User guide for Hampshire County Council’s payroll provision with local input via SAP Version 1.0 16 June 2011 Document location: I:\Shared\HR\HR Service Centre\HRSC Projects\Academy Schools\2 User guide and contract\User guide Academies using SAP 2011-06-08 V1.0.doc Table of Contents 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 Introduction .................................................................................................................................3 Service delivery ...........................................................................................................................3 Hampshire County Council contacts.....................................................................................3 Pay and Contract Support Services (PCSS) .............................................................................................................3 County Treasurer’s operations ...................................................................................................................................4 General approach .......................................................................................................................4 Authorisation....................................................................................................................................................................4 Deadlines ...........................................................................................................................................................................4 Overpayments ..................................................................................................................................................................4 Communications with Academy employees............................................................................................................4 New starters ................................................................................................................................4 Changes .........................................................................................................................................5 Amendments ....................................................................................................................................................................5 Change of bank details ...................................................................................................................................................5 Student loans ....................................................................................................................................................................5 Changing pension contribution ...................................................................................................................................5 Staff absence recording .............................................................................................................5 Family friendly – maternity, paternity and adoption...........................................................6 Additional payments...................................................................................................................6 Child care vouchers ...................................................................................................................6 Staff leaving the Academy .........................................................................................................7 Payment of salary ........................................................................................................................7 Travel and expenses...................................................................................................................7 Reporting ......................................................................................................................................8 Payroll report ...................................................................................................................................................................8 Finance postings ...............................................................................................................................................................9 Monthly payment of tax, NI payments and pensions ............................................................................................9 Hampshire Pension Fund (LGPS) ............................................................................................9 Teachers Pensions ................................................................................................................... 10 Applying pay awards and increments .................................................................................. 11 Year end..................................................................................................................................... 11 HR services ............................................................................................................................... 11 CRB and List 99 ............................................................................................................................................................ 11 Maintaining contractual documentation ................................................................................................................. 12 Updating paid weeks ................................................................................................................................................... 12 Half pay and nil pay reports ...................................................................................................................................... 12 Charges ...................................................................................................................................... 12 Annual charges .............................................................................................................................................................. 12 System developments.................................................................................................................................................. 12 Additional services ....................................................................................................................................................... 12 Academy contact details ........................................................................................................ 