for Accounting Professionals IAS 40 INVESTMENT PROPERTY 2011 1 IFRS WORKBOOKS (1 million downloaded) Welcome to IFRS Workbooks! These are the latest versions of the legendary workbooks in Russian and English produced by 3 TACIS projects, sponsored by the European Union (2003-2009) and led by PricewaterhouseCoopers. They have also appeared on the website of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation. The workbooks cover various concepts of IFRS based accounting. They are intended to be practical self-instruction aids that professional accountants can use to upgrade their knowledge, understanding and skills. Each workbook is a self-standing short course designed for approximately of three hours of study. Although the workbooks are part of a series, each one is independent of the others. Each workbook is a combination of Information, Examples, Self-Test Questions and Answers. A basic knowledge of accounting is assumed, but if any additional knowledge is required this is mentioned at the beginning of the section. Having written the first three editions, we want to update them and provide them to you to download. Please tell your friends and colleagues. Relating to the first three editions and updated texts, the copyright of the material contained in each workbook belongs to the European Union and according to its policy may be used free of charge for any non-commercial purpose. The copyright and responsibility of later books and the updates are ours. Our copyright policy is the same as that of the European Union. We wish to especially thank Elizabeth Appraxine (European Union) who administered these TACIS projects, Richard J. Gregson (Partner, PricewaterhouseCoopers) who led the projects and all friends at Bankir.Ru for hosting the books. TACIS project partners included Rosexpertiza (Russia), ACCA (UK), Agriconsulting (Italy), FBK (Russia), and European Savings Bank Group (Brussels). The help of Philip W. Smith (editor of the third edition) and Allan Gamborg, project managers and Ekaterina Nekrasova, Director of PricewaterhouseCoopers, who managed the production of the Russian version (2008-9) is gratefully acknowledged. Glyn R. Phillips, manager of the first two projects conceived the idea, designed the workbooks and edited the first two versions. We are proud to realise his vision. Robin Joyce Professor of the Chair of International Banking and Finance Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation Visiting Professor of the Siberian Academy of Finance and Banking Moscow, Russia 2011 Updated IAS 40 INVESTMENT PROPERTY TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. Introduction 3 2. Bank accounting and investment property 4 3.Definitions 5 4. Recognition 14 5. Disclosure 31 6. Multiple choice questions 35 property is revalued, the unrealised gain (or loss) is recorded in the income statement. In contrast, when an owner-occupied property is revalued, any gains are taken directly to equity in the form of a revaluation reserve. The table below identifies the different accounting treatment applied to properties under IFRS depending on their current and future uses and their ownership. Scope IAS 40 is applied to recognition, measurement and disclosure of investment property. IAS 40 does not deal with matters covered in IAS 17 Leases, including: 7. Answers to multiple choice questions 40 1. classification of leases as finance leases, or operating leases; Note: Material from the following PricewaterhouseCoopers publications has been used in this workbook: Applying IFRS Illustrative Corporate Consolidated Financial Statements 2006 2. recognition of lease income from investment property; 1. Introduction Aim The aim of this workbook is to assist the individual in understanding the IFRS accounting treatment and disclosures of Investment Properties, as detailed in IAS 40. 3. measurement in a lessee’s financial statements of property interests held under a lease, accounted for as an operating lease; 4. measurement in a lessor’s financial statements of its net investment in a finance lease; 5. accounting for sale and leaseback transactions; and Summary 6. disclosure about finance leases and operating leases. Accounting for investment properties differs from that of owneroccupied properties. The key difference is that when an investment However, IAS 40 makes reference to both operating and finance leases of investment property and the accounting for both covered in IAS17. When property becomes the subject of a sale-and- leaseback transaction, IAS 40 refers the reader to IAS 17 to account for the transaction. IAS 40 does not apply to: 1. biological assets related to agricultural activity (see IAS 41 Agriculture); and 2. mineral rights and mineral reserves such as oil, natural gas, and similar non-regenerative resources. 2. Bank accounting and investment property Banks may acquire properties when they foreclose on clients’ loans. Usually such properties will be shown as ‘’held for sale’’ (see IFRS 5 workbook). If the properties are to be sold, they are normally disposed of swiftly, as regulations of the Central Bank may demand that the value of such properties are reduced in the books of the banks holding them. The bank may decide to maintain ownership of the properties (having completed any outstanding legal steps) either for its own use (IAS16) or as investment properties (IAS 40). Summary The bank may acquire an unfinished building when it forecloses on a loan. It may decide to complete the building rather than sell it in its unfinished state. IAS 40 applies. Most banks are heavily involved in property: their own property and that of their clients. Their clients often use property as collateral, as well as using bank funds to finance the purchase and sometimes for the construction of property. As a bank’s involvement in property increases, so does the need for banks to employ their own property experts. IAS 40 applies to existing investment property that is being redeveloped for continued use as investment property. The use of IAS 40 would also be found if the bank owns a subsidiary, associate or joint venture that is directly involved in investment property. Its consolidated accounts would include investment property as a result. Banks’ primary involvement in investment property is where it owns a building and uses a relatively-small part of it for banking. It leases the rest of the building for commercial or residential use. The parts leased to others may be accounted for as investment property. Bank clients may be involved in investment property. If so, financial analysis of their IFRS financial statements would require knowledge of IAS 40. Concerns for Bankers In general, banks will not build up a portfolio of investment properties unless the profits from these are considerably higher than those that can be earned from banking activities. (Banks will prefer to use their funds in their banking business.) Investment in properties involves medium and long-term financing, and therefore may have a negative effect on liquidity from banks. IFRS primarily concerns the economic value and profit of transactions, whilst bankers are deeply concerned about liquidity and cash flows. Investment properties are medium and long-term ventures. There may be little, or no, inflow of cash until the property is finished and rented to third parties. This may require the developer to provide finance for much of the work for considerable periods of time before reimbursement, with a potential for liquidity problems arising as a result. Property values tend to decrease in economic recessions, but also decrease in specific towns (or areas of towns) if a major employer (private sector or public sector) moves away from that location. Regular reviews of the cash flows are needed to ensure that any slippage in the development and any anticipated reduction in rental values are quickly identified and action taken. Investment properties, both commercial and residential, may loses tenants, and will be replaced by tenants who pay lower rents, or some of the property may be left empty, generating no rent. Another major concern with investment property is hidden losses generated by making insufficient progress, or mistakes in the early or middle stages of the development, causing cost overruns to appear in later accounting periods. Banks which are financing such property are seeing the value of their collateral decrease, based on cash flows, and may experience late payments and defaults. Credit officers need to understand the impact of IAS 40 in the financial statements of clients. Where clients use the fair value model for accounting for investment property, gains will appear in the income statement even if they have not been realised. Such unrealised gains have not generated cash flows, and may become losses in future periods if significant revaluations occur. Appraisers utilised to provide valuations for clients should be recognised by the bank as acceptably professional and knowledgeable in the locations and type of properties being appraised. In reviewing loans for impairment, the bank may have to change its discount rate to reflect investors’ new expectations of yields in the new market conditions. In addition, if the property needs to be sold, the number of buyers will be fewer than in more-favourable economic periods. Those buyers may be expecting to pay extremely-low ‘’fire-sale’’ prices, rather than higher prices that were being paid a few months before. The property market may have a surplus of sellers and fewer buyers leading to lower prices. 3.Definitions Clients should provide professional appraisals based on all acceptable approaches, including the Income Approach, from which the future cash flows can be analysed for possible impairment. Carrying Amount A carrying amount is the amount at which an asset is recorded in the balance sheet. Clients may use the cost model for their investment property. Any impairment charges need to be examined by the bank to decide whether there is evidence that the bank’s loan is at risk. Cost Cost is the amount of cash (or cash equivalents) paid, or the fair value of other consideration given, to acquire an asset at the time of its purchase, or construction. Where payment is in shares, please see IFRS 2 workbook. Impact of Property Value Decreases Fair Value Fair value is the price that would be received to sell an asset, or paid to transfer a liability, in an orderly transaction between market participants at the measurement date. (IFRS 13) owner-occupied property or for short-term sale in the ordinary course of business, the land is regarded as held for capital appreciation.) (3) a building owned by the entity (or held by the entity under a finance lease) and leased out under one or more operating leases. (4) a building that is vacant but is held to be leased out under one or more operating leases. (5) property that is being constructed or developed for future use as investment property. Investment Property Investment property is property that can be: 1. land, or 2. a building, or 3. part of a building, or 4. both land and building. It is held by the owner (or by the lessee, under a finance lease) to earn rent, or for capital appreciation, or both. It does not include property held by the owner or lessee: 1. for the owner’s or lessee’s use in the production, supply of goods, services, or for administrative purposes; or 2. for sale in the ordinary course of business. It includes: (1) land held for long-term capital appreciation rather than for short-term sale in the ordinary course