Questions and Answers

RFP #15-1096-12CS
DECEMBER 18, 2015
1. After reviewing the Cisco hardware requirements, could you verify if each
school should have a Cisco WS-C4500X-32SFP+ as their core switch? There
appears to be several schools that have left the Core portion of the school
almost blank (with some cables and optics, but no switch). Can you find out
if this is in error, or if they already have the equipment for those schools?
The Schools in question are:
Lot 5
Lot 7
Lot 12
Lot 13
Lot 22
Lot 26
Lot 44
Lot 46
Echo Lake
Fair Oaks
Twin Hickory
Ward Elementary
The 4500X core switches were omitted purposely due to the fact we performed a
life cycle refresh of core switches for Lot 5, 7,12,13,26,44 and 46 in 2014 in
support of a server farm refresh. At the time the core switches at these locations
would not support the server farm refresh.
Kaechele Lot 22 is a recently new school and was provisioned a new 4500X Core
Router during its construction.
2. Kaechele Elementary only has the cables and optics, no core switch nor any
IDF - Access switches. I just found it odd, so could you confirm this as well?
Kaechele is a recently new school and was provisioned with a 4500X Core Router
and 2960S Access switches during construction.
Take note that the Wireless Access Points will be replaced as part of this RFP.
3. Can HCPS provide Heat Maps showing locations for the wireless AP’s
HCPS does not have Heat Maps for all schools and some current heat
maps do not reflect additional AP’s added during the course of the year.
The Successful Offeror will be provided site maps after award of the
contract reflecting desired Wireless Access Point placements based a
wireless study and real world operational experience.
4. Can we have an inventory of existing Cisco equipment at each location where
new equipment is being installed? This beneficial to both the vendor and
HCPS when preparing the project plan.
For the most part this a one to one replacement with a few augmentations
of Access switches to address additional wireless needs. Please refer to
the spread sheet “ES-Network Refresh per School Material List”
(Attachment K) which provide a per school breaks down of the type and
quantity of equipment that will need be installed in which the BOM was
created from.
5. Will the contractor be responsible for installing all conduit raceway needed in
each location. Thirty (30) of the locations state there will be raceway/conduit
a. Yes, it falls under the contractor responsibility to provision and install
the conduit raceway and sleeves required as outlined in the RFP.
b. Although the majority of schools have suspended ceilings installed it is
estimated that this number of schools do not have suspended ceilings.
No exposed cabling shall be permitted for this installation.
Consequently, it will be necessary for the Successful Offeror to install
raceway, either metal or plastic to enclose the cables from the access
point location to the nearest IDF cabinet. In lieu of raceway, metallic
conduit may be installed.
6. Please note that the Minuteman UPS part numbers are no longer available for
sale. Corresponding Part #’s are replacements for the ones that have gone
end of sale.
Requested Part #
Replacement Part #
Please confirm that we can submit pricing for the replacement SKUs.
Since this is a product line next generation life cycle equivalent, this
would be permissible.
7. Is there a color preference for the Fiber and Copper patch cords?
a. Yellow: To support new provisioned CAT 6A and Patch Panels for
Wireless Access Points as outlined in Section H “Data Cabling Service
Scope”. We would like to request that the patch cords be non-booted
and 14 inches in length for the IDF and 3 foot in length at the AP.
Panduit part numbers; UTP6ASD3YL (3 ft.) and UTP6ASD14inchYL
(custom 14 in.)
i. Gray: Copper Patch Cords for Patch Panel to Access Switch as
outlined in the BOM.
ii. Weltron #90-C6-8"AH
iii. Weltron #90-C6-10"AH
iv. Weltron #90-C6-1AH
v. Weltron #90-C6-14"AH
c. Fiber Patch Cords: Please Reference Patch Cord Description as stated
in the BOM under Lot 49 section labeled “Fiber Patch Cables”.
8. Due to the upcoming holidays, and number of maps to review, we respectfully
request the consideration of a one week extension.
