Date: 2011 Nov. 15 No.: PRJ-152-2 To : Petroleum Research and Development Center (PRDC) Subject : Drilling program (well design) for Iraqi oil field- Technical Offer Pursuant to your requisition No . 8 PRDC , we are pleased to submit our technical offer for mentioned tender as following. Mohammed T.Kadhim Managing Director Table of Contents 1- INTRODUCTION 2- ORGANIZATION STRUCTURE 3- EXECUTION PLAN 3-1- Data gathering 3-2- Well Bore Stability Analysis 3-3- Basic drilling design 3-4- Reporting 4- PROJECT MANAGEMENT 1- Introduction Kish Petroleum Engineering (KPE) is pleased to submit this proposal, in response to Invitation for Proposal by Petroleum Research & Development Centre (PRDC) for "Drilling program study (Well Design) in support of drilling operations". The RFP is issued to provide Drilling Programs for generic wells in the following fields: SOC / Nahr-Ummer oil field NOC / Khabaz oil field MOC / Noor oil field Optimum drilling design of parameters is a comprehensive integrated procedure incorporates work experience of drilling experts, new enhancements in drilling technology, mathematical approaches and computer modeling to minimize operation cost and to supply production requirements. Drilling experience, Production targets and Geological knowledge will be utilized for an appropriate casing design. Finally, effective drilling design will be provided attending to drilling cost, operational considerations and equipment and material availability. KPE propose an integrated team of highly competent gas and oil specialists for this project. Our drilling experts, well completion engineers, reservoir engineers, production engineers, geologists and petro-physicists will utilize experiences to provide generic drilling programs which incorporate all engineering aspects. This project has been divided in three main tasks in proposed project plan which the estimated duration and work effort for each task has been estimated separately. Task one is complete data gathering. Available data which affect the drilling and completion design will be provided in this section. Necessary information to this project are as follow which should be prepared by PRDC after effective date of project: Drilling data of available wells (11 wells in three fields) in the fields consist of drilling parameters, bit records, mud logging data, equipments and materials, rig specifications and drilling tests. Well completion methods and equipments of available wells. Available Geological prognosis, structural models, Formation sequences and depth prediction of each well. Available wireline log data Formation micro image logs such as FMI, UBI, EMI, STAR,.... Full waveform sonic data to perform anisotropy analysis Reservoir dynamic and static tests result PVT analysis results and fluids contacts data for each reservoir Task two of this project is Geo-mechanical modeling and borehole stability analysis. mechanical earth model (MEM) will be prepared based on image log interpretation, anisotropy analysis and field stress state analysis. Optimum well trajectory and well bore stability analysis will be performed based on the MEM. Well bore stability during drilling and production will be investigated. Task three of this project is drilling design for generic wells. A comprehensive drilling design based on available data will be prepared. All of the drilling engineering, economics, production and geological aspects will be considered in drilling design. Following data will be included in drilling design. Well Bore Stability (WBS) analysis results; Well structure and Casing design; Bottom Hole Assembly design including bit plan, BHA plan, drilling parameters and hydraulic parameters; Design of directional drilling including KOP selection, build up rate optimization, directional drilling technology and tools selection. this task is applicable when deviated wells are required for development of the fields; Pore pressure and fracture gradient prediction for the reservoir and intermediate layers; Drilling fluid design including mud weight, mud rheology, chemicals and additives; Hydraulic program of the drilling fluid; cement design and cementing program; Selection of Rigs and relevant equipment requirements; Well control design including selection of well control equipment, pressure test requirements, inspection of well control equipments and other requirements, schematic of wellhead equipments; Mud Logging design; Drilling technology measure including but not limited to shallow gas prevention, blow out prevention, casing wear resistance prevention and lost circulation measure. Drilling procedure and cycle estimate; Basic drilling program including but not limited to formation sequence and depth prediction report, Material list, Hydraulic calculation, Casing stress check, H2S protection measure, Coring design, Logging design. the finalized drilling programs will be delivered 6 month after effective date of the Contract. 