CURRICULUM VITAE NAME IN FULL : Gardiye Hewawasan Asoka. ADDRESS : No.99 E, Awissawella Low Level Road, Ranala, Sri Lanka. TELEPHONE NUMBER : +94 71 4491477 / +94 11 2415413 DATE OF BIRTH : 03rd June 1970. SEX : Male. CIVIL STATUS : Married. NATIONALITY : Sri Lankan. EDUCATIONAL QUALIFICATIONS : Passed the B.Sc.(General) Degree in Physical Science from University of Ruhuna, Sri Lanka on 26th May 1998. Degree Subjects: Physics, Mathematics & Further Mathematics. Completed the Diploma level with GPA 3.15 average & doing the 4th semester in M.Sc. Degree in Applied Electronics at University of Colombo, Sri Lanka. ( Physics/programs/mscapp.htm) Course content: 1. Analogue and Digital ICs, and their Applications 2. Circuit Analysis, Simulations and Modelling 3. Electronics Laboratory – Practicals 4. Sensors, Transducers and Data Acquisition Techniques 5. Microcontrollers and Programmable Logic Devices 6. Automation Laboratory – Practicals 7. Data Communication Techniques and Digital Signal Processing 8. Engineering Mathematics and Statistics 9. Guided Reading 10. Computational and Simulation Laboratory – Practicals 11. Project Management 12. Electronic Instrumentation Laboratory – Practicals 13. Research project 1 MEMBERSHIPS : Student Member (Membership no.33023027) of Instrument society of America (ISA). Registered in the Technical Committee of Measurement Science in the International Measurement Confederation (IMEKO). Member of Measurement and Standards for Emerging Technologies (MSET) at National Physical Laboratory (NPL), UK. Member of the Engineering Measurement Awareness Network club at National Physical Laboratory (NPL), UK. Member of the Micro + Nano Technology Measurement club at National Physical Laboratory (NPL), UK. Student Member of American Society for Testing & Materials (ASTM) International. Licentiate Member (Membership no.0046-L) in Institute of Physics, Sri Lanka from 03rd September 2001. PRESENT EMPLOYMENT : Working as an Metrology Experimental Officer at the National Measurement Laboratory of the Measurement Units, Standards & Services Department, Sri Lanka from 2000.08.15. WORKING EXPERIENCE : Attached to the Mass & Volume Laboratories of National Measurement Laboratory and have 10 years experience in following experimental works carried out in these Labs. I have also experienced in Dimensional field. Fundamental Metrology: Calibration of Weights & Balances, Calibration of Volumetric measures, Calibration of rulers, Micrometer Screw Gauges & Vernier Calipers, Calibration of Gauge blocks, Calibration of Pressure Gauges, Measurements related to Laser Interferometer. Legal Metrology: Pattern Approval of Weighing Instruments & Fuel Dispensing Pumps according to OIML Recommendations. 2 PROFESSIONAL QULIFICATIONS : Participated the Workshop on WINISIS organized by Sri Lanka Scientific & Technical Information Centre in National Science Foundation held on 25 – 26 March 2001. Participated the Seminar on Laboratory Quality Management organized by Sri Lanka Standards Institution held on 26 – 28 November 2001. Successfully Completed the Training Course on Electronics & Nuclear Instrumentation organized by Atomic Energy Authority of Sri Lanka held on 04 – 29 March 2002. Successfully Completed Training Course on Automatic Gauge Block Interferometer conducted by Brown & Sharpe Ltd., U.K. held on 19th April 2002. Participated the Seminar on Introduction to Regulations for Pattern Approval of Measuring Instruments organized by Measurement Units, Standards & Services Department, Sri Lanka held on 04th December 2002. Participated the Seminar on Introduction to Regulations of Prepackaged Commodities organized by Measurement Units, Standards & Services Department, Sri Lanka held on 05th December 2002. Participated the Workshop on Introduction to Instruments for Measuring Vehicle Exhaust Emission & methods of testing conducted by Dr. U. Sugathapala, Faculty of Engineering, University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka & organized by Air Resource Management Centre, Sri Lanka held on 17th July 2003. Participated the Workshop on Implementing Vehicle Exhaust Emission Testing in Sri Lanka conducted by Mr. Rocky Carlisle, Executive Officer, California Inspection & Maintenance Review Committee/ member National Center for Vehicle Emission Control & Safety, Colorado State University, U.S.A. & organized by Air Resource Management Centre, Sri Lanka held on 23rd August 2004. Participated the 1st SAARC – PTB Training Workshop on Metrology Regional Inter-comparison for the Recognition of National Capabilities organized by National Physical & Standards Laboratory (NPSL), Pakistan with PTB, Germany held on 28 – 29 August 2006. 3 Followed the Dimension Metrology (Gauge Block Calibration) Course of NPL in India organized by Measurement Units, Standards & Services Department, Sri Lanka held on 20 – 25 August 2007. Followed the Basic Mass Metrology CD-ROM Course of NIST (National Institute of Standards & Technology) in U.S.A. Successfully completed the 3rd Country Training Programme on Strengthening of Measurement Standards Institutes of Asia Pacific Countries in the field of Form Standards from National Institute of Metrology (Thailand) (NIMT), Thailand from 11th January – 21st February 2009. Followed the ISO 17025 Assessors Training Course in Sri Lanka Accreditation Board. I certify that the above particulars are true and correct to the best of my knowledge. Yours faithfully, G.H. Asoka. 4