St. John the Baptist Melkite Catholic Church

St. John’s Office Information
Office Phone: (708) 492 0391
For You are good and forbearing, O our God, and to You we render glory, honor and
worship, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, now and always and forever and ever.
Melkite Catholic Church
200 E. North Ave.
Northlake, IL 60164
Office Hours:
Wednesdays and Thursdays
10:00 AM to 2:00 PM
All other times, please call the Rectory and
then the cellular phone.
Please do not call later than 8:00 PM,
unless it is an emergency.
‫صالة األنديفونة‬
.‫ف بنا نحن العاجزين عن ك َّل جواب‬
ُ‫أيُّها الربُّ المحب‬
‫ وإليك‬،‫ألنَّك إلهُ صال ٌح وطوي ُل االناة‬. ‫سبيل وصاياك‬
َ ‫ وثبَّت خطواتِنا في‬،‫ وطد في قلوبِنا االيمان باسمك‬،‫فبما أنك حنون‬
.‫ اآلن وك َّل أوان والى دهر الداهرين‬،‫نرف ُع المجد أيَّها األب واالبنُ والرو ُح القُد ُس‬
.‫ آمين‬:‫الشعب‬
(Español Liturgia 9:00 AM)
Rev. Fr. Ezzat Bathouche
Rectory: (708) 938 5804 Cell: (708) 407- 6847
St. John the Baptist, Hall Phone:(708) 646 8873
ProtoDn. Antoine Shehata:
Deacon Fadi Rafidi:
(847) 227-8884
(708) 473 -5455
Para La Comunidad Hispana por favor llama al
Fr. Ezzat Bathouche (708) 407 6847
correo electronico:
Available before or after any service, or by
Please contact the pastor in advance to arrange for
the required instructions.
A notice of at least 6 months should be given to the
pastor, before the proposed wedding date to arrange
for the required interview and instructions.
Communion of the sick:
Sick parishioners may receive the Holy Communion
at home. Please advise the pastor whenever this
sacrament is needed.
Anointing the sick:
Please contact the pastor at any time for this
Sunday, March 30, 2014
Sunday of of Our Father John Climacos
2014 ‫ اذار‬30 ،‫االحد‬
‫االحد الرابع من الصوم‬
our Father John Climacos
Theme of the Year
“Keep Alert, Stand Firm In Your Faith, Be Courageous, Be Strong
Let All You Do Be Done In Love”
(1 Corinthians 16:13)
Antiphon Prayer :
O Lord, Lover of mankind, You saved the people of Niniva as they repented, fasting and
weeping. Have mercy on us, for we fall short of any defense. And since You are
compassionate, strengthen in our hearts our faith in your name and steady our footsteps in
the way of your Commandments.
Antiphon: Through the Prayers of the Theotokos, O Savior Save us.
! ‫بشفاعة والدة االله يا مخلص خلصنا‬
- Bless the Lord, O my Soul! May all that is in me bless His Holy Name.
.‫باركي يا نفسي الرب وال تنسي ايا من احساناته جميعا‬
Who pardons all your sins and heals all your diseases.
Troparion of the resurrection (4th tone)
The Women disciples of the Lord heard from the Angels the joyful news of the
resurrection, and casting away the ancestral sentence, they announced with pride to the
Apostles: Death is vanquished, Christ God is risen! And has bestowed great mercy upon
the world
‫نشيد القيامة باللحن الرابع‬
‫ لقد‬:ٍ‫ وقلن للرس ِل مفتخرات‬،‫ ونبذنَ القضا َء على الجدين‬.‫المالك بشرى القيام ِة البهيجة‬
‫إن تلميذات الرب تعلمنَ من‬
ً ‫ واهبا‬،‫ ونهض المسي ُح االله‬،‫سلب الموت‬
.‫عظيم الرحمة‬
Troparion of St. John Climacus, (8th Tone)
Your abundant tears made the wilderness to sprout and bloom, and your deep sighs of love
made your labors fruitful a hundredfold; you became a shining star showering miracles
upon the world. Holy Father John, pray to Christ God that He may save our souls.
