Working Paper 4.2 Report of the working group on A National Evidence Centre for Education Richard Andrews Andrew Morris On behalf of the NECE working group December 2005 1 The National Educational Research Forum (NERF) is an independent organisation. Its role is to oversee the development of a coherent strategy for educational research and its use. NERF organises projects, seminars and workshops inspired by and engaging with its partners. The outcomes of these can be found in NERF’s Working Paper series, copies of which can be downloaded from the NERF website. Contact NERF by email on Website address: Working papers: list of themes 1 Capacity building 2 Systematic reviewing 3 Research strategy 4 Evidence centre 5 D&R programmes 6 Priorities 7 Practitioner engagement 8 Policy and research 9 About NERF 2 Foreword This report has been prepared by a working group established by the National Educational Research Forum in 2005. It worked from July to November 2005. Its members are listed below. The working group was established by NERF to explore in greater detail the strategic proposal it had made in 2004 for the creation of a national evidence centre for education (NERF Strategic proposals, 2004). The working group was chaired by Richard Andrews, Head of the Department of Educational Studies at the University of York. Its members had backgrounds in teaching and research in schools, colleges and universities and teacher training, and in the organisation of evidence for policy and practice in the social and healthcare fields. Richard Andrews Andrew Morris 24 November 2005 Members of the working group: Richard Andrews James Durran Amanda Edwards Vicky Hames Marilyn Leask Andrew Morris Mike Prosser Nancy Rowland Professor of Education, University of York (Chair) Advanced Skills Teacher, Parkside Community College, Cambridge (Vice-Chair) Head of Knowledge Services, Social Care Institute for Excellence Primary Teacher, Copmanthorpe Primary School Head of Effective Practices and Research Dissemination, Training and Development Agency for Schools Director, National Education Research Forum Director, Research and Evaluation, Higher Education Academy Head of Research, British Association for Counselling & Psychotherapy (ex-National Health Service Centre for Reviews and Dissemination) Administrative support: Alison Robinson Information Officer, English, Maths and Science Review Groups, University of York 3 Table of contents Executive Summary 5 Introduction 7 Role 8 Function 9 Scope 10 Scale 11 Partnership 13 Outputs 14 Impact 15 Governance 17 Transformation of evidence into action 18 Quality 19 Conclusion and recommendations 20 References 21 Appendix I Policy background 22 Appendix II Recent research background 23 Appendix III Existing evidence centres 24 Appendix IV Examples of output 26 Appendix V Quality framework 27 Appendix VI Contact with Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland 28 Appendix VII Diagram of NECE 29 4 Executive Summary Rationale and aims Following the establishment of the National Institute for Clinical Excellence (NICE) in the 1990s, and the Social Care Institute for Excellence (SCIE) in 2000, the time is now ripe for the creation of an analogous body for Education. This body, which we have provisionally entitled the National Evidence Centre for Education (NECE), will build on and coordinate existing initiatives in the field. The principal aim is to provide better evidence to inform teaching, and thus to improve the learning of all students in the UK. There is therefore a social justice dimension to the proposal: to contribute to the removal of inequities in the education system by providing a more secure, and more accessible evidence base for teaching and learning. Associated aims include enhancing the awareness of research evidence for teachers and lecturers; increased efficiency and effectiveness in the transformation of research findings into practice and policy; and ensuring that leading edge teaching is supported and challenged by the best evidence available. Needs and actions The working group recommends that an evidence centre be established for education that: 1. embraces all aspects and phases of education 2. is designed for use by all involved in education – lay and professional 3. produces outputs designed to help a range of types of user, including practitioners, policymakers and researchers, translate research and evidence into action 4. provides an on-line search facility for research-based evidence and a range of publications based on syntheses of high quality research 5. attends to the transformation of research evidence for the benefit of users. To achieve this it should: 6. combine a small core staff with wider networking, exploiting electronic and regional resources 7. work in partnership with organisations already offering support and guidance for practitioners using evidence 8. act as a node for networks and e-communities encouraging both the application of research evidence to practice and policy, and the accumulation of research evidence reliable enough for national application 5 9. commission the bulk of its outputs from external providers 10. take account, in its governance arrangements, of the wide range of stakeholders with vital interests 11. be developed gradually, building on the experience of existing centres and projects. 12. develop and apply procedures to ensure that users are not overwhelmed with an excess of unfiltered material. Recommendations This report outlines what is a radical and multi-dimensional idea. It is intended to assist NERF and DfES in developing their proposals. Members from the social care and healthcare fields were particularly struck by the opportunity presented in education to build upon the experience of existing initiatives in other sectors. The working group believes that many challenges would best be addressed by starting to “get on with the job”. It is for this reason that it recommends that the beginnings of a centre be established soon and that stages of development and piloting be used to resolve technical issues as they arise. The group hopes that this report will assist in the establishment of an embryonic centre and in the dialogues that will be necessary to ensure it has support from, and learns from, all interested parties. The working group therefore recommends that NERF and DfES: a) take forward the ideas set out in this report and begin to establish a National Evidence Centre for Education b) engage potential partners and stakeholders in a dialogue in order to design the development of the centre. 6 Introduction 1. Key initiative. The National Educational Research Forum was established by the Department for Education and Skills in 1999 with a remit to develop a coherent strategy for educational research in England. The priority that emerged from early discussion was the need to strengthen the connection between research, policy and practice. This approach was subsequently reinforced by recommendations in an OECD examination of educational R&D in England (OECD, 2000). After discussion within and beyond NERF a key strategic initiative was proposed: the establishment, at national level, of a centre or system for education that would bring together research evidence scattered across disparate organisations and make it available in easily useable formats. 