Dear Fellow Committee Members: With David’s guidance, I have drafted fifty eight exam questions for the SRPS course. By Tuesday, April 5, please do the following: Answer the questions based on your knowledge of the course material. You may delete all but the correct answer or highlight the correct answer. Rate the questions with regard to their relevance to the material. (With 3 having the most relevance) Rate the questions with regard to their relevance to our profession. (With 3 having the most relevance) Please send your responses to me by April 5 and I will try to have them tabulated by our April 6 conference call. Thank you. Dee Hansford QUESTIONS FOR INTRO & STRATEGY MODULE 1. The current NAER Best Practices Standards includes recognition strategy, management responsibility, program measurement, training, events and celebrations, program change, flexibility, and A communication plan B community involvement C record keeping D cash awards Relevance to course material ___ Relevance to profession ____ 2. What statement best defines the NAER Best Practices nomination process: A Only recognition practitioners may nominate B Organizations may either self-nominate or be nominated by a third party C Only NAER Board of Directors may nominate D Only third parties may nominate Relevance to course material ___ Relevance to profession ____ 6. The NAER Best Practices Award is modeled after several similar competitions including Best Places to Work (Working Mother Magazine), BEST Award (American Society for Training and Development) and: A B C D The Malcom Baldrige National Quality Award The ISO 9000 Award The 50 Best Small & Medium Best Companies ESM Association’s Awards of Excellence Relevance to course material ___ Relevance to profession ____ 7. The panel of judges for the NAER Best Practices Award is comprised of: A B C D The NAER Board of Directors and Advisory Board Practitioners and recognition experts An independent panel chosen by the Board A third party such as Price Waterhouse Coopers Relevance to course material ___ Relevance to profession ____ 8. Which of these is not included in the Three-Dimensional Model for Effective Recognition? A B C D Day-to-Day Incentives Informal Formal Relevance to course material ___ Relevance to profession ____ 9. Day-to-Day recognition is best described as A frequent B high cost C highly structured D planned in advance Relevance to course material ___ Relevance to profession ____ 10. Which statement is most descriptive of Informal Recognition? A celebrates progress toward goals and milestones B requires a central budget C occurs on scheduled dates D is extremely brief and spontaneous Relevance to course material ___ Relevance to profession ____ 11. What is one disadvantage of Formal Recognition: Structured A Involves a nomination process B C D Not effective for recognizing large numbers of employees Linked to the organization’s values and goals Involves a selection process Relevance to course material ___ Relevance to profession ____ 26. Which recognition program element represents a formal program? A Thank-you cards that managers keep in supply and present to employees who display excellent behavior. B Staff meetings that the vice presidents attend to recognize staff and listen to concerns. C Candy Bars that managers keep in supply with personalized wrappers for recognition. D The Gold Star Program, at which recipients are recognized at the Director Supervisor Meeting and presented with a gift certificate, lapel pin, and congratulatory letter from the president. Relevance to course material ___ Relevance to profession ____ 27. By successfully aligning recognition strategy with its business objectives and goals, organizations can create A a culture and value B a culture C a culture D a culture where employees behaviors advance the organiziation’s goals where only fulltime employees are motivated where employees who deal with customer are motivated where only teams of employees are motivated Relevance to course material ___ Relevance to profession ____ QUESTIONS FOR MANAGEMENT RESPONSIBILITY MODULE Relevance to course material ___ Relevance to profession ____ 31. To ensure that the Management Responsibility is met, a logical first task would be to: A. Develop & present ROI B. Advocate and explain organizational benefits C. Define and document policy D. Plan and conduct analysis Relevance to course material ___ Relevance to profession ____ QUESTIONS FOR PROGRAM MEASUREMENT MODULE 35. The best-case scenario for recognition-based measurements would be: A. Metrics based on key financial indicators B. Anecdotal data gathered from focus groups C. Quantitative and qualitative measurements D. Employee and customer survey data Relevance to course material ___ Relevance to profession ____ 36. Among those who measure the success of their recognition programs, which of the following is their primary source of data? A. Customer satisfaction surveys B. Employee satisfaction surveys C. Stockholder satisfaction surveys D. Executive satisfaction surveys Relevance to course material ___ Relevance to profession ____ QUESTIONS FOR COMMUNICATION PLAN MODULE 38. When considering candidates for the NAER Best Practices Award, a panel of judges evaluates the organization’s: A. recognition communication strategy, goals, and programs B. budget for recognition communication in relation to payroll C. communication and public relations D. detailed five year strategic plan Relevance to course material ___ Relevance to profession ____ 39. When applied to recognition communication, “branding” refers to: A. All recognition awards have the same common look and feel B. All recognition awards have the company logo C. All recognition-related communications have the same common look and feel D. All recognition programs have the same name Relevance to course material ___ Relevance to profession ____ 40. The success of a communication plan depends on: A. Choosing the appropriate typeface B. Choosing the appropriate medium for the audience C. Choosing when it is appropriate to ignore an audience D. Choosing the least expensive medium Relevance to course material ___ Relevance to profession ____ 41. Respondents to the NAER/World at Work 2005 survey ranked which medium as the preferred