12 Version Control Version Date of Change Change by Brief Description 0.1 11 May 2011 CT First Draft 0.2 13 May 2011 CT Final Draft 0.3 20 May 2011 CT Comments from Pensions Services 0.4 2 June 2011 CT Final comments LT and PS 0.5 7 June 2011 CT Comments from meeting with Hampshire Pension Fund 0.6 8 June 2011 CT Further comments from pension fund 1.0 16 June 2011 CT Final version User guide for Payroll Delivery with local input on SAP 1 Introduction Hampshire County Council is an experienced payroll provider to internal customers based in Departments and Hampshire schools. We also provide payroll services to external customers including foundation, academy and religious schools, charities and other district and borough councils. The system used for payroll is SAP; this is an integrated enterprise system and combines payroll and personnel data in one unit. SAP is a recognised global system and is excellent at running a range of payrolls, with robust business continuity and data integrity. Changes in employment law and pay legislation are implemented via regular SAP upgrades. 2 Teachers pay and conditions Support staff based on the Green Book conditions of service Soulbury Joint Negotiating Committee (JNC) for Youth and Community Workers. Draft Hampshire County Council is experienced in payroll delivery for various terms and conditions of employment and specialise in: Service delivery The service is delivered through a self service model where master data and input directly to SAP via SAP transactions. hold the Local input to SAP will need to meet the published SAP deadline dates each month to ensure that payment is made in that month. These are published on our website 3 Hampshire County Council contacts Pay and Contract Support Services (PCSS) PCSS will provide support with the administration, transactions and ensure pay for employees. Contact details are: Pay & Contract Support Services Hampshire County Council, Hampshire House, 84-98 Southampton Road, Eastleigh, Hampshire SO50 5PA Tel 023 8038 3000 option 3 e-mail D:\106755606.doc Page 3 of 12 User guide for Payroll Delivery with local input on SAP County Treasurer’s operations The technical aspects of the payroll system are maintained and developed through County Treasurer’s Payroll Technical Team. Contact details are: Payroll Technical Team, Hampshire County Council, Elizabeth II Court South, Winchester SO23 8UB Tel 01962 846528 e-mail 4 General approach Authorisation All starters, leavers and changes should have appropriate authorisation before any work is processed. will have security roles set up in SAP to ensure correct access to transactions. Deadlines Deadlines for payroll running are agreed between and Hampshire County Council quarterly in advance and the timetable published on our customer WebPages. Any overpayments identified by you can have an agreed and authorised payment plan set up for repayment via the payroll system. Repayments need to be agreed between the employee and . Please notify PCSS of the agreed repayment plan so that recovery can be set up on the system for repayment. If required PCSS will provide support in calculating the overpaid amount. If an overpayment occurs for a leaver then you will need to invoice the employee for the outstanding sum. Draft Overpayments Communications with Academy employees Any concerns your employees have with their pay should be addressed through your designated, authorised staff. PCSS will not normally correspond directly with employees of . 5 New starters can input new starters using PA42 SAP transaction. As Hampshire’s payroll system links with Hampshire Pension Fund, is not required to send the pensions starter form for new support staff starters in LGPS. UNISON subscriptions will need to be set up locally using a recurring deduction as part of the hiring action. will be responsible for payment to the union(s) directly. D:\106755606.doc Page 4 of 12 User guide for Payroll Delivery with local input on SAP To ensure correct tax deductions for new starters please forward the P45/P46 information to PCSS for action on the system. We will return the original document for your records. 6 Changes Amendments Any changes to an employee’s pay or personal details can be input using SAP transaction PA30 and/or PA42. Change of bank details Changes can be input directly to SAP using transaction PA30 with written authorisation from the member of staff. All changes should be from the first of a month. Please ensure staff keep their old bank account open until the first salary payment is made to their new account. This would normally be picked up through appropriate information on the P45/P46 and the starter form or from the HMRC to PCSS. If you are informed of any repayments or cessation of loans directly from the HMRC this should be sent to PCSS for action on the payroll system. Changing pension contribution If an employee chooses to opt in or opt out of LGPS or TP scheme then this needs to be notified to the pension provider and PCSS so that the National Insurance contribution is changed on the payroll record. 7 Draft Student loans Staff absence recording Any absence will need to be set up on the payroll system using PA30 transaction and include: Sickness Industrial accident or disease Leave without pay Accident involving a third party. An absence notification which affects an employee’s pay, entered on SAP after the month that it applies, will have any adjustments made in the month in which it is processed. PCSS runs monthly reports to identify employees no longer entitled to SSP. You can then complete the SSP1 where appropriate and forward to your employee. The form can be found on the DWP website D:\106755606.doc Page 5 of 12 User guide for Payroll Delivery with local input on SAP 8 Family friendly – maternity, paternity and adoption Family friendly absences are set up on the payroll system centrally following receipt in PCSS of a fully completed and authorised form to ensure appropriate deduction of salary Maternity notification needs to be returned to PCSS with an authorised copy of the MAT B1 Certificate. There are forms available for notifying PCSS of family friendly leave requests including: Maternity Paternity Adoption. You will need to ensure that you communicate with the individual concerned regarding their absence. 