of business. (2) land held for a currently undetermined future use. (If an undertaking has not determined that it will use the land as Owner-occupied property Owner-occupied property is property held (by the owner, or by the lessee under a finance lease) for use in the business and IAS 16 Property, Plant and Equipment applies to owner-occupied property. Property type- different accounting treatment applied to properties under IFRS depending on their current and future uses and their ownership Standard Standard Name Valuation Owner-occupied property IAS 16 Property, plant and equipment Cost or revaluation. (see also IAS 20 Government grants) Property acquired in an exchange of assets Investment property Investment property being redeveloped for continuing use as investment property. Investment property held for sale without development (unless it meets the criteria of IFRS 5 – see below). Property held under an operating lease classified as an investment property Property held under a finance lease IAS 16 Property, plant and equipment IAS 40 IAS 40 Investment property Investment property Fair value or the carrying amount of the assets given up. Cost or fair value. Cost or fair value. IAS 40 Investment property Cost or fair value. IAS 40 Investment property IAS 17 Fair value (accounted for as a finance lease under IAS 17). The lower of fair value and the present value of the minimum lease payments. Leasing costs expensed. Property held under an operating lease – owner -occupied Property lease to another party under a finance lease Property sale and leaseback IAS 17 Leases. Owner-occupied IAS 16, Investment property IAS 40. Leases IAS 17 Leases IAS 17 Leases Trading properties – property (including investment property) intended for sale in the normal course of business or being built or developed for that purpose Property held for sale, or included in a disposal group that is held for sale. Assets received in exchange for loans (taking possession of collateral) IAS 2 Inventories (Properties held for sale that meet the criteria of IFRS 5 should be recorded according to IFRS 5 – see below. These are generally not in the normal course of business.) Non-current assets held for sale and discontinued operations Non-current assets held for sale and discontinued operations Property, plant and equipment (see Property acquired in an exchange of assets above) Construction contracts Lower of cost and net realisable value. Provisions, contingent liabilities and contingent assets (see also IFRIC 1, IFRIC 5) Present value of the expected costs, using a pre-tax discount rate. IFRS 5 IFRS 5 IAS 16 Property provided as part of a construction contract Future costs of dismantling, removal and site restoration. IAS 11 IAS 37 Notes to the table on the previous page. Account receivable equal to the net investment in the lease. As operating lease or finance lease, as appropriate Lower of carrying amount and fair value less costs to sell. Lower of fair value less costs to sell and carrying amount of the loan net of impairment at the date of exchange. (see HSBC plc Annual Report 2005 page 247) Stage of contract completion or cost. [Type text] The table above identifies the different accounting treatment applied to properties under IFRS depending on their current and future uses and their ownership. Note 1: Where an asset is revalued under IAS 16, increases in carrying amounts above cost are recorded as revaluation surplus, in equity. Under IAS 40, using the revaluation model, all changes in fair value are recorded in the income statement. Reductions below cost are recorded in the income statement under both methods. EXAMPLE investment property You buy a 25-year lease of half an office block, sublet all the property to third parties, and use the fair value model. This is investment property. Once this classification alternative is selected for one property interest held under an operating lease, all property classified as investment property is accounted for using the fair value model, and accounted for as finance leases under IAS 17. Note 2. In the cases where the asset is subject to cost or revaluations, the carrying value will be reduced by accumulated depreciation and accumulated impairment (see IAS 36 workbook). EXAMPLE fair value for whole portfolio Your client buys short-term leases of retail shops and subleases them as bazaars. Your client treats one property as investment property. Due to this, all investment property in your client’s portfolio must be accounted for using the fair value model. Workbooks are available on our website on each standard that explain each accounting treatment with examples. Investment property is held to earn rent, or for capital appreciation, or both. EXAMPLE owner occupied You buy a property to let, but the tenant goes bankrupt. Temporarily you use it as offices whilst you seek a new tenant. During this time, it is owner-occupied property. A property interest that is held by a lessee, under an operating lease, may be classified and accounted for as investment property only if the property would otherwise meet the definition of an investment property, and the lessee uses the fair value model for the asset. The lease must be accounted for as a finance lease under IAS 17. The fair value model is described later in this book. The following are examples of investment property: (1) land held for long-term capital appreciation, rather than for short-term sale in the ordinary course of business. (2) land held for a undetermined future use. The land is regarded as held for capital appreciation. (3) EXAMPLE How should management recognise land held for a currently undetermined future use? Issue Investment property is land or buildings (or part thereof) held by the owner or lessee under a finance lease to earn rental income or for [Type text] capital appreciation, or both. operating leases) to different entrepreneurs. This is investment property. How should management recognise land held for a currently undetermined future use? Background Bank A is involved in real estate development. A has purchased land in Moscow through the exercise of a purchase option that had been acquired some years ago. The purchase price was 10 million and the fair value of the land as determined by an independent valuer is 23.7 million. The bank is undecided about whether to develop the land for sale to a third party or sell it, but will determine a use within the next accounting period. The bank’s accounting policy is to recognise investment property at fair value. Solution The land should be classified as inventory. Although the bank has not determined a use, the property is being held either for sale or for further development and eventual sale in the ordinary course of business. The property would be held at the lower of cost and fair (market) value. Had the bank decided to hold the land for long-term capital appreciation rather than short-term sale in the ordinary course of business, then it would be classified as investment property. (4) a building owned by the bank (or held by the bank under a finance lease) and leased out, via operating leases. EXAMPLE investment property You own a 99-year (finance) lease on a building. After using it as bank premises, you have organised the building into 50 separate offices, for startup businesses. You sublet these offices (via . (5) a building that is vacant, but is held to be leased out via one, or more, operating leases. EXAMPLE investment property You own a 99-year (finance) lease on a building. You have converted the building into 50 separate offices, for startup businesses. You plan to sublet these offices (via operating leases) to different entrepreneurs, but are awaiting the approval of the local authorities. This is investment property. The following are examples of items that are not investment property and are outside the scope of IAS 40 (see table on page 6): (1) property held for sale in the ordinary course of business, or in the process of construction, or development. These are accounted for under IAS 2 Inventories, or IFRS 5. (2) property being built, or developed, on behalf of third parties. These are accounted for under IAS 11 Construction Contracts. (3) owner-occupied property. This is accounted for under IAS 16. Included as owner-occupied property is property held for future use as owner-occupied property, property held for future development and use as owner-occupied property, property occupied by employees (whether, or not, the employees pay rent at market rates) and owner-occupied property awaiting disposal. Such properties are accounted for under IAS 16, not IAS 40. [Type text] construction period? EXAMPLES owner-occupied property. You own the following properties: 1. A new office, into which your bank will move next month. 2. Some land, on which you will build an extension to your bank. 3. An employee social club. 4. Your existing branch office, that you will vacate and sell. All are owner-occupied property. IAS 40 applies to existing investment property that is being redeveloped for continued use as investment property. EXAMPLES investment property You own the following properties: 1. Land on which you will develop offices to let. 2. An office block that is being modernised to increase rents. The office was leased to third party tenants, and will also be leased to third party tenants when modernised. It will continue to be accounted for as investment property throughout the modernisation. 3. Property being constructed for future use as investment property Issue Investment property is land or buildings (or part thereof) held by the owner or lessee under a finance lease to earn rental income or for capital appreciation, or both. i) can property being constructed for future use as investment property be recognised as investment property during the ii) how should the accounting change if management is redeveloping an existing investment property? Background A bank has recently acquired a plot of land to construct an office building. The land and building will be leased to a third party under an operating lease agreement when the development is completed. Solution i) IAS 40 applies. ii) Management can continue to recognise the property as investment property during the construction period. Redevelopment of investment property for continued future use as investment property is within the scope of IAS 40. These properties continue to be recognised as investment property, and are measured at either cost, or fair value, depending on the accounting policy the bank has adopted. (4) property that is leased to another bank, under a finance lease. EXAMPLE owned land leased You own a building that is leased to a third party under a 999-year finance lease. This is not an investment property. You account for the lease as an account receivable. (See IAS 17) EXAMPLE Investment property is land or buildings (or part thereof) [Type text] held by the owner or lessee under a finance lease to earn rental income or for capital appreciation, or both. 2. another portion that is held for use in the production, supply of goods, services, or for administrative purposes. How should management classify a property that is held for undetermined future use? If these portions could be leased out separately, the portions are accounted for separately. This also applies if the law allows the parts to be sold separately. Background B is a supplier of industrial paint in Germany. In 20X3, B purchased a plot of land on the outskirts of Frankfurt that has mainly low-cost public housing and has very limited