DrSharifZia - Mint Consulting Group

Personal information
Father’s Name
Present Designation
Date of Birth
National ID No.
Mailing Address
E mail
Dr. Muhammad Sharif Zia
Ch. Ghulam Nabi
Ex-Chief Scientist-II/Incharge (BS-21) Plant Sciences Division, PARC
Sahiwal, Punjab
H # 38, St. 8, Pakistan Town (Lohi Bher), Islamabad 45500
Res. 92-51-5958279, Cell 03215157859
Academic career
Academic qualifications
Ph.D. in Soil Science (1990), Kyoto University, Japan (Specialization in Rice Research)
M. Agri. Studies in Soil Science (1984), University of Queensland, Australia, CGPA 6/7 (Specialization in
Rice Research)
M. Sc. (Hons) Agri. In Soil Science (1969) with 1 st division (marks 819/1000) (Specialization in Rice
Research), West Pakistan Agri. University, Faisalabad
B.Sc. (Hons) Agri., major Soil Science (1967), 1 st Division (marks 1973/3000), West Pakistan Agri.
University, Faisalabad
F.Sc. Agri. (1964), Ist Division, West Pakistan Agri. University, Faisalabad
Matric (1962), Ist Division, Board of Secondary School Education, Lahore
Academic distinctions
First division holder throughout the educational career [Matriculation, F.Sc. Agri., B.Sc. (Hons.) Agri. &
M.Sc. (Hons) Agri.]
Won merit scholarship in Matric, F.Sc. Agri., B.Sc. (Hons) Agri.and special merit Sir William Robert
Scholarship in M.Sc. (Hons) Agri
Was selected by University authorities for inter-wing educational tour to East Pakistan in 1968 due to
outstanding over all performance in the University.
Specialized Trainings
Special training on N estimations under flooded rice soil conditions, University of Queenlands,
Australia, Feb – June, 1983
Successfully completed a course of study in Management Development from 16th January 1984 to 8th
February 1984, at the International Training Institute, Middle Head, Sydney, Australia under Australian
Development Assistant Programme.
Successfully completed Laboratory Training Course for Soil, Water and Plant Analysis for rice soils,
Organized by the Barani Agricultural Research and Development (BARD) Project held at NARC 1223 July, 1987 at Islamabad.
Successfully passed the written and oral examination of 1 st Degree in French Language on 6th April 1989
and a certificate in this connection was issued by the French Cultural Centre, Islamabad.
Successfully passed the written and oral examination of 2nd Degree in French Language in Dec 1989 and a
certificate in this connection was issued by the French Cultural Centre, Islamabad.
Participated in Training Course on Project Preparation organized by BOSTID USA held at NARC during
Feb 1991.
Learned 15N Methodology for nitrogen management under flooded rice soil conditions, in
Department of Soil Science at the University of Reading, UK during one-month study visit from
March 4, 1997 to April 5, 1997 under ARP-II Project of World Bank.
Two weeks training (March 1-13, 1999) in Office Automation (Window 95, Microsoft Word, Microsoft
Excel, M.S. Power Point, Internet & E-Mail) at Pakistan Computer Bureau organized by JICA Alumni
Association of Pakistan in collaboration with JICA Office Islamabad, Pakistan.
Successfully completed a course of training presented by Crown Agent UK in association with the Pakistan
National Accreditation Council in Islamabad in “Laboratory Quality Management and implementation of
ISO/IEC 17025 standard” from 9 January-13 January 2001.
Successfully completed a training course on developing integrated nutrient management option for
delivery organized by International Rice Research Institute, Philippines, February 11 to March 1,
Successfully completed on the job training from March 2-12, 2002 in Crop, Soil and Water Sciences
Division at International Rice Research Institute, Philippines.
Sustainable agriculture for Rural Development and Poverty Alleviation 19 th and 20th May, 2004, National
Library of Pakistan, Islamabad
Special training in environmental issues organized by NCS-RC, Ministry of Environment, GOP, Islamabad,
11 September, 2004.
Major Research and Development Interest
Rice production
Soil fertility and fertilizer management for rice
Nutrient indexing in soil under irrigated rice and rainfed agriculture.
Fertilizer management and use efficiency for irrigated rice and rainfed agriculture.
Integrated and balanced nutrient management for irrigated rice soil condition
Soil advisory services for rice and wheat after rice
Soil and nutrient management and fertilizer use efficiency
Irrigated and rain-fed agriculture
Fertilizer management for stressed rice soils environment
Nutrient management for fruit orchards
Land resources management for sustained agriculture productivity
Soil as basis for rice crop sustainability determination
Natural resources management for improved crop productivity and input use efficiency
Environmental issues in soil and water management
Dryland management for sustainable agriculture
Environmental issues in mountain agriculture
Professional Career
(Total research and research management experience = 36 years and 3 months)
Eminent Scholar/Professor, Higher Education Commission from 16 October, 2006 to date
Guiding Ph.D and M Sc Honors Agriculture Research and looking after research projects related cereals especially
rice, at Gomal University D.I.Khan.
Chief Scientist-II (BS-21), 17-09-2005 – 02-01-2006 (Period 3 months 15 days)
07-12-2005 to 02-01-2006
Chief Scientist - II / Incharge (BS-21), Plant Sciences Division, Pakistan Agricultural Research Council,
Islamabad, responsible for planning, execution and monitoring policy issues of research management in research
disciplines of land and water resources, range management & forestry, environmental issues climate change crop
production, plant protection, horticulture and honey bee.
17-9-2005 to 06-12-2005
Chief Scientist - II / Incharge (BS-21), Crop Sciences Division and Natural Resources Division, Pakistan
Agricultural Research Council, Islamabad, responsible for planning, execution and monitoring policy issues of
research management in the sector of crop sciences and natural resources.
01-9-2005 to 16-09-2005
Chief Scientific Officer / Incharge (BS-20), Crop Sciences Division and Natural Resources Division, Pakistan
Agricultural Research Council, Islamabad, responsible for planning, execution and monitoring policy issues of
research management in the sector of crop sciences and natural resources.
14-06-2002 to 31-08-2005 (3Yrs & 2-1/2 months)
Chief Scientific Officer / Incharge (BS-20), Natural Resources Division / Senior Director Land Resources,
Pakistan Agricultural Research Council, Islamabad, responsible for planning, execution and monitoring policy
issues of research management in the sector of land resources natural resources with special interest on research
under rice and rice based cropping system.
1-6-1985 to 13-6-2002
Chief Scientific Officer (BS-20, 9 March, 2000 to 16 Sep. 2005) / Principal Scientific Officer(BS-19. 01-061985 to 8 March 2000) / Director, Land Resources Research Institute, NARC, Islamabad
 Dealing with managerial/ administrative matters of the institute.
 Dealing with financial matter of the institute.
 Planning of Research Proposals and their approval.
 Supervising and monitoring research work in the institute.
 Convening of the Technical Working Group (TWG) of the institute for reviewing research proposals
for approval of research proposal.
 Working as technical member/representative of the Institute in NARC Research Committee and other
technical meetings in and outside NARC.
 Organizing Inter and Intra Institute seminars.
 Conceiving, formulating, prioritizing research proposals for funding by national and international
 Participating and contributing in the meeting of NARC Board of Management.
June, 1999 to June, 2002 (3Yrss)
Chief Scientific Officer / Project Incharge, INMI Project, Land Resources Research Institute, NARC, Islamabad
 Worked as PI of project on improving nutrient management strategies for sustainable rice-wheat
production funded under competitive research grant of rice-wheat consortium and IRRI. Site-specific
nutrient recommendation for rice and wheat were being developed on the basis of crop nutrient
removal. Crop nutrient management on the basis of these recommendations improves rice and wheat
yield by 35 to 40% together with enhanced fertilizer use efficiency. Research lead to Crop
Maximization and Input Use efficiency
1-7-1992 to 30-6-1998 (6 Yrs)
Principal Investigator, Fertilizer Use efficiency and Soil fertility for rice and rice based cropping system ARPII project, Land Resources Research Institute, NARC, Islamabad
 Planning, execution, management, monitoring and evaluating of research related to fertilizer use
 Guide pear scientists in conducting research, recording and tabulation of data and laboratory analysis.
 Deal with financial/administrative issues related to fertilizer use efficiency.
 As member of the Fertilizer Recommendation Committee for NWFP, represent PARC and provide
input related to fertilizer use efficiency in various meetings called by Provincial Agricultural Experts.
 As an expert in fertilizer use efficiency, provide advice to Fertilizer Development & Research Institute
of NFC, Faisalabad, regarding manufacturing of various fertilizer materials and participate in meetings
called by the institute for devising procedures for the testing of various materials and planning of
research studies.
 Make research proposals related to fertilizer management for funding from international donors.
 Emphasis on research for improved crop productivity.
8-5-1984 to 30-6-1988 (4Yrs)
National Coordinator and Principal Investigator for Soil Fertility and fertilizer use project with special emphasis
on rice production / PSO Land Resources Section, NARC, Islamabad
 As a Coordinated formulate research plans for various coordinating units.
 Hold annual meeting to review the research findings and plan research for the next year.
 Seat with the administrative and financial issues of the project.
 Guiding pear scientists regarding data recording, tabulation, statistical analysis.
 Preparation of annual technical reports and research activities.
 Making arrangements for training manpower in Soil Sciences
7-2-1982 to May, 1984 (26 Months)
Student at University of Queensland Australia
 Studied at the university of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia for 27th months (from 7 Feb. 1982 to May
1984) and earned M. Agriculture studies degree and carried out research on a very important project
entitled “ N15 balance of urea under rice grown on soils differing in organic carbon under different
water regimes”.
22-2-1977 to 6-2-1982 (About 5 Yrs)
Senior Scientific Officer (Rice) / Production Agronomist (BS- 18), PARC Sub-station, Kala Shah Kaku, Lahore
 Conducted on farm research studies to determine the constraints to high rice yield.
 Carried out research on different aspect of soil fertility and fertilizer management especially efficient
sources, method, time, placement of fertilizers, slow release fertilizers.
 Determined fertilizer requirement of rice planted at different cropping densities.
 Determined efficient techniques of curing zinc deficiency.
 Launched a rice maximization project in Sadhoke Union Council, Gujranwala on 10,000 acres
for boosting up rice production in the area through the dissemination of improved rice
production technology. As a result of this attempt rice yield increased in the area by 50-100%
over the previous year.
26-1-1973 to 21-2-1977 (About 4 Yrs)
Assistant Agronomist (BS-17 in Supervisory Cadre), Maize and Millet Research Sub-Station,Cambellpur
 Conducting applied research trials in Cambellpur district on maize, sorghum and millet and
disseminated modern crop production technologies (method of sowing, improved variety, improved
fertilizer management and other cultural practices).
 Compiled research report and technical articles on different aspects of crop production.
 Determined fertilizer requirements of maize, sorghum and millet.
 Delivered lectures to extension staff on different aspects of crop production.
 Introduced high yielding varieties of maize, sorghum and millet in the district for raising the crop
3-10-1969 to 25-1-1973( 3 Years & 3-1/2 Months)
Assistant Research Officer/Research Assistant (BS-11 &, Ayub Agricultural Research Institute, Faisalabad
 Analysis of soils, irrigation waters fertilizers and rice plant materials.
 Layout of laboratory, green house and field experiments on different aspects of soil and fertilizer
management on rice.
 Preparation of N bio-fertilizers for legumes.
 Report and technical paper writing after statistical analysis of research results.
 Advisory service to the farmers on various aspects of soil and fertilizer management.
Field of specialization
Rice production
Rice soil productivity enhancement and crop maximization specialist
Soil and nutrient management for rice yield maximization
Soil and nutrient management for wheat (irrigated & rainfed) yield maximization
Soil and nutrient management for rice-wheat cropping system for crop productivity enhancement
Nutrient indexing for diagnosing nutrient deficiencies in soils and arable crops to improve rice crop productivity
Soil testing and plant analysis for improved nutrient use efficiency and improved rice productivity
Rice crop suitability determination on the basis of soil characteristics
Soil and nutrient management for salt-affected rice soils
Agronomic basis of fertilizer use efficiency for rice
Applied agronomic field research aimed at improved and sustained crop yields
Membership of professional societies and technical committees:
Life member of Soil Science Society of Pakistan.
Served as Vice President of Soil Science Society of Pakistan (1994-96).
Member of Japanese Society of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition (1990-95).
Member of International Society of Soil Science (1990-94).
Member of Botanical Society of Pakistan (1994-97).
Life Member of JICA Alumni Association of Pakistan.
Member of Minbushu Alumni Association of Pakistan (since 1995 to date).
Member of Australian Alumni Association of Pakistan (since 1995 to date).
Member of Fertilizer Recommendation Committee in NWFP.
Life Member of Agriculture Foundation of Pakistan.
Life Member of AGRICS Alumni Association, University of Agriculture, Faisalabad.