9 Additional payments Monthly claims for attendances and allowances (form SAP151) Authorisation document for display screen equipment (DSE) eye examination Post entry repayment, education and specific skill courses, employee statement of repayment Payment of professional fees Relocation expenses scheme. Draft Claims will be paid in the month following the work being carried out (eg overtime) assuming they are input by the payroll cut off date of the month following the work being undertaken. Additional payments include: Input to SAP payroll is through CAT2 for time data or PA30 for additional payments. 10 Child care vouchers If required, it is the responsibility of to arrange a childcare scheme with a chosen provider and administer this scheme locally. You can supply an agreed format of information to the Payroll Technical section, this will ensure a monthly upload to the payroll and appropriate deductions made from salary. will need to pay the child care voucher provider directly. D:\106755606.doc Page 6 of 12 User guide for Payroll Delivery with local input on SAP 11 Staff leaving the Academy Staff leaving your employment need to be set up on the payroll system using SAP PA42, appropriate deductions will be made for any identified outstanding claims or loans. Payments identified to a member of staff after they have left employment, and a P45 has been issued, will be treated as a payment after leaving in line with the HMRC guidance. Where appropriate, leavers will have a P45 produced at the end of the month that the member of staff leaves. The P45 will be despatched to for onward transmission to the employee and Hampshire will file with HMRC. The Academy will need to complete a pensions leaver ST8B form and send this to Hampshire Pension Fund for LGPS contributors. ormnonteaching.htm 12 Payment of salary Every effort should be made to ensure that payroll input is accurate, properly authorised and meets the published deadlines. staff will be paid by credit transfer on the last working day of the month. You will have your own bank account and allow Hampshire County Council access to send BACS payments direct from your account. Payslips will be produced on pressure seal stationery for all employees monthly. These will be sent via the courier to for distribution to staff. Draft For staff in Teachers Pensions will need to complete the TR8 template (available from TP) and upload this via the STU system. Any BACs recalls will need to be requested by you. PCSS will need to be made aware of these so that the payroll system can be updated. Any urgent payments will need to be raised by you. PCSS will need to be made aware of these so that the correct recovery is set up on the payroll. Whilst is responsible for resolving issues relating to payment of salary, including the management of over or under payments, PCSS can provide support and guidance. 13 Travel and expenses The SAP travel management module of SAP is not available through the payroll system. Therefore the processing of travel claims will be dealt with locally by . D:\106755606.doc Page 7 of 12 User guide for Payroll Delivery with local input on SAP You may wish to pay travel and expenses outside of the payroll system but should you want this paid through the payroll system you will process claims on receipt of a fully completed and authorised claim form. The payment amount will be calculated manually off system and entered as a wage type. Mileage and expenses will need to come under different headings and will have their own wage types as follows: Wage Type Long Text 2575 Mileage-NT&No NI (recurring payment) 5065 Mileage:NT & No NI 5075 Mileage 6261 Subsist-NoTax-VAT 6263 Travel-NoTax-VAT 6265 Subsist-Tax VAT T 6267 Travel-Tax VAT T 6275 Subsist-NoTax NoVAT 6276 Travel-NoTax NoVAT 6277 Taxi 6278 Parking\Train 6281 Subsist-Tax NoVAT T 6282 Travel-Tax NoVAT T T Tax NI VAT Draft WT These headings will show on payslips and will be used for expenditure coding. Due to all mileage payments which are above AMAP limits having tax and NI applied at source, no P11D returns will be required unless there are other benefits in kind incurred. 14 Reporting Payroll report PCSS will provide a monthly download to following the payroll run to include details of employee name, personnel number, name of employee group, scale point, contracted hours and SIO order numbers. Following payroll running but before the BACS file is created Payroll Technical will provide a pay comparison report (from month 2). This will provide a comparison of the current month’s payroll to the previous month and any anomalies can therefore be checked, agreed or corrected. D:\106755606.doc Page 8 of 12 User guide for Payroll Delivery with local input on SAP Finance postings Payroll Technical will prepare a monthly spreadsheet of payroll related journals using coding agreed by you. This will produce finance information from the payroll, which you can post to your finance system, assuming you do no use SAP finance. Monthly payment of tax, NI payments and pensions If required by , Payroll Technical are able to provide monthly reconciliation and direct payments to the HMRC via BACS for tax and NI payments. Payment of monthly pensions fund money can also be via BACS to LGPS and Teachers Pension. If required these payments will be at an additional charge to 15 . Hampshire Pension Fund (LGPS) Monthly returns of payroll information will be made automatically. However, you will be required to make any other returns necessary directly to the pension fund administrator unless you pay an additional charge for Hampshire to provide this service on your behalf. Hampshire Pension Fund are the pension fund administrators in Hampshire and require a schedule of staff who are TUPE transferring from a current Hampshire school to The Hampshire payroll solution is linked to Hampshire Pension Fund via SAP which allows the automation of some of the processes that would be a manual interface by using other payroll providers. These include: Determining the eligibility for LGPS Allocation of the appropriate contribution band Set up and deduction of contributions from pay Notification to Hampshire Pension Fund of new starters. Notification to Hampshire Pension Fund of changes to current employees eg change in hours. Draft Academy schools are Scheduled Bodies; this means there is a legal requirement to offer LGPS to current and new eligible employees. As schools are required to be their own employer will need to be registered with Hampshire Pension Fund as a separate employer. Non-teaching staff will automatically have LGPS deductions set up for all new starters who are employed for three months or more. If a temporary member of staff employed for less