Activity 2

DI Learning Plan
Name of Activity: Verbal and
Nonverbal communication
Unit: Communications
Course: Introduction to Business and
Activity: 4.2
KNOW: The difference between verbal and nonverbal communication.
UNDERSTAND: When and where verbal and nonverbal communications are appropriate.
BE ABLE TO DO: Communicate verbally and nonverbally in a professional manner with others, employers, and
Pre-Assessment/Formative Assessment Notes
Teacher will present the PowerPoint on verbal and non-verbal communication.
PPT – 4.2 Effective Communication.pptx
During the PowerPoint, teacher will ask for students’ input and have them take notes.
At the end of the PowerPoint, teacher will ask students to take a quiz. The teacher may do this aloud with the
class or have students work individually.
The quiz is located at:
o Some setup is required by the teacher.
How Will They Learn
__X__ single strategy that engages all
_____ more than one learning preference (MI)
_____ more than one modality (auditory, visual, kinesthetic)
_____ other
Teacher will next offer students chance to view PowerPoint on handshakes as a nonverbal skill.
PPT – 4.2 The Handshake.ppt
Class will practice and experience types of handshakes and practice to successfully giving and receiving
positive handshakes with classmates and teacher.
Application Activities
__X_ same for all
____ tier by learning preference
____ tier by readiness ____ tier by challenge/complexity
To represent nonverbal communication, students independently or with a partner will create a piece of visual
communication about themselves. (e.g. could be drawn on paper or created in Word with photos and clip art).
This visual communication should communicate a little about the student to the rest of the class.
If the student is having trouble coming up with an idea, perhaps using the concept of a Coat of Arms for
students to fill in four or five images representing the student.
Example: Coat of Arms.doc
Independent Application
__X__ individual work
_____ tier by readiness
_____ tier by challenge/complexity
_____ student choice based on interest
_____ with a partner
_____ in a small group (MI)
After drawing/creating visual communication, students will write a half page paragraph about themselves and
the reason or idea for the inclusion of each image.
Students will then prepare a 15-second introduction of themselves to share with class after classmates review
to determine their ideas about each image and meaning.
Teacher may want to ask a few students if they preferred having classmates guess about meaning about each
image in visual communication or telling everyone about the picture and reasoning behind each artistic element.
_X__ activity
____ question and answer
____ sharing of products
____ exit slips
____ review
____ critical reflection
____ question posing
____ other
Teacher will post two questions within the class blog or approved content management system for students to
respond to about verbal and nonverbal communication.
One question may need to involve the aspect of nonverbal communication and relationship of social media and
ways that electronic communications could be interpreted when shared without explanation.
Post Assessment
Teacher will collect images and provide a grade for completion of project and work ethic on projects.
Teacher will observe online answering of questions by all students.