1. Kiến thức ngôn ngữ:- Động từ (verbs):
+ Present Simple, Present Progressive, Present Perfect, Present Perfect Progressive, Past Simple,
Past Continuous, Past Perfect, Past Perfect Progressive, Future Simple, Future Progressive, Future
Perfect, Future Perfect Progressive. + Dạng bị động (Passive Voice) của động từ với các thời nêu trên.
+ Định dạng của động từ khi đi sau một số động từ hoặc cụm từ khác như: hate, like, enjoy, start,
begin, stop, do you mind..., I don’t mind…, be fed up with, be afraid of, be fond of, have, let, help, see,
keep, watch…
+ Ôn tập và nắm vững sự hòa hợp giữa chủ ngữ và vị ngữ (subject-verb concord).
+ Nắm vững cách sử dụng một số động từ có hai hoặc ba từ đã học trong chương trình.
- Modal verbs:
+ Nắm được dạng và cách dùng của các Modal verbs: can, may, must, should, … cho hiện tại và
quá khứ.
- Danh từ (Nouns):
+ Danh từ số ít, số nhiều.
+ Danh từ đếm được và không đếm được.
+ Ngữ cảnh cho danh từ.
+ Một số cách hình thành danh từ bằng cách thêm các tiếp tố: -tion, - ment, -er, the + tính từ…
- Tính từ (Adjectives):
+ Nhận biết được tính từ, cách dùng, vị trí của tính từ trong câu.
+ So sánh tính từ và các trường hợp đặc biệt.
+ Cách hình thành tính từ bằng các tiếp tố.
- Trạng từ (Adverbs):
+ Nhận biết được trạng từ, cách dùng, vị trí của trạng từ trong câu.
+ So sánh trạng từ và các trường hợp đặc biệt.
- Đại từ (Pronouns):
+Cách dùng của các đại từ quan hệ (Relative pronouns): which, who, that,...
- Quán từ (Articles):
+ Cách sử dụng các quán từ: a, an, the và .
- Giới từ (Prepositions):
+ Cách sử dụng các giới từ: Giới từ chỉ thời gian, chỉ vị trí, phương hướng, mục đích,...
- Ngữ âm:
+ Sự khác biệt giữa các nguyên âm và (hoặc) phụ âm gần kề.
+ Trọng âm trong từ đa âm tiết.
- Câu và mệnh đề:
+ Các loại câu đơn cơ bản với các dạng tường thuật, phủ định và nghi vấn, trật tự từ trong các loại
+ Cách sử dụng các câu phức, câu ghép với các liên từ, đại từ quan hệ đã học.
+ Cách sử dụng các câu điều kiện loại I, II và III.
+ Câu hỏi trực tiếp và gián tiếp.
+ Nắm được một số dạng câu giả định.
2. Kỹ năng:
a) Đọc hiểu:
Đọc hiểu nội dung chính và nội dung chi tiết các văn bản có độ dài khoảng 300 từ về các chủ điểm đã học trong
chương trình, chủ yếu là chương trình Tiếng Anh lớp 12.Đọc hiểu nội dung các đoạn văn về các chủ điểm đã học
như nước Anh, việc học tiếng Anh, cuộc sống của thanh niên, nghề nghiệp, môi trường và biện pháp bảo vệ môi
trường, phong tục tập quán, giao thông, y tế và sức khỏe, một số ngành khoa học,bản thân, sở thích cá nhân, việc
làm, đất nước, con người Anh và việc học tiếng Anh; tiểu sử một số nhà khoa học nổi tiếng, một số ngành khoa
học, sức khoẻ, môi trường
b) Viết:
+ Viết chuyển đổi câu sử dụng các cấu trúc câu đã học.
+ Viết nối câu, ghép câu.
+ Dựng câu từ ngữ liệu cho sẵn.
+ Hoàn thành câu.
+ Xác định lỗi sai trong câu liên quan đến kỹ năng Viết.
Các câu hỏi trong bài thi trắc nghiệm tiếng Anh chủ yếu trắc nghiệm khả năng về ngữ pháp và cách dùng
tiếng Anh (English grammar and usage), kể cả phần viết và đọc hiểu. Cấu trúc đề thi năm 2007 đã được
Bộ GD-ĐT phổ biến bao gồm các phần như: phonetic, grammar, vocabulary, reading skill và writing skill
đã tạo dễ dàng cho học sinh, sinh viên ôn tập chuẩn bị cho các kỳ thi.
* . Cách chọn câu trả lời
Chúng tôi giới thiệu hai loại câu hỏi thông dụng và cách trả lời:
1. Hoàn chỉnh câu (Sentence completion): Đề thi đưa ra một câu chưa hoàn chỉnh, trong đó, một hay một
vài phần được bỏ trống. Theo sau là đáp án, thường liệt kê 4 từ hay cụm từ hoặc mệnh đề. Thí sinh sẽ
chọn trong số những đáp án đưa ra, đáp án nào là chính xác để hoàn tất câu hợp với cú pháp và hợp lý
Thí dụ: Hãy chọn từ hoặc cụm từ (A, B, C hoặc D) thích hợp nhất cho khoảng trống của câu (Choose the
word or phrase (A, B, C, or D) that best fits the blank space in the sentence).
Last week, when John arrived at the airport, the plane __________
A. took off. B. had taken off
C. will take off. D. takes off.
Đáp án đúng là B. Ta dùng thì past perfect (quá khứ hoàn thành) ở đây để chỉ một hành động xảy ra trước
một hành động khác ở trong quá khứ. Tuần trước, khi John đến phi trường thì phi cơ đã cất cánh (hành
động xảy ra trước: phi cơ cất cánh - ở thì quá khứ hoàn thành; hành động sau: John đến phi trường - ở thì
quá khứ đơn).
Để trả lời câu hỏi loại này, ta cần chú ý:
- Nếu các đáp án khá ngắn, ta nên liếc nhanh toàn bộ để có khái niệm về những thiếu sót của câu. Cái
"liếc" này thường có thể giúp ta phân nhóm câu hỏi thuộc loại parallel structure, verb forms, word order...
- Nếu các đáp án dài và phức tạp, ta hãy bắt đầu bằng việc đọc cả câu. Không nên phân tích từng từ một
nhưng khi đọc hãy cố hình thành diện mạo cấu trúc cả câu: Có bao nhiêu mệnh đề trong câu? Mỗi mệnh
đề đã có đủ chủ ngữ và động từ hay chưa? Đã có liên từ kết nối các mệnh đề với nhau? Còn phần nào
thiếu sót?...
- Nếu chưa tìm được đáp án ngay, cố gắng giải đáp bằng phương pháp loại trừ, tức loại dần những đáp án
không hợp lý. Đó là các đáp án:Còn thiếu những từ hoặc cụm từ thiết yếu khiến cho câu chưa hoàn
chỉnh.Bao gồm những từ hay cụm từ không cần thiết.Một phần của đáp án sai ngữ pháp khi điền vào toàn
2. Nhận diện sai sót (Error identification): Câu hỏi thường đưa ra 4 từ hay cụm từ được gạch dưới
(underline). Thí sinh sẽ nhận diện trong số những đáp án đưa ra, đáp án nào là sai, cần phải viết lại để câu
được hoàn chỉnh.
Thí dụ: Hãy chọn từ hoặc cụm từ được gạch dưới, cần phải điều chỉnh lại cho đúng (Choose the
underlined word or phrase (A, B, C, or D) that needs correcting).
In North American cultural, men do not kissmen when meeting each other. They shake hands.
Với câu này, ta chọn đáp án A vì cutural là tính từ, trong khi ở vị trí này phải là danh từ: culture.
Để trả lời câu hỏi loại này, ta cần lưu ý:
- Đừng bao giờ chỉ tập trung đọc những từ hay cụm từ được gạch dưới, bởi vì những từ hay cụm từ đó
thường chỉ sai hoặc không hợp lý khi đặt vào ngữ cảnh của toàn câu.
- Phải đọc kỹ câu dẫn và 4 lựa chọn rồi mới quyếtt định lựa chọn đáp án
Với câu hỏi tương đối dễ, thí sinh có thể trả lời ngay để tiếp tục qua câu khác. Nếu chưa tìm được điểm
sai sót ngay, hãy đọc lại toàn câu và lần này, hãy chú ý đến những từ, cụm từ được gạch dưới. Thông
thường, trong cách đọc hằng ngày, chúng ta có thói quen liếc nhanh qua các "tiểu từ" như mạo từ, giới từ
vì những từ này không chứa thông tin. Tuy nhiên, trong bài thi trắc nghiệm, đây là những phần có thể
chứa sai sót nên ta cần lưu ý.
3. Những điểm cần lưu ý khi làm bài thi trắc nghiệm
1. Theo đúng hướng dẫn: đọc kỹ các hướng dẫn về làm bài thi.
2. Đọc hết toàn bộ từng câu hỏi và tất cả các chọn lựa của đáp án trước khi chọn câu trả lời.
3. Trả lời tất cả các câu. Mỗi câu đều có điểm, cho nên bỏ câu nào là mất điểm câu đó. Với những câu hỏi
mà ta không biết câu trả lời chính xác thì các bạn cũng phải nên đoán.
4. Chọn câu trả lời tốt nhất trong các đáp án được câu hỏi đưa ra. Có thể bạn nghĩ rằng câu trả lời đúng
không nằm trong số những đáp án đưa ra, nhưng bạn bị giới hạn là chỉ được chọn lựa đáp án tốt nhất
trong số đáp án đã cho mà thôi.
5. Không nên phí thời gian cho một câu hỏi nào đó, hoặc chưa hiểu rõ, hoặc quá khó. Nếu chưa trả lời
được ngay thì nên bỏ qua để làm những câu kế tiếp. Sau đó, nếu còn thời gian sẽ làm trở lại những câu đã
bỏ qua nói trên. Nhớ ghi số thứ tự của câu đã bỏ qua vào giấy nháp để dễ nhận diện. Do không bị trừ
điểm nếu thí sinh chọn câu sai, nên trước khi hết giờ thi, các bạn cần chọn nhanh đáp án hợp lý nhất cho
những câu chưa trả lời.
6. Đọc câu nào thì trả lời ngay câu ấy. Tránh cách làm bằng việc trả lời trước trên giấy nháp toàn bộ bài
thi rồi sau đó mới tô vào bản trả lời, vì đôi lúc sẽ rất cập rập vào giờ chót nên sẽ tô lộn xộn trên phiếu trả
7. Phải đánh dấu câu trả lời theo đúng hướng dẫn và đúng với số thứ tự của câu trên bản trả lời: Dùng bút
chì đen tô kín ô tròn tương ứng với chữ cái đã chọn trên phiếu trả lời. Cần lưu ý là phải tô đậm và lấp kín
diện tích cả ô (không dùng gạch chéo hay đánh dấu). Chẳng hạn, nếu ta đang làm câu số 9 và chọn C là
phương án đúng thì ta tô đen ô C trên dòng số 9 của phiếu trả lời:
KHÔNG tô 2 ô cho cùng một câu vì mỗi câu chỉ cho một phương án đúng cho một câu. Thí dụ như
câu trên, nếu đã chọn và tô đen đáp án C rồi thì không tô thêm ô nào nữa. Trong trường hợp tô
nhầm ô hay muốn đổi phương án trả lời, thì phải tẩy thật sạch ô cũ và tô kín ô mới được chọn.
8. Để tiết kiệm thời gian, các bạn nên tập tô thử các ô trước ở nhà. Thông thường, các thí sinh hay gọt sẵn
những cây viết chì loại 2B (theo quy định) không gọt quá nhọn nên tập tô trước o nhà. Một trong những
châm ngôn khi học tiếng Anh mà chúng ta cần ghi nhớ là phải "Thực hành, thực hành và thực hành"
(Practice, practice, and practice). Ở phần luyện thi trắc nghiệm thì các bạn nên tìm cách làm thêm thật
nhiều bài thi trắc nghiệm càng tốt.
III. Cấu trúc đề thi môn tiếng anh tốt nghiệp trung học phô thông 2010
Bộ GD&ĐT vừa có thông báo về kỳ thi tốt nghiệp THPT năm 2011. Nội dung đề thi dựa theo yêu cầu
chuẩn kiến thức kỹ năng của chương trình giáo dục cấp THPT, chủ yếu nằm trong chương trình lớp 12 và
dành 50% điểm số cho yêu cầu thông hiểu, vận dụng kiến thức.Kỳ thi tốt nghiệp THPT năm 2010 môn
ANH VĂN được thi theo hình thức trắc nghiệm. Xin giới thiệu cấu trúc đề thi môn ANH VĂN năm 2010
dành cho các kỳ thi năm 2010.
Đề thi tốt nghiệp THPT
Đề thi tốt nghiệp THPT môn tiếng Anh gồm 50 câu trắc nghiệm dành cho tất cả thí sinh, không có phần
đề riêng.
Lĩnh vực
Ngữ âm
Yếu tố/chi tiết cần kiểm tra
- Trọng âm
Tỉ trọng/ số lượng câu
- Nguyên âm và phụ âm
Ngữ pháp – - Danh từ / đại từ / động từ (thời và 9
Từ vựng
hợp thời) / tính từ / từ nối/ v.v…
- Cấu trúc câu
Phương thức cấu tạo từ
Chọn từ/ cụm từ/ cụm từ cố
năng - Từ / ngữ thể hiện chức năng giao 3
giao tiếp
tiếp đơn giản, … (khuyến khích yếu
tố văn hóa)
Kĩ năng đọc - Điền từ vào chỗ trống: (sử dụng 5
từ/ngữ; nghĩa ngữ pháp; nghĩa ngữ
vựng); một bài text khoảng 150 từ.
Đọc hiểu:+ số lượng bài text: 1
+ Độ dài: khoảng 200 từ
Kĩ năng viết
Chú ý: ngoài những câu hỏi kiểm tra
đọc hiểu, chú trọng từ vựng
(cận/nghịch nghĩa trên cơ sở văn
cảnh), yếu tố văn hóa được khuyến
- Phát hiện lỗi cần sửa cho câu đúng 5
(đặc biệt lỗi liên quan đến kỹ năng
Viết chuyển hóa/ kết hợp câu 5
(subordination/ coordination,… ở
cấp độ phrase đến clause)Chọn câu/
cấu trúc cận nghĩa
Choose the word which has the underlined part pronounced differently from the rest.
1. a. share
b. rare
c. are
d. declare
2. a. cooks
b. loves
c. joins
d. spends
3. a. advises
b. raises
c. devises
d. goes
4. a. teacher
b. children
c. chore
d. school
5. a. hurry
b. under
c. pressure
d. rush
6. a. hands
b. parents
c. chores
d. boys
7. a. brothers
b. weekends
c. problems
d. secrets
8. a. clothes
b. cloths
c. roofs
d. books
9. a. enjoys
b. feels
c. takes
d. gives
10. a. attempts
b. shares
c. looks
d. beliefs
Choose the best answer:
11. He has been very interested in doing research on _______ since he was at high school.
a. biology
b. biological
c. biologist
d. biologically
12. Are you sure that boys are more _______ than girls?
a. act b. active
c. action
13. It is generally believed that "Men make _______ house and women make _______ home".
a. Ø / Ø
b. a / an
c. the / the
d. an / the
14. Most doctors and nurses have to work on a _______ once or twice a week at the hospital.
a. solution
b. night shift
c. household chores d. special dishes
15. We enjoy _______ time together in the evening when the family members gather in the living room
after a day of working hard.
a. spending b. caring
c. taking
d. doing
16. It is parents' duty and responsibility to _____ hands to tae care of their children and give them a
happy home.
a. shake
b. hold
c. join
d. take
17. He is a _______ boy. He is often kind and helpful to every classmate.
a. frank
b. lovely
c. obedient
d. caring
18. Doctors are supposed to ____ responsibility for human life.
a. do
b. take c. rush d. join
19. _____ sure that you follow the instructions carefully.
a. Believe b. Try c. Do
d. Make
20. Sometimes Mr. Pike has to work very late _______ night to do some important experiments.
a. in
b. at
c. for
d. on
21. Peter was _______ a hurry to go so he did not stop to greet me. a. in
b. on
c. with d. over
22. It _______ it is parents' responsibility to take good care of their children.
a. commonly says that
b. commonly to be said that
c. is commonly said that
commonly saying
23. Most children enjoy _______ with their parents and siblings.
a. play
b. to play
c. playing
d. played
24. They _______ for 3 hours when the storm suddenly broke.
a had been running
b. have been running
c. are running
d. will be running
25. I assumed you _______ paying for the repairs until the end of last year.
a. have been b. was been
c. are being d. had been
26. _______ get tired of answering the same questions every day?
a. Have you ever
b. Had you ever
c. Do you ever d. Are you ever
27. She _______ working on that manuscript for 2 years now.
a. will be
b. has been
c. had been d. is
28. I _______ there once a long time ago and _______ back since.
a. went / have not been
b. go / am not
c. have gone / was
d. was going / had not
29. She _______ trying to pass her driving test but fails every time.
a. kept
b. is keeping
c. had kept
d. keeps
30. The students _______ by Mrs. Monty. However, this week they _______ by Mr. Tanzer.
a. are usually taught / are being taught
b. usually teach / are teaching
c. have usually been taught / have been teaching
d. were usually teaching / are teaching
31. You are old enough to take _______ for what you have done.
a. responsible
b. responsibility c. responsibly
d. irresponsible
32. These quick and easy _______ can be effective in the short term, but they have a cost.
a. solve
b. solvable
c. solutions d. solvability
33. John is _______ only child in his family so his parents love him a lot.
a. a
b. an
c. the
d. no article
34. According to the boss, John is the most _______ for the position of executive secretary.
a. supportive b. caring
c. suitable
d. comfortable
35. She got up late and rushed to the bus stop.
a. came into b. went leisurely c. went quickly d. dropped by
36. Billy, come and give me a hand with cooking. a. help b. prepared
c. be busy
d. attempt
37. Whenever problems come up, we discuss them frankly and find solutions quickly.
a. .happen
b. encounter
c. arrive
d. clean
38. Peter tried his best and passed the driving test at the first _______.
a. try
b. attempt
c. doing
d. aim
39. Where is Jimmy? - He is ____ work. He is busy ____ his monthly report.
a. on / for
b. in / about
c. to / through
d. at / with
40. With greatly increased workloads, everyone is _______ pressure now.
a. under
b. above
c. upon
d. out of
41. We are not allowed _______ jeans at school.
a. wear
b. to wear
c. wearing
d. worn
42. Sometimes I do not feel like _______ to my sibling about my troubles.
a. talk
b. to talk
c. talking
d. talked
43. John _______ a respectful and obedient student.
a. said to be b. is said
c. is said being d. is said to be
44. I love _____ films but I seldom find time to go the cinema. a. see
b. saw
c. seen
45. In the 19th century, it _______ two or three months to cross North America by covered wagon.
a. took
b. had taken
c. had taken d. was taking
46. When Carol _______ last night, I ______ my favorite show on television.
a. was calling / watched
b. called / have watched
c. called / was watching
d. had called / watched
47. By this time next summer, you _______ your studies.
a. completes
b. will complete c. are completing
d. will have completed
48. Right now, Jim _______ the newspaper and Kathy _______ dinner.
a. reads / has cooked
b. is reading / is cooking
c. has read / was cooking
d. read / will be cooking
49. Last night at this time, they _______ the same thing. She _______ and he the Newspaper.
a. are doing / is cooking / is reading
b. were doing / was cooking / was reading
c. was doing / has cooked / is reading
d. had done / was cooking /read
50. When I _______ home last night, I _______ that Jane _______ a beautiful candle light dinner.
a. had arrived / discovered / prepared
b. was arriving / had discovered / was preparing
c. have arrived / was discovering / had prepared d. arrived / discovered / was preparing
51. The last time I went to the museum was a year ago.
a. I have not been to the museum for a year. b. A year ago, I often went to the museum.
c. My going to the museum lasted a year.
d. At last I went to the museum after a year.
