Until recently, minor planet name citations were scattered in the astronomical literature, and the origin
of many names remained obscure. in 1988 the IAU Commission 20 established a study group to
elucidate the meanings of asteroid names. Later on the author continued in collecting and indexing all
new relevant data. This book contains the names, and their meanings, of all - as yet 5252 - named minor
planets. It informs about the discoverers as well as the circumstances of the discovery of all 7041 minor
planets that were numbered up to June 1996. In addition to being of practical value for identification
purposes, the collection provides a most interesting historical insight into the work of those astronomers
who over two centuries vested their affinities in a rich and colourful variety of ingenious names, from
heavenly goddesses to more prosaic constructions. This third, revised and enlarged edition comprises
about 40 % more information than was provided with the first one of 1992.
Proceedings of the ESO Workshop Held at Garching, Germany, 1-4 April 1996
Published by Springer Verlag - ESO Astrophysics Symposia Series - editor : Jacqueline Bergeron - 1997
- DM 48,00/öS 350,40/sFr 43,00 - ISBN 3 540 62414 7 - number of pages : 438 - professionals
This workshop is dedicated to research projects om the early universe, discussing strategies for studying
faint distant objects in the optical and infrared spectral regions. This field is evolving very rapidly.
Observational constraints on the evolution and formation of galaxies and large-scale structures as well as
the cosmic chemical evolution were critically discussed with regard to theory and numerical simulations.
In the context, the VLT first-generation instrument capabilities were presented comprehensively and
their use as cosmological tools discussed. The concluding remarks focussed on the analysis of various
possibilities for the VLT second-generation instrumentation. Many of these topics were covered by
invited reviews and talks, as well as contributed talks. They are included in this volume together with
the poster papers.
Published by Springer Verlag - author : E.G. Yanovitskij (National Academy Sciences of Ukraine) 1997 - DM 128,00/öS 934,40/sFr 113,00/£ 55,50 (hardcover) - ISBN 3 540 61362 5 - number of pages :
374 - Planets/Atmospheres/Radiative transfer - professionals
This monograph gives a systematic presentation of the theory of light scattering in the atmosphere.
homogeneous atmospheres, multilayered atmospheres and inhomogeneous atmospheres whose
parameters depend continuously on depht are treated. Special attention is paid to obtaining simple
asymptotical formulas that have wide-ranging applications. A number of algorithms for the numerical
solution of transfer theory problems are described. Examples are given in which the theory is used to
solve astrophysical and geophysical problems; other areas to which the theory can be applied are also
mentioned. In particular, the rigorous asymptotical theory of weak line formation in multiple scattering
is presented. An appendix contains tabled of functions and parameters for solving light scattering
Basic design theory and its historical development
Published by Springer Verlag - Astronomy & Astrophysics Library Series - author : Raymond N. Wilson
- 1996 - DM 128,00/öS 934,40/sFr 113,00 (hardcover) - ISBN 3 540 58964 3 - number of pages : 546 Telescope Design and Construction - advanced amateur/professional
A global overview is given of the optical theory, historical deveopment, current situation and future
potential of reflecting telescope systems. This first volume covers basic design theory, providing the
reader with the most complete account available. It is thus a source book for the astronomical
community and the optical industry. The author’s approach is morphological, with strong emphasis on
the historical development. The book is richly illustrated including spot-diagrams analysing special
systems in modern form. Since all basic forms of reflecting telescope systems are known and the theory
is largely completed, this volume should retain long-term validity and interest.
Nuclear Physics, Particle Physics and General Relativity
Published by Springer Verlag - Astronomy & Astrophysics Library Series - author : Norman
Glendenning - 1996 - DM 118,00/öS 861,40/sFr 104,00/£ 51,00 (hardcover) - ISBN 0 387 94783 3 number of pages : 390 - Neutron stars/White dwarfs/General relativity - professionals
Neutron stars are the smallest dense stars known, with densities some 1014 times that of the Earth. They
rotate with periods of fractions of a second, and their magnetic fields drive intense interstellar dynamos,
lighting up entire nebulae. This text discusses the physics of these extreme objects. Ithis book includes
the needed background in classical general relativity in nuclear and particle physics.
Compact stars are attracting the interest of researchers and students in astrophysics, nuclear and particle
physics, and other fields. This book will provide a basis for further investigations by newcomers as well
as experienced researchers - and perhaps fire the imaginations of some to new discoveries.
From Halley to Hale-Bopp
Published by Copernicus (an impirnt of Springer Verlag) - author : Fred Schaaf - 1996 - DM 48,00/öS
350,40/sFr 43,00/£ 21,00 (hardcover) - ISBN 0 387 94793 0 - number of pages : 384 - Comets - general
The present century has been a disappointing one for comets, but past centuries often featured
spectacular, unforgettable comet shows that dominated the night (and even daytime) sky for months:
comets that outshone Venus or even the Moon, whose spectacular tails stretched more than halfway
accross the sky or were weirdly split, and whose apparition was held responsible for everything from
wars to unusually good wine vintages. Published to coincide with the first naked-eye appearance of
Comet Hale-Bopp, perhaps our own comet of the century, this book is an irresistible guide to comet
facts and lore throughout history.
Fred Schaaf is a Contributing Editor of and writes the “Stars and Planets” column for “Sky &
Telescope”. He is also the author for many books, including “The Starry Room”, “Seeing the Sky”,
“Seeing the Solar System”, and, with Guy Ottewel, “Mankind’s Comet”, the most comprehensive book
ever written on Halley’s Comet.
SAAS-Fee Advanced Course 25. Lecture Notes 1995
Published by Springer Verlag - authors : S.D. Kawaler (Iowa State University), I. Novikov (Nordic
Institute for Theoretical Physics) and G. Srinivasan (Raman Research Institute) - 1996 - DM 98,00/öS
715,40/sFr 86,50/ £ 42,50 (hardcover) - ISBN 3 540 61520 2 - number of pages : 340 - White
Dwarfs/Neutron Stars/Black Holes - professionals
Three eminent scientists, each well known for the clarity of their writing, present for students and
researchers what is known about the internal structure, origin and evolution of White Dwarfs, Neutron
Stars and Black Holes, all objects at the final stage of stellar evolution. They cover fascinating topics
sich as pulsation of white dwarfs, millisecond pulsars or the dynamics around black holes. The book is
written for graduate students in astrophysics, bus is also of interest to professional astronomers and
An introduction to Astronomy
Published by Springer Verlag - author: J.E. van Zyl - 1996 - DM 59,00/öS 430,70/sFr 52,00/£ 29,00
(softcover) - ISBN 3 540 76023 7 - number of pages: 383 - general reader
“Unveil the Universe” includes material on almost every aspect of astronomy, beginning from first
principles. It is unique in providing a level of scientific accuracy and detail found in no other
introductory book, in addition to a wealth of material on instruments, theory, observation, space
exploration, and cosmology. It is encyclopaedic in the breadth of its coverage, yet still contains detailed
explanations of the underlying theories. With its many colour illustrations it will capture the interest of
any reader, and the clear, concise text provides the reader with a fascinating, easy-to-read, and
scientifically accurate description of the fundamentals of astronomy.
Published by Springer Verlag - authors: P.J. Thomas (University of Wisconsin), C.F. Chyba (Princeton
University), C.P. McKay (NASA) - 1996 - DM 49,00/öS 357,70/sFr 44,00/£ 23,00 (hardcover) - ISBN 0
387 94650 0 - Comets - graduate students
This volume considers the role comets may have played in the origins and evolution of life, particularly
in light of recent investigations of Halley’s comet, of new insights into organic synthesis in meteorites
and comets, and of new results of numerical simulations of cometary orbits and impacts on Earth. The
book is intended as a comprehensive review of current research, accessible to graduate students and
others new to the field. Each chapter was prepared by an expert to give an overview of an aspect of the
field, and carefully revised by the editors for uniformity in style and presentation.
Traduit de l’anglais par M. Heidmann
Publié par Springer Verlag - auteur: K. Lang (Tufts University, USA) - 1996 - DM 98,00/öS 715,40/sFr
86,50/£ 42,50 (broché) - ISBN 3 540 59445 0
C’est le 2e livre de K. Lang mublié en français, consideré comme texte complementaire au célébre
Vagabonds de l’Espace qui avait gagné en 1994 le prix du livre d’astronomie en France. Maintenant
l’auteur se concentre sur le système le plus élémentaire: l’etoile et son planète, et choisit celui qui est le
plus intéressant pour nous: le Soleil et la Terre. Il a accumulé les observations terrestres et les plus
récentes effectuées par des observatoires spatiales, et ceux des météorologues et géophysiciens, et nous
présente un panorama fascinant du Soleil et ses relations avec la Terre. C’est la physique qui a les
conséquences les plus fondamentales aux événements qui influencent notre environment, notre vie et
même la condition humaine y inclu les arts et la litérature.
Published by Cambridge University Press - author: Peter Duffett-Smith - 1996 - £19.95 (paperback) ISBN 0 521 56052 7 - number of pages: 168 - Astronomy Data processing/Astroscript - amateur
“Easy PC Astronomy” is the book for all those who want to make astronomical calculations easily and
accurately. A simple but powerful script language called AstroScript is provided on a disk with the
book, ready to use on any IBM PC-type computer. Equipped with this the user can make complex
calculations within minutes, with no expert knowledge of astronomy, maths or computer programming.
The Sky graphics facility displays a detailed image of the sky as seen from any point on Earth, at any
time in the future or past (showing the constellations, planets and a host of other features), and updates
minute by minute if desired. For the expert, full details of the calculations (and formulae) are included;
and for the beginner, a comprehensive glossary of astronomical terms is provided. “Easy PC
Astronomy” will be of immediate practical use to amateur astronomers (from novice to advanced).
Software is supplied on a 1.44 Mbyte high-density 3.5 inch IBM PC disk only.
Published by Cambridge University Press - author: Bradley M. Peterson (Ohio State University) - 1997
- £ 45.00/US$ 69.95 (hardcover) - ISBN 0 521 47348 9 - £16.95/US$ 27.95 (softcover) ISBN 0
521 47911 8 - number of pages: 288 - Astrophysics/Active Galactic Nuclei - graduate students
At least one galaxy in every hundred has a core so bright it outshines the ten thousand million stars that
make up the rest of the galaxy. The study of these ‘active galactic nuclei’ (AGN) is one of the most
dynamic areas of contemporary astronomy, involving one fifth of all research astronomers. This text for
advanced undergraduates and graduate students in astronomy and physics provides a clear,
comprehensive and selfcontained introduction to AGN. It presents a systematic review of the observed
properties of AGN across the entire electromagnetic spectrum, examines the underlying physics, and
shows how the brightest AGN, quasars, can be used to probe the Universe. It serves as an entry point to
the research literature and an invaluable reference for researchers in the field.
Published by Cambridge University Press - authors: Jacqueline Mitton and Stephen P. Maran - 1996 - £
8.95/US$ 13.95 (softcover) - ISBN 0 521 57100 6 - Number of pages: 128 - Hubble Space
Telescope/Astronomy Observations - general reader
Images of the HST are transforming our view of the universe. The planets of our solar system, the birth
of stars, the effects of black holes, and remote galaxies are imaged with a clarity that can only be
achieved by a telescope in space. Showcased here are sixty of the finest images from the HST. Chosen
for their scientific themes and their beauty, this collection includes every kind of known object in the
universe: planets, stars, swirling clouds of gas, wheeling galaxies, and remote quasars and active
galaxies. This representation selection is carefully chosen to show the power of the telescope and the
stunning variety of astronomical objects.
Astronauts’ photographs from Space Shuttle Mission STS-47
Published by Cambridge University Press - editor: Robert A. Brown - 1996 - £ 7.95/US$ 11.95
(softcover) - ISBN 0 521 57099 9 - number of pages: 96 - general reader
The Endeavour astronauts have captured on camera many of the glorious moments of their flights in
space. This collection has been put together with their commentary to give us an insight into the
experience of spaceflight. Chosen for their aesthetic and educational value, these gorgeous pictures of
Planet Earth, as seen from space, will both astound and enchant. Showing the Earth in all her beauty,
this collection of photographs should be treasured for years to come. ‘What you will see in these
pictures is what you would have seen out the windows had you traveled with us.’ <Jay Apt>.
Published by Cambridge University Press - authors: Bernard F. Burke (Mass. Institute of Technology)
and Francis Graham -Smith (Jodrell Bank, University of Manchester) - 1996 - £ 19.95/US$ 29.95
(softcover) - ISBN 0 521 55604 X - £ 55.00/US$ 74.95 - (hardcover) - ISBN 0 521 55454 3 - number of
pages: 297 - Radio Astronomy Observations/Methodology - graduate students
Radio Astronomy uses unique observational techniques and offers the only way to investigate many
phenomena in the Universe. This book, by two founders of the field, presents both a pedogogical
introduction to radio telescopes and the elegant observational methods they use, and a broad overview of
the Universe as seen through the radio window. Starting with the basics of radio telescopes, we are
given clear explanations of all the key concepts - beamwidth, polarisation, signal detection and noise.
We then move from single-aperture telescopes through to two-element interferometers and full aperture
synthesis. The second half of the book then provides a wide-ranging review of the radio universe. We
begin with a useful overview of the processes at work on radio waves, including absorption,
amplification, refraction, attenuation and Faraday rotation. After a look at our own galaxy, we examine
the interstellar medium, the dynamics of galaxies, stars, pulsars, radio galaxies and quasars. Lastly, we
turn to the cosmic microwave background and cosmology. Handy reviews of Fourier Transform theory,
celestial coordinate systems and the historical background of the subject are provided in several
appendices. Wide-ranging and clearly written, this book provides a thorough introduction to the
techniques of radio astronomy and the radio universe for graduate students, and an invaluable overview
for researchers turning to radio astronomy for the first time.
The twentieth-century extraterrestrial life debate and the limit of science
Published by CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRESS - author: Steven J. Dick - 1996 - £40.00/US$ 54.95
(hardcover) - ISBN 0 521 34326 7 - number of pages: 525 - Life on other Planets/Origin of Life general reader
Are there other histories, religions, and philosophies outside of those on Earth ? Do extraterrestrials
ponder the mysteries of the universe ? The attempts to answer these often asked questions form one of
the most interesting chapters in the history of science and culture, and “The Biological Universe” is the
first book to provide a rich and colourful history of those attempts during the twentieth century. Steven
J. Dick covers a broad range of topics, including the search for life in the solar system, the origin of life,
UFO’s and aliens in science fiction.
Published by CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRESS - Cambridge Lecture Notes in Physics N° 6 -author:
Markus Heusler (University of Zurich) - £ 18.95/US$ 32.95 - ISBN 0 521 56735 1 - number of pages:
250 - Black Holes/Mathematics - graduate students
This timely review provides a self-contained introduction to the mathematical theory of stationary black
holes and a self-consistent exposition of the corresponding uniqueness theorems. The opening chapters
examine the general properties of space-times admitting Killing fields and contain a detailed derivation
of the Kerr-Newman metric. Strong emphasis is given to the geometrical concepts. The general features
of stationary black holes and the laws of black hole mechanics are then reviewed. Next, the critical steps
towards the proof of the ‘no-hair’ theorem are discussed, including the methods used by Israel, the
divergence formulae derived by Carter, Robinson and others, and finally the sigma model identities and
the positive mass theorem. The book is rounded off with an extension of the electro-vacuum uniqueness
theorem to self-gravitating scalar fields and harmonic mappings. This volume provides a rigorous
textbook for graduate students in physics and mathematics. It also offers an invaluable, up-to-date
reference for researchers in mathematical physics, general relativity and astrophysics.
Published by CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRESS - author: Jaap Tinbergen (Kapteyn Observatory,
Roden) - £ 30.00/US$ 49.95 (hardcover) - ISBN 0 521 47531 7 - number of pages: 158 - Polarimetry/
Astronomical spectroscopy - graduate students and practising astronomers
Radiation from astronomical objects generally shows some degree of polarization. Although this
polarized radiation is usually only a small fraction of the total radiation, it often carries a wealth of
information on the physical state and geometry of the emitting object and intervening material.
Measurement of this polarized radiation is central to much modern astrophysical research. This handy
volume provides a clear, comprehensive and concise introduction to astronomical polarimetry at all
wavelengths. Starting from first principles and a simple physical picture of polarized radiation, the
reader is introduced to all key topics, including Stokes parametersn applications of polarimetry in
astronomy, polarization algebra, polarization errors and calibration methods, and a selection of
instruments (from radio to X-ray). The book is rounded off with a number of useful case studies, a
collection of exercises, an extensive list of further reading and an informative index. This review of all
aspects of astronomical polarization provides both an essential introduction for graduate students and an
valuable reference for practising astronomers.
The Zhou bi Suan Jing
Published by CAMBRIDGE UNIVERISTY PRESS - author: Christopher Cullen - 1996 -£ 40.00/ US$
69.95 (hardcover) - ISBN 0 521 55089 0 - number of pages: 241 - Astronomy, Chinese - historians
This is a study and translation of the “Zhou bi suan jing” a Chinese work on astronomy and mathematics
which reached its final form around the first century AD. The author provides the first easily accessible
introduction to the develping mathematical and observational practices of ancient Chinese astronomers
and shows how the generation and validation of knowledge about the heavens in Han Dynasty China
related closely to developments in statecraft and politics. The book will be of equal interst to historians
of science and those studying the history of Chinese culture.
Published by CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRESS - Cambridge Astrophysics Series N° 26 - authors: Jan
van Paradijs and Edward P.J. Van den Heuvel (University of Amsterdam) - 1997 - £29.95/US$ 39.95
(softcover) - ISBN 0 521 59934 2 - £70.00/US$ 95.00 (hardcover) - ISBN 0 521 41684 1 - numbe of
pages: 676 - X-ray binaries - graduate students, researchers
X-ray binaries are some of the most varied and perplexing systems known to astronomers. The compact
object which accretes mass from its companion star may be a white dwarf, neutron star, or black hole,
whereas the donor star can be a ‘normal’ star or a white dwarf. the various combinations differ widely
in their behaviour, and this timely provides a unique reference of our knowledge to date of all of them.
Fifteen specially written chapters by a team of the world’s foremost researchers in the field explore all
aspects o the X-ray binaries. They cover the X-ray, ultraviolet, optical and radio properties of these
violent systems and address key issues such as: how were these systems formed, and what will be their
fate: how can we understand X-ray bursts, and quasi-periodic oscillations; what is the connection
between millisecond radio pulsars and low-mass X-ray binaries; and how does the magnetic field of a
neutron star decay ? This long awaited review provides graduate students and researchers with the
standard reference on X-ray binaries for many years to come.
A Guide to Stars and Constellations and their Legends
Published by CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRESS - authors: Milton D. Heifetz and Wil Tirion - 1996 £6.95/US$ 9.95 (softcover) - ISBN 0 521 46980 5 - number of pages: 72 - Observers’ manual - amateur
“A Walk Through the Heavens” is a guide to the pathways of the sky. It contains unique, simplified
maps of the constellations and instructions on how to measure their size and the separations between
them. With this information, they can be easily located. The ancient legends surrounding the
constellations are beautifully retold, with magical illustrations by Wil Tirion. The reader does not need
binoculars or a telescope to use this book, thus it is ideal to inspire the young astronomer just starting out
on a journey across the starlit skies.
- paperback edition
Published by The University of Arizona Press - author: Kathleen Mark - 1995 - US$ 19.95 (softcover) ISBN 0 8165 1568 9 - number of pages: 288 - geologists
Kathleen Mark has long been interested in geology and in writing about it for general readers. Since the
early 1970’s she has published articles on a variety of geological topics. In 1975 she was a co-winner of
the Nininger Award for a short work on meteorite craters. This book presents the first comprehensive,
non-technical history of the recognition of meteorite craters on the earth.
Published by The University of Arizona Press - Space Science Series - editor: Dale P. Cruikshank 1996 - IS$ 135.00 (hardcover) - number of pages: 1250 - planetologists
Voyager 2 marked the turning point in our knowledge of the most distant giant planet and its system of
rings and satellites. Before the mission, Neptune and its largest satellite Triton were shrouded in
mystery. The wealth of information from Voyager, however, revealed Neptune as a planet with gigantic
active storms in its atmosphere, an off-center magnetic field, and a system of tenuous, lumpy rings. The
face of Triton was shown to be frozen, icy world with clouds and layers of haze, and with vertical
plumes of particles reaching five miles into the this atmosphere. Whereas only two satellites were
known prior to the encounter, Voyager discovered six more. Covering details of Neptune’s interior,
atmosphere, rings, magnetic fields, and near-space environment, the book also presents a new view of
the intriguing and complicated story of the discovery of the planet in 1846. Contributors from around
the world include specialists in planetary particles and fields, planetary atmospheres, rings, satellites,
and the origin of the Solar System. The book was edited by Dale Cruikshank, a research scientist at
NASA Ames Research Center. “Neptune and Triton” is an indispensable resource for planetary
scientists and astronomers requiring a comprehensive analysis of Neptune, viewed in the context of our
knowledge of the other giant planets.
Published by The University of Arizona Press - author: William Graves Hoyt - 1996 - US$ 24.95
(softcover) - historians in astronomy/general audience
Life on the planet Mars ? Suddenly is seems possible, and not for the first time as revealed in the pages
of “Lowell and Mars”. The volume by William Graves Hoyt describes the struggle of Percival Lowell
nearly a century ago to convince the world that there was intelligent life on Mars.
Published by The University of Arizona Press - author: William Sheehan - 1996 - US$ 19.95 (softcover)
- US$ 45.00 (hardcover) - general audience
Life on Mars ! In recent weeks, the question again has captured the world’s imagination, with the
announcement of possible life forms found in a Mars meteorite. Coincidentally, ten missions to the
planet have been planned within the next few years, and it is likely that human explorers will follow
soon after, perhaps by the middle of the twenty-first century. When they do, they will owe much to the
Mars of romance, to the early pioneers whose discoveries and disappointments are brought to life in
“The Planet Mars: A History of Observation and Discovery”. In this timely account, William Sheehan
traces human fascination with Mars back to the naked-eye observers of the planet. He recalls the early
telescopic observers who first made out enigmatic markings and polar caps on its surface. He describes
in detail the debate over the so-called canals of Mars, which encouraged speculation that the planet
might be inhabited. Finally, Sheehan describes more recent theories about the planet, leading up to the
present, when unmanned spacecraft have enabled us to make giant strides in exploration. This welldocumented book will be a useful companion and guide in interpreting the barrage of headlines about
Mars that is sure to come over the next few years. Amateurs will appreciate the contributions that have
been made to Martian studies by people like themselves, and professionals will find much original
material that has never before been published.
Published by Cambridge University Press - Cambridge Astrophysics Series - author : Bengt E.
