Create a map of Palestine in Christ’s time Project: Students will draw and label a map depicting Palestine during the time that Jesus was alive. They will mark key locations on the map to familiarize themselves with the area we will be studying this year. Rubric: Map is colored neatly _____/ 5 The following land areas are labeled and in the correct location: Samaria _____/2 Galilee _____/2 Judea _____/2 The following features are labeled and in the correct location: Dead Sea _____/2 Sea of Galilee _____/2 River Jordan _____/2 Mount Gerizim _____/2 Mount Tabor _____/2 Mount of Olives _____/2 The following cities/towns are labeled and in the correct location: Tyre _____/2 Arimathea _____/2 Jerusalem _____/2 Bethany _____/2 Nazareth _____/2 Cana _____/2 Jericho _____/2 Capernaum _____/2 Bethlehem _____/2 Gadara _____/2 Nain _____/2 Caesarea Philippi _____/2 Bethsaida _____/2 Sychar _____/2 A compass _____/4 Total _____/55 Any extra features may be added for extra credit.