By Addenda, HCPS is extending the due date to January 8, 2016 at 2:00 p.m.
9. The drawings provided offered very good visualization of the required AP
placements. However, there is inconsistency in the information provided by
HCPS in those placement maps. The Rivers Edge placement map noted a)
number of existing, b) number of new and c) number to be relocated. Can
HCPS please make changes to all the maps to reflect the same level of
information for each school?
Updated Maps will be provided
The site Maps and Dot representation being provided are specifically to
show new wiring and coordinating IDF location. The site MAPS were not
meant to provide a per school total count of AP devices and placements.
HCPS newly provided spreadsheet labeled “ES-Network Refresh Materials
Per School Materials List” will provide a per school representing and
quantity of Core Routers, Access Switches, total number of AP’s and
UPS’s being installed at each site. (Please see attachment “ES-NetworkRefresh-Per-School-Materials-List”)
Please take note, HCPS will provide per school AP placement MAPS to the
Successful Offeror after award of the contract during the initial planning
10. For existing Cisco access points, does HCPS want the vendor to provide new
CAT6A cable runs for that equipment?
11. ERATE – In what section would you like for the vendor to define its ERATE
qualifications as it was not defined in the Proposal Response Format.
Attachment B request the Offeror to document their SPIN number
which validates that they are a qualified ERate participant.
Offerors shall provide as part of their proposal submission evidence of
their qualifications as an approved and certified ERate participant.
12. Resumes and references – the Proposal Response Format notes that both
references and resumes are to be included in the Introduction – Attachment C
and D – as well as in Section 3 – Response to the Scope of Work, subsection
b and c. Can those sections be consolidated?
13. Will HCPS consider APC UPS devices as an equivalent to the MinuteMan
solution listed in the RFP?
No alternatives or equivalents will be accepted.
14. Training – Is this supposed to be Cisco certified training classes or is this
hands-on training with vendor engineers?
Cisco Certified Training classes.
15. Does the executed HCPS NDA need to be included in this response?
Offerors interested in submitting proposals should follow the
instructions included on page 54 of the RFP to obtain the site maps of
the schools PRIOR to proposal submission. It is not necessary to
include this form in the proposal response.
16. Would HCPS consider a one-week extension for the submission of our
response, moving the due date to January 13, 2016 at 2:00 pm?
By Addenda, HCPS is extending the due date to January 8, 2016 at 2:00
17. Do patch cables need to be from a specific manufacturer?
Patch cords to support the new wireless cable drops should be Panduit
part numbers UTP6ASD3YL and UTP6ASD14inchYL for the three foot
and fourteen inch patch cords, respectively.
18. What length should the cat6A patch cables be for the connections from the
structured cabling outlet to the access point?
Patch cords should be installed between the biscuit block at the end of
the required service loop and the wireless access point. The length of
the patch cord shall differ depending on whether the ceiling is an open,
exposed ceiling or a suspended ceiling. Three (3) foot patch cords
shall be used for suspended ceilings and fourteen (14) inch patch
cords shall be used for open ceilings.
19. What length should the cat6A patch cables be for the connections from the
cat6A patch panel to the switch?
14 inch Yellow Patch Cords (Panduit #UTP6ASD14inchYL)
20. Will wall mounted access points be positioned vertically and mounted
directly to walls or will they require an additional mounting bracket to achieve
proper orientation?
MPR- AP’s will be mounted vertically on the wall inside of Oberon
enclosures (#1015-C)
Auditorium-will be mounted horizontally using Oberon wall mount
21. For warranty purposes, is it correct to assume that existing patch panels
receiving new cable runs are manufactured by Hubbell?
Correct. All existing patch panels are manufactured by Hubbell.
However, should space be a concern in an IDF cabinet, potentially
precluding the installation of a new Category 6A patch panel, the
Successful Offeror should contact Technology and accommodations
will be made for a new Category 6A patch panel to be installed.