Westerlund - 1997 - £ 50.00 (hardcover) - ISBN 0 521 48070 1 - number of pages : 288 - astrophysics professionals
The Magellanic Clouds - a pair of nearby, satellite galaxies - are caught in a dynamic struggle internally
and with our Milky Way. Given their close proximity, they offer a unique opportunity to study in detail
the dynamics and composition of other galaxies. They have a long history of study, but interest in them
has blossomed in the past four decades. This is the first book to provide a synthesis and comprehensive
account of the Magellanic Clouds. This authoritative volume presents the latest understanding of the
structure, evolution and dynamics of these satellite galaxies.
It draws together wide-ranging
observations in the X-ray, far-ultraviolet, infrared and millimeter wavelengths, including results from the
Hubble Space Telescope. For graduate students and researchers, this timely edition provides a definitive
reference on the Magellanic Clouds; it also gives useful supplementary reading for graduate courses on
galaxies, the interstellar medium, stellar evolution and the chemical composition of galaxies.
Proceedings of a meeting held at Jodrell Bank, University of Manchester, January 22-26,1996
Published by Cambridge University Press - Cambridge Contemporary Astrophysics Series - editors : N.
Jackson and R.J. Davis - 1997 - £ 50.00 (hardcover) - ISBN 0 521 57350 5 - number of pages : 370 Radio Astronomy - conference proceedings
Enhanced sensitivity radio telescopes are producing dramatic results in a wide range of areas in
astronomy. An international conference has held in Jodrell Bank, University of Manchester to take
stock of these advances. This timely volume presents the review articles presented by a host of world
experts who gathered at the meeting. The articles show how high sensitivity is leading to a much
improved understanding and breakthrough in radio spectral line analysis, radio continuum observations
of galaxies, cosmology, pulsars, and radio emission from stars. They also review the new and enhanced
instruments now available. Finally, we are given a glimpse of the exciting telescopes being planned for
the future. This volume provides graduate students and researchers with an up-to-date and wide-ranging
review of the new and future research possible with high-sensitivity radio telescopes.
Proceedings of the Greenbank Workshop, held in Greenbank, West Virginia, May 1-4, 1995
Published by Cambridge University Press - editors : C.L. Carilli and D.E. Harris - 1996 - £ 40.00
(hardcover) - ISBN 0 521 55343 1 - number of pages : 400 - Astrophysics - graduate students
As the nearest radio galaxy, Cygnus A provides a unique testing ground for models of active galaxies
and a benchmark against which other (more distant) sources can be compared. A workshop in
Greenbank, West Virginia, gathered together experts from around the world to review our current
knowledge of Cygnus A and to synthesise a new understanding of it and other active galaxies. This
timely volume presents fifteen specially written chapters based on this meeting. It provides a
comprehensive and up-to-date reference on Cygnus A and shows how studies of this object can help
with our more general understanding of active galactic nuclei (AGN). It provides an excellent
introduction and overview for graduate students as well as critical update for researchers in AGN.
Proceedings of the 36th Herstmonceux Conference, held in Cambridge, UK, August 7-11, 1995
Published by Cambridge University Press - Cambridge Contemporary Astrophysics Series - editors : O.
Lahav, E. Terlevich and R.J. Terlevich - 1996 - £ 45.00 - ISBN 0 521 56327 5 - number of pages : 350 Cosmology, Applied mathematics, astrophysics - graduate lecture notes
Gravity plays a central role in the dynamics of all astrophysical systems - from stars to the Universe as a
whole. This timely volume examines all aspects of gravitational dynamics - from stellar system and
galaxy disks, to the dynamics of the Local Group, large scale structures and motions, galaxy formation
and general relativity. Each chapter is written by a world expert renowned for original contributions to
the field. The authors are: James Binney, Roger Blandfold, David Burstein, Tim de Zeeuw, George
Efstathiou, Steve Gull, Nick Kaisier, Joseph Katz, Douglas Lin, Donald Lynden-Bell, Ruth Lynden-Bell,
Jeremiah Ostriker, T. Padmanabhan, John Papaloizou, Jim Peebles, Jim Pringle, Martin Rees, Maarten
Schmidt, Scott Tremaine and Simon White. This volume provides a broad, pedagogical introduction to
gravitational dynamics for graduate students, and an up-to-date review for researchers in cosmology,
astrophysics, mathematical physics and applied mathematics.
Published by Cambridge University Press - 1996 - edited by T. Roca Cortes and F. Sanchez - £ 40.00 (hardcover) - ISBN 0 521 56307 0 - number of pages : 350 - Astrophysics, Astronomy - graduate
The complex internal structure of the Sun can now be studied in detail through helioseismology and
neutrino astronomy. The VI Canary Islands Winter School of Astrophysics was dedicated to examining
these powerful new techniques. Based on this meeting seven specially written chapters by world experts
renowned for their teaching skills are presented in this timely volume. With a clear and pedagogical
style we are shown how the internal composition (density, He abundance, etc.) and dynamical structure
(rotation, subsurface velocity fields, etc.) of the Sun can be deduced through helioseismology; and how
the central temperature can be inferred from measurements of the flux of solar neutrinos. This volume
provides an excellent introduction for graduate students and an up-to-date overview for researchers
working on the Sun, neutrino astronomy and helio-asteroseismology.
Published by Cambridge University Press - 1996 - author : Edward Grant - £ 17.95 (paperback) - ISBN
0 521 56509 X - number of pages : 816 - History of Europe, History of Science - graduate students
Medieval cosmology was a fusion of pagan Greek ideas and biblical descriptions of the world, especially
the creation account in Genesis. Because cosmology was based on discussions of the relevant works of
Aristotle, primary responsibility for its study fell to scholastic theologians and natural philosophers in
the universities of western Europe from the thirteenth to the seventeenth century. “Planets, Stars, and
Orbs” describes the extraordinary range of themes, ideas, and arguments that constituted scholastic
cosmology for approximately five hundred years, from around 1200 to 1700. Primary emphasis is
placed on the world as a whole, what might lie beyond it,and the celestial region, which extended from
the Moon to the outermost convex surface of the cosmos. Not only are the major ideas and arguments of
medieval cosmology described and analyzed, but much attention is paid to the responses of scholastic
natural philosophers of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries to the challenge posed by the new
science and astronomy as represented by Copernicus, Tycho Brahe, Galileo, and Kepler.
Edward Grant is Distinguished Professor of History and Philosophy of Science and Professor of History
at Indiana University. Among his books are “Physical Science in the Middle Ages” and “Much Ado
About Nothing: Theories of Space and Vacuum from the Middle Ages to the Scientific Revolution”,
both published by Cambridge University Press.
Two Centuries of Astronomical Photometry
Published by Cambridge University Press - 1996 - author : J.B. Hearnshaw (University of Canterbury) £ 50.00 (hardcover) - ISBN 0 521 40393 6 - number of pages : 480 - History of Astronomy - general
Astronomical photometry is the science of measuring the brightness and colour of stars and other
celestial objects. It is a technique at the very heart of modern astrophysics. This authoritative volume
traces the fascinating historical development of astronomical photometry - from visual techniques at the
time of William Herschel in the 1780’s through to the birth of photometry with charge-coupled devices
in the 1980’s. In this intriguing survey, we see how the advent of new technology has revolutionized the
science of photometry at each stage of its development, and what dramatic advances have been achieved,
despite several major disasters - especially in the practice of photographic photometry. This book also
clearly illustrates the critical relationship between the development of a science and the technology is
uses. “The Measurement of Starlight” provides professional astronomers with a valuable guide to the
background and development of this fundamental technique. It will also be of great interest to amateur
astronomers and historians of the physical sciences.
Published by Cambridge University Press - 1996 - Space Telescope Science Institute Symposium Series
N° 9 - editors : Keith S. Noll, Harold A. Weaver and Paul D. Feldman - £ 40.00 (hardcover) - ISBN 0
521 56192 2 - number of pages : 373 - Astronomy, Astrophysics - graduate students, researchers
The spectacular collision of comet Shoemaker-Levy 9 with Jupiter in 1994 was a unique event in the
history of observational astronomy. With a year’s advance warning, astronomers and planetary scientists
around the world were able to co-ordinate an observing campaign to track the event in unprecedented
detail. A year after the event, a workshop at the Space Telescope Institute provided the first opportunity
for them to bring together their observations and found a new understanding of the impact. Based on
this meeting, sixteen invited reviews from authors selected as international leaders in the study of the
impact and its aftermath are presented in this volume. The chapters have been edited and arranged to
provide a thorough and comprehensive overview of our knowledge of the event. While our
understanding of the impact will evolve with future work, this book provides a solid foundation for new
insights that will follow. It will be a standard reference for graduate students and researchers in
astronomy and planetary science.
Published by Cambridge University Press - 1997 - author : Roger John Taylor - £ 13.95/ US$ 24.95
(paperback) - ISBN 0 521 46837 X - £ 37.50/US$ 64.95 (hardcover) - ISBN 0 521 46464 1 - number of
pages : 242 - Astrophysics, Physics - final year undergraduate text
As our nearest star, the Sun offers a unique opportunity to study stellar physics in action. Following the
success of his previous books, “Galaxies and the Stars”, Roger Taylor presents the first full picture of
how studies of the Sun and the solar system help us understand stars in general and other planetary
systems. Using mathematics appropriate for advanced undergraduate students in physics, this textbook
provides a broad and wide - ranging introduction to the Sun as a star. Succinct derivations of key results
- such as the properties of spectral lines, the theory of stellar oscillations, plasma physics,
magnetohydrodynamics and dynamo theory - are provided in a number of handy appendices, ensuring
that the book is completely self-contained. Altogether, this is an invaluable textbook for students
studying the Sun, stars, the solar-terrestrial environment and the formation of planetary systems.
Published by Cambridge University Press - 1996 - author : Jayant V. Narlikar - £ 24.95 (hardcover) ISBN 0 521 55009 2 - £ 9.95 (softcover) - ISBN 0521 56565 0 - number of pages : 217 - Gravitation general reader
Gravity is the most enigmatic of all known basic forces in nature. Yet it controls everything from the
motion of ocean tides to the expansion of the entire Universe. Many books use technical jargon and
high-powered maths to explain what gravity is all about. In “The lighter side of gravity”, the
presentation is beautifully clear and completely non-technical. Familiar analogies, interesting anecdotes,
and numerous illustrations are used throughout to get across subtle effects and diffucult points. The
coverage is, however, comprehensive and makes no compromise with accuracy. “The lighter side of
gravity” covers all manifestations of gravity. We are taken from the discovery of the law of gravity by
Isaac Newton in the seventeenth century through to Einstein’s general theory of relativity and some of its
strange and unfamiliar predictions such as curved spacetime, neutron stars, black holes, and white holes.
Finally we look at gravity operating on the grandest scale with the origin and evolution of the Universe
as a whole.
This second edition has been brought completely up to date and expanded to include startling new
discoveries such as gigantic gravitational lenses in space, the findings of the COBE satellite, the
detection of MACHO’s, the investigations of the early Universe, and new ideas in cosmology. In short,
this lucid and stimulating book presents ‘the lighter side’ of the intriguing phenomena of ‘gravity’ to the
student and general reader.
An autobiography and other recollections
Published by Cambridge University Press - 1996 - author : Katherine Haramundanis - £ 12.95
(paperback) - ISBN 0 521 48390 5 - £ 35.00 (hardcover) - ISBN 0 521 48251 8 - number of pages : 278
- Astronomy, History of astronomy - general reader
Cecilia Payne-Gaposchkin became acclaimed in her lifetime as the greatest woman astronomer of all
time. Her own story of her professional life, work and scientific achievements is augmented by the
personal recollections of her daughter, Katherine Haramundanis, as well as a scientific appreciation by
Jesse Greenstein, a historical essay by Peggy Kidwell and, in this new edition, an introduction by
Virginia Trimble. Payne-Gaposchkin’s overwhelming love for astronomy was her personal guiding
light, and her attitude and approach have lessons for all. She received many prestigious awards for her
outstanding contributions to science and in 1956 became the first woman to be advanced to the rank of
Professor at Harvard University, as well as being the first woman head of department. This book will
interest both astronomers and those studying the advancement of the position and status of women in
Published by Cambridge University Press - 1997 - author : Jean Heidmann (chief astronomer, Paris
Observatory) - £ 7.95 (paperback) - ISBN 0 521 58563 5 - number of pages : 243 - Astronomy, Popular
Science - general reader
If extraterrestrial intelligence then positive detection of it would be the greatest scientific discovery of all
time. By what criteria should we judge whether we are alone in the cosmos, and how should we set
about detecting extraterrestials ? Jean Heidmann, Chief Astronomer at the Paris Observatory,
specializes in the search for advanced forms of life in space, and answers these questions in this
engaging discussion of extraterrestrial intelligence. Through a clear discussion of the many issues
involved, including new and updated information, the entire subject of extraterrestrial intelligence is
explained: techniques and the results of current projects, the expansion of searches in space, the
habitable zones in our universe, and what might happen if actual contact takes place. Our generation is
capable, in principle, of communication across interstellar space, bound only by the speed of light, and
soon it will be possible to set tight limits on the presence or absence of extraterrestrials in our Galaxy.
R627 REACHING FOR THE SUN - How plants work
Published by Cambridge University Press - 1997 - author : John King - £ 30.00/US$ 54.95 (hardback) ISBN 0 521 55148 X - £ 9.95/US$ 16.95 (paperback) - ISBN 0 521 58738 7 - number of pages : 232 general reader
Green plants are all around us. We are totally dependant on them for food; we cultivate them for our
pleasure; and we have used them in a vast number of ways down the centuries to our advantage. But
have you ever wondered how plants work? Where do trees get the material to make wood? How does a
bulb ‘know’ to sprout in the spring? Why are flowers different colors and why do they smell? This
book answers these questions in a charming and accessible way. From their ability to use energy from
sunlight to make their own food to their amazing range of life-sustaining, death-defying strategies, John
King explains why plants dominate our planet. Plants might live life at a different pace from animals
but they are just as fascinating. This is not just for keen gardeners and naturalists. This is a book for
anyone who wants to understand why the earth is green.
Published by Cambridge University Press - 1997 - author : August Epple - £ 11.95/US$ 14.95
(paperback) - ISBN 0 521 58919 3 - £ 32.50/US$ 49.95 (hardcover) - number of pages : 184 - Science general reader
Dealing with virtually all aspects of scientific meetings, August Epple gives invaluable guidance for
prospective organizers. He covers events from local afternoon Symposia to International Congresses
with more than 1000 participants. He also provides insights for the tourist industry into the specific
requirements that make scientific meetings different from others. The author gets straight to the point,
identifying common problems and offering solutions. In 20 chapters and an extensive appendix,
attention is given to critical details such as selection of the meeting site and timing of the event; stepwise
program development; the selection of speakers and other kay participants; social functions; budget
matters; fund raising; the design of forms and brochures; publications of proceedings.
If you are organising a scientific meeting this is your indispensable guide.
Published by Cambridge University Press - 1997 - author : James B. Kaler - £ 16.95/US$ 24.95
(paperback) - ISBN 0 521 58570 8 - £ 29.95/US$ 42.95 (hardcover) - ISBN 0 521 30494 6 - number of
pages : 300 - Amateur Astronomy - general, undergraduate text
The study of stars and their spectra is central to an understanding of classical and modern astronomy.
The principle tools for investigating the nature of stars are observation and interpretation of their spectra.
In this lucid book, James Kaler clearly explains the alphabet of stellar astronomy - from the cool M stars
to hot O stars - and tells the story of the evolution of stars and their place in the Universe. Before
embarking on a fascinating voyage of cosmic discovery, we are introduced to the fundamental properties
of stars, and how they can be organized. Next, the structure of atoms andthe formation of spectra are
discussed, as a prelude to a full description of the spectral classification itself. The heart of the book
examines each star type in turn and explores its spectra in detail. Notable discoveries and features
related to each class sustain the story. There is also a review of unusual stars that cannot easily be
classified. Finally, the book closes with a skilful integration of all the data - tracing the paths of birth,
life, and death of stars on the Herzsprung - Russell diagram. This book is based on a widely acclaimed
series of articles on stellar astronomy which appeared in the magazine “Sky & Telescope”. It provides
an invaluable introduction for amateur astronomers and undergraduate students.
Published by Cambridge University Press - 1997 - author : Frank K . Edmondson - £ 65.00/US$ 80.00
(hardcover) - ISBN 0 521 55345 8 - number of pages : 367 - Observatories, History of Astronomy general reader
A new source of funding for astronomy stemmed from the creation of the National Science Foundation
(NSF) in 1950. Astronomers were quick to take advantage of the oppotunities this provided to found
new observatories. The science and politics of the establishment, funding, construction and operation of
the Kitt Peak National Observatory (KPNO) and the Cerro Tololo Inter-American Observatory (CTIO)
by the Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy (AURA), are here, seen from the unique
perspective of Frank K. Edmondson, Professor Emeritus of Astronomy at Indiana University and a
former member of the AURA Board of Directors. AURA was asked to manage the Sacramento Peak
Observatory (SPO) in 1976, and in 1982 the National Solar Observatory (NSO) was formed by merging
the NSO and the KNPO solar programs. KPNO, CTIO and NSO were combined in 1983 to form the
National Astronomy Observatories (NOAO). In 1981 NASA chose AURA to establish and operate the
Space Telescope Science Institute (STScI). This is a personal account of a period of major innovation in
American optical astronomy.
Published by Cambridge University Press - 1996 - author : Kitty Ferguson - £ 16.95/US$ 24.95
(hardback) - ISBN 0 521 49518 0 - number of pages : 214 - Black Holes - general reader
What is a black hole? How does it ‘work’? Could we survive a visit to one...perhaps even venture
inside? What would we find? Have we yet discovered any real black holes? And what do black holes
teach us about he mysteries of our Universe? These are just a few of the tantalizing questions examined
in this tour-de-force, jargon-free review of one of the most fascinating topics in modern science. In
search of the answers, we trace a star from its birth to its death throes, take a fabulous hypothetical
journey to the border of a black hole and beyond, spend time with some of the world’s leading
theoretical physicists and observational astronomers scanning the cosmos for evidence of real black
holes, and take a whimsical look at some of the wild ideas black holes have inspired. “Prisons of Light Black Holes” is comprehensive and detailed. Yet Kitty Ferguson’s lightness of touch, her down-to-earth
analogies, and her desire to bring the excitement of science to a wide audience st this book apart from all
others on black holes and make it a wonderfully stimulating and entertaining read.
Published by Cambridge University Press - 1997 - authors : Ronald Geeley and Raymond Batson £90.00/US$150.00 (hardback) - ISBN 0 521 56127 2 - number of pages : 380 - dimensions : 417 x 298
mm - Planetology - general reader
The NASA Atlas of the Solar System is an unparelleled presentation of information gathered by
NASA’s space missions throughout our Solar System. The distinguished planetary scientists, Ronald
Greeley and Raymond Batson, describe every planet, moon and small body that has been the subject of a
NASA mission. These include the Earth and Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars and its satellites, Jupiter and
its moons, Saturn and its famous rings, the Uranus and Neptune systems, and many asteroids. There are
images of 30 Solar System objects and maps of 26 objects. The maps in “The NASA Atlas of the Solar
System” are based only on the available data from spacecraft missions. Staff at the U.S. Geological
Survey, Flagstaff, Arizona, prepared the maps in uniform format and consistent scales. Maps are given
for the surfaces of all objects seen thus far in our Solar System, and the presentation includes geologic
history, geologic and reference maps, and shaded relief maps. Additionally, there are color
photomosaics and a wealth of explanatory diagrams created specially for this Atlas. To complement the
maps, images and photographs, Ronald Greeley and Raymond Batson have provided non-technical
descriptions of our present understanding of the planets and their moons, and they describe the processes
that have shaped their surfaces. There is a glossary that explains many of the terms commonly used in
space science and planetary science. All maps are fully indexed. In addition the Atlas includes the
official gazetteer of all named features in the Solar System, as approved by the International
Astronomical Union.
Published by Cambridge University Press - 1997 - authors : Samuel Dick, Alfred Riddle and Douglas
Stein - £ 19.95/US$ 29.95 (paperback) - ISBN 0 521 49906 2 - £ 55.00/US$ 74.95 (hardback) - ISBN 0
521 58137 0 - number of pages : 320 - Automatic data collection systems/ Computer programs laboratory scientists
The gathering and analysis of experimental data are fundamental activities in science and engineering.
Mathematica in the Laboratory is a hands-on guide that shows how to harness the power and flexibility
of Mathematica in the control of data-acquisition equipment and the analysis of experimental data. It is
fully compatible with Mathematica 3.0. The book is made up of two parts. The first explains how to
use Mathematica to import, manipulate, visualize, and analyze data from existing files. The generation
and export of test data are also covered. The second part deals with the control of laboratory equipment.
The use of Mathematica’s Mathlink system as applied to instument control, data processing, and
interfacing is clearly demonstrated. Many practical examples are given, which can either be used
directly or adapted to suit a particular application. The book describes clearly how Mathematica can
provide a truly unified data-handling environment, and it will be invaluable to anyone who collects or
analyzes experimental data, including astronomers, biologists, chemists, mathematicians, geologists,
physicists, and engineers.
Saas-Fee Advanced Course 25 - Lecture Notes 1995 Swiss Society for Astrophysics and
Published by Springer Verlag - 1996 - authors : Kawaler S.D., Novikov I. and Srinivasan G. - DM
98.00/öS 715.40/sFr 86.50 (hardcover) - ISBN 3 540 61520 2 - number of pages : 340 - Congresses on
Neutron Stars, White Dwarfs, Balck Holes, Evolution of Stars - professionals
The 25th “Saas-Fee” Advanced Course organized by the SSAA, which was held in Les Diablerets from
April 3rd to 8th 1995 had for subject ‘Stellar Remnants’. End points of stellar evolution, white dwarfs,
neutron stars and black holes, give researchers the unique opportunity to explore the consequences of
extreme physical conditions never met in the laboratory. At the crossroads of quantum and relativistic
effects, the study of these objects offers the possibility to achieve a better understanding of these two
theories. From the astrophysical point of view, which is the one emphasized in the book, condensed
objects are at the center of numerous observed processes, as for instance novae, pulsars, X-ray binaries,
gamma-ray bursts, active galactic nuclei... An understanding of these fascinating phenomena requites a
very good knowledge of the main physical processes occurring inside and/or in the vicinity of these
compact stellar remnants. The three lecturers, S. Kawaler from Ames, I. Novikov from Copenhagen and
G. Srinivasan from Bangalore, made a wonderful effort to present in the clearest way the developments
in their field of research and succeeded to maintain, despite the concurrence of snow and sun, a high
level of interest throughout the whole course.
