Nama : Duwi Suroyo NIM : 2012002128 Tugas TIK pertemuan ke-2 A.) 1. petualang wanderer, adventurer, tramp, gadder, hobo, gadabout 2. pemberontak rebel, insurrectionist, mutineer, rioter, insurgent, recusant 3. bergurau joke, jest 4. tujuan irection, course, heading, thrust, tendency, tendence, tenor, lead-up, intention, design, game, aim, purpose, objective, goal, object, end, view, motive, purport, term 5. pertempuran battle, combat, fight, encounter, field, hostility: hostilities, engagement, brush 6. pelabuhan anchorage, harbour, harbor, port, bunder, haven 7. kehidupan existence, life 8. besar big, large, broad, capital, chuckle, chunking, hearty, high, lumping, sweeping, title, towering, walloping, fat, gross, fabulous, whopping, great, considerable, main, substantial, major, prevailing, profound, wide-spread, adult, grown, full-grown, angry, booming 9. tentara army, military, host 10. bangkai carcass, carcase, carrion, cadaver, corpse, fuselage B.) 10 kata bahasa Inggris ke bahsa Indonesia a) evolution [,evə'lu:ʃən] evolusi, perkembangan b) executive [ıg'zekjətıv] A eksekutif, pelaksana N pelaksana, laksanawan c) razor ['reızər] N pisau cukur, cukur V mencukur, memotong d) dynamic [daı'næmık] dinamis, dinamik, bersemangat e) ability [ə'bılətı] N kemampuan, kebolehan, kecakapan, bakat, kearifan, kelihaian, ketangkasan, kesanggupan kepandaian, f) abolish [ə'bɒlıʃ] V menghapuskan, melenyapkan, mengakhiri, mempertiadakan, mempertidak, mempertidakkan, menidakkan kebisaan, meniadakan, g) boil [bɔıl] N bisul, borok, barah, mendidih: hal mendidih, titik didih V merebus, memasak, menanak, mempertanak, mendidihkan, kulub, mendidih, berdidih, bergolak, menggelogok, direbus, panas sekali: adalah panas sekali h) brief [bri:f] A singkat, ringkas, ikhtisariah N laporan singkat, ikhtisar perkara di pengadilan V memberi penerangan ringkas i) frail [freıl] A rapuh, bangsai, getis, lemah, lemah lahir dan batin N wanita j) glossary ['glɒsərı] N daftar kata-kata sukar, glosarium Tugas 2 10 kata berbahasa Inggris dicari sinonim lewat disertai contoh kalimat secukupnya dan ditulis 5 kata yg terlah diperdengarkan a) dense Listen See in ThesaurusSee in a sentence The definition of dense is people or things which are crowded together, something that is difficult to get through or someone who is slow to understand. (adjective) An example of dense is a city where a lot of people live in a very small area. An example of dense is a thick jungle. An example of dense is someone who doesn't understand what "turn left" means. b) deride Listen See in ThesaurusSee in a sentence To deride is defined as to laugh at or make fun of someone or something. (verb) An example of deride is pointing and laughing about someone with toilet paper on their shoe. c) garment Listen See in ThesaurusSee in a sentence The definition of a garment is a piece of clothing. (noun) An example of a garment is a shirt. d) gangling Listen See in Thesaurus (gaŋ′gliŋ) adjective thin, tall, and awkward; of loose, lanky build also gangly e) library Listen See in ThesaurusSee in a sentence The definition of a library is a collection of books, or is a room or a building where collections of books are stored. (noun) An example of a library is 10 mystery novels that you own. a set or series of books issued in a single format by a publishing house f) lido Listen (lē′dō) noun a resort at a beach g) leopard Listen See in ThesaurusSee in a sentence (lep′ərd) noun pl. leopards or leopard any of various large, ferocious cats, including the jaguar and snow leopard, esp. a species (Panthera pardus) of Africa and S Asia usually having a tawny coat spotted with black HERALDRY a lion represented in side view, with one foreleg raised and the head facing the viewer h) mad Listen See in ThesaurusSee in a sentence The definition of mad is defined as angry, insane, foolish, frantic or extremely funny. (adjective) An example of mad is child who is not able to do what he wants to do. An ecxample of mad is a psychopath. An example of mad is a plan to rob a police station. i) mistake Listen See in ThesaurusSee in a sentence The definition of a mistake is an error or misunderstanding. (noun) An example of mistake is adding 25 and 32 and getting 51. Mistake is defined as to misinterpret or to confuse someone with another person. (verb) An example of mistake is for a person to think he sees his brother, when it is actually a stranger. near Listen See in ThesaurusSee in a sentence Near is defined as at a relatively close distance in space or time. (adverb) An example of near used as an adverb is in the sentence, "Winter comes near," which means that winter is coming soon. The definition of near is close in distance, time or relationship. (adjective) An example of near used as an adjective is in the phrase "near friends," which means friends who are close to each other. Near means to get closer. (verb) j) An example of near is to approach a lost dog. kata yg telah saya perdengarkan mistake lido near library deride Tugas 3 (kursus bahasa inggris online lewat . komentar saya terhadap pembelajaran dari "menurut saya kursus online ini sangat bermanfaat bagi semua warga dunia karena disini sudah tersedia lengkap berbagai level pembelajaran disertai cara mengetes kemampuan atau skills dari bahsa inggris yang telah kita kuasai".