Member of Agronomic Advisory Committee for Development and Evaluation of new Fertilizer Materials at
Fertilizer Research & Development Institute, Faisalabad.
Member of Organizing Committee of 7th International Soil Science Congress held at University of Agriculture,
Faisalabad in Dec. 1998.
Member of organizing committee of 8th International Soil Science Congress held at NARC, Islamabad in Nov.
Member of Technical Committee for organizing 4th, 5th and 6th National Congress on Soil Science during 1992,
1994 and 1996.
Member of Recommendation Committee for Formulation of Recommendation presented at the concluding
session of conference on Agriculture and Fertilizer use by 2010 (Feb 15-16, 1999) organized by NFDC and
Planning & Development Division, Govt. of Pakistan, Islamabad.
Member of NARC Research Committee.
Convener of Technical Working Group of Land Resources Research Institute.
Member of Academic Council, University of Arid Agriculture, Rawalpindi
Editor of scientific journal/reviewer of scientific paper published in
Editor, Pakistan Journal of soil Science (1993-96).
Served as Reviewer/Referee of scientific research papers for publications in following journals.
Pakistan Journal of Soil Science.
Pakistan Journal of Agriculture Research, PARC, Islamabad.
Journal of Agriculture Research, Faisalabad.
Pakistan Journal of Scientific and Industrial Research, Karachi.
Science Vision Quarterly, A Journal of Science for Development, COMSATS, Islamabad.
Science Technology and Development Journal, PCST, Islamabad.
International Journal of Agricultural and Biology, Faisalabad.
Progressive Farming.
Pakistan Agriculture.
Examiner and supervisor of M.Sc. and Ph.D research
External examiner for M.Sc. (Hons) Agric. thesis examination at the department of Soil Science, University of
Agriculture, Faisalabad
External examiner for M.Sc. (Hons) Agric. thesis examination at the department of Soil Science and Agronomy,
University of Arid Agriculture, Rawalpindi.
External examiner for B.Sc. (Hons) Agric. Soil Science Students at the University College of Rawalakot, AJK.
Co-supervisor for the Ph.D. students of Biological Sciences Department at the Quaid-i-Azam University,
Supervisor for Ph.D students of Soil Science Department, Arid Agriculture University, Rawalpindi.
Co-Supervisor for Ph.D students of Soil Science Department, Gomal University, Faculty of Agriculture, D.I.
Co-supervisor of M.Sc. (Hons) Agri. student of Soil Science Department at the Arid Agriculture University,
Participation in International conferences/workshops/symposium
Participated and contributed keynote address in a national seminar on soil care for sustainable environment,
organized by institute of soil sciences and environment, University of Agriculture, Faisalabad in May, 2006.
Participated in integrated natural resources management workshop from September 16-19, 2002 at ICARDA
Headquarters, Aleppo, Syria.
Participated and presented a paper in international D8 Workshop on Alternate/ Organic Fertilizers, Islamabad,
Pakistan, June 19-20, 2001.
Participated and presented a paper in workshop on soil fertility management for increasing in rice based
cropping systems in Colombo from 24-27, January 2001 under SAARC-Japan Special Fund.
Participated and presented a paper on “Efficient nitrogen management for crop production using chlorophyll
meter” in 8th International congress of soil science, November 13-16, 2000, held at National Agricultural
Research Center, Islamabad, Pakistan.
Presented an invited paper in International Seminar on Soil degradation:
Economic analysis” University of Agriculture, Faisalabad 12-24 Oct. 1998.
Presented a paper in International Symposium on Agro-environmental issues and future strategies towards 21st
Century, held at the University of Agriculture, Faisalabad, May 25-30, 1998.
Participated and presented a paper at the International Congress of Soil Science held at the University of
Agriculture, Faisalabad, Dec. 9-12, 1998.
Participated in the SIXTH Regional Co-ordination Annual Technical Meeting of Rice-Wheat Consortium held
in Dhaka, Bangladesh (Dec. 15-19, 1997).
Participated in International Rice Research Institute (IRRI) Planning meeting, June 1-3, 1997 held at Islamabad.
Participated in sixth National Congress of Soil Science, held at Lahore from Dec. 2-5, 1996.
Participated in 31st all Pakistan Science Congress, College of Vet nary Sciences, Lahore, 17-19 Jan. 1996.
FAO Soil Conservation and Rehabilitation meetings held at Kulalampur, Malaysia, from 15-17, 1996.
International Workshop on the “Impact of air pollution on crop yields in Pakistan (Dec. 7-8, 1995)”, NARC,
Islamabad, organized by International Institute for Environment and Development, UK, University of Punjab,
Lahore and PARC.
International Workshop on Nutrient Management for Rice-Wheat System. (Sep. 22-24, 1995) organized by
Rice-Wheat Consortium, IRRI/CIMMYT at International Rice Research Institute, Las Banðs, Manila,
FAO Conservation and Rehabilitation Meeting held in Zhangzhou, China, April 10-14, 1995.
“Processes, Management and
Country consultation on Sustainable Use of Natural Resources in Pakistan (April 3-4, 1995) Co-sponsored by
Australian Center for International Agriculture Research (ACIAR) and PARC.
Thirteen meeting of SAARC Technical Committee on Agriculture (April 17-18, 1994) held at Islamabad and
presented four research projects related to Soils and Fertilizer Management.
Participated and presented paper in the fifth National Congress of Soil Science (Oct 23-25, 1994) held at
International Workshop on Sustainable Issues, organized by SAARC and Sustainable Agriculture Research
Institute (April 27-28, 1994), NARC, Islamabad.
FAO Land Conservation and Rehabilitation for Asia and the Pacific Jakarta, Indonesia held in June 5-10, 1994.
Regional FAO Expert Consultation on Problem Soils, Oct. 25-29, 1993 Bangkok, Thailand.
International Literature Review Workshop on rice-wheat cropping system, organized by International Rice
Research Institute and PARC, Lahore (Feb. 6-12, 1993.
International Integrated Mountain Development Workshop, May 3-4, 1993 held at NARC in collaboration with
International Center for Integrated Mountain Development (ICIMOD) and PARC.
17th Consultation on the FAO fertilizer program, Islamabad, Pakistan, May 9-13, 1993.
Visited India as a member of Pakistan delegation for examining the economic and agronomic aspects of murate
of potash in Pakistan from 15-23 March 1992.
International Fertilizer Technology Seminar held at Islamabad, jointly organized by Nork Hydro, Jaffer
Brothers and National Fertilizer Development Center from May 31 to June 1, 1992.
Fourth National Congress of Soil Science held at Islamabad organized by Soil Science Society of Pakistan from
May 24-26, 1992.
Attended the Steering Committee meeting for International Collaboration in Rice-Wheat Research from May 35 and a Workshop on Monitoring Research from 6-9 May 1992 at Katmandu, Nepal.
International Workshop on Evaluation for Sustainable Land Management from 15-21 September 1991 in
Chiangrai, Thailand.
FAO Regional Expert Consultation on Environmental Issues in Land and Water Development, Bangkok,
Thailand, 11-13 Sep., 1991.
Participated in the 24th International Symposium on Tropical agricultural Research held at Kyoto, Japan on
August 14-16, 1990.
Participated in the 14th International Congress of Soil Science, Kyoto, Japan from August 12-18, 1990.
Participated in Satellite symposium on Maximum Yield research organized by the Potash and Phosphate
Institute of Canada, August-17, 1990, Kyoto, Japan.
International Symposium on Applied Soil Physics, held at Islamabad, Pakistan from Jan 22-26, 1989.
National Seminar on Micronutrients in Soils and Crops in Pakistan held at University of Agriculture Peshawar,
Dec. 13-15, 1987.
Thirteenth Congress of the International Potash Institute on Nutrient Balance and the Need for Potassium
August 25-28, 1986. Reim, France.
United States-Pakistan Biosaline Research Workshop held in Karachi, Pakistan, Sep. 22-26, 1985.
Site Visit Tour and Workshop on Soil Fertility and Fertilizer Evaluation for Rice. Griffith, N.S.W., Australia
from April 8-17, 1985.
International Seminar on the progress of Science and Technology, Jointly organized by Pakistan Scientists and
Engineers of North America and Pakistan Science Foundation at Islamabad (Dec. 20-22, 1985).
Second National Seminar on Rice Research and Production 1981. Islamabad, Pakistan.
First National Seminar on Rice Research and Production. 1979. Islamabad, Pakistan.
6. Human Resources Development
6.1 Supervision of Higher Education Research
Supervised research of 2 Ph.D and 5 M.Sc. students leading to successful award of degrees.
6.2 Training Courses Organized
Organized a Training Course for Soil Physics Research at NARC Islamabad as Course Coordinator from 8 th
February to 18th February 1998.
Was one of the Course Trainers on Improvement of Soil Productivity through Biological Means, held at the
Training Institute, NARC during 1987.
Organized one week Soil Physics Training at NARC, Islamabad in August 1993 in which scientists from all
Provinces and Federal Institutions participated.
Was Resource Person in a Training course on Plant Nutrition Management for Sustainable Growth of
Agriculture, Organized by National Fertilizer Development Centre, Islamabad and FAO, Islamabad at
Agriculture Research Institute, Sariab, Quetta from October 6-10, 1996.
Sixteen scientists and extension workers from the provinces of Punjab and NWFP and PARC were trained
in Integrated Plant Nutrition System by organizing one-week training course under the agreement with
Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific Programme of United Nation, Bangkok,
Thailand in collaboration with NFDC, Islamabad.
Main achievements
Nutrient indexing for soils under irrigated and rain-fed agriculture
Fertilizer management and fertilizer efficiency for irrigated and rain-fed agriculture
Integrated nutrient management for irrigated agriculture
Balanced fertilization for irrigated and rain-fed agriculture
Bio-composting and bio-fertilizers
Tillage for irrigated and rain-fed agriculture
Integrated soil salinity management
Water and brackish water use for agriculture
Soil as a basis for crop sustainability determination
Dry-land agriculture
Climate change and natural resources degradation
Crop maximization through community involvement
Technologies developed
Improved nitrogen use efficiency for rice and wheat using chlorophyll meter and leaf colour chart.
Top dressings of N fertilizers in split applications instead of its basal application for irrigated wheat
Top dressing of N fertilizers in split applications after draining paddy water is more efficient for rice than
conventional method
Calcium ammonium nitrate as a better source of N for wheat production
Gypsum enhances the N efficiency for wheat production
Ammonium sulphate as a better source of nitrogen for rice on saline sodic soils
Phosphorus application to rice after crop establishment is more efficient than basal application
Chemical treatment of rock phosphate for direct application to rice and wheat crops
Is potassium fertilization to rice after its establishment more efficient than its application at transplanting?
Soaking rice seed in zinc sulphate solution (1%) soil application of zinc sulphate to nursery bed as more
efficient techniques to cure zinc deficiency in rice
Balanced fertilization for substantial improvement in rice and wheat yields
Reduced puddling as a better option for increasing rice wheat productivity
Integrated use of soil management, organic manures and gypsum for improving productivity of rice
Biofertilizer / biozote (legume rhizobium inoculant) technology
Compost technology to enhance farm productivity
Technologies disseminated
Use of urea or ammonium sulfate instead of calcium ammonium nitrate for rice production
Delayed application of P and split application of nitrogen and potash after crop establishment
Dry / puddle soil incorporation of urea before rice transplanting especially is Sidh province
In order to improve the rice crop yield on sodic soils, same farmers are using gypsum along with
application of N fertilizers
Some innovative farmers are also applying ZnSO4 to cure Zn deficiency where the majority of the farmers
do not use because of its high cost, non availability and availability of the fake Zn formulations.
For wheat, also many farmers are also using nitrogen fertilizers in split application after crop establishment
at first, second and third irrigation.
Some farmers are also using the fertilizers in balance form
For the dissemination of these results demonstration experiment were established in farmer’s fields. Field
days were also held. Handbills were distributed. Wall posters were also used. Programs were also telecast
on television. This was done especially during rice management program.
Dissemination of bio-fertilizer (Biozoit) on 60,000 acres for chickpea production has been done through
integrated efforts of PARC, Engro-chemical limited, and agriculture extension department.
Zia, Muhammad Sharif. 1990. Fertility evaluation and management of flooded lowland rice soils of
Pakistan. Submitted to Kyoto University, Japan for the award of Doctor of Agriculture degree.
Zia, Muhammad Sharif. 1984. Balance sheet of N15 labeled urea under rice with two moisture regimes in
three Queensland soils differing in soil organic carbon. Submitted to University of Queensland, Australia for the
award of M. Agriculture Studies degree.
Zia, Muhammad Sharif. 1969. Nitrogen uptake by IRRI-PAK rice as affected by salinity and various
sources of nitrogen. Submitted to West Pakistan Agricultural University, Lyallpur for the award of M.Sc.
(Hon’s) Agric. degree.