22. Do all proposed access point locations require new cabling?
23. Will existing AP locations utilize the existing cabling?
24. Will moved Access point locations utilize existing cabling or require new
There are no AP moves as part of the RFP. However, there are
situations where existing AP’s will need to be removed and no new AP
will be installed in its location.
25. Attachment H specifies 4 new runs at colonial trail ES, the drawing shows 20
net new access points. How many cable runs should be quoted?
Updated MAPs will be provided to provide better clarity of the new
cabling locations. Please take note under section H labeled “Data
Cabling Services Scope” we are requesting Offerors to provide a single
and a double per run cabling option for price comparison.
26. Attachment H specifies 27 new cable runs are needed for Crestview ES, the
drawings show a total of 26 APs in the design after one is removed from the
current design along with cable moves. How many new cable runs are
Updated MAPs will be provided to provide better clarity of the new
cabling locations.
Please take note, the site Maps and Dot representation being provided
are specifically to show new wiring and coordinating IDF location. The
site MAPS were not meant to provide a per school total count of AP
devices and placements.
HCPS newly provided spreadsheet labeled “ES-Network Refresh
Materials Per School Materials List” (Attachment K) will provide a per
school representing and quantity of Core Routers, Access Switches,
total number of AP’s and UPS’s being installed at each site. (Please
see attachment “ES-Network-Refresh-Per-School-Materials-List”)
27. For T1 at Davis elementary, are cable runs run underground through conduit,
or aerial to trailer 2?
Aerial, however Trailer cabling is not within the scope of cabling needs.
28. Are man lifts available at each site to reach locations with high ceilings like
gyms, or do we need to account for them in our installation cost?
As a matter of policy, HCPS owned lifts may not be used by non-HCPS
staff. Please include these costs in your proposal submission. Gym
AP’s will be mounted on the wall inside of enclosures no higher than 12
feet above finished floor. It is estimated that there will be less than 10
sites requiring the use of a lift.
29. How are cables fed from Trailer 1 to trailers 2 - 5 at Glen Allen ES?
Trailer cabling is not within the scope of cabling needs. The cables
from the school to the IDF trailer is routed underground and the drop
cables to the remaining trailers are routed aerially.
Vendor has noted some inconsistencies in the BOM that are addressed by
school below. Please review and provide clarification/validation for these
Need to know correct number of AP's - Map shows 2 red dots, 3 yellow dots and 2 green - Only 7
AP's for school?
Updated MAPs will be provided to provide better clarity of the New cabling locations.
School Lot 2
School Lot 5
School Lot 7
Please take note, the site Maps and Dot representation being provided are specifically
to show new wiring and coordinating IDF location. The site MAPS were not meant to
provide a per school total count of AP devices and placements.
HCPS newly provided spreadsheet labeled “ES-Network Refresh Materials Per School
Materials List” (Attachment K) will provide a per school representing and quantity of
Core Routers, Access Switches, total number of AP’s and UPS’s being installed at
each site. (Please see attachment “ES-Network-Refresh-Per-School-Materials-List”)
No 4500X on BOM. Is this correct? By Design
No 4500X on BOM. Is this correct? By Design
Map shows 6 AP's. Is this correct?
Updated MAPs will be provided to provide better clarity of the New cabling locations.
School Lot 10
Please take note, the site Maps and Dot representation being provided are specifically
to show new wiring and coordinating IDF location. The site MAPS were not meant to
provide a per school total count of AP devices and placements.
HCPS newly provided spreadsheet labeled “ES-Network Refresh Materials Per School
Materials List” (Attachment K) will provide a per school representing and quantity of
Core Routers, Access Switches, total number of AP’s and UPS’s being installed at
each site. (Please see attachment “ES-Network-Refresh-Per-School-Materials-List”)
Map shows 6 AP's. Is this correct?
Updated MAPs will be provided to provide better clarity of the New cabling locations.
School Lot 11
Echo Lake
School Lot 12
Please take note, the site Maps and Dot representation being provided are specifically
to show new wiring and coordinating IDF location. The site MAPS were not meant to
provide a per school total count of AP devices and placements.