public transport facilities. The government has plans to develop the area as an industrial park in five years’ time, and the land is expected to greatly appreciate in value if the government proceeds with the plan. B’s management has not decided what to do with the property. Solution Management should classify the property as an investment property. Although B has not determined a use for the property after the park’s development, in the medium term the land is held for capital appreciation. IFRS considers land as held for capital appreciation if the owner has not determined whether it will use the land either as owneroccupied property, or for short-term sale, in the ordinary course of business. The owner should choose either the fair value model, or the cost model, to recognise the investment property. Some properties comprise: 1. a portion that is held to earn rent, or for capital appreciation, EXAMPLE part-leased, part-owned A client owns a petrol station, which it operates. Above the petrol station is an office that it leases to a third party. The petrol station is owner-occupied property, and the office is investment property, and is accounted for separately. EXAMPLE Property held to earn rentals. Issue Property, plant and equipment (PPE) are tangible assets that a bank: i) uses in the production or supply of goods or services, rents to others, or uses for administrative purposes; and ii) expects to use for more than one period. Certain properties include a portion that is held to earn rentals or for capital appreciation, and another portion that is held for use in the production or supply of goods and services or for administrative purposes. If these portions can be sold separately (if the law allows), or leased out separately under a finance lease, a bank accounts for the portions separately. The property is treated exclusively as investment property if an insignificant portion is held for use in production, or supply of goods or services, or for administrative purposes. [Type text] How should the condition that the portions be capable of separate sale, or lease under finance lease, be interpreted for the purpose of determining if split accounting is appropriate? Background A bank owns an office building. The bank occupies nine of the ten floors as its head office, while the tenth floor is leased out to a third party under an operating lease. Management proposes that the property be treated entirely as PPE because the portion leased to a third party is leased under an operating lease and only represents 10% of the property. Solution Management should recognise nine floors as PPE, but the remaining one floor as investment property. The conditions regarding separate sale or lease under finance lease relate only to management’s ability and not to the terms of any current lease. The requirement for the property to be capable of being leased under a finance lease is to ensure that the definition of an investment property included in of IAS 40 is met. EXAMPLE sublet You sublet 3 floors of your office block to a third party, but your staff can share the canteen and restrooms within the sublet area. The sublet area is investment property. In some cases, a bank provides ancillary services to the occupants of a property it holds. A bank treats such a property as investment property, if the services are insignificant to the arrangement as a whole. EXAMPLE insignificant services provided The owner of a building provides security and maintenance services to the lessees, who occupy the building. The building is the owner’s investment property. In other cases, the services provided are significant. EXAMPLE significant services provided Your client owns and manages a office building. Services provided to guests are significant to the arrangement as a whole. Therefore, an owner-managed office building is owner-occupied property, rather than investment property. The amount of the property leased, 10%, is more than an insignificant portion of the property. The requirement to account separately for the PPE and investment property elements must be followed, assuming the 10th floor can be sold, or leased out under a finance lease. It may be difficult to determine whether ancillary services are so significant that a property does not qualify as investment property. For example, the owner of an office building sometimes transfers some responsibilities to third parties under a management contract. If the portions could not be sold separately, the property is investment property, only if an insignificant portion is held for use in the production, supply of goods, services, or for administrative purposes. EXAMPLES outsourcing A office building owner’s position may be that of a passive investor, having outsourced all running of the property to another firm. Alternatively, the owner may only have outsourced some day-to- [Type text] day functions, such as the catering. Judgment is needed to determine whether a property qualifies as investment property. A bank may develop criteria so that it can exercise its judgment consistently. In some cases, a bank owns property that is leased to, and occupied by, its parent or another subsidiary. The property does not qualify as investment property in the consolidated financial statements, because the property is owneroccupied from the perspective of the group. However, from the perspective of the bank that owns it, the property is investment property if it meets the definition. Therefore, the lessor treats the property as investment property in its individual financial statements (but not in the consolidated financial statements). EXAMPLE Investment and owner occupied You lease your whole factory to your parent company. In your financial statements it is treated as investment property. In the group accounts it is treated as owner-occupied property. group as a whole. However, from the perspective of the individual bank that owns it, the property is investment property if it meets the definition. The lessor therefore treats the property as investment property in its stand-alone financial statements [IAS40]. Should a hotel owned by a bank that was leased to a related company be classified as investment property in the consolidated financial statements? Background Bank A owns a hotel. B, a fellow subsidiary of A, manages a chain of hotels, and receives management fees for operating its chain, except for the hotel owned by A. A’s hotel owned is leased to B for 2,000,000 a month for a period of 5 years. Any profit or losses from operating A’s hotel rests with B. The hotel that A owns has an estimated remaining useful life of 40 years. Solution The hotel should be classified as property, plant and equipment in the consolidated financial statements. The hotel is both owned and managed by the group from the perspective of the group, and therefore it should be recognised as owner-occupied for the use in the supply of goods or services. A should recognise the property (subject to an operating lease) as investment property in its individual financial statement. EXAMPLE Property occupied by subsidiary Issue A bank owns property that is leased to, and occupied by, its parent or another subsidiary. The property does not qualify as investment property in consolidated financial statements that include both entities, because it is owner-occupied from the perspective of the B should recognise the transaction as an operating lease arrangement in its individual financial statement and charge the rental payments to the income statement over the period of the lease. [Type text] 4. Recognition Investment property is recorded as an asset only when: 1. it is probable that there will be future benefits from the investment property and Parts of investment properties may have been acquired through replacement. For example, the interior walls may be replacements of original walls. A bank will record the cost of replacing part of an existing investment property at the time that cost is incurred. 2. the costs of the investment property can be measured reliably. These costs include costs incurred initially to acquire an investment property and costs incurred subsequently to add to, replace part of, or service, a property. EXAMPLE site cost You buy land and a factory building. You remove the building and build offices on the land. The cost of the land, factory and rebuilding costs are all included in the cost of the investment property, as they are effectively all part of the site costs. Service Costs – Repairs and Maintenance A bank does not record the costs of repairs and maintenance in the carrying amount of an investment property – they are not capitalised. These costs are recorded in the income statement as incurred. These costs exclude items that significantly add value. Costs of servicing are primarily the cost of labour and consumables, and may include the cost of minor parts. EXAMPLE Costs of servicing Your client owns a block of flats. Your client is responsible for cleaning, repairs and maintenance of the common areas. These costs are expensed when incurred, and matched with the rental income in the income statement. The carrying amount of the parts that have been replaced is eliminated from the balance sheet. In the following examples, I/B refers to Income Statement and Balance Sheet (SFP). EXAMPLE parts that are replaced Your building has a carrying amount of $1 m. New interior walls cost $0,2 m. The original walls have a carrying amount of $0,1 m. Add the cost of the new walls, and remove the carrying amount of the old walls: $1 m + $0,2 m -$0,1 m = $1,1 m. I/B DR CR Property, plant & equipment B $0,2 m Cash B $0,2 m This records the purchase of the new walls Depreciation I $0,1 m Property, plant & equipment B $0,1 m This records the disposal of the old walls [Type text] EXAMPLE parts that are replaced You own a block of flats above your bank. It has a central security system that needs replacing. The replacement cost is $25.000. You estimate that the original security system has a carrying value of $10.000 within the overall value of the block of flats. Increase the carrying value of the flats by $15.000 ($25.000$10.000) when the new system is installed. I/B DR CR Property, plant & equipment B 25.000 Cash B 25.000 Recording the purchase of the new system Depreciation I 10.000 Property, plant & equipment B 10.000 This records the disposal of the old system Measurement at Recognition An investment property is measured initially at its cost. Transaction costs are included in the initial measurement. The cost of an investment property comprises its purchase price and any directly attributable expenditure. EXAMPLES attributable costs Directly attributable expenditure includes professional fees for legal services, property transfer taxes and other transaction costs. The cost of a self-built investment property is its cost at the date when the construction, or development, is complete. IAS 40 applies. EXAMPLE self build You are given some land by the local council. Throughout 2XX3, you build a factory on the land. On January 1 st 2XX4, you let the factory to a third party. You account for the factory as investment property under IAS 40. Examples of costs that should be expensed in the income statement, (and not capitalised) are: (i) start-up costs (unless they are necessary to bring the property to the condition necessary for it to be capable of operating in the manner intended by management), (ii) operating losses incurred before the investment property achieves the planned level of occupancy, or (iii) abnormal amounts