Published by Cambridge University Press - 1997 - author : Robert R. Shannon - £ 24.95/US$ 44.95
(paperback) - ISBN 0 521 58868 5 - £70.00/US$ 100.00 (hardcover) - ISBN 0 521 45414 X - Optical
Design - optical engineers/telescope builders
Lenses are used in a great variety op applications, ranging from photography to fiberoptic
communications systems. This book is a comprehensive introduction to lens design, covering the
fundamental physical principles and key engineering issues. It describes clearly how to carry out the
design of a lens, from the initial layout to the final analysis and tolerance evaluation. In illustrating this
process, several practical examples of modern computer-aided lens design are worked out in detail from
start to finish. The basic theory and practical applications of geometrical and physical optics are
presented early on in the book, along with a discussion of optical materials. The origin and correction of
aberrations, lens design techniques, and image analysis are covered in great detail. Subsequent chapters
deal with design optimization and tolerance analysis. Several design examples are then given, beginning
with basic lens design forms, progressing to zoom and aspheric lenses, and to advanced systems, such as
gradient index and diffractive optical components. In covering all aspects of optical design, from the
fundamental physical principles through to the use of modern lens design software, this book will be
invaluable to students of optical engineering as well as to anyone engaged in optical design.
Published by Oxford University Press - author : John D. Barrow - 1996 - Bfr 873 (hardcover) - ISBN 0
19 853996 7 - Artists, Scientists - general reader
Why do we likde certain types of art or music? We know that we enjoy a beautiful painting or a
passionate symphony, but often overlook how these experiences are conjured up by latent instincts laid
down and perpetuated over millions of years. Now, in “The Artful Universe”, internationally acclaimed
author John D. Barrow explores the close ties between our aesthetic apreciation and the basic nature of
the Universe, challenging the commonly held view that our sense of beauty is entirely unfettered and
free. This eclectic and entertaining survey casts the story of human creativity and thought in a new light,
considering such diverse topics as our instinct for language, the origins and uses of colour in Nature,
why we divide time into intervals as we do, the sources of our appreciation of landscape painting, and
whether computer-generated art is really art. Barrow reconsiders the question of whether intelligent
extraterrestrial life exists, showing that the benefits that might follow from the discovery of life on other
worlds could be very different from what we have often been led to expect. Remarkably, we find that
some of the properties of the Universe that are essential for the existence of any form of life play a key
role in determining our psychological and religious responses to the Cosmos. Drawing on many varied
and colourful examples, “The Artful Universe” enters a wide-ranging debate about the meaning and
significance of the links between art and science. It will change our view of the creation of art and the
way we see the world in which we live.
Published by Springer Verlag - 1997 - author : Kenneth R. Lang - DM 58.00/öS 423.40/US$ 39.95
(softcover) - ISBN 3 540 62808 8 - number of pages : 282 - Solar physics - amateur astronomers
This lavishly illustrated book introduces the sun, its physics, and its impact on life here on Earth. Using
the most recent results based on radio telescope and satellite observations, the author describes the sun’s
awesome nuclear energy processes, its mysterious neutrino flux, its seismic activity, its magnetic fields
and sunspots, its corona, solar flares and prominences, the solar wind, and the hugely important and
multifaceted role of sunlight in both sustaining and endangering life on Planet Earth. Written in a light
and frienly style, this is a delightful book for all who wish to understand the latest discoveries about the
sun. It would make an ideal gift for all students of astronomy and related disciplines as well as for
amateur astronomers.
Die wirtschaftliche Nutzung des Sonnensystems
Published by Franckh-Kosmos Verlag, Pfizerstrasse 5-7, D- 70184 Stuttgart (0711) 21 91 320 - 1996 Autor : Bernhard Mackowiak - DM 24.80 - ISBN 3 440 07228 2 - number of pages : 159 - Space
Rohstoffe von Mond und Mars, Forschungsstationen auf dem Merkur, Planetoiden als
Rohstofflieferanten, eine Siedlungs- Ringwelt um die Sonne ? Das klingt wie das Szenarium aus einem
Doch Wissenschaftler und Techniker in den Planungsbüros der
Raumfahrtorganisationen sind längst mit solchen Zukunftsprojekten befasst. Ein spannender Report, der
seine leser weit ins nächste jahrtausend entführt.
Published by Franckh-Kosmos Verlag - 1996 - Author : Jacqueline Mitton - DM 49.80/ öS 389.00/sFr
49.80 (hardcover) - ISBN 3 440 07007 7 - number of pages : 320
Neutrinos, Quarks und schwarze Löcher : Dieses Astrolexicon von A wie Abell- Katalog bis Z wie ZZ
Ceti-Stern beantwortet fast jede Frage. Es enthält 2400 Stichwörter auf dem neuesten Stand der
Forchung. Die englische Astrophysikerin Jacqueline Mitton legt mit diesem Buch ein preiswertes,
handliches Nachschlagewerk vor, das vom astronomisch interessierten Laien bis Himmelsbeobachtern
anspricht. Neben Namen von Sternen, Sternbildern, Nebeln, Galaxien, Kleinplaneten und Sternwarten
stehen Einträge zu berUhmten Teleskopen und Weltraumflügen und Definitionen physikalischer und
kosmologischer Fachbegriffe. Das Werk öffnet einen zuverlässigen und aktuellen Weg durch den
Dschungel der komplexen technischen Bezeichnungen einer Wissenschaft, die sich wie wenige
Forschungsbereiche heute mit grosser Geschwindigkeit entwickelt und verändert. Die in Oxford
auggebildete und heute in Cambridge lehrende Physikerin Jacqueline Mitton arbeitet für das britische
Journal of the Britisch Astronomical Association und die Royal Astronomical Society. Sie
veröffenlichte bereits etliche populärwissenschaftliche Bücher über Astronomie.
Published by Birkhäuser Verlag AG - 1996 - Leonhardi Euleri Opera Omnia, Secunda, Vol. 31 - Edited
by Eric J. Aiton - sFr 225.00/ DM 270.00/ öS 1971.00 (hardcover) - ISBN 3 7643 1459 1 - number of
pages : 480 - professional astronomers/ historians
This volume concludes the second series of Leonhard Euler’s Opera Omnia. It contains Euler’s
contributions to cosmic physics. Most substantial is the “Essay on the Tides”, which shared the prize
awarded by the Paris Academy of Sciences in 1740. Other topics are the constitution of the atmosphere,
ocean currents and winds, comets, the resistance of the aether, the lunar atmosphere, and the shape of the
Earth. The papers collected in this volume span a period from 1727 to 1775. They show Euler’s lasting
interest in questions of cosmic physics.
Published by Cambridge University Press - 1997 - author : Gerald North - £ 50.00 (hardcover) - ISBN 0
521 57407 2 - £ 16.95 (paperback) - ISBN 0 521 57430 7 - number of pages : 416 - Amateur astronomy
- general reader
For the amateur astronomer who is bored with constellation spotting and elementary observing, this
indispensable guide will put new zest into nights under starlit skies. It takes the observer onto more
detailed and advanced practical work in astronomy, with chapters on astrophotography, CCD and video
imaging, spectroscopy and radio astronomy. The author also explains how to diagnose and rectify
equipment faults. The specialised knowledge is applied to the full range of celestial bodies accessible by
telescope: the solar system, stars and galaxies.
Monchau, Germany, 15-19 April 1996
Published by the European Space Agency - 1996 - ESA Special Publication 396 - Compiled by T.-D.
Guyenne - Dfl. 50.00 (paperback) - ISBN 92 9092 267 2 - number of pages : 98
Published by the European Space Agency - 1996 - ESA Special Publication 1202 - Authors : N. Larter
and A. Gonfalone - Dfl. 50.00 (paperback) - ISBN 92 9092 407 1 - number of pages : 71
Published by Cambridge University Press - 1997 - authors : Dap Hartmann and W. Butler Burton - £
100.00 (hardcover and CD-rom) - ISBN 0 521 47111 7 - number of pages : 256 - Professional
Astronomy - reference for professionals
Containing maps showing the distribution of emissions from atomic hydrogen, this is an important
reference source for astronomers in many different fields of research. Atomic hydrogen, the principal
component of the interstellar medium, was measured over a 5-year period using the 25-metre radio
telescope of the NFRA. Displayed in several projections, each map corresponds to a particular velocity
A CD-Rom is included with the Atlas, and contains the entire dataset of the
Leiden/Dwingeloo survey, colour images in GIF format, and animations displaying the 3-dimensional
data cube.
R645 THE CAMBRIDGE STAR ATLAS second edition
Published by Cambridge University Press - 1996 - author : Wil Tirion - £ 12.95 (hardcover) - ISBN 0
521 56098 5 - number of pages : 96 - Astronomy , Star atlases - general reader
The Cambridge Star Atlas covers the entire sky, both northern and southern latitudes, in an attractive
format that is suitable for beginners and experienced astronomical observers. There is a series of
monthly sky charts which enable anyone, anywhere at any time to get a quick impression of the stars
visible at night. These synoptic maps are followed by an atlas of the whole sky, arranged in twenty over
lapping charts. Each chart shows stars down to magnitude 6.5, together with about 900 non-stellar
objects, such as clusters and galaxies, which can be seen with binoculars or a small telescope. There is a
comprehensive map of the Moon’s surface, showing craters and other named features. Wil Tirion is the
world’s foremost artist and designer of astronomical maps. For this edition he has devised improved
versions of the monthly charts and all-sky charts showing the locations of different types of astronomical
objects. The text has been completely revised. In this improved and expanded format, The Cambridge
Star Atlas is an ideal reference atlas for sky watchers everywhere.
Published by Cambridge University Press - 1996 - authors : Roger H. Hewins, R.H. Jones and E.R.D.
Scott - £ 90.00 (hardcover) - ISBN 0 521 55288 5 - number of pages : 512 - Chondrules, Chondrites,
Planets-origin - conference proceedings
Primitive meteorites are full of tiny igneous spherules called chondrules. These have excited and
challenged scientists since they were first described nearly 200 years ago. Chondrules were made by
some pervasive process in the early solar system that formed melted silicate droplets. This is the first
comprehensive review of chondrules and their origin since a consensus developed that they were made
in the disk of gas and solids that formed the Sun and planets 4.5 billion years ago. Fifty scientists from
assorted disciplines have collaborated to review how chondrules could have formed in the
protoplanetary disk. When and where in the disk did they form ? What were they made from and how
fast were they heated and cooled ? What provided the energy to melt chondrules - nebular shock waves,
lightning discharged, protostellar jets ? Following an exciting international conference in Albuquerque,
New Mexico, the latest answers to these questions are presented in thirty-four articles.
R647 THE NEW ASTRONOMY second edition
Published by Cambridge University Press - 1996 - authors : Nigel Henbest and Michael Marten £23.00 (hardcover) - ISBN 0 521 40324 3 - £16.95 (paperback) - ISBN 0 521 40871 7 - number of pages
: 288 - Astronomy - general reader
The New Astronomy is a rich kaleidoscope of the finest images of planets, stars, galaxies and the
universe. It presents a host of new information, gathered from right across the spectrum: spanning the
colourful cosmos from X-rays, through ultraviolet, visible and infrared, and out to radio waves. Nigel
Henbest and Michael Marten take us on a journey in which we view the variety of the universe and its
contents through every available window. For the new edition there are almost 200 entirely new
pictures, selected from the Hubble Space Telescope and orbiting X-ray detectors, as well as from the
leading ground-based radio and infrared telescopes. The new science includes intriguing images from
gravitational lenses, which are natural telescopes created by dark matter around other galaxies, and a full
description of the latest images of the background radiation of the universe.
Published by Cambridge University Press - 1997 - authors : Peter Cattermole and Patrick Moore £19.95 (hardcover) - ISBN 0 521 49652 7 - number of pages : 145 - Planetology, Magellan spacecraft general reader
Venus, closest planet to the Earth, is a torrid world of extremes, shrouded from direct view by dense
clouds. Atlas of Venus shows all the fascinating detail discovered on the recent Magellan mission as
well as data from earlier ones. Giving the historical background to our perception of the planet, the
book clearly explains why Venus has been the goal of so many missions by both Russian and American
Space programs. With the latest images from the Magellan mission, this colourful Atlas shows the
beautiful landscapes of Venus and its dynamic volcanism. Over 100 maps and illustrations show the
dramatic beauty of this mysterious but very photogenic planet. Complete with detailed maps and a
gazetteer of all landmarks this is the essential reference source for all professional and amateur
astronomers, and planetary scientists interested in our closest neighbour.
Röntgenastronomie mit ROSAT
Von Birkhäuser Verlag - 1996 - Autor : Bernd Aschenbach, Hermann-Michael Hahn und Joachim
Trümper - DM 78.00/öS 570.00/ sFr 68.00 (Gebunden mit Schutzumschlag) - ISBN 3 7643 5339 2 - 192
Seit Jahrtausendden ist für die Menschen der Blick in die Sterne der Beweis für die Unvergänglichkeit
des Himmels gewesen. Doch was wir am Himmelszelt sehen, ist nur ein kleiner Ausschnitt der
Wirklichkeit. Grosse Teile des Himmels bleiben für uns unsichtbar, weil sie im Röntgen “licht”
strahlen, das von der Erdatmosphäre absorbiert wird. Dieser unsichtbare Himmel ist sichtbar geworden
- der Röntgensatellit ROSAT macht’s möglich. Und was uns dessen Röntgenblick vor Augen führt,
kann sich sehen lassen: ROSAT hat den Himmel im Röntgenlich kartiert, ja man kann ohne
Übertreibung sagen, einen neuen Himmel sichtbar gemacht. Der Satellit zeigt uns einen Kosmos, der
geprägt ist von umglaublichen Temperaturen, extremen Geschwindigkeiten von Materieteilchen und
unvorstellbaren Energien. Dank ROSAT sieht die Astronomie das Universum buchstäblich mit anderen
Augen. Dieser einmalige Erfolg ist einem Team deutscher Wissenschaftler um Joachim Trümper zu
Und Trümper stellt in diesem Buch, zusammen mit seinen Koautoren, die
aufsehenerregende Expedition in die Welt des Röntgenlichts erstmals einer breiten Öffentlichkeit vor
Planung, Bau, die Entwicklung der Instrumente, der Start und die Pannen, die sensationellen Ergebnisse
und die spektakulärsten Bilder.
Lassen Sie sich entführen in die fascinierende Welt des
Röntgenuniversums mit Bildern, die vor ROSAT noch niemand sah.
Experiencing Time and Concepts of Time in an Interdisciplinary Perspective
Published by Springer Verlag - 1997 - Authors : Harald Atmanspacher and Eva Ruhnau - DM 78.00/ öS
569.40/ sFr 69.00/ GBP 30.00/ US$ 54.95 (hardcover) - ISBN 3 540 62486 4 - Philosophy of Time,
Relativity and Gravity, Non-relativistic Quantum Theory - physicists
The essays in this topical volume inquire into one of the most fundamental issues of philosophy and of
the cognitive and natural sciences: the riddle of time. The central feature is the tension between he
experience and the conceptualization of time, reflecting an apparently unavoidable antinomy of
subjective first-person accounts and objective traditional science. is time based in the physics of
inanimate matter, or does it originate in the operation of our minds? Is it essential for the constitution of
reality, or is it just an illusion ? Issues of time, temporality, and nowness are paradigms for
interdisciplinary work in many contemporary fields or research. The authors of this volume discuss
profoundly the mutual relationships and inspiring perspectives. They address a general audience.
Published by Cambridge University Press - 1997 - author : Bernard E.J. Pagel - £19.95/US$ 29.95
(softcover) - ISBN 0 521 55958 8 - £ 55.00/US$ 74.95 (hardcover) - ISBN 0 521 55061 0 - number of
pages : 378 - Galaxies, Stars, Evolution, Cosmochemistry - graduate text
This long awaited textbook provides a comprehensive introduction to the broad subject of galactic
chemical evolution for advanced undergraduate and graduate students and an invaluable overview for
researchers. The distribution of elements in the cosmos is the result of many processes in the history of
the Universe. It provides us with a powerful tool to study the Big Bang, the density of baryonic matter,
nucleosynthesis and the formation and evolution of stars and galaxies. This textbook, by a pioneer of
the field, provides a lucid and wide-ranging introduction to the interdisciplinary subject of galactic
chemical evolution. We are introduced to a broad spectrum of exciting astrophysics from thermonuclear
reactions, abundance measurements in astromical sources, cosmological element production by sosmic
rays and the effects of galactis processes on the evolution of the elements. The student(s) is thus led to
develop an intuitive and analytical understanding of results from numerical models and real
observations. Simple, elegant derivations for key results are provided throughout, together with
problems and helpful solution hints.
Published by Springe Verlag - 1997 - author : Nailong Wu - Springer Series in Information Sciences
Vol. 32 - editor : Thomas S. Huang - DM 128.00/öS 934.40/ sFr 113.00/ US$ 85.00 (hardcover) - ISBN
3 540 61965 8 - number of pages : 327 - Specral Theory, Signal processing, Mathematical physics professionals
The Maximum Entropy Method addresses the principle and applications of the powerful maximum
entropy method (MEM), which has its roots in the principle of maximum entropy introduced into the
field of statistical mechanics 40 years ago. This method has since been adopted in many areas of science
and technology, such as spectral analysis, image restoration, mathematics, and physics. Readers of this
monograph are lead to current research frontiers through the analysis and comparison of three schools of
thought in MEM research. The step-by-step approach and the detailed examples make this an invaluable
textbook for graduate students. The detailed practical algorithms will also appeal to scientists and
engineers using this book as a reference work.
Published by Cambridge University Press - 1996 - author : T. Padmanabhan - £ 70.00 (hardcover) ISBN 0 521 46230 4 - £ 24.95 (paperback) - ISBN 0 521 46783 7 - number of pages : 486 - Cosmology,
Astrophysics, Astronomy - graduate text
Recent advances have made cosmology and high energy astrophysics closely linked interdisciplinary
research areas. Graduate students now need to assimiliate a broad range of physical concepts to work in
these disciplines. This innovative book provides a clear and pedagogical introduction to the core topics
needed for research in these areas through a series of problems and answers. The problems are designed
to develop each subject in a simple and coherent way and full solutions are provided to make this book
completely selfcontained. The first half of this novel textbook covers the core subjects of astrophysical
processes, gravitational dynamics, radiative processes, fluid mechanics and general relativity. The
second half uses these concepts to develop modern cosmology and structure formation : topics include
the expanding universe, the physics of high redshift object and the very early universe. This unique selfstudy textbook will be of key interest to graduate students and researchers in cosmology, astrophyisics,
relativity and theoretical physics. It is particularly well suited to graduate-level courses.
Proceedings of the STScI May Symposium, held in Baltimore, Maryland, May 7-10, 1996
Published by Cambridge University Press - Space Telescope Science Institute Symposium Series Vol 10
- 1997 - editors : M. Livio, M. Donahue and N. Panagia - £ 50.00 (hardcover) - ISBN 0 521 59164 3 number of pages : 320 - Astronomy, Cosmology - graduate students and researchers
The hottest debate in astronomy today is the value of the Hubble Constant which fixes the size and age
of the Universe. At a workshop at the Space Telescope Science Institute, experts from around the world
presented the latest results from a plethora of techniques for determining the Hubble Constant. Based on
the meeting, this book presents 23 specially written review chapters. They provide a comprehensive
account of the Hubble Constant debate with the latest results from gravitational lensing, and the
Sunyaev-Zeldovich effect, through to planetary nebulae and light echoes.
Galaxies de Seyfert, QSO, Quasars, lacertides et radiogalaxies
Publié par Springer Verlag - Springe Lecture Notes in Physics m46 - 1997 - auteur : Max Camenzind DM 62.00/ öS 452.60/ sFr 55.00/US$ 46.00 (hardcover) - ISBN 3 540 62869 X - number of pages : 218 professionelles
Découveret il ya plus de 30 ans, les quasars et les radiogalaxies sont des galaxies particulières qui
manifestent en leur centre une activité intense. Cet ouvrage se consacreaux principales questions de la
physique des noyaux actifs en les illustrant par de récentes données. Y sont traités les domaines
suivants: les noyaux des galaxies actives, la théorie des trous noirs en rotation et de leurs disques
d’accrétion, l’origine des raies d’emission et les jets des galaxies actives. Fournissant une introduction
générale à la terminologie, ces ouvrage s’adresse aussi bien aux étudiants en astronomie qu’aux
Where did we come from? Before there was life there had to be something to live on - a planet, a solar
system. During the past 200 years, astronomers and geologists have developed and tested several
different theories about the origin of the Solar System and the nature of the Earth. Dit the Earth and
other planets form as a byproduct of a natural process that formed the Sun? Dit the Solar System come
into being as the result of a catastrophic encounter of two stars?
The three volumes that comprise A History of Modern Planetary Physics present a survey of the
different theories about the origin of the solar system and the nature of the Earth.
A History of Modern Planetary Physics Set : by Stephen G. BRUSH - 1996 - £ 100.00/US$ 145.00
(hardcover) - ISBN 0 521 55215 X - Scientists, Historians of Science, Philosophers of Science, Libraries
of Colleges, Scienctific Laboratories and Observatories - graduate and upper level
Volume I
The Origin of the Solar System and the Core of the Earth from Laplace to Jeffreys
Published by Cambridge University Press - 1996 - author: Stephen G. Brush - £ 45.00 (hardcover) ISBN 0 521 441714 4 - number of pages : 312
Nebulous Earth follows the development of Laplace’s Nebular Hypothesis, its connection with ideas
about the interior of the Earth, and its role in the establishment of the ‘evolutionary’ worldview that
dominated science in the latter part of the nineteenth century. Professor Brush also explores Saturn’s
rings. Poincaré’s contribution to ideas about cosmic evolution, the use of seismology to probe the
earth’s core, and explanations of the Earth’s magnetic field.
Volume II
The age of the Earth and the Evolution of the Elements from Lyell to Patterson
Published by Cambridge University Press - 1996 - author: Stephen G. Brush - £ 35.00 (hardcover) ISBN 0 521 55213 3 - number of pages : 134
Transmuted Past follows the development of theories of stellar evolution and nucleosynthesis in the
twentieth century and describes radiometric methods for estimating the age of the Earth. Professor
Brush also offers perspectives on the changing reputation of planetary science relative to the ‘pure’
sciences, such as physics, and a comparison of history and geology as ways of studying the past.
Volume III
The Origin of the Solar System and of the Moon from Chamberlin to Apollo
Published by Cambridge University Press - 1996 - author: Stephen G. Brush - £ 45.00 (hardcover) ISBN 0 521 55214 1 - number of pages : 353
Fruitful Encounters follows the development of twentieth century theories of the solar system’s
beginnings. By placing great emphasis on the findings of the Apollo space program and expecially its
analysis of lunar samples, Professor Brush discusses ideas about the origin of the Moon, culminating in
the establishment, in the 1980’s, of the ‘giant impact’ theory.
