April 19, 2011 Student Government Assembly Meeting Minutes

1 University Station, A6210 · Austin, TX 78712-0810
(512) 471 – 3166 · Fax: (512) 471-3408 · http://www.utsg.org
Student Government Assembly Meeting
April 19, 2011
Call Meeting to Order
First Roll Call
Approval of Minutes
a. Minutes are approved
Open Forum
a. Sly Majid – Eastside Community Connection
i. Currently recruiting for interns.
ii. If you have any interest in getting involved with this two year
commitment, you can apply at austincecc.org
iii. The deadline is next Friday- a variety of positions are available
b. UDems meeting – Udems Vs. CR’s debate debating the budget and concealed
c. Alden Harris – Judicial Court
i. Application for clerk has been sent out. A NON-SG member must have
the position
ii. Petition form is now available. If you have any issues with SG
governance, use this petition
d. Ashley Hawkings – DVD Drive for emotionally disturbed children
i. The DVD is used to allow the children to improve focus
ii. Ashley is here to raise awareness and is providing brochures
iii. If you would like to be involved, you can bring DVDs but please make
sure they are PG
Ex-Officio Reports
a. Carisa Nietsche – Senate
i. Blackboard- good or bad? Senate will be working on exploring this
ii. Endowment fund – setting this up.
iii. Voting on emergency text legislation that requires students to keep up to
date with events on campus
iv. Texas higher education coordinating board
v. Center for Teaching and Learning:
1 University Station, A6210 · Austin, TX 78712-0810
(512) 471 – 3166 · Fax: (512) 471-3408 · http://www.utsg.org
vi. Please have people direct any opinions or questions about Blackboard to
me at: nietschec@mail.utexas.edu
b. SEC
i. Green Hornet premier in the student theater
ii. Choir concert next week to come
iii. Original Tron will be on tomorrow at ten
iv. Film committee is showing Scott Pilgrim vs. the World next Wednesday
v. Orange and White Ball – cocktails, cash bar, soft drinks, dj,
photographer, free parking at the co-op garage. Tickets are available at
the University Co-Op. $30.00. Friday, April 29th at 9 PM
VII. Appointments
a. Motion to allow all appointments fail (did not receive 2/3rds)
b. Motion to allow only PSAC appointments to be heard(16-10-2) – Fails by not
having 2/3rds of present members
VIII. Deputy Advisor Report
Executive Reports
a. Natalie Butler – President
i. Hold up for Japan - April 30th
ii. ESB Selection and Working Group
iii. Regents
iv. Natalie will be in a dunking booth benefitting KDChi tomorrow on the
b. Ashley Baker – Vice-President (will not be in attendance)
c. Andrew Townsell – Chief of Staff
i. Appointment Update – ninety interviews have been covered.
XII. d. Sydney Fazende – Communications Director
i. Website
ii. Interests & Affiliations Survey
XIII. e. Madison Gardner – External Financial Director
i. Austin’s Pizza Fundraiser - Thursday May 5
ii. Philanthropy Ideas
XIV. f. Ilse Quijano – Internal Financial Director
i. Spending
ii. Summer Appropriations Timeline
XV. g. Louis Armendariz – Administrative Director
i. New Member Retreat – Sunday, May 1st, 11:00 AM – 3:00 PM
ii. Summer Orientation Ideas
iii. Welcome Week
XVI. Agency Director Reports
1 University Station, A6210 · Austin, TX 78712-0810
(512) 471 – 3166 · Fax: (512) 471-3408 · http://www.utsg.org
XVII. Representative Reports
a. John Lawler –
i. Allocating a thousand dollars to the website. We should do it
ii. UAP – had a meeting today. Zoning got postponed
iii. Parking passports meeting
iv. Students seat on CANPAC. It’s here! High five! This is a big culture
with them and it started here in the Student Government
b. Joseph Lee – Finance Committee
i. Wednesdays, 9 PM, in SG Office
ii. Sam Leonard is the new Vice Chair
c. Bernadette De La Cruz – Fine Arts Rep
i. Fine Arts council has elected new members and good things are to come
ii. Piano Recital on May 5th, if you are interested let her know
iii. My birthday is this weekend, If you have any presents, I’ll accept them
outside the door
d. Laurel Pugliese Student Affairs
i. Wednesday, 8 PM, SG Office
e. Janette Martinez – COLA
i. CTBAC application is due this Friday
ii. Liberal Arts council just transitioned into a new officer board
iii. Internal Affairs has their first meeting on Monday
1. Vice Chair will be Kevin Yuan
2. We talked about Internal Rules and Procedure
3. Meeting on Sunday at 9 PM
f. Bekah Thayer – External Affairs
i. If you’re interested in getting involved in the outreach committee,
contact bekah
g. Yaman Desai – Legislative Affairs
i. Vice Chair is now Ashley Carlisle
ii. Looked over Invest in Texas Legislation
iii. Invest in Texas sent 1500 letters to Texas Legislators
1. If you would like to fill one out, please contact Yaman
XVIII. Unfinished Business
XIX. New Business
1 University Station, A6210 · Austin, TX 78712-0810
(512) 471 – 3166 · Fax: (512) 471-3408 · http://www.utsg.org
a. AR 1 - In Support of the Invest in Texas Platform (fast-track justified)
i. Yaman: Introduces bill –“So that Student Government can be fully
involved in Invest in Texas.”