2- Organization Structure Kish Petroleum Engineering (KPE) is the central core of reservoir engineering in Oil Industrie's and Engineering Construction (OIEC) Group. With the purpose of supporting engineering department of upstream activities, the company has started its fundamental movement in 1999 by hiring professional and unique Iranian experts and through forming an experienced group of personnel including drilling and well completion engineers, geologists, petrophysicists, reservoir engineers, simulation engineers, production and surface facilities engineers and announces its readiness for cooperation and rendering services to petroleum industry. KPE obtained a certificate from National Iranian Oil Company (NIOC) and also first ranking from President Deputy Strategic Planning and Control which is presented in figure 1. Also these certificates are presented in attachments. KPE from early stages of its activities has joined prestigious foreigner consulting companies. KPE with its partners are involved in all aspects of oil and gas field development activities including geology, exploration geophysics, drilling, integrated reservoir studies, MDP preparation and development operation of offshore and onshore oil and gas fields. Joint ventures of KPE are as follow: Computer Modeling Group (CMG) HYCAL Energy Research Laboratories (HYCAL) Paradigm Geophysical (UK) Ltd. (Paradigm) KPE has provided drilling consultancy services including drilling and well completion design and drilling operation and well services supervision for different oil fields in Iran. KPE is experienced in integrated reservoir studies including geology, geophysics, Petrophysics, reservoir engineering and management functions. KPE performs reservoir characterization, comprehensive reservoir simulation and modeling, formation evaluation from well logging to pressure transient analysis, improved and enhanced oil recovery studies - research, design and application, provide consulting and services to international oil companies participating in buyback scheme projects, disseminate knowledge and experiences acquired during the course of projects, provide technical support for the main and other NIOC’s subsidiaries. Kish Petroleum Engineering maintains highly competent and current with new developed technology in the oil and gas industries. Technical personnel of KPE are equipped with necessary up-to-date hardware and software for upstream services of oil and gas industry and integrated reservoir studies. KPE owns licenses for, Geological software (Roxar-RMS), Petrophysical software (LOGIC and Geolog), Well Testing analysis software (PanSystem), CMG Simulation package and many more basic reservoir engineering, geological and processing software. It should be considered which license for drilling software (Drilling office) will be prepared by KPE for this project. Kish Petroleum Engineering retains highly proficient and experienced staff are confident to effectively accomplish its consulting and training for integrated multi-disciplinary drilling and well completion design. Our highly experienced staff shall be responsible for executing all of the key tasks, and shall be available for consultation any time as required. Main office of KPE is located in the following address: No. 12, Kouhestan 6th, Nou-Bonyad Square., Tehran 1958963111-Iran Contacts: Kish Petroleum Engineering (KPE) P. O. BOX 16315/188 Tehran Phone: (+9821) 27620 Fax: (+9821) 26114650 E-mail: Figure 1: ISO 9001 certificate of KPE for organization and project management of engineering services and studies of oil and gas reservoirs 3- Execution plan Basic Design for Generic Wells of SOC, NOC & MOC Fields (hereinafter referred as WORK) will be submitted by KPE to PRDC respectively. 3-1- Data gathering The purpose of data gathering phase is to collect all of necessary and useful data for the Work. Necessary data should be provided by PRDC. Necessary data to perform an effective Well Basic Design are as follow: Drilling Documents of existing wells such as End of Well Reports, bit records, mud logging records, Cement data, drilling history,.. Daily drilling reports of existing wells Optimum drilling parameters will be selected considering lesson learnt from drilling practice in the fields. all of drilling problems and hazards will be determined and appropriate suggestions will be made to avoid such problems. Performance of the WORK will be improved by additional data of the field. Reservoir engineering, geological and wireline data will be analyzed by integrated project team to improve drilling design. Useful data of field are as follow: Geological reports and formation descriptions; Dynamic and static pressure tests; Wireline log data including conventional log data, full waveform sonic data and borehole image logs; Core analysis results including CCAL, SCAL and Rock mechanic tests; Geological prognosis (Formation sequence and depths) The collected data will be organized in an appropriate data base for easy access during the WORK. The data will be loaded to the technical software’s in each section and ambiguous and low quality data will be determined. The data, which are not in digital format, will be digitalized. Missing data will be determined and reported to be provided by Client. 