Cambridge Contemporary Astrophysics Series
This series provides a vehicle for the fast publication of high-quality lecture note volumes and
stimulating and up-to-date reviews of fast-moving topics in astronomy, astrophysics and cosmology. It
is as flagship collection of half a dozen carefully selected proceedings from the most topical
international conference each and every year.
Published by Cambridge University Press - 1997 - authors : Jose M. Rodriguez Espinosa, Artemio
Herrero and Francisco Sanchez - £ 50.00 (hardcover) - ISBN 0 521 58291 1 - number of pages : 329
- graduate text
A new generation of large, ground-based telescopes is just coming into operation. They will take
astronomical research well into the next century. These extremely powerful telescopes demand
specially designed instruments and observing techniques. The VII Canary Islands Winter School of
Astrophysics gathered together leading experts from around the world to review this technology. Based
on the meeting, this timely volume presents eight specially written chapters covering all aspects of
telescope instrumentation. This book provides an essential reference for all astronomers who will be the
users of these large telescopes. It reviews both the challenges involved in designing successful
instrumentation and the questions in astronomy they must address. We are taken from the fundamentals
of astronomical imaging, low- and high-resolution spectroscopy, and polarimetry up to the state-of-theart technology in adaptive optics and laser guide stars, interferometry, image pattern recognition, and
optical, near- and mid-infrared arrays. This timely volume provides an excellent introduction for
graduate students and an invaluable reference for researchers using the latest generation of large
astronomical telescopes.
Inclusive CD-ROM
Published by Cambridge University Press - 1997 - authors : Jean-Alain Marck and Jean-Pierre Lasota £ 50.00/US$ 74.95 (hardcover) - ISBN 0 521 59065 5 - number of pages : 475 - graduate text
A number of gravitational-wave detectors are currently being built around the world. Their goal is to
detect gravitational radiation for the first time. A graduate workshop at the ‘Centre de Physique’ in Les
Houches in the French Alps was dedicated to this exciting topic. In this book, a distinguished team of
researchers review all aspects of this entirely new view of our Universe. An accompanying free CDROM provides numerical simulations of black holes and other exotic objects emitting gravitational
radiation, together with the book in a hypertext format. We are introduced to the most recent models of
gravitational-wave emission by black hole - neutron star binary systems, stars undergoing gravitational
collapse, pulsars and accreting neutron stars, and by fluctuations in the primordial Universe.
Published by Cambridge University Press - 1997 - authors : Robert T. Rood and Alvio Renzini - £
50.00/ US$ 69.95 (hardcover) - ISBN 0 521 59184 8 - number of pages : 340 - graduate text
An understanding of how stars evolve is central to astrophysics. The basic theory is well established.
However, the subject has undergone a renaissance in recent years as powerful computers have become
widely available and allowed complex evolutionary models to be developed and comparedin great detail
with observations from the latest instruments. This timely volume presents the review articles from an
international meeting in Elba, Italy, where experts gathered to review how our understanding of stellar
evolution has advanced. Topics covered include fundamentals of stellar evolution, star clusters, variable
stars, the evolution of binary stars, and chemical and galactic evolution. Throughout, theory and
observation are closely compared. The book also emphasises the critical role stars have on our
understanding of how galaxies evolve.
Published by Cambridge University Press - 1997 - authors : Bernard J.T. Jones and Dragoljub
Markovic - £ 50.00/ US$ 69.95 (hardcover) - ISBN 0 521 62113 5 - number of pages : 304 - graduate
Relativistic astrophysics is a branch of physics that deals with some of the most difficult challenges in
our understanding of nature: the birth of the Universe, the origin of cosmic structures, and the nature of
exotic objects such as quasars, accretion disks and black holes. Based on a meeting to honour the
pioneering work of Igor Novikov, this book presents nineteen specially written chapters covering all
aspects of relativistic astrophysics. The distinguished team of authors is : Marek Abramowicz, Bernard
Carr, Valeri Frolov, Werner Israel, Bernard Jones, Lev Kofman, Edward (‘Rocky’) Kolb, Malcolm
Longair, Phil Lubin, Donald Lynden-Bell, Igor Novikov, Martin Rees, Sergei Shandarin, George Smoot,
Roland Svensson, Gustav Tammann, Kip Thorne, Michael Turner and J. Craig Wheeler. This volume
provides researchers with a broad overview of modern relativictic astrophysics and offers an ideal
source of supplementary reading for graduate students in astrophysics, cosmology and physics. It is a
succinct yet engaging review of what is today one of the most active and fruitful areas of research in
Wolkenbilder und Wetterphänomene richtig verstehen
Birkhäuser Verlag AG, P.O. Box 133, CH-4010 BASEL, Schweiz - 1997 - Autor : Andreas Walker DM 58.00/ öS 424.00/ sFr. 52.00 (Gebunden) - ISBN 3 7643 5470 4 - 252 Seiten
Vor dem Hintergrund bedrochlich sich zusammenziehender Linien, in deren Mittelpunkt ein Grosses T
prengt, verkündet eine sonore Männerstimme im allabendlichen Wetterbericht: “Das Atlantiktief mit
Kern über island verlagert sich unter Auffüllung rasch nach Osten und wird in den nächsten Tagen unser
Wetter bestimmen.” Nun gut! Eigentlich hat zwar niemand verstanden, was passieren wird, aber aus
Erfahrung weiSS jeder, daSS die nächsten Tage regnerisch sein dürften. Aber was füllt sich, manchmal
einen ganzen Sommer lang, womit auf, und warum zum Teufel müssen Teifs sich gerade über dem
Atlantik bilden und nach Osten ziehen?
Der Schweizer Meteorologe Andreas Walker, leidenschaftlicher Naturbeobachter und Fotograf,
Vermittelt das Wissen, und Wetterzeichen am Himmel und Wetterberichte zu verstehen, auch dem
absoluten Anfänger. Er erklärt mit einfachen Worten wichtige Grundbegriffe wie die verschiedenen
Wokenformationen und ihre Bedeutung, Luftdruck und Temperatur, Windsysteme, Hoch- und
Tiefdruckgebiete, Stürme, tropische Unwetter und Föhn, beschäftigt sich mit Wetterfühligkeit und
rundet seine Thematik mir der Darstellung spektakulärer Naturphänomene wie Regenbogen, Halo, Fata
Morgana oder Polarlicht ab. Eindrücklich illustriert wird seine Darstellung durch annähernd 200,
ausschliesslich selbst geschossene Fotografien, die den Band auch ästhetisch zum Genuss werden lassen.
Die aufregende Entdeckung fremder Welten
Birkhäuser Verlag AG - 1997 - Reto U. Schneider - DM 49.80/ öS 364.00/ sFr 44.00 (Gebunden) - ISBN
3 7643 5607 3 - 280 Seiten
Die Nachticht platzte wie eine Bombe. Am 6. Oktober 1995 gaben die Schweizer Astronomen Michel
Mayor und Didier Queloz die Entdeckung des ersten extrasolaren Planeten bekannt. In wenigen
Stunden war die Meldung um die Welt, die Medien hatten ihre Sensation. Doch was war so
auSSergewöhnlich an der Neuigkeit? Nun, nach allen unseren Vorstellungen ist die Sonne ciht der
einzige Stern, der Planeten in seiner Umlaufbahn hält. Allerdings bemühten sich die Astronomen
jahrhundertelang vergeblich, Trabanten anderer Sterne zu finden. Ferner ist nach menschlichem
Ermessen nur auf solchen Planeten intelligentes Leben möglich. Jede Suche nach höherem Leben im
Weltraum muSS also bei der Suche nach etrasolaren Planeten ansetzen. So ging vor einem Jahr mit
einem Schlag ein alter Traum der Astronomen in Erfüllung, und die wohl tiefreichendste Spekulation
der Menschheit, nämlich die Frage, ob wir allein im Weltall sind, fand neue Nahrung. Mit den
entsprechenden Folgen: Kaum hatte es die Entdeckung der Schweizer auf die Titelseiten von “Spiegel”
und “New York Times” geschafft, wurde weltweit zur Triedjagd nach neuen Planeten geblasen. Und
tatsächlich wurden seitdem weitere Trabanten weit entfernter Sterne entdeckt, von denen einer sogar
eine Oberflächen-temperatur aufweist, die Leben zulassen würde. Es ist, als sei die Astronomie in ein
neues Zeitalter eingetreten. “Alle wollen eine neue Welt entdecken” meint einer der Planetenjäger.
Proceedings of an International Workshop held in St. Petersburg, Russia, 8-12 May, 1995
Published by Kluwer Academic Publishers - 1996 - authors : J.O. Stenflo and K.N. Nagendra - Dfl.
350.00/ US$ 245.00/ UK£ 155.00 (hardcover) - ISBN 079 233985 1 - number of pages : 432
Much progress has been made in recent years in understanding the complex physics of polarized
radiation in the sun and stars. This physics includes vector radiative transfer and spectral line formation
in the presence of magnetic fields, scattering theory and coherence effects, partial redistribution and
turbulent magnetic fields, numerical techniques and Stokes inversion, as well as concepts for
polarimetric imaging with a precision only limited by photon statistics. The present volume gives a
comprehensive and up-to-date account of this rapidly evolving field of science.
Proceedings of the 176th symposium of the IAU held in Vienna, Austria, October 9-13, 1995
Published by Kluwer Academic Publishers - 1996 - authors : Klaus G. Strassmeier and Jeffrey L. Linsky
- Dfl. 300.00/ US$ 199.00/ UK£ 135.00 (hardcover) - ISBN 079 234026 4 - number of pages : 600
In the past decade, indirect (Doppler) imaging techniques have opened up a whole new discipline in
stellar astronomy, providing increasingly detailed photometric, magnetic, and chemical inhomogeneity
images of stellar surfaces. Furthermore, new optical interferometers are already being used with
sophisticated interferometer techniques to image stellar surface structures more directly, and in the
future the ESO VLT Interferometer and other instruments will extend these capabilities enormously.
These developments are highlighted in the first two sections of this book. The large number of recent
results, ground-based and space-based, and the lack of generally accepted dynamo theory with predictive
power for the stars and the Sun, result in an ever-growing complexity of interpretation of individual
results. The IAU Symposium 176 on 'Stellar Surface Structure' consequently focused on spatially
resolved stellar observations throughout the H-R diagram, from O- and B- stars to late M-stars. Two
further sections in this book summarize the current observational data on surface inhomogeneities in
stellar photospheres, chromospheres, and coronae. Finally, a special section is devoted to next
generation model atmospheres.
Proceedings of the 171th symposium of the IAU, held in Heidelberg, Germany, June 26-30, 1995
Published by Kluwer Academi Publishers - 1996 - authors : Ralf Bender and Roger L. Davies - Dfl.
255.00/ US$ 179.00/ UK£ 115.00 (hardcover) - ISBN 079 233975 4 - number of pages : 482
The study of the evolution of galaxies has made remarkable progress in recent years and is currently
undergoing a transformation arising from the application of new observational and theoretical tools.
Twenty-one invited reviews, twenty-six contributed papers and 137 poster papers cover the wide variety
of recent developments, present new insights and demonstrate the rapid encrease in our knowledge about
galaxy evolution and formation.
Proceedings of Colloguium N° 152 of the IAU, held in Berkeley, California, March 27-30, 1995
Published by Kluwer Academic Publishers - 1996 - Authors : Stuart Bowyer and Roger F. Malina - Dfl.
210.00/ US$ 149.00/ UK£ 95.00 (hardcover) - ISBN 0 79233908 8 - number of pages : 620
From the beginning of Space Astronomy, the Extreme Ultraviolet band of the spectrum (roughly defined
as teh decade in energy from 90-900 angström) was deemed the 'unobservable ultraviolet'. Pioneering
results from an EUV telescope on the Apollo-Soyuz Mission in 1975 forceably demonstrated that this
view was incorrect; but it required the all-sky surveys of the English Wide-Field Camera and the
Extreme Ultraviolet Explorer to demonstrate the broad potential of this field. Over 700 EUV sources
have now been detected. Over 150 researchers from 16 countries gathered to share results in this new
field at the International Astronomical Union Colloquium N° 152. Papers were presented on a wide
variety of topics including cool star coronae, white dwarf atmospheres and evolution, neutron stars, the
Io torus, cataclysmic variable stars, active galactic nuclei, the interstellar medium, winds and
atmospheres of early type stars, and EUV plasma diagnostics. Selected manuscripts from this meeting
are provided in these conference proceedings.
A Festschrift for professor Sir Robert Wilson
Published by Kluwer Academic Publishers - 1996 - Authors : A.J. Willis and T.W. Hartquist - Dfl.
240.00/ US$ 156.00/ UK£ 99.00 (hardcover) - ISBN 0 97234151 1 - number of pages : 400
Throughout his career Sir Robert Wilson has demonstrated that advances in a wide variety of fields in
astrophysics and laboratory physics are achievable through the application of fundamental plasma
spectroscopy. His work has included: optical studies that probed the nature of interstellar dust and first
revealed the existence of O star winds; vacuum ultraviolet and X-ray diagnosis of fusion plasmas; rocket
ultraviolet and X-ray observations of the Sun; and the conception, development and use of the
International Ultraviolet Explorer (IUE) satellite which has contributed greatly to stellar, interstellar and
extragalactic astrophysics. This volume contains reviews honouring Sir Robert and reflecting his
Transactions of the International Astronomical Union Volume XXIII A
Published by Kluwer Academic Publishers - 1997 - Editor : Immo Appenzeller - Dfl. 315.00/ US$
195.00/ UK£ 117.00 (hardcover) - ISBN 0 7923 4540 1 - number of pages : 605
IAU Transactions are published as a volume corresponding to each General Assembly. Volume A is
produced prior to the Assembly and contains Reports on Astronomy, prepared by each Commission
President. The intention is to summarize the astronomical results that have affected the work of the
Commission since the production of the previous Reports up to a time which is about one year prior to
the General Assembly. Volume Bis produced after the Assembly and contains accounts of Commission
Meetings which were held, together with other material. The reports included in the present volume
range from outline summaries to lengthy compilations and references. Most reports are in English.
Proceedings of the Fourth Alexander von Humboldt Colloquium on Celestial Mechanics
Published by Kluwer Academic Publishers - 1997 - Editors : Rudolf Dvorak and Jacques Henrard - Dfl.
300.00/ US$ 177.00/ GB£ 110.00 - ISBN 0 7923 4548 7 - number of pages : 428
The papers in this volume cover a large range of questions concerning the dynamics of objects of the
Solar System, from theoretical Hamiltonian mechanics to the study of the dynamical behaviour of
specific objects, with a strong emphasis on the detection, causes and effects of chaotic behaviour.
Several papers describe the very latest contributions in two very lively and recent topics which are
considered a major breakthrough in numerical dynamics; symplectic methods of numerical integration of
Hamiltonian systems, and methods for spectral analysis of numerically computed orbits leading to
refined tools for the detection and evaluation of chaos. The dynamics of the asteroid belt and other
small objects, a fast-moving topic with important implications for the origin and evolution of the Solar
System, is also extensively covered. This volume will be of interest to mathematicians and physicists
interested in Hamiltonian mechanics and in the dynamics of the Solar System.
Published by Cambridge University Press – 1998 – Editor : Arnab Rai Choudhuri - £ 19.95 / US$
29.95 (paperback) – ISBN 0 521 5543 4 – number of pages: 427
A good working knowledge of fluid mechanics and plasma physics is essential for the modern
astrophysicist. This graduate textbook provides a clear, pedagogical introduction to these core subjects.
Assuming an undergraduate background in physics, this book develops fluid mechanics and plasma
physics from first principles. This book is unique because it presents neutral fluids and plasmas in a
unified scheme, clearly indicating both their similarities and their differences. Also, both the
macroscopic (continuum) and microscopic (particle) theories are developed, establishing the connections
between them. Throughout, key examples from astrophysics are used, though no previous knowledge of
astronomy is assumed. Exercises are included at the end of chapters to test the reader’s understanding.
This textbook is aimed primarily at astrophysics graduate students. It will also be of interest to advanced
students in physics and applied mathematics seeking a unified view of fluid mechanics and plasma
physics, encompassing both the microscopic and macroscopic theories.
Proceedings of the Space Telescope Science Institute Symposium
Published by Cambridge University Press – 1998 – Editors : Mario Livio, S. Michael Fall and Piero
Madau - £ 50.00 / US$ 69.95 (hardback) – ISBN 0 521 63097 – number of pages: 303
The Hubble Deep Field (HDF) is the deepest optical image of the Universe ever obtained. It is the result
of a 150-orbit observing programme with the Hubble Space Telescope. It provides a unique resource for
researchers studying the formation and evolution of stars and galaxies. This timely volume provides the
first comprehensive overview of the HDF and the scientific impact it is having in cosmology. This book
presents articles by a host of world experts who gathered together at an international conference at the
Space Telescope Science Institute. The contributions combine ovservations of the HDF at a variety of
wavelengths with the latest theoretical progress in our understanding of the cosmic history of star and
galaxy formation.
The HDF is set to revolutionize our understanding in cosmology. This book therefore provides an
indispensable reference for all graduate students and researchers in observational or theoretical
Saas-Fee Advanced Course 25
Published by Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg – 1997 – Editors : Georges Meynet and Daniel
Schaerer – ISBN 3 540 61520 2 – number of pages: 340
Three eminent scientists, each well known for the clarity of their writing, present for students and
researchers what is known about the internal structure, origin and evolution of white dwarfs, neutron
stars and black holes, all objects at the final stage of stellar evolution. They cover fascinating topics
such as pulsation of white dwarfs, millisecond pulsars or the dynamics around black holes. The book is
written for graduate students in astrophysics, but is also of interest to professional astronomers and
Published by Cambridge University Press – 1999 – Author: John A. Peacock - £ 70.00 / US$ 85.00
(paperback) – ISBN 0 521 41072 X – number of pages: 682
This textbook provides a comprehensive introduction to modern cosmology, at a level suitable for
advanced undergraduates and graduate students. The essential concepts and key equations used by
professional researchers in both theoretical and observational cosmology are derived and explained from
first principles.
A third of the book carefully develops the necessary background in general relativity and quantum fields.
The remainder of the volume then provides self-contained accounts of the principal topics in
contemporary cosmologyn, including inflatation, topological defects, gravitational lensing, the distance
scale structure and galaxy formation.
Throughout, the emphasis is on helping students to attain a physical and intuitive understanding of the
subject. The book is therefore extensively illustrated, and outline solutions to more than 90 problems
are included. All necessary astronomical jargon is clearly explained, ensuring that the book is selfcontained for students with a background in undergraduate physics.
Published by Cambridge University Press – 1998 – Editors: Michael J. Crowe, David R. Dyck and
James R. Kevin - £ 100.00 / US$ 150.00 (hardback) – ISBN
0 521 63149 1 – number of pages: 828
This volume for the first time provides summaries, descriptions, and documentation for 14,815 letters
written by or sent to Sir John Herschel (1792-1871). Herschel’s numerous contributions to astronomy,
as well as to mathematics, physics, chemistry (especially photochemistry and photography),
meteorology, philosophy of science, and scientific organization, led his British contemporaries to regard
him as the most prominent scientist of his era. Because Herschel corresponded on a remarkable array of
topics and with leading figures both in Britain and beyond, this volume gives scholars access to a wealth
of revealing new information. The many uses of the volume are enhanced by its Biographical Register,
which identifies about 1500 of Herschel’s correspondents, and by its Index, which supplies thirty
thousand references. This volume is far and away the most extensive source of information on John
Herschel ever published. Also included are bibliographies of Herschel’s publications and of
publications on him.
Further Adventures with the Hubble Space Telescope
Published by Cambridge University Press – 1998 – Authors : Carolyn Collins Petersen, John C. Brandt
- £ 24.95 / US$ 39.95 – ISBN 0 521 59291 7 – number of pages: 224
The first edition of Hubble Vision became an international bestseller and won world-wide, critical
acclaim. This second edition is the most comprehensive, most authoritative and beautifully illustrated
popular book available about science with the Hubble Space Telescope. It provides a magnificent
portfolio of the latest and greatest images from the HST, woven together with a lucid text explaining the
most exciting discoveries. Whether your astronomical quest has just begun or you’ve been gazing at the
skies for years, this book provides an essential tool in understanding and appreciating the beauty of the
Selected topics on large-scale structure and on the properties of galaxies
Published by Kluwer Academic Publishers – 1998 – Editor : Donald Hamilton – NLG: 325.00 / USD:
175.00 / GBP: 110.00 – ISBN 0 7923 5074 X – number of pages: 433
The Evolving Universe is a compendium of topics on and related to the large-scale structure of the
Universe. These include galaxy luminosity functions and their dependence upon environment and
galaxy type; clustering of galaxies; evolution of the clustering of galaxies; rich clusters of galaxies;
superclusters of galaxies; and analyses of redshift surveys both old and new. With the impending
commencement of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey, presumably the definitive survey of nearby and
moderate-redshift galaxies in our lifetime, the time is ripe for sober reflection of what has been recently
accomplished and the directions that future research should take. The centerpiece of The Evolving
Universe is the seminal review by A. Hamilton on linear-redshift distortions. Results are presented from
the following surveys: The Norris Survey (Palomar), the Münster Redshift Project, the ESO Slice
Project, Southern Sky Redshift Survey, CfA surveys an their extensions. Las Campanas Redshift
Survey, CNOC, and CFRS. Theoretical analyses of luminosity functions, CMB-X Ray correlations,
Cosmic String Models, Power Spectra, and quasar absorption line studies are also included.
Scientists in the field as well as graduate students in astronomy will find The Evolving Universe to be a
useful reference for current research as well as an explanation of the basic concepts of the field.
Symposium Proceedings International Symposium
Published by Kluwer Academic Publishers – 1998 – Editors : G. Haskell and M.Rycroft – NLG: 275.00
/ USD : 149.00 / GBP : 94.00 – ISBN 0 7923 5027 8 – number of pages: 354
Space is no longer the special, protected domain that it was in the past. Because of the importance of its
practical applications, it is becoming integrated into the mainstream of economic activity. Technology
push is giving way to the assessment of market opportunities and demand pull. Funding from the public
sector is declining while interest in private financing is steadily growing. The value-added and service
industries are increasing in importance. New technologies will be developed in a context of
privatization, deregulation and globalization. An international and interdisciplinary Symposium was
organized by the International Space University to bring together a diverse group of people, tchnical and
non-technical, engaged in the creation of new approaches to space applications, in order to share
experiences and to exchange ideas on the wayh forward. The Proceedings of this Symposium make
stimulating reading for all who are engaged in the market place and its applications.
