JOURNAL THESIS ALLOCATION HEAVY EQUIPMENT NEEDS ON A ROAD WIDENING PROJECT OF A.P. PETTARANI MAKASSAR DISUSUN OLEH : ARRANGED BY : NAZLY MUTRIF D111 08 306 DEPARTMENT OF CIVIL FACULTY OF ENGINEERING UNIVERSITY OF HASANUDDIN MAKASSAR 2013 ALLOCATION HEAVY EQUIPMENT NEEDS ON A ROAD WIDENING PROJECT OF A.P. PETTARANI MAKASSAR H. Witanto Wisal1, R.Usman Latief1, N. Mutrif2 ABSTRACT Allocation, scheduling and equipment selection for each item of work is very important for the ability to optimize its operation and mutual support of other equipment. Given that heavy equipment is very expensive and quite dominant contributions on the Road Widening Project A.P. Pettarani Makassar, so it will need action by the efficiency of resource utilization of these tools. Thus, this study is intended to analyze the scheduling and allocation of heavy equipment. The observation was conducted by calculating the production capacity of each machine, in order to obtain the value of productivity and number of needs the necessary tools on projects reviewed. Then by using Line of Balance method, the allocation of heavy equipment can be plotted for each item of work in accordance with the needs of a more efficient tool, so its use can be controlled to be more effective. Based on the results of the study, the needs of dump truck as much as 7 umits, 1 unit of motor grader, 2 units of wheel loaders, 1 unit of tandem roller, 1 unit of vibrator roller, 1 unit of water tank truck, 1 unit of excavator, 1 unit of pneumatic tire roller, 1 unit of asphalt sprayer and 1 unit of asphalt finisher. Kata kunci : Allocation, Scheduling, and Produktivity INTRODUCTION In the implementation of a project is influenced by the availability of resources that will be required, including in the construction project of a highway. Such availability may affect the effectiveness and efficiency of the implementation of a project, either in terms of cost and implementation time of the project. One resource that plays an important role is heavy equipment. Due to the contribution of heavy equipment to the implementation of the project is important enough and the use of heavy equipment that is relatively expensive, then it takes a good management in utilizing heavy equipment resources. The use of heavy equipment for the manufacture of road construction need to be aware of the type of road construction, heavy equipment, used his knowledge of the capacity and ability of heavy equipment in order to comply with the terms of use does not cause wastage of manpower, capital, productivity as well as safety requirements. The allocation, scheduling, and equipment selection carefully on any type of work is crucial to the ability of its operations can be optimized. RESEARCH METHOD The general description project The national road construction projects identified by the name “The Road Widening Project A.P. Pettarani Makassar”. This 1 project was carried out by PT Sinar Jaya Agung Lestari as the Contractor and PT. Deserco Development Services as a Consultant with the length of the 1,340 m. The funds needed for the project improvement of this road is Rp. 18.985.801.794,86 with the implementation time, March 22, 2012 until November 16, 2012 (240 working days). The work carried out on this project are: 1. Work land which includes work quarry; work heap, and the preparation of the road. 2. Work pavement grained includes: layer foundation aggregate class A and lapis foundation aggregate class B. 3. Asphalt pavement work includes: absorbing binder layer , adhesive layer, wear layer laston (AC-WC), the between layer laston (AC-BC), and the base layer laston (AC-Base). Table 1. Types of heavy equipment used No 1. 2. 3. Description Job Excavation Ordinary Ordinary Stockpiles Stockpiles Options Dosen, Universitas Hasanuddin,Jl.Perintis Kemerdekaan KM 10 Makassar, INDONESIA S1, Universitas Hasanuddin, Jl. Perintis Kemerdekaan KM 10 Makassar, INDONESIA ² Mahasiswi Types of heavy equipment used Excavator PC 200 Dump Truck Hino FM 260 Excavator PC 200 Dump Truck Hino FM 260 Motor Grader GD 405A Vibrator Roller 212D Wheel Loader WA200 Dump truck Hino FM 260 Motor Grader GD 405A 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. The Preparation Way Board The Foundation Aggregate Layer (Class A & B) Tandem Roller BW141 Water Tank Truck Dyna Motor Grader GD 405A Water Tanker Truck Dyna Vibrator Roller 212D Wheel Loader WA200 Dump Truck Hino FM 260 Motor grader GD 405A