2. A national centre or system. The proposal was for a centre or system to cover all phases and aspects of education, useable by all kinds of education professional, whether involved in research or not. Evidence was to be primarily research-based, though links to inspection, administrative or other kinds might be included. No particular view was held about whether the centre should be a physical place, a virtual system or a mixture of the two. 3. The working group. In 2005, a working group was set up, chaired by NERF member, Richard Andrews, to investigate in greater depth some of the issues such a proposal raises, drawing where relevant on experience elsewhere. The fields of social care and healthcare have proved instructive in this regard. 4. Outcomes. This document reports the outcomes of the working group. It is written for the members of NERF in the first instance. After discussion within NERF, the report could be made generally available to stimulate public discussion and consultation on whether such a resource should be brought into being for education. 5. A National Evidence Centre for Education. The report begins by considering the role of such a centre, what it would do and for whom. It then addresses questions of the scope, scale and organisation of such a centre and finally assesses its potential impact. The working title – National Evidence Centre for Education – is used in this report for convenience. The working group felt that a different title could be sought if key stakeholders so wished, but, from a teacher’s point of view, the working title seems clear and to the point. 7 Role 6. Purpose of the centre. The primary purpose of an evidence centre is to inform people who are making decisions or trying to improve practice by making research-based evidence readily available. A number of initiatives already exist for this purpose in many branches of education and social science. This proposal seeks to build upon these by: making evidence currently held in many different sources available through one access point facilitating the accumulation of evidence through research synthesis using this evidence as a basis for useful guidance materials for specific groups, such as teachers. 7. Audience. The group proposes that it should be designed for the benefit of all interested in education – professional and lay – including all involved in teaching, supporting, managing and leading learning, developing policy and materials, teaching teachers, researching, guiding learners and helping them at home, in the workplace and the community. 8. Brokerage and value for money. A centre would necessarily play a brokerage role between organisations that produce research evidence and those that need to use it. To succeed in this it would need to work in close partnership with many kinds of organisation including universities, research councils, governments, agencies and others in the voluntary, public and private sectors. The role of a centre would be to secure greater value from the separate efforts of partner organisations rather than to attempt to appropriate any of their functions. 9. Evidence for policy. For policymakers the centre would need to have a clear location in the chain of decision-making from ministers, through officials to those who provide educational services. For the highest level, where items of high quality research evidence are already made available through the work of analytical officials, the role of the centre would be to commission syntheses or interpretations, particularly where the evidence appeared to be divided or where absolute independence of judgement needed to be clearly seen. 10.Rapid response for policy purposes. For policymaking and for practitioners at all levels it would offer a rapid response facility for issues arising at short notice. For this purpose it is proposed that the centre maintains up-to-date information on where expertise lies on given topics (via expert networks as well as through individuals) and develops methods for commissioning rapid syntheses of evidence, on a politically realistic timetable. 11.Evidence for practitioners. For practitioners and those that work around them, it is more important that evidence is accumulated that is both relevant and sound, rather than available at short notice. Although some research evidence is now assessed and written up specifically for teachers, most is not yet available in a useable form or accessible through 8 a single point of contact. Practitioners need useful materials to support them in their daily practice. Such materials are already provided by the many organisations that support them but they vary in the degree to which they are informed by evidence from sound research. The working group proposes that, over time, the evidence centre works in partnership with the responsible bodies, such as TDA and GTC, to develop innovative teacherfocussed materials, informed by synthesised research evidence, designed for practical use. 12.A portal. What is needed urgently by both practitioners and policymakers, as well as by all other users, is a web-based portal providing access to evidence on a given topic from diverse sources. An example from the social care field, social care on-line (, demonstrates the potential value of such a facility. A NERF project is currently working on an education version. Function 13.Online service. Arising from this description of its role, it is clear that a centre would have a number of key functions. First, it would need to be able to draw on research reports, articles, reviews, summaries and other kinds of material from disparate sources. This will require a sophisticated search facility to enable materials to be brought together on a screen in response to a search request. The technical problems to be overcome in achieving this, in the areas of quality assessment, meta-tagging and presentation are currently being worked on in a NERF project: the National Educational Evidence Portal (NEEP). The example of social care online (SCIE, 2005) demonstrates the ways in which different kinds of material suited to different kinds of user can be clearly distinguished and quickly accessed. 14.Guidance services. The second key function would be to produce published or web-based materials informed by high quality research. These might include, for example: a) guidance for practitioners on priority issues b) advice to policymakers on the state of knowledge on a topic c) advice to research funders on topics where research evidence is lacking d) tools to help people make effective use of research 15.Synthesis service. To produce these kinds of output a number of inhouse processes would need to be developed. Information would have to be identified from many sources and classified according to various aspects of quality (see section on quality). Where appropriate and possible, evidence from primary studies would need to be synthesised to provide users with a concise appraisal of research information on a topic. The knowledge from such syntheses would subsequently need to be transformed for use in the contexts of practice and policy. In the view of the 9 working group, substantive work on synthesising evidence and publishing materials should be commissioned, but not undertaken by, the centre. Specific capacities that would be required in–house include: a) Technical resource to develop and maintain electronic search facilities b) Decision-making apparatus for selecting topics for synthesis c) Expertise on design of materials for different user types d) Commissioning capability for syntheses and production of materials 16.Network liaison and support. The working group took the view that the tasks of assembling evidence and producing materials would, of themselves, not be sufficient to impact significantly on practice. Studies of research impact (Nutley 2004, Rickinson, 2005) suggest that practitioners need to engage actively with, not merely be exposed to, research evidence. The group recommend that the centre should engage with the networks that already exist amongst practitioners, policymakers and researchers to encourage the use of the materials and to monitor their success. There may also be areas in which new networks would need to be established. 