Publications in journals of international repute
Ali Ashraf, M. Sharif Zia, Rahmatullah, Azizullah Shah & M. Yasin, 1998. Nodulation in Sesbania bispinosa
as affected by nitrogen application. Pak. J. Soil Sci. 15: 1-6 (ISSN1019-729X) (National).
Ali, A, M. Sharif Zia, Fayyaz Hussain and M.B. Khan. 1996. Boron Requirement of rice and its management
for rice production. Pak. J. Soil Sci., Vol. 11(1-2): 68-71 (ISSN1019-729X) (National).
Arshad, M., M. Sharif Zia, M. Aslam and Tahira Ahmad, 1999. Effect of nitrogen sources and dicyandiamide
on wheat yield, agronomic and physiological efficiencies and nitrogen utilization under rainfed ecosystem.
Science Vision, An Intl Quarterly Jour. of COMSATS Vol-4 (4): 54-61 (International).
Arshad, M., Zia, M. Sharif, & Tahira Ahmad, 1999. Mixed ammonium and nitrate nitrogen nutrition of wheat
under different salinity regimes. Pakistan Journal of Biological Sciences, 2(2): 490-493 (ISSN 1028-8880)
Ashraf, A., M. Sharif Zia and Azizullah Shah. 2000. Studies on the fixation of zinc by clays in relation to
mineral composition in soils of Pakistan. Science Vision, Vol. 6(2):21-23 (National).
Ashraf, M. and M. Sharif Zia, 1982. Comparative study of different N carriers for paddy. J Agric. Res. 20(1):
25-29 (National)
10. Ashraf, M., M. Sharif Zia, R. A. Shad and G. Hussain. 1981. Efficiency of methods of insecticide placement in
lowland rice. J. Agric Res. 19:1-5 (National).
11. Ashraf, M., M. Sharif Zia. 1980. Effect of trimming leaves and roots of rice seedlings on growth characteristics
and paddy yield. J. Agric Res. 18(1): 35-36 (National).
12. Azad, M. Ibrahim, M. Sharif Zia, and Khurshid Ahmad Raja. 1978. Effect of phosphorus and seed inoculation
on nitrogen fixation by berseem in various textured soil of Pakistan. J. Agric. Res. 1: 47-58 (National).
13. B. Z. Sheikh, Rahmatullah, M. Sharif Zia, M. Salim and B.H. Niazi, 1996. Forms of potassium in six rainfed
soils of Potohar. Pak. J. Soil Sci., Vol. 12 (3-4) 1-4 (ISSN1019-729X) (National).
14. Badr-uz-Zaman, Rahmatullah, M. Salim and M. Sharif Zia, 1994. Solubility of phosphorus and sulphur in two
calcareous soils. Pak. J. Agri. Sci. Vol. 34 (4): 383-388. (ISSN1019-729X) (National).
15. Baig, M. B. M. Sharif Zia, M.T. Rashid, M. Aslam, M. Salim & M.B. Tahir, 1998. Sorghum growth and
chemical composition as influenced by potassium fertilization and moisture regimes. Pak. J. Soil Sci. 15: 93-97
(ISSN 1019-729X) (National).
16. Baig, M. B., M. Sharif Zia, M. I. Nizami and M. Salim, 1990. Micronutrient status of elected benchmark soils
in Punjab and their relationship with soil properties. Pak. J. Agric. Sci. 27 (1): 39-42.
17. Baig, M.B., M. S. Zia, and N. Sombathova (2004). Rehabilitation of problem soils through environmental
friendly technologies – II: Effect of Sesbania (Sesbania aculeata) and gypsum. (Published by the Czech
University of Agriculture, Prague).
18. Baig, M.B., M. Sharif Zia and M.B. Tahir. 1999. Fertilizer enhanced crop-yield and cause environmental
pollution: A reality or a Myth. Quarterly Science Vision, April, June, 27-32 (International).
19. Bard-uz-Zaman Sheikh, Rahmatullah and M. Sharif Zia, 1987. Lead retention of soil clay minerals against
dilute HCl extraction. Pak. J. Sci. Ind. Res. 3(2): 103-105 (National).
20. Bazdr-Uz-Zaman, M. Salim, Rahmatullah and M.S. Zia, 1996. Utilization of phosphorus and sulphur by maize
from various organic and inorganic sources. Pak. J. Soil Sci., Vol. 12 (3-4) 77-80 (ISSN1019-729X)
21. Gill, M.A; Rahmatullah and M. Sharif Zia,. 1991. Differential nitrogen uptake, utilization and biomass
accumulation by some sorghum cultivars. J. Agronomy & Crop Science, 166:200-203 (International).
22. Hussain, F., M. Sharif Zia, M. Aslam and A. Ali, 1998. Effect of wheat straw incorporation on the availability
of zinc in rice-wheat system. Pak. J. Soil Sci., 15:89-93 (ISSN 1019-729X) (National).
23. Khalil, S., M. Sharif Zia and I.A. Mahmood. 2002. Biophos Influence on P Availability from Rockphosphate
Applied to rice (Oryza sativa L.) with Various Amendments. International Journal of Agriculture & Biology.
04(2):272-274 (International).
24. Khan, F.A. and Zia, M. Sharif. 1975. Effect of salinity and nitrogen sources on the yield and protein content of
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25. Khan, M.B., M. A. Gill and M. Sharif Zia. 1987. Cultural and fertilizer management practices for wheat
production. RACHIS (ICARDA), 6(1): 40-42 (International).
26. M. Aslam, M. Sharif Zia, Rahmatullah and M. Yasin. 2000. Application of Freundlich Adsorption Isotherm to
determine phosphorus requirement of several rice soils. International Journal of Agriculture and Biology, Vol.
2(4): 273-276 (National).
27. M. B. Baig, Zia, M. Sharif, & M. B. Tahir 1999. Soil environmental issues and their impact on agricultural
productivity of low potential areas of Pakistan. Science Vision, An Intl. Quarterly Jour. of COMSATS. Vol.
4(3): 56-60 (International)
28. M. Sharif Zia, A. Rashid, M. Aslam and Azizullah Shah (2003). Land degradation and management for
sustainable agriculture in Pakistan. Presented in 7th International Dry land Development Conference from 1417 September, 2003, Tehran, Iran.
29. M. Sharif Zia, Tariq Mahmood, Mirza B. Baig and M. Aslam (2003). Land and environmental degradation and
amelioration for sustainable agriculture in Pakistan. Accepted for publication in Science Vision, COMSATS,
4th Floor, Shahrah-e-Jamhuriat, Sector G-5/2, Islamabad.
30. Maqsood, A. Gill, Rahmatullah, M. Salim and M. Sharif Zia, 1992. Maize growth and uptake of phosphate and
copper at different ambient phosphate concentrations. Soil Sci. Plant Nutr. (Japan), 38(4): 631636(International).
31. Mirza B.B., M. S. Zia, Sombathova N., and Zaujec A. (2005). Rehabilitation of problem soils through
environmental friendly technologies: Role of Sesbania and Phosphorus. Journal of Agricultura Tropica Et
Subtropica. 38(1) pp 17-21 (International).
32. Mirza B.B., M. S. Zia, Sombathova N., and Zaujec A. (2005). Rehabilitation of problem soils through
environmental friendly technologies: Role of Sesbania and Farmyard Manure. Journal of Agricultura Tropica Et
Subtropica. 38(1) pp 12-16 (International).
33. Nizami, M.M.I. M. Sharif Zia, and M. Aslam. 1997. Phosphorus requirement of maize (Zea mays. L) under
three tillage practices in different soil series in rainfed conditions. Pak. J. Soil Sci. 13(1-4) 66-69 (ISSN 1019729X) (National)..
34. Nizami, M.M.I., M. Salim, M. Sharif Zia, 1995. Management of soil crust in Pothwar area under rainfed
conditions. Pak. J. Soil SCI., Vol. 10 (1-4) 6-9 (ISSN1019-729X) (National).
35. Rafique, M., M. Afzal, M. Sharif Zia, and M. Yousaf, 1982. Efficiency of nitrogen sources and placement
methods for increasing productivity of wheat. J. Agric Res. 20:17-24 (National).
36. Rahmatullah, Badar-uz-Zaman, M. Salim and M. Sharif Zia, 1998. Assessment of Bio-available AmmoniumNon-exchangeable Potassium in Calcareous Soils by Plant Growth and Sodium Tetraphenylboron. Arid Soil
Research and Rehabilitation (USA), 12: 237-245 (International).
37. Rahmatullah, Badr-uz-Zaman Sheikh and M. Sharif Zia, 1987. Fixation of Copper by some clays under upland
condition. J. Indian Soc. Soil Sci. 35:531-532 (International).
38. Rahmatullah, G. Nabi, M. Salim and M. Sharif Zia, 1996. Nitrogen and sulphur inputs from rainfall in
Rawalpindi Islamabad area. Pak. J. Soil Sci., Vol. 12 (3-4) 51-55 (ISSN1019-729X) (National).
39. Rahmatullah, G. Nabi, M. Salim and M. Sharif Zia, 1999. Relationship between seed sulphur and phosphorus
and seed yield of brassica napus on two alfisols fertilized with different sulphur sources. Pakistan Journal of
Biological Sciences, 2(2): 462-465 (ISSN 1028-8880) (National).
40. Rohul Amin and M. Sharif Zia, M. Aslam and Akhtar Ali. 1990. Potassium requirements of rice. Pakistan J.
Agric. Res. 11(4): 223-228 (National).
41. Rohul Amin, M. Sharif Zia and Akhtar Ali. 1992. Wheat response to zinc and cooper fertilization at Swat.
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42. Rohul Amin, M. Sharif Zia, K. C. Berger and Aqil Khan, 1989. Effect of fertilizer rates and phosphorus
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43. Rohul Amin; M. Sharif Zia and Akhtar Ali. 1989. Wheat response to zinc and copper application. RACHIS
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44. Samina Khalil, M. Sharif Zia and M. Ehsan Akhtar. 2002. Bio-fertilizers and use in Agriculture. Sci.
Technology and Development. Vol.21, No.4: 7-19 (National).
45. Shaheen Iqbal, M. Sharif Zia and M. Salim. 2001. Isolation and characterization of fruit Amylase from Melon.
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47. Zia M. Sharif, F. Hussain, M. Aslam, N.I. Hashmi and A. Hameed. 2002. Integrated Plant Nutrition System for
Sustainable rice-Wheat Cropping Sequence. International Journal of Agriculture & Biology Vol 4(1):175-182
48. Zia M. Sharif, I. A. Mahmood, M. Aslam, M. Yasin and M. A. Khan. 2001. Nitrogen Dynamics under Aerobic
and Anaerobic Soil Condition. International Jorunal of Agriculture & Biology, Vol.(03-4):458-460 (National).
49. Zia M. Sharif, M. B. Baig and M.B. Khan. 1999. Dynamics of soil electro-characteristics under submerged rice
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50. Zia M. Sharif, M.T. Rashid and Rahmatullah. 1988. Relative efficiency of conventional and slow release
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52. Zia, M. S., M. Aslam, Rahmatullah, M. Arshad & Tahira Ahmad, 1999. Ammonia volatilization form nitrogen
fertilizers with and without gypsum. Soil Use and Management (UK), 15:133-135 (International)
53. Zia, M. Sharif and M. Ashraf. 1980. Cultivation of maize in Attock district. J. Agric. Res. 18(1): 11-14
54. Zia, M. Sharif and M. Yousaf. 1986. Management of Zn Deficiency is lowland rice. Int. rice. Res. News letter.
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55. Zia, M. Sharif and S.A., Waring, 1987. Balance Sheet of 15N Labelled urea applied in three Australian
Vertisols differing in soil organic carbon. Fertilizer Research. (Netherlands) 12: 53-65 (International).
56. Zia, M. Sharif, A. Ali, F. Hussain and M. Aslam, 1994. Soil nitrogen availability indices for nitrogen nutrition
of calcareous lowland rice soils. Pak. J. Soil Sci. Vol. 9(3-4): 18-22. (ISSN1019-729X) (National).
57. Zia, M. Sharif, A. Ali, M. Aslam, M. B. Baig, Z. Saeed, M. B. Khan & R. A. Mann. 1997. Fertility issues and
fertilizer management in rice-wheat system. FAO Farm Management Notes for Asia and The Far East. Regular
Issue No. 23: 35-50. FAO Regional Commission on Farm Management for the Asia and the Far East Bangkok,
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58. Zia, M. Sharif, A. Ali, Rahmatullah and M. Aslam, 1998. Productivity of rice-wheat system in relation to
Azolla green manure fertilized with nitrogen and phosphorus. Pak. J. Sci. & Ind. Res. 41(1): 32-35 (ISSN
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59. Zia, M. Sharif, Ashraf Ali & Rahmatullah. 1997. Mineralogical Characterization and degree of weathering of
some bench mark soils from rice growing areas of Punjab. Pak. J. Soil Sci. 13(1-4), 1997 (ISSN 1019-729X)
60. Zia, M. Sharif, F. Hussain and M. Aslam. 2003. Nitrogen Management and use efficiency using Chlorophyll
meter and Leaf Color Chart. Pak. Journal of Soil Sci. vol 22(1): 1-10 (National)
61. Zia, M. Sharif, F. Hussain, M. Aslam and A. Hamid. 2003. Basis for formulations of fertilizer recommendation
for crop production. International Journal of Agriculture and Biology. 1560-8530/2003/05-3 (National).