52. He was looking at his parents _______, waiting for recommendations.
a. obey
b. obedience
c. obedient
d. obediently
53. The interviews with parents showed that the vast majority were _______ of teachers.
a. support
b. supportive
c. supporter
d. supporting
54. Billy has been seriously ill, and he was taken to ___ hospital yesterday a. a b. an c. the d. Ø
55. My husband and I both go out to work so we share the _______.
a. happiness b. household chores c. responsibility
d. employment
56. You should not burn _______. You had better dig a hole and bury it.
a. dishes
b. lab
c. garbage
d. shift
57. He was very respectful at home and _______ to his parents.
a. responsible
b. caring
c. obedient
d. lovely
58. One of Vietnamese traditions is a belief in _______ families and in preserving their cultures.
a. wealthy
b. secure
c. safe
d. close-knit
59. He was _______ when I had those problems and said whatever I did he would stand by me.
a. supportive b. exciting
c. busy
d. dull
60. It's hard work looking _______ three children all day.
a. after
b. up
c. to
d. through
61. When my mother is busy preparing dinner, my father often gives a hand ___ tidying the living room.
a. on
b. with
c. for
d. about
62. I put your keys in the drawer _______ they cannot get lost.
a. because
b. let alone
c. instead of
d. so that
63. She is never willing _______ any personal question.
a. answer
b. to answer
c. answering
d. answered
64. _______ a doctor, you have to meet some certain requirements of the medical college.
a. To become
b. Become
c. Becoming
d. Became
65. Every day I _____ up at 6 o'clock, ______ breakfast at 7 o'clock and _____ for work at 8 o'clock
a. get / eat / leave
b. have got / eating / leaving
c. got / ate / left
d. will get / have eaten /
66. Yesterday, I _______ for work late because I _______ to set my alarm. a. had left / forgot
b. was leaving / was forgetting
c. left / had forgot
d. had been leaving / would forget
67. I _____ for this company for more than thirty years, and I intend to stay here until I ____ next year.
a. am working / will retire
b. am going to work / am retiring
c. work / am going to retire
d. have been working / retire
68. I _______ you last night after dinner, but you _______ there. Where _______ you?
a. was calling / are not / are
b. called / were not / were
c. had called / had not been / were d. called / have not been / are
69. The Titanic _______ the Atlantic when it _______ an iceberg.
a. was crossing / struck
b. had crossed / was striking
c. crossed / had struck
d. is crossing / strikes
Choose the word which has the underlined part pronounced differently from the rest.
1. a. naked
b. looked
c. booked
d. hooked
2. a. concerned
b. raised
c. developed
d. maintained
3. a. appeared
b. agreed
c. coughed
d. loved
4. a. sacrificed
b. trusted
c. recorded
d. acted
5. a. laughed
b. weighed
c. helped
d. missed
6. a. advised
b. devised
c. raised
d. practised
7. a. shared
b. viewed
c. confided
d. measured
8. a. determined
b. expressed
c. approved
d. married
9. a. smoked
b. called
c. photographed
d. based
10. a. demanded
b. lived
c. questioned
d. supposed
Choose the best answer:
11. London is home to people of many _______ cultures.
a. diverse
b. diversity
c. diversify
d. diversification
12. John cannot make a _____ to get married to Mary or stay single until he can afford a house
and a car.
a. decide
b. decision
c. decisive
13. My mother used to be a woman of great _______, but now she gets old and looks pale.
a. beauty
b. beautiful
c. beautifully
d. beautify
14. My father phoned me to say that he would come _______ home late.
a. a
b. an
c. the
d. Ø
15. At last they divorced after ten years of _______ marriage.
a. a
b. an
c. the
d. Ø
16. A curriculum that ignores ethnic tensions, racial antagonisms, cultural _____ and religious
differences is pot relevant.
a. diversity
b. contacts
c. barriers
d. levels
17. Some researchers have just _____ a survey of young people's points of view on contractual
a. sent
b. directed
c. managed
d. conducted
18. It is not easy to ________ our beauty when we get older and older.
a. develop
b. maintain
c. gain
d. collect
19. Many young people have objected to _______ marriage, which is decided by the parents of
the bride and groom.
a. agreed
b. shared
c. contractual
d. sacrificed
20. All parents are _____ to at least try to behave in ways that will give their own children an
important protection
a. decided
b. supposed
c. followed
21. It is thought that traditional marriage _______ are important basis of limiting divorce rates.
a. appearances
b. records
c. responses
d. values
22. Affected by the Western cultures, Vietnamese young people's attitudes _______ love and
marriage have dramatically changed.
a. for
b. with c. through
23. Sometimes she does not agree ____ her husband about child rearing but they soon find the
a. for
b. on
c. with
d. of
24. The young are _______ more concerned with physical attractiveness than elderly people.
a. much
b. as
c. many
d. as much as
25. It will take more or less a month to prepare for the wedding.
a. approximately
b. generally
c. frankly
d. simply
26. The number of the participants in the survey _______ 250 students for Oxford University.
a. are
b. was
c. were
d. have been
27. The grass was yellow because it _______ all summer.
a. does not rain
b. has not rained
c. had not rained
d. would not rain
28. Many people even wonder these days _______.
a. what marriage is
b. what is marriage
c. what marriage was d.
29. The lights _______ out because we _______ the electricity bill.
a. have gone / did not pay
b. will go / did not paid
c. go / would not pay
d. went / had not paid
30. _____ Tom Cruise's last movie? Yes, I _____ it three days ago
a. Have you ever seen / saw
b. Did you ever see / have seen
c. Had you ever seen / would see
d. Will you ever see / saw
31. In the past, people _______ to the beach more often.
a. have gone
b. used to go
c. were going
d. had gone
32. Soon, people ____ most of the time at home.
a. will work
b. are working
c. have worked
d. work
33. I _______ a terrible accident while I _______ on the beach.
a. see / am walking
b. saw / was walking
c. was seeing / walked
d. have seen / were walking
34. After all, she ____ him since her childhood. a. knows
b. knew c. was knowing d. had
35. We _______ touch since we _______ school three years ago.
a. lost / have left
b. have lost / leave c. have lost / left
d. were losing / had left
36. Although they are twins, they have almost the same appearance but they are seldom in
a. agree
b. agreeable
c. agreement
d. agreeably
37. The more _______ and positive you look, the better you will feel.
a. confide
b. confident
c. confidently
d. confidence
38. My parents will have celebrated 30 years of _______ by next week.
a. marry
b. married
c. marriageable
d. marriage
39. Mr. Pike held his wife's hands and talked urgently to her in a low voice, but there didn't seem
to be any response.
a. feeling
b. emotion
c. reply
d. effect
40. Family is the place where _______ children is not only tolerated but welcomed and
a. taking
b. having
c. giving
d. showing
41. Socially, the married _______ is thought to be the basic unit of society.
a. couple
b. pair
c. twins
d. double
42. Professor Berg was very interested in the diversity of cultures all over the world.
a. variety
b. changes
c. conservation
d. number
43. You are not _______ to say anything unless you wish to do so.
a. obliged
b. willing
c. equal
d. attracted
44. A woman can never have a happy married life without _______ her husband.
a. demanding
b. agreeing
c. trusting
d. determining
45. __________ large number of India men agreed that it was unwise to confide in their wives.
a. A
b. An
c. The
d. Ø
46. Not all men are concerned with _______ physical attractiveness of their girlfriends and
a. A
b. An
c. The
d. Ø
47. My mother is the only one that I can absolutely confide _______. a. in
b. for c. with
d. up
48. After they have been ___ love for two years, they decide to get married.
a. for
b. with
c. on
d. in
49. In some cases, Mary is thought not to be _______ her sister.
a. as much intelligent than b. so intelligent than
c. intelligent more than d.
intelligent as
50. She is _______ I expect.
a. more prettier than
b. far prettier than
c. much more prettier than d. a lot prettier
51. There were about 100 attendees at the wedding, and ______ half of them were the bride's
and groom's relatives.
a. less
b. not less than
c. no less than d. nor less than
52. The bride looked _____ on her wedding than she does as usual.
a. nicer and more attractive
b. more nicer and more attractive
c. more nicer and more attractive
d. more attractive and nicer
53. _______ people used to read more.
a. Twenty years before b. Twenty years ago
c. For twenty years
d. Since twenty
54. _______ in Rome than he _______.
a. No sooner he had arrived / was being kidnapped b. No sooner had he arrived / was
c. Had he no sooner arrived / kidnapped
d. No sooner was he arriving / had been
55. _______ John usually watch TV at the weekend?
a. Will
b. Is
c. Does
d. Has
56. I _______ there once a long time ago and _______ back since.
a. was / have not been
b. had been / was not
c. would be / had not been
d. have been / will not be
57. As many as ten-million children _______ with the virus by the end of this decade.
a. have been infected
b. will be infecting c. had been infected
d. will have been
58. What _______ when the fire alarm _______ off?
a. are you doing / will go
b. have you done / would go
c. were you doing / went
d. will you do / are going
59. _______ you send this wedding card to Peter, please?
a. Will b. Are c. Did d.
60. When Peter _______, I _______ him to your new house.
a. will arrive / take
b. arrives / will take
c. has arrived / am taking
d. had arrive / had taken
61. Many Vietnamese people ______ their lives for the revolutionary cause of the nation
a. sacrifice
b. sacrificed
c. sacrificial
d. sacrificially
62. They had a ______ candlelit dinner last night and she accepted his proposal of marriage.
a. romance
b. romantic
c. romantically
d. romanticize
63. I do not think there is a real ______ between men and women at home as well as in society.
a. attitude
b. value
c. measurement
d. equality
64. The ____ to success is to be ready from the start.
a. key
b. response
c. agreement
d. demand
65. She accepted that she had acted ______ and mistakenly, which broke up her marriage.
a. romantically b. unwisely
c. wisely
d. attractively
66. They decided to divorce and Mary is ______ to get the right to raise the child.
a. equal
b. determined
c. obliged
d. active
67. I fell in ______ love with him because of his kind nature.
a. a
b. an
c. the d.
68. His ideas about marriage are quite different ______ mine.
a. with b. from c. for d. on
69. I believe that he was concerned ______ all those matters which his wife mentioned.
a. with
b. over
c. upon
d. above
70. Everyone has been more ______ less the same from the point of view of satisfaction.
a. or
b. and
c. nor
d. but
71. He ______ email before, so I ______ him how to use it.
a. did not use / had shown
b. had not used / showed
c. has not used / showed
d. was not using / will show
72. She ______ me anything about that problem so far.
a. is not telling
b. does not tell
c. will not tell
d. has not told
73. I think that everything ______ ready for the project procedure by the end of next month.
a. will have been
b. has been
c. had been
d. is
74. Be quiet! Someone ______ at the front door. I ______ it.
a. is knocking / will answer
b. knocks / am answering
c. has knocked / am going to answer
d. will knock / have answered
75. Dan and Crystal ______ married in June.
a. are getting
b. has got
c. was getting
d. will have got
76. Oranges ______ rich in vitamin C, which ______ good for our health.
a. have been / is
b. are / is
c. are / will be
d. were / has been
77. Let's go to Fuji for our summer holiday! - OK. It ______ good.
a. sounds
b. is sounding
c. has sounded
d. was sounding
78. I have not met her for three years.
a. The last time I met her was three years ago.
b. It is three years when I will meet
c. I did not meet her three years ago.
d. During three years, I met her
79. This pasta is a new experience for me.
a. I used to eat a lot of pasta.
b. I am used to eating pasta.
c. It is the first time I have eaten past
d. I have ever eaten pasta many times
80. I have not seen Tom for ages.
a. It has been a long time since I last saw Tom.
b. Tom and I do not look the same
c. Tom and I are friends for a long time.
d. I often met Tom ages ago
Choose the best answer:
1. She is a kind of woman who does not care much of work but generally _______ only with
colleagues for meals, movies or late nights at a club.
a. supposes
b. socializes
c. attention
d. discussed
2. I didn't think his comments were very appropriate at the time.
a. correct
b. right
c. exact
d. suitable
3. You should _______ more attention to what your teacher explains.
a. make
b. get
c. set
d. pay
4. Body language is a potent form of _______ communication.
a. verbal
b. non-verbal
c. tongue
d. oral
5. Our teacher often said, "Who knows the answer? _______ your hand."
a. Rise
b. Lift
c. Raise
d. Heighten
6. This is the instance where big, obvious non-verbal signals are appropriate.
a. situation. b. attention
c. place
d. matter
7. They started, as ___ gatherings but they have become increasingly formalized in the last few
a. informal
b. informally
c. informalize
d. informality
8. Children who are isolated and lonely seem to have poor language and ________.
a. communicate b. communication c. communicative
d. communicator
9. The lecturer explained the problem very clearly and is always _______ in response to
a. attention
b. attentive
c. attentively
d. attentiveness
10. Pay more attention _______ picture and you can find out who is the robber.
a. to
b. for
c. at
d. on
11. She looked _______ me, smiling happily and confidently.
a. on
b. over
c. forward
d. at
12. - What an attractive hair style you have got, Mary!
- _______
a. Thank you very much. I am afraid
b. You are telling a lie
c. Thank you for your compliment
d. I don't like your sayings
13. In _______ most social situations, _______ informality is appreciated.
a. Ø / Ø
b. the / an
c. a / the
d. the / a
14. - What beautiful dress you are wearing!
- Thank you. That is _______ nice compliment.
a. a / a
b. the / Ø
c. Ø / Ø
d. the / the
15. ______ you wanted to ask your teacher a question during his lecture, what would you do?
a. As
b. As if
c. Even of
d. suppose
16. John asked me _______ in English.
a. what does this word mean
b. what that word means
c. what did this word mean
d. what that word meant
17. The mother told her son _______ so impolitely.
a. not behave b. not to behave
c. not behaving d. did not behave
18. She said she _______ collect it for me after work.
a. would
b. did
c. must
d. had
19. She said I _______ an angel.
a. am
b. was
c. were
d. have been
20. I have ever told you he _______ unreliable.
a. is
b. were
c. had been
d. would be
21. I told him _______ the word to Jane somehow that I _______ to reach her during the early
a. passing / will try
b. he will pass / tried
c. to pass / would be trying
d. he passed / have tried
22. Laura said she had worked on the assignment since _______.
a. yesterday
b. two days ago
c. the day before
d. the next
23. John asked me _______ interested in any kind of sports.
a. if I were
b. if were I
c. if was I
d. if I was
24. I _______ you everything I am doing, 'and you have to do the same.
a. will tell
b. would tell
c. told
d. was telling
25. John asked me _______ that film the night before.
a. that I saw
b. had I seen
c. if I had seen
d. if had I seen
26. The boy waved his hands to his mother, who was standing at the school gate, to ___ her
a. attract
b. pull
c. follow
d. tempt
27. If something _______ your attention or your eye, you notice it or become interested in it.
a. pays
b. allow
c. catches
d. wave
28. When you are in a restaurant, you can raise your hand slightly to show that you need
a. bill
b. menu
c. help
d. food
29. After a _______ hesitation, she began to speak with such a convincing voice.
a. rude
b. slight
c. small
d. impolite
30. He is one of the most _______ bosses I have ever worked with. He behaves rudely to not
only me but also others in the staff.
a. thoughtful
b. impolite
c. attentive
d. communicative
31. In many cultures, people signify their agreement by _______ their head.
a. turning
b. raising
c. pointing
d. nodding
32. There was a _______ tremble in her voice, which showed that she was very nervous at that
a. slight
b. slighted
c. slightly
d. slightness
33. If a boss wants to have a well-qualified staff, he should have to pay his employees _______.
a. appropriate
b. appropriately
c. appropriation
d. appropriating
34. Mrs. Pike was so angry that she made a _______ gesture at the driver.
a. rude
b. rudeness
c. rudely
d. rudest
35. _______ nonverbal language is _______ important aspect of interpersonal communication.
a. The / Ø
b. A / the
c. The / a
d. Ø / an
36. Balzer, _______ linguistic researcher, reported that approximately 75% of classroom
management behavior was nonverbal.
a. a
b. an
c. the
d. Ø
37. I have never seen such a beautiful dress _______ you before.
a. of
b. on
c. for
d. in
38. Small children are often told that it is rude to point _______ other people.
a. on
b. to
c. at
d. for
39. - You look great in this new dress.
- ________.
a. With pleasure
b. Not at all
c. I am glad you like it
d. Do not say anything about it
40. Suppose you want to go out during a lecture, what should you do?
a. As
b. If
c. Though
d. When
41. Peter said that he had lived in London four years _______.
a. ago
b. before
c. later
d. then
42. The guest told the host that _______.
a. I must go now
b. he must go now
c. he had to go now
d. he had to go
43. The teacher told Joe _______.
a. to stop talking
b. stop talking
c. stops talking
d. stopped talking
44. She said she _______.
a. was very tired last night
b. was very tired the night before
c. had been very tired last night
d. had been very tired the night before
45. Emily said that her teacher _______ to London _______.
a. will go / tomorrow
b. went / tomorrow
c. would go / the next day
d. had gone / the next day
46. She told the boys _______ on the grass.
a. do not play
b. did not play c. not playing
d. not to play
47. She asked _______.
a. where was her umbrella b. where her umbrella was
c. where were her umbrella d. where her umbrella were
48. Jason asked me _______ me the book the day before.
a. if who gave
b. if who has given
c. who had given
d. that who had given
49. Robert said that his father _______ to Dallas the year before.
a. goes
b. went
c. has gone
d. had gone
50. He wanted to know _______ shopping during the previous morning.
a. if we had been going
b. that if we had been going
c. we were going
d. that we were going
51. "How beautiful is the dress you have just bought!" Peter said to Mary.
a. Peter promised to buy Mary a beautiful dress.
b. Peter said thanks to Mary for her beautiful dress.
c. Peter complimented Mary on her beautiful dress.
d. Peter asked Mary how she had just bought her beautiful dress.
52. She raised her hand high so that she could attract her teacher's attention.
a. Because her teacher attracted her, she raised her hand high.
b. To attract her teacher's attention, she raised her hand high.
c. Though she raised her hand high, she could not attract her teacher's attention.
d. She had such a high raising of hand that she failed to attract her teacher's attention.
53. "Hello, Mary!" Peter said. '
a. Peter said hello Mary.
b. Peter said Mary hello.
c. Peter told Mary hello
d. Peter greeted Mary.
54. Julie and Anne had not met each other before he party.
a. Julie and Anne got acquainted when they were at the party.
b. The party prevented Julie and Anne from meeting each other.
c. The party was the place where Julie and Anne could not meet each other.
d. Julie and Anne used to meet each other for the party.
55. "Why don't you ask the teacher for help?" Peter asked me.
a. Peter advised me to ask the teacher for help.
b. Peter recommended me not to ask the teacher for help. ,
c. Peter told me the reason why I did not ask the teacher for help.
d. Peter suggested that he should ask the teacher for help.
56. When you see your teacher approaching you, a slight wave to attract his attention is
a. coming nearer to
b. catching sight of
c. pointing at
d. looking up to
57. When you catch someone's ___ you do something to attract his attention so that you can
talk to him.
a. head
b. hand
c. eye
d. ear
58. When the play finished the audience stood up and _______ their hands loudly.
a. clapped
b. nodded
c. shook
d. hold
59. It is _______ not to say "Thank you" when you are given something.
a. small
b. rude
c. slight
d. formal
60. A whistle is the _______ for the football players to begin the match.
a. communication b. instance
c. attention
d. signal
61. It is often considered to be impolite to _______ at someone.
a. look
b. smile
c. point
d. raise
62. He is not really friendly and makes no attempt to be _______.
a. society
b. social
c. socialize
d. sociable
63. She sent me a _______ letter thanking me for my invitation.
a. polite
b. politely
c. politeness
d. impoliteness
64. Mr. Timpson's behavior and comments on occasions were inappropriate and fell below the
a. accept
b. acceptable c. acceptance
d. accepting
65. In general, the meaning of _______ touching depends of the situation, culture, sex, and age.
a. a
b. am
c. the
d. Ø
66. ___ same words or phrases can have many __ different meanings, depending on how they
are said.
a. Ø / Ø
b. A / the
c. Ø / the
d. the / a
67. I recognized my grandmother as soon as she got _______ the plane although we had not
seen each other for more than 10 years.
a. over
b. of
c. away
d. off
68. I waved _______ him from the window but he didn't see me.
a. through
b. for
c. up
d. to
69. - How well you are playing!
