UbD Etapa Preliminar

Name: Karen Grill
Subject: Spanish 1
Understanding by Design: Kankakee High School
Unit: Etapa Preliminar
Length of Time: 3 weeks
Stage 1: Desired Results
Students will be able to…
28.A.1b Respond appropriately to simple commands in the target language.
28.B.1a Respond to and ask simple questions with prompts.
28.B.1b Imitate pronunciation, intonation and inflection including sounds unique to the target language.
28.C.1b Infer meaning of cognates from context.
28.D.1a Copy/write words, phrases and simple sentences.
29.A.1 Use common forms of courtesy, greetings and leave-takings appropriate to the time of day and
relationship (adult, peer, parent).
Enduring Understandings:
Essential Questions:
 Spanish is the 3rd most prevalent language in the
 How do I exchange basic information in the target
world, and 2 most in the U.S.
 Knowledge of Spanish will assist the student in any
 How do I comprehend the target language?
facet of their adult life: making them more
employable, more culturally sensitive, and more
well-rounded as a human being.
What students will know in the target language:
What students will be able to do:
A. How to greet one another
I. SPEAK basic information phrases in the target
B. How to say goodbye to one another
C. How to ask origin of one another
J. WRITE basic information in the target language
D. How to recite the alphabet
K. LISTEN and understand basic information in the
E. How to use numbers 0-10
target language
F. How to talk about the days of the week
L. READ in the target language using knowledge of
G. Useful classroom phrases
cognates and context.
H. How cognates and context will increase
Stage 2: Assessment Evidence
Performance Tasks:
Other Evidence:
M. Students will create a dialogue that incorporates
Q. Vocabulary quizzes (oral and written)
greetings, name exchange, origin, and goodbyes.
R. Chapter test (contains listening, writing, speaking,
N. Students will perform their dialogue
and reading components)
O. Students will recite the alphabet in the target
S. TPR activities (Total Physical Response)
language from memory, pronouncing the letters
P. Students will respond appropriately to verbal
commands, questions, and requests.
Stage 3 – Learning Plan
STUDENTS WITH ACCOMODATIONS: As a rule, the teacher follows the IEPs of the students on the class rosters. The
most common accommodations are as follows:
1. Extended time on assignments: Students with extended time in their IEPs will be given an extra time to finish
assignments that are not completed at the end of the class period. Students are aware that they only need to let the
teacher know.
2. Testing accommodations: Some IEPs require accommodations for shortened tests and quizzes. Those assessments
are modified for those individuals. Some students have “reading test items upon request” as an accommodation if
requested by student. Those accommodations will be available for the unit tests. Some IEPs have extended testing time
as an accommodation. Those students will be given extra time to finish an assessment should they run out of class time
and are not yet finished.
3. Preferential seating: Many IEPs call for the student to be seated near the teacher. Those students are assigned seats
nearest to the teacher.
DIFFERENTIATION: By its very nature, foreign language courses lend themselves to differentiation. Mastery of a
language involves the four components of reading, writing, speaking, and listening. Students whose strengths lie in one
of those four quadrants will be assessed more strongly in those quadrants than in others. Teaching strategies involve
using those four base components plus the total physical response(TPR) and visual strategies. Students will be exposed
to all of them on a regular basis. On student activity days, students will be grouped one of two ways: either mixed
ability (with lower performing students paired with higher performing students who can assist them) or grouped by
ability. Groups of like ability will have different expectations: lower performing groups will either not have as many
questions to answer, have different questions to respond to, or will not have to write as long of an answer as the higher
performing groups. Days in the etapa where the teacher can choose an activity, the teacher can assign different groups
of kids to the different activities, based on student needs and readiness.
Learning Activities: All of these days are based on 45-minute periods. Adjustments will need to be made for days in this
unit that are shortened due to the school calendar.
Day 1: 28.D.1a, J
(20 min) Course Expectations and Requirements: Teacher hands out to students the expectations and requirements for
the course. Teacher and student go through the information, asking and answering questions about the content along
the way.
(20 min) WRITING: Students work in groups to fill in an A-Z chart of target language words they already know. After 12
minutes of writing, we will take 8 minutes to share what was written, adding new words to the chart as we go.
(5 min) Exit slip: What do students hope to learn this year in the course?