of wasted material, labour or other resources incurred in constructing or developing the property. If payment for an investment property is deferred, its cost is the cash price equivalent. The difference between the cash price equivalent and the total payments is recorded as interest expense over the period of credit. EXAMPLE purchase of asset on credit You can pay $1m cash for a building, or pay for it over 3 years for a total cost of $1,3m. Using either payment method, the cost will be $1m. If the second payment option is used, the $0,3m will be treated as interest and will be accounted for as follows: I/B DR CR Property, plant & equipment B $1.0 m Accounts payable B $1.0 m [Type text] Being the purchase of the building Unexpired interest Accrued interest payable < 1 year Accrued interest payable >1 year Interest expense Unexpired interest Annual interest charge Accrued interest payable < 1 year Cash Payment of Interest B B B I B B B $0.3m $0.1m $0.2m $0,1 m $0,1 m $0,1 m $0,1 m The initial cost of a property interest held under a lease, and classified as an investment property is accounted for as a finance lease under IAS 17. This recognises the property at the lower of the fair value and present value of the minimum lease payments. An equivalent amount is recorded as a liability. (The present value of minimum lease payments is described in the workbook covering IAS 17). EXAMPLE Present value of lease payments You lease a building from the owner. Its fair market value is $1,1m. The present value of the minimum lease payments is $1m. Record the cost as $1m, and the lease liability also as $1m. I/B DR CR Property, plant & equipment (land) B $1m Finance lease creditor B $1m This records the lease of the property The cost of an investment property acquired in exchange for a nonmonetary asset is measured at fair value unless: the exchange transaction lacks commercial substance or the fair value of the asset received / given up, is not reliably measurable. EXAMPLE asset exchange You can pay $1 m cash, and give up an aircraft with a fair value of $4 m, in exchange for a building, which will be leased to third parties. If the building cannot be measured at fair value, its fair value should be taken to be $5 m. I/B DR CR Investment property B $5 m Cash B $1 m Property, plant & equipment B $4 m (aircraft) This records the exchange of aircraft and cash for the building. The acquired asset is measured at the carrying amount of the assets given up, even if a bank cannot immediately de-recognise the asset given up. If the acquired asset is not measured at fair value, its cost is measured at the carrying amount of the asset given up. Measurement After Recognition Accounting Policy A bank must choose either the fair value model, or the cost model. Once the method is chosen, the bank should apply that method to all of its investment property. Changes in accounting policies are detailed in IAS 8 (see IAS 8 workbook). A change of policy from the cost model to the fair value model may result in a more relevant presentation of financial statements. [Type text] It is highly unlikely that a change from the fair value model to the cost model will result in a more appropriate presentation. IAS 40 requires all banks to determine the fair value of investment property, either for measurement (if the bank uses the fair value model) or for disclosure (if it uses the cost model). Fair value should be determined by an independent valuer who: holds a recognised and relevant professional qualification, and has recent experience in the location, and category, of the investment property being valued. Fair Value Model After initial recognition of property at cost, a bank that chooses the fair value model will measure all of its investment property at fair value. EXAMPLE Fair value model - valuation methods Issue After initial recognition, if fair value model is chosen, all of the bank’s investment property should be measured at fair value. Which fair value valuation methods should management adopt? the market are compared with the subject property. Sales prices are analysed by applying appropriate units of comparison, adjusted by differences between the subject property and related market data. The sales comparison approach has broad applicability and is persuasive whenever sufficient market data is available. However, its reliability decreases when market conditions are marked by rapid change or volatility or in valuations where market transactions are limited. Income capitalisation method: market value is estimated from the expected future benefits to be generated by the property in the form of income streams. The method considers net income generated by comparable property, capitalised to determine the value for the subject property. The income capitalisation method is often applied to ownership of equity interests in a leased property. Cost method: establishes the value of the property by reference to the cost of constructing an equivalent property. The cost method is often applied in valuations of new or recent construction, and proposed construction, additions or renovation. The valuation methods above do not include any future capital expenditure that will improve or enhance the property, and do not reflect the related future benefits from this future expenditure. A lessee must apply fair value to investment property under an operating lease. Solution IFRS do not prescribe a particular valuation method. The IASC considered the market value guidance issued by the International Valuation Standards Committee (IVS) in developing IAS 40. The valuation methods recognised by IVS include the following: EXAMPLE Recognition of property where the land component is under operating lease Sales comparison method: similar or substitute properties sold in Issue [Type text] Leases of land should be classified as operating leases if title is not expected to pass to the lessee by the end of the lease term [IAS17]. EXAMPLE Fair value model - use basis for fair value 1 Can management automatically classify, as investment property, property that is leased out under an operating lease? Issue Background A bank owns a hotel that it leases out (as lessor) under an operating lease to a hotel management group. The hotel is situated on land leased by the government to the bank (as lessee) for a period of 99 years with no transfer of title to the bank at the end of the lease. The hotel building’s useful life is expected to be approximately 40 years. There are no provisions in the lease to return the land with the building intact at the end of the 99-year lease. The concept of fair value under IFRS is similar to the concept of market value as defined by the International Valuation Standard Committee (IVS). Solution Land Should management attribute any value to a building if the fair value of the property (land and building) is determined on the basis of redevelopment of the site? The land should be accounted for as operating lease under IAS 17 and can be recognised as an investment property only if it meets the definition of investment property [IAS40] and the bank has chosen the fair value model for investment property. The market value of an investment property is determined on the basis of the highest value, considering any use that is financially feasible, justifiable and reasonably probable. The "highest and best-use" value may result in a property’s fair value being determined on the basis of redevelopment of the site. Background Bank A owns an investment property that consists of land and a building leased to a department store in the centre of a major city. The carrying value of the property is 80 (land = 60, building = 20). Building Management should account for the hotel building as investment property. The building meets the definition of investment property and should be accounted for under IAS 40. A building is recognised as investment property if the lease of land extends beyond the building’s expected useful life and there are no provisions in the lease to return the land with the building intact. Management commissions a firm of property valuers to value the property. The valuation report provides the following results: Existing use basis - 85 (land 65, building 20) Highest and best-use basis - 100 (land 100, building 0) The highest and best-use valuation assumes redevelopment of the site. This will involve demolishing the current building and constructing an office tower, which would be leased to tenants. [Type text] Management does not intend to redevelop the property but would like to recognise the higher value (100). However, management proposes that the value be allocated as land 80 and building 20, because the existing building will still be used for the foreseeable future. Solution The highest and best-use value (100) should be used, but none of the value should be allocated to the building. The property’s market value is obtained on the basis of the building being demolished for redevelopment of the site, as opposed to its current use (as a department store). The market value of the current building on the highest and bestuse of the property (as an office block) is therefore zero. The building’s carrying amount should therefore be reduced to zero. The land value is increased to 100. Gain / losses from a change in the fair value are recognised in the income statement for the period in which they arise. This is a critical difference from property that is subject to IAS 16, where unrealised revaluation surpluses are not recorded in the income statement, but taken directly to the revaluation reserve in equity. EXAMPLE gain in value Your block of flats has been revalued, showing increase in value of $1m. This should be shown in the income statement for the period. I/B DR CR Property, plant & equipment B $1m Gain on revaluation of investment I $1m property This records the revaluation of the flats The fair value of investment property is the price at which the property could be exchanged between knowledgeable, independent parties. EXAMPLE - Fair value model - use basis for fair value 2 Issue The concept of fair value under IFRS is similar to the concept of market value as defined by the International Valuation Standard Committee (IVS). Market value differs depending on the use of a property. On what basis should management determine fair value? Background A bank owns an investment property that is a piece of land with an old warehouse on it. The land can be redeveloped into a modern leisure park. The market value of the land would be higher if redeveloped than the market value under its current use. Management is unclear about whether the investment property’s fair value should be based on the market value of the property (land and warehouse) under its current use, or the potential market value of the land. Solution The fair value of the property should be the market value of the land for its potential use. [Type text] The "highest and best-use" is used as the most appropriate model for fair value. Using this approach of valuation, the existing use of the property is not the only basis considered. Fair value is the highest value, determined from market evidence, by considering any other use that is financially feasible, justifiable and reasonably probable. This approach is confirmed in IAS 40. It establishes that the guidance in IAS 40 is substantially identical to the fair value guidance in the International Valuation Standards. These standards are published by the International Valuation Standards Committee and require the highest and best-use basis