62. Zia, M. Sharif, F. Hussain, M. Aslam and A. Hamid. 2003. Basis for formulations of fertilizer recommendation
for crop production. International Journal of Agriculture and Biology. 1560-8530/2003/05-3 (International).
63. Zia, M. Sharif, F. Hussain, M. B. Tahir and M. Aslam, 1993. Corn growth as influenced by water regimes and
soil texture. Pak J. Soil Sci. 8(1-2): 23-25 (National).
64. Zia, M. Sharif, F. Hussain, N.I. Hashmi, M. Ehsan Akhtar, A. Hamid and M. Aslam. 2003. A role of fertilizers
in crop production and strategies for improving nutrient use efficiency. Science Technology & Development .
Vol.22, No.3:9-12 (July-September) 2003 (International).
65. Zia, M. Sharif, F. Hussain, N.I. Hashmi, M. Ehsan Akhtar, A. Hamid and M. Aslam. 2003. A role of fertilizers
in crop production and strategies for improving nutrient use efficiency. Science Technology & Development
Vo1.22, No.3: 9-12 (July-September) 2003 (International).
66. Zia, M. Sharif, F. Hussain, Rahmatullah, M.B. Tahir and M.I. Khan, 1994. Suitability of soil tests procedure
for predicting response of rice to zinc application on calcareous soils. Pakistan J. Sci. & Ind. Res. Vol.
37(10):399-402 (ISSN 0030-9885) (International).
67. Zia, M. Sharif, M Tariq and M.B.Baig.2005. Land environment degradation and amelioration for sustainable
agriculture in Pakistan. Science Vision, Intl. Quarterly of COMSATS Vol. (9):21-25.
68. Zia, M. Sharif, M. Arshad M. Aslam and Tahira Ahmad, 1998. Effect of potassium fertilization on the
efficiency of different nitrogen fertilizers for rainfed wheat. Sci Technology & Development Vol. 17(4): 44-50
(An Int. Journal, ISSN 0254-6418) (International).
69. Zia, M. Sharif, M. Arshad, M. Aslam & Tahira Ahmad, 1998. Efficiency of nitrogenous fertilizers for rainfed
wheat as influenced by gypsum application. Pak J. Soil Sci. 15: 67-73 (ISSN1019-729X) (National).
70. Zia, M. Sharif, M. Ashraf and M. A. Sagar, 1987. Fertilizer efficiency with dry placement. Int. rice Res.
Newsletter, 12(1): 31 (International).
71. Zia, M. Sharif, M. Ashraf and M. Afzal. 1980. Impact of recommended variety and practices in increasing
maize production. Pak. J. Agric Res. 1(2): 90-92 (National).
72. Zia, M. Sharif, M. Ashraf and M. Munsif, 1987. Constraint to rice yields in Punjab, Pakistan. Int. rice Res.
Newsletter, 12(4): 53 (International).
73. Zia, M. Sharif, M. Aslam and M. Munsif. 1990. Potassium status of some soils under rice based cropping
sequences. J. Pot. Res.(India) 6(2):56-59 (International).
74. Zia, M. Sharif, M. Aslam and M.T. Rashid, 1987. Potassium nutrition of rice. Int. rice Res. Newsletter, 12(5):
36 (International).
75. Zia, M. Sharif, M. Aslam and Maqsood Ahmad Gill, 1992. Nitrogen management and fertilizer use efficiency
for lowland rice in Pakistan. Soil Sci. Plant Nutr. (Japan), 38(2): 323-330 (International).
76. Zia, M. Sharif, M. Aslam, Ashraf Ali and M. Yasin. 2000. Paddy soils. Issues/problems and their sustainable.
Science Vision, Vol. 6(2):33-45 (International).
77. Zia, M. Sharif, M. Aslam, M. B. Baig and Ashraf Ali. 2000. Fertility issues and fertilizer management in ricewheat system: A Review. Science Vision, An Intl. Quarterly Jour. of COMSATS. Vol. 5(4): 59-73
78. Zia, M. Sharif, M. Aslam, M.M.I. Nizami, A. Ali and Z. Saeed. 1996. Rainfed agriculture: Problems and their
management. Pak. J. Soil Sci., Vol. 11(1-2): 164-171 (ISSN1019-729X) (National).
79. Zia, M. Sharif, M. Aslam, Rahmatullah, M.B. Khan and Ashraf Ali, 1998. Phosphorus availability Indices for
Lowland rice in alkaline calcareous soil Pak. J. Soil Sci. 15: 159-165 (ISSN1019-729X) (National).
80. Zia, M. Sharif, M. Aslam, Rahmatullah, M.B. Khan, M.B. Baig and Ashraf Ali, 1998. Assessment of nitrogen
availability in calcareous soils under rice based cropping system. Pak. J. Soil Sci., 15: 166-173 (ISSN1019729X) (National).
81. Zia, M. Sharif, M. B. Baig and M. B. Tahir, 1999. Ionic concentration and toxicity of sodium, chlorides and
sulphur in sorghum. Sci. Technology & Development Vol. 18(2): 35-38 (An Int. Journal, ISSN 0254-6418)
82. Zia, M. Sharif, M. Munsif & M.A, Gill. 1992. Evaluation of phosphorus fertility status of calcareous alkaline
soils under rice based cropping sequence. Soil Sci. Plant Nutr. (Japan), 38(1): 7-13 (International).
83. Zia, M. Sharif, M. Salim, M. A. Gill, Rahmatullah & M. Aslam, 1994. Effect of low temperature of irrigation
water on growth and nutrient uptake by rice. J. Agron. & Crop Sci. (Germany) 173:22-31(International).
84. Zia, M. Sharif, M.B. Baig, M. Aslam and Z. Saeed, 1997. Fertilizer management and use efficiency under
rainfed agriculture: Sci. Technology & Development-An International Journal 1(2): 24-28 (International).
85. Zia, M. Sharif, Mirza, B. Baig and M.B. Tahir, 1998. Soil environmental issues and their impact on
agricultural productivity of high potential areas of Pakistan. Science Vision, An Intl. Quarterly Jour. of
COMSATS. Vol. 4(2): 56-62 (International).
86. Zia, M. Sharif, Mirza, B. Baig, M.B. Tahir and M. Yasin, 1998. Sustaining crop yields through fertilizers: A
reality. Science Vision, An Intl. Quarterly Jour. of COMSATS Vol. 4(2): 31-40 (International).
87. Zia, M. Sharif, Rahmatullah and A. Ali, 1998. Potassium release from soil clays by diammonium phosphate,
ammonium bicarbonate and ammonium chloride. J. Agronomy and Crop Science (Germany) 180: 33-37
88. Zia, M. Sharif, Rahmatullah, M. Aslam, A. Hadi, M. B. Baig and M. Yasin, 1997. Effect of fertilizer use on
crop yield and environmental pollution in Pakistan. Pak. J. Soil Sci. 14(1-2): 99-104 (ISSN1019-729X)
89. Zia, M. Sharif, Rahmatullah, M. B. Baig & M. Aslam. 1992. Phosphorus fixation by different clay minerals as
affected by phosphorus sources and water regimes. Pak. J. Agric. Sci., 29 (2): 162-165 (National).
90. Zia, M. Sharif, Rahmatullah, M.Aslam, A. Hadi, M.B. Baig and M. Yasin. 1998. Effect of fertilizer use on
crop yield and environmental pollution. Pak. J. Soil Sci. Vol.14 (1-2):99-104 (National).
91. Zia, M. Sharif, Rahmatullah, M.B. Baig and M. Aslam. 1996. Evaluation of sulphur fertility of soils under rice
based cropping sequences and response to sulphur application.
Agrochemia, (Italy).
92. Zia, M. Sharif, Rohal Amin, Fazal-e-Qayyum and M. Aslam. 1988. Plant Tissue Concentration and uptake of
phosphorus by maize as affected by level of fertilization. Pak. J. Agric. Res. 9(3):335-338 (National).
93. Zia, M. Sharif, Samina Khalil, M. Aslam and F. Hussain. 2003. Compost preparation and its use for crop
production. Science Technology & Development. V 01.22, No.3: 13-25- (July-September) 2003
94. Zia, M. Sharif, Samina Khalil, M. Aslam and F. Hussain. 2003. Compost preparation and its use for crop
production. Science Technology & Development . Vol.22, No.3:13-25- (July-September) 2003 (International).
95. Zia, M. Sharif. 1983. Importance of recommended variety and recommended practices in increasing
production of Pearl millet (Pennisetum typhoideum). J. Agric Res. 21(1): 13-18 (National).
96. Zia, M. Sharif. 1987. Effect of plant density and fertilization on rice yield and fertilizer efficiency. Int. rice
Res. News Letter, 12(4): 56 (International).
97. Zia, M. Sharif. 1987. Nitrogen sources and placement for irrigated rice. Int. rice Res. News letter
98. Zia, M. Sharif. 1988. rice response to nitrogen under two moisture regimes in three Queensland soils differing
in soil organic carbon. Pak. J. Agric. Res. 9(3):325-330 (National).
99. Zia, M. Sharif; M. Munsif; M. Aslam and M. H. Gill. 1992. Integrated use of organic manures and inorganic
fertilizers for lowland rice. Soil Sci. Plant Nutr.(Japan)38(2):331-338 (International)).
Book Chapters
100. Raj, K. Gupta and M. Sharif Zia. 2002. Reclamation and management of Alkaline soils. In: Addressing
resource conservation issues in rice-wheat systems of south Asia. A Resource Book. pp.194-198.
101. Zia, M. Sharif, M. Aslam, Arshad Ali and Z. Saeed, 1997. Fertilizer management and use efficiency for
irrigated rice grown on calcareous alkaline soils. P 815-816. In T. Ando et.al., (ed). Plant nutrition for
sustainable food production and environment. Klumer Academic Publishers (Japan).
Publications in seminar proceedings
102. Arshad Ali, M. Aslam, Fayyaz Hussain, M. Sharif Zia and M. Yasin. 1994. Boron indexing in rice soils and its
management for rice production. Presented at the 5th National Congress of Soil Science (Oct 23-25, 1994),
Peshawar (National).
103. Ashraf M. D. Khan and M. Sharif Zia, 1986. Analysis of rice yield determining factors and constraints to
production potential. Paper presented at the 5th National Seminar "Strategies on rice research and production
development" (April 14-16)held at NARC, Islamabad (National).
104. Ashraf, M., M. Akbar, M. Sharif Zia and M. Amin. 1979. Efficiency of various nitrogen placement methods in
paddy. p 200-206. In proc. Nat. Seminar on rice research and production. Pak Agric. Res. Council Islamabad,
Pakistan (National).
105. Aslam, M. M.B. Baig, M. Sharif Zia, and M.B. Tahir. 1998. Fertilizer enhances crop yields and cause
environmental pollution. A reality or a myth. Proceedings of Intl. Symposium on Agro-environmental issues
and future strategies: Towards 21st Century. P 211-214, Univ. Agriculture, Faisalabad (National).
106. Badr-uz-Zaman, M. Salim, Rahmatullah and M. Sharif Zia, 1994. Utilization of Phosphorus and Sulphur by
maize from various organic and inorganic sources. Presented at the 5th National Congress of Soil Science (Oct
23-25, 1994), Peshawar (National).
107. Baig, M. B., M. Sharif Zia, M. Aslam, F. Hussain, and J.H. Ehrenreich. 1995. Effect of Sesbania aculeata and
gypsum on rice under saline sodic soil conditions. Presented at the Fourth North American Agro forestry
Conference, Boise, Idaho, U.S.A. (July 24-26, 1995) (International).
108. Baig, M. B., M. Sharif Zia, M. Aslam, M. Munsif and J.H. Ehrenreich. 1995. Effect of Susana aculeata and
phosphorus fertilization on rice production under sodic soil condition. Presented in the North American Agro
forestry Conference, Boise, Idaho, USA (July 24-26, 1995) (International).
109. Baig, M. B., M. Sharif Zia,, M. Aslam, F. Hussain, M. Munsif and J.H. Ehrenreich. 1995. Effect of Sesbania
aculeata and farmyard manure on rice under sodic soil conditions of Pakistan. Presented at the Fourth North
American Agro forestry Conference, Boise, Idaho, USA (July 24-26, 1995) (International).