17.National research strategy service. In addition to the primary function of making research-based evidence available, the working group suggest that the centre could usefully provide information relating to the wider “business” of research. Acting as single point of contact, serving all sectors and communities in education, the centre could collate and make available information on the research agendas of disparate organisations with a view to identifying areas for collaboration and areas of overall weakness. Such a function could potentially assist in the identification of overall priorities for educational research in the future and perhaps for collating work on horizon-scanning or scenario-building. Scope 18.Comprehensive scope, but through a phased approach. The working group recommend that the scope of an evidence centre should extend to all age phases and aspects of education – from early years to higher education, from the nursery to the workplace. It should, in principle, be of interest to anyone with an interest in the education system, including parents, employers, learners and community groups in addition to professionals. In practice, however, resources would be limited at any given time and tough choices would be have to be made about topics to be covered and clients to be addressed. 19.Phase 1. Initially, it would be advisable for the centre to identify topic areas for which there is believed to be both a reasonable body of sound evidence and a lively demand from users. It would be advantageous if topics were chosen initially that transcend sector boundaries and were of interest to both practitioners and policymakers. Later, after the value of the centre’s 10 services had become more widely appreciated, the range of topics and client interest might be expected to increase. 20.National dimension. The working group favoured the use of the word ‘national’ in the title to denote its embrace of local, regional, thematic and sectoral information. Whether the word also referred to England or the UK as a whole would depend on the interest shown from the four constituent countries that make up the UK and on who funds it. The group felt that although there are significant differences between England, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales in educational provision, curricula etc., the underlying issues are common and that a UK-wide centre devoted to the gathering, dissemination and translation of research-based evidence would be desirable. Initial contact has been made by the working group with colleagues in the other UK countries, and in-principle support has been received (see appendix VI) Scale 21.Both physical and virtual. The working group deliberated on whether the centre should be conceived primarily as a physical building with a central staff team or as a largely virtual enterprise. It recommends a mixture of both. The ‘centre’ will need a core staff located in an actual building to develop expertise and a way of working. These might include researchers, teachers, knowledge managers, communicators and administrators. At the same time e-communities, and perhaps some live groups, should be developed to facilitate networking and impact activities regionally, nationally and, for some purposes, internationally. 22.Size. The working group found it difficult to estimate an appropriate size for a centre at such an early stage of planning. However it did feel able to put forward one or two suggestions in relation to size. 23.A small start. It would advisable for the centre to begin on a small scale, addressing a very limited range of issues, in order to concentrate on developing procedures agreeable to all parties and to demonstrate its value rapidly. Once this had been achieved, the centre could expand to cover a wider range of topics and client groups, as resources were made available. 24.Staffing – roles. However, a minimum range of capacities seems inescapable in a complex brokerage operation. For a centre to hold together and function at all it would need: a) a director b) experts in synthesis c) an expert in policy analysis for the ‘rapid response’ function d) an ICT network specialist to develop and maintain electronic systems e) a publications and communications specialist for editorial, design and marketing issues f) administrative/PA staff, including financial and commissioning 11 capability g) part-time seconded teachers/lecturers, officials and researchers to develop materials and networking 25.Staffing – numbers. The scale of staffing could not be finely determined by the working group at this stage. However, it estimated a range of 5 – 10 fte staff to operate a centre initially and noted that the National Institute for Clinical Excellence, a pioneer in the field, began with just four staff but grew rapidly, whereas the Social Care Institute of Excellence was launched with a complement of 20 staff, drawn largely from predecessor organisations. The group suggested that the number of staff needed at subsequent stages would depend on the way the centre evolved. The group suggests that a pilot be started drawing on the resources of a host organisation for personnel, finance, contracting and other functions. If this approach were to be adopted, however, the centre would need to be careful to preserve its independence from the host, and to be seen to do so.. 26.Growth options. Whatever the scale of funding, the services provided by a centre would need to be phased in over time. The sheer quantity of material to be processed and the multiplicity of user demands would be likely to outstrip the capacity available initially. The working group considered two fundamentally different growth options: a) developing a system in which suppliers freely submit their research material to an open database. This offers the possibility of most topic areas being covered from the outset but risks an unmanageable quantity of unfiltered material for users. b) choosing priority topics and selecting material according to agreed criteria. This would be more likely to result in a manageable quantity of relevant material for users, but coverage would be more patchy initially. Suppliers would have to submit to an extra selection process, and wait for their topic area to be given priority In the light of the proposal to ‘start small’ and concentrate on quality (see earlier in this paper), the working group proposes that the second approach be adopted for the production of syntheses and resources for users. However, the on-line facility, building on the NEEP pilot project, could provide more extensive coverage of topics, based on documents supplied by the research community. Technical development work on these approaches would need to be tackled in a pilot phase of the centre. 12 Partnership 27.Collaboration with agencies. The education world is blessed with an abundance of agencies and bodies to support the work of the teaching service and many of these have an evidence-producing and/or evidenceusing function. At present these provide guidance and other services for specific client groups – schoolteachers, post-16 leaders, teacher trainers, curriculum developers, examiners etc. The working group was concerned to ensure that an evidence centre should provide a useful and specific service for users rather than cause confusion. A new centre would need to work in partnership with these many organisations and to demonstrate its additional value. . 