DAILY NEWS, September 23th Djelic attends IMF annual session Serbian Deputy Prime Minister for European Integration Bozidar Djelic is to take part in the World Bank (WB) and International Monetary Fund (IMF) annual session in Washington as of Friday. He is heading Serbia's delegation at the bilateral meetings with heads and representatives of the WB, the IMF and the Swiss delegation. Besides Djelic, the events will be also attended by National Bank of Serbia (NBS) Governor Dejan Soskic. The topics of the meetings to be held September 23-26 refer to global and individual interests of member states, and comprise issues of poverty combat, economic development, the ongoing activities of the WB and the IMF, and aid for the underdeveloped countries, Djelic's cabinet released. Serbia sells $1bn Eurobonds Prime Minister Mirko Cvetkovic today stated that Serbia has sold Eurobonds at the international market worth $1 billion. In an interview to Beta news agency, Cvetkovic said that this is a historic event for Serbia because this is the first time that state securities have been quoted at the European market. He said that yesterday’s trade in Eurobonds was very successful for Serbia because the demand was twice as big as the supply, namely, offers were made to the amount of $2 billion. The Prime Minister explained that 10-year Eurobonds were sold with the interest rate of 7.25%. Having successfully sold Eurobonds at European stock markets, Serbia showed that it can participate in both commodity and financial exchange with the world, Cvetkovic observed. Interest in Serbian Eurobonds was great, although this is an unfavourable time at global financial markets, which means that financial investors have confidence in Serbia and its perspective, Cvetkovic noted. The significance of the sale of Eurobonds also lies in the fact that the state thus receives longterm sources of financing its budget liquidity and amends its balance of payments, he explained. The Prime Minister recalled that the state has so far engaged in short-term debts only, by selling treasury bills, thus reducing the loan potential of banks that were the major buyers of these securities. He voiced his pleasure at the way the Eurobond offer was received, adding that foreign investors were assured that the macroeconomic and political situation in Serbia is stable. Protection of intellectual property Deputy Prime Minister for European Integration Bozidar Djelic spoke today with President of the European Patent Office Benoit Battistelli about all the opportunities that have arisen for Serbia since it became a member of the European Patent Office in October 2010. Djelic underlined that the protection of intellectual property is a necessary precondition for attracting technology companies that also produce intellectual property. He pointed out that KLIPING d.o.o. Preduzeće za monitoring i analizu medija, Braće Radovanovića 12, 11 118 Beograd, Srbija, matični broj: 20328045, PIB: 105241994, tekući račun: SGYB 275-0000220812778-25. E: kliping@kliping.rs, S: www.kliping.rs DAILY NEWS, September 23th in the past two years much has been done on the harmonisation of legislation in this area with European standards, which resulted in Serbia’s membership in the European Patent Office. Djelic pointed to the considerable efforts Serbia has made to move towards knowledge-based economy through investments in science and technology infrastructure, an increase of 33% in the number of funded researchers and establishment of the Fund for innovative activity. He noted that all these investments can have maximum effects only if intellectual property is protected. Battistelli pointed out that past experience has shown that all countries became a member of the European Patent Office first before they joined the EU. He added that the membership in this organisation is a clear sign to investors that Serbia has reached necessary standards in the field of patents. The European Patent Office will actively participate in the improvement of work of the Intellectual Property Institute of Serbia, improvement of technology transfer centres and informing of the public, scientific and professional communities and companies on this subject, Battistelli said. He added that the EU announced that it will soon introduce a unique patent at the level of the entire Union which will reduce the cost of patenting by 70%. Budget deficit increased by 10.5 billion dinars in August Serbian government budget deficit in August rose by 10.52 billion dinars and amounted to 98.35 billion dinars, announced the Ministry of Finance. Total budget revenues for eight months were 443.98 billion dinars and expenditures 542.34 billion dinars. The draft budget rebalance which is in parliamentary procedure, proposes expenditure of 850.1 billion and revenue of 707.34 billion, with a budget deficit of 142.7 billion dinars. The largest revenue in the budget in August was from the collection of value added tax (VAT) - 24.16 billion dinars, which is about eight billion less than in July. Excise duties were charged in the amount of 17.39 billion, 9.5 billion dinars more than in July. The largest budget expenditures for August were for grants to compulsory social insurance organizations 22.38 billion, 1.31 billion dinars less than in July. For wages 16.76 billion were paid, 700 million dinars less than in July. At the end of 2010 public debt amounted to 12.16 billion euros, which was then 42.9 percent of GDP. Serbia's public debt at the end of August 41.7 percent of GDP Serbia's public debt at the end of August 2011 was about 13.79 billion euros, which is 41.7 percent of gross domestic product (GDP), announced the Ministry of Finance. According to the Law on Budget System, Serbia's public debt is limited to 45 percent of GDP. Total direct obligations of Serbia at the end of August amounted to about 11.67 billion euros, while the internal debt was about 5.57 billion euros, and the foreign debt 6.11 billion euros. Total indirect liability at the end of August was 2.13 billion euros, according to the ministry KLIPING d.o.o. Preduzeće za monitoring i analizu medija, Braće Radovanovića 12, 11 118 Beograd, Srbija, matični broj: 20328045, PIB: 105241994, tekući račun: SGYB 275-0000220812778-25. E: kliping@kliping.rs, S: www.kliping.rs DAILY NEWS, September 23th website. At the end of 2008 Serbia's public debt amounted to 8.78 billion euros, which was 29.2 percent of GDP. Alert sign: 105 days of non-payment All payments of companies operating in Serbia which are more than 105 days late, indicate that the company is in trouble and is threatened by bankruptcy or insolvency, said the director of Credit Rating Agency “Rating”, Ljiljana Devic-Cupara. She added that in England the rule applies that there is 70 percent possibility that the company will go bankrupt within a year if its payments are delayed from 90 to 120 days. Devic-Cupara stressed that the examination of a company's solvency is important, especially in Serbia, because it examines the risk of doing business with another company. When asked about the credit worthiness of Serbian companies on the basis of previous business analysis, Devic-Cupara said that Serbia is in front of B&H, but far behind Croatia and Slovenia. The database of this agency contains 500,000 companies in the region and 125,000 Serbian companies. KLIPING d.o.o. Preduzeće za monitoring i analizu medija, Braće Radovanovića 12, 11 118 Beograd, Srbija, matični broj: 20328045, PIB: 105241994, tekući račun: SGYB 275-0000220812778-25. E: kliping@kliping.rs, S: www.kliping.rs