than three months has their contract extended they should be put in the LGPS and deductions will be made. The member of staff can elect to have their pension backdated to their start date in the role if they wish and this needs to be communicated to PCSS to adjust the contribution date. D:\106755606.doc Page 9 of 12 User guide for Payroll Delivery with local input on SAP You will need to continue to provide eligible staff with membership packs. If a member of your staff does not wish to join the pension scheme then an opting out form should be received from the staff member to the Academy, sent to Hampshire Pension Fund and copied to PCSS for the adjustment to National Insurance contribution rate. You must give a member of staff in the LGPS the option of paying contributions to cover a period of authorised unpaid leave, maternity, paternity or adoption leave. If your employee wishes to make contributions please contact Hampshire Pension Fund to establish the amount of employee and employer contributions that are owed and how payment can be made. Staff in LGPS who leave the Academy will need to have a leaver form completed (ST8B) and sent to Hampshire Pension Fund. Hampshire will prepare the LGPS monthly return in preparation for to sign off and submit to Hampshire Pension Fund. This will include costs and payments required to the LGPS. Hampshire will also complete the year end return to LGPS which will need to be signed and returned to Hampshire Pension Fund by . 16 Teachers Pensions Hampshire County Council will provide Teachers Pensions (TP) with notifications for all teachers who are leaving the Local Authority to work in . You should then provide TR6 starter notifications, regardless of the fact that they have not changed schools. Both leaver and starter notifications should be submitted using the Secure Transfer Utility (STU) which allows you to send and receive data from TP securely using an encrypted link. Draft For an additional charge Hampshire can prepare the ST8B form on your behalf ready for final check and authorisation prior to sending to Hampshire Pension Fund. Staff employed on Teachers Pay and Conditions may join the Teachers Pensions scheme. Hampshire County Council will run daily reports to highlight starters, leavers and changes to teacher records in . These will be checked to ensure that the pension is applied correctly and changes will need to be reported directly by to Teachers’ Pensions via STU for application to the Teacher’s pension record. The total of employer and employee contributions must be paid to TP by 7th of the month following the deduction. Where the 7th falls on a weekend or bank holiday the contributions must be received by TP on the last working day preceding either the weekend or bank holiday. Hampshire will provide monthly information to you to enable this return. For an additional charge Hampshire can forward your pension contributions on your behalf, you are still required to use STU to forward a payment slip showing the breakdown of those contributions. You must also inform TP by email at D:\106755606.doc Page 10 of 12 User guide for Payroll Delivery with local input on SAP that the local authority is continuing to pay your contributions. Details on Teachers Pensions and Academy schools is available on the TP website: For an additional charge Hampshire can assist with completion of the annual TR17A return of service. These returns are sent at the end of each scheme financial year, 31 March. The TRS17A requires a summary of contributions due to the TP, contributions actually paid over during the course of the year and any adjustments made to the contributions. The annual TR17A also asks for total contributable salaries paid for the year. The annual return of service gives details of teachers’ pensionable service gained during the year. 17 Applying pay awards and increments 18 Draft Subject to authorisation from you to implement pay awards for staff, Payroll Technical will update each employee’s pay, calculating and applying any arrears owing. Also on receipt of appropriate authority Payroll Technical will apply agreed annual increments. TLRs are normally inflated automatically as part of applying any teachers pay award. Year end Payroll Technical will ensure year end returns to the HMRC. P60s will be produced from the payroll system for all current employees and despatched to you for distribution by 31 May each year. Hampshire will prepare and send to HMRC, on your behalf, employer annual return P35 and P14s . 19 HR services In addition to payroll services Hampshire County Council can offer HR services, at an additional charge, if you purchase a service from Education Personnel Services some of these will be included in this contract. Details are listed below. CRB and List 99 Hampshire is experienced in delivering an effective and robust administration service for CRB and List 99 checks. Depending on the nature of contract with Hampshire, the cost of CRB and List 99 administration can be included in the price of the service, or as an additional, per check, charge. D:\106755606.doc Page 11 of 12 User guide for Payroll Delivery with local input on SAP Maintaining contractual documentation Hampshire maintains up to date and legally compliant contractual documentation for its Authority maintained schools customer base. Depending on the nature of the former Hampshire school’s SLA with Hampshire County Council, these templates can be made available to you as a basis for maintaining your own contractual documentation. Updating paid weeks A monthly report can be run to update service anniversaries which affect support staff’s paid weeks. Half pay and nil pay reports A monthly report can be run to update you on staff whose pay may be affected due to absence. 20 Charges The cost of the payroll service will be based on the number of staff employed by and charged at a per payslip cost. This will be quoted for 13 payslips per year (12 months plus P60 production). Invoices will be sent monthly in arrears. will be set up on a separate payroll area as your own employer and will require a PAYE number from the HMRC. The cost of the annual return charge will be included in the annual payroll running costs. System developments System development can be requested by incur an additional charge. via Payroll Technical and would Draft Annual charges Additional services Any additional service required outside of the SLA will be charged at an hourly rate of £ . 21 Academy contact details D:\106755606.doc Page 12 of 12