Notice of vacancies Date of issue: 17 February 2006 Closing date for applications: 3 March 2006 * General information The notice of vacancies provides a list of public sector job vacancies. It is published weekly and should be made available to public sector employees at their usual place of work. For enquiries regarding placement of vacancies and other advertisements in this notice, please phone 8226 2893. For distribution enquiries, please phone Government Publishing SA on 8207 0910. If you are interested in any of the jobs listed, contact the person identified for a copy of the job & person specification or to discuss the position. From time to time information about matters that may affect your employment will be published in this Notice. If you are employed under the Public Sector Management Act, please check any Public Service Notices from the Commissioner for Public Employment. In relation to any commercial advertising in the notice, the views expressed are not necessarily those of the Commissioner for Public Employment. Applications for vacancies To be considered for jobs listed in this notice you must send your application to the address at the end of each advertisement, ensuring that it is received by the correct person AND by the closing date. All applications are treated in confidence. Interpreting services Those who need help to understand the contents of this notice can phone the Interpreting and Translating Centre on 8226 1990. * Unless shown otherwise ELIGIBILITY THE NOTICE OF VACANCIES CONTAINS THE FOLLOWING SECTIONS: Eligibility to apply for vacancies contained in this Notice Public Service Notices (published when required) Public Sector Management Act (PSM Act) salaried vacancies South Australian Health Commission Act (SAHC Act) vacancies Other Public Sector salaried vacancies Weekly Paid vacancies ELIGIBILITY PUBLIC EMPLOYEES DETERMINED TO BE 'RELEVANT PUBLIC EMPLOYEES' UNDER REGULATION 11 OF THE PUBLIC SECTOR MANAGEMENT ACT In addition to Public Sector Management Act employees, only applications received from persons either employed by the following organisations or in the arrangements specified below will also be accepted for all vacancies listed unless marked (Advt) which are also being advertised in the public press. Public Sector Management Act employees of administrative units (includes those employees appointed subject to the provisions of the Act (ie ongoing) and those employees appointed on a contract basis (ie temporary, casual and longer term contract employees)) Hourly, daily and weekly paid employees of administrative units Employees of administrative units employed under the Children’s Services Act, 1985, the Education Act, 1972 or the Technical and Further Education Act, 1975 Police Officers employed in the Police Department who are Legal Officers, Engineers, Psychologists and Research Officers to whom Clause 29(f) of the Police Officers Award applies Participants of equal employment opportunity programs gazetted by the Minister under Section 67 of the Public Sector Management Act, in line with processes approved by the Commissioner for Public Employment. Further details on specific programs are provided in Commissioner’s Standard No 1 – A Planned Workforce Persons currently employed by South Australian Public Sector agencies through the South Australian Public Sector Graduate Recruitment Program for the first 12 months of employment under that Program Presiding Officer, Promotion and Grievance Appeals Tribunal persons employed in the following public sector agencies and other organisations: 1 Adelaide and Mount Lofty Ranges Natural Resources Management Board Adelaide Festival Centre Trust Alinytjara Wilurara Natural Resources Management Board Carclew Youth Performing Arts Centre Incorporated Chiropractors Board of South Australia Courts Administration Authority, but only those appointed pursuant to the Courts Administration Act, 1993 including those appointed pursuant to Section 6(3) of the Sheriff’s Act, 1978 Country Arts SA Country Fire Services Board Dairy Authority of South Australia Education Adelaide Elliston Le Hunte Animal and Plant Control Board Eyre Peninsula Natural Resources Management Board Essential Services Commission of South Australia Government House Grant Animal and Plant Control Board History Trust of South Australia ELIGIBILITY PUBLIC EMPLOYEES DETERMINED TO BE 'RELEVANT PUBLIC EMPLOYEES' UNDER REGULATION 11 OF THE PUBLIC SECTOR MANAGEMENT ACT (Continued) Homestart Finance, but only those employees who were formerly employees of the South Australian Housing Trust and who were transferred to Homestart Finance by proclamation of the Governor on 21 December 1995. Hospitals and Health Centres incorporated under the South Australian Health Commission Act, 1976 Institute of Medical and Veterinary Science Kangaroo Island Natural Resources Management Board Land Management Corporation, but only employees who: were transferred from the Department for Administrative and Information Services by proclamation of the Governor on 21 May 1998 or 18 December 2003; or were transferred from the Department for Environment, Heritage and Aboriginal Affairs by the Commissioner for Public Employment on 11 October 1999; or were previously employed as greenkeepers in the MFP Development Corporation; and who have maintained such rights since their transfer Legal Services Commission of South Australia Lucindale Naracoorte Animal and Plant Control Board Northern and Yorke Natural Resources Management Board Northern Yorke Peninsula Animal and Plant Control Board Nurses Board of South Australia Parliament, Officers of either House or a person under the separate control of the President of the Legislative Council or the Speaker of the House of Assembly Police Complaints Authority Rangelands Integrated Natural Resources Management Group SA Arid Lands Natural Resources Management Board SA Murray Darling Basin Natural Resources Management Board Senior Secondary Assessment Board of South Australia South Australian Forestry Corporation South Australian Metropolitan Fire Service, but not operational firefighters South Australian Tourism Commission South Australian Water Corporation South East Natural Resources Management Board Superannuation Funds Management Corporation of South Australia Tandanya - National Aboriginal Cultural Institute Incorporated TransAdelaide, excluding AN employees made available to operate metropolitan railways West Beach Trust WorkCover Corporation of South Australia, but only those employees who were formerly members of the staff of the South Australian Occupational Health and Safety Commission as employees of the Department for Industrial Affairs and who transferred to WorkCover Corporation of South Australia by proclamation of the Governor pursuant to the Clause 2 of the Schedule of the WorkCover Corporation Act, 1994 and only in relation to Public Sector Management Act vacancies DISCLAIMER The State of South Australia does not sponsor, endorse or necessarily approve of any products or services advertised in the Notice of Vacancies by private sector entities and makes no warranties or representations regarding the quality, merchantability or fitness for purpose of those products or services. PLEASE VIEW THIS ADVERTISEMENT IN PRINT/PAGE LAYOUT IPAA Learning and Development Workshops March 2006 A practical program of workshops tailored for public sector employees and designed to broaden skills and increase confidence and effectiveness. Political Savvy Politics, policy and the public service – how do they mix? This full-day workshop looks at developing an awareness of political agendas and understanding political processes to add to capabilities. One x full day workshop, Thursday 9 March, 9.00am – 4.30pm, Next Generation Gym, Memorial Drive, North Adelaide Presented for IPAA by Bruce Guerin, Principal, Public Policy and Management Facilitating Effective Meetings A one-day program providing participants with a framework for planning, participating and concluding meetings successfully. Participants will learn techniques for establishing the purpose and agenda of a meeting, facilitating participants’ progress toward the meeting goals, managing conflict among meeting participants, and avoiding ‘groupthink’. Participants will improve their ability as a meeting leader and acquire the knowledge to facilitate situation analysis, brainstorming and decision making in a meeting. One x full day workshop, Wednesday 15 March, 9.00am – 4.30pm, Next Generation Gym, Memorial Drive, North Adelaide Presented for IPAA by Brett Minchington, General Manager, Collective Learning Australia Emotional Intelligence This series of 2 x half day workshops provides an overview of emotional intelligence (EI) competencies and how they can strongly impact personal and career success. The first session covers an intro to EI, a framework for understanding the various competencies (such as team work, leadership, communication) and some practical tools and techniques to use in developing self awareness and self management. The second session builds on the first and explores social competencies (such as empathy, influencing skills, organisational awareness) and how we can hone our communication and our interpersonal relationships – at work and in our personal lives. Two x half day workshops: Part 1: Friday 17 March, 9.00am – 12.30pm, Next Generation Gym, Memorial Drive, North Adelaide Part 2: Friday 31 March, 9.00am – 12.30pm, Next Generation Gym, Memorial Drive, North Adelaide Presented for IPAA by Kerrie Ashcroft, Kerrie Ashcroft Consulting Organisational Savvy A one-day workshop concentrating on building participants’ ability to correctly read situations in order to operate effectively within organisations, groups and with individuals. It covers how to deal with competing agendas, hidden motivations, why people worry about “playing politics” and why it is crucial to be an effective, ethical political player. One x full day workshop, Monday 20 March, 9.00am – 4.30pm, Next Generation Gym, Memorial Drive, North Adelaide Presented for IPAA by Denise P icton, Managing Director, OZ>TRAIN Project Management – an introduction A one-day program for those with little or no experience of project management, incorporating: An understanding of the basis of project management in the public sector including scoping, design, risk management An illustration of how and when to apply tools, systems and processes of project management in PS projects Governance and ethics, communication, evaluation and reporting of projects Numerous case study examples. This course is designed for those who have little or no experience of project management but want to improve their knowledge or learn some systems to do things in a more efficient or thorough way. One full-day workshop, Tuesday 28 March, 9.00am – 4.30pm, Education Development Centre, Milner Street, Hindmarsh Presented for IPAA by Anne McCutcheon, University of South Australia REGISTER NOW, PLACES ARE FILLING FAST. Visit to register. PLEASE VIEW THIS ADVERTISEMENT IN PRINT/PAGE LAYOUT PSM ACT VACANCY INFORMATION PSM ACT SALARIED VACANCIES CONDITIONS OF EMPLOYMENT Please contact the Human Resources Section for details of the relevant agency’s conditions of employment. APPEAL RIGHTS Public Sector Management Act vacancies to be filled on an ongoing basis are subject to appeal pursuant to Section 43 of the Act, unless shown otherwise. With effect from 17/07/95 appeal rights exist for all ongoing positions at or below Executive Level 1 ie for positions with a salary or maximum salary limit less than $84,354 pa. No appeal rights exist for vacancies designated contract (including casual, temporary and longer term contracts). Appeal rights are only available to all employees of administrative units under the Public Sector Management Act with the exception of those employees employed on temporary, casual or longer term contracts who have 12 months or less continuous employment within the Public Service. Appeal rights are also available to: officers appointed under the Parliament (Joint Services) Act, 1985, including officers of either House of Parliament or a person under the separate control of the President of the Legislative Council or the Speaker of the House of Assembly; employees of the MFP Development Corporation to whom such rights have been extended by a proclamation of the Governor under Section 71 of the Public Sector Management Act and who retain such rights. REQUESTS TO CIRCULARISE VACANCIES Details of vacancies to be published in this section will be accepted by Business Services of the Office of Public Employment up to 12.00 p.m. FRIDAY prior to the date of issue of the Notice. Whenever possible however, agencies are encouraged to forward vacancy details as soon as they become available. This action will facilitate the clearing of positions for advertising in the Notice. The facsimile number is 8226 2966, and for any enquiries please telephone 8226 2893. PSM ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 17/02/06 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES STREAM ASO1 PROGRAM SUPPORT OFFICER (PART-TIME) (TEMPORARY UP ($19194.00/35036.00) Vacancy No. TO 10/08/2006) T1135/2006 Duties: The Program Support Officer provides a high level administrative support service to the staff and students of the Vocational Preparation and Community Services workgroups at the O’Halloran Hill Campus. This includes the provision of course information, facilitation of student enrolments, maintenance of class and student records and provision of a clerical support service to the work team. Special Conditions: This is a part-time position working 0.6 full time equivalent and salary will be adjusted according to actual hours worked. Location: Adelaide Metro (O'Halloran Hill) Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: Public Sector Employees Only Department: Further Educ, Employment, Science & Technology (TAFE SA - Vocational Preparation/Community Services and Health - Noarlunga Campus) Enquiries and Applications to: Mrs Jacqui Hart, Administration Manager, TAFE SA, TAFE SA, Ramsay Place, Noarlunga Centre SA, 5158, telephone (08) 207 3128, email Note: Please forward an original application plus two copies. Applicants should include the name, address and contact number of three current referees. Closing Date: 03 Mar 2006 Downloads: Job and Person Specification:\OSE0337 final.doc Must Read Information for Applicants:\NOV P&W -Must Read.doc ASO1 ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT (TEMPORARY UP TO 6/10/2006) Vacancy No. T1164/2006 Duties: The Administrative Services Officer, Vocational Preparation & Equity is responsible to the Educational Manager for contributing to the provision of a quality administrative, clerical and reception service to the Vocational Preparation & Equity Program, resulting in the effective and efficient achievement of the Program, Institute and Departmental objectives. Special Conditions: Out of hours work may be required. Travel between campuses may be required. Location at Tea Tree Gully campus in the first instance. PSM Act conditions apply Location: Adelaide Metro (Tea Tree Gully) Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: Public Sector Employees Only Department: Further Educ, Employment, Science & Technology (TAFE SA, Tea Tree Gully Campus - Vocational Preparation & Equity) Enquiries and Applications to: Sue Dunn, Vocational Preparation & Equity, Tea Tree Gully Campus 100 Smart Road, Modbury, 5092, telephone 8229 1438, email Note: Job and Person Specifications are available from Sue Dunn, telephone 8229 1438, or email Please forward an original application plus two copies. Closing Date: 03 Mar 2006 Downloads: Job & Person Specification:\P10450 ASO-1 Admin Officer 100206.doc Job Application Guidelines:\Job Application Guidelines.doc 4 ($19194.00/35036.00) PSM ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 17/02/06 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES STREAM (Continued) ASO1 5 BUSINESS SERVICES CONSULTANT (PART-TIME) (TEMPORARY UP ($19194.00/35036.00) Vacancy No. TO 12 MONTHS) T1094/2006 Duties: The part-time position is located in PIRSA office at Mount Gambier. The incumbent works under direction to assist with the provision of an effective and responsive service in a broad range of administrative services, closely following established systems, guidelines and procedures.For success in this position the appointee will need strong customer service orientation for both internal and external clients, excellent communication skills and technical skills relevant to the provision of an administrative service.This position is offered at 25 hours per week to be worked Monday to Friday, five hours per day. Special Conditions: The part-time (25 hours - working 5 hours per day) position is located at Mount Gambier Office. Core business hours are between 8.45am and 5pm Monday to Friday. Location: South East (Mount Gambier) Eligibility: Public Sector Employees Only Department: Primary Industries and Resources (Rural Solutions SA) Further Information: Enquiries to: Mrs Cathy Kent, Rural Solutions SA, telephone (08) 87351300, email Applications to: Mrs Fiona Black, Human Resources Consultant, Rural Solutions SA, GPO Box 1671, Adelaide, 5001, telephone (08) 8226 1960, email Note: Please forward an original application plus three copies, marked confidential and include contact details of three current referees. Closing Date: 03 Mar 2006 Downloads: Position Description:\ASO1 PD MG 170106.doc Guidelines:\pos_desc_how_to_apply.pdf PSM ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 17/02/06 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES STREAM (Continued) ASO2 ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER (EXECUTIVE SUPPORT) (Advt) ($37253.00/40321.00) Vacancy No. 1114/2006 Duties: Required to provide a confidential, efficient secretarial and administrative support service to the Director, Contract Management, and as required to other senior personnel in the Group. To ensure effective utilisation of Director’s time in establishing and maintaining diary appointments and meetings, responding to invitations and where appropriate screening and re-directing visitors. To provide Executive Officer support to Management meetings by recording minutes and notes, preparing agendas and circulating minutes and reference material to appropriate personnel, and following up and investigating matters arising from meetings. To facilitate the booking of travel, accommodation, conference attendance and associated activities on behalf of the Director and others in the Group. To undertake minor research projects and tasks that contribute to the efficient operation of the Group. Special Conditions: Some out of hours work may be required. Location: Adelaide CBD Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Administrative and Information Services (Government ICT Services - Contract Management) Further Information: Enquiries to: Phil Hanson, Contract Management, Government ICT Services, telephone 8226 2118, email Applications to: Jane Todonai, Assistant Contract Administrator, Contract Management, Government ICT Services, GPO Box 1484, ADELAIDE, 5001, telephone 8226 3806, email Note: Job and Person Specifications are available from Jane Todonai, telephone 8226 3806, or email - please forward an original application plus two copies. Closing Date: 03 Mar 2006 Downloads: Position Description:\PD Admin Officer ASO2.doc 6 PSM ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 17/02/06 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES STREAM (Continued) ASO2 CLIENT SERVICES COURT OFFICER (PART-TIME) ($37253.00/40321.00) Vacancy No. 1153/2006 Duties: The Client Services Court Officer is responsible for performing a range of duties relation to Care and Protection and Adoption orders, processing money paid to the Court, advising clients on practice and procedure and exercising quasi-judicial functions as allocated by the Unit Manager of the Youth Court. The incumbent provides a range of Registry services to Court clients in the Youth Court, both at the public counter and over the telephone in a matter that will satisfy service standards, achieve efficiency and customer satisfaction. The Client Services Court Officer trains staff to meet these standards, and performs a range of duties relating to Court documents as allocated by the Registrar of the Court. Special Conditions: This is a part-time position working 37.5 hours per fortnight and salary will be adjusted according to actual hours worked. Appointment is under the Courts Administration Authority Act 1993. Terms and conditions of employment are governed by the Public Sector Management Act, 1995. Risk management and safety are core business values. Eligible for appointment as a Justice of the Peace.Some out of hours work may be required.Initial appointment will be at the Youth Court but can be directed to perform work at the same classification level with the Courts Administration Authority. Location: Adelaide CBD (Adelaide) Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: Public Sector Employees Only Department: Courts Administration Authority Further Information: Enquiries and Applications to: Miss Lisa Samarzia, Administration Manager, Registry, Adelaide Youth Court, 75 Wright Street, Adelaide, 5000, telephone 82040265, email Note: Job and Person Specifications are available from Lisa Samarzia, Administration Manager, telephone 82040265, or email Please forward an original application plus two copies. Closing Date: 03 Mar 2006 Downloads: Job Profile:\0.3 Court Officer .5 aso2 10-2-2006.doc Concise Guide for Applicants:\Concise Guide For Applicants.doc 7 PSM ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 17/02/06 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES STREAM (Continued) ASO2 COURT OFFICER/FINES PAYMENT UNIT ($37253.00/40321.00) Vacancy No. 1149/2006 Duties: The Court Officer is responsible for performing a range of duties relating to Fines Payment: assessing of clients’ financial means, processing money paid to the Court, advising clients on practice and procedure and exercising quasi-judicial functions as allocated by the Unit Manager of the Youth Court. The incumbent provides a range of Registry services to Court clients in the Youth Court, both at the public counter and over the telephone in a manner that will satisfy service standards, achieve efficiency and customer satisfaction. The Court Officer trains staff to meet these standards, and performs a range of duties relating to Court documents as allocated by the Registrar of the Court. Special Conditions: Appointment is under the Courts Administration Authority Act 1993. Terms and conditions of employment are governed by the Public Sector Management Act, 1995. Risk management and safety are core business values. Applicants should hold a commission as a Justice of the Peace or be eligible for appointment as a Justice of the Peace and Special Justice. Some out of hours work, as required.Initial appointment will be to the Adelaide Youth Court but can be directed to perform work at the same classification level within the Courts Administration Authority. Location: Adelaide CBD (Adelaide) Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: Public Sector Employees Only Department: Courts Administration Authority Further Information: Enquiries and Applications to: Miss Lisa Samarzia, Administration Manager, Registry, Adelaide Youth Court, 75 Wright Street , Adelaide, 5000, telephone 82040265, email Note: Job and Person Specifications are available from Lisa Samarzia, Administration Manager, telephone 82040265, or email Please forward an original application plus two copies. Closing Date: 03 Mar 2006 Downloads: Job Profile:\0.4 fpu officer aso-2 10-2-20061.doc Concise Guide for Applicants:\Concise Guide For Applicants.doc 8 PSM ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 17/02/06 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES STREAM (Continued) ASO2 ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER ($37253.00/40321.00) Vacancy No. 1068/2006 Duties: The Administrative Officer is responsible for the provision of administrative support services, which contributes to the efficient and effective functioning of the Aboriginal Housing Authority. Special Conditions: A current driver's licence and willingness to drive is essential. A flexible approach to duty hours and the taking of leave is essential. Location: Adelaide CBD Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: Public Sector Employees Only Department: Families and Communities (Aboriginal Housing Authority - Strategic Development) Enquiries to: Jan Ronai, Senior Strategic Project Officer, Aboriginal Housing Authority, telephone 8235 4310 Applications to: Leanne Wilson, Project Officer, Aboriginal Housing Officer, 153 Wakefield Street, Adelaide, 5000, telephone 8235 4301, email Note: Job and Person Specifications are available from Rosanne Cambareri, telephone (08) 8235 4308, or email Please forward an original application plus three copies. Applicants should include the name, address and contact number of three current referees. Safety is a core value of the South Australian Public Sector. People of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander descent are strongly encouraged to apply. Closing Date: 03 Mar 2006 Downloads: Guidelines:\Job Guidelines.pdf ASO2 ADMINISTRATION SUPPORT OFFICER (Advt) ($37253.00/40321.00) Vacancy No. 780/2006 Duties: The Administrative Support Officer is accountable to the Manager, Support Services for providing an efficient and effective administrative and student management service to the International College of Hotel Management (ICHM). This position also contributes to the ICHM goals and objectives and agreed performance outcomes. Special Conditions: Travel between campuses may be required. Some out of hours work may be required and a flexible approach to the hours of duty is essential. Located at: Regency Campus, Days Road, Regency Park. The incumbent will be required to achieve performance targets that are negotiated and mutually agreed with the Manager, Support Services, ICHM. A flexible approach to taking leave is essential and dependent upon negotiation with the Manager, Support Services, ICHM Location: Adelaide Metro (Regency Park) Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Further Educ, Employment, Science & Technology (Programs and Educational Services - TAFE SA - International College of Hotel Management) Enquiries and Applications to: Megan Carroll, Manager, Support Services, International College of Hotel Management, TAFE SA - Regency Campus, Days Rd, Regency Park, 5010, telephone (08) 8348 4614, email Note: Job and Person Specifications are available from Megan Carroll, telephone (08) 8348 4614, or email Please forward an original application plus two copies. Applicants should include the name, address and contact number of three current referees. Closing Date: 24 Feb 2006 Downloads: Job and Person Specification:\adsuppaso2.doc Job Applicant Guidelines:\jobappguid.pdf 9 PSM ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 17/02/06 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES STREAM (Continued) ASO2 ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER (TEMPORARY FOR 10 MONTHS) Vacancy No. T1168/2006 Duties: The Administrative Officer is accountable to the Office Coordinator for: providing a range of quality administrative, secretarial, financial and business support services to a workgroup which contributes to the efficient and effective management of the Agency and the achievement of business objectives. Special Conditions: Some out of hours work may be required. Must be prepared to be assigned to another position at this remuneration level or equivalent. Location: Adelaide CBD (Adelaide) Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: Public Sector Employees Only Department: Primary Industries and Resources (Planning SA) Enquiries to: Ms Lina Cavallin, Planning SA, telephone 8303 0775, email Applications to: Ms Vanessa Loose, Human Resource Officer, Planning SA, GPO Box 1815, ADELAIDE, 5001, telephone 8303 0686, email Note: Please forward a completed Employment Declaration form and original application plus two copies. Applications should be marked 'Confidential'. Safety is a core value of the South Australian Public Sector. Closing Date: 03 Mar 2006 Downloads: Job & Person Specification:\ c Application Guidelines:\Applicant Guidelines.doc Employment Declaration:\Employment Declaration.doc 10 ($37253.00/40321.00) PSM ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 17/02/06 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES STREAM (Continued) ASO2 11 PERSONAL ASSISTANT TO THE DIRECTOR, NATURAL RESOURCE MANAGEMENT SERVICES (TEMPORARY FOR 6 MONTHS) ($37253.00/40321.00) Vacancy No. T1029/2006 Duties: The Personal Assistant provides a clerically based personal support service to the Director, NRM Support, which results in achieving an effective level of management and provides a confidential secretarial, administrative and reception service to the Director, and staff in the NRM Support Division. The Personal Assistant contributes to the effective administration and provision of support services to the NRM Services Directorate, based at the Waite Campus. Special Conditions: Located at the Waite Campus, but may be relocated elsewhere in the state as required. Some out of hour’s work may be required. Some intrastate travel may be required. Location: Adelaide Metro (Urrbrae) Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: Public Sector Employees Only Department: Water, Land, and Biodiversity Conservation (Natural Resource Management Services Directorate - Natural Resource Management Support Division) Further Information: Enquiries to: Andrew Johnson, Director, Natural Resource Management Services, DWLBC, telephone 8303 9532, email Applications to: Aileen Shannon, Divisional Administration Leader, DWLBC, GPO Box 2834, Adelaide SA, 5001, telephone 8303 9692, email Note: Job and Person Specifications are available from Aileen Shannon, telephone 8303 9692, or email Please forward an original application plus three copies along with a current CV. Applicants should include the name, address and contact number of three current referees. Please address the job and person specification in your application. Closing Date: 03 Mar 2006 Downloads: Job and Person Specification:\J&P.doc How to Apply:\How to apply_J&P.pdf PSM ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 17/02/06 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES STREAM (Continued) 12 ASO3 PROJECT & ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER (TEMPORARY UP TO 31/08/2006) ($43385.00/46453.00) Vacancy No. (Advt) T1113/2006 Duties: Required to ensure a comprehensive administrative and records management support service is provided to the Contract Management Group. To provide advice on DAIS’ records management systems practices and procedures. To undertake project support of an administrative nature to members of the Contract Management Group. To provide executive support including investigation and research to committees and working parties as required. To provide backup services for the Executive Assistant/Project Officer as required. To ensure a strong customer focused service is provided to internal and external clients. Special Conditions: Some out of hours work may be required. Location: Adelaide CBD Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Administrative and Information Services (Government ICT Services - Contract Management) Further Information: Enquiries to: Darren Thompson, Government ICT Services, telephone 8226 2293, email Applications to: Jane Todonai, Assistant Contract Administrator, Government ICT Services, GPO Box 1484, ADELAIDE, 5001, telephone 8226 3806, email Note: Job and Person Specifications are available from Jane Todonai, telephone 8226 3806, or email - please forward an original application plus two copies. Closing Date: 03 Mar 2006 Downloads: Position Description:\PD Project & Admin Officer ASO3.doc ASO3 GRAPHIC DESIGNER (PART-TIME) (TEMPORARY UP ($43385.00/46453.00) Vacancy No. TO 12 MONTHS) (Advt) T1122/2006 Duties: The Graphic Designer is accountable to the Project Manager - Information Resources for providing a range of publications development services to support the cost-effective production of high quality electronic, print and promotional resources for the Office of Consumer and Business Affairs (OCBA). Special Conditions: This is a part-time position working 22.5 hours per week and salary will be adjusted according to actual hours worked. A current driver's licence and willingness to drive is essential. Some intra/interstate travel and out of hours work may be required. Location: Adelaide CBD Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Attorney-General's (Office of Consumer and Business Affairs - Education and Information Services) Enquiries and Applications to: Maree Day, Project Manager, Information Resources, Level 1, Chesser House, 91-97 Grenfell St, Adelaide, 5000, telephone 8204 9504, email Note: Please forward an original application plus two copies. Applications should be marked 'Confidential'. Closing Date: 03 Mar 2006 Downloads: J&P:\ASO3 Graphic Designer FEB 06.pdf Guidelines on Writing Applications:\Guidelines on writing applications.doc PSM ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 17/02/06 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES STREAM (Continued) ASO2/ ASO3 PAYROLL SERVICES OFFICER (TEMPORARY UP TO 6 MONTHS) (Advt) ($37253.00/40321.00) ($43385.00/46453.00) Vacancy No. T1171/2006 Duties: The Payroll Services Officer is accountable to the Payroll Administrator/Team Leader for the maintenance and accurate and timely payments of salary, allowances and related payments of leave records which results in the provision of leave records which results in the provision of a responsive and flexible payroll service to staff and judiciary in the Courts Administration Authority Special Conditions: Some out of hours work may be required. Appointment will be either at the ASO2 or the ASO3 salary range depending on skills and experience applicable to the position. Location: (Not Specified) Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Courts Administration Authority (Corporate Services) Further Information: Enquiries to: Nathan Chambers, Courts Administration Authority, telephone 82260131, email Applications to: Ms. M. Kidd, Corporate Services, GPO Box 1068 Adelaide, SA, 5001, telephone 82260144, email Note: Job and Person Profile are available from Nathan Chambers as per details above or CAA website. Please forward an original application plus two copies. Closing Date: 27 Feb 2006 Downloads: Job Profile:\Job Profile Payroll .dot Guide for applicants:\Guide For Applicants.doc ASO3 EXECUTIVE SUPPORT OFFICER/OFFICE MANAGER ($43385.00/46453.00) Vacancy No. 1087/2006 Duties: The Executive Support Officer / Office Manager: Takes responsibility for and coordinates a range of functions which contribute to an efficient and effective briefing, administrative, budget and personnel support service; Manages the Executive Director’s diary and all associated activities; Oversees/monitors and initiates processes to ensure the efficient work practices and effective operation of Executive Support; Undertakes projects and research tasks for the Executive Director as directed; Contributes to/supports the delivery and maintenance of efficient work practices within the Executive Support Office. Special Conditions: Some out of hours duty may be required during periods of high workload. The incumbent will be required to participate in a roster to ensure the Office is staffed between 8:30am and 5:30 pm on normal week days. The incumbent should have a current standard drivers licence. Location: Adelaide CBD Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: Public Sector Employees Only Department: Education and Children's Services (Office of People & Culture - Executive Services) Enquiries and Applications to: Cathy Taylor, Level 13, 31 Flinders Street, Adelaide, 5000, telephone 8226 4084, email Note: Job and Person Specifications are available from Cathy Taylor, telephone 8226 4084, or email Please forward an original application plus two copies. Applications should be marked 'Confidential'. Safety is a core value of the South Australian Public Sector. Closing Date: 03 Mar 2006 Downloads: Job & Person Specification:\ASO3 Exec Support Off_Off Mngr.doc 13 PSM ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 17/02/06 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES STREAM (Continued) ASO3 INFORMATION AND ADMINISTRATIVE SUPPORT OFFICER (Advt) ($43385.00/46453.00) Vacancy No. 1021/2006 Duties: The Information and Administrative Support Officer is accountable to the Region’s Senior Administration Officer for the provision of a wide range of administrative support services in relation to: Records and electronic information management; Reporting and correspondence writing; Human Resource processes and systems; which contributes to the achievement of Regional goals and objectives. Special Conditions: Initial location will be the Mid North Region based in Crystal Brook. Some out of hours work and intrastate travel involving overnight absences may be required. Location: York Peninsula & Mid North Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Transport, Energy and Infrastructure (Metropolitan and Rural Operations) Enquiries to: Mr Graham Pavy, Business Support, telephone (08) 8638 5500, email Applications to: Customer Liaison Group, HR Operations, 33-37 Warwick Street (PO Box 1), Walkerville, 5081, telephone (08) 8343 2600, email Note: Job and Person Specifications are available for download from (click on the "Search" section of the website), email or telephone 08 8343 2600. Please forward an original application plus three copies. Applications should be marked 'Confidential'. Please quote vacancy number NOV 1021/2006 on application. The SA Government is an Equal Opportunity Employer. Safety is a core value of the South Australian Public Sector. Closing Date: 03 Mar 2006 Downloads: Job and Person Specifications:\ASO3 Info and Plann Off.DOC Guide to Apply:\Guide_to_applying_for_positions.doc Employment Declaration:\Employment_Declaration.doc 14 PSM ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 17/02/06 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES STREAM (Continued) ASO3 15 REGISTRY & INFORMATION OFFICER (TEMPORARY UP TO 6 MONTHS) ($43385.00/46453.00) Vacancy No. (Advt) T1158/2006 Duties: The Registry & Information Officer is accountable to the Region’s Senior Administrative Officer for providing information and administrative support services to the Northern & Western Region including: providing and monitoring an efficient and accurate records and electronic information management service; ensuring a timely and responsive high quality customer service; which contributes to the efficient operation and achievement of Departmental objectives. Special Conditions: Initially located in the Northern & Western Region. Travel necessitating overnight absences and work outside normal working hours will be required. Roster conditions on a rotational basis to cover office hours of 8am to 5pm. A current South Australian car driver’s licence is essential. The incumbent is required to be available after hours for call-outs in relation to Road Condition Reporting on a roster basis (normal overtime conditions apply). Location: Flinders Ranges & Outback Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Transport, Energy and Infrastructure (Metropolitan and Rural Operations) Enquiries to: Ms Kimberley Michael, Business Support, telephone (08) 8648 5263, email Applications to: Customer Liaison Group, HR Operations, 33-37 Warwick Street (PO Box 1), Walkerville, 5081, telephone (08) 8343 2600, email Note: Job and Person Specifications are available for download from (click on the "Search" section of the website), email or telephone 08 8343 2600. Please forward an original application plus three copies. Applications should be marked 'Confidential'. Please quote vacancy number NOV T1158/2006 in you application. Safety is a core value of the South Australian Public Sector. The SA Government is an Equal Opportunity Employer. Closing Date: 03 Mar 2006 Downloads: Job and Person Specification:\ASO3 Registry & Info Off.DOC Guide to Apply:\Guide to Applying for Positions.DOC Employment Declaration:\Employment_Declaration.doc PSM ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 17/02/06 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES STREAM (Continued) AMENDMENT ASO4 PROCUREMENT OFFICER (MORE THAN ONE POSITION) Vacancy No. 10289/2005 Duties: Best practice standards of excellence in Supply SA’s management of procurement and contracting practices and procedures. Continuous improvement of processes for Supply SA contracts and procurement practices. Improved Supply SA purchasing and contracting outcomes in line with State Procurement Board requirements. Sound business relationships with client groups (suppliers, agency staff, industry). High-level customer service, including the provision of support and advice to agencies relating to Supply SA Special Purchasing. Special Conditions: Some out of hours work and intra/interstate travel may be required necessitating overnight absences from home. The incumbent must be prepared to work on a roster system for on call and after hours support during State Emergency activations or exercises. Location: Adelaide Metro (Camden Park) Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: Public Sector Employees Only Department: Administrative and Information Services (State Procurement and Business Development - Contract Services - Contract Operations) Enquiries to: Mr J Batageli, Supply SA, telephone 8350 4140, email Applications to: Ms L Chapman, Administration Officer, Supply SA, 60 Patricia Avenue, Camden Park, 5038, telephone 8350 4126, email Amended Note: Job and Person Specifications are available from Ms L Chapman, Administration Officer, telephone 8350 4126, or email Please forward an original application plus three copies. Closing date for applications is now extended to 24/02/06. Closing Date: 24 Feb 2006 ASO4 ($49584.00/51874.00) JUDICIAL SUPPORT SPECIALIST (TEMPORARY UP TO 12 MONTHS) ($49584.00/51874.00) Vacancy No. T1154/2006 Duties: The Judicial Support Specialist provides expert advice, assistance and problem resolution to the Judiciary. The incumbent also assists in the design, preparation and delivery of training courses and materials to implement and support the Authority's major computer systems. Special Conditions: Appointment is under the Courts Administration Act, 1993 and terms and conditions of employment are governed by the Public Sector Management Act, 1995. Some out of hours work may be required. Some intra/interstate travel involving overnight absences may be required. Required to hold a current driver's licence. Risk management and safety are core business values. This position is temporary up to 12 months and may be extended up to 23/03/07. Location: Adelaide CBD Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: Public Sector Employees Only Department: Courts Administration Authority (Information Services Division) Enquiries to: Diane Lewitzke, telephone 8207 1889, email Applications to: Michelle Emmerson, Administration Officer, GPO Box 1068, Adelaide, 5001, email Note: Please forward an original application plus two copies. Applicants should include the name, address and contact number of three current referees. Job and Person Specifications are available for download from (click on the "Search" section of the website), email or telephone 08 8207 1880 Closing Date: 03 Mar 2006 Downloads: Guide for Applicants:\Job Profile Guide for Applicants.doc Job Profile:\0.2 ASO4 Judicial Support profile.doc 16 PSM ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 17/02/06 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES STREAM (Continued) AMENDMENT ASO4 PROJECT OFFICER (TEMPORARY UP TO 12 MONTHS) ($49584.00/51874.00) Vacancy No. (Advt-Recirc) T10203/2005 Duties: The Project Officer: Is responsible for supporting the development and implementation of communications strategies for a range of state-wide projects and programs delivered by the Office for Youth which result in increased youth participation and increased youth empowerment; Contributes to the coordination of the communication components of Office for Youth projects and programs in accordance with Office for Youth goals and related government/departmental policies and procedures; Contribute to consultation services to a range of clients based on knowledge of government communication policies and procedures; Contributes to the delivery of efficient work practices within the Office for Youth. Special Conditions: Some out of hours work may be required. Some intra/interstate travel involving overnight absences may be required. Must be prepared to be assigned to another position at this remuneration level or equivalent. Must be prepared to submit to a Police security check. A South Australian current driver's licence is essential. Required to enter into a performance agreement for the achievement of specified outcomes. Location: Adelaide CBD (Adelaide) Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Families and Communities (Office for Youth) Further Information:, Enquiries and Applications to: Mr F Ngui, Business Manager, Office for Youth, Level 1 East, Riverside Centre, North Terrace, Adelaide, 5000, telephone 8207 0603, email Amended Note: Please note that the previously attached Job and Person Specification has been removed from the online version of the Notice of Vacancies. Job and Person Specifications are available from Mr F Ngui, telephone 8207 0603, or email Please forward an original application plus two copies. Applicants should include the name, address and contact number of three current referees. Please note position duration has changed and is being advertised externally in this recircularised vacancy. Closing date for applications is now extended to 27/02/06. Closing Date: 27 Feb 2006 17 PSM ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 17/02/06 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES STREAM (Continued) ASO4 18 YOUTH PATHWAYS PROGRAM OFFICER (MURRAY MALLEE) (PART-TIME) (CONTRACT ($49584.00/51874.00) Vacancy No. APPOINTMENT UP TO 31/03/2007) C1124/2006 (Advt) Duties: The Youth Pathways (YP) Officer will be a member of a work unit established to provide assistance to young people aged between 13 and 19 to make a smooth transition through school, and from school to further education, training, employment and active participation in the community. The Program aims to assist young people who are most at risk of not making a successful transition to reach their full potential by keeping them engaged or re-engaging them in education or training. The Youth Pathways Officer will promote safety as a core business value of DFEEST and the South Australian public sector. Special Conditions: This is a contract position funded through a tender process with the Commonwealth Department of Education, Science and Training (DEST). Location will be negotiated within the Murray Mallee Region. This position is a part-time (0.8) contract appointment to 31 March 2007 involving travel throughout the region. A flexible approach to working hours and the taking of recreation leave is essential. Intra and Interstate travel may be required. A current driver’s license is necessary. Training in Mandated Notification will be required. DFEEST contract requires a Federal Police check to be undertaken. Location: (Not Specified) Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Further Educ, Employment, Science & Technology (Regional - Murray Mallee Region - Youth Pathways Program) Enquiries to: Heather Eglinton, TAFE SA, telephone 8648 9812, email Applications to: Ingrid White, Assistant HR Consultant, TAFE SA, 141 Nicolson Avenue, Whyalla Norrie, 5608, telephone 08 86488709, email Note: Job and Person Specifications are available from Ingrid White, telephone 86488709, or email All applicants must submit a formal application addressing the Essential Minimum Requirements of the Person Specification available at the above number from Ingrid White. Applications via email are preferred. Otherwise, applicants must submit an original plus two copies of their application. Closing Date: 03 Mar 2006 PSM ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 17/02/06 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES STREAM (Continued) ASO4 19 YOUTH PATHWAYS PROGRAM OFFICER (EYRE REGION) (PART-TIME) (CONTRACT ($49584.00/51874.00) Vacancy No. APPOINTMENT UP TO 31/03/2007) C1137/2006 (Advt) Duties: The Youth Pathways (YP) Officer will be a member of a work unit established to provide assistance to young people aged between 13 and 19 to make a smooth transition through school, and from school to further education, training, employment and active participation in the community. The Program aims to assist young people who are most at risk of not making a successful transition to reach their full potential by keeping them engaged or re-engaging them in education or training. The Youth Pathways Officer will promote safety as a core business value of DFEEST and the South Australian public sector. Special Conditions: This is a contract position funded through a tender process with the Commonwealth Department of Education, Science and Training (DEST). Location will be negotiated within the Eyre Region. This position is a part-time (0.6) contract appointment to 31 March 2007 involving travel throughout the region. A flexible approach to working hours and the taking of recreation leave is essential. Intra and Interstate travel may be required. A current driver’s license is necessary. Training in Mandated Notification will be required. DFEEST contract requires a Federal Police check to be undertaken. Location: (Not Specified) Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Further Educ, Employment, Science & Technology (Regional - Whyalla - Youth Pathways Program) Enquiries and Applications to: Ingrid White, Assistant HR Consultant, TAFE SA, 141 Nicolson Avenue, Whyalla Norrie, 5608, telephone 8648 8709, email Note: Job and Person Specifications are available from Ingrid White, telephone 8648 8709, or email All applicants must submit a formal application addressing the Essential Minimum Requirements of the Person Specification available at the above number from Ingrid White. Applications via email are preferred. Otherwise, applicants must submit an original plus two copies of their application. Closing Date: 03 Mar 2006 PSM ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 17/02/06 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES STREAM (Continued) ASO4 20 YOUTH PATHWAYS PROGRAM OFFICER (RIVERLAND REGION) (PART-TIME) (CONTRACT ($49584.00/51874.00) Vacancy No. APPOINTMENT UP TO 31/03/2007) C1139/2006 (Advt) Duties: The Youth Pathways (YP) Officer will be a member of a work unit established to provide assistance to young people aged between 13 and 19 to make a smooth transition through school, and from school to further education, training, employment and active participation in the community. The Program aims to assist young people who are most at risk of not making a successful transition to reach their full potential by keeping them engaged or re-engaging them in education or training. The Youth Pathways Officer will promote safety as a core business value of DFEEST and the South Australian public sector. Special Conditions: This is a contract position funded through a tender process with the Commonwealth Department of Education, Science and Training (DEST). Location will be negotiated within the Riverland Region. This position is a part-time (0.8 FTE) contract appointment to 31 March 2007 involving travel throughout the region. A flexible approach to working hours and the taking of recreation leave is essential. Intra and Interstate travel may be required. A current driver’s license is necessary. Training in Mandated Notification will be required. DFEEST contract requires a Federal Police check to be undertaken. Location: (Not Specified) Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Further Educ, Employment, Science & Technology (Regional - Whyalla - Youth Pathways Program) Enquiries and Applications to: Ingrid White, Assistant HR Consultant, TAFE SA, 141 Nicolson Avenue, Whyalla Norrie, 5608, telephone 8648 8709, email Note: Job and Person Specifications are available from Ingrid White, telephone 8648 8709, or email All applicants must submit a formal application addressing the Essential Minimum Requirements of the Person Specification available at the above number from Ingrid White. Applications via email are preferred. Otherwise, applicants must submit an original plus two copies of their application. Closing Date: 03 Mar 2006 PSM ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 17/02/06 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES STREAM (Continued) ASO4 21 YOUTH PATHWAYS PROGRAM OFFICER (WHYALLA) (PART-TIME) (CONTRACT ($49584.00/51874.00) Vacancy No. APPOINTMENT UP TO 31/03/2007) C1125/2006 (Advt) Duties: The Youth Pathways (YP) Officer will be a member of a work unit established to provide assistance to young people aged between 13 and 19 to make a smooth transition through school, and from school to further education, training, employment and active participation in the community. The Program aims to assist young people who are most at risk of not making a successful transition to reach their full potential by keeping them engaged or re-engaging them in education or training. The Youth Pathways Officer will promote safety as a core business value of DFEEST and the South Australian public sector. Special Conditions: This is a contract position funded through a tender process with the Commonwealth Department of Education, Science and Training (DEST). This position is based at Whyalla Campus. This position is a part-time (0.6) appointment to 31 March 2007 involving travel throughout the region. A flexible approach to working hours and the taking of recreation leave is essential. Intra and Interstate travel may be required. A current driver’s license is necessary. Training in Mandated Notification will be required. DFEEST contract requires a Federal Police check to be undertaken. Location: (Not Specified) Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Further Educ, Employment, Science & Technology (Regional - Whyalla - Youth Pathways Program) Enquiries to: Heather Eglinton, TAFE SA, telephone 86 489812, email Applications to: Ingrid White, Assistant HR Consultant, TAFE SA, 141 Nicolson Avenue, Whyalla Norrie, 5608, telephone 86 488709, email Note: Job and Person Specifications are available from Ingrid White, telephone 86488709, or email All applicants must submit a formal application addressing the Essential Minimum Requirements of the Person Specification available at the above number from Ingrid White. Applications via email are preferred. Otherwise, applicants must submit an original plus two copies of their application. Closing Date: 03 Mar 2006 PSM ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 17/02/06 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES STREAM (Continued) ASO4 ASSISTANT BUSINESS ANALYST (Advt) Vacancy No. 1055/2006 Duties: The Assistant Business Analyst will provide efficient and effective service in the areas of Business Analysis, Software Quality Assurance, Documentation and Training and Level Two Help Desk. This will assist in the effective and appropriate use of application systems developed by Applications Management. Special Conditions: Some inter and intra-state travel and out-of-hours work may be required. The incumbent will uphold the values of the Department of Health as reflected in the Strategic Plan. May be assigned elsewhere within the Department subject to relevant provisions of the PSM Act. The incumbent may be required to enter into an annual performance agreement for the achievement of (specific or service or program) outcomes. Location: Adelaide CBD Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Health (Health System Management - Information and Communication Technology Services - Applications Management) Enquiries to: Mr. J. O'Brien, Principal Consultant, Information & Communication Technology Services, telephone 8226 6414, email Applications to: Ms. K. Diamandi, Administrator, Business Services, Information and Communication Technology Services, P.O. Box 287, Rundle Mall, Adelaide, 5000, telephone 8226 7348, email Note: Please forward an original application plus two copies. Applicants should include the name, address and contact number of three current referees. E-mailed applications are unacceptable. Applicants are required to address the essential criteria of the Job and Person Specification in their application. Job and Person Specifications are available from Maria Savage, telephone 8226 7344, or email Closing Date: 03 Mar 2006 Downloads: J&P Specification:\ASO4 Assist Business Analyst.doc 22 ($49584.00/51874.00) PSM ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 17/02/06 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES STREAM (Continued) ASO4 ASSISTANT BUSINESS ANALYST - SYSTEMS REPLACEMENT PROJECT (TEMPORARY UP TO 30/08/2006) ($49584.00/51874.00) Vacancy No. (Advt) T1054/2006 Duties: The Assistant Business Analyst will provide efficient and effective service in the areas of Business Analysis, Software Quality Assurance, Documentation and Training and Level Two Help Desk. This will assist in the effective and appropriate use of application systems developed by Applications Management. Special Conditions: This position is temporary for an initial period of up to 30/08/2006 with the possibility of an extension. Some inter and intra-state travel and out-of-hours work may be required. The incumbent will uphold the values of the Department of Health as reflected in the Strategic Plan. May be assigned elsewhere within the Department subject to relevant provisions of the PSM Act. The incumbent may be required to enter into an annual performance agreement for the achievement of (specific or service or program) outcomes. Location: Adelaide CBD Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Health (Health System Management - Information and Communication Technology Services - Applications Management) Enquiries to: Mr. P. Michaels, Principal Consultant, Applications Management, Information & Communication Technology Services, telephone 8226 7261, email Applications to: Ms. K. Diamandi, Administrator, Business Services, Information and Communication Technology Services, PO Box 287, Rundle Mall, Adelaide, 5000, telephone 8226 7348, email Note: Please forward an original application plus two copies. Applicants should include the name, address and contact number of three current referees. E-mailed applications are unacceptable. Applicants are required to address the essential criteria of the Job and Person Specification in their application. Job and Person Specifications are available from Maria Savage, telephone 8226 7344, or email Closing Date: 03 Mar 2006 Downloads: J&P Specification:\ASO4 Assist Business Analyst Replc.doc ASO4 PROJECT OFFICER, SPECIAL PROJECTS & POLICY BRANCH (TEMPORARY UP TO 25/08/2006) ($49584.00/51874.00) Vacancy No. T1138/2006 Duties: The Project Officer is accountable to the Officer in Charge, Special Projects and Policy Branch, for the conduct of research projects, program evaluations and developmental work in areas of relevance to SA Police, which results in assisting Senior Management with decisions relating to operational policing, management and planning. Special Conditions: May be required to work out of hours and undertake some interstate and intra-state travel. Location: Adelaide CBD Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: Public Sector Employees Only Department: Police Enquiries to: C/Insp Steve Ryan, telephone 820 42989, email Applications to: Personnel Clerk, GPO Box 1539, ADELAIDE SA, 5001 Note: Please forward an original application plus two copies. Closing Date: 03 Mar 2006 Downloads: Job and Person Specification:\Project Officer - SPPB (ASO4).doc Job Application Guidelines:\JobApplicationGuidelines2.doc 23 PSM ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 17/02/06 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES STREAM (Continued) ASO4 TRAVELSMART PROJECT OFFICER (CONTRACT APPOINTMENT UP ($49584.00/51874.00) Vacancy No. TO 2 YEARS) (Advt) C1131/2006 Duties: The TravelSmart Project Officer is responsible to the Coordinator, TravelSmart and assists the TravelSmart Project Officer - Workplaces. The TravelSmart Project Officer is responsible for the administration and delivery of the Travel Demand Management Initiative Grant 2005-2007 by ensuring project goals and objectives are achieved within the required timeframe in partnership with the designated Local Councils and the Department for Transport, Energy and Infrastructure. Location: Adelaide Metro (Norwood) Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Transport, Energy and Infrastructure (Community and Education and Information Section) Enquiries to: Ms Polly Weckert, Project Officer, telephone 8226 8368 Applications to: Ms Tania Doudle, Human Resource Officer, Safety and Regulation Division, PO Box 1, Walkerville , 5081, telephone 8343 2075, email Note: Job and Person Specifications are available from Ms Tania Doudle, telephone 8343 2075, or email Applicants must also complete an Employment Declaration and forward with their application.Please forward an original application plus three copies. Applicants should include the name, address and contact number of three current referees. Safety is a core value of the South Australian Public Sector. The SA Government is an Equal Opportunity Employer. Closing Date: 03 Mar 2006 Downloads: Job and Person Specification:\TravelSmart Project Officer (ASO4).doc Guide to Applicants:\Guide_to_applying_for_positions.doc Employment Declaration:\Employment_Declaration.doc AMENDMENT ASO4 SENIOR RECORDS MANAGEMENT OFFICER (Advt) ($49584.00/51874.00) Vacancy No. 756/2006 Department: Transport, Energy and Infrastructure (Corporate Services Division) Applicants and intending applicants are advised that the position advertised in the Notice of Vacancies dated 03 Feb 2006 has been withdrawn from call 24 PSM ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 17/02/06 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES STREAM (Continued) ASO4 BUSINESS ANALYST, SYSTEMS ACCOUNTING ($49584.00/51874.00) Vacancy No. 977/2006 Duties: The Business Analyst – Systems Accounting works with accounting and technical staff in the South Australian Department of Treasury and Finance to maintain and develop financial systems and support the users who provide the Department of Treasury and Finance with whole of government financial control and analysis. Essential Minimum Qualifications: An appropriate degree in Accounting, Finance, or Business Special Conditions: Some out of hours work may be required. May be assigned to a similar position at this classification. Required to participate in the departmental performance management process. This position may be offered on either a full-time or part-time basis. Salary will be adjusted accordingly. Location: Adelaide CBD (Adelaide) Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: Public Sector Employees Only Department: Treasury and Finance (Government Accounting & Reporting Branch Accounting & Information Management - Systems Accounting & Reporting) Enquiries to: Mr John Hausler, Government Accounting & Reporting Branch, telephone 8226 0493, email Applications to: Ms S Ioannidis, Branch Support Officer, Government Accounting & Reporting Branch, GPO Box 1045, ADELAIDE, 5001, telephone 8226 9592, email Note: Please forward an original application plus two copies. Applications should be marked 'Confidential'. Closing Date: 03 Mar 2006 Downloads: Job & Person Specification :\Business_ Analyst_SA.doc 25 PSM ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 17/02/06 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES STREAM (Continued) ASO5 ACCOUNT MANAGER ASSET, POLICY AND REPORTING ($55298.00/61944.00) Vacancy No. 850/2006 Duties: To control and coordinate a range of accounting reporting functions, which contribute to meeting departmental objectives. To contribute to the planning, development and implementation of new techniques and methodologies, which support asset accounting and liquidity management policy development/implementation. To provide advice on a range of asset accounting and liquidity management functions, which support accounting reporting and policy development objectives including Treasury's Cash Alignment Policy, Treasurer's Instructions and Australian Accounting Standards. To develop and implement asset accounting and cash alignment policies and procedures, and monthly and year-end asset accounting functions and processes. To contribute to the implementation of asset, liquidity and financial accounting projects within broadly defined guidelines. To take responsibility for the delivery and maintenance of efficient work practices within DAIS Corporate Finance group. To identify, evaluate and assist in the implementation and monitoring of appropriate performance indicators at a Departmental level. To ensure the Treasury, Departmental Executive and Auditor General's reporting requirements of the Department are met. Essential Minimum Qualifications: An appropriate degree in Accounting and Finance or equivalent. Location: Adelaide CBD Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: Public Sector Employees Only Department: Administrative and Information Services (State Procurement and Business Development - Corporate Services) Further Information: Enquiries to: Mr Stan Giannopoulos, Manager, Corporate Finance & Taxation, Corporate Finance, telephone 8226 5013, email Applications to: Ms Marlene Molnar, Personal Assistant, Corporate Finance, GPO Box 1072, Adelaide , 5001, telephone 8226 5301, email Note: Job and Person Specifications are available from Ms Marlene Molnar, telephone 8226 5301, or email Please forward an original application plus three copies. Applicants should include the name, address and contact number of three current referees. Applications should be marked 'Confidential'. Closing Date: 03 Mar 2006 Downloads: Account Manager Asset, Policy and Reporting:\PD AS05 Asset Policy & Reporting.doc 26 PSM ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 17/02/06 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES STREAM (Continued) ASO5 ICT SYSTEMS INTEGRATION OFFICER (Advt) ($55298.00/61944.00) Vacancy No. 811/2006 Duties: To provide technical support for the host infrastructures, including analysis, design, implementation, configuration , testing, documentation and release for production. To support the hosting of Unix (Solaris) and Oracle based applications. To provide technical support for middleware solutions in a development and maintenance environment. To formulate technical recommendations regarding the configuration and implementation of Unix / middleware solutions. To provide documentation of the system configuration. To provide troubleshooting to resolve technical issues related to the application environment Special Conditions: Some out of hours work may be required. Must be prepared to be assigned to another position at this remuneration level or equivalent. Location: Adelaide CBD Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Administrative and Information Services (Support Services - ICT Support) Further Information: Enquiries to: Bob Schnell, ICT Support, telephone (08) 8226 7969, email Applications to: Harry van der Hoek, Administration Manager, ICT Support, GPO Box 1072 , ADELAIDE SA, 5001, telephone (08) 8226 5087, email Note: Job and Person Specifications are available from Harry van der Hoek, Administration Manager, telephone (08) 82256 5087, or email Applicants must submit a formal application addressing the Essential Minimum Requirements of the Person Specification. Please forward an original application plus three copies. Applicants should also include the name, address and contact number of three current referees. Applications should be marked 'Confidential'. Closing Date: 03 Mar 2006 Downloads: Position Description:\811ICTSystIntegOfficer.doc 27 PSM ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 17/02/06 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES STREAM (Continued) ASO5 HEALTH PROMOTION OFFICER ($55298.00/61944.00) Vacancy No. 1128/2006 Duties: The Health Promotion Officer is responsible for the provision of a range of educative services to prisoners and offenders of the Department for Correctional Services. The areas of focus are the development, delivery and evaluation of the Prisoner Peer Support Education Program and the training and development of prisoners, offenders and departmental staff in the health management of communicable diseases Special Conditions: Some out of hours work may be required. A current South Australian Drivers Licence is essential. Placement in the first instance will be Adelaide. The individual will be expected to work across a number of sites. Some intra and interstate travel may be required which may necessitate overnight stays. The organisation is a smoke free working environment. Location: Adelaide CBD Award: SA Government Services Award Eligibility: Public Sector Employees Only Department: Correctional Services (Custodial Services) Further Information: Enquiries to: Ms Jane Farrin, Manager, Custodial Programs, Dept for Correctional Services, telephone 08 8226 9076, email Applications to: Ms Michelle Bartlett, PA to Director Custodial Services, Dept for Correctional Services, GPO Box 1747, Adelaide SA, 5001, telephone 08 8226 9780, email Note: Job and Person Specifications are available from Ms Michelle Bartlett, telephone 08 8226 9780, or email Please forward an original application plus two copies. Tertiary qualifications in behavioural/social sciences, education, public health or related fields are desirable. Closing Date: 03 Mar 2006 Downloads: Application Package:\Applicant package-info-jul02.doc Job Description:\Health Promotion Officer.doc Code of Conduct:\Code of Conduct.doc 28 PSM ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 17/02/06 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES STREAM (Continued) ASO5 PROJECT OFFICER, PRISONER HEALTH & WELFARE ($55298.00/61944.00) Vacancy No. 1129/2006 Duties: The Project Officer, Prisoner Health and Welfare is responsible for undertaking a diverse range of projects and assists in the development, monitoring, evaluation and auditing of policies, procedures and new initiatives relating generally to health in prisons. The Project Officer, Prisoner Health and Welfare is responsible for undertaking a range of projects, research and provision of advice, to senior management. Special Conditions: Some out of hours work may be required. A current South Australian Drivers Licence is essential. Placement in the first instance will be Adelaide. The individual will be expected to work across a number of sites. Some intra and interstate travel may be required which may necessitate overnight stays. The organisation is a smoke free working environment Location: Adelaide CBD Award: SA Government Services Award Eligibility: Public Sector Employees Only Department: Correctional Services (Custodial Services) Further Information: Enquiries to: Ms Jane Farrin, Manager, Custodial Programs, Dept for Correctional Services, telephone 08 8226 9076, email Applications to: Ms Michelle Bartlett, PA to Director Custodial Services, Dept for Correctional Services, GPO Box 1747, Adelaide SA, 5001, telephone 08 8226 9780, email Note: Job and Person Specifications are available from Ms M Bartlett, telephone 08 822 69780, or email Please forward an original application plus two copies. Tertiary qualifications in behavioural/social sciences, education, public health or related fields are desirable. Closing Date: 03 Mar 2006 Downloads: Application Package:\Applicant package-info-jul02.doc Code of Conduct:\Code of Conduct.doc Job Description:\Proj Off Prisner Helth&Welf.doc 29 PSM ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 17/02/06 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES STREAM (Continued) ASO5 ANALYST PROGRAMMER, MICROSOFT (Advt) ($55298.00/61944.00) Vacancy No. 1167/2006 Duties: The Analyst Programmer, Application Services: Controls/coordinates/undertakes a range of Technology and Knowledge Management Services functions relating to the support and acquisition of ICT application systems, which contribute to meeting directorate objectives; Contributes to the development/adoption of new techniques and methodologies that support policy development and implementation, in relation to the support and acquisition of ICT application systems; Provides advice on a range of Technology and Knowledge Management Services functions that support policy development and directorate objectives, in relation to the support and acquisition of ICT application systems; Implements/undertakes projects within Technology and Knowledge Management Services to meet defined outcomes; Takes responsibility for the delivery and maintenance of efficient work practices within the Application Services unit. Special Conditions: Some out of hours work as required. Some intrastate travel as required. Location: Adelaide CBD Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Education and Children's Services (Technology and Knowledge Management Services) Enquiries and Applications to: Mr D Wallace, Team Leader, Application Services, DECS, Level 17, 31 Flinders Street, Adelaide, 5000, telephone 8226 3493, email Note: Job and Person Specifications are available from Mr D Wallace, telephone 8226 3493, or email Closing Date: 03 Mar 2006 Downloads: Word Doc:\ASO5 Analyst Programmer2.doc 30 PSM ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 17/02/06 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES STREAM (Continued) ASO5 EXECUTIVE OFFICER, OFFICE OF THE CHIEF EXECUTIVE ($55298.00/61944.00) Vacancy No. 1163/2006 Duties: The Executive Officer, Office of the Chief Executive provides support to the Chief Executive in day to day activities especially relating to the Executive and the Minister's Office. The Executive Officer supervises the Executive Assistant who provides the normal personal and secretarial support to the Chief Executive. Special Conditions: Based in Adelaide CBD. Some work outside of normal hours will be required. Location: Adelaide CBD Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: Public Sector Employees Only Department: Environment and Heritage Further Information: Enquiries to: Ms Clare Kiesewetter, telephone 08 8204 1736, email Applications to: Recruitment Selection Team, Human Resource Service, Department for Environment and Heritage, GPO Box 1047, Adelaide, 5001, telephone 08 8204 1898, email Note: Please submit your Curriculum Vitae along with a 1-2 page letter, (quoting Reference Number 1163/2006 in the subject heading) outlining your key knowledge, experience and abilities relevant to the position. Job and Person Specifications are available from the Recruitment and Selection Team, email or by telephone on 8204 1898. Applicants are NOT required to address the essential minimum requirements listed in the Person Specifications. Please forward four (4) copies of your application including the names and contact details of three current referees. NO FOLDERS PLEASE. Closing Date: 03 Mar 2006 Downloads: Job and Person Specification:\1163ASO5 ExecOffCE.doc 31 PSM ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 17/02/06 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES STREAM (Continued) ASO5 MANAGEMENT ACCOUNTANT ($55298.00/61944.00) Vacancy No. 1103/2006 Duties: The Management Accountant reports to the Manager Management Accounting. The incumbent of this position is responsible for ensuring that a high quality management accounting service is delivered to the Department by: supervising a small team of Finance Officers in the provision of high quality financial reporting, analysis and budgetary advisory services, providing advice and assistance to Directors, Managers, DEH staff and client agencies, preparation of management reports and providing analysis and forecasting, allocation of Directorate Budgets to operational and administrative units. Essential Minimum Qualifications: Degree in Accountancy or similar. Location: Adelaide CBD Eligibility: Public Sector Employees Only Department: Environment and Heritage Further Information: Enquiries to: Mr Rodney Hobbs, telephone (08) 8204 1205, email Applications to: Recruitment Selection Team, Human Resource Services, Department Environment Heritage, GPO Box 1047, Adelaide, 5001, telephone (08) 8204 1898, email Note: Applicants must address the Selection Criteria listed in the Person Specification. Job and Person Specifications are available from the Recruitment Selection Team by email at or by telephone on (08) 8204 1898. Please forward 4 copies. Applicants should include the name, address and contact number of three current referees. Please quote vacancy number 1103/2006 when applying. Closing Date: 03 Mar 2006 Downloads: Applicant Guidelines:\Applicants Guidelines DEH .doc Job and Person Specification:\ASO5 job_person_spec.doc 32 PSM ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 17/02/06 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES STREAM (Continued) ASO5 BUSINESS MANAGER ($55298.00/61944.00) Vacancy No. 982/2006 Duties: The Business Manager is accountable to the Director, Child Protection for the effective management of the administrative, financial, human resource, physical resource, Information Technology and OHS&W services provided by the unit and contributes to the development, review and implementation of management planning outcomes which results in the achievement of integrated, relevant and timely services and systems to support the business needs of the unit. The Business Manager is a member of the Child Protection Team. Special Conditions: Some out of hours work may be required. Must be prepared to submit to a Police security check. A South Australian current driver's licence is essential. Some intra/interstate travel involving overnight absences may be required. Location: Adelaide CBD Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: Public Sector Employees Only Department: Families and Communities (Children, Youth and Family Services - Child Protection Directorate) Enquiries and Applications to: Jo Battersby, Director, Child Protection Directorate/CYFS, Level 2 CitiCentre Building, 11 Hindmarsh Square, Adelaide, 5000, telephone 8463 6190, email Note: Job and Person Specifications are available from Christina Kinghorn, telephone 84636182 or email Please forward an original application plus three copies. Applicants should include the name, address and contact number of three current referees. Safety is a core value of the South Australian Public Sector. Closing Date: 03 Mar 2006 Downloads: Guidelines:\Job Guidelines.pdf 33 PSM ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 17/02/06 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES STREAM (Continued) ASO5 34 PROJECT OFFICER (CONTRACT APPOINTMENT FOR ($55298.00/61944.00) Vacancy No. 12 MONTHS) (Advt) C1082/2006 Duties: The Project Officer contributes to a coordinated approach to the ongoing development of best practice health services for Aboriginal people. The position identifies and promotes innovative best practice service delivery models and assists the regions in identifying gaps in service provision in line with the Health Performance Framework and the South Australian Aboriginal Health Partnership priorities. The position raises awareness of the issues and identifies strategic resolutions and provides expert assistance to the Regions to implement their responsibilities under the Health Service Agreements. The Project Officer promotes communication and understanding of specific Health services related issues for Aboriginal people to Government, the public sector and the general community. Special Conditions: This is a 12 month contract position. The incumbent will participate in special projects as required. Some intra state travel will be required. Some interstate travel and out of hours work may be required. A current driver’s licence is essential. The incumbent will uphold the values of the Department of Health, as reflected in the Strategic Plan. The incumbent may be assigned to another position at the equivalent remuneration level elsewhere within the Department subject to relevant provisions of the PSM Act. The incumbent may be required to enter into an annual performance agreement for the achievement of (specific or service or program) outcomes. Location: Adelaide CBD Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Health (Aboriginal Health Division - Health System Performance Improvement ) Enquiries and Applications to: Ms Karen Glover, Manager Program and Services Team, Aboriginal Health Division, Level 9 Citi Centre, 11 Hindmarsh Square , Adelaide, 5000, telephone 8226 7210, email Note: Job and Person Specifications are available from Karen Glover, telephone 8226 7210, or email Please forward an original application plus three copies. Applications should be marked 'Confidential'. Closing Date: 03 Mar 2006 PSM ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 17/02/06 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES STREAM (Continued) ASO5 PROCEEDS OF CRIME ANALYST ($55298.00/61944.00) Vacancy No. 1144/2006 Duties: The Proceeds of Crime Analyst is accountable to the officer in charge, Confiscation Section and, under limited direction is responsible for identifying, collecting, analysing and interpreting financial and criminal intelligence to support investigations undertaken by the section. Those investigations relate particularly to tainted property and other assets associated with organised or high level criminal enterprises. The position is also responsible for conducting research into, and reporting on, existing and emerging trends in the area of money laundering, asset protection, and other financial or commercial practices of organised criminals. Essential Minimum Qualifications: Tertiary qualifications in an accounting, economics, business, finance or similar discipline. Special Conditions: Security Clearance will be required to meet SAPOL standards and the standards of any associated intelligence or investigation agency. Some out of hours work and intrastate travel may be required. A current driver’s licence is essential. Must be prepared to enter into an annual performance agreement with their supervisor. Must be prepared to be located in any Section, Branch and/or group at this remuneration level or equivalent within the Crime Service. May be required to sign a