28.Benefits for agencies – pooling of evidence. In one important respect the advantage of a single national level evidence centre is unambiguous for these organisations: the pooling of evidence. Each has limited capacity for R&D itself, yet needs to be able to call upon evidence from a wide range of sources and to disseminate its outputs widely. A large number of organisations has already joined together on a voluntary basis in the NEEP project because each sees the long-term merit in a common approach to classifying, retrieving and displaying research information. The working group proposes that the evidence centre builds on and takes forward the preliminary work of NEEP. This involves addressing the technical difficulties of pooling research materials and developing an on-line facility. A further stage could involve inviting additional research organisations to join the consortium and developing more sophisticated functionality in the portal. See paragraph 56. 29.Quality and kite-marking. In a different respect the work of the centre would require more detailed one-to-one negotiations with partners. Producing guidance materials for specific client groups is a function that many organisations already perform. The value of the proposed centre would be to see that these were informed by high quality research evidence. In doing this it would need to avoid confusing the market with apparently overlapping materials. The working group proposes that the centre should act in partnership with relevant organisations to commission syntheses and produce materials. It would need to work closely with bodies that are developing methods of synthesis, such as the EPPI-Centre (also the ESRC centre for research synthesis) and with those that produce materials, such as government departments, NDPBs, universities and others in the voluntary, public and private sectors. It would need to be decided at a later stage whether the centre should have a distinct publication identity and/or should confer a publicly recognisable kitemark on materials produced by partners. 13 Outputs 30.Internet services. The presence of the evidence centre would be experienced by most people in education through its outputs. The mostly widely used would probably be its on-line portal, available to all through the internet. This would be located on the home page of a website and would enable people to reach research evidence on a topic. Other services would be publicised via the same website. 31.Print-based service. The working group recommends that printed publications should also be made widely available as there is evidence that both teachers and senior managers use these extensively. The production of these should be sub-contracted, either by the centre itself or by partner organisations with which it had agreed to collaborate. It is suggested that in the first instance these should be few in number and focus on guidance on topics of major concern. A distinct publication identity is likely to be very important to the recognition of the centre. 32.Types of document. A consultation document published by the National Institute of Clinical Excellence (NICE) during summer 2005 provides a useful starting point for classifying how evidence might be presented. It proposes four types of output document, aimed at readers with different needs: a) a quick reference guide b) a longer summary/effective practice guide c) a version for the general public d) full guidance, including any technical report. The working group suggests that these might also be appropriate types for an evidence centre in education. 33.Not a ‘what works’ approach. The working group felt that guides to the evidence would be well received by users, if recommendations were to be couched as ‘implications for practice, policy or further research’ rather than as guidance on ‘what to do’. Where evidence is equivocal or inconclusive, this information should be included alongside positive and negative findings. The group felt that the ‘what works’ approach over-simplifies the relation between evidence and action. 34.Rapid reviews. A distinct output of the centre, particularly for policymakers, would be rapid reviews on urgent issues. The centre would be in a position to use its growing knowledge of where expertise lay and of technical developments to commission these on behalf of government, agencies or other organisations. 35.Strategies for utilization. The working group felt that, in addition to the production of useful materials for different client groups, the centre should also encourage their active use. Studies of evidence utilisation suggest that this may well involve social processes in which groups of professionals adapt the materials within their various communities of practice. The working group proposes that networks associated with such communities be encouraged to associate with the centre to help stimulate 14 this kind of activity. It is anticipated that these would largely be existing networks, though where necessary the centre might also stimulate new ones. 36.Research strategy information and outputs. A further kind of output would be information on the ‘business’ of research, collated across the various partner organisations. This might include information about current research programmes, future plans, publications, key research questions etc. Such a role might be appropriate for the centre because it would be independent and active across all sectors, with growing expertise in information handling. 37.A journal of record. A final suggestion put to the group as a possible output from the centre was a “journal of record” for education in both print and electronic formats. The medical profession uses a journal of record, The Lancet, to disseminate and provide an arena for debate. Alongside outputs, it could provide a digest of research, which maintains the highest standards of peer review, which will have interdisciplinary presence, and which will respond to current issues in education (see appendix IV). Impact 38.Experience from other professions. The potential impact of an evidence centre would depend on many unpredictable factors, and would have to be estimated during the early developmental period. Initial confidence in the idea of an evidence centre comes largely from experiences in other sectors: first in medicine, health promotion and public health, subsequently in social care. NICE and SCIE have grown from small beginnings, surrounded by uncertainties. By choosing priorities carefully and attending to a range of stakeholder interests, they have become generally accepted as valuable. 39.Comparison with SCIE. Greatest impact is likely to be with practitioners and policy-makers. The case of SCIE provides a useful comparison. In both the education and social care sectors, there is a disparate research and evidence base, a dispersed workforce, a developing – but not embedded – culture of using research in practice, and a need to improve access to knowledge and research evidence. SCIE is now seen as central and essential to further development of practice and policy in social care. See the report, A Quality Strategy for Social Care (DoH 2000) which made the case for the establishment of SCIE and which set out the rationale and context for such a development. 