Race Equality - Morden Mount Primary School

Approved by Governing Body:
Signature of Chair of Governors:
Review Date: Reviewed annually by governors 2011
Our school aims to provide effective learning for all in a place where everyone should feel
secure and valued. We believe that we should set suitable learning challenges, respond to
individual needs and address potential barriers to learning. We respect individual identity for
all in the school community and acknowledge that these identities are formed by a diversity
of factors – social class, gender, ethnicity, culture, religion, ability, sexual orientation and
lifestyle. We encourage all to respect this diversity and seek to promote a harmonious
learning environment.
Race Equality
Morden Mount believes there is no basis in science for supposing that the human species
consists of separate races: there is only one human race. Race Equality involves:
treating individuals with respect without making assumptions based on their ethnicity,
skin colour, physical features, culture, language and beliefs.
Offering a curriculum which reflects the ethnic, linguistic, religious diversity of the
Ensuring that the curriculum affirms human similarities and leads to an understanding
of differences.
Addresses racism in past and present society.
Not allowing any forms of racist behaviour.
Providing an atmosphere in which children feel comfortable in sharing their language
and background.
Acknowledging that gender, class and ability cannot be separate from issues of
We firmly believe that children are not born with racist attitudes. Young children often use
racist language without understanding its meaning and display racist behaviour which is
learned. Staff will explain the effect of such language and model appropriate behaviour.
Attached is a list of behaviour which we consider to be racist. Pupils who display such
behaviour will be reported on the racist incident forms kept in the office. Appropriate
support will be given to the victims.
We recognise that parents and staff have a right to be free from racial harassment. Attached
is a list of behaviour which we consider to be unacceptable: - see Appendix 1.
Leadership, Management and Governors
To ensure that the above policy is central to the way in which the school works the following
points apply:
the governing body maintains an overview of implementation of the policy and has
race equality as a regular item at governors’ meetings to ensure the policy is followed.
Responsibilities of the governing body, head teacher and others are clearly identified
and understood (see Appendix 2).
All school policies reflect a commitment to equal opportunities, including race
The governing body and school management set a clear ethos which reflects the
school’s commitment to equality and opposes all forms of oppressive behaviour,
prejudice and discrimination.
The school promotes a proactive approach to valuing and respecting diversity.
All staff contribute to the formulation, development and review of policy documents.
The school ensures the involvement of governors and, where appropriate, takes steps
to enable the contribution of parents and carers.
Teaching and curriculum development are monitored to ensure high expectations of
all pupils and appropriate breadth of content.
Additional grants and resources (such as those provided for minority ethnic and
Traveller pupils) are appropriately targeted and monitored.
Pupils’ achievement and progress is monitored by teachers and school leaders through
termly progress reviews. Race and language factors are important considerations
when looking at strategies to raise individual achievement.
Exclusion rates are monitored by the HT, SMT and governing body.
Racial incidents are recorded by all staff and are reported by the head to the LA
Children’s involvement in after school clubs is monitored by the S.A.O.
The governing body monitors its own staff appointments.
Curriculum policies include a specific statement about race equality. These policies
are reviewed every three years.
The curriculum plan interprets national curriculum requirements in relation to ethnic
diversity. This is reviewed annually by members of the SLT..
Comprehensive information about pupil’s ethnicity, first language, religion, physical
needs, diet, etc. is included in all admission forms.
The school and families are aware of their rights and responsibilities in relation to
pupil attendance and absence is always followed up by appropriate personnel who are
aware of community issues.
There are strategies to reintegrate long-term truants and excluded pupils, which
address the needs of all pupils.
The religious beliefs and practice of staff, pupils and parents/carers are respected, and
reasonable requests for leave of absence for religious observance, which also includes
staff, are considered.
Training and Development
The school has an induction policy which ensures that new staff and governors are made
aware of the school’s policy on race equality. This is monitored by The SLT.
Curriculum planning takes account of the ethnicity, backgrounds and needs of all pupils.
The curriculum builds on pupils’ starting points and is differentiated appropriately to ensure
the inclusion of:
boys and girls
pupils learning English as an additional language
pupils from minority ethnic groups
pupils who are gifted and talented
pupils with special educational needs
pupils who are looked after by the local authority
pupils who are at risk of disaffection and exclusion
The school monitors and evaluates its effectiveness in providing an appropriate curriculum
for pupils of all backgrounds.
Each area of the curriculum is planned to incorporate the principles of equality and to
promote positive attitudes to diversity. All subjects contribute to the spiritual, moral, social
and cultural development of all pupils.