declaration of secrecy. May be required, as part of the selection process, to: Provide a written report of any associations or relationships that creates or is likely to create a conflict of interest with his or her position; Provide a written report of any association or relationship with a person with criminal history or reputation. At all times whilst occupying the position, the incumbent must promptly report to the Officer in Charge any further conflicts of interest, associations or relationships as previously described. Location: Adelaide CBD Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: Public Sector Employees Only Department: Police Enquiries to: Brevet Sgt Wolfgang Koenig, telephone 846 37666, email Applications to: Personnel Clerk, GPO Box 1539, ADELAIDE SA, 5001 Note: Please forward an original application plus three copies. Closing Date: 03 Mar 2006 Downloads: Job Application Guidelines:\JobApplicationGuidelines2.doc Job and Person Specification:\1144POC Analyst ASO5.doc 35 PSM ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 17/02/06 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES STREAM (Continued) ASO5 36 SENIOR ANALYST PROGRAMMER (TEMPORARY UP TO 12 MONTHS) ($55298.00/61944.00) Vacancy No. (Advt) T1044/2006 Duties: The Senior Analyst/Programmer is accountable to the Team Leader for:· providing expert technical services to support a variety of Oracle client/server business applications to the Agency’s Business Units using strictly controlled change management procedures· undertaking complex programming tasks and/or technical investigations · providing expert technical advice on efficient information related business solutions based on a sound working experience, which contribute to the achievement of the Section and Agency corporate and business objectives. Special Conditions: Some work outside normal hours and inter/intrastate travel involving overnight absences may be required. A current Driver’s Licence is essential. Please note, this is a temporary position for up to 12 months with the possibility of an extension. Location: Adelaide Metro Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Transport, Energy and Infrastructure (Corporate Services Division) Enquiries and Applications to: Mr Kevin Cusack, Project Leader, Mid Range Systems, Corporate Information Section, 33-37 Warwick St (PO Box 1), Walkerville, 5081, telephone 8.343 2540, email Note: Job and Person Specifications are available for download from (click on the "Search" section of the website), email or telephone 08 8343 2600. Please forward an original application plus three copies. Applications should be marked 'Confidential'. Closing Date: 03 Mar 2006 Downloads: ASO5 Snr Analyst Prog:\ASO5 Snr Analyst Programmer.doc Guide to Apply:\Guide to Applying for Positions.DOC Emplyment Dec:\Employment_Declaration.doc PSM ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 17/02/06 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES STREAM (Continued) ASO5 37 SENIOR PROCUREMENT OFFICER (TEMPORARY UP TO 7 MONTHS) ($55298.00/61944.00) Vacancy No. (MORE THAN ONE POSITION) T1141/2006 (Advt) Duties: The Senior Procurement Officer is accountable to the Procurement Services Manager for: ensuring the delivery of efficient procurement of goods, services and works in the Department within the context of whole of government and Department contracting and procurement policies and frameworks; ensuring efficient and effective management of Department wide contracts including negotiating with suppliers; providing specialist procurement advice, information, negotiations and acquisition planning consultancy services. Special Conditions: Applicants must have experience in procurement or some other relevant experience in a related discipline such as commerce, business, law or finance.Some work outside normal hours and some intrastate travel involving overnight absences may be required. Location: Adelaide Metro Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Transport, Energy and Infrastructure (Corporate Services Division) Enquiries to: Mr Phil Thomas, Contracting & Procurement, telephone 8343 2759, email Applications to: HR Customer Liaison Group, 33-37 Warwick St (PO Box 1), Walkerville, 5081, email Note: Job and Person Specifications are available for download from (click on the "Search" section of the website), email or telephone 08 8343 2600. Please forward an original application plus three copies. Applications should be marked 'Confidential'. The SA Government is an Equal Opportunity Employer. Safety is a core value of the South Australian Public Sector. Closing Date: 03 Mar 2006 Downloads: ASO5 Snr Proc Officer:\ASO5 Snr Procurement Officer.DOC Guide to Apply:\Guide to Applying for Positions.DOC Employment Dec:\Employment_Declaration.doc PSM ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 17/02/06 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES STREAM (Continued) ASO6 SENIOR ANALYST/PROGRAMMER (TEMPORARY UP TO 12 MONTHS) ($64060.00/67989.00) Vacancy No. (Advt) T1115/2006 Duties: The Senior Analyst-Programmer is responsible to the Manager IT for the development and implementation of corporate projects and systems; the preparation of business cases, feasibility studies and project plans; managing the development, implementation and support/maintenance of all corporate information systems used by the unit; and developing, implementing and supporting in-house financial models, reports and queries, decision based tools and reporting tools. Essential Minimum Qualifications: Tertiary qualifications in Computer Science. Special Conditions: Some out of hours work and intra-state travel required. The incumbent may be required to rotate duties with other staff within the Branch. The incumbent may be reassigned to another position at the same substantive level within the Branch. Location: Adelaide CBD Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Attorney-General's - Public Trustee Enquiries to: Mr Nick Hadjinicalaou, Public Trustee, telephone 8226 9321 Applications to: Ms D Spencer, HR Consultant, Public Trustee, GPO Box 1338, Adelaide, 5001, telephone 8226 9261, email Note: Please forward an original application plus two copies. Job and Person Specification available at: Closing Date: 03 Mar 2006 Downloads: Job and Person Specification:\SenAnal-Pro)2006.doc Application Guidelines:\Application Guidelines.doc ASO6 MANAGER FREEDOM OF INFORMATION & STAKEHOLDER SUPPORT (Advt) ($64060.00/67989.00) Vacancy No. 1030/2006 Duties: Reporting to the Manager Policy & Stakeholder Services, the Manager, Freedom of Information & Stakeholder Support is responsible for ensuring the department complies with its legislative responsibilities pursuant to the Freedom of Information Act; leadership and management of staff; provision of legislative and associated policy advice; review and maintenance of operational delegations; and the oversight of key departmental strategic relationships. Special Conditions: Some out of hours work as well as inter and intra state travel will be required. Location: Adelaide CBD Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Correctional Services (Policy & Stakeholder Services - Strategic Services) Further Information: Enquiries and Applications to: Mark Mackie, Manager Policy & Stakeholder Services, Strategic Services, GPO Box 1747, ADELAIDE, 5001, telephone 8226 9071, email Note: Please forward an original application plus three copies. Closing Date: 03 Mar 2006 Downloads: Job & Person Specification:\Manager Freedom Inf &Stakhlder.doc Applicant Package:\ApplicantPackage.doc 38 PSM ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 17/02/06 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES STREAM (Continued) ASO6 39 MANAGER E-LEARNING (TEMPORARY UP TO 12 MONTHS) ($64060.00/67989.00) Vacancy No. (Advt-Recirc) T584/2006 Duties: The Manager e-learning: Leads, implements, delivers, monitors and evaluates the infrastructure and programs in relation to the provision of information communication technology and audio visual functions at the ASMS; Develops relationships with Flinders University management and contributes to the development of policy, implementation of operational issues and integration with the university’s ICT environment; Provides support to the on-going development of on-line resources which are part of the ASMS’ state wide professional development and curriculum enhancement programs; Provides support and services to the ongoing training and development of ASMS staff including delivery of training modules; Assists in the development of business relationships, agreements and joint ventures with industry; Contributes to the development of the ASMS as a member of the leadership team and by working closely, in particular with the business manager, manager of professional development, manager of curriculum and by working with the whole staff. Responsible for the delivery and maintenance of efficient work practices within the workgroup/unit. Special Conditions: Some inter/intrastate travel may be required. Some out of hours work will be required. Location is at Flinders University. This position is temporary for up to 12 months (02/02/07). Location: Adelaide Metro Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Education and Children's Services (Office of Learning & Service Delivery Australian Science & Mathematics School) Enquiries and Applications to: Jim Davies, ASMS C/O Flinders University, Sturt Road, Bedford Park, 5042, telephone 8201 5691, email Note: Job and Person Specifications are available from Nancy Koubis, telephone 8201 5692 or email Please forward an original application plus two copies. Applications should be marked 'Confidential'. Safety is a core value of the South Australian Public Sector. Closing Date: 03 Mar 2006 Downloads: Job & Person Specification:\ASO6 Manager e-learning.doc PSM ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 17/02/06 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES STREAM (Continued) ASO6 PROGRAM LEADER, TRAILS MANAGEMENT (Advt) ($64060.00/67989.00) Vacancy No. 1111/2006 Duties: The Program Leader, Trail Management is accountable to the Manager, Visitor Management for the strategic and operational planning, development and promotion of trails within the departmentally managed lands, including the Heysen Trail. The position is currently based at Keswick, however may be relocated to another metropolitan or near metropolitan location. The position necessitates that some work will be performed out of hours. Frequent travel within, and occasional interstate travel will be required. Special Conditions: The position is currently based at Keswick, however may be relocated to another metropolitan or near metropolitan location. The position necessitates that some work will be performed out of hours. Frequent travel within, and occasional interstate travel will be required. Location: Adelaide Metro (Keswick) Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Environment and Heritage Further Information: Enquiries to: Claire Savage, telephone (08) 8124 4791, email Applications to: Recruitment Selection Team, Human Resources, Department Environment Heritage, GPO Box 1047, Adelaide, 5001, telephone (08) 8204 1898, email Note: Applicants must address the Selection Criteria listed in the Person Specification. Job and Person Specifications are available from the Recruitment Selection Team by email at or by telephone on (08) 8204 1898. Please forward 4 copies. Applicants should include the name, address and contact number of three current referees. Please quote vacancy number 1111/2006 when applying. Closing Date: 03 Mar 2006 Downloads: Applicant Guidelines:\Applicants Guidelines DEH .doc Declaration Form:\Declaration Form.pdf Job and Person Specification:\aso6_program_leader_trails_jp.doc 40 PSM ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 17/02/06 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES STREAM (Continued) ASO6 SENIOR POLICY OFFICER - WHOLE OF GOVERNMENT (Advt) ($64060.00/67989.00) Vacancy No. 978/2006 Duties: The Senior Policy Officer is accountable to the Manager Whole of Government Strategies for assisting in the development of policy and projects that facilitate a whole of Government approach to the care and protection of children. This includes reporting on the progress of priority initiatives, assisting with the development of care and protection of children reform priorities; assisting with the coordination of data collection and research; assisting with the development of policy directions; and promoting the rights of children to protection from harm and safe, secure and stable living arrangements. Special Conditions: Some out of hours work may be required. A current driver's licence and willingness to drive is essential. Must be prepared to undergo Prior Offender History Check by the South Australia Police Department. Location: Adelaide CBD Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Families and Communities (Children, Youth and Family Services - Child Protection Directorate) Enquiries and Applications to: Jo Battersby, Director, Child Protection Directorate/CYFS, Level 1 CitiCentre Building, 11 Hindmarsh Square, Adelaide, 5000, telephone 8463 6193, email Note: Job and Person Specifications are available from Christina Kinghorn, telephone 84636182, or email Please forward an original application plus three copies. Applicants should include the name, address and contact number of three current referees. Safety is a core value of the South Australian Public Sector. Closing Date: 03 Mar 2006 Downloads: Guidelines:\Job Guidelines.pdf 41 PSM ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 17/02/06 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES STREAM (Continued) ASO6 MANAGER WOMEN'S INFORMATION SERVICE (Advt) ($64060.00/67989.00) Vacancy No. 1061/2006 Duties: The Manager, Women’s Information Service (WIS) is responsible for: The effective and efficient management of the Women’s Information Service as a centre of excellence that is relevant and appropriate to the needs of women in South Australia; The development and implementation of a diverse range of strategies to ensure women know about and have access to information in a changing environment; The development and implementation of information systems to provide accessible, high quality information to a wide variety of users as well as for statistical analysis for future policy and strategy development; The financial management of the Service. Special Conditions: Some out of hours work and attendance on evening and weekends will be required. Intrastate and interstate travel involving overnight absences will be required. Current driver's license is essential. Location: Adelaide CBD Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Families and Communities (Office for Women - Women's Information Service) Further Information:, Enquiries to: Sandy Pitcher, Director, Office for Women, telephone 8303 0961, email Applications to: Jill Young, Business Manager, Office for Women, PO Box 8020, Station Arcade, Adelaide, 5000, telephone 8303 0966, email Note: Please forward an original application plus three copies. Applicants should include the name, address and contact number of three current referees. Safety is a core value of the South Australian Public Sector. Applications should be marked 'Confidential'. People of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander descent are strongly encouraged to apply. Job and Person Specifications are available from Jill Young, telephone 8303 0966, or email Closing Date: 03 Mar 2006 Downloads: Manager WIS:\Manager WIS 060205.doc Guidelines:\Job Guidelines.pdf 42 PSM ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 17/02/06 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES STREAM (Continued) ASO6 SENIOR SPATIAL PLANNER (TEMPORARY UP TO 30/06/2006) Vacancy No. T10237/2005 Duties: The Senior Spatial Planner is accountable to the Team Leader for contributing to spatial planning, strategic analysis and advice to determine asset planning and management priorities and directions for the Housing Trust by undertaking complex projects for asset planning, and development of land harvesting, housing development, urban renewal and house and land sales programs. Special Conditions: Must be prepared to undergo Prior Offender History Check by the South Australia Police Department. Location: Adelaide CBD (Adelaide) Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: Public Sector Employees Only Department: Families and Communities (South Australian Housing Trust - Real Estate Services) Further Information: Enquiries and Applications to: Sandy Kinnear, Team Leader, Real Estate Services, PO Box 1669, Adelaide, 5001, telephone 82070734, email Note: Job and Person Specifications are available from Thy Nguyen, telephone 82070177, or email Please forward an original application plus three copies. Safety is a core value of the South Australian Public Sector. Closing Date: 03 Mar 2006 Downloads: Guidelines:\Job Guidelines.pdf ASO6 43 ($64060.00/67989.00) SENIOR POLICY AND MONITORING OFFICER (MORE THAN ONE POSITION) ($64060.00/67989.00) Vacancy No. (Advt) 1078/2006 Duties: The Senior Policy and Monitoring Officer is responsible to the Director, Strategic Policy & Monitoring, Aboriginal Health Division for promoting equitable, effective and efficient Health services for Aboriginal people based on identified needs through the conduct, management and coordination of complex projects and related planning activities and studies. The position provides timely policy advice and consultancy services, particularly as it relates to the health and wellbeing of Aboriginal People. The Officer will also undertake evaluations of services, programs and administrative arrangements associated with Health services for Aboriginal people. Special Conditions: Two ongoing positions available. Some inter and intra-state travel and out-of-hours work may be required. A current drivers licence is essential. Travel on unsealed roads will be required. Travel on light aircraft will be required on a regular basis. The incumbent may be required to enter into an annual performance agreement for the achievement of specific outcomes. The incumbent must be prepared to be assigned to another position at this remuneration level or its equivalent. The incumbent will uphold the values of the Department of Health, as reflected in the Strategic Plan. Location: Adelaide CBD Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Health (Aboriginal Health Division - Strategic Policy and Monitoring) Enquiries and Applications to: Ms Sonia Waters, Manager Workforce Support & Development, Aboriginal Health Division, Level 9 Citi Centre, 11 Hindmarsh Square , Adelaide, 5000, telephone 8226 6237, email Note: Job and Person Specifications are available from Sonia Waters, telephone 8226 6237, or email Please forward an original application plus three copies. Applications should be marked 'Confidential'. Closing Date: 03 Mar 2006 PSM ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 17/02/06 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES STREAM (Continued) ASO6 SENIOR POLICY AND MONITORING OFFICER (TEMPORARY FOR 6 MONTHS) ($64060.00/67989.00) Vacancy No. (Advt) T1080/2006 Duties: The Senior Policy and Monitoring Officer is responsible to the Director, Strategic Policy & Monitoring, Aboriginal Health Division for promoting equitable, effective and efficient Health services for Aboriginal people based on identified needs through the conduct, management and coordination of complex projects and related planning activities and studies. The position provides timely policy advice and consultancy services, particularly as it relates to the health and wellbeing of Aboriginal People. The Officer will also undertake evaluations of services, programs and administrative arrangements associated with Health services for Aboriginal people. Special Conditions: This position is temporary for 6 months. Some inter and intra-state travel and out-of-hours work may be required. A current drivers licence is essential. Travel on unsealed roads will be required. Travel on light aircraft will be required on a regular basis. The incumbent may be required to enter into an annual performance agreement for the achievement of specific outcomes. The incumbent must be prepared to be assigned to another position at this remuneration level or its equivalent. The incumbent will uphold the values of the Department of Health, as reflected in the Strategic Plan. Location: Adelaide CBD Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Health (Aboriginal Health Division - Strategic Policy and Monitoring) Enquiries and Applications to: Ms Sonia Waters, Manager Workforce Support & Development, Aboriginal Health Division, Level 9 Citi Centre, 11 Hindmarsh Square , Adelaide, 5000, telephone 8226 6237, email Note: Job and Person Specifications are available from Sonia Waters, telephone 8226 6237, or email Please forward an original application plus three copies. Applications should be marked 'Confidential'. Closing Date: 03 Mar 2006 ASO6 SENIOR PROJECT OFFICER – CONTRACTS (Advt) ($64060.00/67989.00) Vacancy No. 1086/2006 Duties: The Senior Project Officer – Contracts is responsible for contributing to the provision of equitable, effective and efficient contracted health and related services throughout the Health System Management Division portfolio. This will be achieved through the contribution to the development, maintenance and evaluation of Health System Management Division’s procurement and contracting processes, ensuring that they are consistent with the objectives and activities of the Health System Management Division. Special Conditions: The appointee may be subject to a Criminal History Check prior to confirmation of appointment. The incumbent will uphold the values of the Department of Health as reflected in the Strategic Plan. The incumbent may be assigned elsewhere within the Department subject to relevant provisions of the PSM Act. The incumbent may be required to enter into an annual performance agreement for the achievement of (specific or service or program) outcomes. Some intra and interstate travel may be required. Location: Adelaide CBD Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Health (Health System Management - Health System Performance - Contract Management) Enquiries and Applications to: Ms Julie Williams, Manager Contract Management, Health System Performance, Level 4 Citi Centre, 11 Hindmarsh Square , Adelaide, 5000, telephone 8226 0738, email Note: Job and Person Specifications are available from Tate Omond, telephone 8226 6096, or email Please forward an original application plus three copies. Applications should be marked 'Confidential'. Closing Date: 03 Mar 2006 44 PSM ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 17/02/06 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES STREAM (Continued) ASO6 45 FORENSIC ACCOUNTANT (MORE THAN ONE POSITION) ($64060.00/67989.00) Vacancy No. (Advt) 1140/2006 Duties: The Forensic Accountant is accountable to the Senior Forensic Accountant, Forensic Accountants Section, and under limited management direction is responsible for carrying out financial investigations into serious fraud, organised crime generally, the forfeiture of criminal proceeds of crime and any situation where finance may be a motivating factor.The Forensic Accountant is responsible for providing (on a state-wide basis) a specialist investigative and analytical accounting service for the purpose of providing independent expert evidence in criminal and civil (criminal asset confiscation) proceedings conducted by or on behalf of the South Australia Police. Essential Minimum Qualifications: Degree (or equivalent) in Accounting or Economics (Majoring in Accountancy). Member of the Australian Society of Certified Practising Accountants (CPA) or the Institute of Chartered Accountants in Australia (ICA) or an equivalent accounting body. Special Conditions: May be required to travel intra and interstate on investigations. Some out of hours work may be required. Location: Adelaide CBD Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Police Enquiries to: Mr Geoff Duhne, telephone 846 37681, email Applications to: Personnel Clerk, GPO Box 1539, ADELAIDE SA, 5001 Note: Please forward an original application plus three copies. Closing Date: 03 Mar 2006 Downloads: Job and Person Specification:\Forensic Accountant ASO-6.doc Job Application Guidelines:\JobApplicationGuidelines2.doc PSM ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 17/02/06 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES STREAM (Continued) ASO6 SENIOR FINANCE OFFICER (Advt) Vacancy No. 1075/2006 Duties: The Senior Finance Officer is accountable to the Manager, Portfolio Finance for: providing a comprehensive and timely financial reporting, monitoring, and analysis function for the Department or Divisions of the Department, including preparing consolidated Departmental financial and budget information, financial statements and Treasury returns; coordinating information relating to Government funding processes to ensure that the funding of the Department is optimised; providing specialist financial advice and assistance to Divisions within the Department; ensuring appropriate review of existing systems and practices and the development of recommendations to improve management information for decision making purposes; which significantly contribute to the achievement of corporate goals of the Department. Essential Minimum Qualifications: An appropriate degree in Accounting, Finance or Economics majoring in Accounting Special Conditions: Location could be in either Corporate Finance or in any Division of the Department, depending on the specific priorities facing the finance function.Out of hours work, particularly in periods of heavy workloads will be required. Location: Adelaide Metro Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Transport, Energy and Infrastructure (Corporate Services Division) Enquiries to: Mr Tim Delaney, Corporate Finance, telephone 8204 8303, email Applications to: HR Customer Liaison Group, 33-37 Warwick St (PO Box 1), Walkerville, 5081, email Note: Job and Person Specifications are available for download from (click on the "Search" section of the website), email or telephone 08 8343 2600. Please forward an original application plus three copies. Applications should be marked 'Confidential'. The SA Government is an Equal Opportunity Employer. Safety is a core value of the South Australian Public Sector. Closing Date: 03 Mar 2006 Downloads: Guide to Apply:\Guide to Applying for Positions.DOC Employment Dec:\Employment_Declaration.doc ASO6 Snr Fin Officer:\ASO6 Senior Finance Officer.DOC 46 ($64060.00/67989.00) PSM ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 17/02/06 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES STREAM (Continued) ASO6 47 SENIOR PROJECT OFFICER, INTERGOVERNMENT RELATIONS (TEMPORARY UP TO 12 MONTHS) ($64060.00/67989.00) Vacancy No. (Advt) T1104/2006 Duties: The Senior Project Officer, Intergovernment Relations is accountable to the Manager, Legislation and Intergovernment Relations for: coordinating or undertaking the preparation of high level briefings for the Minister, Chief Executive, Executive Directors and other senior staff in relation to national transport forums and working groups, to ensure representation of a South Australian viewpoint; coordinating or undertaking the preparation of high level briefings for the Minister, and senior staff attending meetings of national bodies, and where necessary, attending national meetings to provide senior level support to the South Australian representative; monitoring, and where required, coordinating projects conducted between the Department for Transport, Energy and Infrastructure and various national bodies, to ensure representation of a South Australian viewpoint; providing or contributing to the provision of legislative and associated policy advice, including the development of implementation and post implementation strategies for new legislation; which results in the achievement of Government and Departmental objectives in line with Government policy. Special Conditions: Attendance may be required on Public Holidays and over the Christmas New Year period. Some out of hours work and inter/intrastate travel may be required. Location: Adelaide CBD Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Transport, Energy and Infrastructure (Security, Legislation and InterGovernment Relations) Enquiries to: Ms Andrea Pearce, Legislation and Intergovernment Relations , telephone (08) 8204 8829, email Applications to: Customer Liaison Group, HR Operations, 33-37 Warwick Street (PO Box 1), Walkerville, 5081, telephone (08) 8343 2600, email Note: Job and Person Specifications are available for download from (click on the "Search" section of the website), email or telephone 08 8343 2600. Please forward an original application plus three copies. Applications should be marked 'Confidential'. Please quote vacancy number NOV 1104/2006 on application. The SA Government is an Equal Opportunity Employer. Safety is a core value of the South Australian Public Sector. Closing Date: 03 Mar 2006 Downloads: Job and Person Specifications:\ASO6 Snr Proj Off.doc Guide to Apply:\Guide to Applying for Positions.DOC Employment Declaration:\Employment_Declaration.doc PSM ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 17/02/06 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES STREAM (Continued) AMENDMENT ASO5/ ANALYST CONSOLIDATION ASO6 (Advt) ($55298.00/61944.00) ($64060.00/67989.00) Vacancy No. 837/2006 Duties: The Analyst Consolidation is Responsible to the Team Leader, Consolidation, for contributing to the consolidation of whole-of-government financial information and the delivery of timely and accurate reports which will contribute to the achievement of whole-of-government reporting. Essential Minimum Qualifications: An appropriate tertiary qualification in Accounting, Finance, Business Management, Economics, Commerce other relevant field. Special Conditions: Frequent out of hours work and some interstate travel necessitating overnight stays may be required. The position may be offered on either a full-time or part-time basis. Salary will be adjusted accordingly. Location: Adelaide CBD (Adelaide) Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Treasury and Finance (Government Accounting and Reporting) Enquiries to: Tony Centofanti, telephone 8226 9410, email Applications to: Samantha Ioannidis, Business Support Officer, Government Accounting and Reporting, Level 6, 200 Victoria Square, State Administration Centre, Adelaide, 5000, telephone 8226 9592, email Amended Note: Please note that the ASO5 Job and Person Specification on the online version of the Notice of Vacancies was incorrect and has now been amended. The position may be filled either of the above remuneration levels depending on the level of responsibility and accountability assigned in accordance with the qualifications and experience of the successful applicant. Please forward an original application plus two copies. Applications should include the name, addresses and contact number of three current referees. Applications should be marked "confidential". Previous applicants for vacancy number 9506/2005 will be considered and need not reapply. Closing Date: 24 Feb 2006 48 PSM ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 17/02/06 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES STREAM (Continued) ASO7 SENIOR KNOWLEDGE BUSINESS ANALYST (Advt) ($70714.00/76759.00) Vacancy No. 9905/2005 Duties: Establish and maintain a consolidated Business Knowledge repository of data items, data relationships and business rules to support the business activities of Land Services Group. Document data items, data relationships and business rules in a format that can be easily accessed and understood by business unit managers, Corporate ICT and other stakeholders. Assess compliance of application software, software enhancements and software upgrades delivered by Corporate ICT with the Business Knowledge repository. Review application software functional specifications prepared by Corporate ICT for compliance with Business Knowledge repository. Provide direct support to the Manager, Business Knowledge and Analysis as well as leadership and advice to members of the Business Knowledge and Analysis team. Special Conditions: Some out of hours work may be required. Some intra/interstate travel involving overnight absences may be required. Location: Adelaide CBD (Adelaide) Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Administrative and Information Services (Land Services Group) Further Information:, Enquiries to: Mr P Ashman, Land Services Group, telephone 8226 5119, email Applications to: Miss S Heffernan, Customer Liaison Officer, Land Services Group, Level 2 101 Grenfell Street, Adelaide, 5000, telephone 8226 3986, email Note: Job and Person Specifications are available from Sarah Heffernan, telephone 8226 3986, or email Please forward an original application plus three copies. Closing Date: 03 Mar 2006 Downloads: Position Description:\9905SnrBusinessKnowlAnalyst.doc 49 PSM ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 17/02/06 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES STREAM (Continued) ASO7 50 AUDIT MANAGER (TEMPORARY UP TO 6 MONTHS) ($70714.00/76759.00) Vacancy No. (Advt) T1145/2006 Duties: The Audit Manager is accountable to a Director of Audits (Field Operations) for the effective management of a team of audit professionals, and planning, conducting and reporting on independent financial compliance audits, reviews of internal controls and special issues of importance and interest in the public sector. Essential Minimum Qualifications: Membership of a professional accounting body as recognised by the Auditor-General. Special Conditions: Significant out of hours work will be required during the Audit Report period (ie July to September) and some work outside normal hours may be required at other times.Generally periods of leave will not be granted between July and September. May be required to undertake intrastate/interstate travel where appropriate. Location: Adelaide Metro Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Auditor-General's Further Information: Enquiries and Applications to: Ms Ann Gardiner, Senior Consultant (HRM), Auditor-General's Department, Level 9, State Administration Centre, 200 Victoria Square, ADELAIDE SA, 5000, telephone 8226 9604, email Note: Please forward an original application plus three copies. Job and Person Specification available at: Closing Date: 03 Mar 2006 Downloads: Position description:\Audit Manager ASO7_temporary.pdf How To Prepare Application:\How to Prepare Your Application.pdf PSM ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 17/02/06 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES STREAM (Continued) ASO7 LAN SERVER MANAGER (Advt) Vacancy No. 1047/2006 Duties: The LAN Server Manager is responsible to the Operations & IT Security Manager for managing the delivery of effective and timely LAN Server and Directory services for the Department and its clients. The position negotiates objectives and outcomes with key stakeholders, pro-actively establishes, implements and seeks to achieve industry best practice and ensures that LAN Server services and systems are cost effective and government requirements relating to the administration and operation of LAN Servers are adhered to. Special Conditions: The appointee may be subject to a Criminal History Check prior to confirmation of appointment. The incumbent will uphold the values of the Department of Health as reflected in the Strategic Plan. May be assigned elsewhere within the Department subject to relevant provisions of the PSM Act. May be required to enter into an annual performance agreement for the achievement of (specific or service or program) outcomes. Location: Adelaide CBD Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Health (Health System Management - Information and Communication Technology Services - Delivery Services) Enquiries to: Mr. I. Craig, A/Manager, Operations & IT Security - Information & Communication Technology Services, telephone 8226 7330, email Applications to: Ms. K. Diamandi, Administrator, Business Services, Information and Communication Technology Services, P.O. Box 287, Rundle Mall, Adelaide, 5000, telephone 8226 7348, email Note: Please forward an original application plus two copies. Applicants should include the name, address and contact number of three current referees. E-mailed applications are unacceptable. Applicants are required to address the essential criteria of the Job and Person Specification in their application. Job and Person Specifications are available from Maria Savage, telephone 8226 7344, or email Closing Date: 03 Mar 2006 Downloads: J&P_LAN Server Manager_ASO7:\J&P_ASO7 LAN Server Manager 9Dec05.doc 51 ($70714.00/76759.00) PSM ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 17/02/06 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES STREAM (Continued) ASO7 PRINCIPAL POLICY OFFICER, LEGISLATION (Advt) ($70714.00/76759.00) Vacancy No. 1065/2006 Duties: The Principal Policy Officer, Legislation is accountable to the Manager, Legislation for managing the ongoing review of legislation committed to the Minister for State Local Government Relations; the operational management of legislative projects and systems for administration and enforcement of legislation; and supporting the Manager, Legislation in the delivery of an annual work plan for areas within the overall responsibility of the Manager, Legislation. Special Conditions: Some out of hours work may be required. Some intra/interstate travel involving overnight absences may be required. Location: Adelaide CBD (Adelaide) Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Primary Industries and Resources (Office of Local Government - Legislation) Enquiries to: Linda Graham, Office of Local Government, telephone 8204 8725, email Applications to: Liz Sarris, Business Support Officer, Office of Local Government, PO Box 8021 Station Arcade , SA, 5000, telephone 8204 8721, email Note: Job and Person Specifications are available from Liz Sarris, telephone 8204 8721 or email . Please forward three copies of your application. Closing Date: 03 Mar 2006 Downloads: Job and Person Specification:\1065PrincPolOffOpsLegisReview.doc ASO7 52 PRINCIPAL POLICY CONSULTANT (TEMPORARY UP TO 12 MONTHS) ($70714.00/76759.00) Vacancy No. (Advt) T1175/2006 Duties: This position is accountable for providing leadership to the development of policies and programs that support effective development and management of the workforce. The position is also accountable for providing leadership in the management of complex human resource and industrial issues. Special Conditions: This position is temporary for up to 12 months but may be extended for a further 12 months at the end of the original contract. Some work outside normal hours and some intrastate travel involving overnight absences may be required. Location: Adelaide CBD Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Transport, Energy and Infrastructure (Corporate Services Division - Corporate HR) Enquiries to: Ms R Markotic, Director, Human Resources, telephone 8204 8307, email Applications to: HR Customer Liaison Group, 33 - 37 Warwick St, (PO Box 1), Walkerville, 5081, email Note: Job and Person Specifications are available for download from (click on the “Search” section of the website), or email or telephone 08 8343 2600. Please forward an original application plus three copies. Please quote reference number T1175/2006 in your application. The SA Government is an Equal Opportunity Employer. Safety is a core value of the South Australian Public Sector. Closing Date: 27 Feb 2006 Downloads: Guidelines:\Guide to Applying for Positions.DOC Employment Declaration:\Employment_Declaration.doc Principal Policy Advisor:\ASO7 Principal Policy Advisor.DOC PSM ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 17/02/06 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES STREAM (Continued) ASO8 53 MANAGER, INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT (TEMPORARY UP TO 12 MONTHS) ($79691.00/82849.00) Vacancy No. (Advt) T1107/2006 Duties: The Manager International Business is required to plan and implement the development of IES marketing objectives to guide programs and meet DECS and Government policies and plans by initiating, predicting and developing innovative education export opportunities that promote South Australian excellence. Ensure the effective delivery and promotion of major business programs for IES within designated international accounts which are of critical importance to the Agency and the State. Ensure specific IES marketing and product development objectives, in both onshore and offshore environment that impact on departmental wide program delivery for designated international accounts, are achieved through the provision of significant leadership and expertise. Negotiate a variety of significant commercial contracts on behalf of DECS with senior international and domestic partners. Contribute to the development, implementation and administration of complex operational policy that reflects Government/DECS/IES strategic directions in the area of Business Development and Marketing in national and international markets/environments. Special Conditions: Intrastate, interstate and extensive overseas travel