HCPS newly provided spreadsheet labeled “ES-Network Refresh Materials Per School
Materials List” (Attachment K) will provide a per school representing and quantity of
Core Routers, Access Switches, total number of AP’s and UPS’s being installed at
each site. (Please see attachment “ES-Network-Refresh-Per-School-Materials-List”)
No 4500X on BOM. Is this correct? Map shows 4 AP's - Is this correct? By Design
Fair Oaks
School Lot 13
No 4500X on BOM. Is this correct? Map shows 6 AP's - Is this correct? By Design
Map shows 4 AP's - Is this correct?
Updated MAPs will be provided to provide better clarity of the New cabling locations.
Glen Lea
School Lot 16
Please take note, the site Maps and Dot representation being provided are specifically
to show new wiring and coordinating IDF location. The site MAPS were not meant to
provide a per school total count of AP devices and placements.
HCPS newly provided spreadsheet labeled “ES-Network Refresh Materials Per School
Materials List” (Attachment K) will provide a per school representing and quantity of
Core Routers, Access Switches, total number of AP’s and UPS’s being installed at
each site. (Please see attachment “ES-Network-Refresh-Per-School-Materials-List”)
Map shows 4 AP's - Is this correct?
Updated MAPs will be provided to provide better clarity of the New cabling locations.
School Lot 21
School Lot 22
Please take note, the site Maps and Dot representation being provided are specifically
to show new wiring and coordinating IDF location. The site MAPS were not meant to
provide a per school total count of AP devices and placements.
HCPS newly provided spreadsheet labeled “ES-Network Refresh Materials Per School
Materials List” (Attachment K) will provide a per school representing and quantity of
Core Routers, Access Switches, total number of AP’s and UPS’s being installed at
each site. (Please see attachment “ES-Network-Refresh-Per-School-Materials-List”)
No new switches/hardware except for cables - Is this correct
No map for this school By Design
Map shows 6 AP's. Is this correct?
Updated MAPs will be provided to provide better clarity of the New cabling locations.
School Lot 23
Please take note, the site Maps and Dot representation being provided are specifically
to show new wiring and coordinating IDF location. The site MAPS were not meant to
provide a per school total count of AP devices and placements.
HCPS newly provided spreadsheet labeled “ES-Network Refresh Materials Per School
Materials List” (Attachment K) will provide a per school representing and quantity of
Core Routers, Access Switches, total number of AP’s and UPS’s being installed at
each site. (Please see attachment “ES-Network-Refresh-Per-School-Materials-List”)
Map legend for Middle and Upper Floors states locations for 25 drops for new AP's. Dots on diagram
only number 22
Updated MAPs will be provided to provide better clarity of the New cabling locations.
School Lot 24
School Lot 26
Please take note, the site Maps and Dot representation being provided are specifically
to show new wiring and coordinating IDF location. The site MAPS were not meant to
provide a per school total count of AP devices and placements.
HCPS newly provided spreadsheet labeled “ES-Network Refresh Materials Per School
Materials List” will provide a per school representing and quantity of Core Routers,
Access Switches, total number of AP’s and UPS’s being installed at each site. (Please
see attachment “ES-Network-Refresh-Per-School-Materials-List”)
No 4500X on BOM. Is this correct? By Design
Map shows 4 AP's - Is this correct?
Updated MAPs will be provided to provide better clarity of the New cabling locations.
School Lot 31
Please take note, the site Maps and Dot representation being provided are specifically
to show new wiring and coordinating IDF location. The site MAPS were not meant to
provide a per school total count of AP devices and placements.
HCPS newly provided spreadsheet labeled “ES-Network Refresh Materials Per School
Materials List” will provide a per school representing and quantity of Core Routers,
Access Switches, total number of AP’s and UPS’s being installed at each site. (Please
see attachment “ES-Network-Refresh-Per-School-Materials-List”)
Map shows 6 AP's - Is this correct?
Updated MAPs will be provided to provide better clarity of the New cabling locations.