of valuation. For the purpose of establishing fair value, a seller is neither overeager, nor forced, to sell and is prepared to sell at a reasonable price in current market conditions. In the absence of current prices in an active market, a bank considers information from a variety of sources, including: i. current prices in an active market for properties of different nature, condition or location (or subject to different lease or other contracts), adjusted to reflect those differences; ii. recent prices of similar properties on less active markets, with adjustments to reflect any changes in economic conditions since the date of the transactions that occurred at those prices; and iii. discounted cash flow projections based on reliable estimates of future cash flows, supported by the terms of any existing lease and other contracts and (when possible) by external evidence such as current market rents for similar properties in the same location and condition, and using discount rates that reflect current market assessments of the uncertainty in the amount and timing of the cash flows. The definition of fair value assumes transfer of an asset and immediate cash sale. Fair value is determined without any deduction for transaction costs arising on sale. The fair value of investment property reflects market conditions at the balance sheet date. As market conditions may change, the amount reported as fair value may also change. Fair value of investment property reflects rental income from current leases, and supportable assumptions about rental income and expected cash outflows from future leases. Both the buyer and the seller are aware of: the nature and characteristics of the investment property, its current and potential uses, and market conditions at the balance sheet date. A buyer would not pay a higher price than that of the market. In exceptional cases, the fair value of the property will not be reliably determinable on a continuing basis. This will happen if there ceases to be a market for a particular property, either due to its use, or its location. EXAMPLE no market for the property You own a laundry, for which there has been an active market. New regulations require major investments in effluent control, and frequent inspections. Nobody now wants to buy laundries, so the active market disappears. Fair market value cannot be determined on a continuing basis. [Type text] THE ACCOUNTING TREATMENT IS DETAILED BELOW IN INABILITY TO DETERMINE FAIR VALUE RELIABLY. Fair value and value-in-use Fair value differs from value-in-use, as defined in IAS 36 Impairment of Assets (see IAS 36 workbook). In determining the fair value of investment property, a bank does not double-count assets, or liabilities, that are recognised as separate. EXAMPLES double counting 1. equipment, such as lifts or air-conditioning, is often an integral part of a building and is usually included in the fair value of the investment property, rather than recognised separately as property, plant and equipment. Fair value reflects the open market. Value-in-use reflects the bank’s estimates that may not be applicable to the open market. For example, fair value does not reflect any of the following factors as they would not be generally available to knowledgeable, willing buyers and sellers: (1) additional value derived from the creation of a portfolio of properties in different locations; (2) synergies between investment property and other assets, including other properties; (3) legal rights, or legal restrictions, that are specific only to the current owner; and (4) tax benefits, or tax burdens, that are specific to the current owner. These elements would be included in value-in-use. 2. where an office is leased on a furnished basis, the fair value of the office generally includes the fair value of the furniture, because the rental income relates to the furnished office. When furniture is included in the fair value of investment property, a bank does not record that furniture as a separate asset. 3. the fair value of investment property excludes prepaid, or accrued, operating lease income, because it is recorded as a separate liability or asset. The fair value of investment property: does not reflect future capital expenditure that will improve, or enhance, the property does not reflect the benefits from this future expenditure. EXAMPLE improvements You can pay $1m for a building, which is the market price. If you spend $0,4m on improvements, the value of the building would increase to $1,6m. The fair value should not reflect the benefits of this improvement option, until the money has been spent. [Type text] In some cases the expectation is that the present value of payments relating to an investment property will exceed the present value of the related cash receipts, thus generating losses. This situation is considered to be an onerous contract. regulations require major investments in emission control, and frequent inspections. Nobody now wants to buy or rent chemical factories, so the active market disappears. Fair market value cannot be determined on a continuing basis. IAS 37 Provisions, Contingent Liabilities and Contingent Assets should be applied to determine whether to record a liability for the onerous contract and, if so, how to measure it. EXAMPLE provisions You hold a 25-year lease on a building in a depressed area. It has few tenants and much of the building is not rented. The present value of rent payments that you have to make is $5million. If you spend $1million on improvements, the present value of payments increases to $6million (including improvements -$5million + $1million). The expected rents that you could receive from tenants would have a present value of $4million. The shortfall of $2million should be accounted for under IAS 37 (see workbook covering IAS 37). If there is no market for the property, the cost model set out in IAS 16 should be used until disposal of the investment property. Inability to Determine Fair Value Reliably In exceptional cases the fair value of the investment property may not be reliably determinable on a continuing basis. If this occurs when the bank first acquires the property, it should be accounted for under the cost model of IAS 16. This arises when comparable market transactions are infrequent, and alternative reliable estimates of fair value (for example, based on discounted cash flow projections) are not available. EXAMPLE no market for the property You own a chemical factory, taken as collateral following a client’s default, for which there has been an active market. New EXAMPLE Inability to measure fair value reliably Issue After initial recognition, if fair value model is chosen, all of the bank’s investment property should be measured at fair value. What are the circumstances under which management can revert to the cost model for the measurement of investment property? Background Bank A owns several investment properties and has adopted the fair value model for measurement purposes. It has completed the development of an entertainment complex and intends to lease the complex to a third party. Bank A will classify the complex as an investment property. A’s management is not able to determine the fair value of the entertainment complex, as there is no active market for such a property. A sale of the complex would be subject to significant negotiations. Solution The bank should measure the property at fair value. Although there is no active market for the property, the management intends to lease it to a third party. Management should be able to approximate fair value based on the present value of the future lease rentals. [Type text] The residual value of the investment property is assumed to be zero. The full amount recorded as cost will be depreciated over the useful life of the asset. If the cost model in IAS 16 is used for a particular property for which there is no market, all its other investment property will continue to be valued at fair value. If the bank has already used the fair value measurement for the specific property, fair value measurement will continue until disposal, even if comparable market transactions become less frequent, or market prices become less readily available. Cost Model After choosing initial recognition at cost, all of the investment property will be measured at cost less any accumulated depreciation and any accumulated impairment losses. This is in accordance with IAS 16’s requirements for the cost model (see IAS 16 workbook): EXAMPLE impairment loss charged to income statement Your investment property had a carrying value of $20m, based on the cost model. The current market value is $19m. The $1m impairment is expensed to the income statement. I/B DR CR Accumulated impairment B $1m Impairment losses I $1m This records the impairment of the property This excludes those properties that meet the criteria to be classified as held for sale (or are included in a disposal group that is classified as held for sale) in accordance with IFRS 5 Noncurrent Assets Held for Sale and Discontinued Operations. Investment properties that meet the criteria to be classified as held for sale (or are included in a disposal group that is classified as held for sale) shall be measured in accordance with IFRS 5. Cost includes external transaction costs, such as legal and agents’ costs, registration fees and property taxes, but not the costs of internal staff. The costs must be specifically attributable to the property in question. The inclusion of external transaction costs in the cost model contrasts with the fair value model where transaction costs are excluded from valuations. Transfers Transfers to, or from, investment property are made only when there is a change in use, evidenced by: (1) start of owner-occupation - transfer from investment property (IAS 40) to owner-occupied property (IAS 16); (2) start of development with a view to sale, - transfer from investment property to inventories; (Note: IAS 40 does not explain why this option is available, as normally such properties would be classified as ‘held for sale’ and accounted for under IFRS 5. It is suggested that properties would only be classified as inventories only if the criteria of IFRS 5 have not yet been met in full.) [Type text] (3) end of owner-occupation, - transfer from owneroccupied property to investment property; (4) start of an operating lease to a third party, - transfer from inventories (see note in (2) above) to investment property; or When a bank decides to dispose of an investment property without development, it must continue to treat the property as an investment property, until it is eliminated from the balance sheet, and does not treat it as inventory. If the property is a material item, IFRS 5: Non-current Assets Held for Sale and Discontinued Operations may apply for its disclosure in the financial statements – see IFRS 5 workbook. Banks usually choose this option as they do not normally keep inventories of property. EXAMPLE until disposal, investment property remains unchanged You decide to sell your interest in a block of flats. This remains investment property, until the sale. IFRS 5 may apply for disclosing the item. Similarly, if a bank begins to redevelop an existing investment property for continued use as investment property, it is not reclassified as owner-occupied property during the redevelopment. Summary of accounting treatment for transfer to/from investment property measured at fair value Issue Initial recognition of investment property, and its derecognition (when it is no