is required. Extended/out-of-hours work is required (on call 24hrs/7days wk), especially when overseas. Current drivers license and a willingness to drive is essential. Location: Adelaide CBD Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Education and Children's Services (Office of Strategic Policy and Planning Marketing and International Education Services) Enquiries to: Ms G Manser, telephone 8100 8825 Applications to: Ms S Ure, email Note: Job and Person Specifications are available from or 8100 8800. This position is available for up to 12 months with the likely possibility of extension. Closing Date: 03 Mar 2006 Downloads: Job and Person Specification:\ASO8 Manager, Internat Bus Devel.pdf PSM ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 17/02/06 EXECUTIVE GROUP EXA 54 DIRECTOR, OFFICE OF THE CHIEF EXECUTIVE (CONTRACT APPOINTMENT UP Vacancy No. TO 5 YEARS) (Advt) C1152/2006 Duties: Accountable to the Chief Executive, the incumbent is responsible for providing high level support to the Chief Executive in achievement of the Department’s objectives; providing strategic executive leadership in the establishment of corporate governance, organisational management, external engagement and strategic reform. The incumbent also ensures the provision of a diverse range of high-level functions including strategic and operational Departmental coordination and management services, executive support, governance and government business, public affairs and business planning. The Director, Office of the Chief Executive provides assistance in policy coordination and implementation of government policy and programs. As a member of the Department’s Executive, the incumbent is accountable for making a significant contribution to corporate planning, decision making and policy formulation. Essential Minimum Qualifications: It is highly advantageous for the incumbent to have an appropriate tertiary qualification in any relevant discipline. Special Conditions: This is a contract position for up to 5 years. The position operates in a context that may be politically and economically sensitive. The position requires participation in a number of significant and complex inter-relationships with professional people in both inter-sectoral and inter-governmental capacities. Extensive out of hours work will be required. Intrastate and interstate travel requiring overnight absences may be required. The incumbent will be required to enter into a performance agreement with the Chief Executive for the achievement of specified objectives and the delivery of specified outcomes. Location: Adelaide CBD Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Environment and Heritage Further Information: Enquiries to: Mr Allan Holmes, telephone 08 8204 9322, email Applications to: Recruitment Selection Team, Human Resource Service, Department for Environment and Heritage, GPO Box 1047, Adelaide, 5001, telephone 08 8204 1898, email Note: Applicants must address the Selection Criteria listed in the Executive Position Statement available from department website or the Recruitment Selection Team by email at or by telephone on (08) 8204 1898. Please forward 4 copies of application and current curriculum vitae. Applicants should include the names, contact details of three current referees. Please quote vacancy number C1152/2006 when applying. NO FOLDERS PLEASE Job and Person Specification available at: Closing Date: 03 Mar 2006 Downloads: Executive Position Statement:\exa_director_oce_jp.doc Declaration Form:\Declaration Form.pdf PSM ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 17/02/06 EXECUTIVE GROUP (Continued) EXA 55 DIRECTOR STRATEGY DIVISION (CONTRACT APPOINTMENT UP Vacancy No. TO 5 YEARS) (Advt) C1156/2006 Duties: The Director, Strategy Division is responsible for the Department’s corporate strategic planning functions, including facilitating strategic planning exercises and development of a program evaluation framework for application across the Department to support the implementation of the South Australia Strategic Plan within the Department. The position will provide expert advice and guidance to these processes, coordinate the preparation of quarterly and annual reports to the Executive Committee of Cabinet and Ministers and coordinates input to, and prepares the case for, the Department’s budget bilateral bid. Essential Minimum Qualifications: Relevant tertiary qualifications in Economics. Special Conditions: Will be required to participate in the Department’s performance review processes.Out of hours work and/or including intra/interstate and overseas travel will be required. Location: Adelaide CBD Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Trade and Economic Development (Strategy Division) Enquiries to: Angela Allison, Director, Corporate Services, Department of Trade & Economic Development, telephone 08 8303 2457, email Applications to: Mr John Arvan, Manager Human Resources, Department of Trade & Economic Development, GPO Box 1264, ADELAIDE, 5001, telephone 08 8303 2959, email Note: Job and Person Specifications are available from Kyla Meechan, telephone 08 8303 2470, or email Closing Date: 03 Mar 2006 Downloads: Job and Person Specification:\1156Director Strategy.doc PSM ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 17/02/06 OPERATIONAL SERVICES STREAM OPS3 CUSTODIAL SPECIALIST ($43385.00/46453.00) Vacancy No. 868/2006 Duties: The Custodial Specialist is responsible to the Industry Manager, for the security, safety and control of prisoners, the assessment, training and advising of prisoners in all aspects of manufacturing and production of specified products; The provision of guidance and assistance to trainee Custodial Officers and other custodial Officers, to ensure that Departmental policies and procedures are complied with and that work standards are optimised and maintained. Essential Minimum Qualifications: Trade Qualifications in a Manufacturing, Building Industry, or Engineering. Special Conditions: Hours of duty are 38 per week, over five days, although some out of hours work may be required. The successful applicant must undergo Correctional Officer training. Initially located at Mobilong Prison, however, the appointee may be assigned to another location within the Department to perform duties of a similar nature and classification. Location: Murray Lands (Murray Bridge) Eligibility: Public Sector Employees Only Department: Correctional Services (Prime SA) Enquiries and Applications to: Tony Wibrow / Ricki Ayres, Manager PRIME, PRIME SA, Locked Bag 200, Murray Bridge, 5253, telephone 8532 8972, email Note: Please forward an original application plus three copies. Applicants should include the name, address and contact number of three current referees. Please do not use folders/binders for applications, use staples or power clips only. Closing Date: 03 Mar 2006 Downloads: J & P:\J & P Custodial Specialist Info:\Applicant package DCS.doc OPS3 SCHOOL BUS EXAMINER (TEMPORARY UP TO 4 MONTHS) Vacancy No. T1148/2006 Duties: The School Bus Examiner is accountable to the Manager, Transport Services for exercising a delegation under the Road Traffic Act to conduct compulsory safety inspections of DECS buses and suitability inspections of DECS and privately owned buses used for the transport of children to and from school which assists in the provision of a safe and efficient school bus transport system throughout the State. Essential Minimum Qualifications: A qualified motor mechanic or an equivalent qualification. Must hold a current driving licence enabling large buses to be driven. Special Conditions: The position is based in Adelaide CBD, however, inspections are performed on site in a wide range of locations and working environments resulting in extensive country work involving absences up to one week for at least forty weeks of the year. Location: Adelaide CBD Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: Public Sector Employees Only Department: Education and Children's Services (Transport Services) Enquiries and Applications to: Brian Hudson, Manager, Transport Services, DECS, Level 16 31 Flinders St, Adelaide, 5000, telephone 8226 1125, email Note: Job and Person Specifications are available from Brian Hudson, telephone 8226 1125, or email Please forward an original application plus two copies. Please note that this is a modified application process requiring applicants to address specific (but not all) of the criteria listed in the Job and Person Specification. Further information is available from Brian Hudson as per above contact details. Closing Date: 24 Feb 2006 56 ($43385.00/46453.00) PSM ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 17/02/06 OPERATIONAL SERVICES STREAM (Continued) OPS3 YOUTH WORKER (TEMPORARY UP TO 6 MONTHS) Vacancy No. T888/2006 Duties: The Youth Worker is responsible for enhancing the social and living skills of young people, and ensuring the delivery of programs, services or case plans which facilitate the development of young people who are clients of the team. Special Conditions: The incumbent will be required to uphold the values of the division and participate in a regular performance management process for the achievement of outcomes. A flexible approach to the taking of leave is required.The incumbent may be assigned to another position at this remuneration level or its equivalent. Some out of hours work may be required. A current driver’s licence is essential. Successful applicants will be required to undergo a Criminal History and Background Check prior to being employed. This position is temporary for an initial period of up to 6 months with the possibility of an extension. Location: Adelaide Metro Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: Public Sector Employees Only Department: Families and Communities (Children Youth and Family Services - Southern Metro. Region - Marion District Centre) Enquiries and Applications to: Ms. Raelene Wlochowicz, Youth Worker, Marion District Centre, 233 Sturt Road, Marion, 5047, telephone 82980872, email Note: Job and Person Specifications are available from Chris Limb, telephone 82980860, or email Please forward an original application plus two copies. Applicants should include the name, address and contact number of three current referees. Applicants are required to address the Person Specification in their application. Safety is a core value of the South Australian Public Sector. Closing Date: 27 Feb 2006 Downloads: Guidelines:\Job Guidelines.pdf OPS3 57 ($43385.00/46453.00) YOUTH WORKER (PART-TIME) (TEMPORARY UP ($43385.00/46453.00) Vacancy No. TO 12 MONTHS) (Advt) T1060/2006 Duties: The Youth Worker is responsible for enhancing the social and living skills of young people, and ensuring the delivery of programs, services or case plans which facilitate the development of young people who are clients of the team. Special Conditions: A flexible approach to the taking of leave is required. Some out of hours work may be required. A current driver's licence and willingness to drive is essential. This is a part-time position working 30 hours per week and salary will be adjusted according to actual hours worked. Successful applicants are required to undergo a criminal history and background check prior to being employed. Location: South East (Mount Gambier) Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Families and Communities (Children, Youth and Family Services - Country Region - South East District Centre) Enquiries and Applications to: Ms Jill Rowley, Senior Youth Worker, South East District Centre, PO Box 1160, Mount Gambier, 5290, telephone 87244844, email Note: Job and person specifications are available from Ms Irene Higgs on telephone 87244844 or email Please forward an original plus 3 copies. Applicants are required to address the Person Specification in their application. Safety is a core value of the South Australian Public Service. Closing Date: 03 Mar 2006 Downloads: Guidelines:\Job Guidelines.pdf PSM ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 17/02/06 OPERATIONAL SERVICES STREAM (Continued) OPS3 TECHNICAL OPERATIONS OFFICER ($43385.00/46453.00) Vacancy No. 1058/2006 Duties: The Technical Operations Officer provides specialist services including data acquisition, laboratory technical services, and field and logistic support for geoscientific teams undertaking investigation projects over targeted regions located across the State. Special Conditions: Extensive intrastate travel and fieldwork will be required necessitating extended working hours and overnight absences of up to 7 days per week sometimes under harsh conditions and in remote areas of the state. Location: Adelaide CBD Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: Public Sector Employees Only Department: Primary Industries and Resources Further Information: Enquiries to: Mr Mark Flintoft, Minerals & Energy Resources Division, telephone 8463 3119, email Applications to: Ms Danielle Tonani, HR Support Officer, Minerals & Energy Resources Division, GPO Box 1671, Adelaide, 5001, telephone 8226 7627, email Note: Please forward an original application plus three copies. Job and Person Specification available at: Closing Date: 03 Mar 2006 Downloads: Position Description:\Tech Ops Officer OPS3 PD.doc Application Guide:\pos_desc_how_to_apply.pdf OPS4 COMMUNITY CORRECTIONS OFFICER LEVEL 4 ($49584.00/51874.00) Vacancy No. 1067/2006 Duties: The Community Corrections Officer is responsible for contributing to the protection of the community by supervising adult offenders who are referred to the Department by sentencing and releasing authorities, and providing them with opportunities to cease offending. Liaison with a variety of Government and non-Government agencies in relation to the supervision of offenders. Special Conditions: A current driver's licence and willingness to drive is essential. Must be prepared to undergo Prior Offender History Check by the South Australia Police Department. Some out of hours work may be required for which time off in lieu is provided. Location: South East (Mt Gambier) Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: Public Sector Employees Only Department: Correctional Services Enquiries to: Mr Keith Smith, Manager Case Management, Mt Gambier Community Corrections, telephone 8725 0266, email Applications to: Ms Joy Gormley, Regional Administration Officer, Southern Country Region (DCS), PO Box 1269, Murray Bridge, 5253, telephone 8532 8909, email Note: Job and Person Specifications are available from Joy Gormley, telephone 85328909, or email Please forward an original application plus two copies. Closing Date: 03 Mar 2006 Downloads: J&P:\CCO-4 Mt GAmbier FEb 06-JPS.doc Apply pos:\Apply Position SA P S.doc appl pckg:\Applicant package-info-Sept 2003.doc 58 PSM ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 17/02/06 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES STREAM PSO1 COMMUNITY CORRECTIONS OFFICER LEVEL 4 ($40626.00/51874.00) Vacancy No. 1069/2006 Duties: The Community Corrections Officer is responsible for contributing to the protection of the community by supervising adult offenders who are referred to the Department by sentencing and releasing authorities, and providing them with opportunities to cease offending. Liaison with a variety of Government and non-Government agencies in relation to the supervision of offenders. Essential Minimum Qualifications: A degree level qualification in the social work discipline to a standard accepted by the Chief Executive. Special Conditions: Some out of hours work may be required, for which time off in lieu is provided. A current driver's licence and willingness to drive is essential. Must be prepared to submit to a Police security check. Location: South East (Mt Gambier) Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: Public Sector Employees Only Department: Correctional Services Enquiries to: Mr Keith Smith, Mt Gambier Community Corrections, telephone 87250266, email Applications to: Ms Joy Gormley, Regional Administration Officer, Southern Country Region (DCS), PO Box 1269, Murray Bridge, 5253, telephone 85328909, email Note: Job and Person Specifications are available from Joy Gormley, telephone 85328909, or email Please forward an original application plus two copies. Closing Date: 03 Mar 2006 Downloads: J&P:\Job And Person Specification PSO1 .doc Appl Pkg:\Applicant package-info-Sept 2003.doc Apply Pstn:\Apply Position SA P S.doc 59 PSM ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 17/02/06 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES STREAM (Continued) PSO1 60 SOCIAL WORKER (TEMPORARY UP TO 6 MONTHS) ($40626.00/51874.00) Vacancy No. (MORE THAN ONE POSITION) T924/2006 Duties: As a Social Worker your role is to work as part of a multi-disciplinary team with children and young people requiring care and protection and their families, communities and carers. The ultimate aim of your job is to support and empower children and young people to assume a meaningful role in society when they reach adulthood.You will work within a case management framework using your specialist skills to: Undertake investigations and holistic assessments; Use social work models to inform interventions; Deliver sustained intervention within a multidisciplinary team; Respond effectively to immediate situations/crises; Social Workers work within a legislative and ethical framework. Essential Minimum Qualifications: A degree level qualification in the social work discipline to a standard accepted by the Chief Executive. However, pursuant to Section 67 of the Public Sector Management Act, 1995, persons of Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander descent, who consider they have the appropriate background, knowledge and skills but do not have the essential qualification, are eligible to apply. Special Conditions: Some out of hours work may be required. A current driver’s licence is essential. Successful applicants are required to undergo a criminal history and background check prior to being employed. Some intra/interstate travel may also be required. Location: Adelaide Metro (Gawler) Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: Public Sector Employees Only Department: Families and Communities (CYFS - NMR - GAWLER) Enquiries and Applications to: John Anderson, Supervisor, Gawler District Centre, Shop 9 Northern Market Cnr Murray and Cowan Streets, Gawler, 5118, telephone 8521 4410, email Note: Job and person specifications are available from Ann McLean on telephone 8521 4430 or email Please forward an original plus 3 copies. Applicants are required to address the Person Specification in their application. Safety is a core value of the South Australian Public Service. Closing Date: 03 Mar 2006 Downloads: Guidelines:\Job Guidelines.pdf PSM ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 17/02/06 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES STREAM (Continued) PSO1 61 FARMING SYSTEMS CONSULTANT (CONTRACT APPOINTMENT UP ($40626.00/51874.00) Vacancy No. TO 3 YEARS) C1134/2006 Duties: The Consultant will be part of the Sustainable Agricultural Systems team of Rural Solutions SA, and will be involved in a range of projects and services that aim to improve the skills and capabilities of farmers to better manage their agricultural production and land management practices. The consultant will be involved in managing and leading a series of on-farm trials, demonstrations and training workshops, with limited supervision. Essential Minimum Qualifications: A degree in Agricultural Science, Natural Resource Sciences, Rural Science, or equivalent Special Conditions: A contract appointment will be made to this position for up to 3 years, subject to funding.Intra travel, overnight stays and out of hours work will be required from time to time. The position is offered on a full-time basis. A current drivers licence is essential. The office location is at Cleve.The incumbent will be required to maintain a safe working environment by adopting appropriate hazard management practices consistent with the role. The incumbent will be expected to uphold the Employee Conduct Standards contained in the Public Sector Management Act (1995). Location: Eyre Peninsula (Cleve) Eligibility: Public Sector Employees Only Department: Primary Industries and Resources (Rural Solutions SA) Further Information: Enquiries to: Mr Jay Cummins, Rural Solutions SA, telephone 0418 818 995 , email Applications to: Mrs Fiona Black, Human Resources Consultant, Rural Solutions SA, GPO Box 1671, Adelaide, 5001, telephone (08) 8226 1960, email Note: Please forward an original application plus three copies marked confidential, including three current referees. Closing Date: 03 Mar 2006 Downloads: Position Description:\PSO-1 FC Cleve PD 2006-021 update.doc Guidelines:\pos_desc_how_to_apply.pdf PSM ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 17/02/06 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES STREAM (Continued) PSO1 62 FARMING SYSTEMS CONSULTANT (TEMPORARY UP TO 12 MONTHS) ($40626.00/51874.00) Vacancy No. (Advt) T1136/2006 Duties: The Consultant will be part of the Sustainable Agricultural Systems team of Rural Solutions SA. The consultant will be involved in the development and assistance in the delivery of a range of locally targeted programs and services, and provide technical guidance and advice in relation to the development of improved farming practices that reduce conditions favourable to branched broomrape regeneration. Whilst the position will deliver specific elements of the branch broomrape farming system project, there may be additional project and service delivery activities undertaken with other team members on related projects delivered on a district and regional basis. Essential Minimum Qualifications: Degree in Agricultural Science, Natural Resource Sciences, Rural Science, or equivalent, is essential. Special Conditions: A temporary appointment will be made to this position for up to 12 months, and may be extended for an additional 12 months, subject to funding.Intra travel, overnight stays and out of hours work will be required from time to time. The position is offered on a full-time basis. A current drivers licence is essential. The office location is at Murray Bridge. The incumbent will be required to maintain a safe working environment by adopting appropriate hazard management practices consistent with the role. The incumbent will be expected to uphold the Employee Conduct Standards contained in the Public Sector Management Act (1995). Location: Murray Lands (Murray Bridge) Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Primary Industries and Resources (Rural Solutions SA) Further Information: Enquiries to: Mr Jay Cummins, Rural Solutions SA, telephone 0418 818 995 , email Applications to: Mrs Fiona Black, Human Resources Consultant, Rural Solutions SA, GPO Box 1671 , Adelaide, 5001, telephone (08) 8226 1960, email Note: Please forward an original application plus three copies, including three current referees. Closing Date: 03 Mar 2006 Downloads: Position Description:\PSO-1 FC Broomrape PD 2006-02.doc Guidelines:\pos_desc_how_to_apply.pdf PSM ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 17/02/06 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES STREAM (Continued) PSO2 SENIOR PRACTITIONER (TEMPORARY UP TO 3 MONTHS) Vacancy No. T1014/2006 Duties: Contribute to quality Social Work practice in The Refugee Program and promote quality outcomes for clients by providing expert supervision, consultation and advice, promoting Departmental programs and assisting in the further development of social work knowledge. Essential Minimum Qualifications: A degree level qualification in the social work discipline to a standard accepted by the Chief Executive. However, pursuant to Section 67 of the Public Sector Management Act, 1995, persons of Aboriginal or Torres Island decent, who consider they have the appropriate background, knowledge and skills but do not have essential qualification, are eligible to apply. Special Conditions: Some out of hours work may be required. A current driver's licence and willingness to drive is essential. Must be prepared to undergo Prior Offender History Check by the South Australia Police Department. This position is temporary for an initial period of up to 3 months with the possibility of an extension. Location: Adelaide Metro (Netley) Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: Public Sector Employees Only Department: Families and Communities (Children Youth and Family Services - Adoptions, Refugee and Volunteer Services - Refugee Program) Enquiries and Applications to: Mrs O Deboar, A/Supervisor, Refugee Program, PO Box 76, West Richmond, 5033, telephone 8226 4957, email Note: Job and Person Specifications are available from Rosie Beare, telephone 8226 4901 or email Please forward an original application plus three copies. Applicants are required to address the Person Specification in their application. Applicants should include the name, address and contact number of three current referees. Safety is a core value of the South Australian Public Sector. Closing Date: 03 Mar 2006 Downloads: Guidelines:\Job Guidelines.pdf 63 ($55298.00/61944.00) PSM ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 17/02/06 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES STREAM (Continued) PSO1/ PSO2 RESEARCH OFFICER (RHIZOBIA) (CONTRACT APPOINTMENT UP ($40626.00/51874.00) TO 31/12/2007) (Advt) ($55298.00/61944.00) Vacancy No. C1100/2006 Duties: The Research Officer (Rhizobia) will conduct a research program examining the nitrogen fixation capacity of sub-clover in combination with populations of soil rhizobia. The investigations will examine variation between and within sub-clover cultivars for the nitrogen fixation trait and attempt to define the mechanisms that allow some clover genotypes to form more effective symbioses. Elite genotypes will be used in the development new clover varieties. The work has the overall objective of improving the productivity of sub clover pastures and therefore the sustainability of the agricultural enterprises in the medium to high rainfall agricultural regions. To achieve this objective the incumbent is required to plan, formulate, resource, manage and conduct laboratory and field experiments. The incumbent will be required to liaise closely with other rhizobiologists and members of SARDI’s pasture breeding and evaluation programs. The incumbent is required to accept professional responsibility for the standards and outcomes of the research project. Essential Minimum Qualifications: A degree in Agricultural Science or other relevant discipline. Special Conditions: The position is based at Waite Campus, Urrbrae. However operational research may need to be undertaken off-centre in regions where sub-clover is grown, principally the south east and mid north of South Australia. Intra and inter-state travel will involve some overnight stays away from home. Some out-of-hours and weekend work will be required for which time in lieu will be arranged. A current vehicle driver’s licence is essential. Sufficient physical fitness is required to undertake the field-based research activities associated with routine data collection and trial maintenance. Location: Adelaide Metro (Urrbrae) Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Primary Industries and Resources (SA Research and Development Institute) Further Information:, Enquiries to: Mr R Ballard, Pasture Group, telephone 8303 9388, email Applications to: Mrs T O'Malley, Admin Officer, Crops Pathology, GPO Box 397, Adelaide, 5001, telephone 8303 9360, email Note: Position descriptions and guidelines are available from Mrs T O'Malley, telephone 8303 9360, or email Please forward an original application plus two copies. Applicants should include the name, address and contact number of three current referees. The position may be filled at either remuneration level depending on the level of responsibility and accountability assigned in accordance with the qualifications and experience of the successful applicant. Closing Date: 03 Mar 2006 Downloads: Position description:\PSO1-2 Rhizobiologist 2006.doc Preparing your application:\guidelines.pdf 64 PSM ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 17/02/06 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES STREAM (Continued) PSO3 REGIONAL ECOLOGIST SOUTH EAST (Advt) ($64060.00/67989.00) Vacancy No. 1108/2006 Duties: The Regional Ecologist – South East is accountable to the Manager Conservation Programs, South East for the development and implementation of programs for the conservation, management and restoration of ecological systems both on and off-park by contributing to the development and implementation of Regional priorities and action plans to achieve biodiversity outcomes. The position supervises a number of staff involved in the implementation of programs across the Region.The position provides authoritative ecological information and sets performance standards to measure and monitor the success of operational programs in the areas of threat management and conservation, management and restoration of ecological systems and flora and fauna populations. Essential Minimum Qualifications: Degree in Ecology, Biodiversity Management, Natural Resource Management or equivalent. Special Conditions: Position is currently based in Mt Gambier but employees may be assigned to another position at the same remuneration level if required by the Chief Executive. A current driver’s licence and willingness to drive is essential. The officer may be required to undertake emergency operations including bushfires commensurate with their fitness and training levels. Employees may be required to undertake intra or inter state travel. Employees may be required to work outside of the normal hours of work. Location: South East (Mt Gambier) Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Environment and Heritage Further Information: Enquiries to: Mrs Karen Heaver, telephone 08 8735 1115, email Applications to: Recruitment Selection Team, Human Resource Service, Department for Environment and Heritage, GPO Box 1047, Adelaide, 5001, telephone 08 8204 1898, email Note: Applicants must address the Selection Criteria listed in the Person Specification. Please note that the Job and Person Specification is now available on the online version of the Notice of Vacancies. Job and Person Specifications are also available from department website or the Recruitment Selection Team by email at or by telephone on (08) 8204 1898. Please forward 4 copies of application and current curriculum vitae. Applicants should include the names, contact details of three current referees. Please quote vacancy number 1108/2006 when applying. NO FOLDERS PLEASE Job and Person Specification available at: Closing Date: 03 Mar 2006 Downloads: Job and Person Specification:\PSO3 Regional Ecologist S-East J&P.doc Applicant Guidelines:\Applicants Guidelines DEH .doc Declaration Form:\Declaration Form.pdf 65 PSM ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 17/02/06 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES STREAM (Continued) PSO3 SENIOR ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENTIST/ENGINEER (TEMPORARY UP TO 30/11/2006) ($64060.00/67989.00) Vacancy No. T1147/2006 Duties: The Senior Environmental Scientist / Engineer provides high level specialist and consultancy advice on major pollution sources pertaining to the assessment and management of air water and waste pollution discharges to the environment. The incumbent is responsible for assessing, defining, clarifying and interpreting monitoring methods, data and related emission calculations and discerning the likely impact and significance of these discharges and recommending appropriate action. The incumbent will represent the EPA on industry monitoring compliance and standards issues and provide high level advice to establish the industry load – environmental impact fee system Essential Minimum Qualifications: ·Relevant tertiary qualifications in Science or Engineering. Special Conditions: The occupant may on occasion be required to travel intra and interstate and to work out of hours. Location: Adelaide CBD (Adelaide) Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: Public Sector Employees Only Department: Environment Protection Authority Further Information: Enquiries to: Fiona Harvey, Environment Protection Authority, telephone 8204 1759, email Applications to: Corinne Regnier, HR Client Services Officer, Environment Protection Authority, GPO Box 2607 Adelaide, SA, 5001, telephone 8204 9437, email Note: IMPORTANT: Your application will be assessed on the Job and Person Specification criteria. Please address this criteria in your application. Guidelines for applicants are available at Job and Person Specifications are available from or by contacting Cindy Richardson, telephone (08) 8204 2028, email Please quote the vacancy number of the position when applying. Please forward an original application plus three copies. If emailing your application, please be aware, for the application to be considered it must be received by the closing date and hard copies need to be provided by 06/02/2006. The EPA is an equal opportunities employer and safety is a core value. Closing Date: 03 Mar 2006 Downloads: JPS Snr ESE:\JPS Snr Env Sci Eng.doc 66 PSM ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 17/02/06 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES STREAM (Continued) PSO4 67 SENIOR CONTRACTS ENGINEER (CONTRACT APPOINTMENT UP ($70714.00/76759.00) Vacancy No. TO 31/12/2010) (Advt-Recirc) C10269/2005 Duties: The Senior Contracts Engineer is responsible for the provision of engineering advice and contract administration of sand management and coast protection works for the Adelaide metropolitan coast. The Senior Contracts Engineer will supervise staff and manage and maintain necessary contracts to effectively implement Adelaide’s Living Beaches: A Strategy for 2005-2025. Essential Minimum Qualifications: Professional Engineer (Civil or Environmental) Special Conditions: Some out of hours work including attendance at public meetings and both interand intra-state travel may be required. A current driver’s licence and willingness to drive is essential. Location: Adelaide Metro (Keswick) Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Environment and Heritage Further Information: Enquiries to: Mr Rob Tucker, telephone 08 8124 4878, email Applications to: Recruitment Selection Team, Human Resource Service, Department for Environment and Heritage, GPO Box 1047, Adelaide, 5001, telephone 08 8204 1898, email Note: Applicants must address the Selection Criteria listed in the Person Specification. Job and Person Specifications are available from department website or the Recruitment Selection Team by email at or by telephone on (08) 8204 1898. Please forward 4 copies of application and current curriculum vitae. Applicants should include the names, contact details of three current referees. Please quote vacancy number C10269/2005 when applying. NO FOLDERS PLEASE Job and Person Specification available at: Closing Date: 03 Mar 2006 Downloads: Job and Person Specification:\PSO4 Snr Contracts Engineer JP .doc Applicant Guidelines:\Applicants Guidelines DEH .doc Declaration Form:\Declaration Form.pdf PSM ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 17/02/06 NOMINATIONS 68 Vacancy Position and Administrative Unit Nominated 5971/2005 Principal Project Manager, Trade and Economic Development NO NOMINATION WILL BE MADE ON THIS CALL 6970/2005 Finance Officer, Environment and Heritage TRICIA GROVES, Acting Business Administration Manager, Environment and Heritage 7663/2005 Asset/Reseal Planner, Transport, Energy and Infrastructure ANDREW WALLACE, Maintenance Superintendent, Transport, Energy and Infrastructure 8003/2005 Construction Adviser, Administrative and Information Services MARK MULLER, Construction Adviser, Administrative and Information Services 8622/2005 Principal Consultant, Health MEREDITH SMEDLEY, Principal Policy Consultant, Transport, Energy and Infrastructure 8645/2005 Environment Licensing Officer, Environment Protection Authority LUCIANO PALUMBO, Accounts Payable Officer, Environment Protection Authority 8704/2005 Team Support Officer, Police SARAH HARMAN, Administrative Assistant, Police 8963/2005 Community Corrections Officer L3, Correctional Services RAY ASKHAM, A/Community Corrections Officer, Correctional Services 9003/2005 SENIOR HELP DESK OFFICER, Health WENDY STONE, Helpdesk Officer, Health 9134/2005 Manager, Customer Service and Development , Families and Communities SUSIE RODEGHIERO-SMITH, Principal Project Officer, Families and Communities 9207/2005 Supervisor, Families and Communities NO NOMINATION WILL BE MADE ON THIS CALL 9219/2005 Senior Practitioner, Families and Communities TANYA BOOG, Social Worker, Families and Communities 9284/2005 Data Manager, Students with Disabilities, Education and Children's Services DEAN SINCOCK, A/Data Manager, Education and Children's Services 9448/2005 Senior Policy Officer, Cabinet, Transport, Energy CAROL BROOKS, Office Manager, and Infrastructure Transport, Energy and Infrastructure PSM ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 17/02/06 NOMINATIONS (Continued) 69 Vacancy Position and Administrative Unit Nominated 9713/2005 Project Officer, Administrative and Information Services JADE THOMAS, Project Officer, Administrative and Information Services 9748/2005 Administrative Assistant Investigations, Teachers Registration Board Exec Asst to the Deputy Liquor Licensing Commissioner, Attorney-General’s 9921/2005 Justice of the Peace Co-ordinator, Attorney-General's STELLA HELLANDER, Justice of the Peace Project Officer, Attorney-General's 9922/2005 Senior Contract Management Officer, Administrative and Information Services MITCHELL BILECKYJ, Manager, Contracts & Project Services, Administrative and Information Services 9952/2005 Senior Project Officer , Further Educ, Employment, Science & Technology DAN NICHOLAS, A/Senior Project Officer, Further Educ, Employment, Science & Technology 9966/2005 Project and Reporting Officer, Further Educ, Employment, Science & Technology MAGGIE WILLIAMS, Senior Project Officer, Further Educ, Employment, Science & Technology 9988/2005 Manager Customer Information, Marketing & Sales, Transport Energy and Infrastructure ROBERT TONKIN, Communications Specialist, Premier and Cabinet 10164/2005 Financial Services Consultant, Premier and Cabinet IOLANDA PIRROTTA, Auditor Grade 11, Auditor-General's 10208/2005 Community Support Worker, Families and Communities KIRSTY RAWLINSON, Community Support Worker, Families and Communities 10291/2005 Business Manager, Families and Communities JOANNE TILBROOK, PA/Project Officer, Families and Communities 81/2006 Media Officer, Further Educ, Employment, Science & Technology KATE GRIFFITHS, Media Officer, Further Educ, Employment, Science & Technology 239/2006 Administrative Services Officer, Families and Communities JASON PAIVA, A/Administrative Services Officer, Families and Communities 390/2006 Senior Finance Officer, Premier and Cabinet ANNAMARIA BELTRAME, Finance Officer, Premier and Cabinet PSM ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 17/02/06 NOMINATIONS (Continued) APPEAL INFORMATION Whilst it is recognised that practices in relation to handling enquiries regarding nominations may vary between Administrative Units, it is recommended that such enquiries should in the first instance be directed to the chairperson of the selection panel or, if that person is not known or available the enquiry person named under the appropriate vacancy description as contained in the Notice of Vacancies. Appeals pursuant to Section 43 of the Public Sector Management Act against the above nominations must be lodged on the prescribed form and with the Appeals Administrator, Promotion and Grievance Appeals Tribunal, 11th Floor, State Administration Centre, 200 Victoria Square, Adelaide, within seven days after the publication of the notice of nominations in this publication. It should be noted that “late” appeals cannot be considered by the Tribunal. Consequently, it might be preferable to forward appeals using the facsimile service ((08) 8226 2801). If using postal services please address your appeal to the Appeals Administrator, Promotion and Grievance Appeals Tribunal, Office of Public Employment, GPO Box 1651, Adelaide, 5001. As Chief Executives may now attempt to resolve by conciliation issues relevant to an appeal, prior to its hearing, a copy of the appeal form must also be sent by the due date to the relevant Chief Executive. The Chief Executive will decide if conciliation is to be attempted and advise the Tribunal Secretary of that decision within one week of receiving a copy of the appeal. Please note that in respect of the nominations, there is no right of appeal on the basis of superior merit. An appeal against a nomination may only be made on one or more of the following grounds: that the employee nominated is not eligible for appointment to the position: or that the selection processes leading to the nomination were affected by nepotism or patronage or were otherwise not properly based on assessment of the respective merits of the applicants: or that there was some other serious irregularity in the selection processes, and may not be made merely on the basis that the Tribunal should redetermine the respective merits of the appellant and the employee nominated. Chief Executives must ensure that the Notice of Vacancies is distributed