3-2- Well Bore Stability Analysis The WBS analysis will include following items: Analyze and integrate the existing relevant logs, drilling and other data from existing wells to generate a Mechanical Earth Model (MEM) describing pore pressure, stress magnitudes, stress orientation and formation mechanical properties for each field. Calibrate and refine the generated MEM using the existing caliper, images and drilling data to constrain and reduce the uncertainties associated with limitations and availability of the existing data. Determine critical mud weight and ECD ranges that would help in minimize or avoiding incidents such as lost circulation, tight hole and wellbore collapse. The basic approach to Geo-mechanics analysis is to use what data are available for interpretation of rock strength, stress and pressures. The key is to insure an internally consistent approach, integration and interpretation of all the data. Geo-mechanics can and does cover a large scope of work during the life of the field. By examining the available data and understanding key issues previously encountered in drilling, testing or production, we can focus efforts on specific issues that will have the greatest impact on exploration and field development. In analyzing geo-mechanics for a field, there are a series of steps that must be followed in order to fully grasp the quality of data and determine uncertainty in conclusions drawn from data used. Skipping or ignoring the importance of any one of these steps can lead to inconsistencies or poor assumptions in the results. Development of a Mechanical Earth Model (MEM is essential in making the best use of field geo-mechanics information. The MEM is a description of strengths, stresses and pressures as a function of depth, referenced to a stratigraphic column. Once a MEM is constructed, it can be used to estimate and predict the best possible methods for safely drilling and completing in both a single borehole and for field development. A typical flow chart of the key MEM steps is shown in Figure 2. Figure 2: Basic workflow for MEM construction The most effective approach to calibrate and validate the MEM is to verify the predictability of the model. Using the estimated rock properties and horizontal stresses, well bore stability analysis will show how robust the MEM is by comparing the predicted well bore stability/instability with the drilling eve, image, caliper etc. The image logs interpretation results in existing wills will be used in order to calibrate the predictive MEM. Mud weight window and well bore trajectory sensitivity analysis for the generic wells will be predicted by the calibrated MEM. 3-3- Basic drilling design KPE will compile the Basic Drilling Design according to the available data of the existing wells Basic drilling design is composed of different disciplines, hence, it will be conducted based on the results obtained from relevant studies from each discipline (for example casing design study and BHA study). In addition, drilling manuals, Standards and policies offered by PRDC will be incorporated in the Work. The Basic Drilling Design will include the following items: Pore pressure and fracture gradient prediction; Well Trajectory and casing points based on geological prognosis, WBS study and pore pressure analysis; Well structure and Casing design; Bottom Hole Assembly design including bit plan, BHA plan, drilling parameters and hydraulic parameters; Design of directional drilling including KOP selection, build up rate optimization, directional drilling technology and tools selection (if deviated wells are required in these fields); Drilling fluid design and hydraulic program; cement design and cementing program; Selection of Rigs and relevant equipment requirements; Well control design including selection of well control equipment, pressure test requirements, inspection of well control equipments and other requirements, schematic of wellhead equipments; Mud Logging design; Drilling technology measure including but not limited to shallow gas prevention, blow out prevention, casing wear resistance prevention and lost circulation measure. Drilling procedure and cycle estimate; Basic drilling program including but not limited to formation sequence and depth prediction report, Material list, Hydraulic calculation, Casing stress check, H2S protection measure, Coring design, Logging design, The WORK will be compiled considering to Iraqi governmental legislation related to drilling in the area of field. 3-4- Reporting Monthly Progress Report: Project progress will be submitted by monthly reports. Monthly progress report will contain tabular and graphical presentation of project progress, brief description of significant accomplishments, planned events for the next month and PRDC requested information. Monthly progress report will include the following information for each activity and which is directly related to the plotted WORK Schedule: identifier, description, original duration, percent complete, remaining (estimated) duration to complete, original scheduled start and finish, actual or forecast scheduled start and finish, slippage, remarks. Deliverable Reports Deliverables are as follow: Data gathering report; Well Bore Stability analysis report; Drilling Programs for each generic well; 4- Project management Proposed project organization chart is presented in Figure 4. The project will be implemented, administered and controlled based on this organization chart. Figure 3: planned project organization chart