- ________.
a. Say it again. I like to hear your words
b. I think so. I am proud of myself
c. Thank you too much
d. Many thanks. That is a nice compliment
70. He asked me _______ Robert and I said I did not know _______.
a. that did I know / who were Robert
b. that I knew / who Robert were
c. if I knew / who Robert was
d. whether I knew / who was Robert
71. The mother asked her son _______.
a. where he has been
b. where he had been
c. where has he been
d. where had he been
72. Martin asked me _______.
a. how is my father
b. how my father is
c. how was my father
d. how my father was
73. The host asked Peter _______ tea or coffee.
a. whether he preferred
b. that he preferred
c. did he prefer
d. if he prefers
74. She asked me _______ my holidays _______.
a. where I spent / the previous year
b. where I had spent / the previous year
c. where I spent / last year
d. where did I spend / last year
75. He advised _______ too far.
a. her did not go
b. her do not go
c. her not to go
d. she did not go
76. John often says he _______ boxing because it _______ a cruel sport.
a. does not like / is
b. did not like / were
c. not liked / had been
d. had not liked / was
77. Nancy asked me why I had not gone to New York the summer _______.
a. before
b. ago
c. last
d. previous
78. He asked _______ him some money.
a. her to lend
b. she to lend
c. she has lent
d. she lends
79. Andrew told me that they _______ fish two _______ days.
a. have not eaten / ago
b. had not eaten / previous
c. did not eat / before
d. would not eat / last
80. Jason told me that he _______ his best in the exam the _______ day.
a. had done / following
b. will do / previous
c. would do / following
d. was going / previous
Choose the best answer:
1. Tommy left high school _______ the age _______ seventeen.
a. at / of
b. in / for
c. on / with
d. of / in
2. The academic year in Vietnam is over _______ the end _______ May.
a. from / in
b. for / on
c. on / in
d. at / of
3. In _______ most countries, it is compulsory for children to receive primary education.
a. a
b. an
c. the
d. Ø
4. Over ____ past few decades, _____ schools in the USA have been testing various
a. the / Ø
b. Ø / Ø
c. a / the
d. Ø / the
5. As an _______, Mr. Pike is very worried about the increasing of juvenile delinquency.
a. educate
b. education
c. educator
d. educative
6. Peter is trying his best to study in hope that he will _______ fame and fortune in the near
a. lose
b. run
c. move
d. achieve
7. _______ is the study of the events of the past.
a. Geography
b. History
c. Arts
d. Literature
8. She was the first in her family to enjoy the privilege of a university _____.
a. schedule
b. education
c. science
d. technology
9. English is an important _______ that is required in several national examinations:
a. language
b. test
c. evaluation
d. subject
10. _______ is the study of the Earth's physical features and the people, plants, and animals
that live in different regions of the world.
a. Science
b. Geography
c. History
d. Technology
11. Bicycles _______ in the driveway.
a. must not leave
b. must not be leaving c. must not be left
d. must not have left
12. Beethoven's Fifth Symphony _______ next weekend.
a. is going to be performed b. has been performed
c. will be performing
d. will have performed
13. Reagan _______ an actor years ago.
a. is said to be
b. was said being
c. was said have been d. is said to have been
14. I hate _______ personal questions by newly-acquainted friends.
a. to be asking
b. to be asked
c. being asking
d. of asking
15. It _______ that learning a foreign language _______ a lot of time.
a. says / is taken
b. is saying / has been taken c. is said / takes d. was said / was
16. All bottles _______ before transportation.
a. frozen
b. were froze
c. were frozen
d. are froze
17. The trees _______.
a. were grown by John yesterday in the backyard b. were grown in the backyard by John
c. were grown in the backyard yesterday by John d. in the backyard were grown yesterday by
18. _______ yet?
a. Have the letters been typed
b. Have been the letters
c. Have the letters typed
d. Had the letters typed
19. English has become a second language in countries like India, Nigeria or Singapore where
______ for administration, broadcasting and education.
a. is used
b. it is used
c. used
d. being used
20. The telephone _______ by Alexander Graham Bell.
a. is invented
b. is inventing
c. invented
d. was invented
21. Lots of houses _______ by the earthquake.
a. are destroying
b. destroyed
c. were destroying d. were destroyed
22. In the US the first stage of compulsory education _______ as elementary education.
a. to be generally known
b. is generally known
c. generally known d. is generally
23. The school library is open _______ all of the students and the teaching staff of the school.
a. for
b. over
c. to
d. among
24. I have just taken a Test of English as a Foreign Language or TOEFL _______ short.
a. of
b. in
c. on
d. for
25. He did not do well at school and left with few _______ qualifications.
a. academic
b. academy
c. academician
d. academically
26. The Minister of the Education and Training Department appeared on TV last night to __ his
new policy.
a. public
b. publicly
c. publicize
d. publicizing
27. The college offers both _______ and professional qualifications.
a. government
b. experience
c. requirement
d. academic
28. Fee-paying schools, often called "independent schools", "private schools" or “_______
a. college
b. primary
c. secondary
d. public
29. In the UK, _______ schools refer to government-funded schools which provide education
free of charge to pupils.
a. state
b. secondary
c. independent
30. Mathematics, a required subject in all schools, is __ into many branches.
a. grouped
b. prepared
c. divided
d. added
31. Education has been developed in _______ with modern industry and the mass media.
a. compulsory
b. parallel
c. selected
d. following
32. School uniform is compulsory in most of Vietnamese schools.
a. depended
b. required
c. divided
d. paid
33. _______ music is _______ popular pastime at many schools.
a. Ø / a
b. The / the
c. A / the
d. The / Ø
34. To apply to _______ UK independent school, you'll need to have _______ good standard of
education from your own country
a. a / a
b. the / a
c. an / the
d. the / the
35. Education _____ to be the most important element to develop a country.
a. often be considered
b. can often consider
c. can often considered
d. can often be considered
36. The preparations _______ by the time the guests _______.
a. had been finished / arrived
b. have finished / arrived
c. had finished / were arriving
d. have been finished / were arrived
37. _______ in that company?
a. Do shoes make
b. Are shoes be made
c. Shoes are made d. Are shoes
38. Portuguese _______ as an official language in this city since three hundred years ago.
a. has always been spoken
b. has been spoken always
c. has always spoken
d. had always spoken
39. More than ten victims _______ missing in the storm last week.
a. are reported to be
b. are reported to have been
c. are reporting to have been
d. are reporting to be
40. _______ by your father?
a. Did that book write
b. Did that book written
c. Was that book written
d. Was that book be
41. Something _______ immediately to prevent teenagers from _______ in factories and mines.
a. should be done / being exploited b. we should do / exploiting
c. should do I be exploited
d. should have done / exploited
42. This car _______.
a. was manufactured in Japan by Toyota last year
b. was manufactured by Toyota last year in Japan
c. was manufactured last year in Japan by Toyota d. last year was manufactured by Toyota in
43. Why _______ on time?
a. don't the exercises finish
b. weren't the exercises be finished
c. aren't the exercises being finished
d. aren't the exercises be finished
44. No longer _______ in our office since it _______.
a. have typewriters been used / computerized
b. typewriters have been used / was
c. have typewriters been used / was computerized d. typewriters have been used /
45. When _______?
a. were computers used first
b. were computers first used
c. did computers first use
d. are computers first using
46. That machine is useless. It not been used for a long time
a. is
b. was
c. did
d. has
47. In England schooling is compulsory _______ all children from the age of 5 to 16.
a. with
b. for
c. to
d. over
48. In Vietnam a school year lasts for nine months and is divided _______ two terms.
a. into
b. to
c. from
d. on
49. To Vietnamese students, the _______ examination to university is very difficult.
a. require
b. requirement c. requiring
d. required
50. Despite many recent _______ advances, there are parts where schools are not equipped
with computers.
a. technology
b. technological
c. technologically d.
51. There is a wide range of _______ in the education system of the USA.
a. select
b. selective
c. selected
d. selection
52. _______ schooling is compulsory in Australia between _______ ages of six and seventeen.
a. The I Ø
b. A / an
c. Ø / the
d. The / ah
53. In Scotland, students transfer from primary to secondary education at approximately age 12.
a. compound
b. base
c. change
d. move
54. He was so ill that he could not _______ his final examination and cancelled it to the next
a. make
b. do
c. take
d. gain
55. Although he has not got necessary experience, he used to take a _____ in business
a. curriculum
b. course
c. school
d. class
56. Everything that _______ remained a secret.
a. overheard
b. had been overheard
c. had overheard
57. The refreshments _______ by Karen.
a. are going to be prepared
b. are going to prepare
c. are preparing
d. are to
58. _______ by the police.
a. The stealing car has just been found
b. The stolen car has just been found
c. The stealing car has just found
d. The stolen car has just found.
59. _______ students required to wear uniforms at all times?
a. Are
b. Do c. Did d.
60. _______ to you yet?
a. Are the book been giving back
b. Was the book been given
c. Has been the book given back
d. Has the book been given
61. What he has done to me _______.
a. cannot forgiven b. cannot be forgiven
c. cannot forgive
d. cannot be forgiving
62. The keys _______ somewhere.
a. must have been leaving b. must have left
c. must be leaving d. must have been left
63. Japanese _______ at the meeting.
a. will speak
b. will spoken c. will be spoken
d. will be speaking
64. Although he tried his best, he could not make his voice _______.
a. hear
b. to hear
c. hearing
d. heard
65. I _______ in the lounge for ten minutes.
a. was told waiting b. was told to wait
c. was telling to be waited d. was told to be
66. These students _______ so much that they feel very tired and bored.
a. are made to study
b. are made study c. are making to study
d. ate made to be
67. They _______ time and money doing such a thing.
a. were advised not to waste
b. were advised not to be wasted
c. were advising not to waste
d. were advising not to be wasted
Choose the word which has the underlined part pronounced differently from the rest.
1. a. apply
b. university
c. identity
d. early
2. a. choice
b. achieve
c. each
d. chemistry
3. a. final
b. applicant
c. high
d. decide
4. a. average
b. indicate
c. application
d. grade
5. a. course
b. four
c. our
d. yours
Choose the best answer:
6. It is a course _______ two years for those who want to work as a marketing agent.
a. of
b. in
c. for
d. with
7. You can meet Mr. Pike, who is __ behalf __ the university to solve the problems of foreign
a. on / of
b. in / for
c. with / at
d. for / at
8. _______ colleges and _______ universities are the main institutions that provide tertiary
a. The / Ø
b. Ø / the
c. The / the
d. Ø / Ø
9. The making of good habits _______ a determination to keep on training your child.
a. require
b. requires
c. requirement
d. required
10. He was the only _______ that was offered the job.
a. apply
b. application
c. applicant
d. applying
11. A university is an -institution of higher education and research, which grants _______
degrees at all levels in a variety of subjects.
a. secondary
b. optional
c. academic
d. vocational
12. A __ is an area of knowledge or study, especially one that you study at school, college, or
a. degree
b. subject
c. level
d. vacancy
13. Most _______ are at senior level, requiring appropriate qualifications.
a. degrees
b. grades
c. colleges
d. vacancies
14. She reads newspapers every day to look for the vacant _______ for which she can apply.
a. institutions
b. indications
c. positions
d. locations
15. He had been expected to cope well with examinations and _______ good results.
a. achieve
b. consider
c. last
d. object
16. You can choose four subjects either in Arts _______ in Sciences.
a. nor
b. or
c. and
d. as
17. Either you or your friend _______ on charge today.
a. are
b. is
c. was
d. were
18. I am flying to the States tonight. I ______ you a ring if I can find a phone.
a. will give
b. would give
c. could give
d. have given
19. We'll need more staff _______ we start the new project.
a. unless
b. whether
c. in case
d. or
20. If I _______ 10 years younger, I _______ the job.
a. am / will take
b. was / have taken
c. had been / will have taken
would take
21. _______ I had learnt English when I was at high school.
a. Unless
b. Even if
c. If
d. If only
22. You are not allowed to use the club's facilities _____ you are a member.
a. unless
b. if
c. provided
d. supposed
23. If she _______ the train last night, she here now.
a. took / were b. were taking / is c. had taken / would have been
d. had taken /
would be
24. _______ if a war happened?
a. What you would do b. What would you do
c. What will you do d. What will you
25. I would send her a fax if I _______ her number.
a. know
b. knew
c. had known
d. could know
26. _______ it were well paid, I would accept this proposal.
a. Providing
b. Unless
c. But for
d. If only
27. _______ more carefully, he would not have had the accident yesterday:
a. If Peter driven
b. If had Peter driven
c. Had Peter driven d. Unless Peter had driven
28. Many parents do not let their children make a decision _______ their future career.
a. in
b. about
c. on
d. out
29. You are old enough. I think it is high time you applied _______ a job
a. in
b. of
c. for
d. upon
30. He has not been offered the job because he cannot meet the _______ of the company.
a. requirements b. applicants
c. information
d. education
31. _______ education is normally taken to include undergraduate arid postgraduate education,
as well as vocational education and training.
a. Primary
b. Tertiary
c. Secondary
d. Intermediate
32. The University of Cambridge is a prestigious _______ of higher learning in the UK
a. tower
b. hall
c. house
d. institute
33. - Which subject do you _______ at university? - I major in Math.
a. do
b. make
c. practice
d. demonstrate
34. A __ is an official document that you receive when you have completed a course of study or
a. vocation
b. subject
c. certificate
d. grade
35. Parents can express a _______ for the school their child attends.
a. prefer
b. preference
c. preferential
d. preferable
36. Many people have objected to the use of animals in _____ experiments.
a. science
b. scientist
c. scientific
d. scientifically
37. I would like to invite you to participate in the ceremony.
a. graduate
b. graduated
c. graduation
d. graduating
38. You can either come by bus _______ take a taxi.
a. and
b. or
c. not
d. nor
39. Either you or I _______ going to meet Professor Pike at the airport.
a. am
b. were
c. are
d. has been
40. If you _______ to my advice, you _______ in trouble now.
a. listened / were not
b. listen / are not.
c. had listened / would not have been
d. had listened / would not be
41. If you take the 8 a.m. flight to New York you _______ change planes.
a. could not have to
b. will not have to
c. had not had to
d. would not to have to
42. If it _______ warm yesterday, we would have gone to the beach.
a. was
b. were
c. had been
d. could be
43. If it _______ an hour ago, the streets _______ wet now.
a. were raining / will be
b. had rained / would be
c. rained / would be
d. had rained / would have been
44. _______ here, he would helped us with these troubles.
a. Were Peter b. If were Peter
c. Unless were Peter
d. Unless Peter were
45. _______ that problem with the car, we wouldn't have missed the speech.
a. If we had had
b. If had we had
c. Unless we had had
d. Provided that we
had had
46. If I were a little taller, I _____ be able to water the plant on tl.1etop shelf.
a. did
b. would
c. had
d. would have
47. If you hear from Susan today, _______ her to ring me.
a. tell
b. to tell
c. telling
d. will tell
48. She had to have the operation _______.
a. unless she would dies
b. if she would die c. otherwise she will die
would die
49. If the traffic _______ bad, I may get home late.
a. is
b. were
c. was
d. had been
50. If I were taller, I could reach the top shelf:
a. I am not tall enough to reach the top shelf.
b. I am too tall to reach the top shelf.
c. I cannot reach the top shelf because I am very tall.
d. In spite of being tall, I cannot reach the top shelf.
51. If only I had studied hard enough to pass the final exam.
a. I regret not studying hard enough to pass the final exam.
b. I had studied hard enough and I passed the final exam.
c. I studied too hard to pass the final exam.
d. I studied hard otherwise I would fail the final exam.
52. Peter said if he were me he would stop smoking.
a. I wanted Peter to stop smoking and he promised to do.
b. Peter promised to stop smoking.
c. Peter said he would stop smoking as I wanted
him to.
d. Peter advised me to stop smoking.
53. I will agree to these conditions provided that they increase my salary.
a. They did not increase my salary so I quit the job.
b. I will only agree these conditions if they give me more money.
c. They give me more money or I will only agree these conditions.
d. Unless they give me more money, I will only agree these conditions.
54. We will be sitting for our final examination in the last week _______ May.
a. in
b. on
c. for
d. of
55. These are requirements _____ those who want to become a pharmacist.
a. of
b. in
c. about
d. for
56. Most universities _______ students who want to attend the university to pass three A-Levels.
a. receive
b. tell
c. require
d. ask
57. An _______ is a student at a university or college who is studying for his or her first degree.
a. undergraduate
b. application
c. insurance
d. exam
58. Students also have the opportunity to choose from a wide range of _______ courses in the
a. compulsory
b. optional
c. required
d. limited
59. Higher education _______ have risen this year for the first time in more than a decade.
a. applies
b. applications c. applicable
d. applicants
60. It is _______ education that can make life of people in developing countries less miserable.
a. a
b. an
c. the
d. Ø
61. After leaving high school, a student can apply for a position either university __ a vocational
a. with
b. and
c. nor
d. or
62. English or French, you can choose _______.
a. not
b. either
c. both
d. so
63. If it last night, it _______ so hot today.
a. rained / is not
b. was raining / were not
b. had rained / would not have been
d. had rained / would not be
64. Without your recommendation, we _______ any success last year.
a. had not got b. did not get c. will not have got
d. would not have got
65. ______ he gets here soon, we will have to start the meeting without him.
a. Suppose
b. Provided
c. Unless
d. If
66. _______ as much money as Bill Gates of Microsoft, I would retire.
a. Did I have
b. If did I have c. Unless I had
d. If I had had
67. If I _______ it was a formal party, I wouldn't have gone wearing jeans and a jumper.
a. knew
b. had known c. had been knowing d. could know
68. Tom's company will almost certainly fire him _______ he improves his attitude.
a. unless
b. or
c. otherwise
d. if
69. If my client _______ me her fax number, I _______ to post a letter to her.
a. gave,/ will not have
b. will give / do not have
c. had given / wouldn't have had
d. had given / will not have had
70. _______ I had brought my laptop to the meeting yesterday.
a. If
b. If only
c. Even if
d. As if
71. If I _______ the lottery last week, I _______ rich now.
a. had won / would be b. had won / would have been c. won / would be d. won / would
have been
72. Carrie said she will join the company if the starting salary _______ her expectations.
a. meets
b. met
c. has met
d. had met
Choose the word which has the underlined part pronounced differently from the rest.
1. a. worker
b. whom
c. interview
d. answer
2. a. honest
b. holiday
c. home
d. happiness
3. a. character
b. teacher
c. chemist
d. technical
4. a. interview
b. minute
c. question
d. suitable
5. a. explained
b. disappointed c. prepared
d. interviewed
Choose the best answer:
6. I am so _______ that I cannot say anything, but keep silent.
a. nerve
b. nervous
c. nervously
d. nervousness
7. A letter of _______ is sometimes really necessary for you in a job interview.
a. recommend
b. recommended
c. recommender
d. recommendation
8. Her job was so _______ that she decided to quit it.
a. interesting
b. satisfactory
c. stressful
d. wonderful
9. Can you please tell me some information that _______ to the job?
a. indicates
b. expresses
c. interests
d. relates
10. Not all teenagers are well _______ for their future job when they are at high school.
a. interested
b. satisfied
c. concerned
d. prepared
11. Qualifications and _______ are two most important factors that help you get a good job.
a. politeness
b. experience
c. attention
d. impression
12. Before the interview, you have to send a letter of application and your résumé to the
a. recommendation
b. reference
c. curriculum vitae
13. I have just been called _______ a job interview. I am so nervous. a. for b. in
c. over
d. with
14. What do I have to bring _______ me to the interview?
a. with
b. upon
c. in
15. Students who need ______ extra money can find _______ part time job.
a. Ø / a
b. an / the
c. the / Ø
d. a / the
16. Ms Young, to _______ many of her students are writing, is living happily and peacefully in
a. who
b. whom
c. that
d. whose
17. I saw a lot of new people at the party, _______ seemed familiar.
a. some of whom
b. some of who
c. whom
d. some of that
18. My friend eventually decided to quit her job, _______ upset me a lot
a. that
b. when
c. which
d. who
19. He is the man _______ car was stolen last week.
a. whom
b. that c. which
20. It was the worst winter ____ anyone could remember. a. when b. which
c. where
21. I would like to know the reason _______ he decided to quit the job.
a. why
b. which
c. that
d. when
22. She always had wanted to go to places _______ she could speak her native tongue.
a. that
b. in that
c. which
d. where
23. February is the month ____ many of my colleagues take skiing holidays.
a. when
b. that
c. in that
d. which
24. It is of great importance to create a good impression _______ your interviewer.
a. on
b. about
c. for
d. at
25. Good preparations _______ your job interview is a must.
a. with b. upon
c. in
26. To my _______, I was not offered the job.
a. happiness
b. dream
c. joy
d. disappointment
27. Being well-dress and punctual can help you create a good _______ on your interviewer.
a. impression
b. pressure
c. employment
d. effectiveness
28. Many people will be out of _______ if the factory is closed.
a. work
b. career
c. profession
d. job
29. His dream of becoming _______ doctor became true after seven years of learning hard.
a. a
b. an
c. the
d. Ø
30. Doctors have to assume _______ for human life.
a. responsible
b. responsibly
c. responsibility d. responsibles
31. _______ is increasing, which results from economic crisis.
a. Employment
b. Unemployment
c. Employ
d. Unemployed
32. He was offered the job thanks to his _______ performance during his job interview.
a. impress
b. impression
c. impressive
d. impressively
33. There was no one _______.
a. I could ask for help
b. when I could ask for help
c. I could ask whom for help d. for that I could ask for help
34. Is there anything else _______ you want to ask?
a. what
b. where
c. whom
d. that
35. They have just visited the town _______ location was little known.
a. where
b. whose
c. which
d. that
36. He lives in a small town _______.
a. where is called Taunton
b. which is called Taunton
c. is called Taunton
d. that called Taunton
37. The house _______ is more than 100 years old.
a. where I live
b. in where I live
c. in that I live
d. where I live in
38. _______ want to get a good job have to have certain qualifications and experience.
a. Who
b. Those which
c. Those who
d. Those whom
39. King Henry, _______ was Elizabeth I, led England into the Age of Empire.
a. daughter
b. whom daughter
c. which daughter d. whose daughter
40. The last time when I saw her was three years ago.
a. I have often seen her for the last three years.
b. About three years ago, I used to meet
c. I have not seen her for three years.
d. I saw her three years ago and will never meet
her again.