)‫نشيد للبار يوحنا السُلمي مؤلف كتاب "سُلم الفضائل" (على اللحن الثامن‬
ً ‫ فصرت للمسكون ِة كوكبا ً متأللئا‬.‫أثمرت أتعابك مئة ضعف‬
‫ وبزفراتك العميقة‬.‫القفر العقيم‬
‫بسيو ِل دم ِوعك أخصب‬
.‫ فاشفع الى المسيح االله في خالص نفوسنا‬.‫بالعجائب يا أبانا البار يوحنا‬
Troparion of the Patron of the church
‫نشيد لشفيع الكنيسة‬
Kondakion of the Annunciation
Triumphant leader to you belongs our prize of victory! And since you saved us from
adversity we offer you our thanks. We are your people O mother of God! So as you have
that invincible power, continue to deliver us from danger that we may cry out to you Hail,
O Virgin and bride ever pure.
‫قنداق الختام باللحن الثامن‬
َ ‫لك العزة‬
‫ ونقدم‬.‫ت الغلبة يا قائدة ً قاهره‬
ِ ‫لك آيا‬
ِ ‫ لكن بما أن‬.‫لك وقد أُنقذنا من الشدائد‬
ِ ‫الشكر‬
ِ ُ‫ نكتب‬،‫عبيدك يا والدة االله‬
.‫عروس لها‬
‫ إفرحي يا عروسة ال‬:‫إليك‬
‫التي ال‬
ِ ‫ أعتقينا من اصناف المخاطر لكي نصرخ‬،‫تحارب‬
Epistle of the 4th Sunday of Lent, Hebrews
-The Lord will give strength to his people; the Lord will bless his people with peace.
- Give to the Lord, You sons of God, give to the Lord glory and praise.
Reading from the Epistle of St. Paul to the Hebrews
Brethren, when God made his promise to Abraham, since he had no one greater to swear
by, he swore by himself, saying, “I will surely bless you, and will surely multiply you Gn.22
: 14).” And so, after patient waiting, Abraham obtained the promise. For men swear by one
greater than themselves, and an oath given as a guarantee is the final settlement of all their
disagreements. Hence God, meaning to show more abundantly to the heirs of the promise
the firmness of his will interposed an oath, so that by two unchangeable things, in which it is
impossible for God to deceive, we may have the strongest comfort ― we who have sought
refuge in holding fast the hope set before us. This hope we have as a sure and firm anchor
of the soul, reaching even behind the veil where our forerunner Jesus has entered for us, as
he became a high priest forever according to the order of Melchisedek.
Alleluia (Tone 7)
-It is good to give thanks to the Lord, to sing praises to your name, O Most High!
- To proclaim your kindness at dawn and your faithfulness throughout the night.
‫مقدمة رسالة االحد الرابع من الصوم‬
‫ الربُ يباركُ شعبهُ بالسالم‬،ّ‫الربُ يؤتي شعبَه قوة‬‫ ق ِد ّموا للرب أَبنا َء الكباش‬،‫ب يا أَبنا َء هللا‬
ِ ‫قدّموا للر‬)20 – 13 : 6 ‫الرسالة (عبرانيين‬
،‫ أذ لم يكن له أن يُقس َِم بما هو أعظ ُم منه‬،‫ ان هللاَ عند وعد ِه إلبراهيم‬،‫يا إِخوة‬
َ‫ ألباركنَّك بركة وأكث َرنَّك‬:‫أقسم بنفسِه قائال‬
.‫بالقسم للتثبيت‬
،‫س يُقسمونَ بما هو أَعظ ُم منهم‬
ُ َّ ‫ و ِإنما النا‬.‫ وهكذا ِإذ تأَنَّى نا َل الموعد‬.ً‫تكثيرا‬
َ ُ
َ‫الن وال يُمكنُ أن‬
‫ حتى نحص َل بأمري ِْن ال‬،‫سم‬
َ ‫توسط بِق‬
َّ ،‫عزمه‬
ِ ً ‫لذلك لما شا َء هللاُ ان يَزيدَ َو َرثَةَ الموع ِد بيانا‬
ِ ‫لعدم تحو ِل‬
ِ ‫يتحو‬
‫ نحنُ الذينَ التجأنا ِإلى التمس ُِّك‬،‫ على تعزي ٍة قوية‬،‫يحلف هللاُ فيهما‬
ٍ‫ الذي هو لنا كمرساة‬.‫بالرجاء الموضوعِ أَما َمنا‬
