master course outline - Big Bend Community College

Big Bend Community College
Date: January 27, 2009
COURSE TITLE: Microbiology
CIP Code:
Intent Code:
SIS Code:
Total Contact Hours Per Qtr:
Lecture Hours Per Qtr:
Lab Hours Per Qtr:
Other Hours Per Qtr:
Distribution Designation: Math/Science Lab
PREPARED BY: Barbara Jacobs
COURSE DESCRIPTION: A survey of microbes and their activities. Emphasis will be given to the areas
of bacteriology, immunology and virology. Four hours of lab per week is required for credit. Labs will
deal with the culture and identification of organisms (including throat, stool, and viral cultures), as well as
genetic transformation and ELISA testing for HIV.
PREREQUISITE(S): Students may qualify for BIOL &260 in any one of the following ways:
 a grade of 2.0 or better in BIOL& 211 or BIOL& 222 and in CHEM& 121 or above,
or a transcript from another college for those classes
 a year of high school Anatomy & Physiology and Chemistry within the last 2 years
with a grade of B or better
 a score of 3 or better in Advanced Placement Biology and a year of high school
Chemistry within the last 2 years with a B or better.
Text: Tortora, Funke and Case: Microbiology, An Introduction, Benjamin/Cummings Publishing Co, 2005
• The student will gain a basic understanding of the structure and function of microorganisms as well
as their role in health and disease.
• The student will learn the basic laboratory skills prerequisite to working with microbes in further
coursework or in a medical or industrial setting.
• The student will gain a basic understanding of the immune system and its applications, as well as its
functioning in health and disease.
Upon completion of the course the student should be able to:
1. Demonstrate an understanding of the reasons for the appearance of new and emerging diseases.
2. Use his/her knowledge of microbial genetics and physiology to explain of the role of bacteria, viruses,
fungi, protozoa and prions in their respective environments as well as in disease processes.
3. Perform the laboratory tests used to identify an unknown bacterium using acceptable aseptic
technique, and analyze the results.
4. Explain the fundamentals of immunology in terms of defense against foreign agents, vaccinations,
allergies, HIV infection, autoimmunity, and the rejection of tissue transplants and tumor cells.
1. Fundamental Characteristics of Microbes
The student will be able to:
a. list and explain the essential characteristics of life
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b. explain adaptation and evolution with respect to changes in bacterial populations, the
development of antibiotic resistance, and the frequency of emerging diseases.
2. Microbial Metabolism: Respiration and Fermentation
The student will be able to:
a. explain cellular respiration, fermentation and anaerobic respiration processes in words, on a
schematic diagram, and with chemical reactions.
4. The Prokaryotes, Protista and Mycetae
The student will be able to:
a. classify organisms in groups according to metabolic and structural complexity.
b. trace the metabolic complexity of the prokaryotes with emphasis on the Eubacteria.
c. differentiate between the protozoan phyla and give representative examples of each, with
emphasis on the pathogens.
d. describe the mycetae in general, differentiating between yeasts and molds.
e. differentiate between the superficial and systemic mycoses
5. Viruses and Prions
The student will be able to:
a. describe the physical characteristics of both the virideae and prions and relate them to the
essential characteristics of life forms.
b. detail the process of viral replication from adsorption to egress or latency.
c. demonstrate a stepwise understanding of the processes of DNA replication and protein
d. use the above knowledge to explain replication on a molecular basis in various categories of
viruses, such as dsDNA, ssRNA, retroviridae.
e. explain the mechanism by which prion proteins cause the spongiform encephalopathies.
6. Viruses and the Disease Process
The student will be able to:
a. differentiate between overt, latent, persistent and oncogenic infections, giving examples of each.
b. explain the function of interferon
c. describe 3 methods of viral culture
7. Functional Prokaryotic Anatomy
The student will be able to:
a. list, describe and give the functions of the physical and chemical structures found within the
prokaryotes, as compared to the eukaryotes. Relate these to the processes of cellular
respiration and reproduction.
8. The Control of Microbes
The student will be able to:
a. relate the mechanisms of action used to destroy or control microorganisms to prokaryotic
anatomy and to the processes of protein synthesis and reproduction.
b. explain the unique mechanism of action of the 3rd generation cephalosporins with respect to the
beta-lactam ring.
c. explain the dangers inherent in a loss of normal flora.
d. give 4 basic types of antibiotic resistance and 5 mechanisms by which such resistance can
e. discuss the genetics involved in the spread of antibiotic resistance.
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9. Disease Production
The student will be able to:
a. name and describe bacterial products and characteristics that contribute to both aspects of
b. describe innate and acquired defense mechanisms, including the inflammatory response
c. name, describe and give the functions of white blood cells with respect to infectious disease
d. evaluate hematology results in patients with infectious disease.