School Lot 32
Please take note, the site Maps and Dot representation being provided are specifically
to show new wiring and coordinating IDF location. The site MAPS were not meant to
provide a per school total count of AP devices and placements.
HCPS newly provided spreadsheet labeled “ES-Network Refresh Materials Per School
Materials List” will provide a per school representing and quantity of Core Routers,
Access Switches, total number of AP’s and UPS’s being installed at each site. (Please
see attachment “ES-Network-Refresh-Per-School-Materials-List”)
Map shows 6 AP's - Is this correct?
Updated MAPs will be provided to provide better clarity of the New cabling locations.
School Lot 33
Please take note, the site Maps and Dot representation being provided are specifically
to show new wiring and coordinating IDF location. The site MAPS were not meant to
provide a per school total count of AP devices and placements.
HCPS newly provided spreadsheet labeled “ES-Network Refresh Materials Per School
Materials List” will provide a per school representing and quantity of Core Routers,
Access Switches, total number of AP’s and UPS’s being installed at each site. (Please
see attachment “ES-Network-Refresh-Per-School-Materials-List”)
Map shows 6 AP's - Is this correct?
Updated MAPs will be provided to provide better clarity of the New cabling locations.
School Lot 35
Please take note, the site Maps and Dot representation being provided are specifically
to show new wiring and coordinating IDF location. The site MAPS were not meant to
provide a per school total count of AP devices and placements.
HCPS newly provided spreadsheet labeled “ES-Network Refresh Materials Per School
Materials List” will provide a per school representing and quantity of Core Routers,
Access Switches, total number of AP’s and UPS’s being installed at each site. (Please
see attachment “ES-Network-Refresh-Per-School-Materials-List”)
Map shows 6 AP's - Is this correct?
Updated MAPs will be provided to provide better clarity of the New cabling locations.
School Lot 36
Please take note, the site Maps and Dot representation being provided are specifically
to show new wiring and coordinating IDF location. The site MAPS were not meant to
provide a per school total count of AP devices and placements.
HCPS newly provided spreadsheet labeled “ES-Network Refresh Materials Per School
Materials List” will provide a per school representing and quantity of Core Routers,
Access Switches, total number of AP’s and UPS’s being installed at each site. (Please
see attachment “ES-Network-Refresh-Per-School-Materials-List”)
Map shows 2 AP's - Is this correct?
Updated MAPs will be provided to provide better clarity of the New cabling locations.
School Lot 37
School Lot 39
Please take note, the site Maps and Dot representation being provided are specifically
to show new wiring and coordinating IDF location. The site MAPS were not meant to
provide a per school total count of AP devices and placements.
HCPS newly provided spreadsheet labeled “ES-Network Refresh Materials Per School
Materials List” will provide a per school representing and quantity of Core Routers,
Access Switches, total number of AP’s and UPS’s being installed at each site. (Please
see attachment “ES-Network-Refresh-Per-School-Materials-List”)
Map shows 2 AP's - Is this correct? By Design
Map shows 8 AP's - Is this correct?
Updated MAPs will be provided to provide better clarity of the New cabling locations.
School Lot 43
Please take note, the site Maps and Dot representation being provided are specifically
to show new wiring and coordinating IDF location. The site MAPS were not meant to
provide a per school total count of AP devices and placements.
HCPS newly provided spreadsheet labeled “ES-Network Refresh Materials Per School
Materials List” will provide a per school representing and quantity of Core Routers,
Access Switches, total number of AP’s and UPS’s being installed at each site. (Please
see attachment “ES-Network-Refresh-Per-School-Materials-List”)
Map shows 6 AP's - Is this correct?
Updated MAPs will be provided to provide better clarity of the New cabling locations.
School Lot 46
Please take note, the site Maps and Dot representation being provided are specifically
to show new wiring and coordinating IDF location. The site MAPS were not meant to
provide a per school total count of AP devices and placements.
