Chapter Six ABiomes@

Chapter Six ABiomes@
Study Guide
6.3 AGrassland, Desert, and Tundra Biome@
1) Describe the difference between tropical and temperate grasslands.
2) Describe the climate in a chaparral biome.
3) Describe two desert animals and the adaptations that help them survive.
4) Describe one threat to the tundra biome.
Key Terms: savanna, temperate grassland, chaparral, desert, tundra, permafrost
1) In climates that have less ____________________, forest biomes are replaced by
________________________, ________________________, and ________________________
2) As less rain falls in these biomes, they change into ____________________ and
____________________ biomes.
3) As precipitation decreases in an area, the _______________________ of the species in the area also decreases.
4) Describe the
5) What two biomes are savannas found between?
6) What type of animals are found on the savanna? ____________________________________________________
7) When does the savanna burn and what does fire provide?
8) What are two adaptations that savanna grasses have and what are their function? __________________________
9) Why do some savanna trees lose their leaves during the dry season?
10) How do savanna plants protect themselves from herbivores?
11) Why do some savanna animals migrate?
12) How do herbivores lessen competition?
13) Describe the temperate grassland.
14) What have temperate grasslands been replaced with?
15) Where are prairies, steppes and pampas?
16) How do the mountains affect rainfall in North American grasslands?
17) What are the functions of the roots in the prairie grasses?____________________________________________
18) Describe how rainfall affects the growth of prairie grasses (fig. 20). ___________________________________
19) Why do trees not survive on the grassland? ______________________________________________________
20) What adaptation do grazing animals have ? ______________________________________________________
21) Why do some prairie animals live in burrows? ____________________________________________________
22) How have farming and overgrazing changed the grasslands? _________________________________________
23) Describe the chaparral.
24) What is the climate of the chaparral?
25) What are some common chaparral plants?
26) What are three adaptations these plants have for survival? ___________________________________________
27) What is a common adaptation of chaparral animals? ________________________________________________
28) What is the greatest threat to the chaparral biome? _________________________________________________
29) Deserts are the ____________________ places on earth.
30) Describe the desert biome. ___________________________________________________________________
31) How do mountains affect deserts? ______________________________________________________________
32) Describe the adaptations that cactus have to survive in the desert? _____________________________________
33) Why do plants roots spread out in the desert? _____________________________________________________
34) What are five adaptations animals have to survive desert biomes?
35) Describe the tundra biome.
36) Define permafrost.
37) What happens to the permafrost in the summer?
What does this create and attract?
38) What plants are found in the tundra? ____________________________________________________________
39) What are three adaptations that plants growing in the tundra have to survive?
40) Why do birds migrate to the tundra in the summer?
41) Why do caribou migrate through?
42) Why wolves come to the tundra? _______________________________________________________________
43) What adaptations do year round animal residents of the tundra have?
44) What are two reasons why the tundra is so fragile? _________________________________________________
45) How have humans disturbed the tundra biome?