Day 2: 28.C.1b, J,L
(20 min) Students will complete a Learning Style Preference inventory. If I know how they learn best, I will be able to
teach them more effectively.
(20 min) READING/WRITING: Students will receive a short article written entirely in the target language. It is filled with
cognates. The teacher will read it out loud to the students. Students will work in groups to translate it back into English,
using their knowledge of context. Students will have 15 minutes to work, then 5 minutes to share what it says in English.
(5 min) Exit Slip: Why are you taking this course?
Day 3: EU 1&2,L
(5 min) Bellringer: write down 10 words in Spanish that you remember/know, and what they mean in English.
(20 min) Students will complete another Learning Style Preference inventory.
(20 min) As a class, we will read and discuss pages xxxii-xxxiii of the textbook on “Why Learn Spanish?”
Day 4: 28.B.1b, 29.A.1, EQ 1, A,B,I,K,S
(10 min) SPEAKING: Greetings and Goodbyes. Students practice speaking these simple phrases in Spanish. I will model,
students will repeat. Students will then greet and say goodbye to each other and to me.
(10 min) SPEAKING: Textbook p. 3. As a large group, we will complete Activities 1 and 2. Use the double circle TPR idea
on p. 2 of teacher edition.
(5 min) LISTENING: I will say the various greeting/goodbye phrases in random order. Students will need to write in their
notebook whether what I say is a greeting or a farewell.
(10 min) SPEAKING: Students work with a partner and complete Activity 4. They practice with each other until I get to
their group.
(10 min) SPEAKING: I will assess each group on one of the items of Activity 4.
HOMEWORK: Be prepared to greet me in Spanish when they come into the classroom tomorrow.
Day 5: 28.B.1b, 29.A.1, EQ 1&2, A, B, I,K,P
Homework Check: Students must greet me in Spanish as they walk in the door.
(5 min) Review: Oral repetition of the greeting/farewell words from yesterday.
(10 min) SPEAKING: Name vocabulary. Students will practice the vocabulary terms on pp. 4-5. ¿Cómo te llamas? Me
llamo… Encantada. Igualmente. ¿Cómo se llama? Mucho gusto. El gusto es mío.
(10 min) Teacher will discuss the male/female gender noun component of Spanish. Generalize the –o/-a endings.
(20 min) Students will choose a Spanish name that they want to be called in Spanish class. I will model the correct
pronunciation of the names, and students will make a choice. This is the name that they will put on all of their papers in
my class, and it is the name that I will call them and that students will call each other while they are in the class.
Day 6: 28.A.1b, 28.B.1a, 28.B.1b, 29.A.1, EQ 1&2, A,B,C,I,K,L,P,S
(5 min) Oral Review: Say and Repeat the greeting/farewell/name-asking words we’ve learned. I will then walk around
the room, asking each student “¿Cómo te llamas?” and students respond with “Me llamo (name).”
(15 min) SPEAKING: text pp. 6-9. We will practice “¿Dé dónde es?” and “Soy de” vocabulary. Model and repeat several
times. Complete in large group Activities 8 and 9.
(10 min) LISTENING: p. 9, activity 10
(15 min) READING: Conversation Puzzles. Spanish Conversations cut up and scrambled. Students have to put them
back into logical order. Groups show me the correctly completed dialogs for a grade.
(15 min) SPEAKING: “¿Eres de…? Country activity. Students are assigned a country to be from. They must go around
the class asking other students if they are from various countries and get signatures next to each country. One country
is assigned only to me, so students will need to speak to me before finishing the activity.
Day 7: 28.B.1a, 28.B.1b, 28.D.1a, 28.A.1, EQ 1&2, A,B,C,D,I,J,M,N
(3 min) Vocabulary Review: Say and repeat the vocab terms that we’ve learned so far.
(20 min) WRITING: Working with partners, students will fill in a vocabulary-laden conversation and then translate it into
Spanish. It will include greetings, name exchanges, pleasantries, origin exchange, and farewells.
(2 min) Vocabulary Review: Say and repeat the vocab terms that will be used in the various dialogues.
(20 min) SPEAKING: Groups will perform their dialogues for the class (not memorized) Teacher will use oral scoring
rubric for grading.