41. His work involves helping students to find temporary _______ during their summer vacation.
a. decision
b. employment c. choice
d. selection
42. To prepare for your job interview, you should jot down your qualifications and experience as
well as some important information about yourself.
a. draw
b. place
c. put
d. write
43. When being interviewed, you should concentrate on what the interviewer is saying or asking
a. be related to
b. be interested in c. pay all attention to
d. express interest
44. Before _______ for a position, check whether you can fulfill all the requirements from the
a. deciding
b. applying
c. requiring
d. demanding
45. You should show the interviewer that you are really keen _______ the job you have applied.
a. in
b. for
c. on
d. over
46. They held a party to congratulate _______ their son's success to become an engineer.
a. with
b. on
c. for
d. about
47. The interviewer gave his consent to John's _______ for work and promised to give him a
a. keen
b. keenly
c. keener
d. keenness
48. _______! I have heard of your success in the new project.
a. Congratulate
b. Congratulating c. Congratulation d. Congratulations
49. It is _______ to fail a job interview, but try again.
a. disappoint
b. disappointing
c. disappointedly
d. disappointment
50. He likes shopping between 1.00 and 3.00 pm, _______ most people are at home.
a. when
b. where
c. in which
d. at that
51. Birds make nests in trees _______ they can hide their young in the leaves and branches.
a. which
b. where
c. that
d. in that
52. He lent me _______ yesterday.
a. the book I need b. the book when I need
c. which book I need
d. the book whose
I need
53. We have a lot of things that we have to do today.
a. doing
b. to do
c. done
d. do
54. The young man who lives next door is very kind to my family.
a. to live next door b. he lives next door
c. living next door
d. lived next door
Choose the word which has the underlined part pronounced differently from the rest.
1. a. economy
b. industry
c. qualify
d. priority
2. a. right
b. private
c. communist
d. minority
3. a. measure
b. encourage
c. enough
d. country
4. a. improve
b. introduce
c. move
d. lose
Choose the best answer:
5. It is quite important _______ me to get on and think.
a. of
b to
c. on
d. with
6. If you think you may be allergic to a food or drink, eliminate it _______ your diet.
a. for
b. without
c. from
d. on
7. The new policies include cutting _______ subsidies and trade barriers.
a. agriculture
b. agricultural
c. agriculturalist
d. agriculturally
8. The control of _______ has been carried out through measures rooted in monetarism.
a. inflate
b. inflationist
c. inflation
d. inflator
9. It is often a good idea to start with small, easily _______ goals.
a. achieve
b. achievement
c. achievable
d. achiever
10. I could not eat _______ I was very hungry.
a. even though
b. in spite
c. despite
d. in spite the fact that
11. In spite _______, the baseball game was not cancelled.
a. the rain
b. of the rain
c. it was raining
d. there was a rain
12. _______ he had enough money, he refused to buy a new car.
a. In spite
b. In spite of
c. Despite
d. Although
13. _______, he walked to the station.
a. Despite being tired
b. Although to be tired
c. In spite being tired
14. The children slept well, despite _______.
a. it was noise
b. the noise
c. of the noise
d. noisy
15. She left him _______ she still loved him.
a. even if
b. even though c. in spite of
d. despite
16. _______ her lack of hard work, she was promoted.
a. In spite
b. Even though
c. In spite of
d. Despite of
17. _______ they are brothers, they do not look like.
a. Although
b. Even
c. Despite
d. In spite of
18. We are concerned with the problem of energy resources ___ we must also think of our
a. despite
b. though
c. as though
d. but
19. _______ some Japanese women are successful in business, the majority of Japanese
companies are run by men.
a. But
b. Even if
c. If
d. As though
20. Economic reforms are often carried _______ to promote the developing of a country.
a. out
b. on
c. for
d. in
21. Being aware _____ the importance of economic reforms, the Vietnamese Communist Party
initiated an overall economic reform policy.
a. for
b. at
c. of
d. in
22. For more than ten years, we have seen the significant _______ in the economy of our
a. develop
b. developments
c. developers
d. developed
23. Henry was a studious student. He needed no _______ to work hard.
a. encourage
b. encouraging
c. encouragement d. encouraged
24. During the time of economic reforms, the economy has grown _______ with only a few
major setbacks.
a. constant
b. constantly
c. constants
25. Considering peasants make up nearly 80% of Vietnam's population.
a. specialists
b. economists
c. professors
d. farmers
26. The Doi Moi reforms have _______ new possibilities in farming systems research in
a. risen
b. opened
c. renovated
d. called
27. The introduction of appropriate farming practices to Vietnam farmers can help them achieve
a higher output.
a. productivity
b. renovation
c. guideline
28. This development project could be of great help to the _______ Vietnamese population.
a. major
b. living
c. rural
d. domestic
29. In the South, _______ development concentrated on rice cultivation, and nationally, rice and
rubber were the main items of export.
a. industrial
b. agricultural
c. mining
d. textile
30. Our new neighbors are quite nice _______ they are sometimes talkative.
a. despite
b. in spite of the fact
c. though
d. as though
31. _______ of the difficulty, they managed to climb to the top of the mountain.
a. In spite
b. Despite
c. But
d. Although
32. In spite of his hard work, he could not finish the job.
a. As hard as he work
b. Despite he worked hard
c. Though he worked hard d. Although hard work
33. He went to work despite his headache.
a. nevertheless b. due to
c. notwithstanding
d. because of
34. Despite _______, we knew that he was guilty.
a. denied
b. denying
c. he denied
d. his denial
35. Despite the fact that _______, we enjoyed our trip.
a. the weather is bad
b. it is a bad weather
c. the bad weather d. the weather
was bad
36. Julie failed the exam _______ of working very hard.
a. despite
b. in spite
c. even if
d. though
37. Tom went to work despite _______. a. that he did not feel very well
b. of the fact not feeling well
c. he did not feel very well
d. not feeling very well
38. Though _______, they are good friends.
a. their sometimes quarrel
b. to have a quarrel sometimes
c. they sometimes have a quarrel
d. of having a quarrel sometimes
39. Despite _______, we arrived on time.
a. the traffic b. of the traffic
c. there was heavy traffic
d. of there was heavy
40. John rarely sees Paul _______ they live in the same town.
a. notwithstanding b. despite
c. in spite of
d. although
41. It was very cold _______ she did not put on her coat.
a. in case
b. but
c. even if
d. even though
42. There was a shortage _______ food and safe water after the flood.
a. on
b. with
c. for
d. of
43. The new measures are aimed _____ increasing the productivity of crops.
a. at
b. over
c. upon
d. beyond
44. The government gave top _______ to reforming the legal system.
a. priority
b. primary
c. preference
d. major
45. _____ he is the boss, he does not find solutions to problems very easily.
a. Although b. In spite of
c. Notwithstanding d. Despite
46. Gannon was a high-performing midfield linkman in spite _______.
a. of he was at his age
b. he was at his old age
c. of his age
d. his age
47. I have not finished that report yet despite _______.
a. of working overtime last night
b. to work overtime last night
c. working overtime last night
d. I worked overtime last night
48. Though he was appointed to a higher promotion _______.
a. and he decided to quit his job.
b. but he still decided to quit his job
c. but he decided to quit his job
d. he decided to quit his job
49. I didn't get the job _______.
a. even as my qualifications
b. in spite of I had some qualifications
c. without my qualifications
d. despite my qualifications
Choose the word which has the underlined part pronounced differently from the rest.
1. a. future
b. mature
c. pasture
d. nature
2. a. chore
b. technology
c. much
d. exchange
3. a. threaten
b. earth
c. healthy
d. breathe
4. a. wipe
b. allow
c. powerful
d. answer
5. a. service
b. practice
c. office
d. device
Choose the best answer:
6. Many teenagers show signs of anxiety and _______ when being asked about their future.
a. depress
b. depression
c. depressing
d. depressed
7. Constant _______ of attack makes everyday life dangerous here.
a. threat
b. threaten
c. threatening
d. threateningly
8. No one can predict the future exactly. Things may happen _______.
a. expected
b. unexpected
c. expectedly
d. unexpectedly
9. Someone who is _______ is hopeful about the future or the success of something in
a. powerful
b. optimistic
c. stagnant
d. pessimistic
10. A _______ is a spacecraft that is designed to travel into space and back to earth several
a. plane
b. corporation
c. telecommunication
d. shuttle
11. In the future many large corporations will be wiped out and millions of jobs will be lost.
a. companies
b. services
c. supermarkets
d. farms
12. The more powerful weapons are, the more terrible the _______ is.
a. creativity
b. history
c. terrorism
d. technology
13. The medical community continues to make progress in the fight against cancer.
a. speed
b. expectation
c. improvement
d. treatment
14. Let's put off that meeting to next Monday.
a. postpone
b. schedule
c. arrange
d. appoint
15. A nuclear station may take risk going off due to unexpected incidents.
a. demolishing
b. exploding
c. developing
d. running
16. She is looking ________ a new place to live because she does not want to depend _______
her parents any more.
a. for / on
b. after / with
c. up / forward
d. at / into
17. I was brought _______ in the countryside by my aunt after my parents had pass _______.
a. on / over
b. for / on
c. on / off
d. up / away
18. Boys! Put your toys ______. It is time to go to bed. Don't stay _____ late.
a. off / on
b. away / up
c. down / off
d. around/ for
19. She intended to quit her job to stay _______ home and look _______ her sick mother.
a. in / at
b. at / after
c. for / over
d. up / on
20. He is very worried _______ his new job because he is not quite prepared _______ working.
a. on / over
b. to / off
c. about / for
d. in / at
21. Instead _____ petrol, cars will only run ____ solar energy and electricity.
a. of / on
b. for / by
c. in / over
d. from/ upon
22. She has a promising future ahead _______ her.
a. for
b. from
c. on
d. of
23. What are your plans for _______ future?
a. a
b. an
c. the
d. Ø
24. What will the relationship between computing and _______ bring us over the next 15 years?
a. science
b. scientific
c. scientifically
d. scientist
25. Someone who is _______ thinks that bad things are going to happen.
a. optimistic
b. pessimistic
c. threatened
d. hopeful
26. Domestic chores will no longer be a burden thanks to the inventions of laborsaving devices.
a. Official
b. Household
c. Schooling
d. Foreign
27. The ______ of the future will no longer be remedial. It will be preventive.
a. communication b. education
c. medicine
d. technology
28. Doctors and pharmacists have to assume _______ for human life.
a. responsibility
b. achievement
c. optimism
d. aspect
29. If you have ever watched television, you have seen plenty ___ drug ads.
a. with
b. of
c. for
d. about
30. The space shuttle crashed and went _______ in flames.
a. of
b. for
c. over
d. off
31. Elevators in tall building make the top floors accessible _____ everybody
a. to
b. with
c. about
d. at
32. While I am waiting _______ my bus, I often listen _______ music.
a. on / at
b. for / to
c. toward / about
d. upon / in
33. Those spacecrafts are used ______ taking photographs _______ space.
a. about / through b. for / in
c. of / at
d. in / off
34. Will you take care _______ my little dog when I am _______ business?
a. through / away
b. about / at
c. for / over
d. of / on
35. According _______ Bill, there's something wrong _______ my computer.
a. after / for
b. on / about
c. to / with
d. upon / at
36. He depends _______ his sister _______ assistance.
a. to / from
b. from / in
c. on / for
d. at / with
37. He usually travels to _______ Philadelphia by _______ train.
a. Ø / Ø
b. the / a
c. the / the
d. Ø / a
38. You frequently see this kind of violence on _______ television.
a. a
b. an
c. the
d. Ø
39. How do we know what _______ universe is supposed to look like?
a. a
b. an
c. the
d. Ø
40. I will take up golf this year.
a. I will begin to play golf this year.
b. I will stop playing golf this year.
c. I will build a golf court this year.
d. I will enter a golf competition this year.
41. Housewives do not have to spend a lot of time doing housework any more.
a. Housework will never be done by housewives any more.
b. Housewives have to spend more and more time to do housework.
c. Never have housewives spent as much time doing housework as they do now.
d. No longer do housewives have to spend a lot of time doing housework.
42. Go over the report before you submit it.
a. Before you submit the report, you should be finished writing it.
b. Type the report quickly and then submit it.
c. Read the report carefully before you submit it.
43. We always stand by you when you are in need.
a. Whenever you are in need, we stand next to you.
b. We cannot do anything for you though you are in need.
c. We always continue to support and help you when you are in need.
d. We can never stand your necessity.
44. The sign says, "Keep off the grass."
a. The sign says, "Have someone cut the grass immediately."
b. The sign says, "Don't walk on the grass."
c. The sign says, "Grass should not be grown here."
d. The sign says, "Water the grass, please."
45. There is a wide _______ of computers in that shop for you to choose.
a. vary
b. various
c. variety
d. variously
46. There are several places where residents face the threat of _______ every day.
a. terrorist
b. terrorism
c. terrorize
d. terror
47. Telecommunication is bound to have a huge influence on various aspects of our lives.
a. depression
b. technique
c. expect
d. impact
48. We sometimes go away from the city to the countryside for a ______ of fresh air.
a. feeling
b. sip
c. swallow
d. breath
49. Those companies were closed due to some seriously financial problems.
a. taken off
b. put away
c. wiped out
d. gone over
50. They arrived _______ that train station late because their taxi had broken _______.
a. at / down
b. for / off
c. on / over
d. on / up
51. Those workers are in difficulty because wage increases cannot keep up _______ inflation.
a. with
b. for
c. over
d. on
52. They argued ________ us ________ the problem last night, but we could not find _______
the solution.
a. with / about / out
b. on / for / off
c. upon / with / in
d. to / on I up
53. Is Miss Wilson very fond _______ French food?
- No, she is not used _______ having French food.
a. over / with
b. of / to
c. off / for
d. in / about
54. Look _______! The tree is going to fall.
a. over
b. off
c. in
d. out
55. I think we maybe run _______ natural resources some day.
a. in to
b. up to
c. out of
d. away from
56. _______ whom do these English books belong?
a. From
b. To
c. For
d. With
57. Thanks ____ the inventions _____ labor-saving devices, women have more free time to take
part _______ social work.
a. through / over / for
b. on / from / with
c. forward / for / from
d. to / of / in
58. _________ computers will continue to get smaller, faster and more affordable.
a. a
b. an
c. the
d. Ø
59. ________ aspirin is recommended to many people as _____ good pain killer.
a. An / the
b. The / Ø
c. Ø / a
d. A / the
60. Many people believe that ________ human beings will never used up all _________ natural
resources on earth.
a. Ø / the
b. the / a
c. the / Ø
d. a / the
Pick out the word whose underlined and bold part is pronounced differently from that of the other words
1/ A. continue
B. additional
C. territories
D. primary
2/ A. care
B. nightmare
C. share
D. are
3/ picked
B. considered
C. stayed
D. received
4/ A. autumn
B. sunny
C. summer
D. much
5/ A. brings
B. leaves
C. coughs
D. days
Choose the best answer to complete the sentences
6/ On a third…………….in 1844 he led an expedition into the middle of Australia, as he thought there
was an inland sea.
A. expedition
B. excursion
C. vacation
D. trip
7/ It is a neat and pleasant city, built…………….overlooking the bay.
A. on the slope of B. in the slope of C. above the slope of D. under the slope of
8/ He was named …………..his grandfather.
A. in
B. upon
C. after
D. under
9/ He stretched himself………..on the sofa and fell asleep.
A. away
B. off
C. out
D. forward
10/ Cars have become much more complicated . ………………, mechanics need more training than in the
A. Because
B. Therefore
C. So that
D. For
11/ The Simpson Desert was named…………..Mr. Simpson, President of the South Australian Branch of
the Royal Geographical Society of Australia.
A. with
B. at
C. after
D. for
12/ I am going shopping for food this evening ……….I do not have to go at the weekend.
A. so
B. but
C. however
D. moreover
13/ In spite………….., the baseball game was not cancelled.
A. the rain
B. of the rain
C. it was raining D. in spite the fact
14/ He is the man ……………..car was stolen last week.
A. whom
B. that
C. which
D. whose
15/ I would like to know the reason ……….he decided to quit the job.
A. why
B. which
C. that
D. when
16/ You can come either on Monday…………on Friday.
A. or
B. nor
C. both
D. and
17/ I am interested in natural science subjects like mathematics, physics and …………
A. literature
B. music
C. chemistry
D. geography
18/ I am tired ………….having to wash the dishes every night.
A. of
B. by
C. with
D. at
19/ Mary ………..with her friend in an apartment in Hanoi since last Sunday.
A. is living
B. had lived
C. lived
D. lives
20/ The doctor ………that he should slow down a bit.
A. told to Jim
B. said Jim
C. asked Jim
D. told Jim
21/ The teacher asked him why he ……….the test.
A. doesn’t finish B. hasn’t finished C. won’t finish D. didn’t finish
22/ The famous product is named after the person ………invented it.
A. whom
B. which
C. when
D. who
23/ What an attractive hair style you have got, Mary.
A. Thank you very much. I am afraid
B. You are telling a lie
C. Thank you for your compliment
D. I don’t like your sayings
24/ Mary “ Would you like some more tea? “ John …………………….
A. Yes, please
B. Here you are C. it doesn’t matter D. I’m OK
25/ After ………….his homework , Tom went out to play with his friends.
A. finish
B. to finish
C. finishing
D. the finish of
26/ I was very surprised ……….that she didn’t pass the exam.
A. hearing
B. to hearing
C. at hearing
D. to hear
27/ My brother told me he was soon going to visit……………………
A. the United State B. the United States C. United States D. United States
28/ What are the …………..between women in old times and women in modern times?
A. differs
B. different
C, difference
D. differences
29/ They let their children ……………up late at weekends.
A. staying
B. stay
C. to stay
D. stayed
30/ I have earned my own way there. You …………..wait for me.
A. since
B. when
C. while
D. as soon as
31/ …………………………….., Peter came to see me.
A. While having dinner
B. While I was having dinner
C. when having dinner
D. When I am having dinner
32/ The bicycle he lent me badly needed……………………………..
A. to clean
B. clean
C. to be cleaning D. cleaning
33/ All the luggage ……………before departure.
A. will checked B. will has checked C. will be checked
D. will have checked
34/ “ Can I borrow your pencil?”
A. asked
B. begged
C. demanded
35/ If anyone ………….me, tell him I’ll be back later, Mary.
A. was calling
B. called
C. call
D. calls
Choose the closest meaning A, B, C, or D to the original.
36/ Lan doesn’t have enough time to make her wedding cake.
A. If Lan had more time, she would make her wedding cake.
B. If Lan had more time, she would have made her wedding cake.
C. If Lan had more time, she would made her wedding cake
D. If Lan had more time, she will make her wedding cake
37/ “ You have not done your work well, “ said the teacher to me
A. The teacher told me I hadn’t done my work well
B. The teacher told me I haven’t done my work well
C. The teacher told me I hadn’t done your work well.
D. The teacher told me I hadn’t done his work well
38/ People said that he was born in London.
A. That is said that he was born in London B. It was said that he was born in London
C. He was said to be born in London
D. He is said to have been born in London
39/ No one in the class is taller than Dave.
A. Dave is the tallest student in the classB. Dave is taller student in the class
C. Dave is the taller student in the class D. Dave is tallest student in the class
40/ The last time I saw Rose was three years ago.
A. I hasn’t seen Rose for three years
B. I haven’t seen Rose three years ago
C. I haven’t seen Rose for three years D. I haven’t seen Rose since three years
Choose the underlined word or phrase in each sentence that needs correcting
41/ However, it was late, I decided to phone Thang.
42/ When I saw him, we had a lunch together at a nice restaurant.
43/I live in the France while my husband lives in the Philippine.
44/They agreed with waiting for me if I was late.
45/ The purpose of volunteer work is to help poor people how improving their life.
46/ The man that we met him on the street is my father’s friend.
47/ Neither David nor his friends don’t want to do the gardening .
48/ The woman with her he fell in love left him after a few weeks
49/ If you have finished dinner, I would ask the waiter for the bill.
50/ The rain prevented us for climbing to the top of the mountain.
Choose the word in each group that has the underlined part pronounced differently from the rest.
1/ A. glean
B. creature
C. clean
D. queen
2/ A. daily
B. fly
C. fry
D. sky
3/ A. cheese
B. cheat
C. choir
D. charity
4/ A. hitting
B. honor
C. heart
D. horrible
5/ A. limits
B. fuels
C. needs
D. waters
Choose the best answer for each of the following sentences
6/ ……………is the natural environment in which plants or animals live.
A. Habitat
B. Habitant
C. Extinction
D. Biodiversity
7/ Many plants and animals …………….are now in danger of extinction.
A. pieces
B. species
C. amount
D. numbers
8/ The disappearance of one or several species may result in the loss of …………………
A. university
B. biology
C. biodiversity
D. diversity
9/ People are destroying the environment by adding ……………..to it.
A. pollutes
B. pollutions
C. pollutives
D. pollutants
10/ Many efforts have been made to protect …………………..nature.
A. danger
B. dangerous
C. endanger
D. endangered
12/ Nowadays, people are more aware that wildlife all over the world is in …………
A. danger
B. threat
C. problem
D. vanishing
13/ Let’s go to the beach tomorrow. It ………….be sunny.