Vibrator Roller 212D 4. Water Tanker Truck Dyna Absorbing Asphalt Sprayer Kasprindo Binder Layer Compressor Airman 5. Dump Truck Hino FM 260 6. Adhesive Asphalt Sprayer Kasprindo Layer Compressor Airman Dump Truck Hino FM 260 Asphalt Wheel Loader WA200 Concrete AMP Azp 1000 Dump Truck Hino FM 260 Asphalt Finisher Nigata Tandem Roller BW141 P. Tire Roller Sakai Demolition of Wheel Loader WA200 Stone Masonry Dump Truck Hino FM 260 Compressor Airman Demolition of Wheel Loader WA200 Concrete Dump Truck Hino FM 260 Hot Mix Wheel Loader WA200 Asphalt for AMP Azp 1000 Minor Works Dump Truck Hino FM 260 Asphalt Finisher Nigata Tandem Roller BW141 P. Tire Roller Sakai 12. Marka Thermoplastic Road 13. Precast Kerb Dump Truck Hino FM260 Compressor Airman Dump Truck Hino FM 260 Job Description and Volume The large volume of work on this project is based on data obtained from the contractor, as follows: 1. Earthwork Excavation Ordinary Ordinary Stockpiles Stockpiles Options : 5.449,54 m³ : 351,85 m3 : 671,00 m3 The preparation Way Board : 10.000,00 m2 2. Grained pavement work Lapis pondasi agregat kelas A: 2.720,70 m³ Lapis pondasi agregat kelas B: 3.400,88 m³ 3. Asphalt pavement work Absorbing binder layer Adhesive layer Asphalt Concrete : 9.522,45 ltr : 2.471,48 Ton 4. Structural Work Demolition of Stone Masonry: 150,00 m³ Demolition of Concrete : 186,00 m³ 5. Reinstatement and Minor Works Hot Mix Asphalt for Minor Works: 100,63 m³ Mark Thermoplastic Road : 1650,00 m³ Precast Kerb : 20237,00 bh ALLOCATION METHOD AND SCHEDULING Productivity Tool The productivity or capacity is the amount of output device (output) given the volume of work generated tool per-unit time. To estimated productivity tool, required : - The performance of the tools provided by the manufacturer of the equipment. - Factors efficiency tool, operators, and material conditions in the field. The productivity tool is calculated based on the volume of per-cycle time and number of cycles in one hour. Q = q x N x E ………….….. pers. (1) Where: Q = production tool per hour (m³ / h) q = production tool per cycle (m³ / cycle) E = efficiency factor of the total work N = number of cycles per hour, that is: …………………………. pers. (2) Ws = cycle time (minutes) Thus, productivity calculated by: tool can be Q = q x 60 x E ……………… pers. (3) Ws Each of machine has a specific productivity according to the production capacity: 1. Production Wheel Loader (m³/ h) Q = q x 60 x E ……..…. pers. (4) Ws Where: Q = production tool per hour (m³ / h) q = production per cycle (m3) = q1 x k q1 = bucket capacity (m3) k = factor bucket E = efficiency factor of the total work Ws = cycle time (minutes) 2. Production Excavator (m³/h) Q = q x 60 x E …………pers. (5) Ws Where: Q = production tool per hour (m³/ h) q = production per cycle (m3) = q1 x k q1 = bucket capacity (m3) k = factor bucket E = efficiency factor of the total work Ws = cycle time (minutes) = wg + 2(wp) + wb Wg = digging of time (minutes) Wp = play of time (minutes) Wb = waste of time / load (minutes) 3. Production Dump Truck (m³/h) P = C x 60 x E ………... pers. (6) Ws Where : P = production tool per hour (m³/h) C = capacity dump truck (m3) E = efficiency factor of the total work D 1+---+t D 2…. pers.(7) Cmt= (n x Cms)+ ---+t V V 1 2 n = charging by the number of rit loader C C n = ----------= ----…………. pers. (8) q q1 x k q1 = capacity loader tool (m3) Ws = cycle time (minutes) D = distance (m) V1 = Conveyance average speed (m/menit) return the average speed (m/minutes) t1= loading time (minutes) t2= The maneuver load again (minutes) V2= 4. Production Motor Grader (m³/h) Q = V x (Le-Lo) x H x E … pers. (9) Ws Where : Q = production tool per hour (m³/ h) V = the working speed (m/h) Le = effective length of blade (m) Lo = wide - overlap = 0,3 m E = the total work efficiency factor N = the number of trip Ws= waktu siklus 5. Production Compactor ( m³/h ) Q = W x V x H x E ……...pers. (10) N Where : Q = production tool per hour (m³/h) V = the working speed (km/ h) W = effective width compactor (m) H=thick layer of solidification (between 0,2– 0,5 m) E = efficiency factor of the total work N= the number of the compactor 6. Production Water Tank Truck (m³/h) Q = C x N x E ………..