Syllabus for Jewelry/Small Metal Sculpture 1

Ms. Woldenberg
Room 509  804.5154 ext. 5090
Artist Statement to accompany each graded piece
I. Casting
Carved and cast sterling or alpaca ring
By the end of the Casting unit, the student jeweler will be able to:
Carve a piece of wax using a flame and carving tools.
Apply a wax sprue into the base of a crucible.
Weigh, calculate, and measure sterling silver to be used in a casting.
Invest the wax carving in plaster investment.
Heat the metal to a molten state using an oxy-acetylene torch.
Operate the centrifugal caster.
Remove the metal sprue and “finish” the ring.
II. Wire and Beginning Metals Unit
Wire Exploration
Animal Totem Keychain
By the end of the “Wire and Beginning Metals” unit, the student jeweler will be able to:
1. Successfully manipulate pliers to create detailed wire designs.
2. Safely and correctly saw exact shapes out of sheet metal.
3. Pierce metal using a Flexible Shaft drill and safety guidelines to make a small
4. Saw inside cuts using the pierced hole and saw.
5. File metal edges with proper technique until they are smooth against your face.
6. Sand metal surfaces using proper grits of paper until scratches disappear.
7. Buff metal using a buffing wheel and safety precautions to achieve a high polish.
8. Etch using photo-etching process with ferric chloride.
III. Cuff Bracelet and Soldered Ring Unit
Textured Cuff Bracelets
 Silver Band Ring
By the end of the “Cuff Bracelet & Soldered Ring” unit, the student jeweler will be able
Texture, polish, and bend a strip of aluminum into a cuff bracelet.
Hallmark and size a ring shank.
Properly file the ends of a ring and spring load.
Using all safety precautions, solder ring closed with acetylene torch.
Acid clean and true a ring using a ring mandrel.
File off visible solder seams.
Sand, polish, patina, and finish ring with ultrasonic cleaner.
IV. Colored Enamel Resin Unit
Bezel set enamel resin pendant or earrings
By the end of the “Colored Enamel Resin” unit, the student jeweler will be able to:
Solder a bezel closed and clean up the solder seam.
Shape a jumpring and butt solder it to the bezel.
Mix enamel colors properly and add to the bezel along with found objects.
Saw a jumpring and properly attach it to the soldered jumpring.
Finish with a choice of necklace styles or earring hooks.
V. Jewelry from India Unit
Openwork Filigree Pendant
By the end of the “Jewelry from India” unit, the student jeweler will be able to:
Create a design in metal using an outer thick wire frame.
Solder a design on the inside of the frame using thin wire.
Create a bail and properly attach it.
Finish a necklace properly.
Jewelry/Small Metals
804-5154 ext. 5090 Room 509
Ms. Woldenberg, Instructor
About Jewelry/Small Metals 1: This class is an elective course; you can earn an Art credit, a Career-Technical
Education (CTE) credit, or an elective credit for the successful completion of Jewelry. If you have a job after school,
you may qualify for a Work-Based Learning credit as well. If you earn the grade of a C or higher, you will be eligible to
take Jewelry 2, Jewelry 3, Jewelry 4, and Contract Study Jewelry. In this course, we will explore jewelry-making
techniques from making earrings to casting silver rings.
Why take this class: You will use your brains and hands to design and create several pieces of wearable jewelry in this
class. We will start from raw materials and create beautiful objects which you will hopefully keep forever. If you decide
to make your work as gifts, please consider giving the finished pieces to members of your family, so they will be
cherished for a long time to come, and passed down generation to generation.
This class is part of a program: If you enjoy this class, you may wish to go on and take the next course, and
possibly even complete the program (at least four courses). If you successfully complete Jewelry/Small Metals 1, 2, 3,
and 4 you will earn your Jewelry Certificate Of Mastery. This will help you get a job in the industry, help you get into
college, and help you gain a foothold in any field of employment.
Lab Fee: This is a lab class which uses expensive materials such as beads and sterling silver. The fee for this course is
$35.00 per semester, which covers most supplies. If you are on Free and Reduced lunch, you can usually get this fee
waived! Turn in your fee to the bookkeeper before school, after school, or during passing periods.
* No jewelry will be handed back to you unless your fee is paid.
Willingness to read and follow written directions.
Willingness to create jewelry that you may not like.
Desire to explore your creative side!
Assessment: Semester grades
will be based on the following criteria:
Project Points (800 points per semester)
You, the student artist, will assess your work based on sets of standards, unique to each project. The standards will be in
the areas of:
Technique – using good craftsmanship to create your work; making it clean, neat, and wearable.
Positive attitude, clean-up, and EFFORT in all areas.
Creativity and artistic development.
Vocabulary / Midterm & Final (250 points per semester)
Every day you will write down a new vocabulary jewelry related term. You will hand in the vocabulary lists every other Friday
for a grade. Vocab tests will occur throughout the semester.
Leadership (200 points per semester)
Students are responsible for taking leadership roles in and for this class. We will be working off of the 21st Century
Leadership Skills Competencies.
Classroom Based Performance Assessment (CBPA)
Students will take a performance test related to the jewelry field as part of the semester grade.
Final Semester Grade
Your final grade will be based on the total points you have earned, divided by the total points possible. For example, if there
are 2000 possible points, and you earned 1500, your percentage is 75%, which is a C. Auburn Riverside has a
standard grading scale, which you can see here:
93% - 100%
90% - 92%
83% - 86%
80% - 82%
77% - 79%
73% - 76%
70% - 72%
67% - 69%
60% - 66%
No idle chatter
While you are in this lab, you shall be focused on the jewelry work you are trying to accomplish. Research shows that artists
create their work more quickly and with more attention to detail if they are in a quiet work area.
