Hyndland Secondary School Science Department S1 Science Homework Booklet 1 Rotation 1 [Chemical Reactions, Light & Radtn, Body Systems] (August – January) Name: ______________________ Online Login: Hyndland Science S1 Homework Booklet 1 Instructions/ Record Homework Record: Online Homework Online homework is accessed from a link on the school’s website (staff and subjects/ subject support/ S1_2 Science). You must record your scores in the table below. Get a parent or guardian to sign after completing every online homework please. Under normal circumstances, it is expected that you should achieve more than 75% in your online homework. Your score is given to you at the top of the screen after completion. Clicking the review quiz button allows you to see which questions you went wrong in. After the second attempt, the correct answers for all questions are visible and you should use this to help you improve your knowledge. It should be noted that questions are always presented in a random order, and therefore you need to actually understand how to get the correct answer the second time, it’s no good to simply remember Q6 is A – because Q6 will be a different question second time around. Online Homework Exercise S1 Matter M1 (15) S1 Matter M2 (15) S1 Matter PS1 (10) S1 Cells & Repro CR1 (15) S1 Cells & Repro CR2 (15) S1 Cells & Repro PS1 (10) S1 Heat H1 (15) S1 Heat H2 (15) S1 Heat PS1 (10) Date due 1st Attempt (%) 2nd Attempt (%) Parent’s signature Hyndland Science S1 Homework Booklet 1 Notes for Presentations Presentation Information The presentation will be assessed in three parts: The powerpoint The sources used The act of presenting The Powerpoint Your powerpoint should contain: A cover slide with a title 4 – 6 slides of data (one idea per slide) Slides that follow the ‘6 of 6’ rule References to where the data came from Visuals to generate interest The ‘6 of 6’ rule Each slide has around 6 bullet points Each bullet point is a key idea Each bullet as around 6 words This keeps the information short and snappy, keeps the words big enough to read …….and stops the presenter just reading the slides The Sources You should clearly show that you have taken information from at least 3 reliable sources and that you have used a variety of sources. The Presentation During the presentation you must: Project your voice clearly Make eye contact with the audience Speak in sentences from the key points Hyndland Science S1 Homework Booklet 1 Chemical Reactions Presentation Periodic Table – Homework Investigation You will investigate elements from different groups on the Periodic Table to discover patterns and gain a deeper understanding of individual elements. You will discover why elements are grouped together and the differences between these groups. You will uncover the mysteries of the Periodic Table, understanding why elements are grouped together and why groups are given particular names. You will choose a group and investigate its elements because you just never know when Praseodymium will come up in conversation and why its alloys are used in cryogenic refrigeration. Hyndland Science S1 Homework Booklet 1 Chemical Reactions Presentation Things you must find out about: What is the name of the group you have chosen to study and why is this group of elements given this name? Why are these elements all put into this same group? What are the uses of the elements in this group? How reactive are the elements in this group? In addition to this, include any other information that you consider to be relevant or of particular interest. Present your findings in one of the following forms: -PowerPoint -Poster -Data sheet You will be required to present your finding to your classmates and you will be given a 5 minute time slot to do this. Below are some websites that you may find useful: http://periodictable.com/ http://chemicalelements.com/ http://www.chemicool.com/ http://www.webelements.com/ http://www.rsc.org/chemsoc/visualelements/pages/pertable_fla.htm Hyndland Science 1. 1 S1 Homework Booklet 1 Chemical Reactions Sheet 1 Hyndland Science 2. 1 S1 Homework Booklet 1 Chemical Reactions Sheet 1 Hyndland Science 3. 4. S1 Homework Booklet 1 Chemical Reactions Sheet 2 Hyndland Science 5. 6. 7. S1 Homework Booklet 1 Chemical Reactions Sheet 2 Hyndland Science 8. a) b) c) 9. S1 Homework Booklet 1 Chemical Reactions Sheet 3 Hyndland Science 10. a) b) c) S1 Homework Booklet 1 Chemical Reactions Sheet 3 Hyndland Science 11. 