longer recognised as investment property), may result from a change in use of the property rather than its purchase or sale. Solution The following table and the text below it summarise how management should recognise and derecognise investment property depending on the nature of the change in use. The treatment of gains and losses is applicable only to entities that carry investment property at fair value. No gain or loss is recognised on transfers of investment property carried at historical cost. Changes in use Transfer Start of owner occupation End of owner occupation Start of development to sell Investment Property to PPE* PPE* to Investment Property Investment Property to Inventories (or IFRS 5 – see note above) Inventories (or IFRS 5 – see note above) to Investment Start of operating lease to third party Fair Value gains/losses None IAS 16 None Income statement [Type text] Property *PPE = Property, Plant and Equipment Transfers to and from investment property should only be made when there is a change in use of the property. Such transfers and the resulting effect, under the fair value model, are identified below: i) An investment property is transferred to PPE only when management starts to occupy the property. The fair value of the property at that date becomes the cost for subsequent accounting under IAS 16, therefore no gain or loss arises. ii) An investment property is only transferred from PPE to investment property at the end of owner occupation. Any fair value gain or loss arising at that date is treated as a revaluation under IAS 16 and taken to equity. iii) An investment property that will be sold is only transferred to inventories (or IFRS 5 – see note above) if and when the company starts redeveloping the property with a view to selling it. The fair value of the property at that date becomes the cost for subsequent accounting under IAS 2, therefore no gain or loss arises. iv) A transfer from inventories (or IFRS 5 – see note above) to investment property occurs only when the property is the subject of an operating lease to a third party. Fair value gain or loss at that date is recognised in the income statement. Property being redeveloped for continuing use remains classified as investment property and is not transferred to PPE. EXAMPLE redevelopment does not change classification You own a finance lease on a building. You are converting the building into 50 separate offices. You plan to sublet these offices to different entrepreneurs. This remains investment property throughout the redevelopment. When a bank uses the cost model, transfers between investment property, owner-occupied property and inventories (or IFRS 5 – see note above) do not change the carrying amount of the property transferred, and they do not change the cost of that property for measurement, or disclosure purposes. Therefore, there is no profit, nor loss, on these transactions. EXAMPLE reclassify property from investment to ready-for-sale You use the cost model. When you reclassify property from investment to ready-for-sale, or to owner-occupied, there is no change to the carrying amounts. Therefore, there is no profit, nor loss, on these transactions. For a transfer from investment property, carried at fair value, to owner-occupied property or inventories (or IFRS 5 – see note above), the property’s cost for subsequent accounting under IAS 16, or IAS 2, is its fair value. EXAMPLE Changes in accounting policies Issue The adoption of an accounting policy for events or transactions that differ in substance from previously occurring events or transactions is not a change in accounting policies (IAS8). How should management recognise the adoption of a new accounting policy in respect of an existing asset? Background [Type text] Bank A owns an office building which it uses for its own administrative purposes. Accordingly, the building is classified as property, plant and equipment and is carried at depreciated historical cost (IAS 16). During the current year, management moved the workforce to a new building and leased the old building to a third party. Accordingly, the old building was reclassified as investment property and carried at fair value. Bank A had not previously earned rental income on any of its properties. Management has questioned whether the comparative amounts for the old building should be restated to fair value to aid comparability with the prior period. Solution Management should recognise the effects prospectively, since it is not a change in accounting policy but there is a change in use of the property. No restatement of the comparative amounts should be made. The different accounting treatment applied to the same property in the current and prior years is appropriate, because the building was used for different purposes in the two years. Depending on the materiality of the rental revenue in relation to the bank’s revenue as a whole, management should consider whether a new reportable segment now exists. This is not the same as a situation where an existing segment becomes reportable. Management should not restate operating segment-reporting information (IFRS 8). EXAMPLE reclassification from investment property. You use the fair value model. When you reclassify $20m property from investment property to ready-for-sale, or to owner-occupied property, there is no change to the carrying amounts. The fair value of the investment property becomes the cost of inventory(or IFRS 5 – see note above), or the cost of owneroccupied property so is no profit, nor loss. I/B DR CR Property, plant & equipment (owner- B $20m occupied property) Property, plant & equipment B $20m (investment property) Being the reclassification of the property I/B DR CR Inventory (or IFRS 5 – see note B $20m above)- Property, plant & equipment Property, plant & equipment B $20m (investment property) Being the alternative reclassification of the property If an owner-occupied property becomes an investment property carried at fair value, you apply IAS 16 up to the date of change in use. At that date, any difference between the carrying amount under IAS 16 and fair value will treated in the same way as a revaluation under IAS 16. [Type text] EXAMPLE reclassification from owner-occupied property You use the fair value model. You reclassify property from owneroccupied property to investment property. Your property had a carrying value of $15m. It has been revalued at $17m. The $2m surplus will be credited to the revaluation surplus reserve within equity. I/B DR CR Property, plant & equipment B $2m Revaluation reserve B $2m This records the revaluation. Property, plant & equipment B $17m (owner-occupied property) Property, plant & equipment B $17m (investment property) Being the reclassification of the property A bank depreciates an owner-occupied property according to IAS 16, and records any impairment losses that have occurred. When an owner-occupied property is transferred to investment property, it may be revalued and carried at fair value, At the date of transfer from owner-occupied property to investment property, treat any difference between the carrying amount and fair value in the same way as a revaluation under IAS 16: (1) any resulting decrease in the carrying amount of the property is immediately recorded in the income statement. EXAMPLE revaluation- shortfall Your owner-occupied property had a carrying value of $20m. It is transferred to investment property. It has been revalued at $19m. The $1m shortfall is expensed to the income statement I/B B I Accumulated impairment Impairment loss This records the revaluation of the property Property, plant & equipment (owner- B occupied property) Property, plant & equipment B (investment property) Being the reclassification of the property DR CR $1m $1m $19m $19m However, to the extent that an amount is included in revaluation surplus for that property, the decrease is charged against that revaluation surplus. . EXAMPLE revaluation- surplus Your owner-occupied property had a carrying value of $10m. It has been revalued at $12m. The $2m surplus is credited to the revaluation surplus reserve within equity. I/B DR CR Property, plant & equipment B $2m Revaluation reserve B $2m This records the revaluation of the property It is then transferred to investment property and revalued at $7m. $2m of the shortfall will be charged to the revaluation reserve. The remaining $3m shortfall will be charged to the income statement. I/B DR CR [Type text] Property, plant & equipment Revaluation reserve Accumulated impairment Impairment loss This records the revaluation of the property following reclassification (2) (i) (ii) (iii) B B B I $2m $2m $3m $3m any resulting increase in the carrying amount is treated as follows: the increase is recognised in the income statement to the extent that the increase reverses a previous impairment loss for that property, any remaining part of the increase is credited directly to equity in revaluation surplus. On subsequent disposal of the investment property, the revaluation surplus included in equity may be transferred to retained earnings. The transfer from revaluation surplus directly to retained earnings and not through income statement. EXAMPLE revaluation shortfall, then surplus Your owner-occupied property had a carrying value of $20m. It has been revalued at $19m. The $1m shortfall is expensed to the income statement. I/B DR CR Accumulated impairment B $1m Impairment loss I $1m This records the revaluation of the property in the first year It is then transferred to investment property and it is revalued at $23m. $1m of the surplus will be credited to the income statement. The remaining $3m surplus will be credited directly to the income statement. I/B B Property, plant & equipment (investment property) Accumulated impairment B Impairment gain I Revaluation gain I This records the revaluation of the property after the reclassification DR $3m CR $1m $1m $3m For a transfer from inventories (or IFRS 5 – see note above) to investment property that will be carried at fair value, any difference between the fair value of the property at that date and its previous carrying amount is recognised in income statement. EXAMPLE reclassification and revaluation surplus You have built a shopping complex for sale for a cost of $3m. You include it as inventory for this amount. I/B DR CR Inventory (or IFRS 5 – see note B $3m above) Costs I $3m Transfer of self- build costs to inventory A client offers to rent the shopping complex from you, which you accept. The fair value of the factory, based on the rent, is $4m. You transfer the shopping complex to investment property, valued at $4m and record the $1m gain in the income statement. [Type text] I/B B Property, plant & equipment (investment property) Inventory B Unrealised gain on investment I property This records the revaluation on the reclassification of inventory to investment property. DR $4m CR $3m $1m I/B equipment B Transfers from inventory to investment property (carried at fair value) is consistent with the treatment of sales of inventories (or IFRS 5 – see note above). On completion of the construction, or development, of a self-built investment property that will be carried at fair value, any difference between the fair value of the property at that date, and its previous carrying amount, is recognised in income statement. IAS 16 for this amount. DR $6m Property, plant & (investment property) Property, plant & equipment (owner- B occupied) Unrealised gain on investment I property This records the revaluation on the reclassification of owner-occupied to investment property. DR $7m CR $6m $1m Disposals 1. An investment property is eliminated from the balance sheet on disposal, and when no future economic benefits are expected from it. EXAMPLE reclassification and gain You have built an office for a cost of $6m. You account for it under I/B Property, plant & equipment (owner- B occupied) Costs I Costs to build office Clients lease the office from you. The fair value of the office, based on the rents, is $7m. You transfer the office to investment property, valued at $7m, and recognise the $1m gain in the income statement. CR $6m 2. The disposal may be achieved by sale, or by entering into a finance lease. In determining the date of disposal for investment property, a bank applies the criteria in IAS 18 for recognising revenue. 