within their organisation as quickly as possible to enable applicants wishing to appeal, to do so within the prescribed 7 day limit. A list of the members of the Promotion and Grievance Appeals Tribunal and Disciplinary Appeals Tribunal panels is included in the issue of the Notice of Vacancies dated 8 August 2003. Enquiries relating to the appeal process should be directed to Jenny Schahinger, Appeals Administrator, Promotion and Grievance Appeals Tribunal, C/- Office of Public Employment, telephone (08) 8226 2881, email: Jeff Walsh COMMISSIONER FOR PUBLIC EMPLOYMENT 70 SAHC ACT VACANCY INFORMATION SA HEALTH COMMISSION ACT VACANCIES AND INSTITUTE OF MEDICAL AND VETERINARY SCIENCE ACT Vacancies contained in this section will be filled under the provisions of the South Australian Health Commission Act, 1976 and in the case of IMVS positions the Institute of Medical and Veterinary Science Act, 1982. In addition to South Australian Health Commission Act employees, applications received from persons employed by the organisations contained on pages 1 and 2 of the Notice will also be accepted for vacancies listed in this section. Applicants are encouraged to obtain further details of the position and conditions of the vacancy from the contact officer nominated in the advertisement. Applicants should relate their application to the Person Specification for the position and include a Curriculum Vitae (CV) or Resume to maximise their chances of being considered further by a Selection Panel. GRIEVANCE PROVISIONS If you believe that your application for promotion has received unfair treatment relating to the selection process, you may have the right to seek a review of the decision. The right of review ONLY applies to employees under the South Australian Health Commission Act and employees under the Public Sector Management Act who were seconded to the SA Health Commission prior to 1st September, 1987. This Grievance Procedure is explained in more detail in Part 3-1 of the SAHC Act Human Resources Manual. Initial enquiries should be directed to the Chairperson of the Selection Panel. REQUEST TO CIRCULARISE SA HEALTH COMMISSION ACT AND INSTITUTE OF MEDICAL AND VETERINARY SCIENCE ACT VACANCIES ALL requisitions for filling SA Health Commission Act and Institute of Medical and Veterinary Science Act Vacancies should be forwarded to the DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH (Consulting Team, Workforce Management Branch) by close of business Tuesdays prior to the date of issue of the following week's Notice of Vacancy. Every effort will be made to ensure vacancies are advertised as soon as possible. However, Health Units and Hospitals are encouraged to forward vacancy details as soon as they become available. This action will facilitate the clearing of positions for advertising in the Notice. Enquiries may be directed to the Consulting Team, telephone number (08) 8226 6196 or facsimile number (08) 8226 6935, and E-Mail 71 SAHC ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 17/02/06 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES STREAM ASO1 ADMINISTRATION OFFICER (TEMPORARY FOR 6 MONTHS) Vacancy No. T1177/2006 Duties: The Administration Officer is responsible to the Administration Manager, AHCHS for the provision of an accurate and confidential clerical service, which contributes to the effective and efficient operation of the Adelaide Hills Community Health Service. The Administration Officer utilises a high standard of customer focus in an efficient and friendly manner, when interacting with clients, visitors and health unit staff. Special Conditions: The incumbent will be required to enter into an annual performance agreement for the achievement of (specific or service or program) outcomes. The incumbent will participate in special projects as required. Location: Adelaide Hills (Mount Barker) Eligibility: Public Sector Employees Only Department: Health (Adelaide Hills Community Health Service - Mount Barker) Enquiries and Applications to: Ms Kelly Jarvis, Manager - Administration and Information Services, Adelaide Hills Community Health Service, PO Box 42, Mount Barker, 5251, telephone 83931833, email Note: Applicants should obtain the Job & Person Specification and address the Person Specification. Applicants should also include the name, address and contact number of three current work referees. Job & Person Specifications are available from Kelly Jarvis, 8393 1833, Applications close 24/2/06. Closing Date: 24 Feb 2006 Downloads: How to Apply:\How to apply.doc Job Description:\copy Administration Officer ASO1.doc 72 ($19194.00/35036.00) SAHC ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 17/02/06 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES STREAM (Continued) ASO1 GENERAL ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER (PART-TIME) ($19194.00/35036.00) Vacancy No. 1033/2006 Duties: As a member of the administrative team, the General Administrative Officer is responsible for the provision of an administrative service as coordinated by the Site Administrative Manager, undertaking a range of keyboard and administrative tasks that contribute to the provision of effective administrative support. Special Conditions: This is a part-time position working 45 hours per fortnight and salary will be adjusted according to actual hours worked. In accordance with the Premier's Safety Commitment statement, safety is a core value of the South Australian public sector. Some out of hours work may be required. Will be required to participate in the performance management review process. The incumbent may be required to travel or work across and/or be located at any of the Metropolitan Domiciliary Care location. A flexible approach to the taking of leave is required. Location: Adelaide Metro Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: Public Sector Employees Only Department: Health (Metropolitan Domiciliary Care - Hampstead Site) Enquiries to: Chris Bingham, Site Administrative Manager, Metropolitan Domiciliary Care, telephone 8304 6166, email Applications to: Maria Trimboli, HR Administration Officer, Metropolitan Domiciliary Care, 21A Belmore Terrace, Woodville Park, 5011, telephone 8440 6722 Note: To obtain a copy of the Job & Person Specification refer to the employment opportunities section on our website or contact the enquiries person. Applicants are required to address all of the essential and desirable requirements of the person specification in their application. Please quote vacancy number 1033/2006 in your application and forward an original application plus two copies, including the name, address and contact number of three current referees. Applicants may be required to undergo a criminal history check and/or medical examination. Closing Date: 03 Mar 2006 Downloads: Applying for Positions at MDC:\Applying for Positions at MDC.doc J&P:\Administrative Officer.doc 73 SAHC ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 17/02/06 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES STREAM (Continued) ASO2 ADMINISTRATION SERVICES OFFICER (Advt-Recirc) ($37253.00/40321.00) Vacancy No. 9292/2005 Duties: The Administration Services Officer, Brain Injury Rehabilitation, Community & Home (BIRCH) is accountable to the Manager, BIRCH, for coordinating the provision of outpatient duties in BIRCH. This entails using a teamwork approach, coordinating day-to-day workloads within the group, ensuring that all work is completed in a timely and accurate manner, handling more complex work tasks and problems, liaising with other hospital departments and staff to identify requirements/priorities and providing guidance and advice to less experienced staff in the group. Special Conditions: Participate in the Unit's administrative position rotations. Have a flexible approach to working hours. Location: Adelaide Metro (Felixstow) Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Health (Central Northern Adelaide Health Service - RAH - Hampstead Rehabilitation Centre) Enquiries to: Catherine Kimber, Manager - Brain Injury Rehabilitation, Community & Home, telephone 8337 3000, email Applications to: Mary Staunton, A/Manager, Human Resources, Hampstead Rehabilitation Centre, 207-255 Hampstead Road, Northfield, 5068 Note: Applicants should include the name, address and contact number of three current referees. Applicants are required to address the Job & Person Specification in their application. Job & Person Specifications are available from Human Resources, telephone 8222 1621 Closing Date: 03 Mar 2006 ASO2 74 IMMUNISATION ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT, MICROBIOLOGY & INFECTIOUS DISEASES DEPARTMENT (TEMPORARY FOR 10 MONTHS) ($37253.00/40321.00) Vacancy No. T1070/2006 Duties: The Administrative Assistant (ASO2 – Immunisation) provides rapid, accurate and high quality data entry and contributes confidential clerical support to the Immunisation Clinical Nurse Consultant. Special Conditions: This is a temporary full time position available from April 2006 to February 2007. Some out of hours work may be required. Location: Adelaide Metro (North Adelaide) Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: Public Sector Employees Only Department: Health (Children, Youth & Women's Health Service - Women's and Children's Hospital Campus - Microbiology & Infectious Diseases (Division of Laboratory Medicine) Enquiries to: Diana Cunningham, Secretary, Microbiology & Infectious Diseases, telephone 8161 6725, email Applications to: Recruitment & Retention Unit, Human Resources Department, Women's and Children's Hospital Campus, 72 King William Road, North Adelaide, 5006, telephone 8161 7249 Note: Please forward 4 complete sets of your application which must address the requirements of the person specification and details of three current referees. The Job and Person Specification and the ‘Advice to Applicants’ document (which assists applicants with the preparation of their application), are available from the enquiries person. Applicants are required to clearly state their employment status within the Public Sector. Closing Date: 03 Mar 2006 Downloads: JD:\AS02IMMUNISATIONFEB06.doc SAHC ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 17/02/06 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES STREAM (Continued) ASO2 ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT, UNIVERSITY DEPARTMENT OF PAEDIATRICS ($37253.00/40321.00) Vacancy No. 1072/2006 Duties: The Administrative Assistant is responsible for the effective provision of a confidential secretarial, reception and administrative service to the University Department of Paediatrics, Children, Youth & Women’s Health Service. Special Conditions: Some out of hours work may be required. Must be prepared to attend relevant meetings and staff development/education activities as required. May be required to participate in job rotation programmes within the Division of Paediatric Medicine by undertaking work in other areas. Location: Adelaide Metro (North Adelaide) Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: Public Sector Employees Only Department: Health (Children, Youth & Women's Health Service - Women's and Children's Hospital Campus - University Department of Paediatrics (Division of Paediatric Medicine) Enquiries to: Dorothy Galuszka, Senior Administrative Officer, telephone 8161 7452, email Applications to: Recruitment & Retention Unit, Human Resources Department, Women's and Children's Hospital Campus, 72 King William Road, North Adelaide, 5006, telephone 8161 7249 Note: Please forward 4 complete sets of your application which must address the requirements of the person specification and details of three current referees. The Job and Person Specification and the ‘Advice to Applicants’ document (which assists applicants with the preparation of their application), are available from the enquiries person. Applicants are required to clearly state their employment status within the Public Sector. Closing Date: 03 Mar 2006 Downloads: jd:\AS02UNIOFPAEDS.doc ASO2 CLIENT SERVICES OFFICER ($37253.00/40321.00) Vacancy No. 1056/2006 Duties: Responsible for the provision of an effective and efficient administrative and clerical support service by ensuring that enquirers are provided with a first point of face to face and telephone contact, including maintaining records of the organisation’s fleet of vehicles usage as well as records of staffs private motor vehicle approvals, administration of the “Seminar Series and Short Course” training programs, word processing, keyboard and data entry functions. Special Conditions: Must be prepared to undertake a prior offender history check. Initial appointment will be to the headquarters of DASSA; however, the incumbent may be required to transfer to another location to meet organisational needs. Maybe required to work within other locations of the Southern Adelaide Health Service. Hours of duty are 8.30am to 5pm. The incumbent may be required to enter into a performance appraisal system for the achievement of specific outcomes. Location: (Not Specified) Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: Public Sector Employees Only Department: Health (Drug and Alcohol Services South Australia) Enquiries to: Mr Colin Muller, Manager, Administrative Services - Drug and Alcohol Services South Australia, telephone 8274 3332, email Applications to: Mr Bob Ball, Manager, Human Resources, Drug and Alcohol Services South Australia, 161 Greenhill Road, Parkside, 5063, telephone 8274 3334, email Note: Please forward an original application plus three copies. Closing Date: 03 Mar 2006 75 SAHC ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 17/02/06 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES STREAM (Continued) ASO2 PURCHASING OFFICER ($37253.00/40321.00) Vacancy No. 1057/2006 Duties: The Purchasing Officer, position is accountable to:Procurement – Contracts Manager, for the provision of economic purchasing function for a complete range of product groups and purchase delegations. Special Conditions: Some out of hours work may be required. Appointment will be subject to a satisfactory Offender History Check by the South Australia Police Department. May be required to undertake a health assessment prior to commencement. Location: Adelaide Metro Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: Public Sector Employees Only Department: Health (Flinders Medical Centre - Business Services - Supply) Enquiries to: Mr Chris Pritchard, Senior Purchasing Officer - Supply, telephone 8204 5334, email Applications to: Ms Shivorn Barker, Client Services Officer, Human Resources & Organisational Development, Flinders Drive , Bedford Park, 5042, telephone 8204 5363, email Note: Flinders Medical Centre offers attractive Salary Sacrifice benefits. To obtain a Job and Person Specification please contact the enquiry person or download from the address given below. Applicants are requested to quote Job Number 1057/2006 in their application and to forward an original application plus three copies and include the name, address and contact number of three current referees. Applicants are required to address the essential and desirable criteria of the job and person specification in their application. People of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander descent are encouraged to apply. Closing Date: 03 Mar 2006 Downloads: J & P Spec:\ASO2 Purchasing Offic Supply 0206.doc AMENDMENT ASO2 PERSONAL ASSISTANT / RECEPTIONIST (TEMPORARY UP TO 12 MONTHS) ($37253.00/40321.00) Vacancy No. T862/2006 Department: Health (Flinders Medical Centre -Human Resources and Organisational Development) Applicants and intending applicants are advised that the position advertised in the Notice of Vacancies dated 10 Feb 2006 has been withdrawn from call 76 SAHC ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 17/02/06 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES STREAM (Continued) ASO2 CARDIOTHORACIC SURGICAL UNIT ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT ($37253.00/40321.00) Vacancy No. 1051/2006 Duties: Directly accountable to the Director Cardiothoracic Services for the provision of a comprehensive and confidential administrative, secretarial and receptionist service to the Director Cardiothoracic Services, unit consultant and senior scientific staff. The Cardiothoracic Surgical Administrative Assistant provides a communication link within the Unit, for the Unit within the Division, Flinders Medical Centre, Flinders Private Hospital and patients and with outside agencies and health professionals including GP's. The result will be maintenance of a timely, accurate and discrete link and the accomplishment of administrative/secretarial needs of Unit's staff. Special Conditions: May be required to undertake a health assessment prior to commencement. May be required to work at any site within the Southern Adelaide Health Service. Location: Adelaide Metro (Bedford Park) Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: Public Sector Employees Only Department: Health (Flinders Medical Centre - Medicine, Cardiac and Critical Care Services Cardiothoracic Surgical Unit) Enquiries to: Ms Sue Copland, telephone 82045623, email Applications to: Maria Savva, Client Service Officer, Human Resources, Flinders Medical Centre, Flinders Drive, Bedford Park, 5042, email Note: Flinders Medical Centre offers attractive Salary Sacrifice benefits. To obtain a Job and Person Specification please contact the enquiry person. Applicants are requested to quote Job Number 1051 in their application and to forward an original application plus three copies and include the name, address and contact number of three current referees. Applicants are required to address the essential and desirable criteria of the job and person specification in their application. People of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander descent are encouraged to apply. Closing Date: 03 Mar 2006 77 SAHC ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 17/02/06 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES STREAM (Continued) ASO2 78 PAYROLL OFFICER (CONTRACT APPOINTMENT FOR ($37253.00/40321.00) Vacancy No. 12 MONTHS) (Advt) C1000/2006 Duties: The Payroll Officer shall contribute to the provision of an accurate, efficient and timely payroll service to the employees across the Eyre Regional Health Service. The Payroll Officer may be required to undertake other duties within the accounts / finance section. Special Conditions: Normal working hours are 37.5 hours per week, Monday to Friday between 8.30 am and 5.00pm. Some flexibility of working hours may be required with Flexi-time and Time Off In Lieu provisions (as per PLHS policy, procedure & consultation). Attend all training sessions provided by the organisation and be actively involved in other training & development as required. Salary sacrificing is available to employees. All employees recruited from within the South Australian Public Sector, shall be subjected to an initial review of performance within three-months and then formally every 12 months. Location: Eyre Peninsula (Port Lincoln) Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Health (Port Lincoln Health Services) Further Information: Enquiries and Applications to: Mr Shane Porter, Acting Director of Corporate Services, Port Lincoln Health Services, PO Box 630, Port Lincoln, 5606, telephone 8683 2036, email Note: Job and Person Specifications are available from Shane Porter, telephone 8683 2036, or email Job and Person Specification available at: Closing Date: 03 Mar 2006 Downloads: Payroll Officer J&P:\PayrollOfficerJP 6.2.06.doc SAHC ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 17/02/06 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES STREAM (Continued) ASO2 PAYROLL OFFICER (MORE THAN ONE POSITION) Vacancy No. 979/2006 Duties: Accountable to the Senior Payroll Officer for ensuring that staff receive accurate and timely payment of salaries and wages using a computerised payroll system. Responsible for the maintenance of employment, salary and leave records. Required to answer phone and personal enquiries from employees. Special Conditions: Some out of hours work may be required. Flexitime arrangements may apply although some restrictions will be necessary in response to workload demands. May be required to rotate among the several Payroll positions at RGH. Location: Adelaide Metro Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: Public Sector Employees Only Department: Health (Repatriation General Hospital - Human Resources Section) Further Information: Enquiries to: Mr Terry Sutton, Payroll Manager, telephone 82751620, email Applications to: Mrs Pat Penny , Human Resources Consultant, Repatriation General Hospital, Daws Road, Daw Park SA , 5041, telephone 82751676, email Note: Please quote Vacancy No. 979 in your application. Applicants should forward an original application plus three copies, and include the names, addresses and contact numbers of three current referees. Job and Person Specifications are available on line at and applicants are required to clarify their suitability in terms of the Person Specification criteria. People of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander descent are strongly encouraged to apply. The RGH is an approved Public Benevolent Institution for fringe benefits tax purposes which enables eligible employees to salary sacrifice/package up to 50%. Closing Date: 03 Mar 2006 Downloads: Job and Person Specification:\Payroll Officer ASO2 Vac979 Feb06.doc 79 ($37253.00/40321.00) SAHC ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 17/02/06 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES STREAM (Continued) ASO2 UNIT SECRETARY ($37253.00/40321.00) Vacancy No. 1024/2006 Duties: Accountable for ensuring an efficient, comprehensive, customer orientated, administrative and secretarial service is provided to the clinical team and clients of the Investigative Procedures Unit at the Repatriation General Hospital, Daw Park. This support should be provided in accordance with the policies and procedures of the Repatriation General Hospital, Daw Park. Special Conditions: On occasion and in consultation, the Unit Secretary may be asked to assist in other positions in order to ensure an appropriate clerical service within the Surgical Division. Location: Adelaide Metro Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: Public Sector Employees Only Department: Health (Repatriation General Hospital - Procedural and Related Services Division) Further Information: Enquiries to: Ms Michelle Hefford, Administrative Coordinator, telephone 82751834, email Applications to: Ms Pat Penny, Human Resources Consultant, Repatriation General Hospital, Daws Road, Daw Park SA, 5041, telephone 82751676, email Note: Please quote Vacancy No. 1024 in your application. Applicants should forward an original application plus three copies, and include the names, addresses and contact numbers of three current referees. Job and Person Specifications are available on line at and applicants are required to clarify their suitability in terms of the Person Specification criteria. People of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander descent are strongly encouraged to apply. The RGH is an approved Public Benevolent Institution for fringe benefits tax purposes which enables eligible employees to salary sacrifice/package up to 50%. Closing Date: 03 Mar 2006 Downloads: Job and Person Specification:\Unit Sec IPU Vac1021 Feb06.doc 80 SAHC ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 17/02/06 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES STREAM (Continued) ASO2 81 REGISTRY CLERK/FREEDOM OF INFORMATION OFFICER (PART-TIME) (TEMPORARY UP ($37253.00/40321.00) Vacancy No. TO 12 MONTHS) T1043/2006 Duties: The Registry Clerk/Freedom of Information Officer is accountable to the Chief Executive Officer through the Manager Quality & Safety to ensure the successful daily management of the registry and the ongoing maintenance of the registry filing system. Assists in the implement of the organisations responsibilities under the Fair Information Act by processing Freedom of Information applications. Special Conditions: This is a part-time position working 27.5 hours per week, 5.5 hours per day Monday to Friday, and salary will be adjusted according to actual hours worked. Some out of hours work may be required. This is a contract for up to 12 months or until such time as the incumbent returns from accouchement leave should this be earlier. Location: South East (Mount Gambier) Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: Public Sector Employees Only Department: Health (South East Regional Health Service Inc - Mount Gambier & Districts Health Service Inc) Enquiries to: Ms S Jones, Acting Manager Quality & Safety - Mount Gambier & Districts Health Services Inc, telephone 8721 2571, email Applications to: Ms A Nitschke, Personnel Consultant, Mount Gambier & Districts Health Service Inc, PO Box 267, Mount Gambier, 5290, telephone 8721 1528, email Note: Job and Person Specifications are available from Ms Sue Jones, telephone 8721 1571, or email Please forward an original application plus three copies. Applicants should include the name, address and contact number of three current referees. Closing Date: 03 Mar 2006 Downloads: Job & Person Specification:\ASO2 Registry Feb06.doc SAHC ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 17/02/06 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES STREAM (Continued) ASO3 82 ASSISTANT HEALTH PROMOTION OFFICER (ABORIGINAL), CENTRE FOR HEALTH PROMOTION (CONTRACT APPOINTMENT UP ($43385.00/46453.00) Vacancy No. TO 2 YEARS) (Advt) C1096/2006 Duties: The Assistant Health Promotion Officer (Aboriginal) will contribute to health promotion initiatives that improve Children, young people and women’s health and foster supportive environments for health. There will be a particular focus on supporting staff to work more effectively to improve Aboriginal Health. Special Conditions: This is a full time contract appointment available for two years. Some out of hours work will be required. Ability to work occasional evenings as required by project work. A current drivers licence and willingness to drive are essential. In accordance with Section 56 (2) of the Equal Opportunity Act 1984 (SA), exemption has been granted to the Department of Human Services to appoint only Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people to Aboriginal Health Worker positions in South Australia. Accordingly Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people are only eligible to apply for this position. Location: Adelaide Metro (North Adelaide) Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Health (Children, Youth & Women's Health Service - Women's and Children's Hospital Campus - Centre for Health Promotion) Enquiries to: Jenny Philip-Harbutt, Acting Manager, Projects, Centre for Health Promotion, telephone 8161 7163, email Applications to: Recruitment & Retention Unit, Human Resources Department, Women's and Children's Hospital Campus, 72 King William Road, North Adelaide, 5006, telephone 8161 7249 Note: Please forward 4 complete sets of your application which must address the requirements of the person specification and details of three current referees. The Job and Person Specification and the ‘Advice to Applicants’ document (which assists applicants with the preparation of their application), are available from the enquiries person. Applicants are required to clearly state their employment status within the Public Sector. People of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander descent are strongly encouraged to apply. Closing Date: 03 Mar 2006 Downloads: JD:\AS03HEALTHPROMFEB06.doc SAHC ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 17/02/06 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES STREAM (Continued) ASO3 PC SUPPORT OFFICER ($43385.00/46453.00) Vacancy No. 1073/2006 Duties: The PC Support Officer is responsible for maintaining and supporting desktop and notebook computers and associated peripheral equipment by identifying all problems and taking appropriate courses of action which will result in the provision of timely, efficient and effective service to staff across the health units of the region. Special Conditions: Employment shall generally be 37.5 hours per week. Some flexibility of working hours may be required with Time Off In Lieu provision. Flexi time policy applies within the Eyre Regional Health Service. Extensive travel between health units of the Eyre Regional Health Service will be required and this may necessitate overnight stays within the region. A current driver's licence and willingness to drive is essential. Location: Eyre Peninsula (Port Lincoln) Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: Public Sector Employees Only Department: Health (Eyre Regional Health Service) Enquiries and Applications to: Mr Peter Freeman, Manager Information & Technology, Eyre Regional Health Service, PO Box 623, Port Lincoln, 5606, telephone 8682 0903, email Note: Please forward an original application plus three copies. Applicants should include the name, address and contact number of three current referees. Job and Person Specification available at: Closing Date: 24 Feb 2006 Downloads: Job Description:\PC Support Officer ASO3.doc 83 SAHC ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 17/02/06 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES STREAM (Continued) ASO2/ ASO3 CLINICAL CODER ($37253.00/40321.00) ($43385.00/46453.00) Vacancy No. 1066/2006 Duties: The Clinical Coder is responsible to the Manager, Clinical Coding Service for the timely and accurate translation of medical and procedural terminology into ICD-10-AM International Classification of Diseases 10th Edition-Australian Modification) for use in statistical analysis, epidemiology, hospital planning, research, and for the auditing of quality of patient care. An important end product of the coding process is the assignment of ANDRG's (Australian National Diagnosis Related Groups) upon which case mix funding for inpatients is dependent. Special Conditions: A current driver's licence and willingness to drive is essential. Some out of hours work may be required. Some intrastate travel involving country & metropolitan areas will be required. Appointment will be subject to a satisfactory offender history check. May be required to undertake a health assessment prior to commencement. The position may be filled at either remuneration level depending on the level of responsibility and accountability assigned in accordance with the qualifications and experience of the successful applicant. Location: Adelaide Metro Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: Public Sector Employees Only Department: Health (Flinders Medical Centre - Information Service - Clinical Coding Service) Enquiries to: Ms Helena Capponi, Clinical Coding Service, telephone 82044213, email Applications to: Ms Shivorn Barker, Client Services Officer, Human Resources & Organisational Development, Flinders Drive, Bedford Park, 5042, telephone 8204 5363, email Note: Flinders Medical Centre offers attractive Salary Sacrifice benefits. To obtain a Job and Person Specification please contact the enquiry person or download from the address given below. Applicants are requested to quote Job Number 1066/2006 in their application and to forward an original application plus three copies and include the name, address and contact number of three current referees. Applicants are required to address the essential and desirable criteria of the job and person specification in their application. People of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander descent are encouraged to apply. Closing Date: 03 Mar 2006 Downloads: J & P Spec:\ASO2 Clinical Coder Service 0206.doc J & P Spec:\ASO3 Clinical Coder Service 0206.doc 84 SAHC ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 17/02/06 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES STREAM (Continued) ASO4 85 QUALITY, RISK, REHABILITATION & SAFETY COORDINATOR (PART-TIME) (CONTRACT ($49584.00/51874.00) Vacancy No. APPOINTMENT UP TO 2 YEARS) C902/2006 (Advt) Duties: Responsible to the Chief Executive Officer through the Executive Officer/Director of Nursing (who has the Q.S.R. portfolio) for the development, implementation and coordination of a quality, safety, risk, and rehabilitative program linking across the two health units. Will ensure this encompasses the following key aspects: leading the standardisation of communication, documentation and reporting systems including relevant policies, procedures and guidelines; identifying and addressing gaps in quality, safety, risk, and rehabilitation management programs; coordination of Occupational Health, Safety and Welfare functions and implementation of sound operational practices in accordance with relevant Acts and Standards; coordination, implementation, development and review of streamlined quality programs; development and implementation of a risk management framework for identification and ongoing management of all organisational risks; leading and coordinating streamlined accreditation processes; undertaking effective case management and rehabilitation programming for employees affected by work-related injury and sickness; leading organisational change by implementation of recommendations made by the Quality, Safety, Risk, and Rehabilitation Project Officer. Special Conditions: This is a part-time position working 37.5 hours per fortnight and salary will be adjusted according to actual hours worked. The incumbent through negotiation may be based at the Health Service of their choice. Regional and intrastate travel will be required. A current drivers licence is essential. Some out of hours work may be required for which time in lieu/flexitime arrangements will apply. Attendance of mandatory training sessions as determined by the organisation. Location: Booleroo Centre/Jamestown Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Health (Booleroo Centre District Hospitals & Health Services Inc & Jamestown Hospital & Health Service Inc) Further Information: Enquiries to: Ms Mary-Grace Bingham, Executive Officer/Director of Nursing - Jamestown Hospital & Health Service Inc, telephone 86641595, email Applications to: Mr Brenton Badenoch, Chief Executive Officer, Booleroo Centre District Hospital and Health Services Inc, PO Box 20, Booleroo Centre, 5482, telephone 86673245, email Note: Please forward an original application plus three copies and include the name, address and contact number of three current referees. Applicants are required to address the essential and desirable criteria of the job and person specification in their application. Closing Date: 03 Mar 2006 SAHC ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 17/02/06 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES STREAM (Continued) ASO4 COMMUNITY HEALTH WORKER - YOUNG PARENTS PROJECT (TEMPORARY UP TO 15/01/2007) ($49584.00/51874.00) Vacancy No. T607/2006 Duties: Provision of health services which contributes to the improvement of the health status of Young Parents and their families by utilising the principles of Primary Health Care and Health Promotion. Undertaking relevant research into the health needs of Young Parents and their families and the development, implementation and evaluation of health education programs, and participation in the development of policies for the organisation. Special Conditions: This appointment will be subject to the following: a satisfactory offender history check; possession of a current drivers licence and the willingness to drive; flexibility in working hours (including some out of hours work); participation in the organisations performance management process; to relocate (as required) to meet service delivery and or organisational requirements; to travel intra or interstate, which may involve overnight absences (as required). May be required to work at any site within the Children, Youth and Women's Health Service. Location: Adelaide Eligibility: Public Sector Employees Only Department: Health (Children, Youth and Women's Health Service - Child and Youth Health) Further Information: Enquiries and Applications to: Ms Kim Holmes, Regional Manager, The Second Story Central, Child and Youth Health, 57 Hyde Street, ADELAIDE, 5000, telephone 8232 0233, email Note: Applicants are required to address the Job and Person Specification which is available from (Child and Youth Health employment link). Applicants should include the name, address and contact number of three current referees. Please forward an original application plus three copies. Please note that eligibility for Salary Sacrifice at CYH is an attractive advantage to the position. Closing Date: 03 Mar 2006 86 SAHC ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 17/02/06 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES STREAM (Continued) ASO4 COMMUNITY HEALTH WORKER, EDCONX INITIATIVE (TEMPORARY UP TO 12 MONTHS) ($49584.00/51874.00) Vacancy No. (MORE THAN ONE POSITION) T976/2006 Duties: Provide an outreach service to young people and their families to address issues that impact school attendance including school based and non-school related psychosocial and/or behavioural issues. Responsible for working in partnership with particular schools involved in the EdConX initiative and key stakeholders to implement strategies, practice and processes that foster an integrated service response and that address the barriers to increasing school retention. Essential Minimum Qualifications: Special Conditions: This appointment will be subject to the following: a satisfactory offender history check, possession of a current driver's licence and the willingness to drive, flexibility in working hours some out of hours work will be required, participation in the organisation's performance management process, to work in a number of locations and to relocate (as required) to meet service delivery and or organisational requirements, to travel intra or interstate, which may involve overnight absences (as required). Location: 1 position based at Elizabeth, 1 position based at Christies Beach - The Second Story Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: Public Sector Employees Only Department: Health (Children, Youth and Women's Health Service - Child and Youth Health) Further Information: http:\\ Enquiries and Applications to: Ms Diana Allwood, School Connections Co-ordinator, Children, Youth and Women's Health Service (Child and Youth Health), 52 Hyde Street, Adelaide, 5000, telephone 8232 0233, email Note: Please note that eligibility for Salary Sacrifice at CYH is an attractive advantage to the position. Applicants are required to address the Job and Person Specifications which are available from the website Child and Youth Health employment link. Please forward an original application plus three copies. Applications should include the name, address and contact number of three current referees. Job and Person Specification available at: Closing Date: 03 Mar 2006 ASO4 CLIENT SERVICES OFFICER (Advt) Vacancy No. 1052/2006 Duties: Responsible for the promotion of IMVS Pathology and Medical services to doctors and clients for the purpose of increasing referrals to the IMVS. Special Conditions: Intrastate travel is required. Current drivers licence is essential. Location: (Not Specified) Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Health (Institute of Medical and Veterinary Science - Marketing) Enquiries to: Mr Greg Johansen, Head of Marketing, telephone 8222 3343 Applications to: Ms Gill Norrington, Manager, Human Resources, IMVS, Frome Road, Adelaide, 5000 Note: Please forward an original application plus three copies. Applicants should include the name, address and contact number of three current referees. Closing Date: 03 Mar 2006 87 ($49584.00/51874.00) SAHC ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 17/02/06 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES STREAM (Continued) ASO4 CONTRACTS OFFICER ($49584.00/51874.00) Vacancy No. 1012/2006 Duties: The Contracts Officer is accountable to the Supply Manager for the economic and cost-effective procurement of equipment, goods and services used within the IMVS. The Contracts Officer is responsible for a range of procurement activities for goods, services, minor equipment and capital equipment. The Contracts Officer is also required to assist the Senior Contracts Officer with the development and the management of tenders and contracts. Special Conditions: Some out of hours work may be required. May be required to work within all IMVS Supply areas on an as-need basis as determined by the Supply Manager. Some intra and/or interstate travel may be required. Location: (Not Specified) Eligibility: Public Sector Employees Only Department: Health (Institute of Medical and Veterinary Science - Supply) Enquiries to: Mr David Paterson, Supply Manager, telephone 8222 3532, email Applications to: Ms Gill Norrington, Manager, Human Resources, IMVS, Frome Road, Adelaide, 5000 Note: Please forward an original application plus three copies. Applicants should include the name, address and contact number of three current referees. Closing Date: 03 Mar 2006 Downloads: J&PS:\Contracts Officer ASO4.doc 88 SAHC ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 17/02/06 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES STREAM (Continued) ASO4 89 HEALTH PROMOTION PROJECT OFFICER - HEALTHY WEIGHT (CONTRACT APPOINTMENT FOR ($49584.00/51874.00) Vacancy No. 12 