12. S1 Homework Booklet 1 Light & Radiation Sheet 1 Hyndland Science S1 Homework Booklet 1 Light & Radiation Sheet 1 13. a) b) c) 14. Two lenses are shown below: A B a) Complete the ray diagrams above to show what happens to the light when it passes through the lenses. b) What name is given to each shape of lens shown above? A_____________________ B_______________________ Hyndland Science S1 Homework Booklet 1 Light & Radiation Sheet 2 15. The diagram below shows a ray of light directed towards a mirror. (a) Complete the diagram to show the reflected ray. (b) What name is given to the dotted line. (c) Indicate clearly on the diagram the angle of incidence and the angle of reflection. 16. Find out the speed of light in air: 17.a) 15. b) c) Can you make up a mnemonic to remember the order of the colours in the spectrum? Hyndland Science 18. a) b) S1 Homework Booklet 1 Light & Radiation Sheet 2 Hyndland Science 19. a) b) S1 Homework Booklet 1 Light & Radiation Sheet 3 Hyndland Science S1 Homework Booklet 1 20. Interview someone at home who wears glasses. Light & Radiation Sheet 3 Find out why they wear them (Do they have difficulty seeing things near or far away?) Describe what happened when they went to get their eyes tested. Use this information to write a report entitled “Eye Problems” and include any diagrams of the eye that you may need. Hyndland Science 21. S1 Homework Booklet 1 Light & Radiation Sheet 4 When you look at a light from different distances you will see that the brightness of the light depends on how far you are from it. Two students set out to investigate this in more detail. They set up the apparatus as shown: light meter lamp metre stick They record the following results: Distance from lamp (cm) 10 20 30 40 50 Intensity (lux) 94 25 11 7 5 Use the results to plot a line graph of “distance from lamp” against “Intensity” by. Constructing a scale on the X-axis (remember use more than half the graph paper!) Completing the Y-axis. Plotting the data in the table on your graph and joining the points with a straight line (use a ruler) a) 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Contd./ over Hyndland Science S1 Homework Booklet 1 Light & Radiation Sheet 4 a) From the graph predict the Intensity at 15 cm and 25 cm from the lamp. Distance = 15cm Intensity = ___________________ Distance = 25cm Intensity = ____________________ b) From the graph predict the “distance from the lamp” when the Intensity is 60 lux. Intensity = 60 lux Distance = ____________________ c) Suggest a way to improve the experiment. _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ 22. Complete the diagram below to show the refraction of light. Hyndland Science S1 Homework Booklet 1 Light & Radiation Sheet 4 23. Stars and galaxies send out radiation at many different frequencies in the electromagnetic spectrum. Radio waves can be detected using radio telescopes as shown below. Try to find out: (a) Why radio telescopes are so big. (b) Why each dish has an aerial. Hyndland Science S1 Homework Booklet 1 Body Systems Presentation Have Your Say Over the course of this topic you will learn information which will help you to complete this task. Find out some information on one of the following topics. 1. What damage does smoking do to the lungs? Do you think people should be allowed to smoke in public places like restaurants, buses and football matches? 2. Animal testing : what do you think of the use of animals in the development and testing of new medicines? What about medicines relating to the breathing system ( eg Salbutamol) – have they been tested on animals? 2. Organ Transplants : Should we still have the choice to opt out of donating our organs ( such as heart and lungs) after death? You can present your findings as either: An essay Poster Power point presentation Hyndland Science 24. 25. 26. S1 Homework Booklet 1 Body Systems Sheet 1 Hyndland Science 27. 28. S1 Homework Booklet 1 Body Systems Sheet 1 Hyndland Science S1 Homework Booklet 1 Body Systems Sheet 2 29. Draw lines to connect the name of the measurement to its description Breathing rate Maximum rate at which air can be breathed out. Tidal Volume The number of breaths taken per minute. Vital capacity The volume of air in a normal breath Peak flow The maximum volume of air that can be breathed out in one breath. 30. Name the instruments in the pictures and write down what they measure. Instrument Name Measurement Hyndland Science 31. S1 Homework Booklet 1 Body Systems Sheet 2 Hyndland Science 32. S1 Homework Booklet 1 Body Systems Sheet 3 Hyndland Science 33. S1 Homework Booklet 1 Body Systems Sheet 3