3. Sale and leaseback transactions are detailed in the workbook to IAS 17. 4. If a bank recognises in the carrying amount of an asset the cost of a replacement for part of an investment property, it also derecognises the carrying amount of the part replaced. [Type text] EXAMPLE new components Your property has a carrying amount of $10m. The new air conditioning unit cost $0,2m. The original air conditioning has a carrying amount of $0,1m. Add the cost of the new air conditioning unit, and remove the carrying amount of the old unit -$10m + $0,2m -$0,1m = $10,1m. I/B DR CR Property, plant & equipment B $0,2m Cash B $0,2m This records the cost of the new unit Depreciation I $0,1m Property, plant & equipment B $0,1m This records the disposal of the old unit For investment property accounted for using the cost model, a replaced part may have been accounted for within the total cost of the property. EXAMPLE gain on disposal $6m is the carrying value of your property that you sell for $8m. You record a gain of $2m ($8m-$6m) in the income statement. Cash Property, plant & equipment Gain on disposal of property Sale of property I/B B B I DR $8m CR $6m $2m The consideration receivable on disposal of an investment property is recognised initially at fair value. In particular, if payment for an investment property is deferred, the consideration received is recognised initially at the cash price equivalent. The difference between the nominal amount of the consideration and the cash price equivalent is recognised as interest revenue in accordance with IAS 18, using the effective interest method. EXAMPLE gain on disposal and interest received If it is not practicable for a bank to determine the carrying amount of the replaced part, it may use the cost of the replacement as an indication of what the original cost was in the first instance. Under the fair value model, the fair value of the investment property may already reflect that the part to be replaced has lost its value. Gains, or losses, arising from the disposal of investment property are determined as the difference between the net disposal proceeds and the carrying amount of the asset. They are recorded in the income statement (unless IAS 17 requires otherwise on a sale and leaseback) in the period or disposal. A property with a carrying value of $6m is to be sold for $8m cash, or for $9m payable in 1 year’s time. You record a gain of $2m ($8m-$6m) in the income statement for either payment method. Cash Property, plant & equipment Gain on disposal of property Sale of property I/B B B I DR $8m CR If your buyer pays $9m in 1 year’s time, the extra $1m will be treated as interest receivable $6m $2m [Type text] I/B B B I DR $8m CR Accounts receivable Property, plant & equipment $6m Gain on disposal of property $2m Sale of property Cash B $9m Accounts receivable B $8m Interest receivable I $1m Cash receipt and recognition of interest Compensation for impairment is recognised in the income statement when it becomes receivable. Compensation examples: state nationalising assets, payments from insurance companies. Impairments, or losses, of investment property, claims for compensation, and any purchase, or construction, of replacement assets are separate events and are accounted for as follows: (1) impairments of investment property are recognised in accordance with IAS 36; (2) retirements, or disposals, of investment property are recognised in accordance with IAS 40; (3) compensation for investment property that was impaired, lost, or given up, is recorded in the income statement when it becomes receivable; and (4) the cost of assets restored, purchased, or built as replacements, is determined in accordance with IAS 40. 5. Disclosure Fair Value Model and Cost Model These disclosures apply in addition to those in IAS 17. Under IAS 17, the owner of an investment property provides lessors’ disclosures about leases into which it has entered. A bank that holds an investment property under a lease provides lessees’ disclosures for finance leases, and lessors’ disclosures for any operating leases into which it has entered. A bank will disclose: (1) whether it applies the fair value, or the cost model. (2) if it applies the fair value model, whether, and in what circumstances, property interests held under operating leases are classified, and accounted for, as investment property. (3) when classification is difficult, the criteria it uses to distinguish investment property from owner-occupied property, and from property held for sale in the ordinary course of business. (4) the methods and assumptions applied in determining the fair value including a statement whether fair values are supported by market evidence, or other factors because of the nature of the property and lack of comparable market data. (5) whether fair value of is based on a valuation by an independent valuer, who holds a recognised and relevant professional qualification, and has recent experience in the location, and category of the investment property being valued. If there has been no such valuation, that fact is disclosed [Type text] (6) the amounts recognised in income statement for: rental income from investment property direct operating expenses (including repairs and maintenance) arising from investment property that generated rental income during the period; and direct operating expenses (including repairs and maintenance) arising from investment property that did not generate rental income during the period. the cumulative change in fair value recognised in the income statement on a sale of investment property from a pool of assets in which the cost model is used into a pool in which the fair value model is used the existence and amounts of restrictions on the realisability of investment property, remittance of income or disposal proceeds. contractual obligations to purchase, build or develop investment property, or for repairs, maintenance, or enhancements. 1.1 Fair Value Model (please see Sample Accounting Policy and Note taken from Illustrative Investment Property Financial Statements 2002, PWC, below) A bank that applies the fair value model will disclose a reconciliation between the carrying amounts of investment property at the beginning, and end, of the period, showing the following: (1) additions, disclosing separately those additions resulting from acquisitions, and those resulting from subsequent expenditure recognised in the carrying amount of an asset; (2) (3) additions resulting from acquisitions through business combinations; disposals; (4) net gains, or losses, from fair value adjustments; (5) the net exchange differences arising on the translation of the financial statements into a different presentation currency, and on translation of a foreign operation into the presentation currency of the reporting bank; (6) transfers to, and from, inventories and owner-occupied property; (7) other changes. When a valuation is adjusted significantly for the purpose of the financial statements, for example to avoid double-counting of assets, or liabilities, that are recognised as separate assets and liabilities, the bank will disclose a reconciliation between the valuation obtained, and the adjusted valuation included in the financial statements, showing separately the aggregate amount of any recognised lease obligations that have been added back, and any other significant adjustments. When a bank measures investment property using the cost model, due to the inability to determine fair value on a continuing basis, the above reconciliation will disclose amounts relating to that investment property separately from amounts relating to other investment property. In addition, a bank will disclose: (1) a description of the investment property; [Type text] (ii) additions resulting combinations; (iii) disposals; (2) an explanation of why fair value cannot be determined reliably; (3) if possible, the range of estimates within which fair value is highly likely to lie; and (4) on disposal of investment property not carried at fair value: (i) the fact that the bank has disposed of investment property not carried at fair value; (ii) the carrying amount of that investment property at the time of sale; and (iii) the amount of gain, or loss, recognised. 1.2 Cost Model A bank that applies the cost model will also disclose: (1) the depreciation methods used; (2) the useful lives, or the depreciation rates, used; (3) the gross carrying amount, and the accumulated depreciation (plus with accumulated impairment losses) at the beginning, and end, of the period; (i) a reconciliation of the carrying amount of investment property at the beginning, and end, of the period, showing the following: additions, disclosing separately those additions resulting from acquisitions, and those resulting from subsequent expenditure recognised as an asset; acquisitions through business (iv) depreciation; (v) the amount of impairment losses recognised, and the amount of impairment losses reversed, during the period, in accordance with IAS 36; (vi) the net exchange differences arising on the translation of the financial statements into a different presentation currency, and on translation of a foreign operation, into the presentation currency of the reporting bank; (vii) transfers to, and from, inventories and owner-occupied property; and (viii) other changes; and (5) (i) the fair value of investment property. When a bank cannot determine the fair value of the investment property reliably, it will disclose: a description of the investment property; (ii) (4) from an explanation of why fair value cannot be determined reliably; and (iii) if possible, the range of estimates within which fair value is highly likely to lie. Illustrative Corporate Consolidated Financial Statements 2006 (PwC) Investment property [Type text] Investment property is defined as property (land or a building – or part of a building – or both) held (by the owner or by the lessee under a finance lease) to earn rentals, realise capital appreciation or both, rather than for: (i) use in the production of supply of goods or services or for administrative purposes; or (ii) sale in the ordinary course of business. Note – Accounting policies Basis of preparation The consolidated financial statements have been prepared under the historical cost convention as modified by the revaluation of land and buildings, , financial assets and financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss and investment properties, which are carried at fair value. Investment property Investment property, principally comprising freehold office buildings, is held for long-term rental yields and is not occupied by the Group. Investment property is carried at fair value, representing the open market value