A. might
B. can’t
C. must
D. should
14/ The panda’s ……………habitat is the bamboo forest.
A. nature
B. natural
C. naturally
D. natured
15/ You are having a sore throat. You’d better …………to the doctor.
A. to go
B. went
C. go
D. going
16/ They have plenty of time, so they needn’t …………. .
A. be hurry
B. to hurry
C. hurry
D. to be hurried
17/ Oliver used to go fishing and …………..
A. so did me
B. so did I
C. I did not
D. so I did
18/ We have studied hard…………we will be well prepared for the examination.
A. because
B. since
C. so that
D. in case
19/ Life on earth would come to an end if the …………….were destroyed.
A. environment B. nature
C. stars
D. weather
20/ He will have to stay in hospital. That’s what he……………………………
A. has done
B. must do
C. must be doing D. must have done.
21/ Smoke, dirt and noise are all kinds of ………………………
A. polluting
B. pollute
C. pollutant
D. pollution
22/ Her suggestion were ………………. We could not approve of them.
A. reason
B. reasonable
C. reasonably
D. unreasonable
23/ Do you agree that a happy marriage should be based …………love?
A. for
B. on
C. at
D. with
24/ Mary …………..in London for 15 years.
A. is living
B. was living
C. lives
D. has lived
25/ She said she ………………..collect the stamp for me after work,
A. would
B. did
C. must
D. had
26/ She doesn’t want anything alcoholic now. She would rather …………..a soft drink.
A. have
B. to have
C. prefer
D. prefer to have
27/ That news came very fast. They will be surprised …………..it.
A. hearing
B. to hearing
C. at hearing
D. to hear
28/ Is Jane married with a Korean man?...........................................
A. I think
B. I don’t think so
C. I think not
D. I don’t think that
29/ I can’t find my umbrella. I ………….it in the restaurant last night.
A. must have left B. had left
C. left
D. might leave
30/ The prisoner ………….to have escaped by climbing over a wall.
A. thought
B. is thought
C. is think
D. has thought
31/ She has made an………… for the job as a nursery teacher because she likes children.
A. apply
B. applicant
C. application
D. applicated
32/ We were made……………hard when we were at school.
A. to study
B. study
C. studying
D. studied
33/ ……………he was sick, he still turned up for his guitar lesson.
A. Because
B. Since
C. Although
D. Despite
34/ “ What a lovely hat you have” – “ Thanks,……………….”
A. I’m glad you like it
B. I don’t care C. That’s OK
D. Certainly
35/ I …………..about him when suddenly he …………..in.
A. talk / come
B. talked/ came C/ am talking
D. was talking
Choose one sentence that has the same meaning as the root one
36/The film was really interesting. They are talking about it.
A. The film was really interesting which they are talking about.
B. The film was really interesting about which they are talking
C. The film which was really interesting they are talking about
D. The film about which they are talking was really interesting.
37/ “ Don’t talk in class” the teacher said
A. The teacher told his student do not talk in class.
B. The teacher told his student did not talk in class
C. The teacher told his student not to talk in class.
D. The teacher told his student not talking in class
38/ I started working here in 1998.
A. I have started working here since 1998. B. I haven’t worked here since 1998
C. I have started worked here since 1998
D. I have worked here since 1998
39/ The dictionary was so expensive that I didn’t buy it.
A. The dictionary was enough expensive for me to buy.
B. The dictionary was too expensive for me to buy it.
C. It was an expensive dictionary so that meant I didn’t buy.
D. It was such an expensive dictionary that I didn’t to buy.
40/ He didn’t hurried so he missed the plane.
A. If he hurried, he wouldn’t miss the plane
B. If he had hurried, he might catch the plane
C. If he had hurried, he could have caught the plane
D. He didn’t miss the plane because he hurried
There is a mistake in the underlined parts of each sentence. Find the mistakes
41/ I can’t go with you unless I will get my work finished.
42/ Before he had come back home, Jack had visited his uncle.
43/ The film is about a boy which lost all money in the fire.
44/ These televisions are all too expensive for we to buy at this time, but perhaps we will
return later.
45/ The whale population of Vietnam is more big than that of Cuba.
Choose the best option A, B, C, or D to complete the passage
Nowadays, people are more aware that wildlife all over the world is in (46)………… . Many species of
animals are threatened, and could easily become (47)………….if we don’t make an effort to protect
them. There are many reason for this. In some cases, animals are hunted for their fur or for other valuable
parts of their bodies. Some birds, such as parrots are caught (48)………….., and sold as pets. For many
animals and birds, the problem is that their habitats – the place where they live – is disappearing. More
land is used for farms, for houses and industry, and there are fewer open spaces than there once were.
Farmers use powerful chemicals to help them grow better crops, but these chemicals pollute the
environment and (49)…………….wildlife. The most successful animals on Earth, human beings will
soon be the only ones (50)…………unless we can solve this problem.
46/ A. danger
B. threat
C. problem
D. vanishing
47/ disappeared B. vanished
C. empty
D. extinct
48/ A. lively
B. alive
C. for life
D. for living
49/ A. spoil
B. harm
C. would
D. wrong
50/ left
B. over
C. staying
D. survived
Choose the word whose main stress is placed differently from the others
1/ A. deposit
B. campus
C. baggy
D. fashion
2/ A. sweater
B. different
C. favorite
D. however
3/ A. reputation B. difficult
C. possible
D. excellent
Chose the best option A, B, C or D to complete the sentence
4/ Oliver Twist is a classic work of English……………………
A. literature
B. non – fiction C. letters
D. editions
5/ The plot of the novel was very exciting, but I didn’t find the ……….very interesting.
A. persons
B. people
C. characters
D. figures
6/ A novel is usually divided into several…………………….
A. chapters
B. units
C. sections
D. passages
7/ Tuoi Tre is the ………….of the book you are reading..
A. author
B. editor
C. printer
D. publisher
8/ Ernest Hemingway is one of my………………American writers.
A. best
B. favourite
C. ideal
D. most popular
9/ The thriller was so exciting that I couldn’t …………………..
A. let it down
B. look it up
C. pick it up
D. put it down
10/ I do not mind at all. You……………..apologize.
A. shouldn’t
B. needn’t
C. mustn’t
D. oughtn’t to
11/ I liked food………………….by my mother.
A. was cooked
B. cooked
C. which cooked D. cooking
12/ Bicycles ………………in the driveway.
A. must not leave B. mustn’t be leaving C. mustn’t be left D. mustn’t have left
13/ The trees……………………………………………
A. were grown by John yesterday in the backyard
B. were grown in the backyard by John yesterday
C. were grown in the backyard yesterday by John
D. in the backyard were grown yesterday by John
14/ The guest told the host that………………………………………………
A. I must go now B. he must go now C. he had to go now D, he had to go then
15/ The teacher told Joe……………………………………..
A. to stop talking B. stop talking
C. stops talking D. stopped talking
They often go to …………….work at 6 o’clock every morning.
A. an
B. a
C. the
D. no article
16/ It gets………………when the winter is coming.
A. cold and cold B. the coldest and coldest C. colder and colder D. more and more cold
17/ The room ………………………once a day.
A. should clean B. should be cleaning C. should be cleaned D. should have cleaned
18/ Those letters …………………now, You can do the typing later.
A. need typing
B. needn’t be typed C. need to type D. needn’t type
Mary tried to read a novel in French …………the book was too difficult for her to understand.
A. so that
B. therefore
C. but
D. and
19/ John “ Don’t forget to send your parents my regards”
Tim “…………………………………”
A. Thanks, I will B. You are welcome C. Good idea, thanks D. It’s my pleasure
20/ This boy lied to you, …………….you don’t trust him anymore.
A. so
B. but
C. and
D. however
21/ We …………….out as soon as it…………………..raining.
A. will go/ stops B. will go/ is stopping
C. go/ will stop D. go/ will have
22/ “ What a lovely hat you have” – “ Thanks…………………………”
A. I’m glad you like it
B. I don’t care
C. That’s OK
D. certainly
23/ I can hear you quite clearly. You ………………..shout.
A. can not
B. might not
C. mustn’t
D. needn’t
24/ You can’t tell Tom what I said but he …………….keep it secret.
A. need
B. needn’t
C. must
D. mustn’t
25/ I think you …………..better go out and have some fresh breath every morning.
A. should
B. had
C. will
D. would
26/ The letter arrived ………………post.
A. through
B. with
C. by
D. from
27/ Children …………..all ages love playing in the open air.
A. with
B. in
C. at
D. of
28/ ……………Dad works hard all day, he always goes to bed late and gets up early.
A. However
B. Despite
C. Although
D. No matter
29/ To get a good seat, …………..to arrive early.
A. you need
B. you should
C. you must
D. you will
30/ As I was walking along the street, I saw……$ 10 note on ………..pavement
A. a/ a
B. the / the
C. a/ the
D. the/ a
31/ Fiction books tell the stories from the author’s ……………………
A. imagine
B. imaginative
C. imaginary
D. imagination
32/ We were made…………..hard when we were at school.
A. to study
B. study
C. studying
D. studied
33/ The last person ………………will have to turn off the lights.
A. have left
B. left
C. leaving
D. to leave
34/ This is the place……………..the body was found.
A. that
B. which
C. where
D. there
35/ The book is …………..interesting………………cheap.
A. both/ and
B. either /or
C. neither / and D. either / nor
Choose the best sentence that has the same meaning as the original one.
36/ Why don’t we go for a walk?
A. What about go for a walk?
B. What about going for walk?
C. What about going for a walk?
D. What about going for a walk?
37/ His parent advised him to study hard for his exams.
A. He was advised to study hard for his exams.
B. He was advised study hard for his exams.
C. He was advised to study hard his exams
D. He is advised to study hard for his exams
38/ The car is too expensive for him to buy.
A. He is not rich enough to buy a car
B. He is not rich enough to buy the car
C. He is not rich enough to buy car.
D. He is poor enough to buy the car.
39/ The train had already left before I got to the station.
A. When I got to the station, the train had already left.
B. When I get to the station, the train has already left
C. When I had got to the station, the train had already left
D. When I got to the station, the train already left.
40/ Bill didn’t go to school because of his illness.
A. Because of Bill was ill, he didn’t go to school B. Because Bill is ill, he doesn’t go to school
C. Because Bill was ill, he didn’t go to school D. Bill didn’t go to school because he is ill
41/ “ How old is your little girl? “ said the doctor to Mrs. Brown.
A. The doctor asked Mrs. Brown how old is her little girl.
B. The doctor asked Mrs. Brown how old her little girl was.
C. The doctor asked Mr. Brown how old was her little girl.
D. The doctor asked Mrs. Brown how old her little girl is.
42/ Mr. Pike is a farmer. I bought his land last year.
A. Mr. Pike, whose land I bought, is a farmer last year.
B. Mr. Pike, whom I bought his land last year, is a farmer.
C. Mr. Pike, who is a farmer, whose land I bought last year.
D. Mr. Pike, whose land I bought last year, is a farmer.
Choose the underlined word or phrase in each sentence that needs correcting.
43/ This is the best place which I can think of for our holidays.
44/ In spite the danger, they managed to cross the river during the night.
45/ After he returned to his house, he was reading a book.
46/ he was angrily when he saw what was happening.
47/ My younger brother has worked in a bank since a long time.
48/ She brought a lot of money with her so that she needed buy some duty- free goods
49/ Tom likes taking part sports, so he will join, the football team of his school.
50/ We are going to visit our grandparents when we will finish our final exams
Choose the word which has the underlined part pronounced differently from the rest.
1. a. interfered
b. allowed
c. visited
d. played
2. a. water
b. swimming
c. between
d. rowing
3. a. lie
b. goalie
c. achieve
d. belief
4. a. punch
b. synchronized
c. March
d. touching
5. a. sprint
b. line
c. divide
d. ride
6. a. swimming
b. post
c. decision
d. score
7. a. style
b. penalty
c. pretty
d. typical
8. a. pool
b. good
c. look
d. book
9. a. foul
b. house
c. amount
d. adventurous
10. a. caps
b. meters
c. swimmers
d. lines
Choose the best answer:
11. How many players are there in _______ water polo team?
a. a
b. an
c. the
d. Φ
12. _______ swimming is considered to be good way of losing weight.
a. Φ / a
b. The / a
c. A / the
d. The / the
13. They are going to _______ the pool to 1.8 meter.
a. deep
b. depth
deepen d. deeply
14. The referee had no hesitation in awarding the visiting team a _______.
a. penalty
b. penalize
c. penal
d. penalization
15. The crowd cheered as the goalkeeper deflected the _______.
a. shoot
b. shooting
c. shooter
d. shot
16. _______ defense, the players work to regain possession of the ball and prevent a goal
a. About
b. Over
c. Without
d. On
17. Players can move the ball by throwing it __ a teammate or swimming while pushing the ball
in front of them.
a. for
b. into
c. to
d. from
18. Shots usually succeed when the goalie is out _______ position.
a. into
b. for
c. of
d. off
19. In water polo, a shot is successful if the ball completely passes between the goal posts and
underneath the _____.
a. net
b. crossbar
c. ball
d. goalie
20. A defensive player may only hold, block or pull a / an _______ who is touching or holding the
a. audience
b. referee
c. goalie
d. opponent
21. If a defender _______ a foul within the five meter area that prevents a likely goal, the
attacking team is awarded a penalty throw or shot.
a. commits
b. interferes
c. punches
d. touches
22. The more goals the players _______, the more exciting the match became.
a. marked
b. made
c. scored
d. sprinted
23. After a tie, there are two overtime periods of three minutes each.
a. penalty
b. draw
c. score
d. goal
24. The goalkeeper can also be ejected for twenty seconds if a major foul is committed.
a. advanced
b. sprinted
c. played
d. excluded
25. A goalie who aggressively fouls an attacker in position to score can be charged with a ____ shot for
the other team.
a. penalty
b. preventing
c. scoring
d. ranging
26. _______ is a sport in which people or teams race against each other in boats with oars.
a. Rowing
b. Windsurfing
c. Swimming
d. Water polo
27. I have never taken part in any water sports _______ I cannot swim.
a. because
b. because of
c. due to
d. partly because of
28. Many people do not like scuba diving _______.
a. because it is dangerous
b. because of it is dangerous
c. because its danger
d. due to it is dangerous
29. New Zealand _______ 1,000 miles southeast of Australia.
a. lies about
b. is lain
c. is lying
d. is laid about
30. John _______ across the lawn.
a. danced wildly
b. was wildly danced
c. was dancing wild
d. was being danced
31. John _______ every summer.
a. plays softball and tennis
b. plays with softball
and tennis
c. is played softball and tennis d. is played with softball and tennis
32. The eagle _______ higher and higher in the sky.
a. soar
b. soared
c. is soared
d. was soared
33. The ship _______ during the night.
a. has remained the harbor
b. was remained
the harbor
c. remained the harbor
d. remained in the harbor
34. The baby _______.
a. was sleeping depth
b. was slept deeply
c. slept in depth
sleeping deeply
35. They _______ by the sea.
a. are staying at a hotel b. are staying a hotel c. are being stayed a hotel d. are being
stayed at a hotel
36. Water polo is played in _______ pool 1.8 meters deep. a. a
b. an
c. the
d. Φ
37. The goalie tried to catch _______ ball, but he failed.
a. a
b. an
c. the
d. Φ
38. The final I _______ was 3-0.
a. score
b. scoring
c. scorer
39. The referee's _______ is the most important in any sport competition.
a. decide
b. decisive
c. decision
d. decider
40. ____ players are not allowed to interfere with the opponent's movements unless the player is
holding the ball.
a. Defense
b. Defensive
c. Defender
d. Defensively
41. _____ the start of each period, both teams line up on their own goal line. a. In
b. For c.
From d. At
42. A water polo ball is constructed of waterproof material to allow it to float _______ the water.
a. upon
b. over
c. above
d. on
43. There are six field player positions and a goalkeeper ______ each team. a. on b. with c.
from d. for
44. _______ is a sport in which two or more people perform complicated and carefully planned
movements in water in time to music. a. Rowing
b. Windsurfing c. Diving
Synchronized swimming
45. If the tie is not broken after two overtime _______, a penalty shootout will determine the
a. opponents
b. waves
c. parts
d. periods
46. Minor _______ occur when a player impedes or otherwise prevents the free movement of an
opponent including swimming on the opponent's shoulders, back or legs.
a. penalties
b. shots
c. fouls
d. motions
47. ______ is a game played in a swimming pool in which two teams of swimmers try to score
goals with a ball.
a. Water polo
b. Rowing
c. Swimming
d. Water skiing
48. Offensive players may be called for a foul by pushing off a defender to provide space for a
_______ or shot.
a. pass
b. crossbar
c. box
d. goal
49. A penalty shot is _______ when a major foul is committed inside the 5-meter line.
a. prevented
b. awarded
c. committed
d. ranged
50. A dry pass, meaning the ball does not _______ the water is thrown a few inches above the
head of the catching player.
a. catch
b. hold
c. swim
d. touch
51. _______ is a sport in which you move along the surface of the sea or a lake on a long
narrow board with a sail on it.
a. Water polo
b. Diving
c. Windsurfing
d. Scuba diving
52. Water polo balls _______ with a special texture so it will not slip from the hands of a player.
a. cover
b. are covered
c. are being covered
d. covered
53. Alexis _______ next week.
a is swimming in the state championship
b. is swimming the state championship
c. is swum the state championship
d. is swum the state championship
54. The news of war _______ and the world. a. was shocked the nation
shocked by the nation
c. shocked the nation
d. shocked by the
55. The player _______.
a. will reward for his hat-trick
b. will be rewarded for his hattrick
c. will reward his hat-trick
d. will be rewarded his hat-trick
56. Before the end of the term, I _______ all the required reading.
a. was finished by
b. had been finished by
c. had finished
57. The player was ejected because he committed a foul.
a. as
b. due to
c. despite
d. provided
58. John could not continue the match _______ his badly injured leg.
a. because
b. since
c. as
d. because of
59. They cancelled the match _______ his badly injured leg.
a. due to it rained heavily
b. because of the heavy rain
c. because of it rained heavily
d. because the heavy rain
60. You need proper shoes to go hiking in the mountains, _______ the ground is rough and
a. though
b. due to
c. because of
d. because
Choose the sentence which has the closest meaning to the original one.
61. He could escape from hurt because he was wearing protective clothes.
a. Thanks to his protective clothes, he could escape from hurt.
b. His protective clothes made him hurt.
c. Due to his protective clothes, he
was hurt.
d. His being hurt made his unable to wear protective clothes.
62. We were unable to type the contract because the computer malfunctioned.
a. Despite a computer malfunction, we managed to finish typing the contract.
b. The computer malfunction helped us complete the contract.
c. The fact that the computer malfunction prevented us from typing the contract.
d. Thanks to the computer malfunction, we could type the contract.
63. The roads were slippery because it snowed heavily.
a. It snowed too heavily to make the roads slippery.
b. The heavy snow prevented the roads from-being slippery.
c. Thanks to the slip of the roads, it snowed heavily.
d. The heavy snow made the roads slippery.
64. The accident happened because she was careless.
a. The accident was prevented due to her carelessness.
b. Her carelessness was responsible for the accident.
c. It was the accident that made her careless.
d. The more careless she was, the less accident happened.
65. I did not understand what the lecturer was saying because I had not read his book.
a. What the lecturer wrote and said was too difficult for me to understand.
b. The lecturer's book which I had not read was difficult to understand.
c. I found it very difficult to understand what the lecturer said in his book.
d. I would have understood what the lecturer was saying if I had read his book.
66. Where can people play _______ water polo?
a. a
b. an
c. the
d. Φ
67. No _______ water polo player except _______ goalie can hold the ball with both hands.
a. a / the
b. the / Ø
c. the / a
d. Ø / the
68. The main task of a defender in a sport game is to _______ the opponents from scoring.
a. prevent
b. preventing
c. prevention
d. preventable
69. Many young men prefer scuba-diving because it is _______.
a. adventure
b. adventurous c. adventurously
d. adventurist
70. I _______ think that scuba diving is more of danger than adventure.
a. person
b. personal
c. personally
d. personalize
71. What kind of sport one chooses to play mostly depends _______ his preference and health.
a. with
b. for
c. in
d. on
72. Most referees often wears _______ black. a. in
b. for
c. with
73. In water polo game, only the goalie can hold the ball _______ two hands.
a. at
b. in
c. with
d. from
74. If the score is tied at the end of regulation play, two _____ periods of three minutes each are
a. half
b. halftime
c. quarter
d. overtime
75. A water polo cap is used to ____ the players' heads and to identify them.
a. tie
b. penalize
c. protect
d. move
76. lf a defender _______ with a free throw, holds or sinks an attacker, he is excluded from the
game for twenty seconds.
a. punches
b. passes
c. plays
77. Water polo is a team water game, with six field players and one goalie in each team. The
winner of the game is the team that scores more _____.
a. nets
b. goals
c. plays
d. balls
78. As all field players are only allowed to touch the ball with one hand at a time, they must
develop the ability to catch and _______ the ball with either hand.
a. throw b. point c. score
d. cross
79. _______ is the activity of swimming underwater using special breathing equipment.
a. Synchronized swimming
b. Rowing
c. Water polo
80. When the offense takes possession of the ball, the strategy is to _______ the ball down the
field of play and to score a goal.
a. create
b. ride
c. advance
81. The referee signals with a whistle and by lowering his arm, and the player taking the penalty
_______ must immediately throw the ball with an uninterrupted motion toward the goal.
a. arm
b. shot
c. net
d. goal
82. Some of the students began to fall asleep _______ the lecture was boring and irrelevant.
a. as
b. due to
c. because of
d. on account of
83. Tommy joined the English Club _______ to increase his circle of friends.
a. because his desire
b. because of his desire c. because of he desired
d. due
to he desired..