110. Hussain, F., M. Sharif Zia and M. Aslam. 1994. Effect of wheat straw incorporation on the availability of Zinc
in rice-wheat system. Presented at the 5th National Congress of Soil Science (Oct 23-25, 1994), Peshawar
111. Hussain, F., M. Sharif Zia, and A. M. Ranjha. 1994. Potassium uptake by corn in relation to nitrogen and
phosphorus fertilization in some soils of Punjab. P.277-282. In: Proceeding of Fourth National Congress of Soil
Science on "Efficient Use of Plant Nutrients.” 24-26 May, 1992, Islamabad (National)
112. M. Aslam and M. Sharif Zia, 1994. Effect of combining different N sources and gypsum on nitrogen use
efficiency for wheat. p. 482-488, In: Proceedings of Fourth National Congress of Soil Science on "Efficient Use
of Plant Nutrients.” 24-26 May 1992, Islamabad (National).
113. M. Aslam, M. Sharif Zia, F. Hussain, M. Munsif, Arshad Ali, and M.B. Tahir. 1994. Efficiency of basal and
top-dressing of different N sources for rice on a dense sodic soil. Presented at the 5th National Congress of Soil
Science (Oct 23-25, 1994), Peshawar (National).
114. M. Sharif Zia and Fayyaz Hussain. 2002. Soil fertility management in rice-based cropping system in Pakistan.
In: Proceedings of SAARC workshop on Soil fertility management for increasing productivity in rice-based
cropping system. SAARC Agricultural Information Centre, Dhakka. pp. 70-84 (International).
115. Mahmood, T., M.B. Baig and M. Sharif Zia,. 1998. Innovative Technologies for sustainable crop yields and
amelioration of environment in Pakistan. Proceedings of Intl. Symposium on Agro-environmental issues and
future strategies: Towards 21st Century. P 223-228, Univ. Agriculture, Faisalabad (International).
116. Maqsood, A. Gill, Rahmatullah, B. Z. Sheikh and M. Sharif Zia, 1994. Differential growth and phosphorus
uptake by different wheat cultivars from phosphate rock. In: Proceeding of Fourth National Congress of Soil
Science on "Efficient Use of Plant Nutrients.” 24-26 May 1992, Islamabad (National).
117. Nabi, G., M. Salim, Rahmatullah and M. Sharif Zia, 1994. Differential response of wheat cultivars to saline
root media with variable phosphorus supply. Presented at the 5th National Congress of Soil Science (Oct 23-25,
1994), Peshawar (National).
118. Nizami, M. M. I. and M. Sharif Zia, 1993. Mountainous areas of Pakistan, Resources, Constraints and
Development. Presented in the Integrated Mountain Development Workshop held at NARC (May 3-4, 1993),
organized by International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development (ICIMOD) and PARC (National).
119. Nizami, M.I. and M. Sharif Zia, 1990. Root Penetration relationship with soil strength, bulk density and
Biopores In: M.E. Akhtar and M.I. Nizami (eds) pp.204-218. Soil Physics -Application under Stress
Environments, BARD, Pakistan Agri. Res. Council Islamabad, Pakistan.
120. Nizami, M.M.I and M. Sharif Zia. 1994. Phosphorus requirement for three tillage practices in different soil
series under rainfed condition. Presented at the 5th National Congress of Soil Science (Oct 23-25, 1994),
Peshawar (National).
121. R. A. Mann, M. Sharif Zia and M. Salim. 2000. New dimensions in green manuring for sustaining the
productivity of rice-wheat system. pp. 166-185. In: (N. Ahmed & A. Hamid eds) Proceedings of symposium on
Integrated Plant Nutrition Management. National Fertilizer Development Centre, Planning and Development
Division, Govt. of Pakistan, Islamabad (National).
122. Rahmatullah, M. A. Gill. B. Z. Sheikh and M. Sharif Zia, 1994. Inorganic phosphorus fractions and their
availability for plant uptake in several calcareous soils. p. 339-346. In: Proceeding of Fourth National Congress
of Soil Science on "Efficient Use of Plant Nutrients.” 24-26 May 1992, Islamabad (National).
123. Rashid, M., Tahir Hussain and M. Sharif Zia, 1987. INSFFER country report presented in INSFFER planning
meeting workshop held in New Delhi, India (Sep. 20 to October 2) (International).
124. Rashid, T. M., M. Yasin and M. Sharif Zia, 1994. Phosphorus availability to wheat grown under calcareous
soils. p. 265-270. In: Proceedings of Fourth National Congress of Soil Science on "Efficient Use of Plant
Nutrients.” 24-26 May, 1992, Islamabad (National)
125. Salim, M. and M. Sharif Zia, 1992. Role of organic sources of nutrients in sustained soil productivity. pp. 3738. In: Proc. International Workshop on Evaluation for sustainable land management in Developing world,
Chiang Rai, Thailand (Sept. 15-21, 1991) (International).
126. Salim, M. and M. Sharif Zia. 1995. Extension of integrated plant nutrition systems (IPNS) at farm level in
Pakistan. RAPA publication: 1995/12. pp.131-133. Regional office for Asia and the Pacific, Food and
Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Bangkok, Thailand (International).
127. Salim, M., Rahmatullah, and M. Sharif Zia, 1993. The role of integrated plant nutrition system in sustainable
and environmentally sound agricultural development in Pakistan. P. 167-177. In " Proceedings of Expert
Consultation on Bio and organic fertilizers entitled " The role of IPNS in sustainable and environmentally sound
Agricultural development" held at Serdang (Sept. 21-25, 1992), Malaysia (International).
128. Shad, R.A., M. Akbar M. Munsif, G. Hussain and M. Sharif Zia, 1979. Sources of nitrogen and their methods
of placement for paddy. p. 193-199. In proc. Nat. Seminar on rice research and production. Pak. Agric. Res.
Council, Islamabad, Pakistan (National).
129. Tahir Salim, M., P. R. Hobbs & M. Sharif Zia, 1992. Review of advances in high yield crop production
technology in Pakistan. pp. 245-263. In: Proceedings of the Third International Symposium on Maximum Yield
Research (Sep. 6-8, 1992), Beijing, China (International).
130. Yasin, M., F. Hussain, M. Sharif Zia, M. Aslam and M.B. Tahir. 1994. Nutrient indexing in soils and
associated rice plants of Sheikhupura District. Presented at the 5th National Congress of Soil Science (Oct 2325, 1994), Peshawar (National).
131. Yasin, M., M.T. Rashid & M. Sharif Zia, 1994. Response of sunflower to N at different ESP levels. p. 505510. In: Proceeding of Fourth National Congress of Soil Science on "Efficient Use of Plant Nutrients.” 24-26
May 1992, Islamabad (National).
132. Yusuf, M. Ashraf Chaudhry, M. Sharif Zia, M. Akram and M. Aslam Sagar. 1986. Pre and post harvest losses
in paddy as affected by time of harvest, method of threshing and period of in-field drying. Paper presented at
the 5th National Seminar, Strategies on rice Research and Production Development (April 14-16), held at
NARC, Islamabad. pp.69-74 (National).
133. Zia M. Sharif, A. Rashid M, Aslam and A. Shah. 2005. Land degradation and management for sustainable agriculture
in Pakistan. In:El-Beltalgy, A.and Saxena, M. A., Sustainable Development and Management of Dry-lands in the
Twenty–first Century, ICARDA, Aleppo, Syria
134. Zia, M. S., A.W. Jasra and I. Ahmad, 2004. Environment services and upstream – downstream relationship in
Pakistan. Presented in 21st anniversary symposium “securing sustainable livelihoods in the Hindu KushHimalayas: Directions for future research, development, cooperation” 5-6 December, 2004, organized by
International Center for Integrated Mountain Development (ICIMOD), Katmandu, Nepal (International,
publication due shortly).
135. Zia, M. Sharif and M, Aslam. 1999. Soils and Nutrient management for Cotton-Wheat System. Presented in
Workshop on raising and sustaining the productivity of Cotton-Wheat System of Pakistan. PARC Islamabad,
April 5&6, 1999 (National).
136. Zia, M. Sharif and M. Ashraf. 1986. Fertilizer efficiency and management for lowland rice. Paper presented at
the 5th National Seminar, "Strategies on rice Research and Production Development" (April 14-16) held at
NARC, Islamabad (National).
137. Zia, M. Sharif and M. Aslam Sagar. 1986. Toxicity of sodium chloride and sodium sulphate in sorghum. p.3642. In: S. Shamshad Mehdi Naqvi and Riazuddin Ansari (eds). Environmental stress and plant health. Atomic
Energy Agric. Res. Centre, Tandojam, Pakistan (National).
138. Zia, M. Sharif and M. Aslam. 1990. Influence of nitrogen and phosphorus on nitrogen contribution of Azolla in
rice-wheat sequence. pp. 343-344. Vol iii Commission iii Transaction 14th international Congress of Soil
Sci.(August 12-18) Kyoto, Japan (International).
139. Zia, M. Sharif and M. I. Nizami & M. Salim. 1990. Soils and their suitability for rice cultivation in Pakistan.
pp. 265-282. In: Soil Health for Sustainable Agriculture, 3rd Int. Congress Soil Sci. held at Lahore, Pakistan
(March, 20-22,1990) (National)
140. Zia, M. Sharif, A. Ali and F. Hussain. 1995. Fertilizer management and use efficiency under rainfed
agriculture. Presented in the 5th National Congress of Plant Scientists (March 28-30) organized by Pakistan
Botanical Society, NARC, Islamabad (National).
141. Zia, M. Sharif, A. Ali, and M. M.I. Nizami, 1995. Fertility issues and fertilizer management in rice-wheat
system. Presented in Workshop on (Sep. 22-24, 1995) held at Int. rice Research Institute, Los Banos,
Philippines (International).
142. Zia, M. Sharif, A. Ali, M.I. Nizami, M.B. Tahir, M. Aslam and F. Hussain. 1995. Sustaining crop yields
through judicious use of fertilizers. p.45-55. In: Proceeding Agricultural Research Centre, Islamabad, Pakistan
143. Zia, M. Sharif, M. Ashraf, M. Yousaf, N.A. Khan and A. Ali. 1987. Techniques to control zinc deficiency
problem in wetland rice soils. p 181-190. In Khattak J.K., S. Perveen and Farmanullah (eds) proc. Nat. Seminar
on Micronutrient in soils and crops in Pakistan. N.W.F.P. Agric Univ., Peshawar, Pakistan (National)
144. Zia, M. Sharif, M. Aslam and M.T. Rashid. 1985. Evaluation of the newly available micronutrients fertilizers
and their methods of application for wheat. Presented in the seminar on the Progress of Science and Technology
(Dec. 20-22, Islamabad), organized by Pakistan Science Foundation and Association of Pakistani scientists and
engineers of North America (International).
145. Zia, M. Sharif, M. Aslam Sagar and Rahmatullah. 1988. Recovery of Fertilizer nitrogen under rice with two
moisture regimes in three Queensland soils differing in soil organic carbon. P.227-235, In: proceedings of the
Symposium on Plant health and Care, Univ. of Agri. Faisalabad (National).
146. Zia, M. Sharif, M. Aslam, Ashraf Ali & M. Yasin. 1998. Paddy soils: Issues/problems and their sustainable
management presented in the International Seminar Soil degradation, processes, management and economic
analysis, organized by APO (Japan) and Univ. Agriculture, Faisalabad (Oct. 19-24, 1998) (International).
147. Zia, M. Sharif, M. Aslam, Nasir M, Cheema, A. Shah and H. Laghari, 2005. Diagnosis of plant nutrient disorder
in fruit plant. In: Proceeding of symposium on plant nutrition management for horticultural crops under water
stressed condition, p. 16-27, held at Agriculture Research Sariab, Quetta, Oct. 5-6 (National).
148. Zia, M. Sharif, M. B. Baig, M. Aslam and M. B. Tahir. 1998. Soil Environmental Issues and Their Impact on
Agricultural Productivity of High Potential Areas of Pakistan. Proceedings of Intl. Symposium on Agroenvironmental issues and future strategies: Towards 21 st Century. P 281-286, Univ. Agriculture, Faisalabad.
149. Zia, M. Sharif, M. I. Nizami, M. Aslam and M. Yasin. 1992. Environmental issues in land development for
sustainable agriculture in Pakistan. pp. 338-364. In: Proc. Regional Expert Consultation on Environmental
Issues in Land and Water Development Bangkok, Thailand (11-13 Sept., 1991) (International).
150. Zia, M. Sharif, M. I. Nizami, M. Salim and M.B. Baig. 1990. Impact of variable bulk density of a Krasnozem
soil on Maize. In: M.E. Akhtar and M.I. Nizami (eds) pp.219-223. Soil Physics - Application under Stress
Environments, BARD, Pakistan Agri. Res. Council Islamabad, Pakistan (International).
151. Zia, M. Sharif, M. Salim, M.M.I. Nizami and Arshad Ali. 1994. Rainfed agriculture: Problems and their
management. Presented at the 5th National Congress of Soil Science (Oct 23-25, 1994), Peshawar (National).