determined annually by external valuers. Fair value is based on active market prices, adjusted, if necessary, for any difference in the nature, location or condition of the specific asset. If this information is not available, the Group uses alternative valuation methods such as recent prices on less active markets or discounted cash flow projections. These valuations are reviewed annually by [name of the external valuers]. Changes in fair values are recorded in the income statement as part of other income. Land held under operating lease is classified and accounted for as investment property when the rest of the definition of investment property is met. The operating lease is accounted for as if it were a finance lease. Note – Investment property 2006 2005 15,690 16,043 748 (1,396) 1,670 1,043 Beginning of year Exchange differences Fair value gains (included in other (losses)/gains – net) End of year 18,108 15,690 The investment properties are valued annually on 31 December at fair value based on market values determined by an independent qualified valuer. The following amounts have been recognised in the income statement: Rental income Direct operating expenses arising from investment properties that generate rental income Direct operating expenses that did not generate rental income 2006 2005 770 620 (640) (550) (40) (20) Note – Capital commitments Capital expenditure contracted for at the balance sheet date but not recognised in the financial statements is as follows: Property, plant and equipment Investment property Consolidated balance sheet (extracts) 2006 3,593 290 2005 3,667 – Investment property – repairs and maintenance ASSETS 2006 Non-current Property, plant and equipment 155,341 98,670 Investment property 18,108 15,690 2005 Contractual obligations for future repairs and 140 130 [Type text] maintenance of investment property 6. Multiple choice questions 1. 1. 2. 3. Fair value is the amount for which an asset: Could be exchanged by related parties. Would realise as scrap value. Could be exchanged by knowledgeable, independent parties. 2. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Investment property can be: Land. A building. Part of a building. Both land and building. All of these. 3. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Investment property can be held by: The owner. A lessor, under a finance lease. A lessee, under a finance lease. 1 & 2. 1& 3. All. 4. 1. 2. 3. Owner-occupied property: Can be treated as investment property. Cannot be treated as investment property. Can sometimes be treated as investment property. 5. A property that is held by a lessee, under an operating lease, may be held as an investment property, but only if: It is a hotel. The lessee uses the fair value model. The operating lease exceeds 20 years. 1. 2. 3. [Type text] 5. 1-7 +10. 6. 1. 2. 3. If property held under an operating lease is classified as investment property: All property held under operating leases are classified as investment properties. All investment property will be accounted for using the fair value model. Depreciation will no longer be charged. 7. Which of the following are examples of investment properties: (1) Land held for long-term capital appreciation. (2) Land held for an undetermined future use. The land is regarded as held for capital appreciation. (3) A building owned by the bank (or held by the bank under a finance lease) and leased out, via one, or more, operating leases. (4) A building that is vacant, but is held to be leased out via one, or more, operating leases. (5) Property held for sale in the ordinary course of business. (6) Property being built on behalf of third parties. (7) Owner-occupied property. (8) Property that is being built for use as investment property. (9) Existing investment property that is being redeveloped for continued use as investment property. (10) Property that is leased to another bank, under a finance lease. 1. 2. 3. 4. 1-10. 1-7. 1-4. 1-4 +8 + 9. 8. If a property is partly an investment property, and partly owner-occupied, the firm should account for the property: 1. As investment property. 2. As owner-occupied. 3. Each portion should be accounted for separately. 9. If a firm provides significant ancillary services to tenants in its property: 1. It may have to be classified as owner-occupied, rather than an investment property. 2. It may have to be classified as investment property, rather than as owner-occupied. 3. The service fees should be capitalised. 10. A parent company leases a property to its subsidiary. It may be classified as an investment property in the: 1. Subsidiary’s accounts. 2. Consolidated accounts. 3. Parent company’s individual financial statements. 11. Repairs and maintenance costs are normally: 1. Capitalised. 2. Expensed in the income statement as incurred. 3. Recorded as deferred expenses. 12. If the costs of a major repair (for example, replacement of walls) are capitalised: 1. They must be shown as a separate asset. 2. Any remaining costs of a previous walls must be written off. 3. The board of directors must be notified immediately. [Type text] 13. Elements of cost of an investment are: i. ii. iii. iv. Its purchase price Legal costs. Property transfers taxes. Overheads of the property department relating to the purchase of the asset. 1. i-iv 2. i-iii 3. i-ii 4. I 14. The following costs: (i) start-up costs (unless they are necessary to bring the property to the condition necessary for it to be capable of operating in the manner intended by management). (ii) operating losses incurred before the investment property achieves the planned level of occupancy. (iii) abnormal amounts of wasted material, labour or other resources incurred in constructing or developing the property. should be accounted for as: 1. Extraordinary items. 2. (Capitalised as) fixed assets. 3. Expenses. 15. If payment for an investment property is deferred beyond normal credit terms, any additional payment above the cash cost of the asset will be accounted for as: 1. Cost of fixed asset. 2. Borrowing cost. 3. Repairs and maintenance. 16. The cost of a property interest held under a lease should be valued at: 1. Fair value. 2. The present value of the minimum lease payments. 3. The higher of 1& 2. 4. The lower of 1& 2. 17. If one or more assets are exchanged for a new asset, the new asset is valued at: 1. Replacement cost. 2. Fair value. 3. Residual value. 18. In the case of an exchange of assets, if the acquired asset cannot be valued: 1. The cost of the asset given up is used. 2. The residual value is used. 3. The asset cannot be capitalised. 19. A bank can choose either the cost model or the revaluation model, as its accounting policy for investment property. It must apply the chosen model to: 1. All fixed assets. 2. All investment property. 3. Major assets. 20. A gain arising from a change in the fair value of investment property should be recorded: 1. In the revaluation reserve. 2. As an extraordinary item. 3. In the income statement. [Type text] 21. Fair value includes: 1. Special financial arrangements. 2. Transaction costs incurred in the sale. 3. Both 1 & 2. 4. Neither 1 nor 2. 22. Fair value includes: (1) additional value derived from the creation of a portfolio of properties in different locations; (2) synergies between investment property and other assets; (3) legal rights, or legal restrictions, that are specific only to the current owner; and (4) tax benefits, or tax burdens, that are specific to the current owner. (6) All of 1-4. (7) None of 1-4. 23. Value in use includes: (1) Additional value derived from the creation of a portfolio of properties in different locations; (2) Synergies between investment property and other assets; (3) Legal rights, or legal restrictions, that are specific only to the current owner; and (4) Tax benefits, or tax burdens, that are specific to the current owner. (5) All of 1-4. (5) None of 1-4. 24. Fair value accounts for future capital expenditure that will improve the property: 1. By discounting it to present value. 2. By noting it as a contingent liability. 3. By not reflecting it. 25. Using the cost model, the asset in accounted for at: 1. Cost. 2. Cost less accumulated depreciation. 3. Cost less accumulated depreciation and any impairment losses. 26. Transfers to, or from, investment property is made only when there is a change in use, evidenced by: (1) Start of owner-occupation - transfer from investment property to owner-occupied property; (2) Start of development with a view to sale, - transfer from investment property to inventories; (3) End of owner-occupation, - transfer from owneroccupied property to investment property; (4) Start of an operating lease to another party, - transfer from inventories to investment property; (5) Transfer from property in the course of construction, or development, to investment property. (6) Any of 1-5. (7) None of 1-5. [Type text] 27. When a bank decides to dispose of an investment property without development: 1. It is transferred to inventory. 2. It continues to treat the property as an investment property. 3. It is reclassified as owner-occupied. 28. If a bank begins to redevelop an existing investment property for continued use as investment property: 1. It is transferred to inventory. 2. It continues to treat the property as an investment property. 3. It is reclassified as owner-occupied. 29. When a bank uses the cost model, transfers between investment property, owner-occupied property and inventories: 1. Do not change the carrying amount of the property transferred. 2. Should be revalued at the date of transfer. 3. Are prohibited. 30. For a transfer from investment property, carried at fair value, to owner-occupied property or inventories, the property’s cost for subsequent accounting is: 1. Its original cost. 2. Its fair value, at the date of change in use. 3. Its original cost, less accumulated depreciation. 31. For a transfer from inventories to investment property that will be carried at fair value, any difference between the fair value of the property at that date and its previous carrying amount is: 1. Recognised in income statement. 2. Discounted to present value. 3. Noted it as a contingent liability. 4. Written off over the life of the asset. 32. When a bank completes the construction, or development, of a self-built investment property that will be carried at fair value, any difference between the fair value of the property at that date, and its previous carrying amount: 1. Recognised in income statement. 2. Discounted to present value. 3. Noted it as a contingent liability. 4. Written off over the life of the asset. 33. Compensation from third parties for items impaired, lost or sequestrated should be recorded as income: 1. When the item is lost. 2. When the compensation is receivable. 3. When the cash is received. 34. The carrying amount of an item is derecognised (written out of the balance sheet): 1 On disposal. 2 On entering into a finance lease. 3 Either. 35. A gain on the sale of an asset should be recorded as: 1. A capital gain in equity. [Type text] 2. 3. A gain in the income statement. Revenue. 36. The gain, or loss, arising on the sale of an asset is: 1. The cash proceeds. 2. The net proceeds minus the carrying value of the asset. 3. The net proceeds minus the residual value of the asset. 7. Answers to multiple choice questions 1. 3 2. 5 3 5 4. 2 5. 2 6. 2 7. 4 8. 3 9. 1 10. 3 11. 2 12. 2 13. 2 14. 3 15. 2 16. 4 17. 2 18. 1 19. 2 20. 3 21. 4 22. 6 23. 5 24. 3 25. 3 26. 6 27. 2 28. 2 29. 1 30. 2 31. 1 32. 1 [Type text] 33. 2 34. 3 35. 2 36. 2