Biology 12 - Mr. Lesiuk

Biology 12 –EXAMS STUDY GUIDE and Schedule
The following units have been covered this year, for each unit you were provided a list of learning
outcomes. Use the guide and timeline on the back of this sheet to help you prepare for the Provincial
A: Cell Biology
Ch. 3
(Cell Structure)
B: Cell Biology
Ch. 2
(Cell Compounds)
C: Cell Biology
Ch. 2
(Biological Molecules)
D: Cell Biology
Ch. 25
E: Cell Processes and Applications
Ch. 25
(Protein Synthesis)
F: Cell Processes and Applications
Ch. 25
G: Cell Processes and Applications
(Transport Across Cell Membrane)
H: Cell Processes and Applications
Ch. 6 and Ch. 20 (pp 392 + 394-397)
(Enzymes and Metabolism)
I: Human Biology
Ch. 12
(Digestive System)
J: Human Biology
Ch. 13 and tiny bit of Ch. 14 (pp 262-263 + p. 276)
(Circulatory Systems - Circulation and Blood)
K: Human Biology
Ch. 13
(Circulatory System - Heart Structure and Function)
L: Human Biology
Ch. 15
(Respiratory System)
M: Human Biology
Ch. 17
(Nervous System - Neuron, Impulse Generation, and Reflex Arc)
N: Human Biology
Ch. 17
(Nervous System - Divisions of the Nervous System and the Brain)
O: Human Biology
Ch. 16
(Urinary System)
P: Human Biology
(Reproductive System)
Ch. 21
Exam Preparation – Recommendations and Timetable:
1. For each unit, read over all fill-in notes. If you have lost any notes go to the
website and read them off.
2. For each unit, find the correlating chapters (pages) in the Sylvia Mader “Inquiry
Into Life” textbook and read over those pages. Pay very close attention to all
diagrams and figures.
3. Look over the PLO Guide that lists the specific learning outcomes for each unit.
4. For each unit you were provided lists of “Unit Review Questions”. Go over each
question and place a check mark by all questions that you can answer without any
hesitation. For any questions you struggle with go back and study or come in for
5. Go on-line to print off old Provincial Exams, or go through the “KSS Bi 12
Provincial Exam Questions Review Booklet” (if purchased), or use another study
source (“Biology 12 – THE KEY”)
Website for practice provincials:
Click “I Agree”  Search
6. I will also provide you with some handouts which contain multiple choice
questions and short answer questions. These are good practice.
TIME LINE for Significant Events:
- Be ready to write Female Test
Start Studying for Final Exam – Study Block #1
Have completed your studies over units BDEF
June 4th
June 5th
June 6th
June 7th
Study Block #2
Have completed your studies over units AGHIJ June 8th
June 11th
Study Block #3
Have completed your studies over unit NOP
Study Block #4- Write a Practice Provincial
June 12th
June 13th
TURN IN TEXTBOOKS and Write Final Exam
Provincial Exam is worth 20% of your course mark.
JUNE 19th
JUNE 14th
For each study/tutorial block, you will be given a Study Assessment/Quiz mark out
of ____/10.