152. Zia, M. Sharif, M. Yasin, M. B. Baig and M. I. Bhatti. 1990. Ionic concentration and toxicities of sodium,
chlorides and sulphur in sorghum. p. 244-248. In: M. Rafiq et.al. (eds) Soils for Agricultural development. Proc.
Second National Congress of soil Sci. Faisalabad Pakistan (National).
153. Zia, M. Sharif, M.M. I. Nizami and M. Salim. 1994. Problems of Land degradation in Pakistan. p.170-202. In:
Proceedings of the Expert Consultation of Asian Network on Problem Soils, held at Bangkok, Thailand (Oct.
25-29, 1993) (International)
154. Zia, M. Sharif, M.M.I. Nizami and M. Salim, 1994. Problems of soil degradation in Pakistan. FAO RAPA
Publication: 1994/3. The collection and analysis of land degradation data. Regional office for Asia and the
Pacific Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Bangkok. 179-202 (International).
155. Zia, M. Sharif, R. A. Mann, M. Aslam, M. A. Khan and F. Hussain. 2000. pp. 130-149. In: (N. Ahmed & A.
Hamid eds) Proceedings of symposium on Integrated Plant Nutrition Management. National Fertilizer
Development Centre, Planning and Development Division, Govt. of Pakistan, Islamabad (National).
156. Zia, M. Sharif, R.A. Shad, M. Ashraf, M. Yousaf and M. Aslam Sagar. 1988. Efficiency of different nitrogen
fertilizers and their methods of application in paddy. pp. 306-313. In Managing Soil Resources, Proc. First Nat.
Congress on soil science, Lahore, Pakistan (National).
157. Zia, M. Sharif, Rahmatullah, M.M.I. Nizami, F. Hussain and M. Aslam. 1993. Nutrient Status and Fertilizer
Management in rice-wheat system. Presented in the Review Literature meeting of rice-Wheat system at Lahore
(Feb 6-12, 1993) Organized by Int. rice Research Inst. Manila and Pak. Agri. Res. Council Islamabad
158. Zia, M. Sharif, Tahir Hussain and M. Rashid. 1987. Fertilizer use efficiency for irrigated rice in Pakistan.
Presented in INSFFER planning meeting/workshop held in New Delhi, India (Sep. 20 to Oct. 2)
159. Zia, M. Sharif. 1985. Fertilizer nitrogen recovery efficiency under saline sodic lowland rice conditions. p 489500. In Rafiq, A. and A.S. Pietro (eds) Proceedings of US-Pakistan Biosaline Research Workshop, held in
Karachi, Pakistan, Dept. Bot. Univ. Karachi (National).
160. Zia, M. Sharif. 1986. Fertilizer management under rice based cropping system. Paper presented at the
workshop on rice based cropping systems held in Islamabad (April, 21-22) (National).
161. Zia, M. Sharif. 1994. Nitrogen fertilizer use efficiency in flooded rice soils. p. 141-150 In: Proceeding of
Fourth National Congress of Soil Science on Efficient Use of Plant Nutrients". 24-26 May 1992, Islamabad
162. Zia, M. Sharif. 2004. Impact of wastewater irrigation on crops and human health. Submitted to Ministry of
Environment for presentation in seminar on environmental pollution and management in Pakistan (publication
due shortly).
163. Zia, M. Sharif; A. Rahman, R.A. Shad and M.B. Khan. 1985. Bio-degradation of 2,4-d and MCPA in soil.
p.112-116. In proceedings of workshop on Weed Science Research in Pakistan. Retrospect and Prospects.
PARC, Islamabad (National).
Abstracts published in seminar proceedings
164. Ali, A, M. Sharif Zia, M. Aslam, and M. Yasin 1998. Response of rainfed wheat to K as affected by Time and
Method of application. Accepted for presentation in the 7th International Congress of Soil Science to be held on
Dec. 9-12, 1998 at Faisalabad, PAKISTAN (Abst. Page 10).
165. Amin, R., M. Sharif Zia, and Akhtar Ali. 1988. rice response to fertilizer in Swat. In: Sixth National Seminar
on rice Research and Production. p. 74-75, held in Islamabad (March 6-8).
166. Aslam, M, M. Sharif Zia, A. Ali and M. Yasin 1998. Response of rainfed wheat to K evaluated at two levels of
N P application. Accepted for presentation in the 7 th International Congress of Soil Science to be held on Dec.
9-12, 1998 at Faisalabad, PAKISTAN (Abst. Page 9)
167. Aslam, M., M. Sharif Zia & Fayyaz Hussain. 2000. Nitrogen use efficiency by wheat and rice under different
management practices. P.17. Abstracts of 8 th International Congress of Soil Science. Organized by Soil Science
Society of Pakistan at NARC (Nov. 13-16, 2000).
168. Aslam, M., M. Sharif Zia, Z. Saeed, and M.B. Baig. 1996. Efficiency of zinc fertilization under different soil
condition for rice yield. A paper presented at Sixth National Congress of Soil Science held at Lahore from Dec.
2-5, 1996.
169. Baig, M.B., M.T Rashid, M. Sharif Zia, M. Aslam and Z Saeed,. 1996. effect of wheat straw incorporation on
the efficiency of nitrogen fertilizers and their placement methods. A paper presented at Sixth National Congress
of Soil Science held at Lahore from Dec. 2-5, 1996.
170. Hussain, F., M. Sharif Zia. 2000. Chlorophyll meter use for predicting N top dressing requirements for rice.
P.18. Abstracts of 8th International Congress of Soil Science. Organized by Soil Science Society of Pakistan at
NARC (Nov. 13-16, 2000).
171. Hussain, F., M.S. Zia, M Yasin, A.M. Khan and I. Ahmad. 2004. Site specific nutrient management for rice and
wheat. Pp 2. Abstract of 10th International Congress Soil Science held at Sind Agriculture University Tando
Jam, March 16-19.
172. M. Aslam, Azizullahm Shah, M. Sharif Zia and H.R. Rizvi, 2004. Sustaining the rice-wheat productivity by
using the different N management practices. Pp13. Abstract of 10 th International Congress Soil Science held at
Sind Agriculture University Tando Jam, March 16-19.
173. Munsif, M., M. Sharif Zia, and M. Munsif. 1988. Role of gypsum and sulphuric acid in improving paddy yield
in saline sodic soils. In: Sixth National Seminar on rice Research and Production. p. 69, held in Islamabad
(March 6-8).
174. Munsif, M., M. Sharif Zia, and M.C. Shaukat. 1988. Synergetic role of organic manures and N fertilizers in
rice production. In: Sixth National Seminar on rice Research and Production. p. 69-70, held in Islamabad
(March 6-8).
175. Rashid, M.T., M. Sharif Zia, and M. Aslam. 1988. Effect of straw incorporation on the recovery of added
nitrogen fertilizers to rice. In: Sixth National Seminar on rice Research and Production. p. 73, held in Islamabad
(March 6-8).
176. Shahida, N. K., M. Razzak. M. Ahmad and M. S. Zia. 2000. Azorhizobium inoculation and response of what.
P.26. Abstracts of 8th International Congress of Soil Science. Organized by Soil Science Society of Pakistan at
NARC (Nov. 13-16, 2000).
177. Shaukat, M. C., M. Sharif Zia, M. Yousaf and A. Ali. 1988. Evaluation of zinc fertilizer formulation for rice
production. In: Sixth National Seminar on rice Research and Production. p. 71-72, held in Islamabad (March 68).
178. Yasin, M, M. Sharif Zia, M. Aslam and A. Ali. 1998. Nitrogen use efficiency for rainfed wheat as affected by
Time and Method of application. Accepted for presentation in the 7 th International Congress of Soil Science to
be held on Dec. 9-12, 1998 at Faisalabad, PAKISTAN (Abst. Page 52-53).
179. Yasin, M., Z. Saeed, M. Sharif Zia, M. Aslam and M.B. Baig. 1996. Impact of balanced fertilization in
improving rice yield and N use efficiency. A paper presented at Sixth National Congress of Soil Science held at
Lahore from Dec. 2-5, 1996.
180. Zia, M. Sharif, M. Aslam, and A. Ali. 1998. Some innovative approaches for improving nitrogen use
efficiency for wheat. Accepted for presentation in the 7 th International Congress of Soil Science to be held on
Dec. 9-12, 1998 at Faisalabad, PAKISTAN (Abst. Page 53).
181. Zia, M. Sharif, Aslam, M., Z. Saeed, and M.B. Baig. 1996. Effect of fertilizer use on crop yield and
environmental pollution in Pakistan. A paper presented at Sixth National Congress of Soil Science held at
Lahore from Dec. 2-5, 1996.
182. Zia, M. Sharif, F. Hussain and M. Aslam. 2000. Efficient nitrogen management for crop production using
chlorophyll meter. P.17. Abstracts of 8th International Congress of Soil Science. Organized by Soil Science
Society of Pakistan at NARC (Nov. 13-16, 2000).
183. Zia, M. Sharif, M. Aslam, A. Ali and M. Yasin. 1998. Paddy Soils: Issues/Problems and their Sustainable
Management. Presented in the International Seminar on “ Soil degradation, Processes, Management and
Economic Analyses” Organized by APO (Japan) and University of Agriculture, Faisalabad (Oct. 19-24, 1998)
184. Zia, M. Sharif, M.T. Rashid and M. Munsif. 1988. Effect of Potassium application on the efficiency of urea on
rice. In: Sixth National Seminar on rice Research and Production. p. 72-73, held in Islamabad (March 6-8).
185. Zia, M. Sharif, M.T. Rashid, Rahmatullah and M. Munsif. 1988. Relative efficiency of conventional and slow
release nitrogen fertilizers for rice. In: Sixth National Seminar on rice Research and Production. p. 73, held in
Islamabad (March 6-8).
186. Zia, M. Sharif. 1988. Assessment of some extractant for evaluating zinc fertility of Pakistan rice soils. In: Sixth
National Seminar on rice Research and Production. p. 73-74, held in Islamabad (March 6-8).
Popular bulletin
187. Akhtar M. E., M. S. Zia, F. Hussain and M.Z. Khan. 2004. Nitrogen Management of Crops: The use of leaf
colour chart. Farming Outlook. Vol. 4 (1): 22-24.
188. Ashraf, M., C. Inayatullah, M. Sharif Zia, and Abdul Ahad Qureshi. 1986. Constraint in maximizing rice
yields. Progressive Farming, 6(1):35-40.
189. Zia M. Sharif, M. Ashraf and M. Aslam. 1986. Low cost and efficient fertilizer technology for rice production.
Prog Farming. 6(6):29-31.
190. Zia, M. Sharif and M. Bismillah Khan. 1985. Diagnosis of nutrient disorders in crop plants. Progressive
farming vol. 5. No. 4. pp-20-23.
191. Zia, M. Sharif, A. Rashid. 1995. Soil Management for Sustainable Agriculture. Progressive Farming Vol.
15(5): 50-60.
192. Zia, M. Sharif, M Aslam, M. A. Gill and Fayyaz, H. 1991. Fertilizer Use Efficiency in Pakistan. Progressive
Farming 11(3):35-38.
193. Zia, M. Sharif, M. A. Khan and M.B. Baig. 1986. Management of salt affected soils in Pakistan. Prog.
Farming. 6(3):24-29.
194. Zia, M. Sharif, M. Yasin, M. A. Gill and M. Aslam. 1992. Fertilizer management in rice-wheat system. Prog.
Farming, 12(1):14-18.
195. Zia, M. Sharif, M.B. Baig, M. Munsif and M.B. Tahir. 1986. Nutrient deficiencies in lowland rice. Prog.
Farming (6): 36-39.
Research reports
196. Zia, M. Sharif, M. Aslam, F. Hussain and M. Yasin. 1998. Annual Report of Land Resources Research
Institute, NARC.
197. Zia, M. Sharif, M. Aslam, F. Hussain and M. Yasin. 1997. Annual Report of Land Resources Research
Institute, NARC.
198. Zia, M. Sharif, M. Aslam, F. Hussain and M. Yasin. 1996. Annual Report of Land Resources Research
Institute, NARC.
199. Zia, M. Sharif, M. Aslam, F. Hussain and M. Yasin. 1995. Annual Report of Land Resources Research
Institute, NARC.
200. Zia, M. Sharif. 1994. Annual Report of Land Resources Research Institute. NARC, Islamabad.
201. Zia, M. Sharif, M. Aslam, F. Hussain and M. Yasin.. 1994. Annual Report of Fertilizer Use Efficiency Project
and Soil Fertility ARP-II. LRRI, NARC, Islamabad.
202. Zia, M. Sharif, M. Aslam, F. Hussain and M. Yasin.. 1993. Soil Suitability, Nutrient Indexing and Fertilizer
Management. LRRI, NARC, Islamabad.