The content of the curriculum reflects and values diversity. It encourages pupils to explore
racism, sexism and other forms of oppression and to challenge prejudice and stereotypes.
Extra curricular activities and special events, e.g. school productions, cater for the interests
and capabilities of all pupils and take account of parental concerns related to religion and
Staffing, Recruitment and Professional Development
The school adheres to recruitment and selection procedures which are fair, equal and in line
with statutory duties and Council’s guidelines.
The skills of all staff, including support and part-time staff, are recognised and valued. All
staff are given status and support and are encouraged to share their knowledge.
Staff handbooks and regular professional development activities are available for all staff
members to support their practice in relation to this policy.
Staff and visitors provide a wide range of role models and reflect the diversity of the local
and wider community.
The school monitors staff by grade, gender and ethnicity and provides the data to the Council
on request.
Partnership with Parents and the Community
Reports and information to parents are made accessible to parents via translation and
All parents, carers are encouraged to participate at all levels in the full life of the school.
The school works in partnership with parents/carers and the community to address specific
incidents and to develop positive attitudes to difference.
The school takes steps to encourage the involvement and participation of under-represented
groups of parents and sections of the community.
Informal events are designed to include the whole community and at times may target
minority or marginalised groups.
The school’s premises and facilities are equally available and accessible for use by all groups
within the community.
Monitoring and Review
All members of staff and the governing body have responsibility for the implementation of
this policy.
The effectiveness of the policy will be evaluated by the governing body and the school
leadership team.
Verbal abuse, racist remarks or derogatory comments
Physical attack because of someone’s colour, ethnicity, culture, nationality or religion
Jokes or comments that reflect stereotypical views of people
Making fun of others because of their colour, ethnicity, culture, nationality or religion
Doing or saying nothing when someone else is behaving in a racist way or is being hurt
by racism
Encouraging other children to behave in a racist way
Name-calling or nick-names that make fun of people because of their colour, ethnicity,
nationality, culture or religion, or because their name is “hard” to say
Suggesting that the ways of life of people from “other” ethnic groups are funny, nasty or
Ignoring or making fun of languages other than English, or making fun of how others talk
Excluding, ignoring, victimising or patronising members of “other” ethnic groups
Refusing to play with, sit next to, or work with a child or children from “other” ethnic
Not co-operating over sanctions for racist behaviour
Treating staff differently because they are from different ethnic groups
Doing racist graffiti.
Verbal abuse, racist remarks or derogatory comments
Deliberately mispronouncing names or turning them into English names
Talking to pupils/parents/staff from ethnic minorities in ways which are insensitive to
their cultures
Always ignoring individuals or groups from ethnic minorities
Asking ethnic minority pupils/staff to do things which conflict with their cultures or
Excluding, ignoring, victimising or patronising individuals or groups from ethnic
Telling racist jokes
Not responding to complaints about racism
Not doing anything when a racist incident takes place
Encouraging or allowing comments which stereotype members of ethnic minority groups
Going along with racist comments or actions by parents or other adults
Not challenging colleagues when their behaviour is racist
Not taking racist remarks or behaviour seriously
Refusing to acknowledge languages other than English
Insensitively drawing attention to differences between pupils
Using materials or resources which:
- Have stereotyped pictures
- Do not show diversity
- Have a limited or negative outlook on ethnic minority groups
- Only show ethnic minority groups at a disadvantage
- Show other cultures in a simplistic way
- Use out of date terms to describe groups of people (e.g. coloured, savage, primitive).
Governing Body is responsible for:
 Ensuring that the school complies with Race Relations legislation and other antidiscriminating legislation.
 Ensuring that the policy and its related procedures and strategies are implemented
Headteacher is responsible for:
 Implementing the policy and its related procedures and strategies
 Ensuring that all staff are aware of their responsibilities and are given appropriate training
and support
 Taking appropriate action in any cases of discrimination
All staff are responsible for:
 Dealing with racist incidents, and knowing how to identify and challenge all forms of
harassment, bias and stereotyping
 Promoting equality of opportunity, good race relations and eliminate unlawful
 Keeping up-to-date with anti-discrimination legislation by attending training and
information opportunities
 Making visitors and contractors aware of, and ensure they comply with, the school’s
Equal Opportunities Policy, including race equality.
 The Deputy Head teacher is responsible for ensuring that diversity is addressed in the
Creative Skills Based curriculum.
The Headteacher is responsible for dealing with reported incidents of racism or racial