Article on Virtual Arrival There is great pressure on shipping to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, which in general, at least in the medium term, means reducing fuel oil consumption. Owners have a great incentive to reduce fuel oil consumption. Fuel oil prices in general stayed below USD 200 per tonne until 2005, then until mid 2007 they increased to some USD 350 per tonne, in July 2007 prices were above USD 700 per tonne. Now the level is about USD 450 per tonne and can represent some 60-80% of owner's costs. Because owners continuously take measures to reduce fuel oil consumption, there are a few easy and quick ways to reduce consumption further and reduce CO2 emissions. Basically emissions can be reduced by technological improvements, more efficient operation, and by optimising the logistics. The latter can mean reducing speed. Slow steaming is a well-known concept in the tanker market used when there is an overcapacity of tonnage and often waiting time to secure cargo. However, there are also inefficiencies in the market when the market balance is tight, such as waiting to discharge because the terminal is not ready to take the cargo. Often this is not known before the voyage has started. Virtual Arrival is a process that recognises known inefficiencies in the supply chain and reduces the use of fuel and associated emissions by implementing a mutually-agreed reduction in a vessel’s speed on passage in order to achieve an agreed arrival time at a port. It is inherently wasteful for a vessel to steam at full speed to a port where known delays to cargo handling have already been identified. By reducing speed to a mutually-agreed arrival time, the vessel can avoid spending time at anchor awaiting a berth, tank space or cargo availability. Emissions can thus be reduced, congestion avoided and safety improved in port areas. Virtual Arrival involves reducing speed to meet a revised arrival time. The reduction in speed will result in a lower fuel consumption and reduced (GHG) emissions. The Virtual Arrival process, by reducing emissions and costs, is of mutual benefit to vessel owners and charterers. Furthermore, by minimising vessel waiting times, safety within port areas is also improved. 2. Environmental Benefits Associated with Virtual Arrival By adjusting a vessel’s speed to achieve an agreed arrival time, overall bunker consumption will be reduced and an associated absolute reduction in emissions for the voyage will be realised, as depicted in the following Figure:1 02 March 2010Our Ref.: ER-17652/19081 Page 1 of 5 Impact of Virtual Arrival on reducing fuel consumption and GHG emission Bunker consumption - ts 50 45 Full speed Virtual Arrival speed 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 1 Start Voyage 3. 2 3 4 5 Virtual Arrival Agreement VA NOR tendered to port 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Assumed 25% speed reduction: Bunker consumption full speed: 66o ts Bunker consumption VA speed: 583 ts Bunker Saving: 77 ts Saving CO2: 339 ts 14 15 16 ETA contracted speed Days 17 Actual arrival Pre-Conditions for Virtual Arrival Virtual Arrival is a simple concept and the basic pre-conditions are: A known delay at the loading or discharge port. A mutual agreement between two (or more) parties. An agreed charter party clause that establishes the terms for Virtual Arrival. An agreement on how to calculate and report the performance of the vessel and acceptance of the vessel owner's/operator’s data for information that includes fuel consumption, speed and estimated time of arrival (ETA). Virtual Arrival should not effect the daily running of the ship and the normal practices and terms of trade should be applied. It is emphasised that at all times the safety of the vessel remains paramount and the authority of the vessel’s Master remains unchanged when implementing Virtual Arrival. Trust between the parties is a precondition for all good deals, and normal practices will in the most cases be sufficient. However, to ensure the accuracy and independence of the calculation of a vessel’s performance and to avoid the risk of post-fixture disputes, it may be beneficial to employ a Weather Analysis Provider (WAP). A WAP is a company that specialises in expert weather and vessel performance analysis. It is recommended that only those WAPs are employed that work to an industry approved standard, having been certified by an industry-approved body. 02 March 2010Our Ref.: ER-17652/19081 Page 2 of 5 The industry is currently working to set up certifiable standards for such weather analysis providers and will probably also produce some guidelines to be applied in connection with the use of such services. How is Virtual Arrival done It will normally be the charterer that first sees that there is a delay at the discharge port, for example congestion at the berth, lack of berth space or lack of ullage space. The cargo receiver or charterer may then suggest to undertake virtual arrival for this voyage. If the ship-operator has not made special arrangements for taking advantage of estimated extra port time, such as periodical maintenance, a mutually acceptable agreement can be made and the virtual arrival procedure can commence. A weather analysis provider acceptable to all parties may then be engaged to do the calculations for the voyage. The WAP would then request the standard data required to make a proper analysis of the vessel's actual performance. The WAP would then provide a one-page report to all parties stating the vessel's position, calculated ETA and a provisional virtual ETA, Bunkers at Virtual Arrival decision (metric tonnes), and any other relevant data. Once the report is circulated, all parties would then need to agree that the facts are correct, and that they are willing to enter into a binding VA agreement for that voyage in accordance with and agreed CP clause. The Master slows down the ship to the most economical speed, always consistent with safety of navigation and taking into account other requirements for the voyage within the vessels safe operating parameters, to make the revised arrival time. Once the voyage is completed, the WAP will issue a final report including : Methodology used to determine speed and consumption calculation: Calculated ETA Virtual Arrival ETA Real Time of Arrival Bunkers at Virtual Arrival decision (metric tonnes) Bunkers on arrival Calculated CO2 emissions Route map Engine RPM-based verification using accepted algorithms. Demurrage is calculated as if the vessel had performed a normal voyage. The value of the bunker savings should be split between the interested parties. The following graphic illustrates the above process: 02 March 2010Our Ref.: ER-17652/19081 Page 3 of 5 Figure 2: Visual demonstration of Virtual Arrival process Issues Associated with Virtual Arrival Traditionally, voyage charter parties have stipulated the speed that vessels must attain throughout the voyage. However, the contracted speed may not reflect the speeds achieved on a particular voyage as they will be impacted by issues such as the prevailing weather. The charterer typically has no say in the route taken by the vessel or the actual speed at which the voyage is progressed. Under the terms of the charter party, the vessel is duly contracted to proceed at the stated speed. The adoption of Virtual Arrival provides the opportunity for the ship owner/operator and charterer to discuss and mutually agree adjusting a vessel’s speed if it is likely that the vessel will arrive at the destination port sooner than required. The mutual agreement of a required time of arrival enables vessels to be instructed to reduce speed with the potential to save fuel and reduce emissions. It is intended that the commercial benefits that accrue from the adoption of Virtual Arrival are shared between the vessel owner/operator and the charterer. Although developed for the tanker trade, the principles of Virtual Arrival are suitable for adoption in other trades where the required time of arrival at a destination port is not fixed or is subject to change due to operational or commercial reasons. 02 March 2010Our Ref.: ER-17652/19081 Page 4 of 5 Virtual Arrival is not a short-term speed reduction measure introduced in response to market and economic demands. On the contrary, it is a sustainable and practical process aimed at improving efficiency within the transportation chain, while achieving real benefits with regard to safety, fuel saving and the reduction in vessel emissions. 02 March 2010Our Ref.: ER-17652/19081 Page 5 of 5