84. _______, I do not consider this composition acceptable.
a. Because of so many errors
b. Because of there were so many errors
c. On account of there were so many errors
d. As so many errors
85. The prisoner was given a harsh sentence ______ the nature of his crime.
a. since
b. as
c. because
d. due to
86. The burglar _______.
a. has been disappeared with the cash
b. disappeared the
c. disappeared with the cash
d. was disappeared with
the cash
87. Ellen _______ and sang her song. a. nodded to the audience
c. was nodding the audience
d. was nodded to
the audience
88. Our teacher _______ to take the exam.
a. gave another chance each of us
b. was given each of us by another chance
c. gave each of us another chance
d. was given each of us another chance
89. If Charlie _______, he could have been injured.
a. had been run the street b. had been run into the street c. had run the street d. had run
into the street
90. The turtle _______ of Arizona.
a. may be lived a small area
b. may be lived in
a small area
c. may live in a small area
d. may live a small area
Choose the word which has the underlined part pronounced differently from the rest.
1. a. events
b. spirit
c. Asian
d. silver
2. a. gold
b. region
c. organize
d. game.
3. a. trained
b. proved
c. impressed
d. performed
4. a. competitor
b. medal
c. level
d. development
5. a. honor
b. high
c. host
d. hold
6. a. enthusiast
b. successfully c. competitor
d. participation
7. a. spirit
b. impress
c. event
d. perform
8. a. development
b. cooperation c. surprisingly
d. facility
9. a. festival
b. badminton c. participant
d. organize
10. a. solidarity
b. energetic
c. excellently
d. combination
11. a. games
b. teams
c. medals
d. events
12. a. success
b. enthusiast
c. support
d. surprise
13. a. southern
b. athlete
c. both
d. enthusiasm
14. a. compose
b. propose
c. purpose
d. suppose
15. a. organize
b. spirit
c. title
d. surprising
Choose the best answer:
16. In _______ 22nd SEA Games, Vietnam won 158 _______ gold medals.
a. Ø / the
b. the / Ø
c. a / the
d. the / the
17. _______ logo of the 22nd SEA Games is the stylization of Lac bird, the ancient bird pictured of the
face of Ngoc Lu kettledrum, _______ most special and typical relic of the ancient Vietnamese
a. A / the
b. The / the
c. Ø / Ø
d. The / Ø
18. _______ symbol of the SEA Games Federation is to emphasize the solidarity, friendship, and
a. A
b. An
c. The
d. Ø
19. The host country, Laos, is expected to announce official sports for 25th SEA Games
_______ November 2008. a. on
b. in
c. during
20. Vietnam recommended archery, vovinam, billiards-snooker and canoeing ______ official sports at
the games.
a. at
b. with
c. as
d. in
21. The Party and State leaders, delegates, domestic arid international guests, and 11 sports
delegations _______ Southeast Asian countries to the 22nd SEA Games were warmly
a. over
b. at
c. for
d. from
22. Johnny used to be one of the most _______ athletes in my country.
a. succeed
b. success
c. successful d. successfully
23. The 22 SEA Games consisted of athletes from eleven _____ countries.
a. participate
b. participant
c. participation
d. participating
24. _______, the athlete broke the world's record with two attempts.
a. Surprise
b. Surprised
c. Surprising
d. Surprisingly
25. On behalf of the referees and athletes, referee Hoang Quoc Vinh and shooter Nguyen Manh
Tuong swore to an oath of "_______, Honesty and Fair Play".
a. Performance
b. Delegation
c. Participation
d. Solidarity
26. The ASEAN Para-Games are hosted by the same country where the SEA Games took
a. organized
b. impressed
c. participated
d. defended
27. The ASEAN Para-Games is a biannual multi-sport _______ held after every Southeast
Asian Games for athletes with physical disabilities.
a. games
b. event
c. work
d. situation
28. In beach volleyball, Indonesia defeated Thailand in straight sets to take men's gold _______.
a. present
b. award
c. medal
d. reward
29. The 22 SEA Games was the first time when Vietnam finished top of the medal _______.
a. standings
b. events
c. spirits
d. programs
30. Viet Nam's successful hosting of the 22nd SEA Games is considered a/an _____ example
for other countries to follow, particularly in honesty, consistence and organizing method.
a. festival
b. peaceful
c. energetic
d. outstanding
31. _______ you study for these exams, _______ you will do.
a. The harder / the better
b. The more / the much
c. The hardest / the best
d. The more hard / the more good,
32. My neighbor is driving me mad! It seems that _______ it is at night, _______ he plays his
a. the less / the more loud
b. the less / less
c. the more late / the more loudlier
d. the later / the louder
33. Thanks to the progress of science and technology, our lives have become _______.
a. more and more good
b. better and better
c. the more and more good
d. gooder and gooder
34. The Sears Tower is _______ building in Chicago.
a. taller
b. the more tall
c. the tallest
d. taller and taller
35. Petrol is _______ it used to.
a. twice as expensive as
b. twice expensive more than
c. twice more than expensive
d. more expensive than twice
36. Peter is _______ John.
a. younger and more intelligent than b. more young and intelligent than
c. more intelligent and younger than
d. the more intelligent and younger than
37. San Diego is town in Southern California.
a. more nice and nice
b. the nicer
c. the nicest
d. nicer and nicer
38. It gets _______ when the winter is coming.
a. cold and cold
b. the coldest and coldest
c. colder and colder
d. more and more cold
39. Robert does not have _______ Peter does.
a. money more than
b. as many money as
c. more money as
d. as much money as
40. The Mekong Delta is _______ deltas in Vietnam.
a. the largest of the two
b. the more larger of the two
c. one of the two largest
d. one of the two larger
41. Vietnam was _______ host country of the 22nd SEA Games.
a. a
b. an
c. the
d. Ø
42. The 22nd SEA Games Mascot is _______ Golden Buffalo.
a. a
b. an
c. the
d. Ø
43. To prepare for the 22nd SEA Games, Vietnam carried out _______ intensive program for the
a. a
b. an
c. the
44. How many _______ took part in the 22nd SEA Games?
a. compete
b. competitors
c. competition
d. Ø
d. competitor
45. The second part of the program in the 22nd SEA Games opening ceremony was named "_______ for
a. Cooperate
b. Cooperation
c. Cooperative d. Cooperatively
46. The _______ wanted to reduce the breadth of the games, with many events currently having
small fields and weak competition.
a. organize
b. organization
c. organizable d. organizers
47. In 2006, Viet Nam made a deep impression ______ other countries in the region by
successfully hosting the Southeast Asian Student Sport Festival.
a. with
b. for
c. in
d. on
48. The Southeast Asian Student Sport Festival is the biggest sport event _______ the youths in the
a. for
b. on
c. in
d. of
49. At his last attempt the athlete was successful _______ passing the bar.
a. in
b. for
c. with
d. on
50. The number of Vietnamese sport officials and referees of international standard taking part
in regional tournaments has increased rapidly.
a. hosting
b. participating
c. achieving
d. succeeding
51. At the 23rd SEA Games, Viet Nam proved its position in the region by ____ third behind the
host - the Philippines and second-ranked Thailand.
a. finishing
b. playing
c. preparing
d. performing
52. In the 22nd SEA Games in 2003, the country _______ the competition with 340 medals,
including 156 golds, 91 silvers and 93 bronzes.
a. defended
b. cost
c. topped
d. ranked
53. To improve its athletes' _______, Viet Nam has regularly exchanged delegation of sport
officials, coaches, referees and athletes with other countries.
a. team
b. competitor
c. appearance d. performance
54. _______ is the activity of doing special exercises regularly in order to make your muscles grow
a. Wrestling
b. Bodybuilding
c. Weightlifting d. Badminton
55. He is a great sports _______. He rarely misses any sport games although he was busy.
a. enthusiast
b. player
c. energy
d. programmer
56. As she did so, her parents became _______.
a. the angriest
b. the most angry
c. the more angry
d. angrier and angrier
57. People should eat ____ and do ____ to reduce the risk of heart disease.
a. less fat / more exercise
b. less and less fat / the more exercise
c. the less fat / the more exercise
d. fatter / more exercise
58. He spent a year in India and loves spicy food. _______ the food is, _______ he likes it.
a. The hotter / the more and more
b. The hotter / the more
c. The more and more hot / the more
d. The hottest / the most
59. Of course you can come to the party. _______.
a. The more the merrier
b. The more and the merrier
c. The more and merrier
d. The more and more merrier
60. I feel _______ I did yesterday. a. much more tired than
b. many more tired than
c. as many tired as
d. as more tired as
61. She is _______ a spectator.
a. more an athlete than
b. more of an athlete than
c. an athlete more than
d. an athlete of more than
62. His house is _______ mine.
a. twice as big as
b. as twice big as
c. as two times big as
d. as big as twice
63. ____ live in Ho Chi Minh City than in the whole of the rest of the country.
a. As much as people
b. More people
c. As many as people
d. People more
64. It gets _______ to understand what the professor has explained.
a. the more difficult
b. more difficult than
c. difficult more and more
d. more and more difficult
65. You must drive slower in built up areas. _______ you drive in the city, it is _______ that you
will have an accident.
a. The faster and faster / the more b. The faster / the more
c. The more and more fast / the more and more probable
d. The more fastly / the
66. There are more sports competed in this SEA Games than in last SEA Games.
a. The sports competed ill this SEA Games are the same as those in last SEA Games.
b. Not as many sports were competed in last SEA Games as in this SEA Games.
c. In the last SEA Games there were some sports which were not competed.
d. In this SEA Games, there are less sports competed than in last SEA Games.
67. No one in the team can play better than John.
a. John plays well but the others play better.
b. John as well as other players of the team plays very well.
c. Everyone in the team, but John, plays very well.
d. John is the best player of the team.
68. He only feels happy whenever he does not have much work to do.
a. The more he works, the happier he feels.
b. The less he works, the happier he feels:
c. His work makes him feel happy.
d. He feels happier and happier with his
69. More petrol is consumed nowadays than ten years ago.
a. Not so much petrol was consumed ten years ago as nowadays.
b. Petrol consumption is going down nowadays.
c. We had more petrol ten years ago than we do nowadays.
d. We should consume as much petrol as possible.
70. I learn a lot but I cannot remember anything.
a. I learn more and more and remember more and more.
b. The less I learn, the more I remember.
c. The more I learn, the less I remember.
d. I remember not only what I have learnt.
71. The 22nd SEA Games was launched by _______ impressive opening ceremony at Hanoi's
My Dinh National Stadium, in front of over 40,000 spectators.
a. a
b. an
c. the
d. Ø
72. The opening ceremony of the 22nd SEA Games began at 7 pm with _____ song "Vietnam - Our
a. a
b. an
c. the
d. Ø
73. On behalf of _______ host country; Prime Minister Phan Van Khai declared the 22nd SEA
Games opening ceremony.
a. a
b. an
c. the
74. Before the 22nd SEA Games, Vietnam had made a good _______ in every aspect.
a. prepare
b. preparation c. preparative
d. preparer
75. ASEAN press praised the great _______ of Vietnamese athletes at the 22nd SEA Games.
a. sports
b. sportsman
c. sporting d. sportsmanship
76. The success of the 22nd SEA Games had a great contribution of many _______ volunteers.
a. support
b. supporter
c. supportive
d. supportively
77. The delegation to the SEA Games was composed _______ top competitors of the country.
a. on
b. of
c. for
d. among
78. All the audience was quite surprised ________ the success of that young athlete.
a. on
b. at
c. to
d. off
79. Thanks to the encouragement and support, all Vietnamese athletes competed _______ high
a. for
b. of
c. on
d. in
80. Since its rejoining in the Southeast Asian arena in 1989, Viet Nam's sports have made great
_______, particularly in recent SEA Games.
a. success b. invention
c. host d.
81. The athlete had tried his best to _______ his SEA Games title and records.
a. carry
b. perform
c. defend
d. support
82. Viet Nam is now willing to _______ part in the 24th SEA Games hosted by Thailand by the
end of 2007 with a total of 958 athletes.
a. play
b. lose
c. take
83. _______ is a game in which two teams hit a large ball with their hands backwards and
forwards over a high net. If you allow the ball to touch the ground, the other team wins a
a. Volleyball
b. Water polo
c. Basket ball
d. Badminton
84. He became Jamaica's first Olympic gold medalist when he won the 400-meter _______ in
a. distance
b. title
c. runner
d. sport
85. She won the race in _______ time and got the gold medal.
a. included
b. durable
c. rank
d. record
86. The party was _______ I had expected.
a. more a hundred times fun than
b. a hundred times fun more than
c. a hundred times more fun than
d. more fun than a hundred times
87. He finds physics _______ other science subjects.
a. far more difficult than
b. many more difficult than
c. too much more difficult than
d. more much difficult than
88. _______ he drank, _______ he became.
a. More / more violent
b. The most / the most violent
c. The more / the more violent d. The less / less
89. Mary was _______ of the two sisters.
a. the clever
b. as clever as
c. the cleverer
d. the cleverest
90. French is a _______ language to learn than English is.
a. difficult
b. more difficult
c. most difficult
d. more and more difficult
91. The cuisine of France is _______.
a. more famous than that of England
b. famous than the cuisine of England
c. more famous than which of England
d. as famous than that of England
92. Earning money has always been the thing that pleases him most. _______ he becomes, he
a. The more rich / the more happy
b. The richest / the happiest
c. The richer / the happier
d. Richer and richer / happier and happier
93. The fast we finish, _____.
a. the sooner we can leave b. we can leave sooner and
c. the sooner can we leave
d. we can leave the sooner
94. Of all athletes, Alex is _______.
a. the less qualified
b. the less and less
c. the more and more qualified d. the least qualified,
95. The climber was seventy miles in the wrong direction and got _______.
a. more panicked
b. the more panicked
c. more than panicked
d. more and more panicked
Choose the word which is stressed differently from the rest.
1. a. catastrophe
b. propose
c. become
d. survive
2. a. treatment
b. struggle
c. initiate
d. total
3. a. symbol
b. emergency
c. poverty
d. qualify
4. a. appalled
b. dedicated
c. designed
d. injured
5. a. society
b. delegate
c. president
d. protection
Choose the best answer:
6. According to the Red Cross 1998 had been ______ worst year for natural disasters in
modern times.
a. a
b. an
c. the
d. Ø
7. During the flood, Army helicopters came and tried to evacuate _______ injured.
a. a
b. an
c. the
d. Ø
8. Africa has always had a large migratory population because of war and _______ famine.
a. a
b. an
c. the
d. Ø
9. The International Red Cross helps people in need without any discrimination based on
_______, race, religion, class or political opinions.
a. national
b. nationally
c. nationality
d. native
10. The International Committee of the Red Cross is a private _______ institution founded in
1863 in Geneva, Switzerland.
a. human
b. humanity
c. humanization
11. In former days, after the battles soldiers on both sides died or were left wounded on the field
without any _______ attendance and basic care.
a. medicine
b. medical
c. medication
d. medically
12. The International Red Cross has about 97 million volunteers whose main _______ is to
protect human life and health.
a. mission
b. experience
c. organization
d. rule
13. The International Red Cross helps to ensure respect for the human being, and to prevent
and relieve human _______.
a. protection
b. enjoyment c. wealthy
14. The International Committee Red Cross has about 12,000 staff members worldwide, about
800 of them working in its Geneva _______.
a. factories
b. companies
c. headquarters
d. buildings
15. The Red Cross on white background was the original protection _______ declared at the
1864 Geneva Convention.
a. poster
b. billboard
c. symbol
16. The Red .Cross is an international organization that helps people who are suffering from the
results of war, diseases or _______.
a. victims
b. disasters c. opportunities
17. An international medical conference initiated by Davison resulted in the birth of the League
of Red Cross Societies in 1991.
a. started b. helped
c. treated
18. In times of war, the Red Cross is dedicated to reducing the sufferings of wounded soldiers,
civilians, and prisoners of war. a. mounted
b. excited
c. devoted
19. _______ is a situation in which large numbers of people have little or no food, and many of
them die.
a. Disaster
b. Famine
c. Poverty
d. Flood.
20. Go _______ this book because it has the information you need.
a. over
b. by
c. off
d. on
21. Helen has gone out and she will not be _______ till midnight.
a. off
b. along
c. back
d. away
22. Everything is _______ you. I cannot make _______ my mind yet.
a. out off / on
b. up to / up
c. away from / for d. on for / off
23. There is no food left. Someone must have eaten it _______.
a. out
b. up
c. off
d. along
24. The explorers made a fire to _______ off wild animals. a. get
b. keep c. take
25. If something urgent has _______ up, phone me immediately and I will help you.
a. picked
b. come
c. kept
d. brought
26. The passengers had to wait because the plane ______ off one hour late.
a. took
b. turned
c. cut
d. made
27. Be careful! The tree is going to fall. a. Look out
b. Look up c. Look on
28. The organization was established in 1950 in the USA.
a. come around b. set up
c. made out
d. put on
29. Within their home country, National Red Cross and Red Crescent societies assume the
duties and responsibilities of a national relief society. a. take on
b. get off
d. put in
30. The bomb exploded in the garage; fortunately no one hurt.
a. put on
b. went off
c. got out
d. kept up
31. She sustained severe head _______ after being thrown from her horse.
a. injure
b. injured
c. injuries
d. injurious
32. According to World Bank figures, 41 per cent of Brazilians live in absolute _______.
a. poor
b. poorer
c. poorly
d. poverty
33. Up until the middle of the 19th century, there were no _______ and well established army
nursing systems for casualties.
a. organize
b. organized
c. organizational
d. organizers
34. The AIDS _______ continues to spread around the world. Up to 4,000 people are infected
with the HIV virus every single day.
a. treatment
b. epidemic c. tsunami
35. During World War II, the Red Cross organized relief assistance for _______ and wounded
soldiers and administered the exchange of messages regarding prisoners and missing
a. civilians
b. governments
c. authorities
d. members
36. A _______ is a very large wave, often caused by an earthquake that flows onto the land and
destroys things.
a. famine
b. catastrophe
c. tsunami
d. flood
37. By the end of World War II, 179 _______ of the Red Cross had conducted 12,750 visits to
POW (prisoner of war) camps in 41 countries.
a. conferences b. symbols
c. missions
d. delegates
38. We oppose this war, as we would do any other war which created an environmental
a. pollution
b. disaster
c. convention
d. epidemic
39. The first relief assistance mission organized by the League was an aid mission for the
_______ of a famine and subsequent typhus epidemic in Poland.
a. leaders
b. authorities
c. victims
d. organizers
40. The 1923 earthquake in Japan killed about 200,000 people and left countless wounded and
a. poor
b. imprisoned
c. suffered
d. injured
41. In 2004 more than 40 national societies have worked with more than 22,000 _______ to
bring relief to the countless victims of the earthquake.
a. actions
b. volunteers
c. founders
d. nations
42. The International Red Cross works as _______ impartial, neutral, and independent
a. a
b. an
c. the
d. Ø
43. In 2005 _______ budget of the ICRC amounts to about 970 million Swiss Francs.
a. a
b. an
c. the
d. Ø
44. The International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement is ________ world’s largest
humanitarian network.
a. a
b. an
c. the
d. Ø
45. They had to delay their trip because of the bad weather.
a. get through b. put off
c. keep up with
d. go over
46. It took me a very long time to recover from the shock of her death.
a. turn off
b. take on
c. get over
d. keep up with
47. He did not particularly want to play any competitive sport.
a. use up
b. do with
c. take up
d. go on
48. I am tired because I went to bed late last night. a. stayed up b. kept off c. put out d.
brought up
49. She got _______ her car to pick _______ some wild flowers.
a. from / on
b. in / at
c. off / up
d. out / for
50. The customer had tried ____ some blouses but none of them suited her.
a. at
b. with
c. in
d. on
51. If I get this report finished I will knock _______ early and go to the pub for some drink.
a. up
b. over
c. on
d. off
52. Boy! _______ away all your toys and. go to bed right now.
a. Come
b. Lie c. Put d.