40.Risks. There are several potential risks associated with a comparable initiative in the education field. First amongst these is the risk that the key stakeholder groups fail to see its merit. The practitioner community is not accustomed, as a whole, to using evidence regularly to inform practice; a demand side weakness highlighted in a 2005 OECD conference on linking evidence to practice. The policymaking community might see an evidence centre as unnecessary if it perceives itself as adequately served by present arrangements. Parts of the research community might find itself 15 unwilling to cooperate fully with a government-funded centre because of its concerns about intellectual independence and the nature of evidence. 41.Challenges. Perhaps the greatest difficulties might lie in the technical challenges of assembling, synthesising and interpreting evidence in a partnership structure, Clearly, to be effective the centre will need to work between the providers and users of evidence. This would involve collaboration with a large number of organisations with significant differences of outlook and purpose. To produce sound and useful outputs in this context would be a formidable management task. 42.Agents for transformation. The practical application and transformation of subject and pedagogic research evidence needs to be embedded in initial teacher training, in continuing professional development and in lecturing through the Higher Education Academy’s subject centres. The ‘research champions’, mentioned later in paragraph 53(e), will play an important part in this work. The influence may, in due course, also be felt to the way teaching is inspected, standards set and interventions designed.. 43.Demand from practitioners. Despite the risks and challenges outlined above, the desire for such a facility is widely felt. Amongst practitioners, some leading teachers and teacher trainers, identifiable through such activities as the NTRP teacher research conference, the NERF Bulletin and local networks, are actively seeking a coherent base of evidence with which to influence their practice. Organisations close to practitioners, such as the Higher Education Academy, Learning and Skills Development Agency, General Teaching Council (England) and the Training and Development Agency for Schools are supporting this through the development of the evidence base for their client groups. 44.Accumulation of evidence. In the policymaking area, several organisations are calling for, and working towards, a commonly held evidence base. Early benefits are likely to be felt simply in the growing awareness of the research outputs of other bodies. Currently, research evidence from the many agencies, HEIs and research councils are rarely assembled systematically. Combining evidence from organisations in the schools, post-16 and HE sectors and from independent social and economic studies, on, for example, young peoples’ attitudes to HE, would provide a richer base of evidence than at present. 45.Identification of gaps. A further impact on organisations that commission research, would be a better sense of where research is lacking. Weaknesses in the evidence base would be more clearly visible and information about what research is underway or planned would be readily available. 16 Governance 46.The NECE Board. NECE would need governance arrangements that reflect its purpose and mode of operation. It needs to be independent, in the intellectual sense, so its board would need to be free to form views without regard to the particular interests of its funders1. At the same time, to be relevant and useful it would need to work closely with government and providers. If it is to be a partnership organisation, making use of existing resources and working primarily through linkages with other bodies, its board would need to reflect the diversity of such bodies, in all sectors. To be effective the board would nevertheless need to be as small as possible. It should focus on strategic questions such as prioritisation, approaches and future funding and draw on stakeholder groups and expertise in key business areas, for members. A relevant model of governance might be that of Teachers’ TV in which a Board of Governors’ role is to uphold editorial independence; ensure value for money; set targets for performance and measure it against them; support strategic development; and provide a complaints appeals process. The governance arrangements for SCIE, for example, establish it as a company limited by guarantee and a registered charity governed by a board of trustees, one of whom is chair. SCIE is funded by an annual grant from the Department of Health, Wales and Northern Ireland, governed by a service level agreement. Distinct arrangements will be needed for scientific, as opposed to corporate governance. These will need to be considered in the next stage of development. 47.The Executive. To be efficient and effective, the working group recommends that a small executive would be needed to run the centre on a day-to-day basis. This would oversee the work of specialists in knowledge management, communications, ICT, research synthesis and administration, as well that of part-time staff seconded from educational bodies. 48.Advisory Group. The working group felt that in addition to the relatively small executive and strategic groups, a partnership body of this kind, straddling all sectors of education, would also benefit from a much wider advisory group with members drawn from all sectors and stakeholder groups. Such a group would be too unwieldy for decision-making purposes but, with the benefit of e-communications, would provide a rich resource of expertise and advice as required. 1 It is particularly important that NECE should be intellectually independent, as is the case with NICE and SCIE. The early work of SCIE emphasized open processes that were independent of and transparent to all stakeholder groups. 17 Transformation of evidence into action 49.Usability of research evidence. It is unusual for research as originally published to be immediately useable by teachers or policymakers. There often needs to be synthesis and then transformation of the results into key points. Much work is already going on at organisations such as HEA, TDA, DfES, NFER, , LSC, GTCE and at the EPPI-Centre with regard to the best forms of summary for practitioners. The working group recommends that developments at the centre should make use of and, where necessary, add value to, existing prototypes. To inform and improve practice, attention will need to be given to each node in the system: the individual teacher, the delivery institution (nursery, school, college, training provider, university etc), the senior team, local or national officers and ultimately, the pupil/student themselves. 50.Caution with guidelines. From the teachers’ point of view, caution needs to be exercised in the production of guidelines; they can be perceived as a constraint rather than as an interpretation of evidence. Teachers are more likely to be receptive to materials that are well synthesized and transformed for application in the classroom/seminar room. There is also some evidence that they may be more receptive to research if they have some experience of it, either locally, in initial teacher education programmes or as part of their continuing professional development. Such readiness to engage with research exists and needs to be developed (Rickinson 2005). 51.Role of networks. Locally-coordinated research networks operate in the health service to interpret and disseminate research findings. In education such a distributed system would need to involve teachers/lecturers, CPD professionals and teacher trainers to act as champions for the use of research evidence within their institutions. 