President PowerPoint Project Assignment Instructions

8th Grade Computers/Social Studies
Mr. Szaro/
Portfolio Project
Presidents PowerPoint Project
PowerPoint Format:
All students will create a 10-12 slide PowerPoint Presentation in Computers and Social Studies Class. Each student will select a President to
research in order to create a rough draft Word document that will be used as research material for their PowerPoint Project. All prep work
will take place in class and at home if needed, in order to complete this project during class. Students must follow the formats and rubrics
that have been given to them, which will be available at their workstations and on the board. All students must complete the rough draft
research Word document as part of the project and turn it in with the completed project. Because this is an ongoing project, students will
work at their own pace independently in order to complete their project according to the rubrics and to meet the set due date. All rough
draft Word documents will include a formal bibliography and each PowerPoint Presentation will include a formal bibliography slide. All
bibliographies will follow the format reviewed in class. Each student should proof read all of their work individually and then with a partner
in order to determine if they have completed all of the requirements. Students will present their final President PowerPoint Project to the
class via an oral/visual presentation. All final projects will be saved as part of their Digital Portfolio. All work completed must have the title
of the Project, your name, class, date and my name. Students will be graded according to the attached rubric. Students will be responsible
for checking in with me in order to make up any missing or late work after school on Monday or Wednesday nights, or during their Flex
Slide 1:
Title slide: Name of President, Class, Date, Mr. Szaro, President PowerPoint Project
Slide 2:
Introduction: Name of President, number, best known for, note on personal life, education, career, major accomplishments,
why famous, and/or any other interesting facts?
Slide 3:
Overview of Early Life: born, where, when, grew up, parents, brothers, sisters, childhood and/or any other interesting facts
relating to his early life? Use extra slides or combine slides if needed.
Slide 4:
Overview of His Later Family Life: where, when, married, children, how many, names and/or any other interesting facts
relating to his family life? Use extra slides or combine slides if needed.
Slide 5:
Overview of Education, Career, & Jobs: positions held, schools, where, when, subjects studied and/or any other interesting
facts relating to this part of his life? Use extra slides or combine slides if needed.
Slide 6:
Overview of Important Events or Issues When Growing Up: wars fought in, where, when, & why; wars that went on when he
was growing up; Presidents or other leaders who influenced him; important Presidents as he was growing up and/or any other
interesting facts relating to this part of his life?
Slide 7:
Overview of his Presidency: what state, when, & why, dates, how many times elected, number of times he ran; names of VicePresidents, other important leaders he worked with, name of Political Party, wars or important events that went on when he
was President and/or any other interesting facts relating to his Presidency? Use extra slides if needed.
Slide 8:
Overview of His Major Presidential Accomplishments: what important things did he do to help or hurt the country, awards,
speeches, treaties, books written and/or any other interesting facts relating to this part of his life? Use extra slides if needed.
Slide 9:
Overview of His Later Life: Term completed, what did he do after being President, where did he live, when did he die, who
was President after him during this time, any important wars, contributions during this time, famous children, wife, or other
family members, and/or any other interesting facts relating to this part of his later life. Use extra slides if needed.
Slide 10:
Conclusion: summary of your major points, comments you would like to make, conclusions you came to about him, questions
you would have liked to ask him, or time period you would have liked to live in. Use extra slides if needed.
Slide 11:
Bibliography: Formal bibliography will include at least 3 books, 5 websites, and 2 newspapers or magazines
Slide 12: Extra slides if needed
*NOTE: Students must put their work into their own words. Students should use quotes when needed and
include all sources used in their Bibliography. Any form of plagiarism, copying from websites or other
materials used, or copying from another student’s project will result in a zero for the project.