53. I have been trying to ring him up all day and I could not ______ through.
a. get
b. take
c. look
d. hang
54. The water supply of the building was ______ off because the pipes burst.
a. handed
b. held
c. cut
d. paid
55. How are you _______ on with your work? - It is OK.
a. calling
b. getting
c. laying
d. looking
56. All payments to the ICRC are _______ and are received as donations.
a. volunteer
b. voluntary
c. voluntarily
d. voluntariness
57. The Red Cross organizes and leads relief assistance missions after ______, such as natural
disasters, man-made disasters, and epidemics.
a. emergent
b. emergencies c. emergently
d. emergence
58. One of the tasks of the Red Cross is also to support local _____ care projects.
a. health
b. healthy
c. healthful
d. healthily
59. The World Health Organization is the United Nations specialized agency for _______ health.
a. a
b. an
c. the
d. Ø
60. The International Red Cross started over 135 years, inspired by ____ Swiss businessman,
Jean Henri Dunant.
a. a
b. an
c. the
d. Ø
61. When was _______ United Nations established?
a. a
b. an
c. the
62. One of the core tasks of the Red Cross is to organize nursing and _____ for those who are
wounded on the battlefield.
a. care
b. attention
c. victim
63. The International Red Cross and Red Crescent _______ occurs once every four years.
a. Globe
b. Society
c. Conference
d. Nations
64. The mission of the Red Cross is also to supervise the _______ of prisoners of war.
a. education
b. encouragement c. treatment
d. runaway
65. The total number of national Red Cross societies from all over the world has mounted to
a. protected
b. devoted
c. increased
d. aimed
66. Henri Davison, president of the American Red Cross war Committee proposed forming a
federation of these National Societies.
a. took
b. dedicated
c. carried
d. suggested
67. Fifty per cent of road accidents results in head injuries.
a. examines
b. heals
c. causes
d. treats
68. Jean Henri Dunant was appalled by the almost complete lack of care for wounded soldiers.
a. dedicated
b. shocked c. interested
d. excited
69. The mission statement of the International Movement as formulated in the "Strategy 2010"
document of the Federation is to improve the lives of vulnerable people by mobilizing the
power of humanity.
a. weak and unprotected
b. wealthy and famous c. poor and disabled
and mute
70. Did your son pass the university entrance examination?
a. make up
b. get along
c. go up
d. get through
71. What may happen if John will not arrive in time?
a. go along
b. count on
c. keep away
d. turn up
72. Johnny sometimes visits his grandparents in the countryside.
a. calls on
b. keeps off
c. takes in
d. goes up
73. They decided to postpone their journey till the end of the month because of the epidemic.
a. take up
b. turn round
c. put off
d. do with
74. The stranger came ___ me and asked, "Is there a post office near here?"
a. on to
b. away from c. out of
d. up to
75. Frankly speaking, your daughter does not take _______ you at all.
a. after
b. along
c. up
d. over
76. She is not really friendly. She does not get on well ____ her classmates.
a. from
b. with
c. for
d. to
77. I would be grateful if you kept the news _______ yourself. Do not tell anyone about it.
a. from
b. to
c. for
d. at
78. I do not use those things any more. You can _______ them away.
a. get
b. fall
c. throw
d. make
79. They were late for work because their car _______ down.
a. got
b. put
c. cut
d. broke
80. The authority _______ down that building to build a supermarket.
a. knocked
b. came
c. went
d. fell
READING: . Chọn câu trả lời đúng và điền vào chỗ trống.
The United State has many different types of families. While most American families are traditional,(46)
____ a father, mother and one or more children, 22 percent of all American families in 1980 were dead by
one parent, usually a woman. In a few families in the United States, there are no children. These (47)____
couples may believe that they would not make good parents, they may want freedom the responsibilities
of childrearing; or, perhaps they (48) _____ physically able to have children. Other families in the United
States have one adult (49)____ a stepparent. A stepmother or step father is a person who joins a family by
marrying a father or mother.
Americans tolerate and accept these different types of families. In the United States, people have the right
to privacy and Americans do not believe in telling other Americans what types of family group they must
belong to. They respect each other's choices regarding family groups. Families are very important
(50)____ Americans.
46. A. consisting of B. consisting
47. A. childlike B. childish
C. consist of
C. childless
D. in concluding of
D. childhood
48. A. weren't B. can't
C. are not
D. couldn't
49. A. who is B. is
C. which has
D. which is
50. A. to B. of
C. for
D. in
Đọc kỹ đoạn văn sau và chọn phương án đúng nhất cho 5 câu sau.
When you apply for a job, one of the most important things is job interview. In order to make a good
impression during a job interview, you need to prepare yourself for the interview carefully.
Punctuation is very necessary. You should arrive in plenty of time so that you have a little of time to
relax and keep calm before the interview.
You should be well dressed. Do not wear a skirt which is too short or jeans. You also need to plan
what you are going to say. You have to answer a lot of questions about your education and experience.
You may be asked many things about yourself, and especially about the reason why you decide to apply
for the job.
You can ask the interviewer about the salary you expect, the position you are applying and the duties
you have to do in the job.
You also must try to find out as much as possible about the Company you want to work for.
1. When you apply for a job ______
A. job interview is not important.
B. don't make any good impression.
C. preparation is not necessary.
D. interview is important for you to prepare.
2. What about punctuation?
A. Being late is all right
B. You should arrive early enough to relax
C. Punctuation is not important
D. If you are late the interviewer will wait.
3. What about clothes?
A. You can wear whatever you like. B. You should be well dressed.
C. Jeans are suggested. D. A short skirt makes you more attractive.
4. You may be asked about ___________.
A. your study
C. your experience
B. the reason why you are interested in the job
D. All are correct
5. You can ask the interviewer about _____
A. the salary, position and duties
B. the salary, position and his age
C. the salary and the interviewer's education
D. the salary, the interviewer's family and his duties.
II.Mark the letter A,B,C or D to show the underlined part that needs correction.
1. Although taking a taxi, Bill arrived late for the concert.
2. She worked
too hard
she became ill.
3. It was such good book that I couldn’t put it down.
4. The man was injured in the accident was taken to the hospital.
5. She sings more beautifully than you are.
6: It is difficult knowing how many elephants once lived in the continent.
7. The people who waiting outside are becoming impatient.
8 . He apologized about not coming to the meeting.
9. Linda asked her father that he was going to New York the next Sunday.
10. If you had gone to bed early last night, you wouldn’t have been so sleepy now
11. The students are going to hearing three short conversations about food.
12. We were advised not drinking the water in the bottle.
13. After she had sold her bicycle, she bought himself a new automobile.
14. He has made a lot of mistakes in his writing because his carelessness.
15.The books writing by Mark Twain are very popular in the world.
16. He stopped to smoke because cigarettes are harmful to his health.
17. Had I heard the news last night, I would tell you about it.
18. Despite of his old age , he works very hard.
19. I enjoyed talking to the people whom I had dinner with them last night.
20. He never goes home before he will finish his work.
TEST 15:
Circle the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the others.
1. A. women
B. movie
C. lose
2. A. intellectual
B. international
C. interview
3. A. rear
B. bear
C. fear
Circle the word which has a different stress pattern from that of the others.
4. A. achievement
B. involvement
C. confinement
D. prove
D. responsibility
D. dear
D. argument
A. pioneer
B. mountaineer
C. suggestion
D. engineer
Choose the word/phrase that best fits each blank.
6. People used to consider women to be better_________ for childbearing and homemaking.
A. regarded
B. suited
C. understood
D. kept
7. In the past, men seemed to_________ their duties at home.
A. expect
B. inspect
C. neglect
D. collect
8. Nowadays, women have gained significant legal_________.
A. wrongs
B. rights
C. responsibilities
D. works
9. The pioneer thinkers_________that women shouldn’t be discriminated on the basis of their sex.
A. recommended
B. disapproved
C. showed
D. passed
10.The_________for women’s rights began in the 18 century.
A. battle
B. war
C. struggle
D. fight
11.Women are only asking to be given equal_________to that of men.
A. state
B. status
C. situation
D. ideas
12.That scholar_________on people who haven’t been to university.
A. looks up
B. looks at
C. looks down
D. looks on
13.Most relations between men and women soon_________in to love.
A. deep
B. deepen
C. deeply
D. depth
14.The newspaper provided little_________about the cause of the war.
A. enlightenment
B. meanings
C. reasons
D. ideas
15.It’s_________to say that women are slaves at home.
A. truth
B. action
C. legality
D. rubbish
16.He didn’t even have the intelligence to call_________an ambulance.
A. at
B. on
C. for
D. about
17.Martha Graham,_______of the pioneers of modern dance, didn’t begin dancing until she was 21.
A. one
B. who, as one
C. she was
D. was one
18.From 1865 to 1875, a remarkable variety of inventions_________.
A. was produced
B. were produced
C. are produced
D. produced
19.The French Quarter is_________ famous and the oldest section of New Orleans.
A. more
B. the most
C. the more
D. most
20.The painting_________Ms. Wallace bought was very expensive.
A. whom
B. whose
C. which
D. where
21.You_________carry that carpel home yourself; the shop will send it.
A. can’t
B. couldn’t
C. needn’t
D. mustn’t
22.Will it be necessary for us_________ this accident to the police?
A. report
B. to reporting
C. to report
D. reporting
23.A beautiful clock was given_________ her by a handsome boy.
A. for
B. to
C. at
D. ф
24.The kitchen hadn’t been cleaned for ages. It was really_________.
A. disgusted
B. disgust
C. disgusting
D. to disgust
25.She’s very old and can’t live alone. She needs someone to look_________her.
A. for
B. at
C. up
D. after
26.It was the_________ day of my life when I heard I failed the university entrance examination.
A. sadden
B. saddest
C. sad
D. sadly
27.The homeless people_____story appeared in the paper last week have now found a place to live.
A. who
B. whom
C. that
D. whose
28.It is our duty to care for_________sick.
A. an
B the
C. a
D. ф
29.Rachel will be pleased if she_________ her driving test.
A. would pass
B. had passed
C. passes
D. passed
30.The_________ you are, the more quickly you learn.
A. more young
B. youngest
C. younger
D. young
Identify the word/ phrase that must be changed to make the sentence correct.
31.Actually, I strongly disapprove of your bad behave towards your parents. {behaviour}
A. behave
B. Actually
C. of on
D. parents
32.Modern motorcycles are lighter, faster, and specialized than motorcycles of 25 years ago. {and more
A. motorcycles
B. and specialized
C. lighter
D. Modern
33.Job enrichment is a technique used to increase satisfaction workers by giving them more
responsibilities. {satisfactory}
A. responsibilities
B. giving them
C. satisfaction workers
D. technique used
34.In spite of their frightening appearance, the squid is shy and completely harmless. {its}
A. In spite of
B. frightening
C. harmless
D. their
35.Virgin Islands National park features a underwater preserve with coral reefs and colorful
tropical tropical fish. {an}
A. a underwater
B. fish
C. colorful
D. coral
Choose the suitable word to fill in each blank.
he future role of women can be looked at more optimistically. Nowadays, there seems (36)_________
recognition of the vital role women play in society and more status is given to women. Overall, excellent
progress has been made (37)_________education. This has played a powerful role for women self-esteem.
It demonstrates women’s intellectual abilities to gain expertise in the field of their choice. However, this progress
has still to be reflected in the job market. Since a more educated society is good for industry and society
(38)_________a whole, it is even more urgent for women to gain an acceptable status in their profession. The
message is that women have the ability to change their roles and that they will demand to have the means to do it. It
is (39)_________ accepted by the new generation of young men and women that co-operation and mutual aid are
far more productive than the divider camp of men and women. Society is changing and with it the role of men and
women. In many fields women have come a long way from just their roles as mothers and homemakers. They no
longer think that children rearing and home management are their (40)_________duties. {rear/riә/: bring up and
A. be
A. in
A. to
A. general
A. sole {single}
B. being
B. at
B. as
B. generally
B. lonely
C. to being
C. on
C. out
C. generality
C. alone
D. to be
D. for
D. for
D. generalize
D. own
Read the passage and choose the best answers.
ntil the 19th century, the denial of equal rights to women met with only occasional protest and drew little
attention from most people. Because most women lacked the educational and economic resources that
would enable them to challenge the prevailing social order, women generally accepted their inferior status
as their only option. At this time, women shared these disadvantages with the majority of working class men, as
many social, economic, and political rights were restricted to the wealthy elite. In the 19th century, as governments
in Europe and North America began to draft new laws guaranteeing equality among men, significant numbers of
women – and some men – began to demand that women be accorded equal rights as well.
At the same time, the Industrial Revolution in Europe and North America further divided the roles of men
and women. Before the Industrial Revolution most people worked in farming or crafts-making, both of which took
place in or near the home. Men and women usually divided the numerous tasks among themselves and their
children. Industrialization led male workers to seek employment outside of the home in factories and other largescale enterprises. The growing split between home and work reinforced the idea that women’s “rightful place” was
in the home, while men belonged in the public world of employment and politics.
Organized efforts by women to achieve greater rights occurred in two major waves. The first wave began
around the mid-19th century, when women in the United States and elsewhere campaigned to gain suffrage – that is,
the right to vote. This wave lasted until the 1920s, when several countries granted women suffrage.
41.Why did the denial of equal rights to women draw little attention from the society until the 19th century?
A. They could not challenge the prevailing social order.
B. They did not have any other option.
C. Most women lacked the educational and economic resources.
D. All are correct.
42.Until the 19th century, what was the status of the working class men in the society?
A. They had the same rights as women.
B. They had no right at all.
C. They did not have much power compared to the wealthy people.
D. They had much power in the society.
43.When did the women’s movement start in Western countries?
A. in the 18th century
B. in the late 18th century
C. in the 19 century
D. in the early 20th century
44.What did the effect of the Industrial Revolution in Europe and North America bring about?
A. Male workers tried to seek employment outside of the home.
B. It did not bring the equality to women.
C. Well-educated, upper-class men controlled most positions of employment and power in society.
D. All are correct.
45.What was the aim of the women’s movement in the United States in the 1920s?
A. to gain the right to have much power in the society
B. to gain the right to vote
C. to gain the right to go to work in the factory
D. to have the complete equality to men
Choose the sentence which is closest in meaning to the original one.
46. “I’m awfully sorry, Carol, but I’ve broken your watch”, said Jim.
A. Jim apologized to Carol to breaking her watch.
B. Jim apologized to Carol to break her watch.
C. Jim apologized to Carol for breaking her watch.
D. Jim apologized for Carol to break her watch.
47.Living in Sydney is strange to her.
A. She’s not used to live in Sydney.
B. She’s not used to living in Sidney.
C. She used to live in Sydney.
D. She is used living in Sydney.
48.When I heard the telephone ring, I answered it immediately.
A. On hear the phone rang, I answered it immediately.
B. On hear the phone ring, I answered it immediately.
C. On hearing the phone ring, I answered it immediately.
D. On hearing rang, I answered the phone immediately.
49.If you don’t wake up early, you can’t catch the first bus to the city center.
A. You have to wake up early to catch the first bus to the city center.
B. You don’t have to wake up early to catch the first bus to the city center.
C. You have to not wake up early to catching the first bus to the city center.
D. You haven’t to wake up early to catch the first bus to the city center.
50.The birthday cake is too big for us to eat.
A. The birthday cake is so big for us to eat.
B. The birthday cake is so big that we can’t eat it.
C. The birthday cake is enough big for us to eat.
D. The birthday cake is too big for us that eating.
TEST 16:
Circle the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the rest.
1. A. integration
B. international
C. immigration
D. operation
2. A. apprentice
B. association
C. apprehension
D. attack
3. A. deal
B. eagle
C. instead
D. eager
Circle the word whose stress is placed differently from that of the rest.
4. A. stability /stә’biliti/
B. immensity/i’mensәti/
C. advocacy/’ædvәkәsi/
5. A. advice
B. justice
C. circus
D. product
Choose the best option
6. The major goal of ASEAN is to ____economic growth, social progress and cultural development.
A. cooperate
B. accelerate [speed up]
C. communicate
D. operate
7. We are trying to control the ________ of the dollar on the world’s money markets.
A. stable
B. stabilize
C. stability [constancy]
D. stabilizer
8. _________ is the unit of money in many Latin American countries and the Philippines.
A. Baht
B. Ringed
C. Dollar
D. Peso
9. The ASIAN was ________ on August 8 1967 in Bangkok, Thailand.
A. established
B. begun
C. seen
D. proved
10.We are _________ to produce unemployment by 50%. [aim: point/focus]
A. aiming
B. finding
C. approving
D. accepting
11.The _______ is increasing faster and faster.
A. Gross Domestic Product
B. Gross Domestic Production
C. Growth Domestic Product
D. General Domestic Production
12.All ASEAN countries are received equal rights and________.
A. justification
B. justifiable
C. justified
D. Justify
13.Strategic alliances are being ________ with major European companies.
A. forced
B. formulated
C. forbidden
D. forged
14.There is a growing __________ that changes must be ma de to improve national economy.
A. organization
B. realization
C. civilization
D. condition
15.The aim of ASEAN is to promote closer economic_______.
A. delegation
B. integration
C. reputation
D. migration
16.We need to concentrate _______ our target audience, namely women aged between 20 and 30.
A. on
B. at
C. in
D. about
17.I like my work because I have the ________ to make my own decisions.
A. Freed
B. freely
C. Freedom
C. free
18._________ he had a suggestion he didn’t raise his hand.
A. because
B. Although
C. However
D. Therefore
19.Nr. Watson wants the report ________ soon.
A. rewrites
B. rewriting
C. rewritten
D. rewrote
20.If I ________ you, I would take the job and then ask for more money.
A.had been
C. will be
D. were
21.Where’s_______ report I left on the table next to the TV in the living room.
A. an
B. a
C. the
22.The chairman of the board is not _________; he has been married for 2 year.
A. singular
B. single
C. only
D. sole
23.Some engineers have predicted that within twenty years automobiles_______ almost completely of plastic.
A. were made
B. have made
C. will be made
D. are made
24.When the passenger ________, will you please give him this package?
A. will arrive
B. arrives
C. would arrives
D. arriving
25.The Sun is ________ bright to look at directly
A. such
B. too
C. so
D. enough
26.The US. President serves a maximum of two ________ terms.
A. four- years
B. four- year
C. fours- years’
D. fours- year
27.What did that man die ________? –A heart attack.
A. in
B. for
C. of
D. about
28.I known a very nice girl _________ older sister am a famous actress.
A. what
B. who
C. whose
D. whom
29.Tom ________ travel a lot. Tees’s days he doesn’t go away very often.
A. is used to
B. used to
C. is used for
D. used
30._________ you finish typing that report make five copies of it and give it to aloof the officers.
A. While
B. When
C. But
D. Although
Choose the underlined pert that needs correction
31.Because of him request and his bothering me all the time, I’m finishing the project myself.
A. him
B. project
C. bothering
D. the time
32.We have interviewed many people who is interested in the job we have been advertising in the trade newsletter
that is distributed so widely.
A. newsletter
B. is
C. widely
D. have been
33.When you realized you may have difficulty arranging last month’s conference, you should have told me so that
I could have gotten more people to volunteer.
A. so that
B. conference
C. may have
D. to volunteer
34.The new employees enjoyed their first day at work, although everyone agreed that the lunch was the bad food
they had ever eaten.
A. The new
B. their first
C. that
D. the bad
35.When we were talking about relaxing after work, Jack said he enjoyed to listen to music, Carla said she
preferred jogging, and I was considering taking up tennis.
A. jogging
B. to listen
C. work
D. was
Read the passage and choose the best option to complete each blank.
Singapore has a highly developed market-based economy (36) _______ historically revolves around
extended trade. Along with Hong Kong, South Korea and Taiwan Singapore is one (37)_______ the Four Asian
Tigers. The economy depends heavily on export, refining, imported goods, especially in manufacturing.
Manufacturing constituted twenty six (38) ________ of Singapore’s GDP in 2005. The manufacturing industry is
well –diversified into electronic petroleum refining chemicals, (39) _______ engineering and biomedical sciences
manufacturing. In 2006, Singapore produced about 10 percent of the world foundry water output. Singapore’s the
busiest port in the world in terms of tonnage shipped. Singapore is The world’s fourth largest foreign exchange
trading centre after London, New York City (40) _______ Tokyo.
36. A. who
B. whom
C. why
D. which
37. A. of
B. in
C. for
D. at
38. A. percentage
B. persuasion
C. perception
D. percent
39. A. mechanical
C. methane {CH4}
D. Mechanic
40. A. and
B. but
C. or
D. so
Read the passage and choose the best answers.
he seven-nation Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) met September 2, 1996, in Singapore, to
discuss how to police the Internet. Although the group agreed on the need to control the explosion of
information available on the Internet, it was unable to reach a common policy for regulating access to the
global computer network.
At the end of the three-day meeting, ASEAN government officials and industry experts issued a statement
emphasizing the need to block access to Web sites that run “counter to our cherished values, traditions and culture”.
ASEAN comprises Brunei, Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, and Vietnam.
The meeting was the first time the Southeast Asian countries had tried to formulate a common approach to
the Internet. Many of the ASEAN-member countries were concerned about the dissemination of pornography and
antigovernment views over the Internet, the influence and perceived bias of the Western media, and the erosion of
Asian values.