…pers. (11) Wc Where : Q = production tool per hour (m³/h) C = capacity tubs /volume of tank (m³) N = charging tank per hour E = efficiency factor of the total work Wc= needs of water /m³ solid materials 7. Production Asphalt Sprayer (m³/h) Q = q x E ……………... pers. (12) Ws Where : Q = production tool per hour (m³/h) q = capacity of tank sprayer (m³) E = efficiency factor of the total work Ws = cycle time (minutes) 8. Production Asphalt Finisher (m³/h) Q = w x V x H x E………. pers.(13) Where : Q = production tool per hour (m³/h) w = wide overlay (m) V = the working speed (km/ h) H = thick layer (m) E = efficiency factor of the total work 9. Production Water Compressor (m³/h) Q = q x Ap .………….......pers.(14) Where : Q = production tool per hour (m³/h) q = the capacity of the working tools Ap = aspal perekat/pengikat (spec) 10. Production Asphalt Mixing Plant (m3/h) ……….. pers.(15) Q= Where : Q = production tool per hour (m³/h) C = capacity batch (ton) E = efficiency factor of the total work Ws = cycle time (minutes) Analysis of the equipment needs Equipment needs influenced by : 1. Volume of work: m3 2. Duration : hari 3. Sets of tools 4. Production capacity tool 5. Hours of effective tools : the time required by the tool to generate work in hours Volume of work (m3) Duration = _ Production capacity tool (m3/h) Kebutuhan alat = 3 Volume of work (m ) _ Production capacity tool xDuration with the respective activity scheduling jobs per unit. So there happen a buildup of materials, equipment or labor overload or shortage that could result in delays of project work time. Barchart Barchart is Flowchart of implementation work is made to show the required completion time. Things that the displayed in barchart is a type of work, duration/time implementation of the work station/location and execution of the work. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Excavation Ordinary Based on the recapitulation of the observations then production capacity tools excavators and dump trucks on the job can be calculated as follows : 1. Excavator PC200 Q = = 0,72 x 60 x 0,81 0,85 = 41,17 m3/jam (Loosened Condition) = 41,17 x 0,80 = 32,94 m3/jam (Bank Condition) 2. Dump Truck Hino FM 260 P = = 10,00 x 60 x 0,75 26,25 Planning the schedule of equipment Line of Balance (LOB) Line of balance is a simple diagram to show location (work stations) and the time at which the tool/workforce will be working on a particular work item. The purpose of the method line of balance is to ensure that the necessary resources either in the form of labor or material is always available in the right amount at the time required in accordance = 17,14 m3/jam (Loosened Condition) = 17,14 x 0,80 = 13,71 m3/jam (Bank Condition) Heavy equipment needs calculation Excavation Ordinary The needs of equipment for excavation ordinary : Volume of work = 5.449,54 m3 Hours of effective tools = 7 jam kerja 1 month = 25 hari kerja Tools used at work for excavation ordinary : 1. Excavator PC200 Production per hour = 41,17 m3/ jam = 288,19 m3/ hari Duration = Volume / Capacity Production = 5.449,54 m3 / 41,17 m3/ h = 132,37 h = 18,91 days The duration of the work to ordinary deposits based on planning = 21 days So the retrieved amount of excavator needs on the job beyond normal is as follows: Need tool 2. Ordinary Stockpiles Excavator Dump Truck Motor Grader Vibrator Roller 3. = = 29,65 0,08 4,29 0,56 49,05 0,05 7,80 0,31 m3 m3 m3 m3 Stockpiles Options Wheel Loader m3 Dump Truck m3 3 Motor Grader m Tandem Roller m3 Water Tank Truck m3 14,36 0,48 4,29 1,60 49,05 0,14 26,00 0,26 0,15 46,88 = 0,90 ≈ 1 unit 2. Dump Truck Hino FM 260 Production per hour = 17,14 m3/ jam = 119,98 m3/ hari Duration = Volume/Capacity Production = 5.449,54 m3 / 17,14 m3/h = 317,94 h = 45,42 days The duration of the work to ordinary deposits based on planning = 21 days So the retrieved amount of dump trucks on the necessities of work deposits is as follows: Need tool 4. 5. = 0,31 Vibrator Roller m3 39,00 1,47 Water Tank Truck m3 46,88 1,22 The Foundation Aggregate Layer Class A Dump Truck m3 65,61 0,19 m3 6,85 1,77 m3 65,49 0,19 m3 11,70 1,04 m3 46,88 0,26 Motor Grader Vibrator Roller Water Tank Truck Heavy equipment needs calculation for other work stages are presented in the form of a table : Table 2. Recapitulation productivity heavy equipment 1. 185,25 Wheel Loader = 2,16 ≈ 3 unit Job description m3 Motor Grader = No. The Preparation Way Board Sat. Capacity Production Time The Foundation Aggregate Layer Class B Wheel Loader Dump Truck Factor Excavation Ordinary Motor Grader Excavator m3 41,17 0,90 Dump Truck m3 17,14 2,16 - 6. Vibrator Roller m3 65,61 0,19 m3 6,85 1,77 m3 82,10 0,18 m3 14,63 1,04 m3 Water Tank Truck 46,88 Asphalt Finisher 0,32 Tandem Roller m3 22,50 0,05 m3 31,20 0,03 m3 48,67 0,02 P.Tire Roller 12. 