The Great Leonid Meteor Storms
Published by Mark Littmann – 1998 – Author: Mark Littmann - £ 25.00 / US$ 39.95 (hardback) – ISBN
0 521 62405 3 – number of pages: 349
Imagine a night when the sky is full of meteors – shooting stars falling toward the Earth in huge
numbers. Imagine the night sky filled with fireballs and briljant streaks of light as the Earth crashes
through a trail of particles lost by an ancient but still active comet. Such nights when the heavens burst
with meteors could occur in 1998, 1999 and 2000.
The years 1998,1999 and 2000 offer the last chance people on Earth will have for a century to see the
most spectacular of all meteor showers, the Leonids. In 1966, when they last filled the sky in great
numbers, observers reported 40 every second. When this storm blazed in 1833, two widely separated
observers described the sight as “the heavens on fire”. With the returning Leonids now reaching their
peak of activity, The Heavens on Fire tells the story of meteors, and especially the Leonids, whose
terrifying beauty established meteor science. Mark Littmann traces the history and mythology of
meteors; profiles the fascinating figures whose discoveries advanced the field; examines the danger to
Earth from meteors, comets, and asteroids; and explores how meteors have changed the course of life on
Earth. He offers advice on how and where to make the best of the 1998, 1999, and 2000 return of the
Leonids. Will you be there when the stars fall? The Heavens on Fire will help you see and understand
this glorious event in the firmament.
Published by Cambridge University Press – 1998 – Author: Igor D. Novikov - £ 9.95 (paperback) –
ISBN 0 521 46737 3 – number of pages: 275
Can we change the past? The surprising answer to this question can be found in the final chapters of this
book. Examining both the history of the study of time, from the classical Greeks through to the present
day, and presenting in detail the modern state of physical research on the subject, this book is a superb
overview of a fascinating subject. The figures who have helped to shape our views on time are
presented as real people, in the context of their own times and struggles: from Socrates’ troubles in
Athens, to the experiences of physicists under the former Soviet Union. In addition Novikov details his
personal experiences with great Russian and Western physicists, such as Sakharov, Zeldovich, Rees and
Hawking, and his travels in the West before the fall of the Iron Curtain.
Details of the modern theories in fields such as the possiblility of time machines, anomalous flows of
time (at black or white holes) and the possible source of The River of Time are described with authority
and clarity. These are areas in which Novikov is himself a leading researcher. Accessible to all, the
engaging style and wonderful illustrations make this book hugely enjoyble to read.
Published by Cambridge University Press – 1998 – Authors: Kevin R. Coombes, Brian R. Hunt, Ronald
L. Lipsman, John E. Osborn and Garrett J. Stuck - £ 16.95 / US$ 24.95 (paperback) – ISBN 0 521
63715 5 – number of pages: 213
This book is a short, focused introduction to Mathematica, the comprehensive software system for
doing mathematics. Written for the beginning user, this engaging book contains an explanation of
essential Mathematica commands, as well as the rich Mathematica interface for preparing polished
technical documents.
Mathematica can be used to graph functions, solve equations, perform statistical tests, and much more.
In addition, it incorporates word processing and desktop publishing features for combining mathematical
computations with text and graphics and producing polished, integrated interactive documents. You can
even use it to create documents and graphics for the Web. This book explains everything you need to
know to begin using Mathematica to do all these things and more. Written for Mathematica Version
3, this book can also be used with earlier versions of Mathematica, and even intermediate and
advanced users may find useful information here, especially if they are making the switch to Version 3
from an earlier version.
Proceedings of the Mexican School on Nuclear Astrophysics, held in Guanajuato
Published by Cambridge University Press – 1998 – Editors: Jorge G. Hirsch, Danny Page - £45.00 /
US$ 69.95 (hardback) – ISBN 0 521 63010 X – number of pages: 297
What is the Universe made of? How old is it? How does a supernova explode? Can we detect black
holes? And where do cosmic rays originate? This volume provides a comprehensive and pedagogical
introduction to modern ideas and challenging problems in nuclear and particle astrophysics.
Articles written by eight leading experts cover a wealth of exciting topics. Together, they present the
Universe as a laboratory for testing cutting-edge physics.
This timely volume successfully bridges the gap between conference proceedings and specialised
monographs. It provides an invaluable resource for graduate students and active researchers in nuclear
and prticle physics, astrophysics and cosmology.
Published by Cambridge University Press – 1998 – Editors: Antonio Aparicio, Artemio Herrero,
Francesco Sãnchez - £ 50.00 / US$ 74.95 (hardback) – ISBN 0 521 63255 2 – number of pages: 607
With the recent advent of large, ground-based telescopes and space telescopes, it is now possible to
study in detail stars outside our galaxy – in neighbouring galaxies in the so-called Local Group. The
VIII Canary Islands Winter School of Astrophysics gathered leading experts from around the world to
review this exciting new area of research – extragalactic stellar astrophysics. This volume presents eigt
specially written articles based on the meeting, reviewing how the study of stars in nearby galaxies can
be used to understand stellar and galactic structure and evolution in general.
This book covers all aspects of extragalactic stellar astrophysics: stellar physics, stellar winds, stellar
evolution, the use of photometric and spectroscopic techniques for studying extragalactic stars, stellar
populations, chemical evolution, star formation histories and the dcalibration of the extragalactic
distance scale.
This timely volume provides graduate students and researchers with an invaluable introduction to and
reference on the new subject of extragalactic stellar astrophysics.
Published by Cambridge University Press – 1998 – Author: Sidney van den Bergh - £ 19.95 (hardback)
– ISBN 0 521 62335 9 – number of pages: 111
This long-awaited book by one of the pioneers of the field provides a concise and up-to-date summary of
current ideas about the shape of galaxies and how they can be classified. It gives graduate students and
researchers a unique and indispensable guide to the most widely used classification schemes and what
they can tell us about galaxies.
A long-awaited book by a pioneer of the field
The only book currently available on galaxy morphology and classification
Concisely explains the classification schemes that are most used and what they can tell us about
Reviews the succes of computer classification of galaxies
The Multiscale Approach
Published by Cambridge University Press – 1998 –Editors: J.-L. Starck, F. Murtagh and A. Bijaoui - £
55.00 (hardback) ISBN 0 521 59084 1 / £ 19.95 (paperback) ISBN 0 521 59914 8 – number of pages:
Powerful techniques have been developed in recent years for the analysis of digital data, especially the
manipulation of images. This book provides an in-depth introduction to a range of these innovative,
avant-garde data-processing technique and then shows with practical examples how they can be applied
to improve the skills of graduate students and researchers in astronomy, electrical engineering, physics,
geophysics and medical imaging.
What sets this book apart from others on the subject is the complementary blend of theory and practical
application. Throughout, the book is copiously illustrated with real-world examples from astronomy,
electrical engineering, remote sensing and medicine. It also shows how many, more traditional, methods
can be enhanced by incorporating the new wavelet and multiscale methods into the processing.
For graduate students and researchers already experienced in image processing and data analysis, this
book provides an indispensable guide to a wide range of exciting and original data-analysis techniques.
Provides a rigorous mathematical background, and then develops the reader’s understanding
through practical examples
Copiously illustrated throughout with real-world examples from astronomy, electrical
engineering, physics, remote sensing and medical imaging
Shows how many traditional techniques can be improved by incorporating the new wavelet and
multiscale methods
Improves the understanding and practical skills of graduate students and researchers already
experienced in handling data
Satellites and the Beginning of the Space Age
Published by Springer-Verlag New York – 1998 – Author: Helen Gavagham – DM 39,50 / $ 26.00 / £
15.00 – ISBN 0 387 94914 3 – number of pages: 300
“Satellites were literally something new under the Sun. The pioneers who designed the first satellites
admit cheerfully that they hadn’t a clue what they were doing or what they were up against. Their
launch vehicles blew up, their electronics failed, guidance and control were primitive, the world was just
turning from vacuum tubes to transistors, and those transistors were unreliable. The list of things they
didn’t know and that didn’t work goes on and on. It is the reason those early participants in the Space
Age were pioneers. They were all endcountering the same things for the first time: the unimagined
comprexity of Earth’s gravity field, the unknown space environment, the radiation belts. Their
individual projects ultimately became the work of thousands.”
366 Nights of the Universe
Published by Springer-Verlag London Limited – 1998 – Author: Patrick Moore – DM 49,90 / öS 364,30
/ sFr 46,- / FF 188,- / £ 19,- / US $ 29.95 (softcover) ISBN 3 540 76147 0 – number of pages: 368
There are 365 nights in every year (366 in a leap year!) and from the amateur astronomer’s point of
view, no two are alike.
And that is why Patrick Moore has written this unique book to highlight special objects of interest on
each and every night of the year. Using easy-to-follow star maps to help you locate them, he talks about
the science and history of stars, double stars, galaxies, nebulae, the Moon, planets, constellations, and
even the asteroids.
Proceedings of the ESO-IAC Conference Held on Tenerife
Published by Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg – 1997 – David L. Clements and Ismael PérezFournon – DM 48,00 / ös 350,40 / sFr 44,50 / GBP 18,50 / US $ 29,95 (hardcover) – ISBN 3 540 63793
1 – number of pages: 336
These proceedings contain the papers presented at the ESO/IAC workshop on Quasar Hosts. They
summarize the current state of research on the host galaxies of quasars and present new observations,
inluding data from the Keck, HST, and ISO. Separate sections deal with direct observations of quasar
hosts, the radio loud/quiet dichotomy, unification schemes, radio qalaxies at high redshift, star formation
and the interstellar medium in quasar hosts, and low redshift populations. These topics were covered in
review talks, contributed talks, and poster presentations, all of which are included in this volume. This
book is intended primarily for professional astronomers and students, including both observers and
Published by Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg – 1998 – Authors: Oliver Montenbruck and Thomas
Pfleger – DM 98,50 / öS 715,40 / sFr 89,50 / GBP 37,50 / US $ 59,95 (hardcover) – ISBN 3 540 63521
1 – number of pages: 312
Astronomy on the PC provides practical solutions to a variety of astronomical problems. The book
includes both astronomical fundamentals and the technical know-how for an implementation of highquality software. Efficient and precise computer programs help the user to calculate and predict
Positions of the Sun, Moon, and the planets
Rising and setting times
Physical ephemerides of the Sun and the major planets
Positions of cxomets and minor planets (with perturbations
The central line and local conditions of solar eclipses
Stellar occultations
Orbits in the solar system from three observations
Coordinates from sky photographs
Software developers will find a comprehensive collection of efficient Pascal routines. The extensive
documentation and selfcontained structure facilitate a fast and reliable development of individual
programs. The enclosed diskette contains sourse texts of all programs for Turbo Pascal on IBMcompatible PCs. For the new edition the programs have also been made accessible using Windows.
Furthermore, an input file for the OCCULT program is now included on the diskette, containing the
stars of the Zodiacal Catalogue by Robertson.
The Night Sky Through Small Telescopes
Published by Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg – 1998 – Authors: Chris Kitchin and Robert W. Forrest
– DM 59,00 / öS 430,70 / sFr 54,00 / GBP 24,00 / US $ 34,95 (hardcover) – ISBN 3 540 76030 X –
number of pages: 186
Seeing Stars is written for astronomers, regardless of the depth of their theoretical knowledge, who are
taking their first steps in observational astronomy. Chris Kitchin and Bob Forrest – both professional
astronomers – take a conducted tour of the night sky and suggest suitable observing programmes for
everyone from beginners to experts.
But this book is different…
We are all familiar with the beautiful images of planets and galaxies obtained by spacecraft and giant
telescopes – but how much can you really see with a small telescope? What should you expect from a
small refractor or reflector? And what is the effect of observing from a site near a city? The answers are
all here, with many photographs that will illustrate exactly what can be seen with different instruments –
everything from the naked eye to a 12-inch (300 mm) telescope – and from different locations.
A Self-Teaching Guide to Finding Your Way Around the Heavens
Published by Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg – 1998 – Author: Chris Kitchin – DM 39,80 / öS
290,60 / sFr 37,00 / GBP 15,00 / US $ 24,95 (Softcover) – ISBN 3 540 76203 5 – number of pages: 149
Finding your way round the night sky is not easy. Star maps, computer software and photographs can all
show what –potentially- is visible to the naked eye. But unless you are very experienced, locating stars
and constellations can be very confusing, not least because many of the stars shown on the map are
invisible. The reason is light pollution. In the urban parts of the world we are losing the night sky just
as surely as we are losing forests. And that is why this Photo-Guide to the Constellations shows no less
than three photographs for each section of the sky – one taken from the suburbs of the city, one from a
site that is a few miles from the nearest town, and one showing the splendour that is visible throug
unpolluted skies.
Version 3
Published by Cambridge University Press – 1997 – Authors: Jerry Glynn and Theodore W. Gray - £
16.95 / US$ 24.95 (paperback) – ISBN 0 521 62734 6 – number of pages: 347
This is a major revision of the successful book The Beginner’s Guid to Mathematica. It teaches the
basics of Mathematica’s powerful new Version 3, including chapters on its new interactive system for
typesetting equations, on using style sheets, defining functions, creating graphs and notebooks, and on
applying useful problem-solving techniques. Many concepts are illustrated with real life examples
written in the authors’ engaging dialog style.
Gray has been the designer of the Mathematica front end since its creation in 1987. He brings definitive
knowledge to this book; some information is available here for the first time in print. The brisk but
careful tutorial will bring Mathematica novices (and experienced users new to Version 3) up to tips on
how to get the most from version 3’s advanced programming features, the presentation maintains its
concise, knowledgeable tone, providing indices of concepts and Mathematica function names.
Chapters on educational issues and uses of Mathematica will be of wide interest to teachters and
students and their parents. The emphasis is on making detailed mathematical steps explicit for students,
using new functions and palettes.
Published by Oxford University Press – 1998 – Authors: John F. Hawley and Katherine A. Holcomb –
hardback – ISBN 0 19 510497 8 – number of pages: 506
Recent discoveries in astronomy, especially those made with data collected by satellites such as the
Cosmic Background Explorer and the Hubble Space Telescope, have brought the science of cosmology
to the forefront of public interest. These new observations suggest the tantalizing possibility that the
solutions to some of history’s most elusive mysteries might be found in the near future, making modern
cosmology a topic that holds special interest for scientists and nonscientists alike. Foundations of
Modern Cosmology provides a highly accessible, thorough, and descriptive introduction to the historical
development of and the physical basis for the modern big bang theory. This new textbook is ideal for
electives that follow traditional introductory astronomy courses. It is intended to fill the gap between the
many popular-level books, wich can generally provide only a superficial treatment of the subject, and the
advanced text intended for students with strong backgrounds in physics and mathematics. The text is
self-contained, appropriate for a one-semester course, and designed to be understandable to students
with a grasp of elementary algebra. Emphasis is given to the scientific framework for cosmology,
particularly the basic concepts of physics that underlie modern theories of relativity and cosmology; the
importance of data and observations is stressed throughout. The text is divided into five major sections:
historical background, a review of basic physics and astronomy, relativity, funamental big bang theory,
and current research areas, including structure formation, inflation, and quantum cosmology. Review
questions, key terms, and an extensive glossary provide students with helpful study aids. In addition, the
authors’ website (http://astsun.astro.virginia.edu/~jh8h/Foundations) offers a wealth of supplemental
information, inluding additional questions, references to other sources, and color NASA photographs.
Proceedings of a Conference held in Boulder
Published by Kluwer Academic Publishers – 1997 - Authors: J. Michael Shull, Harley A. Thronson Jr.
and S. Alan Stern – Dfl : 150.00 / US$ : 95.00 – UK£ : 57.00 (hardcover) – ISBN 0 79 234474 X –
number of pages: 156
This book contains the invited talks from the 1995 Boulder conference on the Search for Extra-Solar
Planets. It describes the scientific basis, technological options, and programmatic implications of largescale efforts to find and study Earth-like planets outside the Solar System, and is targeted at astronomers,
planetary scientists, engineers, and graduate students. These are among the first papers in this rapidly
expanding field, driven by the first discoveries of planetary companions to nearby stars and providing
the current status of the search for extra-solar planets. What sort of objects are we looking for in
planetary atmospheres and planetary-system architectures? What techniques are currently feasible, both
from the ground and in space? How can interferometers be optimized to discern faint planets in the
glare of their parent stars? The detection and study of Earth-like planets outside our Solar System will
be one of the great scientific, technological, and philosophical events of our time, affecting our
understanding of the Universe and the place of life within it.
Published by Cambridge University Press – 1997 – Editors: Yervant Terzian and Elizabeth Bilson - £
14.95 / US$ 22.95 (paperback) – ISBN 0 521 57603 2 – number of pages: 282
Carl Sagan’s many contributions to science and society have been profound and far-raching, influencing
millions of people around the world. He carried out significant research in planetary science, was
closely associated with the US space program, created the highly-acclaimed television series, “Cosmos,”
and was the Pulitzer Prize-winning author of many best-selling popular science books. Carl Sagan’s
Universe is a fascinating and beautifully illustrated collection of articles by a distinguished team of
authors, and related areas in which Sagan worked. The book is divided into four sections, the first two
of which provide an absorbing overview of the US space program (as well as a complementary account
of the Russian program), and of the history and current status of the search for extraterrestrial life. The
final two sections deal with the importance of science education in the successful development of a
technological society, and of the shaping of science policy in tackling the problems facing us today.
Also included is a separate chapter by Sagan himself, discussing the place and role of our planet and
mankind in the universe. Written in honor of Carl Sagan’s many achievements, this book will fascinate
and reward anyone interested in planetary science and exploration, the search for extraterrestrial life, or
the role of science in the modern world.
Published by Cambridge University Press – 1997 – Author: Bernard E. J. Pagel – ISBN 0 521 55061 0
(hardback) / ISBN 0 521 55958 8 (paperback) – number of pages: 378
This long-awaited textbook provides a comprehensive introduction to the broad subject of galactic
chemical evolution for advanced undergraduate and graduate students, and an invaluable overview for
The distribution of elements in the cosmos is the result of many processes inthe history of the Universe.
It provides us with a powerful tool to stufy the Big Bang, the desity of baryonic matter, nucleosynthesis
and the formation and evolution of stars and galaxies. This textbook, by a pioneer of the field, provides
a lucid and wide-ranging intoduction to the interdisciplinary subject of galactic chemical evolution.
We are introduced to a broad spectrum of exciting astrophysics, from thermonuclear reactions,
abundance measurements in astronomical sources, cosmological element production, stellar evolution
and nucleosynthesis, to light element production by cosmic rays and the effects of galactic processes on
the evolution of the elements. The student(s) is thus led to develop an intuitive and analytical
understanding of results from numerical models and real observations. Simple, elegant derivations for
key results are provided throughout, together with problems and helpful solution hints.
Proceedings of a Workshop held at La Plata
Published by Kluwer Academic Publishers – 1996 – J.C. Muzzio, S. Ferraz-Mello and J. Henrard (Eds.)
– Dfl. 170.00 / US$ 110.00 / UK£ 75.00 hardcover – ISBN 0 79 2341481 – number of pages: 314
This volume contains the proceedings of the workshop on Chaos in Gravitational N-Body Systems held
in La Plata, Argentina, from July 31 – August 3, 1995. The workshop gathered many of the most
important experts in the field of chaos in celestial mechanics and galactic dynamics, and the proceedings
include their invited lectures, and contributions by other participants from all over the world. Since the
common interest in chaos brought together researchers from many different disciplines, the wide range
of information provided by this book cannot easily be found elsewhere. Besides researchers and
students of nonlinear dynamics and dynamical astronomy, for whom this book is of direct interest, those
studying chaos theory will find here different areas of astronomy (solar system, stellar systems,
cosmology) where their knowledge can be applied.
Published by Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg – 1997 – Author: Nailong Wu – hardcover – ISBN 3
540 61965 8 – number of pages: 327
The Maximum Entropy Method addresses the principle and applications of the powerful maximum
entropy method (MEM), which has its roots in the principle of maximum entropy introduced into the
field of statistical mechanics 40 years ago. This method has since and technology, such as spectral
analysis, image restoration, mathematics, and physics. Teaders of this monograph are lead to current
research frontiers through the analysis and comparison of three schools of thought in MEM research.
The step-by-step approach and the detailed examples make this an invaluable textbook for graduate
students. The detailed practical algorithms will also appeal to scientists and engineers using this book as
a reference work..
500 Poblems and solutions
Published by Cambridge University Press – 1997 – Editors: A.R. King and O. Regev – paperback ISBN
0 521 48369 7 / hardback ISBN 0 521 48270 4 – number of pages: 317
Physics with answers contains 500 problems covering the full range of introductory physics and its
applications to many other subjects, along with clear, step-by-step solutions to each problem. No
calculus is required. Students often have difficulty in solving practical problems after a subject is
introduced in class. This book bridges that gap – it contains every type of problem likely to be
encountered at this level, so by attempting these exercises and learning from the solutions, students will
gain confidence in solving class problems and improve their grasp of physics.
The book is split into two parts. The first containes the problems, together with useful summaries of the
main results needed for solving them. The second part gives full solutions to each problem, often
accompanied by thoughtful comments. Subjects covered include statics, Newton’s laws, circular
motion, gravitation, electricity and magnetism, electric circuits, liquids and gases, heat and
thermodynamics, light and waves, atomic physics, and relativity. The problems are drawn from many
fields, including physics, chemistry, biology, engineering, medicine, and architecture. The book will be
invaluable to anyone taking an introductory course in physics, whether at college or pre-university level.
Proceedings of the Les Houches School of physics
Published by Cambridge University Press – 1997 – Editors: J. A. Marck and J. P. Lasota – ISBN 0 521
59065 5 hardback – number of pages: 475
A number of gravitational-wave detectors are currently being built around the world. Their goal is to
detect gravitational radiation for the first time. A graduate workshop at the ‘Centre de Physique’ in Les
Houches in the French Alps was dedicated to this exciting topic. In this book, a distinguished team of
researchers review all aspects of this entirely new view of our Universe. An accompanying free CDROM provides numerical simulations of black holes and other exotic objects emitting gravitational
radiation, together with the book in a hypertext format. We are introduced to the most recent models of
gravitationalwave emission by black hole – neutron star binary systems, stars undergoing gravitational
collapse, pulsars and accreting neutron stars, and by fluctuations in the primordial Universe. This timely
volume provides an invaluable introduction for graduate students and is set to become the standard
reference for researchers in physics and astronomy interested in gravitational radiation.
Proceedings of the workshop Stellar Ecology
Published by Cambridge University Press – 1997 – Authors: R.T. Rood and A. Renzini – ISBN 0 521
59184 8 hardback – number of pages: 341
An understanding of how stars evolve is central to astrophysics. The basic theory is well established.
However, the subject has undergone a renaissance in recent years as powerful computers have become
widely available and allowed complex evolutionary models to be developed and compared in great detail
with observations from the latest instruments. This timely volume presents the review articles from an
international meeting in Elba, Italy, where experts gathered to review how our understanding of stellar
evolution has advanced.