MONTHS) (Advt) C1038/2006 Duties: The Health Promotion Project Officer is part of the Regional Health promotion Team and will receive support and work in collaboration with the Health Promotion and Development Officer for the implementation of specific projects to improve the health and wellbeing of residents of the South East Region. They will work in partnership with the Regional Health Promotion and Development Committee in planning, implementation and evaluation of Health Promotion activities that address the health needs of the community, ensuring that all programs and initiatives are consistent with the directions and priorities of the Regional Health Service. They will be required to liaison with appropriate teams and health services according to the program area they are working on. The Health Promotion Officer is required to show initiative, work independently and make decisions in relation to meeting the Regional Health Service’s top Ten Priorities.The Project Officer understands and applies Primary Health Care principles and uses the Ottawa Charter for Health Promotion (1986) and Jakarta Declaration (1997) as frameworks to contribute to the enhancement of the health of individuals and the community. They will provide information regarding access to resources, grants and proposal writing. Special Conditions: This is a full time temporary 12 month contract position based within the South East Region. The focus up until June 30th 2006 will be on the Healthy Weight project and then other projects as requested. A current SA Driver’s Licence is essential as travel to other sites and some out of hours work will be required. Organisational restructuring is taking place for the whole of SERCHS, which may necessitate minor review of the Job and Person Specification for this position. The incumbent will be required to participate in the Performance Development process. The appointee will be subject to a satisfactory Criminal History check. Location: South East Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Health (South East Regional Health Service Inc - South East Regional Community Health Service) Enquiries to: Mr D Kelly, Health Promotion & Development Officer, South East Regional Community Health Service, telephone 08 8724 5222, email Applications to: Ms T Radley, Recruitment & Selection Officer, South East Regional Community Health Service, PO Box 267, 22 Sturt Street, MOUNT GAMBIER, 5290, telephone 08 8724 5222 Note: Job and Person Specifications are available from Mr David Kelly, telephone 08 8724 5222, or email Please forward an original application plus three copies. Applicants should include the name, address and contact number of three current referees. Closing Date: 03 Mar 2006 Downloads: Job & Person Specification:\HP Project Officer 0206.doc SAHC ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 17/02/06 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES STREAM (Continued) ASO4 90 HEALTH PROMOTION PROJECT OFFICER - SUICIDE PREVENTION (CONTRACT APPOINTMENT FOR ($49584.00/51874.00) Vacancy No. 12 MONTHS) (Advt) C1039/2006 Duties: The Health Promotion Project Officer is part of the Regional Health promotion Team and will receive support and work in collaboration with the Health Promotion and Development Officer for the implementation of specific projects to improve the health and wellbeing of residents of the South East Region. They will work in partnership with the Regional Health Promotion and Development Committee in planning, implementation and evaluation of Health Promotion activities that address the health needs of the community, ensuring that all programs and initiatives are consistent with the directions and priorities of the Regional Health Service. They will be required to liaison with appropriate teams and health services according to the program area they are working on. The Health Promotion Officer is required to show initiative, work independently and make decisions in relation to meeting the Regional Health Service’s top Ten Priorities.The Project Officer understands and applies Primary Health Care principles and uses the Ottawa Charter for Health Promotion (1986) and Jakarta Declaration (1997) as frameworks to contribute to the enhancement of the health of individuals and the community. They will provide information regarding access to resources, grants and proposal writing. Special Conditions: This is a full time temporary 12 month contract position based within the South East Region. The incumbent will be required to work on the Suicide Prevention project and become familiar with the SE project plan including the evaluation methodology. A current SA Driver’s Licence is essential as travel to other sites and some out of hours work will be required. Organisational restructuring is taking place for the whole of SERCHS, which may necessitate minor review of the Job and Person Specification for this position. The incumbent will be required to participate in the Performance Development process. The appointee will be subject to a satisfactory Criminal History check. Location: South East Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Health (South East Regional Health Service Inc - South East Regional Community Health Service) Enquiries to: Mr D Kelly, Health Promotion & Development Officer, telephone 08 8724 5222, email Applications to: Ms T Radley, Recruitment & Selection Officer, South East Regional Community Health Service, PO Box 267, 22 Sturt Street, MOUNT GAMBIER, 5290, telephone 08 8724 5222 Note: Job and Person Specifications are available from Mr David Kelly, telephone 08 8724 5222, or email Please forward an original application plus three copies. Applicants should include the name, address and contact number of three current referees. Closing Date: 03 Mar 2006 Downloads: Job & Person Specification:\HP Project Officer Suicide 0206.doc SAHC ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 17/02/06 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES STREAM (Continued) ASO6 ABORIGINAL & TORRES STRAIT ISLANDER HEALTH - PROJECT OFFICER (Advt) ($64060.00/67989.00) Vacancy No. 1081/2006 Duties: The Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Health - Project Officer plays a pivotal role within the Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Health Directorate. Contributing to the development of policy and strategic planning processes in line with the State Strategic Plan and regional priorities in relation to health and well being of Aboriginal people through the development of the CNAHS Aboriginal Health Strategy. Ensuring the further development of working partnerships across the Directorates, across regions and across sectors. Providing both creative and evidence based contribution to service delivery planning and implementation. Providing executive support to the Executive Director. Undertake research on matters relevant to furthering the strategic aims of the Directorate. Special Conditions: Some out of hours work may be required. Some intra/interstate travel may be required. Must have a current, valid and unencumbered driver's license. Location: Adelaide Metro Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Health (Central Northern Adelaide Health Service) Enquiries and Applications to: Kirsten Scudds, Executive Assistant, CNAHS Regional Office, GPO Box 1898, Adelaide, 5001, telephone 8222 1401, email Note: Job and Person Specifications are available from Kirsten Scudds on 8222 1401 or email Closing Date: 03 Mar 2006 MAS3 DIRECTOR, SPECIALIST SERVICES (Advt-Recirc) ($84354.00) Vacancy No. 9811/2005 Duties: JFS, with 120 years of experience in disability issues is developing a dynamic and more broader range of services for people with a disability and we now require the services of experienced and dynamic leaders to continue with our direction.This position will be responsible for working closely with JFS Service Leaders, Government and non-government organisations, to provide the clients of JFS with high quality service based on choice and community inclusion. Special Conditions: Appointment will be subject to a satisfactory Person History Check. Some intra/interstate travel may be required. Location: Adelaide Metro (Fullarton) Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Families and Communities (Julia Farr Services) Further Information: Enquiries to: Mr Robbi Williams, Chief Executive Officer, telephone 8372 1406 Applications to: Ms Josie Callisto, A/Manager Employee Services, 103 Fisher Street, FULLARTON, 5063 Note: An Employment Pack, including the Job and Person Specification is available for download from our web site or telephone 8372 1411 for a pack to be sent to you. Please forward an original application plus three copies. Safety is a core value of the South Australian Public Sector. Closing Date: 03 Mar 2006 Downloads: Guidelines:\Job Guidelines.pdf 91 SAHC ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 17/02/06 DENTAL OFFICERS DSO2 92 DENTAL REGISTRAR (UNACCREDITED), PAEDIATRIC DENTISTRY (PART-TIME) (TEMPORARY FOR ($73866.00/81405.00) Vacancy No. 9 MONTHS) (Advt) T891/2006 Duties: Responsible to the Department Head for the provision of an effective and efficient paediatric dental service within the objectives and philosophies of the Paediatric Dental Department, Division of Paediatric Surgery and the Women's and Children's Hospital. In the absence of the Department Head, the position is responsible to the Staff Specialist and Fellow for the provision of effective and efficient services. Encourage and support teamwork and coordination amongst staff for optimal clinical service outcomes and develop a strategic approach to the planning and evaluation of Paediatric Dentistry services. Essential Minimum Qualifications: Registrable with the Dental Board of South Australia as a Dentist. Special Conditions: This is a temporary part-time position available for 9 months, working 0.8 full time equivalent and salary will be adjusted according to actual hours worked. Performance will be assessed on the basis of outcomes as outlined in this position description at 4 monthly intervals through an interview with senior staff members.Other conditions of service in accordance with the SA Government Wages parity Enterprise Agreement 2004. Location: Adelaide Metro (North Adelaide) Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Health (Children, Youth & Women's Health Service - Women's and Children's Hospital Campus - Paediatric Dentistry (Division of Paediatric Surgery) Enquiries to: Dr Sam Gue, Departmental Head, Dental, telephone 8161 7379, email Applications to: Recruitment & Retention Unit, Human Resources Department, Women's and Children's Hospital Campus, 72 King William Road, North Adelaide, 5006, telephone 8161 7249 Note: Please forward 4 complete sets of your application which must address the requirements of the person specification and details of three current referees. The Job and Person Specification and the ‘Advice to Applicants’ document (which assists applicants with the preparation of their application), are available from the enquiries person. Applicants are required to clearly state their employment status within the Public Sector. Closing Date: 24 Feb 2006 Downloads: jd:\DS02DENTAL.doc SAHC ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 17/02/06 DISABILITY SERVICES DIS02 SHIFT SUPERVISOR (MORE THAN ONE POSITION) Vacancy No. 728/2006 Duties: Responsible for supervising and assisting in the provision of accommodation support services. Provide practical support and guidance to Disability Services Officers, clients and families in the implementation of developmental programs and support services. Essential Minimum Qualifications: Care worker In-service Competency Certificate or Certificate in Community Services (Intellectual Disability) or Bachelor/Diploma of Applied Science (Developmental Disability) or Mental Deficiency Nursing Certificate or any other approved alternative qualification as determined by the employer. Approved Shift Supervision Training Certificate or equivalent. Must possess a current Senior First Aid Certificate or other recognised First Aid qualification as determined by the employer Special Conditions: A current driver's licence is highly desirable. May be required to work over seven-day/24 hour roster. Must be prepared to relocate within IDSC if the need arises. Location: Adelaide Metro (Oakden) Eligibility: Public Sector Employees Only Department: Families and Communities (Intellectual Disability Services Council Inc Accommodation Services) Further Information: Enquiries to: Ms Carmela Moore, Program Co-ordinator, IDSC Accommodation Services , telephone 8266 8574, email Applications to: Ms Sue Cufone, Administrative Assistant, IDSC Accommodation Services, Strathmont Centre 696-710 Grand Junction Road, Oakden, SA , 5086, telephone 8266 8643, email Note: Persons currently undertaking Shift Supervision Training are eligible to apply. Applicants must address the Job and Person Specification in their application, available from Sue Cufone, telephone 8266 8643, or email Please forward an original application plus three copies. Applicants should include the name, address and contact number of three current referees. Safety is a core value of the South Australian Public Sector. Closing Date: 03 Mar 2006 Downloads: JD/ Shift Supervisor :\DSO_002.DOC Guidelines:\Job Guidelines.pdf 93 ($35068.00/38221.00) SAHC ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 17/02/06 NURSING OFFICERS EN ENROLLED GENERAL NURSE - GENERAL & SPECIALTY AREAS (MORE THAN ONE POSITION) ($35107.00/41235.00) Vacancy No. 911/2006 Duties: Delivers high quality nursing care to individuals and groups of patients under the supervision of a Registered Nurse, which is consistent with the mission of Royal Adelaide Hospital and the core values of the Nursing Department. Participates in the processes of nursing care delivery, and participates in the maintenance of a physically safe and culturally sensitive environment for customers and staff. Demonstrates a level of performance that meets the professional, legal and ethical requirements of the nursing profession. Essential Minimum Qualifications: Enrolled or eligible for enrolment as a Nurse with the Nurses Board of South Australia and who holds, or who is eligible to hold, a current practicing certificate. Special Conditions: Full time, part time, weekends and night duty positions (including 10 hour night shifts) available. Salary will be adjusted according to hours worked. May be required to work at any site within the Central Northern Adelaide Health Service. Location: Adelaide CBD Award: Nurses (South Australian Public Sector) Award 2002 Eligibility: Public Sector Employees Only Department: Health (Royal Adelaide Hospital - Nursing & Patient Care Services) Enquiries to: Ms Mary Callery, A/Nurse Manager - Administration, Nursing & Patient Care Services, telephone 8222 4231 Applications to: Ms Margaret Cattonar, Nursing Director - Administration, Nursing & Patient Care Services, Royal Adelaide Hospital, North Terrace, Adelaide, 5000 Note: Applicants are requested to quote vacancy number 911/2006 on the application and address the essential minimum requirements as outlined in the Job and Person Specification. Application forms and Job and Person Specifications available from Nursing & Patient Care Services, Level 4 Margaret Graham Building, telephone: 8222 4231. Closing Date: 03 Mar 2006 EN ENROLLED NURSE, PREGNANCY ADVISORY CENTRE (PART-TIME) (Advt) ($35107.00/41235.00) Vacancy No. 1011/2006 Duties: Under supervision assisting in the provision of direct nursing care within the specified limits of knowledge, skills and competence, to women undergoing first and second trimester termination of pregnancy in Theatre, CSSD, recovery and post-operative care. Essential Minimum Qualifications: Enrolled or eligible for enrolment as a Nurse with the Nurses Board of South Australia and who holds, or who is eligible to hold, a current practicing certificate. Special Conditions: This is a part-time position working 24 hours per week and salary will be adjusted according to actual hours worked. The incumbent will initially be based at the Pregnancy Advisory Centre or other sites under the responsibility of the Central Northern Adelaide Health Service. Some out of hours work may be required. Location: Adelaide Metro Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Health (The Queen Elizabeth Hospital - Medical Services - Pregnancy Advisory Centre) Enquiries to: Ann Medcalf, Nursing Coordinator, Pregnancy Advisory Centre, The Queen Elizabeth Hospital, telephone 8347 4955, email Applications to: Senior Human Resources Adviser, Human Resources, The Queen Elizabeth Hospital, 28 Woodville Road, Woodville South, 5011 Note: Applicants are requested to forward an original plus three copies of their application and include the name, address and contact number of three current professional referees. Applicants are required to address the essential criteria of the job and person specification in their application. Closing Date: 03 Mar 2006 94 SAHC ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 17/02/06 NURSING OFFICERS (Continued) RN/M1 95 REGISTERED NURSE/MIDWIFE, CARDIOLOGY DEPARTMENT (PART-TIME) (TEMPORARY FOR ($40413.00/54309.00) Vacancy No. 6 MONTHS) T1097/2006 Duties: Accountable and responsible for the delivery of care to patients and their families. Demonstrates the necessary skills and knowledge to provide care relevant to the patient’s needs. Coordinates cardiology outpatient clinics assist in the cardiac catheter laboratory and undertaken other nursing related duties to ensure efficient and comprehensive patient care. Essential Minimum Qualifications: Registered or eligible for registration as a General Nurse and Midwife by the Nurses Board of South Australia and who holds, or who is eligible to hold, a current practicing certificate. Special Conditions: This is a temporary part-time position available for 6 months working 0.42 FTE and salary will be adjusted according to the hours worked. Appointment is subject to agreement by the candidate that. Performance will be assessed at three (3) months then annually based on the outcomes as outlined in this position description. May be required to work at any site within the Children, Youth and Women's Health Service. Location: Adelaide Metro (North Adelaide) Award: Nurses (South Australian Public Sector) Award 2002 Eligibility: Public Sector Employees Only Department: Health (Children, Youth & Women's Health Service - Women's and Children's Hospital Campus - Cardiology Department (Division of Paediatric Medicine) Enquiries to: Wendy Duncan, Clinical Nurse Consultant, telephone 8161 7261 Applications to: Recruitment & Retention Unit, Human Resources Department, Women's and Children's Hospital Campus, 72 King William Road, North Adelaide, 5006, telephone 8161 7249 Note: Please forward 4 complete sets of your application which must address the requirements of the person specification and details of three current referees. The Job and Person Specification and the ‘Advice to Applicants’ document (which assists applicants with the preparation of their application), are available from the enquiries person. Applicants are required to clearly state their employment status within the Public Sector. Closing Date: 03 Mar 2006 Downloads: jd:\RN1CARDIOLOGY.doc SAHC ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 17/02/06 NURSING OFFICERS (Continued) RN/M2 96 PRIMARY HEALTH CARE CLINICAL NURSE- CHRONIC DISEASE MANAGEMENT (TEMPORARY UP TO 30/06/2006) ($56194.00/59317.00) Vacancy No. (Advt) T1091/2006 Duties: Contributes to the provision of primary health care services, programs and activities based on social justice and a social view of health. Within a primary health care framework, the purpose of this position is to enhance the capacity of clinical services to be more culturally responsive and accountable to Aboriginal people. This is to be achieved through directly providing clinical services, both independently and in partnership with multidisciplinary staff in a manner that optimises outcomes for the identified client group. It will include coordination, liaison, support, referral, follow up and advocacy. The position will also play an important role in health education, health promotion and assist with community development. Essential Minimum Qualifications: Registered or eligible for registration as a General Nurse by the Nurses Board of South Australia and who holds, or who is eligible to hold, a current practicing certificate. Special Conditions: This is a temporary position up to 30/06/2006.Some out of hours work may be necessary. Must possess a current Driver’s Licence and a willingness to drive. May be required to work at any site within the Central Northern Adelaide Health Service. Location: Adelaide Metro (Gilles Plains) Award: Nurses (South Australian Public Sector) Award 2002 Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Health (CNAHS Primary Health Care) Enquiries to: Ms Terry Stewart, Regional Manager, CNAHS Primary Health Care - Western, telephone 8342 8600, email Applications to: Human Resources, CNAHS Primary Health Care Services- Central Eastern and Western, PO Box 508, Prospect East SA, 5082, telephone 8342 8600, email Note: Job and Person Specifications are available from Human Resource Team, Phone 8342 8600 or email Please forward an original plus three copies. Applicants are required to obtain the Job and Person Specification and address the criteria. Applicants should include the name, address and contact number of three current referees. Closing Date: 03 Mar 2006 SAHC ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 17/02/06 NURSING OFFICERS (Continued) RN1 IMMUNISATION CO-ORDINATOR (Advt) ($40413.00/54309.00) Vacancy No. 1032/2006 Duties: Will provide an immunisation service to Aboriginal adults, children and families throughout the Pika Wiya catchment area. This service will deliver community education and promotional aspects that are consistent with the SA and National Immunisation Program guidelines. Will be required to run an Influenza and Pneumococcal vaccination program between March and May each year according to SA Immunisation Coordination Unit guidelines which may involve sourcing funding. Essential Minimum Qualifications: Registered or eligible for registration as a General Nurse by the Nurses Board of South Australia and who holds, or who is eligible to hold, a current practicing certificate. Special Conditions: Some intra/interstate travel involving overnight absences may be required. A South Australian current driver's licence and a willingness to drive is essential. May be required to work in other health teams. Location: Flinders Ranges & Outback (Port Augusta) Award: Nurses (South Australian Public Sector) Award 2002 Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Health (Pika Wiya Health Service Inc.) Enquiries to: Mrs. J. Riordan, Immunisation Coordinator - Pika Wiya Health Service Inc., telephone 08 8642 9999, email Applications to: Ms. R. Scharenberg, Operational Services Delivery Manager, Pika Wiya Health Service Inc., P.O. Box 2021, PORT AUGUSTA, 5700, telephone 08 8642 9999, email Note: Job and Person Specifications are available from Ms. R. Scharenberg, telephone 08 8642 9999, or email Please forward an original application plus three copies and include name, address and contact number of three current referees. Applicants are requested to address the Job and Person Specification. Closing Date: 03 Mar 2006 97 SAHC ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 17/02/06 NURSING OFFICERS (Continued) RN1 REGISTERED GENERAL NURSE - GENERAL & SPECIALTY AREAS (MORE THAN ONE POSITION) ($40413.00/54309.00) Vacancy No. 909/2006 Duties: Accountable for the delivery of high quality nursing care to patients, which is consistent with the mission of Royal Adelaide Hospital and the core values of the Nursing Department. Demonstrates a level of performance that meets the professional, legal and ethical obligations of the nursing profession. Demonstrates clinical nursing knowledge and skill relevant to the area of practice and utilises evidence-based practice to achieve quality patient outcomes. Contributes to the provision of a safe and productive environment for patients and staff. Essential Minimum Qualifications: Registered or eligible for registration as a General Nurse by the Nurses Board of South Australia and who holds, or who is eligible to hold, a current practicing certificate. Special Conditions: Full time, part time, weekends and night duty positions (including 10 hour night shifts) available. Salary will be adjusted according to hours worked. May be required to work at any site within the Central Northern Adelaide Health Service. Location: Adelaide CBD Award: Nurses (South Australian Public Sector) Award 2002 Eligibility: Public Sector Employees Only Department: Health (Royal Adelaide Hospital - Nursing & Patient Care Services) Enquiries to: Ms Mary Callery, A/Nurse Manager - Administration, Nursing & Patient Care Services, telephone 8222 4231 Applications to: Ms Margaret Cattonar, Nursing Director - Administration, Nursing & Patient Care Services, Royal Adelaide Hospital, North Terrace, Adelaide, 5000 Note: Applicants are requested to quote vacancy number 909/2006 on the application and address the essential minimum requirements as outlined in the Job and Person Specification. Application forms and Job and Person Specifications available from Nursing & Patient Care Services, Level 4 Margaret Graham Building, telephone 8222 4231. Closing Date: 03 Mar 2006 98 SAHC ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 17/02/06 NURSING OFFICERS (Continued) RN1 REGISTERED NURSE LEVEL 1 (FULL-TIME, PART-TIME OR CASUAL) (Advt) ($40413.00/54309.00) Vacancy No. 1041/2006 Duties: Responsible for the provision of direct and comprehensive nursing care to patients/resident within the practice setting. Essential Minimum Qualifications: Registered or eligible for registration as a General Nurse by the Nurses Board of South Australia and who holds, or who is eligible to hold, a current practicing certificate. Special Conditions: The position is offered on a full-time, part-time or casual basis and salary will be adjusted according to actual hours worked, with a 20% loading applied to casual positions in lieu of sick and annual leave. Accommodation is provided in the Nurses Home, both for singles and short term for couples. Initially rostered over 7 days. Location: South East Award: Nurses (South Australian Public Sector) Award 2002 Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Health (South East Regional Health Service inc - Kingston Soldiers' Memorial Hospital Inc) Enquiries to: Ms L Southall, Clinical Nurse Consultant, Kingston Soldiers' Memorial Hospital Inc, telephone 8767 0222, email Applications to: Ms L Siegloff, Executive officer/Director of Nursing, Kingston Soldiers' Memorial Hospital Inc, Young Street , Kingston SE, 5275, telephone 8767 0222, email Note: Job and Person Specifications are available from Ms Liz Southall, telephone 8767 0222, or email Please forward an original application plus three copies. Applicants should include the name, address and contact number of three current referees. Closing Date: 03 Mar 2006 Downloads: Job & Person Specification:\RN1 Registered Nurse Kingston Sep04.doc 99 SAHC ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 17/02/06 NURSING OFFICERS (Continued) RN1 REGISTERED NURSE, PREGNANCY ADVISORY CENTRE (CASUAL) (Advt) ($40413.00/54309.00) Vacancy No. 1010/2006 Duties: Responsible for the provision of direct nursing care for women undergoing first and second trimester termination of pregnancy, pregnancy testing and diagnosis, pre-termination consultation and after-care services. Duties also include the provision of direct nursing care in theatre/CSSD, recovery and post-operative care. Participate in health promotion, research projects and quality improvement activities as required. Essential Minimum Qualifications: Registered or eligible for registration as a General Nurse by the Nurses Board of South Australia and who holds, or who is eligible to hold, a current practicing certificate. Special Conditions: This is a casual position for which a 20% casual loading applies in lieu of sick leave and annual leave. Hours will be arranged according to the needs of the Centre and salary will be adjusted according to actual hours worked. The incumbent will initially be based at the Pregnancy Advisory Centre or other sites under the responsibility of the Central Northern Adelaide Health Service. Location: Adelaide Metro Award: Nurses (South Australian Public Sector) Award 2002 Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Health (The Queen Elizabeth Hospital - Medical Services - Pregnancy Advisory Centre) Enquiries to: Ann Medcalf, Nursing Coordinator, Pregnancy Advisory Centre, The Queen Elizabeth Hospital, telephone 8347 4955, email Applications to: Senior Human Resources Adviser, Human Resources, The Queen Elizabeth Hospital, 28 Woodville Road, Woodville South, 5011 Note: Applicants are requested to forward an original plus three copies of their application and include the name, address and contact number of three current professional referees. Applicants are required to address the essential criteria of the job and person specification in their application. Closing Date: 03 Mar 2006 RN1 MENTAL HEALTH NURSE (MORE THAN ONE POSITION) Vacancy No. 1020/2006 Duties: As a practitioner in a multidisciplinary team is responsible for the provision of direct comprehensive nursing care to a designated group of clients. Essential Minimum Qualifications: Registered or eligible for registration as a Mental Health Nurse by the Nurses Board of South Australia and who holds, or who is eligible to hold, a current practicing certificate. Special Conditions: More than one position is available. The incumbent will initially be based at The Queen Elizabeth Hospital Mental Health Division. May be required to work at any site within the Central/Northern Adelaide Health Service. May be required to travel between locations and work within clients' homes within the metropolitan region. Some intrastate and interstate travel may be required. A current driver's licence and a willingness to drive is essential. Some out of hours work may be required. Location: Adelaide Metro Award: Nurses (South Australian Public Sector) Award 2002 Eligibility: Public Sector Employees Only Department: Health (The Queen Elizabeth Hospital - Mental Health) Enquiries to: Margaret Haarsma, Resource Manager, Mental Health, The Queen Elizabeth Hospital, telephone 8222 7796, email Applications to: Senior Human Resources Adviser, Human Resources, The Queen Elizabeth Hospital, 28 Woodville Road, Woodville South, 5011 Note: Applicants are requested to forward an original plus three copies of their application and include the name, address and contact number of three current professional referees. Applicants are required to address the essential criteria of the job and person specification in their application. Closing Date: 03 Mar 2006 100 ($40413.00/54309.00) SAHC ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 17/02/06 NURSING OFFICERS (Continued) RN1 REGISTERED NURSE, SURGERY OUTPATIENTS (Advt) ($40413.00/54309.00) Vacancy No. 1009/2006 Duties: Directs the activity within the assigned clinics and provides nursing care, health assessment and information to patients and their families attending the clinics. Consults with other experienced staff when nursing care or the clinic management requires expertise beyond own ability and/or qualifications. Achieves and maintains the competencies needed to provide effective patient care and services within Surgery Outpatients. Essential Minimum Qualifications: Registered or eligible for registration as a General Nurse by the Nurses Board of South Australia and who holds, or who is eligible to hold, a current practicing certificate. Special Conditions: The incumbent will initially be based at The Queen Elizabeth Hospital and may be required to work at any site within the Central Northern Adelaide health service. Initially rostered over 5 days. Location: Adelaide Metro Award: Nurses (South Australian Public Sector) Award 2002 Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Health (The Queen Elizabeth Hospital - Surgery Outpatients) Enquiries to: Kerry Whitehead, A/Nursing Co-Director, Surgical Division, The Queen Elizabeth Hospital, telephone 8222 6000, pager 6000, email Applications to: Senior Human Resources Adviser, Human Resources, The Queen Elizabeth Hospital, 28 Woodville Road, Woodville South, 5011 Note: Applicants are requested to forward an original plus three copies of their application and include the name, address and contact number of three current professional referees. Applicants are required to address the essential criteria of the job and person specification in their application. Job and Person Specifications are available from Tracy Cann, Executive Assistant, telephone 8222 6539, or email Closing Date: 03 Mar 2006 101 SAHC ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 17/02/06 NURSING OFFICERS (Continued) RN2 102 CLINICAL NURSE, 4TH FLOOR MEDICAL WARD (MORE THAN ONE POSITION) (TEMPORARY) ($56194.00/59317.00) Vacancy No. T1098/2006 Duties: Has the authority, responsibility and accountability for supporting and assisting the Nursing Unit Head (NUH) in the achievement of quality patient care within a designated area, and for supporting and facilitating the development and maintenance of standards of care and links within the hospital and community. Provides care relevant to the patients’ needs and to provide support and preceptorship to other staff. Supports a multidisciplinary team approach to care as well as effective and efficient use of all resources. As a member of a defined management team will be accountable for designated management portfolios in support of the team and NUH. In collaboration with the NUH will actively participate in continuous service evaluation. There are different portfolios associated with the CN roles on the 4th Floor and there is an expectation that the CNs will rotate through the portfolios. These rotations will be equitably planned and implemented to ensure continuous coverage of the portfolios. Essential Minimum Qualifications: Registered or eligible for registration as a General Nurse by the Nurses Board of South Australia and who holds, or who is eligible to hold, a current practicing certificate. Special Conditions: Two temporary full time positions are available. One position is available for four (4) months and the other position is available for seven (7) months, or until the substantive incumbent resume duties; whichever occurs sooner. Appointment is subject to agreement by the candidate that: Performance will be assessed at three (3) months then annually based on the outcomes as outlined in this position description.A process for performance appraisal will be negotiated between the appointee and the Nursing Unit Head. The CN may be expected to cover the annual leave for the NUH. May be required to work at any site within the Children, Youth and Women's Health Service. Location: Adelaide Metro (North Adelaide) Award: Nurses (South Australian Public Sector) Award 2002 Eligibility: Public Sector Employees Only Department: Health (Children, Youth & Women's Health Service - Women's and Children's Hospital Campus - 4th Floor Medical Ward (Division of Paediatric Medicine) Enquiries to: Sandy Bennett, Nursing Unit Head, 4th Floor Medical Ward, telephone 8161 6134 Applications to: Recruitment & Retention Unit, Human Resources Department, Women's and Children's Hospital Campus, 72 King William Road, North Adelaide, 5006, telephone 8161 7249 Note: Please forward 4 complete sets of your application which must address the requirements of the person specification and details of three current referees. The Job and Person Specification and the ‘Advice to Applicants’ document (which assists applicants with the preparation of their application), are available from the enquiries person. Applicants are required to clearly state their employment status within the Public Sector. Closing Date: 03 Mar 2006 Downloads: jd:\RN24THFLRCNFEB06.doc SAHC ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 17/02/06 NURSING OFFICERS (Continued) RN2 COMORBIDITY MENTAL HEALTH NURSE (Advt) ($56194.00/59317.00) Vacancy No. 1034/2006 Duties: Act as a leader and role model to the nursing team and is a key member of the multi-disciplinary mental health team, providing a comprehensive range of outcome-based services specific to their discipline and general to the field of Drug and Alcohol Co morbidity with mental health. Responsible for providing clinical services and case management to identified clients throughout the SE region. This includes assessment, therapeutic interventions and programs, recovery and rehabilitation programs, advocacy and the promotion of health, wellness and self-management through individualized and group-based activities. Monitors, promotes and fosters a culture centered on customer services, and a team approach to work practices and work operations. Facilitates staff development, client teaching and nursing research with a focus towards the management of clients with co-morbid mental health disorders. Essential Minimum Qualifications: Registered or eligible for registration as a Mental Health Nurse by the Nurses Board of South Australia and who holds, or who is eligible to hold, a current practicing certificate. Special Conditions: The position will be initially based within the South East Region. A current driver’s licence and a willingness to drive is essential as travel to other sites may be required. Organisational restructuring is taking place for the whole of SERCHS, which may necessitate minor review of the Job and Person Specification for this position. The incumbent will be required to participate in the Performance Development process. The appointee will be subject to a satisfactory Criminal History check. Location: South East Award: Nurses (South Australian Public Sector) Award 2002 Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Health (South East Regional Health Service Inc - South East Regional Community Health Service) Enquiries to: Mrs L Pearce, Program Manager - Mental Health, South East Regional Community Health Service, telephone 08 8724 5222, email Applications to: Ms T Radley, Recruitment & Selection Officer, South East Regional Community Health Service, PO Box 267, 22 Sturt Street, MOUNT GAMBIER, 5290, telephone 08 8724 5222 Note: Job and Person Specifications are available from Mrs Lynne Pearce, telephone 08 8724 5222, or email Please forward an original application plus three copies. Applicants should include the name, address and contact number of three current referees. Closing Date: 03 Mar 2006 Downloads: Job & Person Specification:\RN2 Drug and Alcohol Comorbidity.doc 103 SAHC ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 17/02/06 NURSING OFFICERS (Continued) RN2 COMORBIDITY/ASSERTIVE MANAGEMENT MENTAL HEALTH NURSE (Advt) ($56194.00/59317.00) Vacancy No. 1031/2006 Duties: Act as a leader and role model to the nursing team and is a key member of the multi-disciplinary mental health team, providing a comprehensive range of outcome-based services specific to their discipline and general to the field of Drug and Alcohol Co morbidity with mental health. Is responsible for providing clinical services and short term case management to identified clients throughout the SE region. This Includes assessment, therapeutic interventions and programs, recovery and rehabilitation programs, advocacy and the promotion of health, wellness and self-management through individualized and group-based activities. Monitors, promotes and fosters a culture centered on customer services, and a team approach to work practices and work operations. Facilitates staff development, client teaching and nursing research with a focus towards the management of clients with co-morbid mental health disorders. Essential Minimum Qualifications: Registered or eligible for registration as a Mental Health Nurse by the Nurses Board of South Australia and who holds, or who is eligible to hold, a current practicing certificate. Special Conditions: The position will be based within the South East Region. A current drivers licence and a willingness to drive is essential as travel to other sites may be required. Organisational restructuring is taking place for the whole of SERCHS, which may necessitate minor review of the Job and Person Specification for this position. The incumbent will be required to participate in the Performance Development process. The appointee will be subject to a satisfactory Criminal History check. Location: South East Award: Nurses (South Australian Public Sector) Award 2002 Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Health (South East Regional Health Service Inc - South East Regional Community Health Service) Enquiries to: Mrs L Pearce, Program Manager - Mental Health, South East Regional Community Health Service, telephone 08 8724 5222, email Applications to: Ms T Radley, Recruitment & Selection Officer, South East Regional Community Health Service, PO Box 267, 22 Sturt Street, MOUNT GAMBIER, 5290, telephone 08 8724 5222 Note: Job and Person Specifications are available from Mrs Lynne Pearce, telephone 08 8724 5222, or email Please forward an original application plus three copies. Applicants should include the name, address and contact