7. Absorbing Binder Layer Asphalt Sprayer Compressor Dump Truck m3 405,00 0,23 m3 160,00 0,56 m3 405,00 0,23 8. Marka Thermoplastic Road Dump Truck m3 17,14 0,98 Compressor m3 160,00 0,11 m3 21,46 1,80 Precast Kerb Dump Truck 8. 9. Adhesive Layer Asphalt Sprayer m3 405,00 0,13 Compressor m3 160,00 0,91 Dump Truck m3 405,00 0,13 m3 38,47 0,29 m3 56,25 0,20 m3 15,94 0,69 m3 51,75 0,21 m3 71,76 0,15 m3 111,95 0,10 Asphalt Concrete Wheel Loader AMP Dump Truck Asphalt Finisher Tandem Roller P.Tire Roller 10. Analysis of Scheduling with the method Line of Balance On the project implementation work was done just based on the schedule of the “Curve S”, so that more detailed analysis carried out using linear scheduling method (line of balance) and plot the length of the planning of the analytical calculation of the amount of heavy equipment in field work station so that the retrieved the vector diagram for each type of work as below. Demolition of Stone Masonry Wheel Loader m3 15,80 0,19 m3 10,67 0,29 m3 60,00 0,05 Dump Truck Compressor 11. Hot Mix Asphalt for Minor Works Wheel Loader AMP Dump Truck m3 16,73 0,06 m3 24,26 0,04 m3 6,93 0,15 Picture 1. Diagram Vektor LOB Analysis of the results of the calculation, planning the allocation of heavy equipment needs and scheduling on the retrieved a total of effective heavy equipment needs required in the field, as follows: Table 4.3. Total need for a heavy instrument No. Types of heavy equipment Total need for a heavy instrument 1 Excavator 1 2 Dump Truck 7 3 Wheel Loader 1 4 Motor Grader 1 5 Tandem Roller 1 6 Vibrator Roller 2 7 Water Tanker Truck 2 8 Asphalt Sprayer 1 9 Compressor 1 10 Asphalt Finisher 1 11 Pneumatic Tire Roller 1 Based on the above table retrieved amount of heavy equipment being used. For Dump trucks retrieved 7 units while the number of the initial planning as many as 10 units, 2 Wheel Loader unit while on the initial planning unit, Excavators found 1 unit while the number planning 2 units, 2 units of Water tankers gained while in the planning unit. For other heavy equipment retrieved an amount equal to the initial planning of Wheel Loaders, Motor graders and 1 unit 1 unit 2 unit Roller, Vibrator Tandem Roller unit, Pneumatic Tire roller unit, Asphalt Mixing Plant, Asphalt Finisher 1 unit 1 unit 1 unit, asphalt Sprayer and Compressor unit. 2. The amount of heavy equipment needs plotted into a vector Line of Balance so as to note the position of the placement tool time-based implementation, so the use of the tool can be controlled to make it more effective. 3. Some work has time factor small equipment, due to the long duration and location of the project factors which are in one of the areas that has a fairly high vehicle density. 4. The duration of the working day can be accelerated by increasing resource productivity of equipment and labor. SUGGESTIONS 1. The availability of heavy equipment needs allocation planning is very important in a project so that it does not cause wastage of manpower, capital, productivity as well as safety requirements. 2. Scheduling and employ the method “Line of Balance” will be more effective if the data are available to make more detailed scheduling. Moreover, it can also more easily monitoring the implementation of the work. 3. Productivity of work in a project heavily influenced by age of economical equipment. Therefore, it is recommended that if the age of heavy equipment that is used in a type of work has exceeded the age of economical and heavy equipment should not be used again for the time and results of the work can be controlled by either reducing factors unnecessary costs. CONCLUSION BIBLIOGRAPHY The result of observation and analysis of data and inconclusive that: 1. The productivity of the equipment affected by heavy equipment production capacity on any type of work. The larger the capacity of the production of a tool then the coefficient means the less so that the cost is getting smaller. This is because the tools used in each type of job work effectively. Anonim. 2012. How to make a barchart project. December 15, 2012. Asiyanto, Ir, MBA, IPM. 2008. Management Of Heavy Equipment For Construction, Publisher PT. Pradnya Paramita. Jakarta. Gani, Muchtar, Ir, Msi. The college ptm / heavy equipment. 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