Day 8: 28.B.1b, EQ2, D,I,K,O,P
(45 min) SPEAKING: The Alphabet. Text pp. 10-11. ASSESSMENT will be memorized recitation of the alphabet in three
Activities to choose from:
Say and Repeat the letters of the alphabet.
Teach the alphabet song.
Spell student names and have students identify their own name by raising of hands.
Say random letters and have students write them down.
Give students vocab word cards and have them spell the words aloud to be identified in both languages by classmates.
Complete Activity 12 together as a group (be sure to explain nombre/apellido first!)
HOMEWORK: WRITING: Workbook pp. 3-5, activities 1,2,5(odd only), and 4 (all)
Day 9: 28.B.1.b, EQ2, D,E,I,O,P
(10 min) Homework Check: Mark grade for completion only, then orally go through the work, asking for volunteers who
think they have the correct answers.
(20 min) SPEAKING: Alphabet practice. Do some of the activities from yesterday. ASSESSMENT in 2 days!!
(20 min) SPEAKING: text p. 12. Numbers 0-10 practice. Use “¿Cuál es tú teléfono?” and “¿Cuál es tú dirección?” to ask
and get phone and house numbers.
Day 10: 28.B.1b, 28.D.1a, EQ2, D,E,F,I,J,O,P
(10 min) SPEAKING: Pronunciation review. Say and repeat all learned vocabulary – stopping at random words to ask for
English translations.
(20 min)SPEAKING/WRITING: text p. 13. Days of the week with numbers 0-10. Model and repeat. Complete activities
(20 min) SPEAKING: Alphabet practice. ASSESSMENT is tomorrow!!
HOMEWORK: Practice the Alphabet for tomorrow’s assessment!
Day 1128.B.1b, 28.D.1a, EQ2, I,J,D,O,Q
(5 min) Quick Review of the Alphabet one last time before testing!!
(30 min) SPEAKING: Oral assessment of students. WRITING: Students waiting for their turn or are done with their
assessment need to be completing workbook pp. 5 and 8, Activities 9,16, and 17.
(10 min) Catchup time.
AT THE END OF CLASS: Pass out the study guide for the Etapa Preliminar test.
Day 12: 28.A.1b, 28.B.1a, 28.B.1b, EQ 1&2, G,I,J,K,P,S
(20 min) TPR the Frases útiles from pp. 14-15. Tailor it to your classroom.
Have students create notecards of various classroom items in Spanish and post them on/near the items. (floor, wall,
door, pencil, pen, scissors, paper, notebook, book, desk, chalkboard, homework, etc… )
Students create posters of phrases that will be used a lot.(Open your books, Close your books, put your stuff on the
floor, take out your homework, Repeat, listen, write, speak, etc…)
Complete some of the LISTENING or WRITING activities that are not done yet in the workbook.
Allow students to work on the study guide for the Etapa Preliminar test.
Day 13: 28.B.1a, 28.D.1a, EQ 1&2, A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H,I,J,L,P
(45 min) Students work on Study guide for the Etapa Preliminar Test. Teacher will monitor students, assisting where
needed, answering questions, and keeping students on task.
SPEAKING: I will ask each student one question in Spanish (from a list in the study guide). Students must answer
correctly in Spanish. This is worth points on their Etapa Preliminar test.
Day 14: J,K,L,R
(45 minutes) Students will take the Etapa Preliminar test. The test involves LISTENING, WRITING, and READING
En Español textbook
Más Práctica workbook
Etapa Preliminar Vocabulary list
Expectation/requirement handout
A-Z chart
Learning style Inventories
Spanish cognates article
List of boy/girl Spanish names
Conversation puzzles
“Eres de” activity
Vocabulary Conversation blank
Vocab word cards for spelling activity
Oral Scoring rubric
Alphabet Assessment Chart
Study guide for test
Blank notecards
Blank poster board
Markers and scissors
Etapa Preliminar Test (2 forms)
ESSENTIAL VOCABULARY: Students need purposeful, directed exposure to new words at LEAST 12 times for them to be
embedded into long-term memory. The following are the MOST BASIC terms that should be mastered by the end of the
¿De dónde eres?
Soy de…
¿Cómo te llamas?
Me llamo…
El lápiz
La pluma
El papel