ii. Fast Track Justification – Included in your agenda, please read over.
iii. It has been Fast Tracked
iv. Yaman moves to approve by Unanimous Consent
1. Seconded
v. AR 1 Passes by unanimous consent
b. Rules have been suspended to allow AB 1 involving the budget to fund the
website an additional 1000 dollars to be heard as new business tonight
i. Now old Business
ii. John Lawler: can we see a receipt afterward
iii. Sydney Fazende: Yes absolutely, as soon as Tristan makes the charge
iv. John Lawler: You said Finance committee would be addressing the
budget in the next Finance Committee meeting?
v. Joseph Lee – Yes we will
vi. Why was Parker Mace chosen?
vii. Sydney: We are receiving a discount and the last assembly witnessed his
portfolio and supported it
viii. Point of Information – John Lawler
1. The additional Google Calendar is what is being funded here
ix. Sydney: Yes, we want students to be able to see our integrated calendar
that they can sync their own calendars to it. In addition, it also allows for
a comment box and comment forms. When students see an issue on
campus, they can address it at the new website
x. Nevels: You said the 1000 dollars is an estimate? What if it goes over,
will you come back to us?
xi. Sydney: Yes, to maintain transparency, all new decisions will be shown
to the assembly
xii. Chief Justice Alden Harris: It appears that the court has reservations as
to why this is a bill and not a resolution. There is a combination of fast
track and no-veto here. There should be a redesignation as a resolution
xiii. Austin Carlson moves to redesignate as a resolution.
1. Motion is not seconded
xiv. John Lawler: Finance committee, this needs to happen. Can we add a
makeshift bill?
1 University Station, A6210 · Austin, TX 78712-0810
(512) 471 – 3166 · Fax: (512) 471-3408 · http://www.utsg.org
xv. Sydney: If we don’t have this to ParkerMace by Friday, then we lose the
xvi. Thompson Moves to redesignate the Bill as a Resolution
1. So moved
xvii. Move to approve by Unanimous Consent
xviii. AR 2 Passes
c. Rules are suspended once again to allow AB 1 to be heard as new business
i. Allowed
ii. Janette introduces the bill which allows changes to the internal rules to
be made
iii. Phillip Nevels: looking at Article 3, Section 1, what is the deadline?
Why is there no language to address the deadline
iv. John Lawler: We did not want to be too specific to give partiality to one
branch of government over another
v. Kristin Thompson: Article 3, section 5
vi. John Lawler: This is about transparency.
vii. Natalie Butler: This could be interpreted by later assemblies in the
wrong way
viii. John Lawler: these rules change year by year.
ix. Phillip Nevels: This needs to be cleaned up
x. Janette Martinez: yes, and we will clean it up during committee on
xi. Austin Carlson: Financial should be a component
xii. John Lawler: It was brought up by members of the current and former
executive boards that it isn’t ethically justifiable.
xiii. Sam Leonard: What was discussed at the finance committee meeting.
What was the final consensus on the reason for the stipend?
xiv. John Lawler: We want it to be merit based.
xv. Austin Carlson: how is the boot scholarship decided?
xvi. Natalie Butler: by a governing body of faculty/students/staff
xvii. Committee to Internal Affairs
a. John Lawler – Urban Rail
i. Urban Rail Policy Director will be at the next meeting. Get excited
b. Natalie Butler – Pancakes for Parkinsons
1 University Station, A6210 · Austin, TX 78712-0810
(512) 471 – 3166 · Fax: (512) 471-3408 · http://www.utsg.org
i. Tomorrow, Please support Dr. Vick’s cause and support the Michael J
Fox Foundation
c. Matt Hicks: Robert’s Rules meetings went well. Please, let me know if you
would still like to know more.
i. Reps please, use the binder for your reference to appointments
XXI. Second Roll Call
XXII. Adjournment
a. Moved/seconded/adjourned