HCPS newly provided spreadsheet labeled “ES-Network Refresh Materials Per School
Materials List” will provide a per school representing and quantity of Core Routers,
Access Switches, total number of AP’s and UPS’s being installed at each site. (Please
see attachment “ES-Network-Refresh-Per-School-Materials-List”)
Attachment J Lot 49 lists 1420 new 3702i Wireless AP's. From a review of the maps, I show a total of
913 Wireless AP's. This is 507 short...
Updated MAPs will be provided to provide better clarity of the New cabling locations.
All Schools
- Wireless
Please take note, the site Maps and Dot representation being provided are specifically
to show new wiring and coordinating IDF location. The site MAPS were not meant to
provide a per school total count of AP devices and placements.
HCPS newly provided spreadsheet labeled “ES-Network Refresh Materials Per School
Materials List” will provide a per school representing and quantity of Core Routers,
Access Switches, total number of AP’s and UPS’s being installed at each site. (Please
see attachment “ES-Network-Refresh-Per-School-Materials-List”)
31. The issuance of this RFP was 12/11. On page 65, Section VI the anticipated
schedule outlines a RFP issuance date of 12/4. Is it possible to slide the
schedule of the receipt of this RFP for one week?
By Addenda, HCPS is extending the due date to January 8, 2016 at 2:00
32. The anticipated schedule shows cabling to run from 5/30 - 7/1. Can cabling
work be performed during working hours from 5/30 - 6/20? If not, what are
the hours that can be worked during this timeframe?
No work can be performed while school is in session. Cabling work
will need to be performed after hours between the hours of 3:30PM –
8PM for the 5/30 – 6/20 time frames. Once schools are officially closed
for the summer based on the 6/20 date, work can occur between 7AM –
5:30PM Mon – Thursday.
33. Can you provide us a list of the type and anticipated quantities of network
equipment that will be decommissioned by school and need to be returned to
Please refer to attachment provided titled “HCPS-Current-ElemEquipment” (Attachment L) for a current inventory of Core Router and
Access Switches.
34. Does HCPS desire a 6 year warranty on all MinuteMan UPS’?
Not on UPS’s.
35. Does page 50, C, 1, b imply that staging should be done at Trampton or do we
have the option to configure at Offeror’s facility, and then deliver to school?
All equipment will need to be configured at the Offerors location.
HCPS can provide temporary warehouse space for equipment predeployment staging that will need to be delivered to the schools. It is
the Successful Offerors responsibility to transport the staged
equipment from the warehouse to the school and return old equipment
to the warehouse.
36. Does page 51, D; imply that the project manager is required to be on-site full
The project manager will need to be geographically located in order to
respond to any emergencies or required meetings. As part of your
proposal response please submit information on the location of the
project manager and their availability to be on site as requested. The
PM will need to be able to meet in person with HCPS Project manager
during scheduled meetings and be available within 24 hours to address
any unforeseen events or issues.
37. Does HCPS require the new APs to be added into Cisco Prime and dropped
on location maps?
No, HCPS will add new AP’s into Prime and locations maps. Offeror
will be responsible for adding AP’s to the Cisco wireless controller.
38. On page 57, xviii, is it possible to dispose of cardboard waste at HCPS
Schools do not have sufficient waste disposal facilities to handle
excessive amounts of cardboard. The Successful Offeror will be
required to remove all trash from HCPS sites.
Please take note, new equipment boxes will need to be reused to house
the old equipment that will be transported to Trampton.
39. On page 61, f, i: in item xvi on the same page above terminates in CAT 5E,
then CAT6A standards cannot be met. Can this requirement be modified by
As noted in the answer to question 21 above, should space be a
concern in an IDF cabinet, potentially precluding the installation of a
new Category 6A patch panel, the Successful Offeror should contact
Technology and accommodations will be made for a new Category 6A
patch panel to be installed. Category 6A cable should not be
terminated on an existing Category 5 or 5e patch panel.
The colored dots on all maps represent the general location of the new Cat
6A Cable drops. The dot color corresponds with the IDF color that the
cable reports to.