52.Learning from experience. The working group suggests that plans for the evidence centre take account of recent experience in the transformation of research knowledge for use; in particular that: a) summaries of synthesized research evidence need to be written by representatives of specific user groups in order to ‘speak to’ their various constituencies b) mechanisms are needed at local or regional level whereby translation of evidence into practice is discussed, implemented and reviewed c) the centre should second people from user communities for fixed periods, to contribute to research transformation and for their own professional development d) existing networks (eg, GTC, LSRN, subject associations) should be encouraged to associate with the centre to encourage the development and use of research evidence. e) preparedness for the use and transformation of research evidence is developed through organisations such as the TDA as part of the 18 initial teacher training programme, and through CPD routes, so that there is a ‘research champion’ in each school or education institution who will promote and mediate research for practitioners. Quality 53.Volume constraints. A core function of the proposed centre will be to manage the transformation of a rapidly growing body of research evidence for practice and policy. There will, however, be limits to the quantity of information that can be handled. At the input end, the resources available for processing it will act as a limit; at the output end the pressure to select evidence, relevant and sound enough to recommend to users, will do the same. 54.Quality assurance procedures. Evidence is likely to be made available to users both through an on-line search facility and through the materials produced from syntheses. The working group suggests that distinct quality procedures will be needed for each of these processes. 55.A staged approach. The search facility currently being developed in NERF’s Evidence Portal project (NEEP) is expected to simply provide information about the quality assurance process through which each document has already passed, prior to publication, rather than offer an additional assessment of quality. The working group suggests that initially, the centre might adopt this expedient. At a later stage, procedures developed at the Social Care Institute of Excellence (SCIE), with its on-line search facility, Social Care Online, might be studied to assess their suitability for education. The issue of differentiation of material for different constituencies of user will have to be addressed. 56.Quality of output. For the second type of output, the resources to be published by the centre, criteria and processes will need to be developed for the selection of evidence that is both scientifically robust and of practical value to specific kinds of user. Processes and formats for the production of high quality published materials will also need to be developed. Again the working group suggests that the centre should draw upon the experience of SCIE, where guidelines have been developed for the synthesis of evidence and the writing and design of resource packs. 57.Categories of material. In general, procedures will need to be developed for characterising material so that readers can find their way to evidence with the specific qualities they require. The quality framework for applied and practice-orientated research developed by Furlong and Oancea (2005) for ESRC may provide a starting point for this. It proposes four dimensions of quality each with a number of distinctive attributes (see appendix V). The dimensions (plus one illustrative attribute) are: a) epistemic (eg trustworthiness) b) technological (eg purposivity) c) value for people (eg plausibility) and d) economic (eg feasibility). 19 58.A framework for practice-oriented research. The working group suggests that this framework be used as a starting point for developing quality marks to be associated with items of evidence from practiceoriented research. Conclusion and recommendations 59.A radical and timely idea. This report outlines what is a radical and multidimensional idea. It is intended to assist NERF and DfES in developing their proposals. Members from the social care and healthcare fields were particularly struck by the opportunity presented in education to build upon the experience of existing initiatives in other sectors. 60.The need for action. The working group believes that many challenges would best be addressed by starting to “get on with the job”. It is for this reason that it recommends that the beginnings of a centre be established soon and that stages of development and piloting be used to resolve technical issues as they arise. The group hopes that this report will assist in the establishment of an embryonic centre and in the dialogues that will be necessary to ensure it has support from, and learns from, all interested parties. 61.The working group therefore recommends that NERF and DfES: a) take forward the ideas set out in this report and begin to establish a National Evidence Centre for Education b) engage potential partners and stakeholders in a dialogue in order to design the development of the centre. 20 References CERI (1995) Educational Research and Development: Trends, issues and challenges. Paris: CERI Demos (2005) About Learning: Report of the Learning Working Group. London: Demos DoH (2000) A Quality Strategy for Social Care. London: Department of Health, August 2000 Eraut, M. (2004) Factors influencing the transfer of good practice. Paper given at Department of Education and Skills Research Conference, 19th November 2004. London: DfES (Research report CR2004) ESRC symposium on the non-academic impact of social science: see Furlong, J. and Oancea, A. (2005a) Assessing Quality in Applied and Practice-Based Educational Research: a framework for discussion. Oxford: Department of Educational Studies. Hillage, J., Pearson, R., Anderson, A. and Tamkin, P. (1998) Excellence in Research on Schools. London: DfES (‘The Hillage Report’) Furlong, J. and Oancea, A. (2005b) Assessing Quality in Applied and Practice-Based Educational Research (ESRC Research Briefing). Swindon: Economic and Social Research Council. Millar, R. (2005) Is evidence-based medicine a useful model for educational research and practice?. Paper prepared for staff seminar, Department of Educational Studies, University of York, 22 June 2005. NERF (2003) see Peckham, M. and Morris, A. NERF Strategic Proposals. NERF Working Paper no 3.1, available on NICE (2005) Consultation paper: Operating Model for Centre for Public Health Excellence. London: National Institute for Clinical Excellence. Nutley, S. (2004) Delivering research-informed practice: lessons from the crime reduction and social care fields. Keynote address, Department for Education and Skills Research Conference, 19th November 2004. London: DfES (Research report CR2004) and see also Rickinson, M. (2005) Practitioners’ Use of Research: A Research Review for the National Evidence for Education Portal (NEEP) Development Group. NERF working paper 7.5 (Dec 2005) SCIE (2003) Interim Guidelines for SCIE Systematic Knowledge Reviews. London: Social Care Institute for Excellence. SCIE ( 2005) website: 21 Appendix I Policy background There are many views about the efficacy and viability of a national evidence centre. Sceptics suggest that teachers don’t demand evidence, academics dispute its very nature whilst politicians