Topics covered include fundamentals of stellar evolution, star clusters, variable stars, asymptotic giant
branch stars, degenerate stars, the evolution of binary stars, and chemical and galactic evolution.
Throughout, theory and observation are closely compared. The book also emphasises the critical role
stars have on our understanding of how galaxies evolve.
In this book we are provided with both the fundamentals and the latest research. In this way, it will
provide an invaluable supplement for graduate students, and a timely review for researchers.
Proceedings of the Relativistic Astrophysics Conference
Published by Cambridge University Press – 1997 – Editors: B. J. T. Jones and D Markovic – ISBN 0
521 62113 5 hardback – number of pages: 304
Relativistic astrophysics is a bronch of physics that deals with some of the most difficult challenges in
our understanding of nature: the birth of the Universe, the origin of cosmic structures, and the nature of
exotic objects such as quasars, accretion disks and black holes.
Based on a meeting to honour the pioneering work of Igor Novikov, this book presents nineteen
specially written chapters covering all aspects of relativistic astrophysics. The distinguished team of
authors is: Marek Abramowicz, Bernard Carr, Valeri Frolov, Werner Israel, Bernard Jones, Lev Kofman,
Edward (‘Rocky’) Kolb, Malcolm Longair, Phil Lubin, Donald Lynden-Bell, Igor Novikov, Martin
Rees, Sergei Shandarin, George Smoot, Roland Svensson, Gustav Tammann, Kip Thorne, Michael
Turner and J. Craig Wheeler.
This volume provides researchers with a broad overview of modern relativistic astrophysics and offers
an ideal source of supplementary reading for graduate students in astrophysics, cosmology and physics.
It is a succinct yet engaging review of what is today one of the most active and fruitful areas of research
in physics.
Second edition
Published by Cambridge University Press – 1998 – Authors: Wil Tirion and Roger W. Sinnott - £ 29.95
– ISBN 0 521 62762 1 – number of pages: 30
The long-awaited second edition of Wil Tirion’s superb Sky Atlas 2000.0 offers 43,000 additional stars
and all the positions are derived from the most accurate satellite data. The Atlas opens out to reveal 28
colour charts, each 500 mm wide and 380 mm deep (20 by 15 inches). This large format allows the
stars, nebulae and galaxies to be displayed with beautiful examples of the cartographer’s skills. Suitable
for use worldwide.
Proceedings of the International Conference on “Cold Dust and Galaxy Morphology”
Published by Kluwer Academic Publishers – 1996 – Editors: David L. Block and J. Mayo Greenberg –
Dfl : 330.00 / US$ : 215.00 / UK£ : 145.00 – ISBN 0 792 34223 2 – number of pages: 653
What is the nature and composition of the dust grains responsible for the visual extinction in our Galaxy
and in other galaxies beyond? What are the ranges in temperature of dust grains? Can these be less than
2.7K? Can the distribution of cold grains be studied optically at unprecedented arcsecond resolution?
How does the presence of dust affect the morphology of a galaxy? Is this new dustpenetrated view
bringing us to the verge of a breakthrough in understanding the connection between galaxy morphology
and the underlying physics of galaxies? How large are the amounts of cold molecular hydrogen gas and
cold dust in galactic disks? These are some of the key issues addressed in this book, wich takes the
postgraduate reader and professional researcher to the cutting edge of this rapidly developing field.
Unique features of the book include fourteen in-depth invited review papers and twenty-six pages of
discussion transcribed from a television tape. The contributions reflect the entire Proceedings of an
intensive one week International Conference on cold dust and galaxy morpholoby held in Johannesburg,
South Africa during January 1996.
Proceedings of the 158th colloquium of the international astronomical union
Published by Kluwer Academic Publishers – 1996 – Authors: A. Evans and Janet H. Wood (eds.) – ISBN
0 7923 4195 3 – number of pages: 490
These proceedings present reviews and new results in the observational and theoretical study of
cataclysmic variables (CVs) and related objects. A broad range of topics is included and there are
thirteen reviews, covering magnetic and non-magnetic systems, accretion discs, observations of CVs
from space, novae and symbiotic stars, X-ray binaries, supernovae and supersoft X-ray sources, and post
common envelope binaries and evolution. There is a comprehensive subject and object index.
Published by Kluwer Academic Publishers – 1996 – Authors: Yutaka Uchida, Takeo Kosugi and Hugh
S. Hudson – Dfl : 360.00 / US$ : 234.00 / UK£ : 159.00 – ISBN 0 792 34176 7 – number of pages: 636
This volume presents the papers from a major international conference aimed at cross-linking research
in the fields of solar and stellar activity. The Yohkoh satelite with its spectacular views of solar coronal
structures seen via their X-ray emission, provided the immediate motivation for the conference. How do
these solar structures transcribe into their stellar counterparts; what insights can the more extreme stellar
activity provide to guide the analysis of solar data? Coming four years after the launch of Yohkoh, this
conference provided a good platform for displaying its discoveries. Longer-term variation associated
with the 11-year solar cycle also can be seen clearly inthe data presented. The new data strongly support
many earlier interpretations of such magnetodynamic activityn, but also provide some new and
perplexing mismatches now stimulating new theoretical work.
Proceedings of the First ISSI Workshop
Published by Kluwer Academic Publishers – 1996 – Authors: R. von Steiger, R. Lallement and M.A. Lee
(Eds.) – Dfl : 250.00 / US$ : 160.00 / UK£ : 110.00 – ISBN 0 792 34320 4 – number of pages: 399
This volume gives a comprehensive and integrated overview of the current knowledge about the local
interstellar medium (LISM) surrounding our heliosphere (HS). It is the result of the first workshop at
ISSI, where both space physicists and astronomers presented and discussed their views on th density,
velocity, temperature, composition, and morphology of th LISM and how it interacts with the HS. The
volume is unique in its combination of data obtained by remote UV, EUV, and X-ray observations
outside the HS. It thus demonstrates a new synergy beween these two communities. The book is
intended to provide active researchers in space physics and in astronomy with an up-to-date status report
of its topic, and also to serve the advanced graduate student with introductory material into the field.
Published by Kluwer Academic Publishers – 1997 – Editors: P. Ruiz-Lapuente, R. Canal and J. Isern –
Dfl : 395.00 / US$ : 260.00 / UK£ : 162.00 – ISBN 0 792 34359 X – number of pages: 890
For more than 35 years by now, it has been generally acknowledged that there are two different ways to
make a supernova: either from the gravitational collapse of the dense core of a massive star at the end of
its thermonuclear evolution or by explosive thermonuclear burning of a less evolved but equally dense
stellar core. From the observed characteristics of the supernovae which clearly show a thermonuclear
origin, it has been concluded that the exploding object is an almost bare, electron-degenerate core: a
white dwarf. Since there is no plausible mechanism known to make an isolated white dwarf explode, a
second conclusion is that the progenitors of thermonuclear supernovae are close binary systems
containing at least one whit dwarf.
Proceedings of the 170th symposium of the international astronomical union
Published by Kluwer Academic Publishers – 1997 – Editors: William B. Latter, Simon J.E. Radford,
Philip R. Jewell, Jeffrey G. Mangum and John Bally – Dfl : 195.00 / US$ : 195.00 / UK£ : 120.00 –
ISBN 0 792 34283 6 – number of pages: 511
Interstellar carbon monoxide (CO) was first detected in 1970 by R.W. Wilson, K.B. Jefferts, and A.A.
Penzias through observation at 2.6 mm wavelength. This discovery opened the door to a profound new
understanding of several diverse yet related fields, including the phases of the interstellar medium, the
initial and final phases of stellar evolution, the chemistry of dense and diffuse interstellar matter and of
the solar system, the structure of the Milky Way galaxy, and the content and structure of other galaxies.
These are among the most fundamental research areas in astrophysics, and spectroscopic information
about CO and other molecules serves as a primary tool of investigation. Continuing developments in
instrumentation will further increase the power and utility of millimeter and submillimeterwavelength
molecular line spectroscopy. The twenty-fifth anniversary of the detection of CO was an opportunity for
researchers from all branches of millimeter-wave astronomy to gather and review progress and future
These Proceedings discuss the state of the field and consider important unanswered
Published by Cambridge University Press – 1997 – Authors: Leon Golub and Jay M. Pasachoff – ISBN
0 521 48082 5 hardback / 0 521 48535 5 paperback number of pages: 374
Observations from the ground and space have advanced our knowledge of the solar corona dramatically
over the last three decades. This textbook is the first to present this new understanding at a level
appropriate for graduate and advanced undergraduate students, and researchers seeking an entry-point
into the research literature.
This timely volume presents a lucid and synthesised review of the latest observations of the solar corona
and how they have advanced and shaped our understanding of coronal physics. In the process, we are
introduced to a wide variety of exciting physics inluding dynamo theory and radiative transfer. We are
also shown how th transient effects of the solar cycle affect '‘pace weather’. The basic physics ivolved
and the historical background are also covered. This book provides a much-needed introduction to
coronal physics for students and for researchers.
Key issues in astronomy and cosmology
Published by Cambridge University Press – 1997 – Editors: Guido Münch, Antonio Mampaso, and
Francisco Sanchez - £ 22.95 / US$ 34.95 paperback – ISBN 0 521 58944 4 – number of pages: 447
The universe at large presents a unique survey of key questions outstanding in contemporary astronomy
and cosmology. In this timely volume, eleven of the world’s greatest living astronomers and
cosmologists present their personal views of what problems must be addressed by furure research. Allan
Sandage presents a 23-point plan to reach a full understanding of the large-scale structure of the
Universe; Geoffrey Burbidge looks at the future of the quasi-steady-state alternative to the Big Bang;
active galactic nuclei (AGN) are discussed by E. Margaret Burbidge, Donald Osterbrock and Malcolm
Longair; Igor Novikov, Donald Lynden-Bell, Martin Rees and Rashid Sunyaev look at the physics of
black holes; and Bernard Pagel and Hubert Reeves concentrate on what we do not yet understand about
elements in the cosmos. This book provides a unique review of our current understanding in astronomy
and cosmology, and a host of ideas for profitable future research – for graduate students and researchers.
Published by Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg – 1997 – Author: Michel Hénon – hardback – ISBN 3
540 63802 4 – number of pages: 280
In classical mechanics the restricted problem of three bodies is of fundamental importance for its
applications to astronomy and space navigation, and also as simple model of a non-integrable
Hammiltonian dynamical system. A central role is played by periodic orbits, of which a large number
have been computed numerically. In this book an attempt is made to explain and organize this material
through a systematic study of generating families, which are the limits of families of periodic orbits
when the mass ratio of the two main bodies becomes vanishingly small. The most critical part is the
study of bifurcations, where several families come together and it is necessary to determine how
individual branches are joined. Many different cases must be distinguished and stufied separately.
Detailed recipes are given. Their use is illustrated by determining a number of generating families,
associated with natural families of the restricted problem, and comparing them with numerical
computations in the Earth –Moon and sun- Jupiter cases.
Published by Kluwer Academic Publishers – 2000 – Editor: Idot banoglu, Cafer – NLG 650 / USD 344
/ GBP 215 – ISBN 0 792 36083 4 – number of pages: 824
Proceedings of the NATO Advanced Study Institute on Variable Stars as Essential Astrophysical
Tools, Cesme, Turkey, August 31 – September 10, 1998
Published by Cambridge University Press – 2000 – Author: Iain Nicolson - £ 24.95 (US$39.95)
hardback – ISBN 0 521 59270 4 – number of pages: 294
Unfolding our universe is a comprehensive and accessible introduction to astronomy. With a clear,
crisp text and beautiful color illustrations, it takes readers to the heart of the Universe – explaining the
facts, concepts, methods and frontiers of astronomical science without the need for mathematics. The
wealth of color illustrations and very readable text make this book a delight for the casual reader to
browse, while the clear and concise explanations provide amateur astronomers, science teachers and
college and university students with a no-nonsens introduction to astronomy.
Published by Cambridge University Press – 2000 – Author: Michael E. Bakich – £19.95 (US$29.95)
hardback – ISBN 0 521 63280 3 – number of pages: 336
The Cambridge Planetary Handbook is an invaluable reference text, bringing together key facts and data
on the planets and their satellites, discoverers and researchers. It summarizes many centuries’ worth of
data, from the earliest observations of the planets through to the most recent space probe findings. The
author discusses the history, mythology and theories of the objects in our solar system, and provides a
comprehensive information section with accurate and up-to-date data on the planets. The exlanatory
illustrations, along with numerous historical drawings from Galileo, Huygens, Herschel and other
This book is a must for all astronomy enthusiasts, as well as academic researchers, students and teachers.
Those unfamiliar with the sky will find this a user-friendly guide written in clear, non-technical language.
Published by Cambridge University Press – 2000 – Author: Monica Grady - £90.00 (US$150.00)
hardback – ISBN 0 521 66303 2 – number of pages: 689
The fifth edition of Catalogue of Meteorites will, like previous editions, become an essential reference
volume for all those with an informed interest in meteorites. The volume is a complete catalogue of all
authenticated meteorites, and gives information on their classification and chemistry. It is the definitive
descriptive list of The Natural History Museum, London, which maintains the official world database of
all known meteorite falls and finds. It includes the 15 000 new specimens recovered since publication of
the fourth edition, including those from Antarctica and hot deserts. An important development is the
addition of a CD-ROM to accompany the book, which includes greatly expanded information (literature
references and analytical data for each meteorite) and an important search facility. The Catalogue is the
major reference volume for everyone interested in meteorites: professional meteoriticists, collectors,
dealers, and academic libraries.
Published by Cambridge University Press – 2000 – Authors: J.C. Niemeyer, J.W. Truran - £37.50
(US$59.95) hardback – ISBN 0 521 78036 5 – number of pages: 130.
Observations of distant supernovae have recently provided startling evidence that the expansion of the
Universe may be accelerating, rather than decelerating. If this result is verified by future studies, it has
profound implications for cosmology. The reliability of this finding and its implications for both the
study of supernovae and cosmology are the subject of this exciting volume. Based on a conference at the
University of Chicago, this timely volume presents articles by leading experts on the theory of Type Ia
supernovae, observational astronomy, and cosmology. It examines the observational data, the outburst
mechanisms of Type Ia supernovae events, and the cosmological implications.
This is a unique and wide-ranging review of one of the most dramatic and controversial results in
astronomy in recent decades. It makes fascinating reading for all researchers and graduate students.
Published by Cambridge University Press – 2000 – Authors: Marcella Carollo, Henry C. Ferguson,
Rosemary F.G. Wyse - £45.00 (US$69.95) hardback – ISBN 0 521 66334 2 – number of pages: 207
Bulges lie at the center of spiral galaxies. Until recently, they were thought to host uniquely old stellar
populations and thus provide a key for understanding galaxy formation. Recent observations from the
ground and space have drastically changed our view on the nature of bulges and shown that they can also
contain dust, gas, and star-forming regions. This timely volume presents review articles by a panel of
international experts who gathered at a conference at the Space Telescope Science Institute, Baltimore, to
address several fundamental questions: what is a bulge? When and how did bulges form? And, on what
This volume provides a state-of-the-art picture of our new understanding of these fundamental buildingblocks of galaxies, and a stimulating reference point for all those interested in galaxy formation.
Published by Cambridge University Press – 2000 – Authors: C. Martinez Roger, F. Sãnchez, I. Perez
Fournon - £50.00 (US$69.95) hardback – ISBN 0 521 77058 0 – number of pages: 355
Globular clusters are spherical, densely packed groups of stars found around galaxies. They are thought
to have formed at the same time as their host galaxy and thus provide a powerful probe for understanding
stellar and galaxy evolution, as well as being studied as objects of interest in their own right. This timely
volume presents invited articles by a team of world leaders who gathered at the X Canary Islands Winter
School of Astrophysics to review our current understanding of globular clusters. It provides an accessible
introduction to the field for graduate students, and a comprehensive and up-to-date reference for
Published by Cambridge University Press – 2000 – Author: Gerald North - £25.00 hardback – ISBN 0
521 62274 3 – number of pages: 381
Learn what scientists have discovered about our Moon and what mysteries remain still to be solved. Find
out how you can take part in the efforts to solve these mysteries, as well as enjoying the Moon’s
spectacular magnificance for yourself!
This comprehensive book, written by an experienced and well-known lunar observer:
Describes what we have learned about the Moon so far – and how that knowledge was gained
Contains an ‘A to Z’ of selected lunar features to get you started on a lifetime’s study of the Moon
Gives explanations and descriptions of the lunar observing projects which you can undertake for
pleasure and those also of real scientific usefulness
Published by Cambridge University Press – 2000 – Author: Giuseppe Bertin - £21.95 (US$34.95)
paperback – ISBN 0 521 47855 3 / £60.00 (US$95.00) published together with the hardback edition –
ISBN 0 521 47262 8 – number of pages: 414
Our understanding of galaxies, the building blocks of the universe, has advanced significantly in recent
years. New observations from ground- and space-based telescopes, the discovery of dark matter, and
powerful computer simulations have been instrumental in this. This textbook provides graduate students
with a complete and thorough introduction to galactic dynamics and leads them right up to the forefront of
current research.
The first two parts of the book clearly define the astrophysical problems and the basic methods for
building sound physical models. Next, the observational properties and models of spiral then elliptical
galaxies are examined in detail. Finally, a selection of exciting topics from contemporary research are
introduced, including, the formation and evolution of galaxies, cooling flows, accretion disks, and
galaxies at high redshift. Throughout, the emphasis is on developing a clear understanding and good
physical intuition of the processes involved. Although rich in quantitative analysis, mathematics is kept
to a minimum. Full derivations are provided when important and useful for more general purposes.
Problems are included throughout the book to help test the reader’s understanding.
This textbook provides graduate students with a self-contained and accessible introduction to modern
galactic dynamics and help equip them with useful tools and sound intuition for research beyond.
Giuseppe Bertin is Professor of Theoretical Astrophysics at the Scuola Normale Superiore at Pisa, Italy.
He has also held several positions at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. He is also author of
Spiral structure in Galaxies: A density Wave Theory with C.C. Lin.
Published by Cambridge University Press – 2000 – Author: Jean-Louis Tassoul - £45.00 (US$69.95)
hardback – ISBN 0 521 77218 4 – number of pages: 256
Like the Earth and planets, stars rotate. Understanding how stars rotate is central to modelling their
structure, formation, and evolution and how they interact with their environment and campanion stars.
This authoritative volume provides a lucid introduction to stellar rotation and the definitive reference to
the subject. It combines theory and observation in a comprehensive survey of how the rotation of stars
affects the structure and evolution of the Sun, single stars, and close binaries.
This timely book will be of primary interest to graduate students and researchers studying solar and stellar
rotation and close binary systems. It will also appeal to those with a more general interest in solar and
stellar physics, star information, binary stars, and the hydrodynamics of rotating fluids – including
geophysicists, planetary scientists, and plasma physicists.
Published by Cambridge University Press – 2000 – Author: Sun Kwok - £45.00 (US$69.95) hardback –
ISBN 0 521 62313 8 – number of pages:243
This authoritative volume provides a comprehensive review of the origin and evolution of planetary
nebulae. It covers all the stages of their evolution, carefully synthesizes observations from across the
spectrum, and clearly explains all the key physical processes at work. Particular emphasis is placed on
recent observations from space, using the Hubble Space Telescope, the Infrared Space Observatory, and
the ROSAT satellite. This book presents a thoroughly modern understanding of planetary nebulae,
integrating new developments in stellar physics with the dynamics of nebular evolution. It also describes
exciting possibilities such as the use of planetary nebulae in determining the cosmic distance scale, the
distribution of dark matter and the chemical evolution of galaxies.
This book provides graduate students with an accessible introduction to planetary nebulae, and
researchers with an authoritative reference. It can also be used as an advanced text on the physics of the
interstellar medium.
Sun Kwok is Professor of Astronomy at the University of Calgary in Alberta, Canada. He has published
extensively in the field of planetary nebulae and is best known for his theory of their information. He is
chairman of the Planetary Nebulae Working Group of the International Astronomical Union.
Published by Astrophysikalisches Institut Potsdam – 2000 – Edited by Bo Reipurth & Hans Zinnecker –
paperback – number of pages: 125
IAU Symposium N°. 200 on The Formation of Binary Stars, held in Potsdam, Germany, between April
10 and 15, 2000, has brought together almost 200 scientists for a review of our current understanding of
the birth and early evolution of binary and multiple stars.
The Symposium features oral presentations which review specific aspects of young binaries and binary
formation as well as a large number of posters presenting new results on binary stars. Often poster papers
are concerned with results from work still in progress or recently completed, and are therefore of greater
interest before full details have appeared in a refereed journal. Consequently, poster papers require more
speedy publication than the printing of the main proceedings permits. We have therefore undertaken to
edit and print a separate poster book for distribution at the Symposium, following the successful model of
IAU Symposium N°.182, where this procedure was tried. The present poster book contains 78 poster
papers, and we thank all of the authors for providing their manuscripts electronically 6 weeks in advance
of the meeting. In addition to being provided to all participants at the Symposium, this book is being
distributed to all major astronomical libraries worldwide, and is available on the www at
We are much indebted to Rainer Köhler and Mark McCaughrean for their local support in preparing these
poster proceedings. We also thank Fabien Malbet of the Observatoire de Grenoble for permitting us to
use the macros he developed for the poster proceedings of IAU Symposium N°.182. We gratefully
acknowledge the generous financial support from the Wüstenrot Foundation and MWFK Brandenburg
(Ministry of Science, Research, and Culture), which made the publication of this poster book possible.
Published by Kluwer Academic Publishers – 2000 – Author: Frank Verheest – NLG 220 / USD 115 /
GBP 73 – hardback – ISBN 0 7923 6232 2 – number of pages: 264
A thorough review is given of waves in dusty plasmas, a fascinating new domain combining plasmas and
charged dust, two omnipresent ingredients of the Universe. Spokes and braids observed in the rings of
Saturn cannot be explained by gravitation alone, but need the presence of charged dust. Other examples
abound, as in zodiacal light, noctilucent clouds, comets and molecular clouds. After discussing charging
mechanisms, supported by exciting new experiments, and space observations, extensions of known
plasma modes cover the low frequencies typical for charged dust. Mixing detailed theoretical steps with
summaries of expert contributions, a systematic multispecies treatment puts the literature in perspective,
also for newcomers. Typical complications like fluctuating dust charges, self-gravitational effects, and
size distributions are dealt with, before ending with an outlook to future work and open questions. In this
way, experts as well as interested newcomers find a reliable guide, not just a compendium.