number of three current referees. Closing Date: 03 Mar 2006 Downloads: Job & Person Specification:\RN2 Comorbidity worker assert man 1.doc 104 SAHC ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 17/02/06 NURSING OFFICERS (Continued) RN3 Band A 105 NURSE EDUCATOR - EMERGENCY DEPARTMENT (PART-TIME) (Advt) ($66329.00/68460.00) Vacancy No. 998/2006 Duties: Responsible for the development, promotion, coordination, implementation and evaluation of education and development strategies for nursing staff within the Nursing Department with a focus on Emergency Services. Works in collaboration with the Emergency Department Clinical Nurse Manager and Nursing Director, and the Nursing Education Unit to develop strategies and programs designed to establish best practice and evidence based services by: Identifying competencies required for Emergency Service nurses (from novice to expert); Undertaking a gap analysis to identify priorities for ongoing learning needs; Assisting staff to identify personal development needs; Guiding staff towards appropriate education activities; Evaluating the Emergency Department education program to ensure programs have met the needs of staff. Contributes to the strategic planning, policy development and activities of the Emergency Division and the Department of Nursing Education. Coordinates undergraduate and postgraduate nursing placements in the Emergency Department. Essential Minimum Qualifications: Registered or eligible for registration as a General Nurse by the Nurses Board of South Australia and who holds, or who is eligible to hold, a current practicing certificate. Post registration qualifications relevant to practice setting e.g. emergency nursing. Special Conditions: This is a part-time position working 48 hours per week and salary will be adjusted according to actual hours worked. Undertake 360° Performance Review annually and as necessary.Must attend relevant meetings and staff development activities as required. Some intrastate and interstate travel may be required. May be required to work at any site within the Central/Northern Adelaide Health Service. Location: Adelaide Metro (Elizabeth Vale) Award: Nurses (South Australian Public Sector) Award 2002 Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Health (Central Northern Adelaide Health Service - Lyell McEwin Hospital Nursing Education) Enquiries to: Ms Di Beveridge, Nursing Director, Women & Children's Division & Nursing Education, telephone 82821632, email Applications to: Tracy van Male, Divisional Nurse Manager, Women & Children's Division, Emergency, Lyell McEwin Hospital, Haydown Road, Elizabeth Vale, 5112, email Note: Please provide three (3) copies of application with the name, address and contact number of three (3) current referees. Applicants should clearly address how they meet the capabilities, experience, knowledge and qualifications outlined in the Person Specification. The Lyell McEwin Hospital is a smoke free environment. Attractive Salary Sacrifice benefits available. Closing Date: 03 Mar 2006 SAHC ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 17/02/06 NURSING OFFICERS (Continued) RN3 Band A 106 CLINICAL MIDWIFE CONSULTANT ($66329.00/68460.00) Vacancy No. 1025/2006 Duties: Responsible for the effective management of Nursing and Midwifery Care and Patient Services functions within Ward 4A, as well as human material and financial resource issues at unit level in liaison with the Nurse Manager and Business Manager. The incumbent is required to work to ensure patient care and support services are continually evaluated and improved by maximising the participation of staff and consumers. The incumbent will also collaborate with the multidisciplinary team to coordinate staff development activities that are relevant to all staff in the unit. Essential Minimum Qualifications: Registered or eligible for registration as a General Nurse and Midwife with Nurses Board of South Australia, and who holds, or is eligible to holds a current Practicing Certificate. Post registration qualifications relevant to practice setting. Special Conditions: May be required to undertake a health assessment prior to commencement, Appointment will be subject to a satisfactory Offender History Check. May be required to work at any site within the Southern Adelaide Health Service. Location: Adelaide Metro (Bedford Park) Award: Nurses (South Australian Public Sector) Award 2002 Eligibility: Public Sector Employees Only Department: Health (Flinders Medical Centre - Flinders Women and Children) Enquiries to: Ms Jo O'Connor, Acting Nursing Director, Flinders Women and Children, telephone 8204 5511 to page 2444, email Jo.O' Applications to: Mr Matthew Liddell, Client Services Officer, Human Resources and Organisational Development, Flinders Medical Centre, Flinders Drive, Bedford Park, 5042, email Note: Flinders Medical Centre offers attractive Salary Sacrifice benefits. To obtain a Job and Person Specification please contact the enquiry person or download from the address given below. Applicants are requested to quote Job Number 1025/2006 in their application and to forward an original application plus three copies and include the name, address and contact number of three current referees. Applicants are required to address the essential and desirable criteria of the job and person specification in their application. People of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander descent are encouraged to apply. Closing Date: 03 Mar 2006 SAHC ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 17/02/06 OPERATIONAL SERVICES STREAM OPS1 PHYSIOTHERAPY ASSISTANT ($18794.00/35036.00) Vacancy No. 193/2006 Duties: The Physiotherapy Assistant is accountable, through work unit Principal Physiotherapists, for assisting in the provision of physiotherapy services to clients of Hampstead Rehabilitation Centre and contributing to the safe, efficient and professional operation of the Department. These result in improved client outcomes and more efficient service delivery. Special Conditions: Some out of hours work, under time in lieu arrangements, may be required on an ad hoc basis. Pre-employment physical capacity assessment may be required. May be required to work at any site within the Central Northern Adelaide Health Service. Location: Adelaide Metro (Northfield) Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: Public Sector Employees Only Department: Health (CNAHS - RAH - Hampstead Rehabilitation Centre) Enquiries to: Andrew Zoerner, Principal Physiotherapist, telephone 82221701, email Applications to: Mary Staunton, A/Manager, Human Resources, Hampstead Rehabilitation Centre, 207-255 Hampstead Road, Northfield, 5085 Note: Please forward an original application plus two copies. Applicants should include the name, address and contact number of three current referees. Applicants are required to address the Job and Person Specification in their application. Job and Person Specifications are available from Human Resources, telephone 82221621. Closing Date: 03 Mar 2006 Downloads: J&P Specification:\OPS1 Physiotherapy Assist.doc OPS1 ALLIED HEALTH AIDE (PART-TIME) (Advt) Vacancy No. 999/2006 Duties: The Allied Health Aide is responsible to the Team Leader (Adult and Child Health Team) and is responsible for carrying out a variety of activities as directed by the Adult and Child Health Team Leader including the making of materials and equipment and other duties related to the provision of services within the Team.The Allied Health Aide assists in health promotion and educational activities by developing and producing resource materials, as well as being available to co-ordinate events. Special Conditions: This is a part-time position working 37.5 hours per fortnight and salary will be adjusted according to actual hours worked. A current driver's licence and willingness to drive is essential. Must be prepared to submit to a Police security check. Location: Eyre Peninsula (Whyalla) Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Health (The Whyalla Hospital and Health Services Inc.) Enquiries to: Mrs T Anderson, A/Team Leader, Adult and Child Health Team, telephone 86488302 Applications to: Ms K Burns, Human Resource Assistant, The Whyalla Hospital and Health Services Inc., PO Box 267, Whyalla, 5600 Note: Applicants are required to address the criteria listed in the Person Specification in their application. A detailed Job and Person Specification is available from the Human Resource Department, telephone 86488524, or email Applications will not be accepted via email or fax, please forward four complete sets of your application. Applicants should include the name, address and contact number of three current referees. People of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander descent are strongly encouraged to apply. Further information and all vacant listings for the Region can be obtained from our Website Job and Person Specification available at: Closing Date: 03 Mar 2006 107 ($18794.00/35036.00) SAHC ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 17/02/06 OPERATIONAL SERVICES STREAM (Continued) OPS2 108 DENTAL ASSISTANT, DEPARTMENT OF PAEDIATRIC DENTISTRY (PART-TIME) (TEMPORARY FOR ($37253.00/40321.00) Vacancy No. 6 MONTHS) (Advt) T930/2006 Duties: The Dental Assistant is accountable primarily to the Unit Head (Dental) for the provision of an efficient and effective dental assistant service which results in contributing to the service of excellence provided by the Women’s and Children’s Hospital. Special Conditions: This is a temporary part-time position available for 6 months, working 26.25 hours per week and salary will be adjusted according to actual hours worked. Some overtime hours work may be required. Must be prepared to work in a Theatre while patients are under anaesthesia. Ability to work with patients who may be extremely handicapped or injured. Some travel may be required to service outreach centres. Must be prepared to attend relevant meetings with staff development/education activities as required and to participate in the staff appraisal process. Location: Adelaide Metro (North Adelaide) Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Health (Children, Youth & Women's Health Service - Women's and Children's Hospital Campus - Paediatric Dentistry (Division of Paediatric Surgery) Enquiries to: Dr Sam Gue, Departmental Head, Dental, telephone 8161 7379, email Applications to: Recruitment & Retention Unit, Human Resources Department, Women's and Children's Hospital Campus, 72 King William Road, North Adelaide, 5006, telephone 8161 7249 Note: Please forward 4 complete sets of your application which must address the requirements of the person specification and details of three current referees. The Job and Person Specification and the ‘Advice to Applicants’ document (which assists applicants with the preparation of their application), are available from the enquiries person. Applicants are required to clearly state their employment status within the Public Sector. Closing Date: 03 Mar 2006 Downloads: jd:\ c SAHC ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 17/02/06 OPERATIONAL SERVICES STREAM (Continued) OPS2 HEALTH SUPPORT OFFICER, IN HOME PROGRAM (CASUAL) (Advt) ($37253.00/40321.00) Vacancy No. 981/2006 Duties: Responsible for using established procedures and specific plans to provide support and undertake health planned tasks for children who have a complex level of physical impairment, or complex and invasive health care needs so that they can participate fully in the community. The incumbent will be assigned to an individual child whose health is unstable, deteriorating or requires constant monitoring. The health support provided ranges from personal care to administering medication, to delegated complex and invasive health care tasks and includes responding to emergency situations. Essential Minimum Qualifications: Current First Aid Certificate for Centres & School (FACS) or equivalent (eg Senior First Aid) Special Conditions: This is a casual position and shifts (may include morning, afternoon and night shifts) and hours will vary according to programme needs. This appointment will be subject to the following: a satisfactory offender history check; possession of a current driver's licence and the willingness to drive; approved delegation and monitoring of care nominated by a health professional (eg a Registered Nurse); willingness and availability to participate in training, and team meetings scheduled as required by the program; to relocate (as required) to meet service delivery and or organisational requirements particularly when the child is absent from the program; participation in the organisation's performance management process. Location: (Not Specified) Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Health (Children, Youth and Women's Health Service - Child and Youth Health) Further Information: http:\\ Enquiries and Applications to: Ms Margaret Parker, Clinical Nurse Consultant, Children, Youth and Women's Health Services (Child and Youth Health), PO Box 2068, Hilton Plaza, HILTON, 5033, telephone 8159 9400, email Note: Applicants are required to address the Job and Person Specifications which are available from (Child and Youth Health employment link). Applicants should include the name, address and contact number of three current referees. Please forward an original application plus three copies. Please note that eligibility for Salary Sacrifice at CYH is an attractive advantage to the position. Closing Date: 03 Mar 2006 109 SAHC ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 17/02/06 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES STREAM PSO1 SPEECH PATHOLOGIST (LOWER SE) (Advt) ($40626.00/51874.00) Vacancy No. 1050/2006 Duties: The Speech Pathologist contributes to the provision of a comprehensive range of outcome focused Speech Pathology services to clients of the South East Regional Community Health Service and the Mount Gambier Hospital. These services aim to assist clients to achieve and maintain their optimum level of health, wellness, independence and quality of life. While based in Mount Gambier, the incumbent may provide services to other sites in the lower South East area such as Millicent and Penola. Essential Minimum Qualifications: An appropriate Degree in Speech Pathology or other appropriate qualification giving eligibility for Membership of Speech Pathology Australia. Special Conditions: This is a full time position for 12 months then 0.6FTE permanent after that. The position is based in Mount Gambier, but it may be required to provide service to other nearby sites such as Millicent and Penola. A current drivers license is essential and some out of hours work may be required. Organisational restructuring is taking place for the whole of SERCHS, which may necessitate minor review of the Job and Person Specification for this position. The incumbent will be required to participate in the Performance Development process. The appointee will be subject to a satisfactory Criminal History check. Location: South East (Mount Gambier) Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Health (South East Regional Health Service Inc - South East Regional Community Health Service) Enquiries to: Mrs M Lopriore, South East Regional Senior Speech Pathologist, telephone 08 8721 1460, email Applications to: Ms T Radley, Recruitment & Selection Officer, South East Regional Community Health Service, PO Box 267, 22 Sturt Street, MOUNT GAMBIER, 5290, telephone 08 8724 5222 Note: Job and Person Specifications are available from Mrs Marcy Lopriore, telephone 08 8721 1460, or email Please forward an original application plus three copies. Applicants should include the name, address and contact number of three current referees. Closing Date: 03 Mar 2006 Downloads: Job & Person Specification:\Speech Path PSO1 LSE 0206 split.doc 110 SAHC ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 17/02/06 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES STREAM (Continued) PSO1 SPEECH PATHOLOGIST (UPPER SE) (Advt) ($40626.00/51874.00) Vacancy No. 1048/2006 Duties: The Speech Pathologist contributes to the provision of a comprehensive range of outcome focused Speech Pathology services to clients of the South East Regional Community Health Service. These services aim to assist clients to achieve and maintain their optimum level of health, wellness, independence and quality of life. While based in Naracoorte, the incumbent will provide services to other sites in the upper South East area such as Kingston, Bordertown and Keith. Essential Minimum Qualifications: An appropriate Degree in Speech Pathology or other appropriate qualification giving eligibility for Membership of Speech Pathology Australia. Special Conditions: This is a full time position based in Naracoorte but it will be required to provide service to other sites such as Kingston, Bordertown and Keith. A current drivers license is essential and some out of hours work may be required. Organisational restructuring is taking place for the whole of SERCHS, which may necessitate minor review of the Job and Person Specification for this position. The incumbent will be required to participate in the Performance Development process. The appointee will be subject to a satisfactory Criminal History check. Location: South East (Naracoorte) Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Health (South East Regional Health Service Inc - South East Regional Community Health Service) Enquiries to: Mrs M Lopriore, South East Regional Senior Speech Pathologist, telephone 08 8721 1460, email Applications to: Ms T Radley, Recruitment & Selection Officer, South East Regional Community Health Service, PO Box 267, 22 Sturt Street, MOUNT GAMBIER, 5290, telephone 08 8724 5222 Note: Job and Person Specifications are available from Mrs Marcy Lopriore, telephone 08 8721 1460, or email Please forward an original application plus three copies. Applicants should include the name, address and contact number of three current referees. Closing Date: 03 Mar 2006 Downloads: Job & Person Specification:\Speech Path PSO1 USE 0206.doc 111 SAHC ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 17/02/06 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES STREAM (Continued) PSO1 DIETITIAN- NUTRITIONIST (Advt) Vacancy No. 857/2006 Duties: The incumbent will address the nutritional health needs of the communities of the South East Region through the principles of primary health care including health promotion / disease prevention and education strategies and programs, as well as nutrition consultative services. These services aim to assist clients to achieve and maintain their optimum level of health, wellness, independence and quality of life. Essential Minimum Qualifications: An appropriate degree or postgraduate qualification in Nutrition and Dietetics. Eligibility for membership with the Dietitian’s Association of Australia Special Conditions: This is a full time position based in the Upper South East. A current drivers license is essential and some out of hours work may be required. A flexible approach to the taking of leave is necessary. Organisational restructuring is taking place for the whole of SERCHS. This may necessitate minor review of this Job and Person Specification. The incumbent may be required to participate in the Performance Development process. The appointee will be subject to a satisfactory Criminal History check. Location: South East (Upper South East) Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Health (South East Regional Health Service Inc. - South East Regional Community Health Service) Enquiries to: Ms Y Hage, Dietitian - South East Regional Community Health Service, telephone 08 8721 1460, email Applications to: Ms T Radley, Recruitment & Selection Officer, South East Regional Community Health Service, PO Box 2432, 22 Sturt Street, MOUNT GAMBIER, 5290, telephone 08 8724 5222 Note: Job and Person Specifications are available from Yasmina Hage, telephone 08 8721 1460, or email Please forward an original application plus three copies. Applicants should include the name, address and contact number of three current referees. Closing Date: 03 Mar 2006 Downloads: Job & Person Specification:\Dietitian PSO1 USE 0106.doc 112 ($40626.00/51874.00) SAHC ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 17/02/06 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES STREAM (Continued) PSO1 113 DIETITIAN- NUTRITIONIST (TEMPORARY UP TO 12 MONTHS) ($40626.00/51874.00) Vacancy No. (Advt) T860/2006 Duties: The incumbent will address the nutritional health needs of the communities of the South East Region through the principles of primary health care including health promotion / disease prevention and education strategies and programs, as well as nutrition consultative services. These services aim to assist clients to achieve and maintain their optimum level of health, wellness, independence and quality of life. The incumbent will also provide clinical services to the Mount Gambier Hospital. Essential Minimum Qualifications: An appropriate degree or postgraduate qualification in Nutrition and Dietetics. Eligibility for membership with the Dietitian’s Association of Australia Special Conditions: This is a temporary full time position to cover accouchement leave based at the Mount Gambier Community Health Service, but may also provide services to nearby towns such as Millicent and Penola. A current drivers license is essential and some out of hours work may be required. A flexible approach to the taking of leave is necessary. Organisational restructuring is taking place for the whole of SERCHS. This may necessitate minor review of this Job and Person Specification. The incumbent may be required to participate in the Performance Development process. The appointee will be subject to a satisfactory Criminal History check. Location: South East Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Health (South East Regional Health Service Inc. - South East Regional Community Health Service) Enquiries to: Ms Y Hage, Dietitian - South East Regional Community Health Service, telephone 08 8721 1460, email Applications to: Ms T Radley, Recruitment & Selection Officer, South East Regional Community Health Service, PO Box 267, 22 Sturt Street, MOUNT GAMBIER, 5290, telephone 08 8724 5222 Note: Job and Person Specifications are available from Yasmina Hage, telephone 08 8721 1460, or email Please forward an original application plus three copies. Applicants should include the name, address and contact number of three current referees. Closing Date: 03 Mar 2006 Downloads: Job & Person Specification:\Dietitian PSO1 LSE 0106.doc SAHC ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 17/02/06 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES STREAM (Continued) PSO1 114 NUCLEAR MEDICINE TECHNOLOGIST (PART-TIME) (TEMPORARY UP ($40626.00/51874.00) Vacancy No. TO 14/01/2007) (Advt) T1017/2006 Duties: Responsible for quality controlled clinical investigations and computer processing in Nuclear Medicine & Bone Density, laboratory procedures including the preparation of radiopharmaceuticals and therapy administration using radionuclides, as requested by the Nuclear Medicine Physician. Essential Minimum Qualifications: A Degree in Medical Radiations or a qualification approved by the Commissioner for Public Employment giving eligibility of accreditation by the Australian & New Zealand Society of Nuclear Medicine. Special Conditions: This is a part-time position available from 22/05/06 until 14/01/07 working 52.5 hours per fortnight and salary will be adjusted according to actual hours worked. The incumbent will be based at The Queen Elizabeth Hospital or other sites under the responsibility of the Central Northern Adelaide Health Service. Some out of hours work may be required. Location: Adelaide Metro Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Health (The Queen Elizabeth Hospital - Medical Services - Imaging - Nuclear Medicine) Enquiries to: Peow Ong, Chief Technologist, Nuclear Medicine, The Queen Elizabeth Hospital, telephone 8222 6431, email Applications to: Senior Human Resources Adviser, Human Resources, The Queen Elizabeth Hospital, 28 Woodville Road, Woodville South, 5011 Note: Applicants are requested to forward an original plus three copies of their application and include the name, address and contact number of three current professional referees. Applicants are required to address the essential criteria of the job and person specification in their application. Closing Date: 03 Mar 2006 SAHC ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 17/02/06 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES STREAM/PROFESSIONAL SERVICES STREAM ASO5/ PSO2 BULLYING & HARASSMENT PROJECT OFFICER (TEMPORARY UP TO 30/06/2006) ($55298.00/61944.00) ($55298.00/61944.00) Vacancy No. T1049/2006 Duties: As a member of a multi-disciplinary team the Project Officer will work towards enhancing the health and well being of young people from the five participating secondary schools and their communities. This will be achieved through multiple strategies that reduce the incidence of bullying and harassment with the five participating school communities. Essential Minimum Qualifications: For appointment at the PSO2: Degree level qualification in the Social Work discipline to a standard accepted by the Chief Executive. Special Conditions: Some out of hours work may be required. A current driver's licence and willingness to drive is essential. This position is temporary to 30 June 2006. You may be required to work from any location within the Central Northern Adelaide Health Service. Location: Adelaide Metro Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: Public Sector Employees Only Department: Health (Central Northern Adelaide Health Service - Central Northern Primary Health Care Services - North/North East - Shopfront Youth & Information Service) Enquiries to: Wendy Sutton, Acting Manager, Shopfront Youth Health & Information Service, telephone 8281 1775, email Applications to: Susan Stringer, Human Resource Officer, Central Northern Primary Health Care Services - North/ North East, 77 Smart Road, Modbury, 5092, telephone 8263 1155 Note: Please forward an original application plus three copies. Job and Person Specifications are available from Carolyn Hood, telephone 8281 1775, or email Closing Date: 03 Mar 2006 115 SAHC ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 17/02/06 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES STREAM PSO2 CLINICAL PSYCHOLOGIST (TEMPORARY FOR 12 MONTHS) Vacancy No. T1004/2006 Duties: As a member of a multidisciplinary team responsible for undertaking a clinical workload and to provide a clinical psychology service involving the design and direct provision of psychology assessments including risk management and treatment services. Also, the establishment and monitoring of quality assurance procedures, program evaluation and the provision of a psychological service to a multidisciplinary team responsible for risk/needs assessments & care planning. Essential Minimum Qualifications: A Masters Degree in Clinical or Applied Psychology and registered under the provisions of the Psychological Practices Act, 1973 Special Conditions: Appointment is subject to a satisfactory Offender History Check by the SA police Department. The position is temporary for an initial period of 12 months with the possibility of further engagement. Some out of hours work may be required. Location: Adelaide Metro Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: Public Sector Employees Only Department: Health (Central Northern Adelaide Health Service - Glenside Campus Mental Health Service - Forensic Mental Health Service) Enquiries to: Mr R Balfour, Senior Clinical Psychologist - Forensic Mental Health Service, telephone 8266 9600, email Applications to: Mr S Karlsson, Administrative Officer, Forensic Mental Health Service, PO Box 94, Greenacres, 5086, telephone 8266 9608, email Note: To obtain a Job & Person Specification please contact Mr S Karlsson on Applicants are required to address the Job & Person Specification in their application. Please forward an original application plus three copies. Applicants should include the name, address and contact number of three professional referees. Closing Date: 03 Mar 2006 116 ($55298.00/61944.00) SAHC ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 17/02/06 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES STREAM (Continued) PSO2 117 SNR CLINICIAN (SNR SOCIAL WORKER/SNR CLINICAL PSYCHOLOGIST), CHILD PROTECTION SERVICES (TEMPORARY UP TO 25/05/2007) ($55298.00/61944.00) Vacancy No. T887/2006 Duties: The Senior Clinician contributes to the provision of a comprehensive specialist clinical Child Protection service for children and families which assists in the prevention of abuse, the promotion of adequate care and protection for children, and recovery from harmful effects of abuse. The Senior Clinician contributes to ensuring quality and effectiveness of services within the Unit by participating actively in peer review and clinical development processes. The Senior Clinician will contribute to service improvement by participating in quality improvement activities and encouraging the participation of clients and families in continuous service evaluation. Essential Minimum Qualifications: A degree level qualification in the social work discipline to a standard accepted by the Chief Executive. Eligibility for membership of the Australian Association of Social Workers or Clinical Psychology to a Master’s Degree level, giving eligibility for membership of the Australian Psychological Society, and registered under the provisions of the Psychological Practices Act, 1973. Special Conditions: This is a temporary full time position available from 19 April 2006 to 25 May 2007 (or until the substantive incumbent resumes duties; whichever occurs sooner). The incumbent may be required to travel to the northern country region to provide clinical and teaching services. The position may require some overtime/after hours work, for which time off in lieu is granted. Paid overtime may be approved in some circumstances. The incumbent will be required to participate in an after-hours on-call crisis service including weeknights, weekends and public holidays. Paid overtime will be approved if clinical services are provided after hours. Location: Adelaide Metro (North Adelaide) Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: Public Sector Employees Only Department: Health (Children, Youth & Women's Health Service - Women's and Children's Hospital Campus - Child Protection Services (Division of Paediatric Medicine) Enquiries to: Melissa John, Clin Serv Mgr, ph 81617346, or Mary Aesche, Administrative Manager, Child Protection Services, telephone 8161 7248, email Applications to: Recruitment & Retention Unit, Human Resources Department, Women's and Children's Hospital Campus, 72 King William Road, North Adelaide, 5006, telephone 8161 7249 Note: Please forward 4 complete sets of your application which must address the requirements of the person specification and details of three current referees. The Job and Person Specification and the ‘Advice to Applicants’ document (which assists applicants with the preparation of their application), are available from the enquiries person. Applicants are required to clearly state their employment status within the Public Sector. Closing Date: 03 Mar 2006 Downloads: JD:\PS02SNRCLINCHILDPROTFEB06.d oc SAHC ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 17/02/06 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES STREAM (Continued) PSO2 SNR CT/MRI RADIOGRAPHER (DIVISION OF MEDICAL IMAGING) (Advt) ($55298.00/61944.00) Vacancy No. 892/2006 Duties: Under the direction of Team Leader CT/MRI, the Senior CT/MRI Radiographer is responsible for ensuring an effective and efficient radiographic service, primarily within the CT/MRI Unit. Essential Minimum Qualifications: A statement of Accreditation in Diagnostic Radiography from the Australian Institute of Radiography, or its recognised equivalent. Licensed to practice under the Radiation Protection and Control Act 1982. (If not proficient in both CT and MRI, be prepared to undertake further training). Special Conditions: This is a permanent full time position. Must hold a current state Licence to Operate Ionising Radiation Apparatus. Weekend, after hours, and on-call work may be required as per roster and the needs of the Service as determined by the Chief Radiographer. These needs may change over time. May be required to represent the Division at conferences, seminars and other educational events. This may also include presentations at these events. Rostering throughout the Division may be required to maintain skill levels and versatility. Performance appraisal will be conducted at least annually. If suitably qualified, the CT/MRI Senior will be expected to perform a Senior role where and when needed. Location: Adelaide Metro (North Adelaide) Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Health (Children, Youth & Women's Health Service - Women's and Children's Hospital Campus - Division of Medical Imaging) Enquiries to: Nick Zabanias, CT/MRI Team Leader, Division of Medical Imaging, telephone 8161 6639, email Applications to: Recruitment & Retention Unit, Human Resources Department, Women's and Children's Hospital Campus, 72 King William Road, North Adelaide, 5006, telephone 8161 7249 Note: Please forward 4 complete sets of your application which must address the requirements of the person specification and details of three current referees. The Job and Person Specification and the ‘Advice to Applicants’ document (which assists applicants with the preparation of their application), are available from the enquiries person. Applicants are required to clearly state their employment status within the Public Sector. Closing Date: 24 Feb 2006 Downloads: jd:\SNRCTMRIRADIOGRAPHERFEB06 .doc 118 SAHC ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 17/02/06 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES STREAM (Continued) PSO2 119 SCHOOL CONNECTIONS COUNSELLOR, EDCONX INITIATIVE (TEMPORARY UP TO 30/06/2007) ($55298.00/61944.00) Vacancy No. (Advt) T974/2006 Duties: Provide an outreach service to young people and their families to address issues that impact school attendance including school based and non-school related psychosocial and/or behavioural issues. Responsible for working in partnership with particular schools involved in the EdConX initiative and key stakeholders to implement strategies, practice and processes that foster an integrated service response and that address the barriers to increasing school retention. Essential Minimum Qualifications: A degree level qualification in the social work discipline to a standard accepted by the Chief Executive. Special Conditions: This appointment will be subject to the following: a satisfactory offender history check, possession of a current driver's licence and the willingness to drive, flexibility in working hours (including some out of hours work), participation in the organisation's performance management process, to relocate (as required) to meet service delivery and or organisational requirements, to travel intra or interstate, which may involve overnight absences (as required). Location: Based at Elizabeth, The Second Story Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Health (Children, Youth and Women's Health Service - Child and Youth Health) Further Information: http:\\ Enquiries and Applications to: Ms Diana Allwood, School Connections Co-ordinator, Children, Youth and Women's Health Service (Child and Youth Health), 52 Hyde Street, Adelaide, 5000, telephone 8232 0233, email Note: Please note that eligibility for Salary Sacrifice at CYH is an attractive advantage to the position. Applicants are required to address the Job and Person Specifications which are available from the website Child and Youth Health employment link. Please forward an original application plus three copies. Applications should include the name, address and contact number of three current referees. Job and Person Specification available at: Closing Date: 03 Mar 2006 SAHC ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 17/02/06 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES STREAM (Continued) PSO2 SENIOR SPEECH PATHOLOGIST (PART-TIME) Vacancy No. 948/2006 Duties: Responsible for the provision of specialist Speech Pathology services to clients with primarily acquired brain injury or neurological conditions. This will require involvement with clients and families of a variety of cultural backgrounds and beliefs in a team setting. This role includes delegated administrative and educational duties as well as provision of clinical support and training of Speech Pathologists and undergraduate students. Essential Minimum Qualifications: An appropriate Degree in Speech Pathology or other appropriate qualification giving eligibility for Membership of Speech Pathology Australia. Special Conditions: This is a part-time position working 30 hours per fortnight and salary will be adjusted according to actual hours worked. Some out of hours work may be required. May be required to work at any site within the Central Northern Adelaide Health Service. Location: Adelaide Metro (Northfield) Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: Public Sector Employees Only Department: Health (CNAHS - Royal Adelaide Hospital - Hampstead Rehabilitation Centre) Enquiries to: Wendy Forster, Manager, Brain Injury Rehabilitation Unit, telephone 82221965, email Applications to: Mary Staunton, A/Manager, Human Resources, Hampstead Rehabilitation Centre, 207-255 Hampstead Road, Northfield, 5085 Note: Please forward an original application plus two copies. Applicants should include the name, address and contact number of three current referees. Job and Person Specifications are available from Human Resources, telephone 82221621. Applicants are required to address the Job and Person Specification in their applications. Closing Date: 03 Mar 2006 Downloads: J&P Specification:\PSO2 Snr Speech Path (BIRU).doc 120 ($55298.00/61944.00) SAHC ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 17/02/06 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES STREAM (Continued) PSO2 SENIOR SOCIAL WORKER (PART-TIME) Vacancy No. 937/2006 Duties: The Senior Social Worker is a senior clinician who demonstrates leadership both in clinical skills and in team functioning in a multi-disciplinary team. The Senior Social Worker functions as a specialist mental health clinician, developing and providing high quality evidence based interventions in a responsive manner to allocated clients with the aim of producing recovery and independence from specialised services. The Senior Social Worker participates in ongoing evaluation both of own practice and of program effectiveness. The Senior Social Worker is willing to act as a resource person for other clinicians on mental health issues for groups in the population who are identified as requiring early mental health intervention, and liaises with relevant community services to promote responsive services for the population group. Essential Minimum Qualifications: A degree level qualification in the social work discipline to a standard accepted by the Chief Executive. Eligibility for membership with the Australian Association of Social Workers. Special Conditions: This is a part-time position working 67.5 hours per fortnight and salary will be adjusted according to actual hours worked. Some out of hours work and / or rostered hours required Current drivers licence essential. Job and Person Specifications are reviewed regularly as part of the ongoing Performance Development process. May be required to work within other locations of the Southern Adelaide Health Service. Location: (Not Specified) Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: Public Sector Employees Only Department: Health (Noarlunga Health Services - Community Mental Health - Southern Adelaide Health Services) Enquiries to: Don Tustin, Team Leader - NEIS, Noarlunga Health Services, telephone (08) 8384 9599, email Applications to: Jodie Pollard, Assistant Human Resources Consultant, Noarlunga Health Services, P.O. Box 437, NOARLUNGA CENTRE SA , 5168, telephone (08) 8384 9515, email Note: Job and Person Specifications are available from Don Tustin, telephone (08) 8384 9599, or email Please forward an original application plus three copies. Applicants should include the name, address and contact number of three current referees. Please do not email or fax your application. Closing Date: 03 Mar 2006 121 ($55298.00/61944.00) SAHC ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 17/02/06 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES STREAM (Continued) PSO2 SENIOR OCCUPATIONAL THERAPIST, ADULT INPATIENT UNIT (Advt) ($55298.00/61944.00) Vacancy No. 1018/2006 Duties: The Senior Occupational Therapist is accountable to the Manager for developing and implementing clinical Occupational Therapy services for adult Inpatients/Outpatients, supervision of base grade staff and students and assisting in the management of the department. Essential Minimum Qualifications: A degree or other qualification which gives eligibility for registration as an Occupational Therapist within South Australia. Special Conditions: The incumbent will be based at The Queen Elizabeth Hospital or other sites under the responsibility of the Central Northern Adelaide Health Service. Some