Electronics Policy
Cell phones must be away while in Jewelry class. Please respect the precious time we have together each day.
No ipods (or other headphone equipment) are permitted, because they are extremely unsafe around machines.
509 is a Drug Free Zone
This classroom is a drug free zone in all respects. Come to class clean and sober. Please refrain from the following:
Clothing with drug, alcohol, or cigarette images or logos.
Discussion about parties, drinking, or using drugs.
Jewelry made in class with any drug, alcohol, or cigarette references.
When creating your jewelry, you may not repeat the same theme more than once per semester in your work.
No brands or logos – copyright infringement is against the law. Original designs are required.
Try to see beyond the “lucky charms” – hearts, stars, and clovers are safe and have been done before.
Begin to look at your surroundings for inspiration. Look up, look down, look inside, look all around.
Extra Studio Time
Students are invited and encouraged to attend Open Studio, which is usually Tuesdays after school from
2:35-4:00. This is an opportunity to catch up on jewelry projects.
Go before you come to class, but if the need arises, please:
Prepare a pass for the instructor to sign. Be back within three minutes and use your passes wisely.
On Time Policy
If you are late to class, you will need to bring the instructor your tardy pass and obtain missed information on your own.
Use the short blue container for your paper waste, including paper towels.
Use the garbage can for all non-recyclables. Earn respect by keeping a clean work area.
Work Area
Keep your work area clear of books, backpacks, and coats. Use hooks on jewelers benches.
Inappropriate Language
Look for something to respect in everyone. The use of abusive language has no place here, and will result in an immediate
detention and removal from class.
Food and Beverages
No food is allowed in jewelry class.
Beverages are okay, if they have a lid.
I look forward to our time together as a creative and productive endeavor. I hope this explanation helps
you understand my expectations and procedures. I strive to be more than “just your Jewelry teacher”.
Always feel free to see me anytime after class or after school with any questions or concerns you may
have. I really, really, really want you to be successful both in my class, and in life. You are always
welcome here.
Ms. Woldenberg
With Ms. Woldenberg
Room 509  804.5154 ext. 5090
Parent/Guardian Permission/Consent Form – 6th period
I give my consent and permission for my son/daughter to work with tools and
equipment used regularly in the Jewelry program at Auburn Riverside High
School. I understand that he/she must complete a course of study with each piece of
equipment/tool, and demonstrate to the instructor the knowledge of operation and safe
I understand that my son/daughter is responsible for replacing any tools found
missing from their assigned tool drawer, and they are responsible for any damage
to their jeweler’s bench. The fine for the replacement cost of lost or damaged tools will
be added to the school’s fine list.
I agree and support my son/daughter’s personal responsibility to follow safe and
approved operational procedures with all tools and equipment while associated
with the Jewelry Program. Further, I agree to support my son/daughter’s personal
responsibility to avoid running, horseplay, throwing objects, or any other behavior which
may threaten anybody’s safety in the Jewelry studio. In the event that he/she fails to
follow approved and safe procedures, he/she may be subject to removal from the
Jewelry Program for the safety of all.
Signed:_____________________________cell phone#:_______________
Print Student Name:____________________________________________
Student email: ________________________________________________
Check here if $35 lab fee is paid (special points in turned in by Wed, ________________)
Checks payable to Auburn Riverside High School
Parent/Guardian Daytime Contact Phone: (______)___________________
Parent/Guardian Second Phone: (______)__________________________
Parent email: _________________________________________________
Print Parent Name:_____________________________________________
Signed:______________________________________ Date:___________
(parent or guardian)
Leadership Options
Over the course of the semester, you must earn 200 leadership points. In general, leadership
points are earned by showing relevant leadership, usually outside of class. Certain Fridays, you
will show the instructor proof of your leadership accomplishments. She will initial your page and
enter your points on Skyward. The ways to earn them are listed below:
Lab fee receipt turned in by the due date. .....................................................................................................................70
Lab fee receipt turned in after the due date. ................................................................................................................40
Work at a Jewelry display booth for open house, curriculum, or other such event. ..........................40
Get your dentist or orthodontist to donate broken cleoid/discoid tools ..................................................40
Bring in a box of hair ties or babywipes to donate .................................................................. 10
Come in to open lab Tuesdays after school .. 15
Attend college presentations in the Career Center. ..................................................................................................15
Play for an entire sports season during this semester or be in this semester’s drama play ...............30
Attend a school event (a play, concert, dance, or game). ...................................................................................15
Help put on a school event. ...................................................................................................................................................15
Visit a college of your choice during this semester ...................................................................................................15
Volunteer your services in the community. ...................................................................................................................15
Donate blood, have a current CPR/First Aid card, or a food handlers permit. ......................................15
Register to vote and vote in an election. .......................................................................................................................15
Attend a ARHS club meeting. ................................................................................................................................................15
Visit a jewelry-related business (show business card or receipt). ......................................................................15
Visit a museum or art gallery. ................................................................................................................................................15
Complete an independent jewelry project outside of class (show me). ......................................................15
Repair a piece of jewelry for a family member (consult with teacher first). .............................................15
Instruct a student who has been absent. .........................................................................................................................15
Read an article from a jewelry magazine or the internet & summarize.......................................................15
Other. Describe:_____________________________ .................................................................................................15