The forum, which followed a meeting of ASEAN information ministers earlier in the year, concluded that
each country should develop its own regulatory approach to cyberspace. The ASEAN delegates agreed to share
information and their experiences with national regulations and “cyberlaws”.
The forum was unable to agree on a regulatory framework for the region because of differing political views
regarding censorship. Singapore, which has an estimated 150,000 Web users, is the first ASEAN country to impose
regulations on access to the Internet. The city-state requires Internet providers to block access to pornographic sites
and regulate political and religious discussion. On the other hand, the Philippines and Thailand support more liberal
policies, calling for self-regulation by Internet access providers and minimal government intervention.
41.The meeting of the seven-nation Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) in September, 1996, in
Singapore issued the statement ___.
A. controlling the explosion of information available on the Internet
B. reaching common policy for regulating access to the global computer network
C. emphasizing the need to block access to Web sites that run “counter to our cherished values, traditions and
D. All are correct.
42.The greatest concern of many ASEAN-member countries was ___.
A. the explosion of information available on the Internet
B. the way to police all Western Web sites
C. the dissemination of pornography and antigovernment views over the Internet
D. the shortage of human resources for computing
43.At the end of the forum, the ASEAN delegates came to the conclusion that ___.
A. each country should develop its own regulatory approach to cyberspace
B. each country should share information and their experiences with national regulations and “cyberlaws”
C. all delegates agreed on a regulatory framework for the region
D. All are correct.
44.The forum was unable to agree on a regulatory framework for the region because ___.
A. each country had different political views on censorship
B. Singapore requires Internet providers to block access to pornographic Web sites
C. The Philippines and Thailand support more liberal policies
D. All are correct.
45.The word “police” may probable mean ___.
A. to go around an area B. to monitor {cotrol/observe }
C. to cancel
D. to censor{ examine kiểm duyệt}
Choose the sentence which is closest in meaning to the original one.
46.The doctor said, “You really ought to rest for a few days, Jasmine”
A. Jasmine’s doctor insisted that she should rest for a few days.
B. the doctor suggested that Jasmine should take a short rest.
C. It is doctor‘s recommendation that Jasmine rested shortly.
D. the doctor strongly advised Jasmine to take a few days’ rest.
47.The teacher made his students work hard for the exam.
A. The students are made work hard by the teacher.
B. The student was made to work hard by the teacher.
C. The students are made to work hard by the teacher.
D. The student was made work hard by the teacher.
48.Please don’t talk so loudly while I’m studying.
A. I’d rather you don’t talk so loudly while I’m studying.
B. I’d rather you not to talk so loudly while I’m studying.
C. I’d rather you didn’t talk so loudly while I’m studying.
D. I’d rather you not talking so loudly while I’m studying.
49.As he grows older, he becomes increasingly intelligent.
A. The older he grows, the more intelligent he becomes.
B. The older he grew, the more intelligent he becomes.
C. The oldest he grows, the more intelligent he becomes.
D. The older he grows, more intelligent he becomes.
50.The doctor examined the patient examining the patient.
A. It took the doctor 10 minutes examining the patient.
B. It took the doctor 10 minutes to examine the patient.
C. It took the doctor 10 minutes examine the patient.
D. It took the doctor 10 minutes to examining the patient.
MÃ ĐỀ: 113
NĂM HỌC: 2010 - 2011
Thời gian: 60 phút không kể thời gian giao đề
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined part is pronounced
differently from that of the rest in each of the following questions.
Câu 1:
Câu 2:
Câu 3:
A. father
A. brings
A. stopped
B. though
B. leaves
B. laughed
C. thought
C. coughs
C. talked
D. thus
D. reads
D. wanted
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose primary stress differs from that of
the rest in each of the following questions.
Câu 4:
A. bamboo
B. desert
C. tsunami
D. umbrella
Câu 5:
A. conserve
B. perform
C. prefer
D. threaten
Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to show the underlined part that needs correction.
Câu 6: There are a number of way to help save endangered species.
Câu 7: By law, you are not allowing to drive a car until you are 17.
Câu 8: Can you suggest a time which it will be convenient to meet ?
Câu 9: I feel happy as my birthday is coming closer and as close.
Câu 10: Rice was grown in Vietnam thousand of years ago.
Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following question.
Câu 11: As we use more fossil fuel, we pollute the environment more. That is, _________
A. We use the most fossil fuel and pollute the environment the most.
B. We use as much fossil fuel as we pollute the environment.
C. We use more fossil fuel so that we pollute the environment.
D. The more fossil fuel we use, the more we pollute the environment.
Câu 12: He worked hard, so he could earn much money. That is, _________
A. Although he worked hard, he could earn much money.
B. He worked hard because he could earn much money.
C. He worked hard but he could earn much money.
D. If he hadn’t worked hard, he couldn’t have earned much money.
Câu 13: There is no need for you to shout. That is, _______________ .
A. You needn’t shout
B. You mustn’t shout
C. You shouldn’t shout
D. You mightn’t shout
Câu 14: He doesn’t speak English, so he can’t apply for this job. That is, _________ .
A. If he speaks English, he can apply for this job.
B. If he spoke English, he could apply for this job.
C. If he didn’t speak English, he couldn’t apply for this job.
D. If he had spoken English, he could have applied for this job
Câu 15: It took him three hours to do his homework.
A. He spent three hours doing his homework.
B. He did his homework three hours ago.
C. He finished his homework three hours ago.
D. He did his homework at three o’clock.
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following
Câu 16: Swimming and water skiing are both ________ sports.
A. aquatic
B. field
C. freestyle
D. blood
Câu 17: I can’t believe ___________ you.
A. in
B. on
C. to
D. upon
Câu 18: Many people die ___________ cancer.
A. about
B. by
C. of
D. with
Câu 19: Columbus was one of _________ first people to cross the Atlantic.
A. a
B. an
C. the
D. Ø
Câu 20: Susan didn’t study for the exam, _________ Sarah did.
A. but
B. however
C. so
D. therefore
Câu 21: “Hello! My name is Minh. Nice to meet you.” – “Hello! _________ ”
A. I’m fine
B. Really?
C. Good
D. I’m Jane. Glad to see you.
Câu 22: The sun __________ in the east.
A. blows
B. grows
C. rises
D. raises
Câu 23. Mary: “ How do you get here?”
Jane: “ _____________ ”
A. I come here by bus.
B. I come here at 5p.m.
C. The bus is very crowded
D. It is very far from here
Câu 24: The 22 SEA Games was a successful _________ event.
A. sport
B. sporting
C. sporty
D. sportive
Câu 25: I tried to solve the problem ___________ the noise and interruptions.
A. because of
B. in case of
C. in spite of
D. according to
Câu 26: Margaret did not remember what I __________ her the day before.
A. would tell
B. had told
C. have been telling
D. had been told
Câu 27: “ I think married women should not go to work” - “ __________ . It’s too boring to be housewives all
their lives.”
A. I quite agree
B. I don’t agree
C. Absolutely !
D. That’s a good idea
Câu 28: Will everybody laugh __________ me ?
A. at
B. about
C. for
D. to
Câu 29: I want to apply __________ a job at that factory. I don’t know if I’ll get it.
A. by
B. for
C. to
D. with
Câu 30: The bomb explodes. That means the bomb ___________ .
A. gets over
B. goes off
C. holds up
D. turns up
Câu 31: Hurry up ! The bus ___________ .
A. comes
B. is coming
C. was coming
D. would come
Câu 32: Phuket, Thailand _________ by a tsunami in 2004.
A. strikes
B. is struck
C. has struck
D. was struck
Câu 33: . Jack: “ Whose car is that?”
Tom: “ ____________ ”
A. It’s Bill’s
B. It’s Bill
C. It’s over there D. It’s red.
Câu 34: Vietnam ____________ the 22 SEA Games in 2003.
A. did
B. hosted
C. housed
D. made into
Câu 35: As for soccer, ____________ player except the goalie can hold the ball with hands.
A. Any
B. Every
C. No
D. Some
Câu 36: Meals for space flights ___________ as pleasant as possible.
A. ought to make
B. ought be made
C. ought have been made D. ought to be made
Câu 37: Some books are to be tasted, __________ to be swallowed, and some few to be chewed and digested.
A. other
B. the other
C. an other
D. others
Câu 38: “ What do you think ? - “__________ , this is very difficult.”
A. In my opinion
B. By the way
C. OK, so far
D. Here you are
Câu 39: By the end of the 22 century men ___________ on Mars.
A. have landed
B. will land
C. will be landing
D. will have landed
Câu 40: ___________ ? - It is a wet, rainy day.
A. How is weather
B. What is the weather like
C. How is the weather as D. What is the weather as
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct word for
each of the blanks.
Although most families in the United States enjoy a high living standard, many American women have to work
(41) _________ at home and in their offices. Despite their husbands' (42) ___________ of the housework, women
have to do most of the housekeeping tasks. In single-parent families, the mothers may not have (43) __________
children to take care of, but they have to raise their families alone and have to provide for all the housekeeping
money. Therefore, the (44) __________ mothers have to work very hard to earn their living. Moreover, in spite of
the fact that the single mothers have all the (45) _________ conveniences at their homes, they find that bringing up
their teenage children alone is not easy.
Câu 41. A. hardly
B. hard
C. fast
D. equally
Câu 42. A. share
Câu 43. A. few
Câu 44. A. dependent
Câu 45. A. expensive
B. need
B. much
B. lonely
B. saving
C. refusal
D. responsibility
C. many
D. some
C. alone
D. single
C. comfortable
D. modern
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer
to each of the questions.
Like schools in Britain and other English speaking countries, those in the U.S have also always stressed
"character" or "social" skills through extracurricular activities, including organized sports. Because most schools
start at around 8 o'clock every morning and classes often do not finish until 3 or 4 o'clock in the afternoon, such
activities mean that many students do not return home until the early evening. There is usually a very broad range
of extracurricular activities available. Most schools, for instance, publish their own student newspapers, and some
have their own radio stations. Almost all have student orchestras, bands, and choirs.
Many different sports are also available and most schools share their facilities - swimming pools, tennis
courts, tracks, and stadiums - with the public. Often the students themselves organize and support school activities
and raise money through car washes, baby-sitting, or by mowing lawns. Parents and local business often also help a
group that, for example, has a chance to go to a state music competition, to compete in some sports championship,
or take a camping trip. Such activities not only give pupils a chance to be together outside of normal classes, they
also help develop a feeling of "school spirit" among the students and in the community.
Câu 46. How many hours do the children stay at school a day?
A. eight
B. five
C six
D. four
Câu 47. Which extracurricular school activities are not mentioned?
A. writing newspapers
B. singing in a choir
C. helping old people
D. working in a radio station
Câu 48. Which sports facilities are not mentioned in the text?
A. swimming pools B. tennis courts
C. golf course
D. stadiums
Câu 49. What do the students do to support school activities?
A. look after a baby
B. repair cars
C. sell lawn movers
D. sell newspapers
Câu 50. Which activities are not helped by parents and local business?
A. performing at a state music competition
B. working in a TV station
C. playing in a sport competition
D. having a camping trip
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to show the underlined part that needs correction.
Question 1: He studied very hard, so he passed the exam easy.
Question 2: Have you ever read any novels writing by Jack London?
Question 3: My uncle has just bought some expensive furnitures for his new house.
Question 4: Today the number of people whom enjoy winter sports is almost double that of twenty years ago.
Question 5: People respected him because he was a honest man.
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the
Question 6: A. though
B. weight
C. cough
D. might
Question 7: A. initiate
B. domestic
C. attentive
D. contain
Question 8: A. enclose
B. colony
C. household
D. associate
Question 9: A. stayed
B. installed
C. appointed
D. reformed
Question 10: A. simplify
B. qualify
C. accompany
D. supply
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer
Will people still read books 100 years from now? A few years ago, many people would have said no. It seemed
likely that computers and the Internet would replace books. Now, however, most experts think that books are here
to stay.
There are a number of reasons why computers will not replace books entirely. One reason is that books on paper
are much cheaper than computers. And books do not need a power source. You can read a book for as long as you
want and wherever you want. You never have to worry about losing power. Also, many people feel more
comfortable reading words in a book than reading words on a computer screen because it is less tiring to the eyes.
Will books in the future be exactly the same as the books you can buy today? The answer to that question is no.
In the future, you may only need to buy one book. With this one book, you will be able to read novels, plays, and
newspapers. It will look like today's books, but it will be electronic.
One of the people working on the book of the future is Professor Joseph Jacobson from Massachusetts Institute
of Technology. Professor Jacobson's electronic book will have a small button on the side. When you press the
button, words will instantly appear on the page. When you want to read a different story, you can push the button
again and a new story will quickly appear.
Question 11: The phrase “are here to stay” in the first paragraph mostly means ______.
A. “won't disappear”
B. “are useless”
C. “won’t come”
D. “are nearby”
Question 12: Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?
A. In the future, computers will replace paper books completely.
B. Reading words on computer screens is
tiring to the eyes.
C. Books will disappear completely sooner or later.
D. Reading today’s books needs a power
Question 13: What will the book of the future look like?
A. We don't know what it will look like.
B. It will look like a book you buy today.
C. It will look different from today's books.
D. It will look like a computer.
Question 14: The button on the side of the electronic book is used ______.
A. to turn the power on and off B. to make the book more beautiful
C. to turn a light on and off
to change what you read
Question 15: What is the main topic of the passage?
A. Why a power source is important.
B. The book of the future.
C. The decline of today's books.
D. How to use an electronic book.
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following
Question 16: It was being able to fly ______ space that attracted Sally Ride to the job of an astronaut.
A. into
B. on
C. to
D. towards
Question 17: “______ you lend me your calculator for some minutes, please?”
A. Will
B. Should
C. Need
D. Must
Question 18: The Internet is a very fast and convenient way for people to ______ information.
A. achieve
B. get
C. make
D. do
Question 19: Because of the economic crisis, many workers are now in ______ of losing their jobs.
A. worry
B. warning
C. danger
D. threat
Question 20: Unless we can find new sources of energy, our life will certainly ______.
A. be affected
B. affected
C. affect
D. be affecting
Question 21: We are talking about the writer ______ latest book is one of the best-sellers this year.
A. which
B. who
C. whom
D. whose
Question 22: Henry: “Do you find it very interesting to travel alone?” Maria: “______”
A. No, not at all.
B. What a pity!
C. Yes, you’re welcome.
D. Never mind.
Question 23: My grandmother takes ______ for keeping house.
A. ability
B. possibility
C. probability
D. responsibility
Question 24: ______ the salary meets my expectations, I will accept the job offer.
A. Although
B. Therefore
C. So
D. If
Question 25: Robert ______ in three important water polo games so far.
A. is playing
B. has played
C. had played
D. played
Question 26: Mr. Minh ______ wearing a crash helmet when he goes somewhere on his motorbike.
A. used
B. is used to
C. is using
D. used to
Question 27: “Don’t forget to take _____ your shoes when you are in a Japanese house.”
A. off
B. apart
C. up
D. in
Question 28: John: “Will you be able to come to the meeting?” Jack: “______.”
A. Of course you will
B. I’m afraid not
C. I’m sorry not D. You must be kidding
Question 29: Tom: “You’ve got a lovely singing voice, Mary!” Mary: “______”
A. It’s all right.
B. Congratulations!
C. Don’t mention it.
D. Thank you.
Question 30: The police ordered people to leave the building ______ a bomb threat.
A. because
B. since
C. because of
D. in case
Question 31: The government has ______ measures to promote the development of the economy.
A. achieved
B. carried
C. made
D. taken
Question 32: He has made so many mistakes in his essay that he ______ do it all again.
A. used to
B. needs
C. has to
D. ought
Question 33: Many people ______ homeless after the earthquake in Haiti a few months ago.
A. will become
B. became
C. are becoming
D. become
Question 34: Many young people want to work for a humanitarian organization, ______?
A. doesn’t it
B. didn’t they
C. don’t they
D. does it
Question 35: My younger sister is not ______ to study overseas.
A. so old
B. old enough
C. enough old
D. very old
Question 36: He is disappointed at not being offered the job, but I think he will ______ it.
A. get over
B. take after
C. fill in
D. turn off
Question 37: In general, my father doesn't mind ______ the housework, but he hates to do the cooking.
A. doing
B. done
C. to do
D. do
Question 38: Some fish can survive only in salt water, ______ others can live only in fresh water.
A. so that
B. whereas
C. even if
D. since
Question 39: The World Health Organization _____ in 1948 in order to carry out medical research and improve
international health care.
A. established
B. had been established C. had established
D. was established
Question 40: Despite its successful ______ reforms, this country is still a developing one.
A. economic
B. economical
C. economizing
D. economics
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following
Question 41: Winning a place at university ______ for most students.
A. will become more difficultly B. has become as difficult C. is becoming more and more difficult D.
becomes the most difficultly
Question 42: Jack asked his sister ______.
A. where you have gone tomorrow
B. where you will go tomorrow
C. where she would go the following day
D. where would she go the following day
Question 43: ______, you aren't allowed to go sailing on this lake.
A. If you weren’t able to swim
B. Despite of your swimming
C. Unless you can swim
Although be able to swim
Question 44: The more you study, ______.
A. you will gain more knowledge
B. the more knowledge do you gain
C. you are the more knowledgeable
D. the more knowledge you gain
Question 45: Peter apologised ______.
A. not for phoning me earlier
B. not to phone me earlier
C. me for phoning not earlier
D. for not
phoning me earlier
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D
There are several things to remember if you are applying for a new job. Most companies (46)______ their
vacancies in the newspapers, and there are normally a lot of applicants for each post. (47)______, a good letter of
application is very important. You should enclose with it your curriculum vitae so that the employer knows about
your (48)______ and experience. If you are applying (49)______ a large company, address your letter to the
personnel manager, who deals with appointing new staff. If you are invited to an interview, make (50)______ you
are suitably dressed and on time. You may ask about promotion prospects as well as further training, the salary and
holiday arrangements.
Question 46: A. make
B. market
C. advertise
D. write
Question 47: A. Therefore B. So as
C. So that
D. Nevertheless
Question 48: A. qualifications
B. licenses
C. schools
D. forms
Question 49: A. in
B. for
C. to
D. with
Question 50: A. clear
B. good
C. right
Grade 12
Circle the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the others.
1. A. women
B. movie
C. lose
D. prove
2. A. intellectual
B. international
C. interview
D. responsibility
3. A. rear
B. bear
C. fear
D. dear
Circle the word which has a different stress pattern from that of the others.
4. A. achievement
B. involvement
C. confinement
D. argument
5. A. pioneer
B. mountaineer
C. suggestion
D. engineer
Choose the word/phrase that best fits each blank.
6. People used to consider women to be better_________ for childbearing and homemaking.
A. regarded
B. suited
C. understood
D. kept
7. In the past, men seemed to_________ their duties at home.
A. expect
B. inspect
C. neglect
D. collect
8. Nowadays, women have gained significant legal_________.
A. wrongs
B. rights
C. responsibilities
D. works
9. The pioneer thinkers_________that women shouldn’t be discriminated on the basis of their sex.
A. recommended
B. disapproved
C. showed
D. passed
10.The_________for women’s rights began in the 18 century.
A. battle
B. war
C. struggle
D. fight
11.Women are only asking to be given equal_________to that of men.
A. state
B. status
C. situation
D. ideas
12.That scholar_________on people who haven’t been to university.
A. looks up
B. looks at
C. looks down
D. looks on
13.Most relations between men and women soon_________in to love.
A. deep
B. deepen
C. deeply
D. depth
14.The newspaper provided little_________about the cause of the war.
A. enlightenment
B. meanings
C. reasons
D. ideas
15.It’s_________to say that women are slaves at home.
A. truth
B. action
C. legality
D. rubbish
16.He didn’t even have the intelligence to call_________an ambulance.
A. at
B. on
C. for
D. about
17.Martha Graham,_______of the pioneers of modern dance, didn’t begin dancing until she was 21.
A. one
B. who, as one
C. she was
D. was one
18.From 1865 to 1875, a remarkable variety of inventions_________.
A. was produced
B. were produced
C. are produced
D. produced
19.The French Quarter is_________ famous and the oldest section of New Orleans.
A. more
B. the most
C. the more
D. most
20.The painting_________Ms. Wallace bought was very expensive.
A. whom
B. whose
C. which
D. where
21.You_________carry that carpel home yourself; the shop will send it.
A. can’t
B. couldn’t
C. needn’t
D. mustn’t
22.Will it be necessary for us_________ this accident to the police?
A. report
B. to reporting
C. to report
D. reporting
23.A beautiful clock was given_________ her by a handsome boy.
A. for
B. to
C. at
D. ф
24.The kitchen hadn’t been cleaned for ages. It was really_________.
A. disgusted
B. disgust
C. disgusting
D. to disgust
25.She’s very old and can’t live alone. She needs someone to look_________her.
A. for
B. at
C. up
D. after
26.It was the_________ day of my life when I heard I failed the university entrance examination.