out of hours work may be required. Current driver's licence is essential. Location: Adelaide Metro Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Health (The Queen Elizabeth Hospital - Nursing, Patient Care & Support Services - Occupational Therapy) Enquiries to: Antoinette Peters, Manager, Occupational Therapy, The Queen Elizabeth Hospital, telephone 8222 6000, pager 3460, email Applications to: Senior Human Resources Adviser, Human Resources, The Queen Elizabeth Hospital, 28 Woodville Road, Woodville South, 5011 Note: Applicants are requested to forward an original plus three copies of their application and include the name, address and contact number of three current professional referees. Applicants are required to address the essential criteria of the job and person specification in their application. Closing Date: 03 Mar 2006 122 SAHC ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 17/02/06 TECHNICAL SERVICES STREAM TGO0/ TGO1 TECHNICAL OFFICER (PART-TIME) (TEMPORARY UP TO 23/01/2007) ($16284.00/40029.00) ($30828.00/45072.00) Vacancy No. T1013/2006 Duties: Performance of routine diagnostic tests including preparation and analysis of specimens, reporting and documentation of results; routine maintenance of equipment; and preparation of reagents. Essential Minimum Qualifications: For appointment at TGO0, the educational standards required for entry to an appropriate recognised Technical study course. For appointment at TGO1, a Diploma or Advanced Diploma in a relevant Technical discipline, or equivalent, such as those specified in the Technical Grades Stream Classification Standards. Special Conditions: This is a part-time position working 30 hours per fortnight and salary will be adjusted according to actual hours worked. This is a temporary position until 23 January 2007. Some out of hours work may be required including overtime and on-call. Location: (Not Specified) Eligibility: Public Sector Employees Only Department: Health (Institute of Medical and Veterinary Science - Human Immunology) Enquiries to: Mr John Bahnisch, Diagnostic Manager, telephone 8222 3490, email Applications to: Ms Gill Norrington, Manager, Human Resources, IMVS, Frome Road, Adelaide, 5000 Note: Please forward an original application plus three copies. Applicants should include the name, address and contact number of three current referees. Closing Date: 03 Mar 2006 Downloads: J&PS:\IM0381.doc TGO1 CARDIAC TECHNICIAN (Advt) Vacancy No. 1007/2006 Duties: Under the supervision of senior officers, the Cardiac Technician undertakes cardiographic testing in the areas of cardiac ultrasound, electrophysiology, haemodynamics and cardiac pacing and associated implantable devices and with appropriate treatment and interpretation of test results. Essential Minimum Qualifications: A Diploma or Advanced Diploma in a relevant technical discipline, or equivalent, such as those specified in the Technical Grades Stream Classification Standards. Special Conditions: The incumbent will be based at The Queen Elizabeth Hospital or other sites under the responsibility of the Central Northern Adelaide Health Service. Some out of hours work may be required. Location: Adelaide Metro Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Health (The Queen Elizabeth Hospital - Division of Medicine - Cardiology) Enquiries to: Ron Wuttke, Medical Scientist, Cardiology, The Queen Elizabeth Hospital, telephone 8222 7465 Applications to: Senior Human Resources Adviser, Human Resources, The Queen Elizabeth Hospital, 28 Woodville Road, Woodville South, 5011 Note: Applicants are requested to forward an original plus three copies of their application and include the name, address and contact number of three current professional referees. Applicants are required to address the essential criteria of the job and person specification in their application. Closing Date: 03 Mar 2006 123 ($30828.00/45072.00) SAHC ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 17/02/06 TECHNICAL SERVICES STREAM (Continued) TGO1 124 SLEEP TECHNICIAN, RESPIRATORY MEDICINE (TEMPORARY FOR 12 MONTHS) ($30828.00/45072.00) Vacancy No. (Advt) T1019/2006 Duties: Responsible for monitoring patients to assess sleep, respiration and other physiological parameters, their interactions and the effects of interventions. Essential Minimum Qualifications: A Diploma or Advanced Diploma in a relevant technical discipline, or equivalent, such as those specified in the Technical Grades Stream Classification Standards. Special Conditions: The incumbent will be based at The Queen Elizabeth Hospital or other sites under the responsibility of the Central Northern Adelaide Health Service. Some out of hours work may be required. Job share arrangement will be considered. Location: Adelaide Metro Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Health (The Queen Elizabeth Hospital - Division of Medicine - Respiratory Medicine) Enquiries to: Melanie Smith, Supervisor, Respiratory Medicine, The Queen Elizabeth Hospital, telephone 8222 7550, email Applications to: Senior Human Resources Adviser, Human Resources, The Queen Elizabeth Hospital, 28 Woodville Road, Woodville South, 5011 Note: Applicants are requested to forward an original plus three copies of their application and include the name, address and contact number of three current professional referees. Applicants are required to address the essential criteria of the job and person specification in their application. Closing Date: 03 Mar 2006 OTHER PUBLIC SECTOR VACANCY INFORMATION OTHER PUBLIC SECTOR SALARIED VACANCIES Vacancies contained in this section will be filled under the conditions applicable to each public sector organisation. Appeal provisions may apply to vacancies advertised in this section. Intending applicants are encouraged to clarify appointment conditions and appeal provisions (if any) from the enquiries person named in each advertisement. REQUESTS TO CIRCULARISE VACANCIES Details of vacancies to be published in this section will be accepted by Business Services of the Office of Public Employment up to 12.00 p.m. FRIDAY prior to the date of issue of the Notice. Whenever possible however, agencies are encouraged to forward vacancy details as soon as they become available. This action will facilitate the clearing of positions for advertising in the Notice. The facsimile number is 8226 2966, and for any enquiries please telephone 8226 2893. 125 OTHER PUBLIC SECTOR SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 17/02/06 OTHER PUBLIC SECTOR SALARIED VACANCIES AEW4 126 ABORIGINAL INCLUSION OFFICER (CONTRACT APPOINTMENT UP ($52763.00/55200.00) Vacancy No. TO 29/04/2009) (Advt) C1162/2006 Duties: The Aboriginal Inclusion Officer contributes to a range of district approaches to implement government and departmental initiatives, strategies, policies, practices and procedures related to social inclusion and learner engagement, specifically behaviour, attendance, retention and participation across the designated district; develops community capacity to find local solutions to local problems; provides advice in the development and implementation of a range of support for learners; ensures Aboriginal students have fair and equitable access to appropriate services and support within the district to meet their specific needs; establish partnership networks within and across sites, government and non-government agencies, Aboriginal services agencies and community organisations involved in care and education to ensure increased improvement in the attendance, retention and the social and emotional needs of Aboriginal students; works with educations and stakeholders in evaluating existing approaches to achieve social inclusion and learner well being outcomes specifically for Aboriginal students Special Conditions: Some out of hours work may be required. A current driver's licence and willingness to drive is essential. The Aboriginal Inclusion Officer will work conditions similar to PSM Act and therefore required to work public sector hours. The Officer is entitled to 20 days Recreation Leave per full year of contract Location: Adelaide Metro (Flinders Park) Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Education and Children's Services Enquiries and Applications to: Leslie Wilson, A/State AEW Manager, Aboriginal Education and Employment Unit, Ground Floor, Education Centre, 31 Flinders Street, Adelaide, 5000, telephone 8226 1475 Note: Job and Person Specifications are available from Ms S Bell, telephone 8226 9427, or email Please forward an original application plus two copies. Closing Date: 09 Mar 2006 Downloads: Job and Person Specification:\Aboriginal Inclusion Officer AEW4.pdf OTHER PUBLIC SECTOR SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 17/02/06 AGENCY: OTHER PUBLIC SECTOR SALARIED VACANCIES (Continued) AMENDMENT ASO4 ACTING RECORDS ADMINISTRATOR (TEMPORARY UP TO 29/01/2007) ($52717.00/55117.00) Vacancy No. T1002/2006 Amended To: ASO4 ACTING RECORDS ADMINISTRATOR (TEMPORARY UP TO 29/01/2007) ($52717.00/55117.00) Vacancy No. (Advt) T1002/2006 Duties: Accountable for providing a range of services including: managing the Board's records management processes; continuous improvement of records management systems; administering the TRIM records management system; provision of support and training on records management issues, and undertaking records management related projects and strategic initiatives. System specific training will be provided to the successful applicant as the Board has an almost fully electronic records system and this role is pivotal to completing the transition while ensuring the systems continue to support the work of the Board. Special Conditions: The incumbent will be employed under the Nurses Act 1999 and will be required to enter into annual, outcome based, performance agreements. Some out of hours work may be required. Employment subject to successful completion of a 3 month probationary period. Location: Adelaide Metro Amended Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Nurses Board of South Australia (Business Services Team) Further Information: Enquiries and Applications to: Mr David Schubert, Manager Business Services, 200 East Terrace, Adelaide, 5000 or PO Box 7176, Hutt Street, Adelaide, 5000, telephone 8223 9797, email Note: Please provide an original plus three copies of your application and ensure you address the requirements of the Person Specification in your application. Email applications will NOT be accepted. Job and Person Specifications are available from Shannon Martin, telephone 8223 9759, email Closing Date: 24 Feb 2006 ASO4 CLAIMS ADMINISTRATOR (Advt) Vacancy No. 1187/2006 Duties: The Claims Administrator is accountable to the Senior Claims Consultant for the provision of Workers Compensation Claims management services that ensure effective management of claims in accordance with the Workers Rehabilitation & Compensation Legislation, WorkCover Performance Standards for Self Insurers and the SAFECOM Service Delivery Standards. Special Conditions: May be required to act in other positions. Location: Adelaide CBD Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: SA Fire and Emergency Services Commission (Occupational Health Safety and Welfare) Enquiries to: Ms Judy Arthur, SA Fire & Emergency Services Commission, telephone 08 8463 4140, email Applications to: Ms Laura August, Human Resources , SA Fire & Emergency Services Commission, GPO Box 2706, Adelaide , 5001, telephone 08 8463 4085, email Note: Job and Person Specifications are available from Julie Millar and Liz Quinn, telephone 08 8463 4050, or email Please forward an original application plus three copies. Applicants should include the name, email address and contact number of three current referees. Applicants must address the Essential and Desirable criteria in the Position Description. Applications should be marked 'Confidential'. Closing Date: 03 Mar 2006 127 ($49584.00/51874.00) OTHER PUBLIC SECTOR SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 17/02/06 AGENCY: OTHER PUBLIC SECTOR SALARIED VACANCIES (Continued) EMB EDUCATIONAL MANAGER - VOCATIONAL PREPARATION (TEMPORARY UP TO 30/06/2006) ($88505.00) Vacancy No. T1217/2006 Duties: The Educational Manager (EMB), Vocational Preparation is responsible for the leadership and management of the program and for ensuring that the Vocational Preparation responds to the vocational education and training needs of Government, industry and student clients. A key responsibility for the Educational Manager during 2005 will be to involve staff in effecting a smooth transition from an educational workgroup within the semi autonomous eight Institute TAFE SA, to a work group in the new TAFESA Adelaide South Institute within TAFESA’s collaborative three-Institute model from January 2005. Essential Minimum Qualifications: See Job and Person Specification Special Conditions: Out of Hours Work: Some out of hours work may be required. Travel: Some inter and intrastate travel may be required. Location: Location to be negotiated in the first instance, with responsibility for the Vocational Preparation at Adelaide, O’Halloran Hill and Panorama Campuses. Conditions: A flexible approach to duty hours, days and the taking of leave is essential. Performance Targets: Required to participate in Performance Management. Location: Adelaide Metro (O'Halloran Hill) Award: TAFE Act (Educational Staff) Interim Award Eligibility: Public Sector Employees Only Department: Further Educ, Employment, Science & Technology (TAFE SA - Vocational Preparation - O'Halloran Hill) Enquiries and Applications to: Ms Genevieve Haskett, General Manager, Vocational Preparation, Post Office Box 405, Noarlunga Centre SA, 5168, telephone (08) 8207 3904, email Note: Please forward an original application plus four copies. Applicants should include the name, address and contact number of three current referees. Closing Date: 03 Mar 2006 Downloads: Must Read Information for Applicants:\NOV - P&W -Must Read.doc Job and Person Specification:\1217EMB-TAS0018 (2).doc 128 OTHER PUBLIC SECTOR SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 17/02/06 AGENCY: OTHER PUBLIC SECTOR SALARIED VACANCIES (Continued) n/a DIRECTOR POLICY & FORESTRY DEVELOPMENT (CONTRACT APPOINTMENT) Vacancy No. (Advt) C1112/2006 Duties: The role is accountable for the provision of high level policy advice on forestry and environmental matters. The Director, Policy and Forestry Development leads the Policy and Forestry Development Group in the development and delivery of programs to support farm forestry, private forestry, forestry industry development as well as forest production. There is also emphasis on programs for biodiversity management including the management of Native Forest Reserves, forest recreation and volunteering. This position has extensive dealings with State and Commonwealth agencies and must participate in national committees, liaise with interstate forestry organisations, the community, industry and other stakeholder groups. The successful applicant will actively promote forestry knowledge and practices to the community.This position requires an outstanding strategic and commercial manager who has excellent influencing and advocacy skills. A comprehensive knowledge of forestry and the forestry industry is required. Essential Minimum Qualifications: A Degree in Forestry or Forest Science or equivalent with relevant forestry experience is necessary. Special Conditions: Position is located in Mount Gambier but may be required to relocate anywhere in the State. Out of hours work and significant intrastate and interstate travel required. May be required to participate in fire protection activities. Location: South East (Mount Gambier) Award: Employed under the SA Forestry Corp Act 2000 Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Forestry SA Enquiries and Applications to: Victoria Thomas, Stillwell Management Consultants Pty Ltd, telephone 08 8212 0999, email Note: An excellent remuneration package will be negotiated for this executive level position Job and Person Specification available at: Closing Date: 28 Feb 2006 Downloads: Position Description:\Dir Policy & For Dev.DOC PSO2 CATCHMENT MANAGEMENT OFFICER ($55215.00/61707.00) Vacancy No. 1176/2006 Duties: Analyse and review proposals that have potential impacts on SA Water’s surface water supplies. Promote SA Water’s position on catchment water quality and quantity issues with water resource owners and managers. Participate in State Natural Resource Management planning and program delivery. Provide input into the catchment assessments and implementation aspects of the Framework for Drinking Water Quality within SA Water. Participate in collaborative projects which identify and seek to reduce risks to catchment water quality and quantity. Provide input into SA Water’s and stakeholder monitoring programs aiming to ensure business needs are met and integration occurs. Essential Minimum Qualifications: Professional qualifications in natural resource management, science, engineering or similar.Specialisation in water resources or catchment management. Location: Adelaide CBD Eligibility: Public Sector Employees Only Department: SA Water Enquiries and Applications to: Mr Glyn Ashman, Manager Water Resources, GPO Box 1751, ADELAIDE, 5001, telephone 8463 6504, email Closing Date: 03 Mar 2006 129 WEEKLY PAID VACANCY INFORMATION WEEKLY PAID VACANCIES If you are applying for a weekly paid job in this Notice, your application should include this information: the title and number of the job you are applying for; your name; the name of the Agency or Statutory Authority where you are working and your work telephone number; a description of your work experience. If you have any problems or questions about your application you should talk to your supervisor, or you may want to talk to the Office of Public Employment. This Office is located on the 12th Floor, State Administration Centre, 200 Victoria Square, Adelaide. The telephone number is 8226 2893. If you have any questions about your rights to apply for other government jobs you should ask the Office of Public Employment (telephone 8226 2893). In this Notice there are also vacancies for promotional salaried positions. Weekly paid employees who are determined to be ‘relevant public employees’ under Regulation 11 of the Public Sector Management Act who wish to apply for any of these positions are welcome to do so. If you want to discuss any of the positions before putting in an application, you should contact the person whose name and telephone number is listed for enquiries for the position. REQUESTS TO CIRCULARISE VACANCIES Details of vacancies to be published in this section will be accepted by Business Services of the Office of Public Employment up to 12.00 p.m. FRIDAY prior to the date of issue of the Notice. Whenever possible however, agencies are encouraged to forward vacancy details as soon as they become available. This action will facilitate the clearing of positions for advertising in the Notice. The facsimile number is 8226 2966, and for any enquiries please telephone 8226 2893. 130 WEEKLY PAID VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 17/02/06 WEEKLY PAID VACANCIES AMENDMENT Weekly RECOVERY ORDERLY Paid Amended To: Weekly RECOVERY ORDERLY (WHA4) Paid Vacancy No. 663/2006 Vacancy No. 663/2006 Duties: Responsible for assisting in the efficient and smooth transportation of patients from the Post Anaesthesia Recovery Unit to various wards and departments. Responsible for sensitive and efficient assistance to Post Anaesthesia Recovery Unit staff in the care and treatment of patients. Special Conditions: Required to undertake a performance enhancement annually and as necessary. May be required to work at any site within the Central Northern Adelaide Health Service. Ability to communicate with all levels of a multidisciplinary team. To maintain patient confidentiality at all times. Ability to work with limited supervision within the team setting. Possess a willingness to undertake further educational courses designed to enhance skills within the Operating Room / Post Anaesthesia Recovery Unit setting. Physically able to perform the role. May be required to work at any site within the Central/Northern Adelaide Health Service. Location: Adelaide Metro (Elizabeth Vale) Award: SA Government Health Etc Ancillary Employees Award Amended Rate of Pay: $660.00 (1st Increment) $670.10 (2nd Increment) Eligibility: Public Sector Employees Only Department: Health (Central Northern Adelaide Health Service - Lyell McEwin Hospital - Post Anaesthetic Recovery Unit) Enquiries to: Ms Jenny Hutchings, Clinical Nurse Manager - Post Anaesthesia Recovery Unit, telephone 8182 9151, email Applications to: Mrs Anne Webb, Divisional Nurse Manager, Lyell McEwin Hospital, Haydown Road, Elizabeth Vale, 5112, Note: Please provide three (3) copies of application with the name, address and contact number of three (3) current referees. Applicants should clearly address how they meet the capabilities, experience, knowledge and qualifications outlined in the Person Specification. The Lyell McEwin Hospital is a smoke free environment. Attractive Salary Sacrifice benefits available. Closing Date: 24 Feb 2006 131 WEEKLY PAID VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 17/02/06 AGENCY: WEEKLY PAID VACANCIES (Continued) Weekly Paid 132 PLAY COORDINATOR, NEWLAND/CAMPBELL WARD (Advt) Vacancy No. 716/2006 Duties: Accountable to the Nursing Chief Division of Paediatric Surgery, via the Nursing Unit Head. In close consultation with the ward team delivers a stimulating play programme for children to enjoy and express themselves through play. Having the skills to understand children’s development, the Play Coordinator will provide suitable activities to minimise the trauma often associated with hospitalisation. Special Conditions: Must be prepared to attend relevant meetings and staff/education activities as required and to participate in the staff appraisal process. Some out of hours work may be required. Location: Adelaide Metro (North Adelaide) Award: SA Government Health Etc Ancillary Employees Award Rate of Pay: $660.00 (1st Increment) $670.10 (2nd Increment) Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Health (Children, Youth & Women's Health Service - Women's and Children's Hospital Campus - Newland/Campbell Ward (Division of Paediatric Surgery) Enquiries to: Bettina Andersen, Nursing Unit Head, Newland Ward, telephone 8161 6351 Applications to: Recruitment & Retention Unit, Human Resources Department, Women's and Children's Hospital Campus, 72 King William Road, North Adelaide, 5006, telephone 8161 7249 Note: Please forward 4 complete sets of your application which must address the requirements of the person specification and details of three current referees. The Job and Person Specification and the ‘Advice to Applicants’ document (which assists applicants with the preparation of their application), are available from the enquiries person. Applicants are required to clearly state their employment status within the Public Sector. Closing Date: 24 Feb 2006 Downloads: JD:\PLAYCOORDNEWLANDJAN06.doc WEEKLY PAID VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 17/02/06 AGENCY: WEEKLY PAID VACANCIES (Continued) Weekly Paid 133 DIET KITCHEN ASSISTANT (PART-TIME) (TEMPORARY UP Vacancy No. TO 12 MONTHS) (Advt) T969/2006 Duties: Reporting to the Senior Food Service Dietitian, the incumbent is responsible for the preparation, packaging and delivery of nutritional items and supplements to patients on special diets. Working as a member of a team with the other dietary preparation staff is essential. Liaison with other dietetic and catering staff is expected. A small amount of patient contact may occur. Special Conditions: This is a part-time temporary position up to 12 months working 7.5 hours per week and rate of pay will be adjusted according to actual hours worked. May be required to work over a 7 day roster during known periods of annual and long service leave. May be required to be on call. May be required to undertake a Health Assessment prior to commencement. Appointment will be subject to a satisfactory Offender History Check. May be required to work at any site within the Southern Adelaide Health Service. Location: Adelaide Metro Award: SA Government Health Etc Ancillary Employees Award Rate of Pay: $640.30 (1st Increment) Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Health (Flinders Medical Centre - Dietetics and Nutrition Department - Division of Allied Health) Enquiries to: Sue Ranner or Debbie Grigg, Chairperson, telephone 08 8204 4302 Applications to: Dawn Lindenberger, Client Services Officer, Human Resources, Flinders Medical Centre, Flinders Drive, Bedford Park, 5042, email Note: Flinders Medical Centre offers attractive Salary Sacrifice benefits. To obtain a Job and Person Specification please contact the enquiry person or download from the address given below. Applicants are requested to quote Job Number T969 in their application and to forward an original application plus three copies and include the name, address and contact number of three current referees. Applicants are required to address the essential and desirable criteria of the job and person specification in their application. People of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander descent are encouraged to apply Closing Date: 03 Mar 2006 Downloads: job and person specification:\WHA3 Diet Kitchen Asst J&P.doc WEEKLY PAID VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 17/02/06 AGENCY: WEEKLY PAID VACANCIES (Continued) Weekly Paid 134 CLIENT SUPPORT ASSISTANT (PART-TIME) Vacancy No. 983/2006 Duties: Work as a member of NHS Client Support Services to provide food, cleaning, orderly and porter services. Responsible for undertaking daily work routines and methods in order to deliver quality client support services to Noarlunga Health Services. Special Conditions: This is a part-time position working 20 hours per week and rate of pay will be adjusted according to actual hours worked. Some out of hours work may be required. May be required to work on a 7-day roster basis and to work any area within Client Support Services. To maintain roster flexibility, from time to time days off may change (with appropriate notice). Uniforms will be provided and must be maintained in a hygienic manner by the incumbent. May be required to work at any site within the Southern Adelaide Health Service. Location: Adelaide Metro Award: SA Government Health Etc Ancillary Employees Award Rate of Pay: $640.30 (1st Increment) $650.40 (2nd Increment) Eligibility: Public Sector Employees Only Department: Health (Noarlunga Health Services - Inner Southern Community - Southern Adelaide Health Service) Enquiries to: Mark Walker, Manager Client Services - Noarlunga Health Services, telephone (08) 8384 9517, email Applications to: Jodie Pollard, Assistant Human Resources, Noarlunga Health Services, PO Box 437, NOARLUNGA HEALTH SA , 5168, telephone (08) 8384 9515, email Note: Job and Person Specifications are available from Mark Walker, telephone (08) 8384 9517, or email Please forward an original application plus two copies. Applicants should include the name, address and contact number of three current referees. Please do not fax or email your application. Closing Date: 03 Mar 2006 WEEKLY PAID VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 17/02/06 AGENCY: WEEKLY PAID VACANCIES (Continued) Weekly Paid 135 CENTRAL STERILE SUPPLY ATTENDANT (PART-TIME) (Advt) Vacancy No. 995/2006 Duties: Contributes to the provision of an efficient and effective sterilisation service and through participation in the Staff Development Program will consolidate and develop further knowledge and skills to progress further in career of Sterilisation Technology. Special Conditions: This is a part-time position working 40 hours per fortnight and rate of pay will be adjusted according to actual hours worked. Relieve Supervisor when required. Flexible starting times required, depending on demands of service. Attendance at mandatory training sessions as determined by the organisation. Location: Port Pirie Award: SA Government Health Etc Ancillary Employees Award Rate of Pay: $640.30 (1st Increment) $650.40 (2nd Increment) Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Health (Port Pirie Regional Health Service Inc) Further Information: Enquiries to: Ms Dora Gadaleta, CSSD Supervisor - Port Pirie Regional Health Service Inc, telephone 86384553, email Applications to: Mr Bill Slattery, Director Human Resources & Risk Management, Port Pirie Regional Health Service Inc, Box 546, Port Pirie, 5540, telephone 86384636, email Note: Please forward an original application plus three copies and include the name, address and contact number of three current referees. Applicants are required to address the essential and desirable criteria of the job and person specification in their application. These are available from the Human Resources Department telephone 86384626 or e-mail applicants will be subject to a police check prior to their appointment being confirmed. Closing Date: 03 Mar 2006 WEEKLY PAID VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 17/02/06 AGENCY: WEEKLY PAID VACANCIES (Continued) 136 Weekly Paid COURIER/DOMESTIC (PART-TIME) Weekly Paid LINEN ROOM ATTENDANT (PART-TIME) Vacancy No. 986/2006 Duties: Accountable to the Manager Client Support Services for the provision of a range of cleaning services, in support of the treatment and care of patients, that meets the standards required by the Health Service. Assist with the provision of higher level duties within the General Services Department. Special Conditions: This is a part-time position working 34 hours per fortnight and rate of pay will be adjusted according to actual hours worked. Initially commencement time is normally 8.00 am, however in special circumstances, varied shift times of 7.00 am or 1.30 pm may apply. Attendance at mandatory training sessions as determined by the organisation. Location: Port Pirie Award: SA Government Health Etc Ancillary Employees Award Rate of Pay: $620.40 (1st Increment) $630.30 (2nd Increment) Eligibility: Public Sector Employees Only Department: Health (Port Pirie Regional Health Service Inc) Further Information: Enquiries to: Ms Denise Lane, Team Leader - Client Support Services, Port Pirie Regional Health Service Inc, telephone 86384622, email Applications to: Mr Bill Slattery, Director Human Resources & Risk Management, Port Pirie Regional Health Service Inc, Box 546, Port Pirie, 5540, telephone 86384636, email Note: Please forward an original application plus three copies and include the name, address and contact number of three current referees. Applicants are required to address the essential and desirable criteria of the job and person specification in their application. These are available from the Human Resources Department telephone 86384626 or e-mail Successful applicants will be subject to a police check prior to their appointment being confirmed. Closing Date: 03 Mar 2006 Vacancy No. 992/2006 Duties: Accountable to the Manager Client Support Services for all linen duties to meet the needs of the Health Unit. Assist in the provision of a range of cleaning duties, that meets the standards by the Health Service. Special Conditions: This is a part-time position working 60 hours per fortnight and rate of pay will be adjusted according to actual hours worked. Initially there will be a commencement time of 6.00 am. Attendance at mandatory training sessions as determined by the organisation. Location: Port Pirie Award: SA Government Health Etc Ancillary Employees Award Rate of Pay: $640.30 (1st Increment) $650.40 (2nd Increment) Eligibility: Public Sector Employees Only Department: Health (Port Pirie Regional Health Service Inc) Further Information: Enquiries to: Ms Denise Lane, Team Leader - Client Support Services, Port Pirie Regional Health Service Inc, telephone 86384622, email Applications to: Mr Bill Slattery, Director Human Resources & Risk Management, Port Pirie Regional Health Service Inc, Box 546, Port Pirie, 5540, telephone 86384636, email Note: Please forward an original application plus three copies and include the name, address and contact number of three current referees. Applicants are required to address the essential and desirable criteria of the job and person specification in their application. These are available from the Human Resources Department telephone 86384626 or e-mail Successful applicants will be subject to a police check prior to their appointment being confirmed. Closing Date: 03 Mar 2006 WEEKLY PAID VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 17/02/06 AGENCY: WEEKLY PAID VACANCIES (Continued) Weekly Paid 137 ORDERLY (PART-TIME) Vacancy No. 987/2006 Duties: Accountable to the Manager Client Support Services through the Team Leader for the provision of a range of hospital orderly services in support of the treatment and care of patients and for the security of the health service complex and equipment. Special Conditions: This is a part-time position working 24 hours per fortnight and rate of pay will be adjusted according to actual hours worked. Some out of hours at call and overtime may be required for which time off in lieu may be available. A current drivers licence and a willingness to drive is essential. Attendance at mandatory training sessions as determined by the organisation. Location: Port Pirie Award: SA Government Health Etc Ancillary Employees Award Rate of Pay: $640.30 (1st Increment) $650.40 (2nd Increment) Eligibility: Public Sector Employees Only Department: Health (Port Pirie Regional Health Service Inc) Further Information: Enquiries to: Ms Denise Lane, Team Leader - Client Support Services, Port Pirie Regional Health Service Inc, telephone 86384622, email Applications to: Mr Bill Slattery, Director Human Resources & Risk Management, Port Pirie Regional Health Service Inc, Box 546, Port Pirie, 5540, telephone 86384636, email Note: Please forward an original application plus three copies and include the name, address and contact number of three current referees. Applicants are required to address the essential and desirable criteria of the job and person specification in their application. These are available from the Human Resources Department telephone 86384626 or e-mail applicants will be subject to a police check prior to their appointment being confirmed. Closing Date: 03 Mar 2006 WEEKLY PAID VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 17/02/06 AGENCY: WEEKLY PAID VACANCIES (Continued) Weekly Paid 138 TEAM LEADER - FOOD SERVICES Vacancy No. 989/2006 Duties: Accountable to the Manager Client Support Services, through the Catering Manager for the provision of an overall job leadership role for the Food Services Team. Will allocate and determine work priorities to ensure the provision of an efficient and effective patient/staff meal service that meets the standards of quality and presentation required by the Catering Department. Assist with food preparation, central service and the provision of a clean and hygienic working environment. Special Conditions: Initially rostered on day shifts over 5 days. Some duties involve physically demanding work. Attendance at mandatory training sessions as determined by the organisation. Location: Port Pirie Award: SA Government Health Etc Ancillary Employees Award Rate of Pay: $640.30 (1st Increment) $650.40 (2nd Increment) Eligibility: Public Sector Employees Only Department: Health (Port Pirie Regional Health Service Inc) Further Information: Enquiries to: Mr Greg Carman, Manager Catering - Port Pirie Regional Health Service Inc, telephone 86384592, email Applications to: Mr Bill Slattery, Director Human Resources and Risk Management, Port Pirie Regional Health Service Inc, Box 546, Port Pirie, 5540, telephone 86384636, email Note: Please forward an original application plus three copies and include the name, address and contact number of three current referees. Applicants are required to address the essential and desirable criteria of the job and person specification in their application. These are available from the Human Resources Department telephone 86384626 or e-mail applicants will be subject to a police check prior to their appointment being confirmed. Closing Date: 03 Mar 2006 WEEKLY PAID VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 17/02/06 AGENCY: WEEKLY PAID VACANCIES (Continued) Weekly Paid 139 CASUAL LURE INSPECTOR (CASUAL UP TO 30/06/2007) Vacancy No. 1178/2006 Duties: Plant Health Operations provides the regulatory and response mechanisms for managing emergency plant pests in South Australia with the objective of ensuring and assuring markets of the safety and product integrity of SA horticultural industries and their products. The Group’s activities are also aimed at protecting fruit and plant crops in SA from the effects of emergency plant pests. Traditionally, Plant Health Operations consists of the State Quarantine Service and South Australia’s Fruit Fly program.The position of Lure Inspector is vital to the state to ensure South Australia remains free of fruit fly and other emergency plant pests. The primary function of the Lure Inspector is to monitor and detect the presence of fruit fly in the Port Pirie area. The Lure Inspector may also be required to assist in response to emergency plant pests in the area. Special Conditions: The position is located at Port Pirie but may involve travelling to, and working in other towns in the Iron Triangle during periods of absence of other Inspectors.Detection or outbreaks of fruit fly or other declared pests or diseases may occur anywhere in the State and at anytime of the year. Out of hours work may be required in the event of outbreaks in the Iron Triangle area. The Inspector is required to possess a suitable motor vehicle for the duties (sedan or wagon) for which an agreed allowance will be paid to the Inspector for work related travel in the vehicle.Hours of duty are · 12 hours over 2 agreed days each week between Nov 1 and May 31· 12 hours over 2 agreed days each fortnight between June 1 and Oct 31. Location: York Peninsula & Mid North (Port Pirie) Award: SA Government Services Award Rate of Pay: $620.40 (1st Increment) $630.30 (2nd Increment) Eligibility: Public Sector Employees Only Department: Primary Industries and Resources (Agriculture and Wine - Plant Health - Plant Health Operations) Enquiries to: Mr David Heaven, Plant Health Operations, telephone 8168 5210, email Applications to: Mr David Cox, Administrative Officer, Plant Health Operations, 46 Prospect Road, PROSPECT, 5082, telephone 8168 5205, email Note: Please forward an original application plus two copies and include the contact details of three current referees to whom confidential enquiries can be made. Applicants must also include a completed and signed "Declaration on Application for Employment in the south Australian Public Sector' with their application. Closing Date: 03 Mar 2006 Downloads: Lure Insp PD:\final country Lure Inspectors PD1.doc guidelines on how to apply:\Capabilities Guidelines.doc declaration:\declaration_.doc WEEKLY PAID VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 17/02/06 AGENCY: WEEKLY PAID VACANCIES (Continued) Weekly Paid 140 ENGINEERING TRADESPERSON - BOILERMAKER/WELDER - M9/M8/M7 (Advt) Vacancy No. 1090/2006 Duties: Responsible to the Manager, Water Engineering Technologies for the construction, installation, maintenance and repairs to work associated with irrigation, water supply, salinity control and other WET activities. Under general supervision apply high level trade skills and knowledge to support the construction, maintenance and operations outcomes of the work unit. Able to carry out fabrication of Mild Steel Cement Lined Pipe work, including lobster back bends, tee pieces and pipe spools. Carry out general fabrication work using Stainless Steel, Mild Steel and Aluminium. Conduct installations, repairs and maintenance of pumping plant systems. Assist in the development and provision of on-the-job training of apprentices. Contribute to planning, quality assurance and business processes that support the business. Ensure OHS&W, Environmental and Water Quality obligations are met through personal compliance with legislation, policies and guidelines. Contribute to team effectiveness through participation and co-operation. Liaise with customers and effect satisfactory outcomes. Essential Minimum Qualifications: Must have served an approved trade apprenticeship. Relevant Post Trade Qualifications or equivalent skills/experience. A Forklift Licence is required. A dogging licence, crane operator’s ticket, MR/MH truck licence are desirable. Special Conditions: The appointees will be located at the Riverland Workshop, Berri, but must be prepared to work in any area as directed, which includes both intra and interstate installations, some being in remote locations. This position involves working for both private external, as well as internal customers of Water Engineering Technologies. This is a permanent position with a contract being offered to the successful applicant. A current driver’s licence is essential. The ability to undertake further training opportunities when required. Location: Riverland Rate of Pay: $702.00 (1st Increment) $775.45 (2nd Increment) Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: SA Water Enquiries and Applications to: Mr Jeff Hollitt, Operations Manager, SA Water, Hughes Street, BERRI, 5343, telephone 08 8595 2274, email Closing Date: 27 Feb 2006