reject any that is contrary! NERF, however, has found the idea welcomed by representatives of all three groups: teachers, researchers, policymakers. Each has an interest in making research evidence more widely available in a useable form. Extensive use of evidence in healthcare began taking off about 1990 following recommendations of a House of Lords select committee. The National Institute of Clinical Excellence was launched, funded by the Department of Health. Subsequent moves towards a comparable body for social care led to the establishment of the Social Care Institute of Excellence in 2001, funded by the same department. In education, the most relevant move was the report Excellence in Research on Schools (the “Hillage” report) published in 1998. This identified as a fundamental weakness the “lack of people and processes to help distil and/or interpret research findings for a practitioner and/or policymaker audience”. It recommended, amongst many other things, the “establishment of an education information unit to coordinate and support the collation of educational research and ….a strategy to ensure that different users have access to the information they need in a form they can use”. A further development has been the creation in 2002 of the What Works Clearing House in the USA which provides such information and interpretation services. It has generated considerable debate by only admitting as evidence “studies that provide the strongest evidence of effects: primarily well conducted randomized controlled trials and regression discontinuity studies, and secondarily quasi-experimental studies of especially strong design”. NERF reached the conclusion in 2004 that of all the many improvements needed in the educational R&D system, the establishment of an evidence centre or system at national level, as suggested in the Hillage report, was of paramount importance. At that time there was no specific description of its nature or scope; these remaining for NERF, its working group and others to consider. More recently, the Demos report (2005), About Learning, argues for closer links between the evidence from science and the evidence from professional practice. It suggests that understanding the nature and practices of learning, rather than of teaching, is at the heart of the problem; and that there needs to be “a rethinking of how development and research into learning are organised” (p15). The report identifies an inadequate knowledge base about learning for the teaching profession; confusion about the evidence base for new practices; and a lack of coordination between development and research. 22 Appendix II Recent research background There has been considerable interest recently in research into the relationship between evidence and practice. Two bodies of research are presented here. Nutley (2004), for example, aims to answer two questions: Why does it take practice so long to adopt best evidence? And what can researchers do to increase research impact? Deriving from work in social care, she and colleagues have created a typology of kinds of research utilisation, with categories of critical practitioner, embedded and institutional use of evidence. These kinds of research utilisation are helpful when considering what best suits the education field. In the first model, the research-based practitioner has personal responsibility for keeping up to date with research evidence. This model “assumes that individuals have professional autonomy – that they can change their practice in line with research evidence” (2004, p14). There is a strong emphasis on initial professional education and on continuing professional development in this model, with appropriate infrastructure in place to allow easy access to research evidence. The infrastructure ensures that the research exists, that there are good systems for accessing it, appraising it and applying it to everyday practice. In the embedded research model, research is embedded in the systems and processes within which practitioners work. Individual practitioners may remain unaware of the research that is guiding their practice. The responsibility for research translation lies with policy-makers and managers at national and regional/local levels. Research use “is still viewed as a linear process: the research exists, it is converted into systems and tools, and then applied” (ibid, p14). In the third model, “responsibility for research use lies with local service delivery organisations” (ibid, p15) and thus there is a strong emphasis on leadership at these levels. Research use is seen as “an ongoing learning process” (ibid) with local commissioning and adaptation. Local organisations are much more in the driving seat of the research agenda, working often with higher education institutions to determine and carry out the research. The key to such an organisational excellence model is partnership. No one model is intrinsically better than any other, and circumstances will dictate which is most appropriate. It is also the case that a holistic combination of the three models is the best way forward when considering how such models might apply to the education field: “activities underpinned by the three models of research use are likely to be required at different times and in different places” (ibid, p18). Eraut’s research (2004) focuses on the challenges of the transfer of good practice in education from the standpoint of the receiver; the nature of 23 practice and its reception; and the challenges for the originating institution. In particular, the nature of ‘practice’ is problematised, with the suggestion that it is a holistic concept, honed over time and operating at different levels of consciousness. The conclusions arising from Eraut’s research suggest that there are four sets of contextual conditions that are usually required for the successful transfer of practice: good trust relationships; respect for the personal and professional identities of teachers, and recognition of the intrusiveness and demanding nature of the transfer process; recognition of teachers’ preparedness to risk their time and reputation; and an understanding of the need for learner engagement and creating the time to construct new practices. These will apply as much to the translation of research evidence into practice as to the transfer of ‘good’ or ‘best’ practice from one teacher to another. 24 Appendix III Existing evidence centres The working group has taken note of the work of existing evidence centres in the UK. The Social Care Institute of Excellence (SCIE) was established in 2000 by the Department of Health. SCIE works with people and organisations throughout the social care sector in children’s and adult’ services to identify useful information, research and examples of good practice. Using this information, SCIE produces resources which evaluate knowledge in a particular area of social care, draw out key messages for good practice and identify areas where more research is needed to inform good practice. SCIE also hosts Social Care Online – the UK’s most complete range of information and research on all aspects of social care. Practitioners, researchers and service users rely on SCIE’s resources as a central and trusted point for knowledgebased good practice guidance. Its audience is primarily individual practitioners in social care and its aim is to improve practice by providing the confidence that comes from knowing that actions are based on sound evidence. It found that gaining active support at junior minister level proved important in getting the Institute off the ground. The NHS Centre for Research and Dissemination (CRD) and the National Institute of Clinical Excellence (NICE) were established by the Department of Health in 1990s. The context for NICE differs significantly from that in social care or education, not least in that there is a statutory duty on healthcare providers to take note of NICE guidelines. There is therefore a greater external incentive for practitioners to use the evidence distilled by NICE. Methodologically, NICE and NHS CRD operate with a more rigid hierarchy of evidence than SCIE. It is likely that because of the nature of the field, a centre for education would need to draw on evidence of many different kinds. In the field of Education, the Evidence for Policy and Practice Information and Coordinating Centre (EPPI-Centre) was set up by the DfES in 2000 and has commissioned a number of systematic research reviews, both on behalf of DfES and in collaboration with the Training and Development Agency for Schools (TDA) and other bodies. Its function is largely methodological, but it also undertakes training for and monitoring of systematic reviews. 