203. Zia, M. Sharif, M. Aslam, F. Hussain and M. Yasin.. 1993. Annual Report of Fertilizer Use Efficiency Project
and Soil Fertility ARP-II. LRRI, NARC, Islamabad.
204. Zia, M. Sharif & M. Aslam. 1993. Annual Report of Land Resources Research Institute, NARC, Islamabad.
205. Zia, M. Sharif, M. Aslam, F. Hussain and M. Yasin.. 1992. Annual Report of Fertilizer Use Efficiency Project
NARC, Islamabad.
206. Zia, M. Sharif& M. Aslam 1992. Annual Report of Land Resources Research Institute. NARC, Islamabad.
Urdu bulletin
207. Zia, M. Sharif,, Fayyaz and M. Aslam. 1991. Khadoon Ki Afadiat Bharanai Kay Zarin assol Aur Mukktlaf
Fasloon Kay Laya Safarshat. An Urdu Bulletin. Submitted for Publication to the Directorate of Publication.
Pak. Agri. Res. Council, P.O. Box 1031, Islamabad.
208. M. Akbar, M. Sharif Zia, and A.R. Saleemi. 1981. Dhan Mayn gist kai Kami Aur Us Ka Alag. Zinc deficiency
in rice and its cure. An urdu Publication. Pak. Agric. Research Council, P.O. Box 1031, Islamabad.
Reprint requests from scientists of highly developed world.
S. No.
Name of Paper
Zia, M. Sharif, A. Rehman, R. A. Shad and M.
B. Khan, 1986. Biodegradation of 2, 4-D and
MCPA in soil. 0112-116. In R. A. Shad (eds).
Proceedings of First National Weed Science
Workshop (March 2-4, 1995), NARC,
Zia, M. Sharif and S. A. Waring, 1987. Balance
sheet of 15N Labeled urea applied in three
Australian vertisols differing in soil organic
carbon. Fertilizer Research (Netherlands) 12: 5365.
Beth Holland
Dr. Stephen A. Prior, Research
Dr. Charles W. Rice., Professor.
Dr. W. S. Reid, Professor.
Dr. D. R. Keency, Professor.
Dr. H. Wayne Polley, Professor.
Dr. L. Eaton, Professor.
Dr. B. Luns Professor.
Dr. Christine Kate.
Dr. K. Kyuma Professor.
Dr. H. Faust.
Requesting Scientist.
Mr. Soufi Mohamed
Organization / Country.
PTT 13641 Djebala Tlemcan Algeria
Dr. Dennis Ojima, Professor
Natural Resources Ecology Laboratory,
Colorado State University, Colorado
Same Lab in USA.
National Soil Dynamics Lab, Auburn,
Dept of Crop & Soil Sciences Michigan
State Univ. U.S.A.
Soil Science Dept., Cornell Univ.
Soil Science Dept., Univ. of Wisconsin
Madison U.S.A.
Natural Resources Ecology Lab.
Colorado State University, USA.
Dept Biology Nova Scotia Agriculture
College, Canada.
Institute of Ecology and Genetics,
Univesitat Bayreuth, West Germany.
Lab. Soil Science, Kyoto Univ. Japan.
Academic der Wisenshaticn DDR,
German Dem. Rep.
-do-doZia, M. Sharif, Aslam M., Gill, M. A, 1992.
Nitrogen Management and Fertilizer Use
Efficiency for Lowland Rice in Pakistan. Soil
Sci. Plant Nutr. 38(2): 323-330.
-doZia, M. Sharif, Munsif, M., Aslam, M. , Gill,
M.A, 1992. Integrated Use of Organic Manures
and Inorganic Fertilizers for Cultivation of
Lowland Rice in Pakistan. Soil Sci. Plant Nutri.
(Japan) 38(2): 3331-338.
-do-doZia, M. Sharif, M. Yasin, M. A. Gill and M.
Aslam, 1992. Fertilizer management in ricewheat system Prog. Farming 12(1): 14-18
Dr. Alfonso Bujan, Ingniero
Dr. Ruben A. Montes
Dr. J. J. Oertli, Professor
Nacional De Energia Atomica,
Republica Argentina.
Universidad Simon Bolivar, Venezuela.
Eidgenosische Technische Hochschule,
Zurich Switzerland.
Dr. Michelle Girard
Dr. Hans Egneus
Crema L' Houmeau, France.
Dungarpur Integrated Wastelands
Development Project, Dungarpur,
Rajasthan, India.
United States Environmental Protection
Agency Washington, D. C, U.S.A.
Dr. R. Rodrigue a Sorra.
Junta de Andalucia Consegeria de
Agriculturay Pesca, Alcala Del Rio,
Dr. Paulo, P. G Perhra Professor. Univ. Federal De Vicosa, Brasil.
Dr. J. J. Oertli.
Institute of Plant Sci. ETH Research
Station, Lindau, Switzerland.
Dr. Pol Deturck
Ir. C. Van Niewenhove
Institute of Fundamental Studies,
Kandy, Sri Lanka.
Biological Dinitrogen Fixation Project,
Kandy, Sri Lanka.
Cercle Musulement, Aiw Sctif Algeria
Dr. K. N.Singh
S.K. University of Agri. Sciences and
Technology Sirinagar Jammu&
Kashmir INDIA.
Zia, M. Sharif, M. Munsif, M. A. Gill, 1992.
Evaluation of phosphorus fertility status of
Calcareous alkaline soils rice in Pakistan Soil
Sci: Plant Nutr. (Japan), 38(2): 323-330.
Dr. Yadvinder Singh, Soil
Professeur Jean Lambert
Dr. Curtis J. Richardson
Dr. C. M. Grieve
Dr. K. W. Perrott
Dr. E. Frossard
Dr. Ferty Fertilizates
Morte Zublloger
Dr. N. Schadeek
Zia, M. Sharif, M. Aslam and M. T. Rashid,
Dr. Nishantha Fernando
1987. Potassium nutrition of rice. Int. Rice Res.
News Letter, 12(2):56.
Zia, M. Sharif, M. Salim, M. Aslam, M. A. Gill Ronald A. Stanby
Rahmatullah 1894. Effect of low temperature of
irrigation water on rice growth and nutrient
uptake. J. Apron. Crop Sci. (Germany) :173(1):
-doDr. A. L. Youngman
Punjab. Agriculture University,
Ludhiana, India.
Centre Provincial & Information
Agricole, Belgique.
Duke Wetland Centre, School of the
Environment Duke Univ. U.S.A.
Institute for Wetland and Waterfowl
Research, Winnipeg, Canada.
U. S. Salinity Laboratory Reverside,
Ruakura Agricultural Centre, Hamilton,
New Zealand.
Agronomic Environnement
Vandoeuvre, France.
Facultad De Agronomica Buenos Aires,
Republica Argentina.
Faculted De Agronomica Buenos Aires,
Laboratoire De Science Du Sol,
Universite De Louvain, Belgium.
The Institute of Fundamental Studies,
Kandy, Sri Lanka.
Wetland Research Unit, Pennsylvania,
Dept Biological Sciences Wichite State
Univ. Kansas, U.S.A.
Dr. Pierre BERTIN
Ing. Emilia Basulto Ruiz
Dr. J.E. Cantagallo
Dr. Alberto Livore
Dr. Roberto Marano
Zia, M. Sharif, M.M.I . Nizami and M. Salim,
Dr. Jhone Ismail Suispi Becerra
1994. Problems of Land degradation in Pakistan.
p.170-202. In: Proceedings of the Expert
Consultation of Asian Network on Problem
Soils, held at Bangkok, Thailand (Oct. 25-29,
Zia, M. Sharif, M. Aslam, Rahmatullah, M.
Dallas Batchelor
Arshad & Tahira, 1999. Ammonium
volatilization from nitrogen fertilizers with and
with gypsum. Soil Use and Management, 15, 15. Cambridge, U.K.
Zia, M. Sharif, M. Aslam, Rahmatullah, M.
Arshad & Tahira, 1999. Ammonium
volatilization from nitrogen fertilizers with and
with gypsum. Soil Use and Management, 15, 15. Cambridge, U.K.
Technical Centre
Professor Laboratoire De
Cytogenetique, Universite Cattrolique
De Lovvain Belgium.
Instituto Superior De Ciencias
Agropecuarias De La Habana
Cat. Fisilogia Vegetal Fac. De
Agronimia - UBA Av. San Martin 4453
1417 - Buenos Aires Republica
Inta CC 6 C. Del Uruguay Entre Rios
3260 Argentina.
Horticultura Kreder 2805 3080Esperanza. Santa Fe Argentina.
Ecologia E Hidrologia, Facultad De
Biollogia, Campuus Universatario
Espinardo, Universidad De Murcia.
30100 Espinardo- Murcia, Espania
Lamb weston Inc. 2005Saint St.
Richland, WA,99352, USA
Tru Green-Chemlawn 135 Rd.
Delaware, OH, 43015., USE, US.
Charles A. Shapiro
Zia, M. Sharif. 1990.
Fertility evaluation and management of flooded
lowland rice soils of Pakistan
Catedra Ing. Agr. RAUL S.
Requested by Suzuki Keiji for
IRRI, Phillipines
University of Nebraska
Haskell Agricultural Laboratory
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Research paper requests from different countries
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Resume of Research activities including significant achievements
Awards and appreciation letter received
Recommended by Pakistan Council for Science and Technology (PCST), Government of
Pakistan, Islamabad for Research Productivity Allowance amounting to Rs.120,000/- for the
year 2002-2003.
Received Research Productivity Allowance @ Rs.5000/- per month (Total Rs.60,000/-) from 1st July, 2001 to
30th June, 2002 from Ministry of Science and Technology, Government of Pakistan, Islamabad.
Received Special Science and Technology Allowance @ Rs.5000/- per month from 1st July, 2001 to 30th June,
2002 from Ministry of Science and Technology, Government of Pakistan, Islamabad.
PARSA MILLENNIUM AWARD, 1999-2000 in recognition of accomplishments for scoring the highest
number of research publication in life time research career. Received a shield and a certificate.
PARSA MILLENNIUM AWARD, 1999-2000 in recognition of accomplishments for supervising post graduate
thesis research. Received a certificate.
PARSA MILLENNIUM AWARD, 1999-2000 in recognition of encouragement and technical guidance in the
development of the technology of bio-fertilizer (BIOZOTE) in Pakistan. Received a certificate.
PARSA MILLENNIUM AWARD, 1999-2000 in recognition of achievements, for developing technology of
chemical treatment of rock phosphate for its direct application to rice/wheat. Received a certificate.
Awarded first prize by PARC Scientist Association in recognition of outstanding contributions in Agriculture
research and publishing maximum research articles in journals of international repute during 1997-98
Elected as a nominee for a rare honor by American Bibliographical Institute vide letter dated Feb 20, 1998 from
J.M. Evans, Board of Director.
Got Gold Medal during 1996 from Kisan Wing (PPP) Punjab for transfer of fertilizer management technologies
to the farmers .
Conferred a commendation certificate for outstanding research work on Soil Science by Pakistan Agricultural
Research Council Scientist Association (PARSA) on 21 Dec. 1995.
Pakistan Agricultural Research Council Scientists Association (PARSA) presented a plaque in recognition of
outstanding contributions in Agricultural research, 21 Dec., 1995, Islamabad.
Manpower development
Training of institute scientists in higher education
Land Resources Research Institute (LRRI), Water Resources Research Institute (WRRI),
Rangeland Research Institute (RRI) and Honeybee Research Institute (HRI) were established at
the same time. Through the personal interest of Director, LRRI has the largest number of Ph.D
scientist (17) compared to only 4 in WRRI, 1 in RRI and 1 in HRI. This is one of the biggest
Supervision of M.Sc (Hons) Agri. and Ph.D research, resulting in the award of degree
Although all the research planning, execution, paper and thesis writing was carried out under the
supervision of undersigned but I was declared co-supervisor by the university. According to
university rules the supervisor is taken from the university. The matter is brought in the notice of
the peer review committee, so that my contribution is properly rewarded. The undersigned
actually supervised the Ph.D and M.Sc (Hons) Agri research of following students.
Ph. D. Research Supervision
Name of student
Javed Iqbal Khan
M. Jamil Khan
M. I. Sultani
Muhammad Arshad
Thesis title/department/university
Impact of Sewage Wastes ( Effluents and Sludge) on soil
properties and qualities of vegetables. (In Progress)
Use of industrial waste material in Agriculture. (In Progress)
Productivity and Residual Effect of Green Manure Legumes
in Cereal based Cropping System in Pothowar Plateau: Ph.D
thesis, Department of Range Management & Forestry, Arid
Agriculture University, Rawalpindi
Nitrogen nutrition management and fertilizer use efficiency
in wheat under different soil conditions. Ph.D thesis Dept.
of Biological Sciences, Quid-i-Azam University, Islamabad.