10. Immunology: Host Defense Mechanisms, Immunity, Vaccines
The student will be able to:
a. explain the concept of antibody formation and describe 4 mechanisms by which antibodies act.
b. list and give examples of the 4 basic types of acquired immunity.
c. differentiate between vaccine production methods.
11. Antibody Mediated Immunity, Cell Mediated Immunity
The student will be able to:
a. explain each step in antibody mediated immunity from the processing of stem cells in the
marrow to the formation of antibodies.
b. explain each step in cell mediated immunity from the processing of stem cells in the thymus to
the formation of effector T-cells and their products.
c. use this information to explain the interconnectedness of the 2 arms of the immune system and
the central role of the TH cell in both.
d. explain the role of antibodies in allergies and desensitization.
e. explain the role of T-cells in tissue transplant and tumor rejection, immunosurveiIlance and
12. HIV and AIDS
The student will be able to:
a. describe the structure of HIV, its mechanism of entry to human cells, and its pathogenesis.
b. give the steps in the cycle of maturation of HIV from entry to egress, incorporating our previous
discussion of DNA replication in retroviruses.
c. detail the stages of HIV infection and of AIDS.
d. discuss the transmission and sources of HIV.
e. relate this to the central role of the TH cell to explain the devastation of the immune system
f. name, describe and give causative agents of the major opportunistic infections of AIDS.
g. explain the difficulties in developing an HIV vaccine.
e. give the mechanisms of action of the 3 major groups of anti-HIV drugs.
1. Compound Microscope
The student will be able to:
a. extend microscope skills to include the use of oil immersion for bacteriology and hematology
2. Ubiquity of Microorganisms; Aseptic Transfer and Technique
The student will be able to:
a. aseptically transfer organisms from tube to tube, plate to tube, tube to plate
3. Plate Streaking for Isolation; Colony Morphology
The student will be able to:
a. plate streak for isolation, describe colony morphology
b. identify a variety of bacteria, fungi, and protozoans from 35 mm slides
c. identify stages in viral replication from electron microscope slides
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4. Smear Preparation, Gram Stain
The student will be able to:
a. aseptically prepare smears from plate colonies and broth cultures
b. execute and analyze a gram stain
5. Separation Outline of Respiratory Flora, Throat Cultures
The student will be able to:
a. use a separation outline to determine procedures necessary for the identification of respiratory
b. obtain a throat culture, choose appropriate media, grow and stain colonies, and perform the
necessary tests to identify respiratory flora.
6. Respiratory Unknowns
The student will be able to:
a. work in groups to analyze various sets of throat culture data as to the appropriateness of tests
performed and correctness of identification.
7. Reading and Interpretation of Differentials
The student will be able to:
a. identify blood cells and platelets on microscope and 35 mm slides; analyze WBC and differential
results for indications of infectious disease.
8. Transformation of Bacterial Cells with Plasmid DNA
The student will be able to:
a. work in groups to transfer plasmids from one bacterial species to another, creating ampicillinresistant E. coli.
9. Selective and Differential Media,
The student will be able to:
a. differentiate between and give examples of selective and differential media
b. interpret colony results in terms of the biochemical characteristics of microrganisms
10. Stool Cultures; Enterotube II
The student will be able to:
a. obtain a stool culture, choose media, grow and stain colonies, and set up and read Enterotube
II to identify gram negative rods.
b. interpret laboratory results on all media used in class.
11. Case Studies
The student will be able to work in a group to:
a. analyze a case study of microbial disease from an epidemiological point of view.
b. collectively write a paper which answers major questions within the case study framework.
c. be able to present these findings orally if called upon.
12. Antibiotic Sensitivities
The student will be able to:
a. aseptically set up an antibiotic sensitivity and analyze results.
13. Detection of HIV by Enzyme Linked Immunosorbent Assay
The student will be able to
a. perform and interpret an ELISA test on HIV-positive simulated blood as well as positive and
negative controls.
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Testing: Four 100 point lab and lecture exams given at two week intervals
Comprehensive final exam
400 points
100 points
TOTAL 500 points
Exams will include lab as well as lecture. In addition to traditional objective and essay questions, they will
include practical demonstrations of various laboratory procedures performed by students, as well as
identifications and interpretations of lab results. A written paper may also be included. If so, it will count
as one 100 point test. Lab attendance is required for this course.
The grade scale may be curved as the instructor deems necessary but basically is as follows:
100 - 97%
96 - 90%
89 - 80%
3.9 - 3.5
3.4 - 3.0
79- 72%
71 - 65%
64 - 57%
2.9 - 2.0
1.9 - 1.5
1.4 - 0.7
56 - 0%
x Lecture
x Laboratory
Supervised Clinical
x Small Group Discussion
x Audiovisual
Individual Instruction
Special Project
Other (List)
Research Papers
Division Chair Approval
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