Cambridge Astrophysics Series Volume 35
Published by Cambridge University Press, The Edinburgh Building, Shaftesbury Road, Cambridge CB2
2RU, U.K.- Tel. : 00 44 1223 312393 - http://www.cup.ac.uk - May 2000 - 328 pages - Author : Sidney
van den Bergh - ISBN : 0 521 65181 6 (hardback) Price : £45.00/US$69.95
The Local Group is a small cluster of galaxies of which thirty-five members are currently known,
including the Milky Way. It is believed that at least half of all galaxies in the Universe belong to similar
groups. Galaxies of the Local Group can be used as “stepping stones” to determine the distance to more
remote galaxies, and thus they measure the size and age of the Universe. Studying stars of differing ages
in different members of the Local Group allows us to see how galaxies evolve over timescales in excess
of 10 billion years. The oldest stars in the Local Group galaxies also provide critical information on the
physical conditions of the early universe. The Local Group thus provides many valuable clues to
understanding the rest of the Universe. With characteristic clarity, Professor van den Bergh provides in
this book a masterful summary of all that is known about the galaxies of the Local Group and their
evolution, and he expertly places this knowledge in the wider context of on-going studies of galaxy
formation and evolution, the cosmic distance scale, and the condition in the early Universe.
Cambridge Astrophysics Series Volume 34
Published by Cambridge University Press, The Edinburgh Building, Shaftesbury Road, Cambridge CB2
2RU, U.K. - Tel. : 00 44 1223 312393 – http://www.cup.ac.uk - May 2000 - 384 pages - Authors :
Carolus J. Schrijver and Cornelis Zwaan - ISBN 0521 58286 5 / Price hardback : £50.00/US$80.00
This timely volume provides the first comprehensive review and synthesis of current understanding of the
origin, evolution, and effects of magnetic fields in the Sun and other cool stars. Magnetic activity results
in a wealth of phenomena - including starspots, non-radiatively heated outer atmospheres, activity cycles,
deceleration of rotation rates, and even, in close binaries, stellar cannibalism - all of which are covered
clearly and authoritatively. This book brings together for the first time recent results in solar studies,
with their wealth of observational detail, and stellar studies, which allow the study of how activity evolves
and depends on the mass, age and chemical composition of stars. The result is an illuminating and
comprehensive view of stellar magnetic activity. Observational data are interpreted using the latest
models in convective simulations, dynamo theory, outer-atmospheric heating, stellar winds, and angular
momentum loss.
Published by Cambridge University Press, The Edinburgh Building, Shaftesbury Road, Cambridge, CB2
2RU, U.K. - Tel. : 00 44 1223 312393 - http://www.cup.ac.uk - May 2000 - 592 pages - Authors : Carl D.
Murray, Stanley F. Dermott
Paperback edition : ISBN 0 521 575974 / Price : £24.95/US$39.95
Hardback edition : ISBN 0 521 57295 9/ Price : £60.00/US$90.00
The Solar System is a complex and fascinating dynamical system. This is the first textbook to describe
comprehensively the dynamical features of the Solar System and to provide students with all the necessary
mathematical tools and physical models they need to understand how it works. Clearly written and well
illustrated, “Solar System Dynamics” provides students with a complete introduction to understanding
the intricate and often beautiful resonant structure of the Solar System. Step-by-step, it shows how a basic
knowledge of the two- and three-body problems and perturbations theory can be combined to understand
features as diverse as the tidal heating of Jupiter’s moon Io, the unusual rotation of Saturn’s moon
Hyperion, the origin of the Kirkwood gaps in the asteroid belt, the radial structure of Saturn’s A-ring, and
the long-term stability of the Solar System. Problems at the end of each chapter and a free Internet
Mathematica software package are provided to help students to test and develop their understanding.
This is a benchmark publication in the field of planetary dynamics and destined to become a classic.
Published by Cambridge University Press, The Edinburgh Building, Shaftesbury Road, CB2 2RU, U.K. Tel. : 00 44 1223 312393 - http://www.cup.ac.uk - May 2000 - 228 pages - Author : Robert Burnham foreword by David H. Levy
ISBN 0 521 64600 6 (paperback) - Price £14.95/US$21.95
Spectacular and mysterious objects that come and go in the night sky, comets have dwelt in our popular
culture for untold ages. As remnants from the formation of the solar system, they are objects of key
scientific research and space missions. As one of nature’s most potent and dramatic dangers, they pose a
threat to our safety - and yet they are perhaps the origin of our oceans and even life itself. This beautifully
illustrated book tells us the story of the biggest and most awe-inspiring of all comets: those that have
earned the title ‘Great’, and reveals to us their secrets.
The author Robert Burnham has been an amateur astronomer since the mid-1950s. He was an editor for
Astronomy magazine for many years, and editor in chief from 1992 to 1996. He is now a full-time
writer, living in Wisconsin, and is the author of many astronomy books, including Comet Hale-Bopp :
Find and Enjoy the Great Comet (CUP, 1997)
Humanity’s Fate in the Universe
Published by the Cambridge University Press, The Edinburgh Building, Shaftesbury Road, CB2 2RU,
U.K. - Tel.: 00 44 1223 312393 - http://www.cup.ac.uk - April 2000 - 290 pages - Author : Nikos
ISBN : 0 521 77098 X (hardback) - Price : £17.95/US$24.95
Shall we return to the Moon? Could we colonise Mars, and other planets in our Solar System? How
might we travel to the distant stars, in our own Galaxy and beyond? Why haven’t we yet met an
extraterrestrial civilisation? How can we avoid the various cosmic threats, such as asteroid collisions?
Could we escape the remote but certain death of our Sun? What is the ultimate fate of the Universe itself?
This captivating and unprecedented book is about the future of the human race in the Universe for the
centuries, millennia and eons to come. It is not an account of ‘what will happen’, bus of ‘what could
happen’ in the light of our current knowledge and scientists‘ speculations, and its philosophical and social
implications. Drawing also on historical accounts and classic works of science fiction, this book artfully
displays a gripping preview of “Our Cosmic Future”.
Nikos Prantzos is a researcher at the Paris Institute of Astrophysics, specialising in stellar
nucleosynthesis, galactic evolution and high-energy astrophysics. He has written dozens of academic
papers, as well as popular-level articles and two other popular science books. The French edition of this
book, entitled “Voyages dans le futur”, won the 1998 Jean Rostand prize given by the association
Mouvement Universel de Responsabilité Scientifique.
Published by Cambridge University Press, The Edinburgh Building, Shaftesbury Road, CB2 2RU, U.K. Tel. : 00 44 1223 312393 – http://www.cup.ac.uk - Februari 2000 - 158 pages - Author : Marti n Rees
ISBN : 0 521 64238 8 (hardback) - Price : £16.95/US$24.95
This volume presents a unique and accessible synthesis of our understanding of modern cosmology. In
recent years, observational cosmology has made remarkable advances, bringing into sharper focus a new
set of fundamental questions that Professor Rees addresses in this book. Why is the universe expanding
the way it is ? What were the ‘seeds’ that caused galaxies, clusters and superclusters to form? What is the
nature of ‘dark matter’? What happened in the very early universe?
Martin Rees is a Royal Society Professor and Fellow of King’s College, Cambridge. He also has the
honorary position of Astronomer Royal. He has held chairs at the University of Sussex and the University
of Cambridge. He is a former director of the Institute of Astronomy, Cambridge, and has held visiting
positions at Harvard, Caltech and Princeton. In addition to his unique contribution to the field as a
researcher, he is the winner of the American Institute of Physics science writing prize, and is a talented
lecturer at all levels.
Gravitational clustering in cosmology
Published by Cambridge University Press, The Edinburgh Building, Shaftesbury Road, CB2 2RU, U.K. Tel. : 00 44 1223 312393 – http://www.cup.ac.uk - February 2000 - 508 pages - Author : William C.
ISBN : 0 521 39426 0 (hardback) - Price : £60.00/US$100.00
This topical volume examines on of the leading problems in astronomy today - how galaxies cluster in our
Universe. Many observational surveys and theoretical projects are currently underway to understand the
distribution of galaxies. This is the first book to describe gravitational theory, computer simulations, and
observations related to galaxy distribution functions (a general method for measuring the clustering and
velocities of galaxies). It embeds distribution functions in a broader astronomical context, including other
exciting contemporary topics such as correlation functions, fractals, bound clusters, topology, percolation,
and minimal spanning trees. Key results are derived and the necessary gravitational physics provided to
ensure the book is self-contained. And throughout the book, theory, computer simulations, and
observation are carefully interwoven and critically compared. The book also shows how future
observations can test theoretical models for the evolution of galaxy clustering at earlier times in our
Universe. This clear and authoritative volume is written at a level suitable for graduate students.
William Saslaw is professor of astronomy at he University of Virginia, Charlottesville and also does
research at the National Radio Astronomy Observatory and at the University of Cambridge. He received
his Ph. D. in applied mathematics and theoretical physics from Cambridge. Former author of
“Gravitational Physics of Stellar and Galactic Systems”.
Published by Cambridge University Press http://www.cup.cam.ac.uk and http://www.cup.org – 2000 –
Edited by M. Livio – hardback –– ISBN 0 521 78091 8 – number of pages: 303
This timely volume reviews recent progress in our understanding of all aspects of stellar structure and
evolution, with special emphasis on currently unsolved problems. It covers every stage in the life of a
star, from birth to death, as well as the fundamental processes which affect stellar evolution. Each article
is written by a leading world expert, based on presentations at an international conference held at the
Space Telescope Science Institute.
A complete understanding of stellar evolution is important in its own right, and also as a central piece in
the more general puzzle of understanding how galaxies form and evolve. This volume presents the most
comprehensive and up-to-date survey available of our current understanding of stellar structure and
evolution. It provides an essential reference for researchers interested in stellar evolution and galaxy
formation and evolution, and a valuable resource for graduate students seeking a state-of-the-art review of
unsolved problems in this exciting area of research.
Space Telescope Science Institute Symposium Series
This serie offers collections of review papers from major scientific meetings of the Space Telescope
Science Institute. Books in this series give a timely overview of fields in astronomy and astrophysics that
are expected to develop rapidly as a result of investigations with the Space Telescope. The Space
Telescope Science Institute Symposium Series offers important summaries of current research at a level
suitable for professional astronomers and their graduate students.
Published by Cambridge University Press, The Edinburgh Building, Cambridge CB2 2RU, UK
http://www.cup.cam.ac.uk / http://www.cup.org – 2000 – Author: Dina Prialnik – £15.95 (US$24.95)
ISBN 0 521 65937 X (paperback) – Published together with the hardback edition: £42.50 (US$69.95)
ISBN 0 521 65065 8 – number of pages: 261
The theory of stellar structure and evolution is elegant and impressively powerful. Bringing together all
branches of physics, it is able to predict how the complex internal structure of stars changes from their
birth to their death, what nuclear fuel stars burn, and what their ultimate fate is – a fading white dwarf, or
a cataclysmic explosion as a supernova, leaving behind a collapsed neutron star or a black hole. This
lucid textbook provides students with a clear and pedagogical introduction to stellar structure and
evolution. It requires only basic physics and mathematics learned in first- and second-year undergraduate
studies, and it assumes no prior knowledge of astronomy.
Beginning with what is known about stars from observations, the theory of stellar evolution is then laid
out mathematically and the basic physics related to the structure of stars is reviewed. Next,
nucleosynthesis, simple stellar models, and the principles of stability are introduced, leading to a
schematic picture of stellar evolution as a whole. This model is then developed further, bringing in what
scientists have learned from computer simulations, and comparing the results with more detailed
observations of main-sequence stars like the Sun, red giants, planetary nebulae, and white dwarfs. The
exotic and often spectacular final stages of many stars- supernovae, pulsars, and black holes – are treated
next. Finally, a global picture of the stellar evolutionary cycle is presented.
The unique feature of this book is the emphasis it places, throughout, on the basic physical principles
governing stellar evolution. The processes are always explained in the simplest terms, while maintaining
full mathematical rigor. Exercises and full solutions are also included to help students test their
understanding. This textbook provides a stimulating introduction for undergraduates in astronomy,
physics, planetary science, and applied mathematics who are taking a course on the physics of stars.
Published by Cambridge University Press, The Edinburgh Building, Cambridge CB2 2RU, UK
http://www.cambridge.org – 2000 – Author: Carl Sagan / Produced by Jerome Agel - £17.95 (US$24.95)
hardback – ISBN 0 521 78303 8 – number of pages: 302
A classic book by the world’s most famous scientist and science visionary, back in print with a new 21 stcentury perspective.
“The astronomical discoveries we are in the midst of making are of the broadest human significance. If
this book plays a small role in broadening public consideration of these exploratory ventures, it will have
served its purpose.”
- Carl Sagan
“This book … is a monument to a great man who succeeded in spite of failures and disappointments, in
changing our view of our planet and changing the way we think about the universe.”
- Freeman Dyson, author of Origins of life
“Carl Sagan is a scientist of quality, who is also a writer of quality. [With] great intelligence, wit, and
insight, [The Cosmic Connection] is a success on every level.”
- Washington Post
“engaging and even rhapsodic.”
- Philip Morrison, Scientific American
“A milestone in popular science writing.”
- Astronomy
The Cosmic Connection won the John W. Campbell Memorial
Award for best science book of the year 1974
Published by Cambridge University Press, The Edinburg Building, Cambridge, CB2 2RU, UK –
http://www.cup.cam.ac.uk – 2000 – Author: Steve B. Howell – number of pages: 164
Paperback edition: ISBN 0 521 64834 3 – Price: £14.95 (US$24.95)
Hardback edition: ISBN 0 521 64058 X – Price: £40.00 (US$64.95)
Charge-Coupled Devices (CCDs) are the state-of-the-art detector in many areas of observational science.
Astronomy, physics, chemistry, medical imaging, and remote sensing are just a few of the fields of study in
which they play a crucial role. This handbook provides a concise and accessible reference on all practical
aspects of using CCDs.
Starting with the electronic workings of these marvels of modern science, this handbook discusses the
basic characteristics of CCDs and then gives methods and examples of how to determine these values.
While the focus of the book is on the use of CCDs in professional observational astronomy, advanced
amateur astronomers, and researchers in physics, chemistry, medical imaging, and remote sensing will
also find it very valuable. The core of the book focuses on the detection of optical light, but due coverage
is given to other wavelengths, particulary high-energy astronomy. Tables of useful and hard-to-find data,
and key practical equations round the book off and ensure that it provides an ideal introduction to the
practical use of CCDs for graduate students, as well as a handy reference for more experienced
Published by Cambridge University Press, The Edinburg Building, Cambridge, CB2 2RU, UK –
http://www.cup.cam.ac.uk - 2000 – Authors: Jacques Crovisier, ThÕrÒse Encrenaz - £14.95
(US$19.95) paperback ISBN 0 521 64591 3 / £37.50 (US$54.95) hardback ISBN 0 521 64179 9 –
number of pages: 173
This book provides a comprehensive overview of our current knowledge of comets. It presents a
fascinating survey of the study of comets throughout history, from antiquity to the present day, and
includes the most recent discoveries on the exceptional comets Hale-Bopp and Hyakutake. The
authors discuss the role of comets in the formation of our Solar System and describe the links between
comets, asteroids and the recently discovered Kuiper-belt objects. The book also includes new insights
into the composition and nature of cometary nuclei, with results from the most up-to-date observation
Written in a clear and lively style, and beautifully illustrated, this book will appeal to anyone interested
in comets and astronomy, professionals and amateurs alike. It will be of particular interest to students
and researchers in astronomy, astrophysics and planetary science, as well as general readers with a
good background in physics.
Published by Cambridge University Press, The Edinburg Building, Cambridge, CB2 2RU, UK –
http://www.cup.cam.ac.uk - 2000 – Authors: Fred Hoyle, Geoffrey Burbidge, Jayant V. Narlikar £35.00 (US$59.95) hardback – ISBN 0 521 66223 0 – number of pages: 357
This is a different kind of book about cosmology, a field of major interest to professional astronomers,
physicists, and the general public. All research in cosmology adopts one model of the universe, the hot
big bang model. But Fred Hoyle, Geoffrey Burbidge and Jayant Narlikar take a different approach.
Starting with the beginnings of modern cosmolog, and then conduct a wide ranging and deep review of
the observations made from 1945 to the present day. Here they challenge many conventional
interpretations. The latter part of the book presents the authors’own account of the present status of
observations and how they should be explained. The controversial theme is that the dependency on the
hot big bang model has led to an unwarranted rejection of alternative cosmological models. Writing
from the heart, with passion and punch, these three cosmologists make a powerful case for viewing the
universe in a different light.
Published by The University of Arizona Press, 1230 N Park Avenue, Suite 102, Tucson AZ 85719 – 520621-1441 – 2000 – Authors: V. Mannings, A.P. Boss, S.S. Russell - $95 cloth / 1,700 pp hardback – ISBN
0 8165 2059 3 – number of pages: 1422
Both a textbook and a status report for every facet of research into the formation of stars and planets,
Protostars and Planets IV brings together 167 authors who report on the most significant advances in the
field since the publication of the previous volume in 1993.
Protostars and Planets IV reflects improvements in observational techniques and the availability of new
facilities such as the Infrared Space Observatory, the refurbished Hubble Space Telescope, and the 10-m
Keck telescopes. Advances in computer technology and modeling methods have benefited theoretical
studies of molecular clouds, star formation, and jets and disks, while recent analyses of meteorites yield
important insights into conditions and processes within our Sun’s early protoplanetary disk.
Published by Cambridge University Press, The Edinburg Building, Cambridge, CB2 2RU, UK –
http://www.cup.cam.ac.uk - 2000 – Authors: Eric R. Priest, Terry G. Forbes - £50.00 (US$85.00) –
hardback – ISBN 0 521 48179 1 – number of pages: 600
Magnetic reconnection is at the core of many dynamic phenomena in the universe, such as solar flares,
geomagnetic substorms, and tokamak disruptions. This major work, written by two world leaders on the
subject, gives the first comprehensive overview of a fundamental process. It includes an illuminating
account of the basic theory and a wide-ranging review of the physical phenomena created by
reconnection. Most of the universe is in the form of a plasma threaded by a magnetic field. When
stretched or sheared, the magnetic field lines may break and reconnect rapidly, converting magnetic
energy into heat, kinetic energy and fast-particle energy. This book begins with an accessible
introduction to all aspects of the theory behind this phenomenon and leads on to review a wide range of
applications – from laboratory machines, the Earth’s magnetosphere and the Sun’s atmosphere, to flare
stars and astrophysical accretion disks. Finally, the authors provide a succinct account of particle
acceleration by electric fields, stochastic fields and shock waves, and how reconnection can be important
in these mechanisms. The clear and logical style makes this book an essential introduction for graduate
students and an authoritative reference for researchers in solar physics, astrophysics, plasma physics and
space science.
Published by Cambridge University Press – The Edinburgh Building, Cambridge, CB2 2RU, UK –
http://www.cup.cam.ac.uk – 2000 – Authors: F. Combes, G. Pineau des Forêts – £42.50 (US$69.95) –
hardback – ISBN 0 521 78224 4 – number of pages: 326
Molecular hydrogen is the most abundant molecule in the Universe. In recent years, advances in
theory and laboratory experiments coupled with breakthrough observations with important new
telescopes and satellites have revolutionized our understanding of molecular hydrogen in space. It is
now possible to address the question of how molecular hydrogen formed in the early Universe and the
role it played in the formation of primordial structures. This timely volume presents articles from a
host of experts who reviewed this new understanding at an international conference in Paris. This
book provides the first multi-disciplinary synthesis of our new understanding of molecular hydrogen.
It covers the theory of the physical processes and laboratory experiments, as well as the latest
observations. It will therefore be an invaluable reference for all students and researchers in
astrophysics and cosmology.
Published by Cambridge University Press – The Edinburgh Building, Cambridge, CB2 2RU, UK
- http://www.cup.cam.ac.uk – 2000 – Author: David Leverington - £19.95 – paperback –
ISBN 0 521 65833 0 – number of pages: 507
New Cosmic Horizons tells the extraordinary story of space-based astronomy since the Second World
War. Starting with the launch of the V2 rocket in 1946, this book explores the triumphs of space
experiments and spacecraft designs and the amazing astronomical results that they have produced. It
also examines the fascinating way in which the changing political imperatives of the USA, USSR and
Western Europe have modified their space astronomy programmes.
This history of astronomy from space is extensively illustrated and unique in its coverage of such a
broad range of topics in language accessible to amateur and professional astronomers, and other
technically minded readers.
All major astronomy missions of the first fifty years of space research are covered: the Soviet Sputnik
and American Explorer projects, the subsequent race to the moon, solar and planetary missions, and
astrophysical research, culminating in the exciting results of the Compton Gamma Ray Observatory
and the Hubble Space Telescope.
Published by Cambridge University Press – The Edinburgh Building, Cambridge, CB2 2RU, UK
http://www.cup.cam.ac.uk – 2000 – Author: T. Padmanabhan - £27.95 (US$44.95) – paperback –
ISBN 0 521 56632 0 – number of pages: 600
Graduate students and researchers in astrophysics and cosmology need a solid understanding of a wide
range of physical processes. This clear and authoritative textbook has been designed to help them to
develop the necessary toolkit of theory. Assuming only an undergraduate background in physics and no
detailed knowledge of astronomy, this book guides the reader step by step through a comprehensive
collection of fundamental theoretical topics. The book is modular in design, allowing the reader to pick
and chose a selection of chapters, if necessary. It can be used alone, or in conjunction with the
forthcoming accompanying two volumes (covering stars and stellar systems, and galaxies and cosmology,
After reviewing the basics of dynamics, electromagnetic theory, and statistical physics, the book
carefully develops a solid understanding of all the key concepts such as radiative processes, spectra,
fluid mechanics, plasma physics and MHD, dynamics of gravitating systems, general relativity, and
nuclear physics. Each topic is developed methodically from undergraduate basic physics. Throughout,
the reader’s understanding is developed and tested with carefully structured problems and helpful hints.
This welcome volume provides graduate students with an indispensable introduction to and reference
on all the physical processes they will need to successfully tackle cutting-edge research in astrophysics
and cosmology.
Published by Cambridge University Press – The Edinburgh Building, Cambridge, CB2 2RU, UK
http://www.cup.cam.ac.uk – 2000 – Authors: Linda S. Sparke, John S. Gallagher - £21.95 (US$34.95)
– paperback – ISBN 0 521 59740 4 – number of pages: 379
This textbook provides a comprehensive and lucid modern introduction to galaxies for advanced
undergraduate students in astronomy and physics. Basic astrophysics, multiwavelength observations,
and theoretical concepts are carefully combined to develop a thorough and integrated understanding.
The necessary background astronomy is included, and mathematics has been kept to the minimum
required to enable the student to grasp the essence of a calculation, or the basis for a method.
Techniques for observation and measurement are also clearly explained, with a critical review of their
limits and accuracy.