25 Appendix IV Examples of output There are many kinds of output that NECE could produce, including rapid research reviews for policy-makers, teacher materials, sets of guidelines, ajournal of record and downloadable information from a website . Rapid reviews are the subject of discussion across government and would be brief reports on topical issues completed by expert groups over a matter of months. The process to be used remains to be developed. Guidance, advice and materials for teachers are currently produced by many organisations. NECE would need to work with these to determine how best to create useful additional publications. These might set out clear suggestions for practice, where the evidence is strong, or act as a guide to different approaches where the evidence is divided. A journal of record, comparable to The Lancet in medicine, has also been suggested which could be produced through the proposed evidence centre. Initially, it could appear (say) twice-yearly, in order to ensure quality and wide distribution. Subsequently it could appear more frequently. It could act as an archive for authoritative and highly significant research in the field of Education and would probably include an editorial, systematic research reviews, articles containing key primary research, a methodological section, a section where debates on the nature and use of evidence can take place, book reviews and other sections as appropriate. It would appear in hard copy and online formats. 26 Appendix V A framework for quality in applied and practiceorientated research In 2005, ESRC commissioned Professor John Furlong to analyse various concepts of quality in research that was applied or orientated to practice and to develop some kind of tool to assist in assessing it. The study carried out by himself and Alis Oancea, resulted in a framework comprising four dimensions of quality and a number of attributes in each. These have been widely welcomed and are being actively used in preparation for the 2008 Research Assessment Exercise. Because it may be of assistance in the development of an evidence centre, the framework is reproduced below. The dimensions and sub-dimensions of applied and practice-based research quality proposed here can be summarised as follows: Quality sub-dimensions Epistemic: methodological and theoretical robustness Dimensions of quality Technological Capacity development and value for people Economic Trustworthiness Purposivity Plausibility Builds on what is known +contribution to knowledge Salience/ timeliness Partnership, collaboration and engagement Cost-effectiveness Explicitness Specificity and accessibility Reflexivity, deliberation and criticism Auditability Propriety Concern for enabling impact Receptiveness Feasibility Paradigm-dependent criteria Flexibility and operationalisability Transformation and personal growth Originality Scientific robustness Social & economic robustness 27 Marketability and competitiveness Appendix VI Contact with Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland In the time available to the group, contact has been made with a limited number of the organisations in these countries: two in Scotland and one each in Wales and Northern Ireland. Both the Scottish Executive Education Department and the Scottish Council for Research in Education Centre recognise the need for initiatives that facilitate knowledge transfer and exchange into policy and practice, and broadly welcome the proposal for a National Evidence Centre for Education. Diane Wilkinson, Senior Researcher at the Scottish Executive Education Department, is familiar with the SCIE model (and other social work and social care initiatives) “and [is] impressed by its multi-dimensional approach” [correspondence, 29.9.05]. She comments that she would want this type of initiative extended to Scotland, given the differences in curricula, as there are commonalities that would enable Scottish practitioners to benefit from ‘English’ evidence (and vice-versa). The Department for Training and Education (DfTE) in the Welsh Assembly agrees that there is a need for a central research/evidence team in the UK and supports the idea of NECE in principle. Scotland and Wales have expressed the need for such a centre to recognise and reflect the specific needs of each country, and for the initiative not to be England-biased. The Northern Irish Central Survey Unit at NISRA referred the proposal to the Department of Education and the Department of Employment and Learning. The Analytical Services Group has set its own research agenda that would be of interest to NECE, and urges that vocational and training issues are considered along with school and higher education issues. Concerns about the difficulties on reflecting the diversity found within the UK are real. Paul Brna, Director of SCRE, comments “Of the many models of how such a centre could be set up in ways that respect this diversity, which ones both preserve the independence of the different devolved areas of the UK and provide mechanisms for cooperation?” There are substantial issues with regard to the transformation of research into practice and policy, not least the difficulty of extracting “evidence from research which is rooted in different socio-cultural contexts” [correspondence of 16.10.05]. He suggests the establishment of an independent body to scrutinise the work of the Centre on a regular basis, ensuring that the diverse needs of the UK as a whole are represented. Further consultation with the other jurisdictions will be required if the centre is to be truly ‘national’. 28 Appendix VII Diagram of NECE Inputs Programmes and centres Articles and reports Reviews Databases Quality of input Quality assurance process National Evidence Centre for Education Search, retrieval and transformation processes Quality of output Publications Interactive web portal (NEEP) Advice for policymakers Guidance and tools for practitioners Outputs Existing resources Many of the elements above are already in existence or under development. A few indicative examples are given here: Programmes/centres: TLRP, WBL, CEE, NRDC and many others Reviews: EPPI centre, BERA, ESRC Evidence network and others Reports: From the many organisations in the public, voluntary and private sectors Databases: British Education Index, ESRC society today, DfES research Web portal: National Evidence for Education Portal (NEEP) Publications, guidance and tools: through many organisations in all sectors 29