M.Sc. (Hons) Agri. Research Supervision
M. Yasin
Effect of Soil Media and Phosphorus Fertilization on
Germination and Growth of Leucaene Leucocephala: M.Sc
thesis, Allama Iqbal Open University, Islamabad
Fareha Fayyaz
Comparison of different extractants for determination of
extractable micronutrients in some soil series. M.Sc.(Hons)
Agri. Thesis, Dept. Soil Science, University of Arid
Agriculture, Rawalpindi.
Nadeemm Hussain
Phosphorus status of some Punjab Pothwar & NWFP Soils
and Wheat Response to Phosphorus Application.
M.Sc.(Hons) Agri. Thesis, Dept. Soil Science, University of
Arid Agriculture, Rawalpindi.
Muhammad Zahoor
Boron status of some pothwar & NWFP soils and soybean
response to its application. M.Sc (Hons) Agri Thesis, Dept
Soil Science, University of Arid Agriculture, Rawalpindi.
Mohammad Saeed
Fertilizer use efficiency in wheat crop under moisture stress
field conditions. M.Sc.(Hons) Agri. Thesis, Dept. Soil
Science, University of Arid Agriculture, Rawalpindi.
Research project completed/formulated
Research projects completed
 Rice program of PARC at Kala Shah Kaku as the Incharge of the substation from February 1977 to Feb 1982
and generated useful rice production technology.
 A coordinated Soil Fertility and Fertilizer use project 1983-88 with its coordinated research units in all the four
 Fertilizer use efficiency project 1991-98 in Land Resources Research Institute from current funding source.
 Soil Fertility ARP-II Project 1992-97, a Work Bank funded Project.
Projects formulated
 Improving Nutrient Management Strategies for Sustainable Rice-Wheat Production. A project funded under
completive Research Grant funds of Rice-What Consortium for 18 months amounting to US$8000/- (First
Phase) US $4000/- from Rice Wheat Consortium, S $4000/- from IRRI.
 Improving Nutrient Management Strategies for sustainable Rice-Wheat Production (2nd Phase) funded by
International Rice Research Institute (IRRI) for one year amounting to US $ 4000/
 Nitrogen Management for Sustainable Rice-Wheat Production using chlorophyll meters and leaf colour charts. A
three-year project submitted to International Water Management Institute (IWMI) Lahore in collaboration with
International Rice Research Institute for funding under Asian Development Project amounting to US$8000/year.
 15 Nitrogen balance and use efficiency for rice wheat cropping system. A project submitted to IAEA Vienna,
Austria under regular Programme of Technical Cooperation.
 Fertility assessment and fertility management for rice-wheat system. Submitted to Director of Planning, PARC
for funding under Agricultural Linkages Program (ALP).
 Nitrogen fertility evaluation and management for sustainable rice-wheat production. Submitted to Director of
Planning, PARC for funding under Agricultural Linkages Program (ALP).
 Sustaining productivity of wheat following rice through integrated soil and nutrient management. Submitted to
Director of Planning, PARC for funding under Agricultural Linkage Program (ALP).
 Potentials of nitrogen management in rice-wheat system for food security and sustainability. Submitted to
Director Planning, PARC for funding under Agricultural Linkage Program (ALP)
Training courses organized
Following training courses have been organized for improving the skills of young scientist.
Organized a Training Course for Soil Physics Research at NARC Islamabad as Course Coordinator from 8 th
February to 18th February 1998.
Was one of the Course Trainers on Improvement of Soil Productivity through Biological Means, held at the
Training Institute, NARC during 1987.
Organized one week Soil Physics Training at NARC, Islamabad in August 1993 in which scientists from all
Provinces and Federal Institutions participated.
Was Resource Person in a Training course on Plant Nutrition Management for Sustainable Growth of
Agriculture, Organized by National Fertilizer Development Centre, Islamabad and FAO, Islamabad at
Agriculture Research Institute, Sariab, Quetta from October 6-10, 1996.
Sixteen scientists and extension workers from the provinces of Punjab and NWFP and PARC were trained in
Integrated Plant Nutrition System by organizing one-week training course under the agreement with Economic
and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific Program of United Nation, Bangkok, Thailand in collaboration
with NFDC, Islamabad.
Research achievements
Research based new knowledge
As a result of research in the field, green house and the laboratory, following new knowledge was generated.
Nitrogen fertility evaluation studies revealed that any of the determination of total, ammonia-cal (aerobic) and
mineral N can be employed for determining N requirement of rice crop.
For determining N fertility, 1 N NaCl and two N commercial NaCl have been found as good as 2 M KCl.
For calorimetric method of exchangeable ammonium determination centrifuged extractions have been found as
good as filtered extraction. In the distillation method, 0.05 N NaOH proved as good as MgO.
15N-recovery efficiency has been found to be significantly greater under continuous flooding as compared to
alternate flooding. Recovery was significantly lower in low carbon compared to medium and high carbon soils.
Recovery of ammonium sulphate by rice under salinized condition has been found significantly greater as
compared to Urea and Ammonium nitrate.
In laboratory studies on ammonia volatilization revealed.
Losses were highly correlated with soil pH and lime content of the soil. Losses were negatively correlated with
clay content of the soil.
Losses were greatest with urea. Urea nitrophos and ammonium sulphate and ammonium nitrate followed the
Losses were significantly reduced with the application of nominal quantity of gypsum.
For P fertility evaluation, all the universal soil tests such as AB-DTPA, NaHCO3 and Mehlich-3 were found
equally effective.
AB-DTPA P has been found more in rice-wheat sequence, followed by rice-fallow and rice-berseem. Available
K has been found more in rice-fallow, followed rice-berseem and rice wheat cropping sequences.
P fixation by different clay minerals from tropical rice soils varied widely (66 to 80 %) and was found in the
order: x-ray amorphous material (80 %) > Beidellite (78 %)= Vermiculite (78 %) > montmorillonite (66 %).
Greater fixation occurred under alternate flooding and drying as compared to continuous flooding.
Each of the Cu and Zn especially at higher levels antagonized their mutual uptake by rice.
Zinc uptake was enhanced by the application of potassium upto 300-mg/kg soil.
A significant reduction in rice growth and nutrient uptake has been observed due to cold irrigation water in
Swat valley. Response to N and K were more pronounced at higher temperature, whereas to P and Zn were
well marked at lower temperature.
Research based new technology.
Under saline sodic conditions, ammonium sulphate has been found to be more efficient than urea for rice
Combinations of urea + DAP and urea + SSP gave significantly higher recoveries of N in rice than urea +
nitrophos and calcium ammonium nitrate + SSP.
For rice production, dry soil incorporation of urea was found as efficient as deep placement of urea super
granule. Puddled soil incorporation of urea was found less efficient.
Agronomic, physiological and N recovery efficiencies were the highest with three split application of urea, deep
placement of USG and broadcast application of SCU. Two spilt applications and urea-N serve gave lower
Applications of urea fertilizer at soil saturation and deep placement of USG were found comparable with
respect to N recovery efficiency.
Site-specific nutrient management on the basis of nutrient omission studied proved to be simplest and easiest
technique for determining nutrient requirement of crops. On the basis of 17 studies N, P and K requirement of
rice was determined 14, 2.6 and 35 kg/tones paddy, respectively. For wheat N, P, K requirement was
determined 16.5, 3.5 and 40 kg/tones grain yield, respectively.
Recent Innovative Research on Nitrogen Management
For Rice
Generally the recommended method of nitrogen fertilizer application to rice is to apply 2/3, nitrogen at the time of
transplanting and 1/3 N at the panicle initiation stage. Thus the major amount is applied when the rice crop is not
yet established and its roots are not in a position to take up the applied nitrogen. As a result it is lost due to
ammonia volatilization or nitrification-denitrification. Recent research to improve the N use efficiency has revealed
Major amount of N (2/3) application 3 weeks after transplanting 1/3 N at P1 stage significantly improved the
paddy yield and N use efficiency.
Nitrogen application in three splits i..e. 1/3 at 21 -DAT and 1/3 at 30 DAT and 1/3 45 DAT significantly
improved N use efficiency.
Chlorophyll meter based nitrogen management of rice increased rice yield (10%) and improved fertilizer use
efficiency by 20%.
Cholorphyll meter reading were found to be significantly correlated with leaf colour chart for rice. Critical LCC
reading for super basmati rice was found to be 3.5.
Findings with respect to other nutrients are given as under:
Dipping the rice nursery roots in P slurry was found as efficient as the application of P at the rate of 30 kg ha -1.
Ordinarily 60 kg P2O5 ha-1 was found optimum dose for rice production.
Nursery root dipping in 0.7% solution of K2SO4 produced more tillers and the paddy yield than the soil
application of K2SO4 at the rate of 75 mg kg-1 soil.
Delayed application of K to rainfed wheat upto 30 DAS increased crop yield more than the basal application.
Further delay resulted in reduced crop yield.
Maximum grain yield of wheat was obtained when K was applied in three splits i.e. 15, 30 and 45 DAS and
maximum K recovery (40.6%) was achieved with this treatment.
Application of K significantly increased the paddy yield of JP 5. Optimum dose was found 50 kg ha-1.
Potassium sulphate was found slightly superior to KCI.
Ammonium sulphate resulted in greater productive tillers, Paddy Yield and uptake of S as compared to urea.
Green manuring depressed the uptake of S.
Dipping sprouted rice seeds in ZnO suspension (I %) and dry seed in ZnSO4 solution (I%) were the most
efficient methods to cure Zn deficiency followed by seedling root dipping in 1% ZnSO4 solution or ZnO
suspension (I%) and broadcasting 10 kg ZnSO4 on the nursery bed before seedling.
Soils under rice-wheat system are also deficient in Boron. The optimum dose to get near maximum yield was
found about 1 Kg B/ha. Boron application to rice increased rice yield from 15 to 36%.
For Wheat
Generally, N to wheat is applied at the time of sowing and with first irrigation. Due to winter cold, seed takes 2-3
weeks for germination and then it live for 2-3 weeks on the food stored in the seed. Therefore, N applied at sowing
is not used until the establishment of the crop and it is lost one way or the other. Recent findings have revealed that
For rainfed wheat, N applied in three splits after its germination proved to be more efficient than its basal
For irrigated wheat, also 3 split application of wheat at Ist, 2nd and 3 rd irrigation proved significantly more
efficient that it application at sowing.
CAN proved to be superior source of N than urea and ammonium sulphate for wheat production.
Gypsum and K2SO4 application significantly improved the N use efficiency for wheat.
Use of nitrification inhibitors also improved N use efficiency significantly.
Chlorophyll meter based N management of wheat improved both wheat yield (15%) and nitrogen use efficiency
Critical LCC reading for wheat has been found to be 4.5.
Technologies developed for nutrient management for crop production
Summarized list of technologies
Improved nitrogen use efficiency for rice and wheat using chlorophyll meter and leaf colour chart.
Top dressings of N fertilizers in split applications instead of its basal application for irrigated wheat
Top dressing of N fertilizers in split applications after draining paddy water is more efficient for rice than
conventional method
Calcium ammonium nitrate as a better source of n for wheat production
Gypsum enhances the N efficiency for wheat production
Ammonium sulphate as a better source of nitrogen for rice on saline sodic soils
Phosphorus application to rice after crop establishment is more efficient than basal application
Chemical treatment of rock phosphate for direct application to rice and wheat crops
Is potassium fertilization to rice after its establishment more efficient than its application at transplanting?
Soaking rice seed in zinc sulphate solution (1%) soil application of zinc sulphate to nursery bed as more
efficient techniques to cure zinc deficiency in rice
Balanced fertilization for substantial improvement in rice and wheat yields
Reduced puddling as a better option for increasing rice wheat productivity
Integrated use of soil management, organic manures and gypsum for improving productivity of rice
Biofertilizer / biozote (legume rhizobium inoculant) technology
Compost technology to enhance farm productivity
Impact of technologies on agricultural production
The research findings of Dr. M. Sharif Zia has great impact on agriculture production and
improving nutrient use efficiency if adopted by majority of the farmers. Just by applying right
type of fertilizer, at the right time by right methods as described earlier can increase wheat yield
by 30-50%. These technologies if adopted on 50% of the area can bring additional wheat
production of 3 to 5 million tonnes. Similarly rice yields can be increased by 0.5 to 1-m tonnes.
No additional cost is involved. The technologies are environmentally and farmer friendly as the
efficiency of fertilizer is improved by at least 35 to 45% in case of N fertilizers. This will save
fertilizer annually worth Rs.6-10 billion for rice and wheat crops. If the balanced application of
NPK is adopted by the farmers that will improve rice and wheat yield by 100 to 130%. This
means doubling the crop yield in the shortest possible time and this will help to overcome the
problem of food shortage of increasingly growing population of the country. Addition of
micronutrient especially Zinc and Boron can improve crop yields by 10-25%. Similarly, use of
chickpea bio-fertilizer can improve chickpea yield at least by 25%. This can go a long way in
increasing pulses requirement of the country.