Starting from the basic properties of stars, we explore our own Milky Way, and work outwards to look
at young galaxies in the very distant Universe. We examine galaxies in their environments, including
groups and clusters. We are shown how the shapes of galaxies, the orbits of their stars, and the
abundance and distribution of heavy elements, all give clues to how galaxies form. Throughout, we
see how galaxies are observed across the electromagnetic spectrum, and how the results can be
synthesized into a coherent picture. Exciting topics such as gravitational lensing, dark matter, and
galactic collisions and mergers are also covered.
The clear and friendly style of the text, thorough coverage of fundamentals, extensive use of up-to-date
observations, and helpful problems make this an ideal introduction to galaxies and an excellent
preparation for more advanced text and the research literature.
Published by Birkhäuser Verlag AG – Viaduktstrasse 42 CH – 4051 Basel Switzerland – http://wwwbirkhauser.ch – 2000 – Authors: Don Howard, John Stachel – CHF 108.00 / DEM 128.00 / ATS
935.00 – Hardcover – ISBN 3 7643 4030 4 - number of pages: 272
This volume brings together some of the best recent scholarship on what might be termed Einstein’s
formative period, that is, the thirty years before he obtained his first academic position in 1909.
Topics covered include Einstein’s early reading and his university education, his early views on
scientific method and some of the crucial philosophical influences shaping those views, his early work
on statistical mechanics, Brownian motion quantum theory, relativity theory, and his youthful vision of
a unified foundation for physics. Seven of the eight papers appear here in print for the first time.
The contributors draw extensively upon much of the interesting new documentation, such as personal
letters, including love letters to his fiancée, and unpublished manuscripts, that has come to light in the
course of work on the first several volumes of The Collected Papers of Albert Einstein.
This engaging book examining the young Einstein from a variety of perspectives – personal, scientific,
historical, and philosophical – will be accessible to a broad general readership.
Published by Cambridge University Press – The Edinburgh Building, Cambridge, CB2 2RU, UK
http://www.cup.cam.ac.uk – 2000 – Authors: Alan E. Mussett, M. Aftab Khan - £26.95 (US$42.95) –
Paperback – ISBN 0 521 78574 X – number of pages: 470
Geophysics, the application of physics to the study of the earth, from the surface to the centre, is an
essential part of modern earth science. Looking into the Earth is an introduction to geophysics suitable
for those who need it but do not necessarily intend to become professional geophysicists. These
include geologists, and other earth scientists such as civil engineers, environmental scientists, and field
Unlike other books that deal with either “global “ or “exploration” geophysics, this book
comprehensively introduces both branches of geophysics. It covers the principles and applications of
geophysics on all scales, ranging from deep earth structure in relation to plate tectonics, to the search
for oil, water and minerals, to detailed studies of the near surface. The book is organised into two
parts: Part I describes the various geophysical methods, while Part II illustrates their use in a number of
case histories, some extended. Throughout, the emphasis is on what geological (or archaeological or
civil engineering) information the various geophysical methods can yield. The authors recognise that
many students taking introductory couses in geophysics are not fluent in mathematics or physics, so the
necessary mathematical and physical principles are introduced at an elementary level and only as
needed. Questions for students are given at the end of appropriate chapters.
Looking into the Earth is aimed primarily at introductory and intermediate university (and college)
students taking courses in geology, earth science, environmental science, and civil engineering. It will
also form an excellent introductory textbook in geophysics departments, and will help practising
geologists, civil engineers, and archaeologists understand how geophysics can help their work.
Published by Cambridge University Press – The Edinburgh Building, Cambridge, CB2 2RU, UK
http://www.cup.cam.ac.uk – 2000 – Authors: Bruce Stephenson, Marvin Bolt, Anna Felicity Friedman
- £19.95 (US$29.95) – hardback – ISBN 0 521 79143 X – number of pages: 152
The Universe Unveiled documents the human desire through history to explore and understand our
world. Its unique approach focuses on the instruments, books, and maps people have created to
decipher the universe from the late fifteenth through the nineteenth century. This richly illustrated
book provides more than 270 full-color images, including those of rare and unusual artifacts from all
over the globe kept in the internationally renowned collection at the Adler Planetarium & Astronomy
Museum in Chicago.
With clear and informative text, The Universe Unveiled examines our discovery of space and time and
our ever-expanding understanding of Earth and the heavens, describing in particular the shift from an
Earth-centered to an Sun-centered view of the universe. It also lays out the technologies of navigation
and of measuring and mapping the Earth, as well as the evolution of ways to keep time, the mapping of
the stars, and the impact of the telescope.
Published by Cambridge University Press – The Edinburgh Building, Cambridge, CB2 2RU, UK
http://www.cup.cam.ac.uk – 2000 – Author: Peter Cattemole - £25.00 (US$39.95) – Hardback – ISBN
0 521 58278 4 – number of pages: 283
Building Planet Earth presents a description of Earth as a planet, commencing with its physical and
chemical evolution out of the primordial solar nebula. The condensation of elements and their
redistribution are described, leading into a section dealing with mapping, geophysical and geochemical
studies. This establishes the gross structure of the Earth, following which basic principles and
processes of plate tectonics are then described, leading to the description of the working of geological
cycles. The main thrust of the remainder of the book is a description of the geological evolution of the
Earth. Volcanism and seismicity, ice ages and climate, isotopic techniques and age dating, are all
treated. The impact of mass extinctions, global-warming and ozone holes are included. The book is
illustrated profusely and closes with a number of useful appendices.
Published by Cambridge University Press – The Edinburgh Building, Cambridge, CB2 2RU, UK
http://www.cup.cam.ac.uk – 2000 – Authors: Serge Brunier, Jean-Pierre Luminet, Storm Dunlop £25.00 (US$39.95) – Hardback – ISBN 0 521 79148 0 – number of pages: 192
This beautiful volume deals with eclipses of all kinds – lunar, solar and even those elsewhere in the
Solar System and beyond. Bringing together in one place all aspects of eclipses, it is written by the
perfect team: Serge Brunier is a life-long chaser of eclipses, and internationally-known astronomy
writer and photographer, whilst Jean-Pierre Luminet is a famous astrophysicist with a special interest
in astronomical history. Lavishly illustrated throughout, Glorious Eclipses covers the history of
eclipses from ancient times, the celestial mechanics involved, their observation and scientific interest.
Personal accounts are given of recent eclipses – up to and including the last total solar eclipse of the
20th century: the one on August 11th 1999 that passed across Europe, Romania, Turkey and India.
This unique book contains the best photographs taken all along its path and is the perfect souvenir for
all those who tried or wished to see it. In addition, it contains all you need to know about forthcoming
eclipses up to 2060, complete with NASA maps and data.
From the music of the spheres to the conquest of space
Published by Cambridge University Press – Authors: Marc Lachieze-Rey, Jean-Pierre Luminet, Joe
Laredo – 2001 - £40.00 / US$ 59.95 / EUR 65 – ISBN 0 521 80040 4 (hardback) – number of pages:
Throughout history, the mysterious dark skies have inspired out imaginations in countless ways,
influencing our endeavours in science, philosophy, religion, literature, and art. Filled with 400 fullcolour illustrations, many never published, Celestial Treasury shows the influence of astronomical
theories and the richness of illustrations in Western civilisation through the ages. The authors explore
our understanding of astronomy and weave together ancient and modern theories in a fascinating
Celestial Treasury answers these questions:
How did philosophers and scientists try to explain the order that governs celestial motions?
How did geometers and artists measure and map the skies?
How many different answers have been proposed for the most fundamental of al questions: When
and how did our world come about?
Who inhabits the heavens?
Celestial Treasury is a sumptuous account of our endless fascination with the nature of the universe.
Published by Cambridge University Press – Author: Kenneth R. Lang – 2001 - £29.95 / EUR 41.24 –
ISBN 0 521 78093 4 (hardback) – number of pages: 256
The Sun provides most of the energy on Earth. Hydrocarbon fuels are fossilized solar power, energy
originally from the Sun that Earth has stored for millions of years. Planet Earth glides through the
solar system at just the right distance from the Sun for abundant life to flourish while all other planets
either freeze or fry: the Sun keeps us just in the right temperature range to keep most of our water
liquid. As humans we are more intimately linked with the life-sustaining Sun than with any other
astronomical object.
In less than a decade three modern spacecraft have provided more important new information about the
Sun than the entire previous century of observations. Instruments have extended our gaze far from the
visible, spanning a spectrum running from radio waves to gamma rays. The Sun is under continuous
observation, every nuance of its changing behavior captured by state-of-the-art technology.
The Cambridge Encyclopedia of the Sun is a complete modern guide to this fire of life, our nearest star.
It provides comprehensive accounts of the most recent discoveries, such as the neutrino observations
which may be revealing a completely new physics. A description of the use of sound waves to peer
deep into the Sun’s inner regions and measure temperature right down to the central nuclear reactor is
included, and the awesome ejections of matter from the Sun’s outer regions and their potential threat to
Earth are also discussed.
This reference work is completed by a full bibliography, a list of internet sites, and a glossary so
comprehensive as to constitute a dictionary of solar astronomy.
The Colorful mysteries of Planetary Nebulae
Published by Cambridge University Press – Author: Sun Kwok – 2001 - £20.00 / US$29.95 / EUR
27.54 – ISBN: 0 521 79135 9 (hardback) – number of pages: 179
At the end of a star’s life, it wraps itself in a cocoon by spilling out gas and dust. Sometime later, a
butterfly-like nebula emerges from the cocoon and develops into a planetary nebula. Planetary nebulae
are among the most beautiful of the celestial objects imaged by the Hubble Space Telescope. Their
structures, like bubbles floating in the void, are complemented by a kaleidoscope of color emitted by
glowing gases. Delicate, lacelike, streamers of gas add to their complexity. The production of a
planetary nebula is a milestone in the life of a star, an event that foretells the doom of the star before it
disappears into oblivion. In this book, Sun Kwok tells the story of the discovery process of the
creation of planetary nebulae and of the future of the Sun.
2nd Edition
Published by Cambridge University Press – Authors: Robert A. Strong, Roger W. Sinnott – 2001 £19.95 / US$29.95 / EUR 27.47 – ISBN 0 521 00882 4 (paperback) – number of pages: 281
This book is a comprehensive guide to every star cluster, nebula, and galaxy plotted in Sky Atlas
2000.0, 2nd edition. In addition to listing each object’s chart number(s), the authors provide a
descriptive paragraph about each, including comments by renowned observers when appropriate, plus
the following basic data:
Object type
Celestial coordinates
Angular size
Apparent brightness
Position angle (for all galaxies)
Objects are listed two ways for easy reference: alphabetically by popular name or principal designation,
as well as by chart number. The book includes a detailed introduction, Sky Atlas 2000.0 chart key, and
Astronomy and Earth Science
Published by Cambridge University Press – Author: J.M.T. Thompson – 2001 - £17.95 / EUR 24.7 –
ISBN: 0 521 80537 6 (paperback) – number of pages: 237
Leading young scientists, many holding prestigious Royal Society Research Fellowships, describe their
research and give their visions of the future.
Re-written in a popular and well-illustrated style, the articles are derived from scholarly and
authoritative papers published in a special Millennium Issue of the Royal Society’s Philosophical
Transactions (used by Newton, this is the world’s longest running scientific journal). Carefully
selected by the Journal’s Editor, Professor J.M.T. Thompson FRS, topics include:
the Big Bang creation of the universe;
man’s exploration of the Solar System;
Earth’s deep interior;
Current scientific ideas about global warming and climate change.
The book conveys the excitement and enthusiasm of the young authors for their work in Astronomy
and Earth Science. Two companion books cover Physics and Electronics, and Chemistry and Life
Science. All are definitive reviews for anyone with a general interest in the future directions of
The greatest explosions since the Big Bang
Published by Cambridge University Press – Authors: M. Livio, N. Panagia and K. Sahu – 2001 £55.00 / US$80.00 / EUR 89.27 – ISBN 0 521 79141 3 (hardback) – number of pages: 376
Recent observations have uncovered that gamma-ray bursts of relatively long durations are at
cosmological distances in star-forming galaxies. The detection of X-ray, optical, and radio afterglows
to gamma-ray bursts has literally revolutionized the understanding of these enigmatic events. Since the
dramatic discovery that the supernova SN 1998bw coincided in position and time with a gamma-ray
burst, the possibility was raised that these two types of spectacular explosions are related. This timely
volume presents articles by a host of world experts who gathered together for an international
conference at the Space Telescope Science Institute. This was the first meeting in which the
communities of supernova researchers and gamma-ray burst researchers were brought together to share
ideas. The contributions review the mechanisms for these explosive events, the possible connections
between them, and their relevance for cosmology. Both observations and theoretical developments are
covered. This book is an invaluable source of information for both active researchers and graduate
students in this exciting area of research.
Exploring the outer limits of the solar system
Published by Cambridge University Press – Author: John Davies – 2001 - £17.95 / EUR 24.7 – ISBN 0
521 80019 6 (hardback) – number of pages: 233
The known solar system has more than doubled in size since 1992. For the first time in almost two
centuries an entirely new population of planetary objects has been found. This ‘Kuiper Belt’ of minor
planets beyond Neptune has revolutionised our understanding of how the solar system was formed and
has finally explained the origin of the enigmatic outer planet Pluto. This is the story of how theoretical
physicists decided that there must be a population of unknown bodies beyond Neptune and how a small
band of astronomers set out to find them.
- Written by a scientist active in the field, in close collaboration with others involved in the work
- A modern story of scientific discovery, showing how theory and practice interact
- Clearly explains the interest and importance of these newly found solar system members
An Adventurer’s Guide to the Solar System
Published by Cambridge University Press – Author: Paul Hodge – 2001 - £18.95 / EUR 26.1 – ISBN 0
521 65133 6 (hardback) – number of pages: 247
Few challenges remain for Earth-bound adventurers, but do not fear – the Solar System abounds with
weird and wonderful places to explore.
Let astronomer Paul Hodge take you on an imaginary tour of the most spectacular sites in the Solar
System. With his informal writing style and over 100 amazing full colour illustrations, including
close-ups of planetary features, you will have your breath taken away, without even leaving your home.
Climb Mars’ Mt. Olympus, much higher than Everest, or climb Venus’ precipitous and scorching Mt.
Explore the Moon’s Alpine Valley, or a table mountain on 10.
Brave the snows of Saturn’s rings and Miranda’s incredibly high, icy cliff.
Descend a fabulous canyon on Mars, dwarfing the Earth’s Grand Canyon.
And who knows – one day these adventures may really take place!
Published by Cambridge University Press – Authors: Gerald Schubert, Donald L. Turcotte and Peter
Olson – 2001 - £21.00 / EUR 28.9 – ISBN 0 521 35367X (hardback) – number of pages: 940
Mantle Convection in the Earth and Planets is a comprehensive synthesis of all aspects of mantle
convection within the Earth, the terrestrial planets, the Moon, and the Galilean satelites of Jupiter.
Mantle convection sets the pace for the evolution of the Earth as a whole. It influences Earth’s
topography, gravitational field, geodynamo, climate system, cycles of glaciation, biological evolution,
and formation of mineral and hydrocarbon resources. It is the primary mechanism for the transport of
heat from the Earth’s deep interior to its surface. Mantle convection is the fundamental cause of plate
tectonics, formation and drift of continents, volcanism, earthquakes, and mountain building. This book
provides both a connected overview and an in-depth analysis of the relationship between these
phenomena and the process of mantle convection. Complex geodynamical processes are explained
with simple mathematical models.
The book includes up-to-date discussions of the latest research developments that have revolutionized
our understanding of the Earth and the planets. These developments include:
the emergence of mantle seismic tomography which has given us a window into the mantle and a
direct view of mantle convection
progress in measuring the thermal, mechanical, and theological properties of Earth materials in the
dramatic improvements in computational power that have made possible the construction of realistic
numerical models of mantle convection in three-dimensional spherical geometry
spacecraft missions to Venus (Magellan), the Moon (Clementine and Lunar Prospector), Mars (Mars
Global Surveyor), and the Galilean moons of Jupiter (Galileo) that have enormously increased our
knowledge of these planets and satellites.
Volume II: Stars and Stellar Systems
Published by Cambridge University Press – Author: T. Padmanabhan – 2001 - £27.95 / US$44.95 /
EUR 38.48 – ISBN 0 521 56241 4 (Paperback) – number of pages: 575
The study of stellar physics plays a central role in the broader study of astrophysics. This authoritative
textbook, which is the second volume of a comprehensive three-volume course on theoretical
astrophysics, tackles stars and stellar systems. Designed to help graduate students and researchers
develop an understanding of the key physical processes governing stars and stellar systems, it teaches
the fundamentals, and then builds on them to give the reader an in-depth understanding of advanced
topics. The book’s modular design allows the chapters to be approached individually, yet the
transitions are seamless, creating a coherent and connected whole. It can be used alone or in
conjunction with volume I, which covers a wide range of astrophysical processes, and the forthcoming
Volume III, on galaxies and cosmology.
After reviewing the key observational results and nomenclature used in stellar astronomy, the book
develops a solid understanding of central concepts including stellar structure and evolution, the physics
of stellar remnants such as white dwarfs and blackholes, pulsars, binary stars, the sun and planetary
systems, interstellar medium and globular clusters. Throughout, the reader’s grasp of all of the topics
is developed and tested with more than seventy-five exercises.
This indispensible volume provides graduate students with a self-contained introduction to stellar
physics, and will allow them to master the material sufficiently to read and engage in research with
heightened understanding.
Dynamique orbitale trajectoires interplanétaires expansion de l’univers
Published by Academia Bruylant – 2001 – Author: Guy Stevins - 1321BEF / EUR 32.75 – ISBN 2
87209 607 8 (Paperback) – number of pages: 556
Longtemps, l’homme a rêvé de s’envoler vers la Lune ou bien plus loin encore… Mais pour y
parvenir, il fallait d’abord rassembler tant de connaissances scientifiques et technologiques que
plusieurs siècles furent nécessaires.
Théories de la gravitation, dynamique orbitale, perturbations, propulsion et controle d’attitude des
fusées, trajectoires balistiques et réactions de gravitation, cosmologie…: ces matières très ardues,
réservées à des ouvrages spécialisés, sont généralement inaccessibles aux profanes.
Ce livre présente un condensé didactique de ces différentes matières. Il permet au lecteur possédant les
connaissances (niveau bac +2) en mécanique et en mathématiques d’en comprendre les principales
lignes directrices. Il aide notamment à calculer, avec des moyens simples, les trajectoires
interplanétaires non propulsées comme celle de la sonde Voyager 2. Un programme pour ordinateur
personnel permet ce calcul sur base de l’approximation des coniques juxtaposées.
Ce livre retrace aussi, au fil des théories de la gravitation et de la cosmologie, le parcours intellectuel
de l’humanité qui, en près de vingtcinq siècles, de Thalès de Milet à von Braun, a permis cette
formidable aventure qu’est la conquête de l’espace.
Published by The University of Arizona Press – 2001 – Author: Scott L. Montgomery - $17.95 / EUR
20.05 – ISBN 0 8165 1989 7 (Paperback) – number of pages: 265
The Moon has presented a variety of faces to philosophers, writers, artists, and scientists for nearly
three millennia. Scott Montgomery has drawn on a wide array of sources that illustrate mankind’s
changing concept of this heavenly body from classical antiquity to the dawn of a modern science.
“This erudite but accessible account surveys human thought through the ages to show that even in the
20th century, our modern image of the moon retains connotations far beyond its matter-of-fact identity
as a cold, rocky sphere.” –Science News
“[A] work of painstaking scholarship…. It is fascinating to see how each era viewed the moon in terms
of the religious and philosophical climate of the period.” –Choice
“It is a thoroughly researched and highly original work – I would say profoundly so. It has the
potential to create a whole new way of thinking about the history of science.” –William Scheehan,
author of The Planet Mars
“Montgomery stitches a story of religious allegory, scientific inquiry, and artistic insight…. Beneath
the easy-reading style lies a work of substance that is a narrow but penetrating contribution to cultural
history.” –Publishers Weekly
Published by Cambridge University Press – Author: R. W. Hilditch – 2001 - £24.95 / US$39.95 / EUR
34.35 – ISBN 0 521 24106 5 (Paperback) – number of pages: 381
Binary systems of stars are as common as single stars in the Universe. They are of fundamental
importance to astronomers becaus they allow stellar masses, radii, and luminosities to be measured
directly and can also be used as distance indicators for nearby galaxies. The evolution of binary stars
also helps to explain a host of diverse and energetic phenomena such as x-ray binaries, cataclysmic
variables, novae, symbiotic stars, and some types of supernovae. This textbook is the first to provide a
pedagogical and observations at all wavelengths to develop a unified understanding of binaries of all
categories – from pre-main sequence systems through all stages of evolution to systems containing
neutron stars and black holes.
Starting with essential orbital theory, the book then reviews methods for calculating orbits from radial
velocities, pulse-timing observations, speckle and direct interferometry, and polarimetry. It then
examines the Roche model and ideas about mass exchange and loss, methods for analysing light and
polarisation curves, the masses and dimensions of different binary systems, and recent developments in
imaging the surfaces of stars and accretion structures around them.
This textbook provides advanced undergraduate and graduate students a thorough introduction to
binary stars as well as a lucid companion for courses on stellar astrophysics, stellar structure and
evolution, and observational astrophysics. Researchers will also find it an invaluable and authoritative
Published by Cambridge University Press – 2001 – Authors: R. Rebolo and M.R. Zapatero-Osorio £45.00 / US$69.95 / EUR 61.96 – ISBN 0 521 66335 0 (Hardback) – number of pages: 269
This volume provides a state-of-the-art review of our current knowledge of brown dwarfs and very
low-mass stars. The hunt for and study of these elusive objects is currently one of the most dynamic
areas of research in astronomy for two reasons. Brown dwarfs bridge the gap between stars and
planets. They could be as numerous as stars in galaxies and contribute to the ‘dark matter’ of the
Universe. This volume presents review articles from a team of international authorities who gathered
at a conference in La Palma to assess the spectacular progress that has been made in this field in the
last few years.
This volume reviews both the latest observations and theory to provide an essential reference to one of
the most exciting fields in contemporary astronomy.
Published by Cambridge University Press – 2001 – Author: Stephen C. McCluskey - £12.95 /
US$19.95 / EUR 17.83 – ISBN 0 521 77852 2 (Paperback) – number of pages: 235
Historians have long recognized that the rebirth of science in twelfth-century Europe flowed from a
search for ancient scientific texts. This search, however, presupposes knowledge and interest; we only
seek what we know to be valuable. The emergence of scholarly interest after centuries of apparent
stagnation seems paradoxical. This book resolves that seeming contradiction by describing four active
traditions of early medieval astronomy: one divided the year by observing the Sun; another computed
the date of Easter Full Moon; the third determined the time for monastic prayers by watching the
course of the stars; and the classical tradition of geometrical astronomy provided a framework for the