means of communication about recognition: A. Employee handbook B. Employee orientation C. Employee newsletter D. Employee grapevine Relevance to course material ___ Relevance to profession ____ QUESTIONS FOR TRAINING MODULE 42. Which acronym explains the training cycle? A. ASTD B. ABBIE C. ADDIE D. ANDY Relevance to course material ___ Relevance to profession ____ 43. Which of the following is a component in the training cycle? A. Intervention B. Inspection C. Implementation D. Interpretation Relevance to course material ___ Relevance to profession ____ 45. Which is the most effective learning method for the retention of knowledge: A. Web-based course work B. Trial and error C. Other people D. Course work and self-study Relevance to course material ___ Relevance to profession ____ 46. Which key variable emerged as a central theme in the case study of the University of Michigan Health and Human Services? :Huh? A. Top-notch gifts and cash awards in the area of reward and recognition B. Top-notch production values and budget in videos C. Top-notch instruction and guidance on hospital procedures D. Top-notch instruction and guidance in the area of reward and recognition Relevance to course material ___ Relevance to profession ____ 47. What percentage of new information do we generally forget within the first 24 hours after training? A. 99% B. 73% C. 48% D. 33% Relevance to course material ___ Relevance to profession ____ QUESTIONS FOR EVENTS & CELEBRATIONS 48. Candidates for the NAER Best Practices Award in Standard #6 are asked to provide: A. The process for celebrations, events, and award ceremonies B. The process for recruiting event coordinators C. The process for funding events and award ceremonies D. The process for site selection of events and award ceremonies Relevance to course material ___ Relevance to profession ____ 49. According to the NAER/World at Work 2005 survey, 70% of recognition awards are presented in which setting: A. One-on-one with manager B. Company-wide meeting C. Staff meeting D. Special event Relevance to course material ___ Relevance to profession ____ 50. Which of the following is seldom used as an award: A. Certificates and plaques B. Trips C. Cash D. Jewelry Relevance to course material ___ Relevance to profession ____ 51. Which of the following elements contributes most to a successful event: A. Specific refreshments are served B. Specific agendas are followed annually C. Specific accomplishments recognized D. Specific monetary awards are presented Relevance to course material ___ Relevance to profession ____ 52. When planning recognition presentations, Chester Elton and Adrian Gostick suggest using which events as a model? A. Academy Awards B. Nobel Peace Prize C. Olympic Medal D. World Cup Relevance to course material ___ Relevance to profession ____ 53. Choosing the right presenter is a key success factor at a recognition presentation. Ideally, that person is A. A close family member B. A manager who knows the employee C. The most senior executive D. A co-worker who nominated the employee Relevance to course material ___ Relevance to profession ____ QUESTIONS FOR CHANGE & FLEXIBILITY MODULE 54. The best indicator of when a recognition program should be re-assessed: A. Program feedback B. Program administrator retires C. Program is 2-3 years old D. Program administrator is bored Relevance to course material ___ Relevance to profession ____ 55. Candidates for the NAER Best Practices Award in Standard #7 must demonstrate a regular process to evaluate program elements and change them as needed to promote: A. Divisional competition B. The latest industry trends C. The organization’s goals and values D. The company vice-president’s goals and values Relevance to course material ___ Relevance to profession ____ 56. Respondents to the NAER/World at Work 2005 survey reported that 57% administer recognition programs in which business unit: A. Marketing B. Human Resources C. Labor Relations D. Sales Relevance to course material ___ Relevance to profession ____ 57. Respondents to the NAER/World at Work 2005 survey reported that they invest what percent of payroll to recognition programs: A. Less than 1% B. 1-3% C. 3-5% D. 10% Relevance to course material ___ Relevance to profession ____ New Questions Recognition Strategy Recognition Strategy should focus on A) Employees work ethic and attitude B) Employee Behaviors that advance the organization’s goals & values C) How managers deliver recognition D) What employees should do to recognize others A recognition strategy can only be developed by senior managements a) True B) False The five key components of a recognition strategy are A) linkage to business strategy, three-dimensional, procedures, objectives & continous improvement process. B) Which is not a primary objective of organizations implementing a recognition system? a) Create a positive environment b) Motivate high performance c) Increase moral d) Increase turnover A nomination form is an example of what component of a recognition strategy? A) Recognition Procedures B) Objective C) Continuous Improvement D) Management Responsibility One responsibility of senior management is to provide adequate resources to maintain the recognition program. A) True B) False C) Senior management plays a visable role in successful organizations recognition cultures. A) True B) False Methods to hold managers accountable for recognition include a) making it a performance objective linked to their annual review b) asking managers to write XX thank-you notes to employees c) rewarding managers who Measurement Measuring the number recognition activities conducted in an organization effectively measures the impact of a recognition program. a) True b) False Analyzing changes in employee or customer satisfaction over time is an example of a) quantitative measurement b) qualitative measurement c) Neither Focus groups are an example of what type of measurement a) quantitative b) qualitative Communications Most organizations spend what % of their budget on communications? a) misc What is the difference between recognition & incentives? A) Incentives are a conditional reward; Recognition is not promised. What is Recognition? What is the difference between an award and a reward?