‫رئيس كهن ٍة إِلى االب ِد على رتب ِة‬
‫ صائرا‬،‫ق ألجلنا‬
،‫ُدخ ُل الى داخ ِل الحجاب‬
ُ ‫حيث دخ َل يسو‬
ِ ‫ وهو ي‬.‫أَمينةٌ وراسخة‬
ٍ ‫ع كساب‬
‫ والترني ُم السمك أَيها العلي‬،‫االعتراف للرب‬
ٌ ‫ صال‬ُ
.‫وبحقك ك َّل ليله‬
ِ ،‫ ليُخب ّْر برحمتِك في الغداة‬Gospel of the 4th Sunday of Lent, (Healing of a possessed boy)
At that time one of the crowd came to Jesus and bowed to him saying: “Master, I have
brought to you my son, who has a dumb spirit; and whenever it seizes him it throws him
down, and he foams and grinds his teeth; and he is wasting away. And I told your
disciples to cast it out, but they could not.” And he, answering him, said, “O unbelieving
generation, how long shall I be with you? How long shall I put up with you? Bring him to
me.” And they brought him to him; and the spirit, when it saw Jesus, immediately threw
the boy in convulsions, and he fell down on the ground and rolled about foaming at the
mouth. So he asked his father, “How long is it since this has come upon him?” And he
said, “From his infancy. Oftentimes, it has thrown him into the fire and into the waters to
destroy him. But if you can do anything have compassion on us and help us.” But Jesus
said to him, “If you can believe, all things are possible to the man of faith.” At once the
father of the boy cried out and said with tears, “I do believe; help my unbelief.” Now
when Jesus saw that a crowd was rapidly gathering, he rebuked the unclean spirit, saying
to it, “You deaf and dumb spirit, I command you, go out of him and enter him no more.”
And crying out and violently convulsing him, it went out of him, and he became like one
dead, so that many said, “He is dead.” But Jesus took him by the hand, and raised him and
he stood up. And when he had come into the house, his disciples asked him privately,
“Why could we not cast it out?” And he said to them, “This kind can be cast out in no
way except by prayer and fasting.” And leaving that place, they were passing through
Galilee, and he did not wish anyone to know it. For he was teaching his disciples, and
saying to them, “The Son of Man is to be betrayed into the hands of men, and they will
kill him; and having been killed, he will rise again on the third day.”
)31 – 17 : 9 ‫ االحد الرابع من الصوم (مرقس‬- ‫االنجيل‬
ُ ‫اعتراه يصرعه‬
‫ وحيثما‬.‫ قد أتيتك بابني به رو ٌح ابكم‬،‫ يا معلم‬:ً‫انسان وسجدَ له قائال‬
َ ‫ دنا إِلى يسو‬،‫في ذلك الزمان‬
‫ إِلى‬،‫ أيها الجي ُل الغير المؤمن‬:ً‫ فأجابه قائال‬.‫ وقد قلتُ لتالميذكَ أن يُخرجوه فلم يقدروا‬.‫وييبس‬
‫ويصرف بأَسنانه‬
ُ ‫االرض يتمر‬
‫ وكثيرا ما ألقاهُ في‬.‫صباه‬
َ‫ منذ ك ْم ِمن‬:‫ فسأ َل أباه‬.‫ويزبد‬
ِ ‫الزمان أصابه هذا؟ فقا َل منذ‬
ِ ‫ لكن‬،‫النار وفي المياه ليُهل ُكه‬
‫ فصا َح أَبو الصبي‬.‫ممكن للمؤمن‬
ٍ‫ ِإ ِن استطعت أَن تؤمنَ فك ُل شيء‬:‫ فقال له يسوع‬.‫استطعتَ شيئا ً فتحنَّن علينا وأَغثنا‬
‫انتهر الرو َح‬
،‫ فلما رأى يسوع أَن الجم َع يتبادرونَ اليه‬.‫ فأَعن قلَّهَ ايماني‬،‫ إِني أومن يا رب‬:‫لساعته بدموعٍ وقال‬
،‫ فصر َخ وخبطهُ كثيرا ً وخر َج منه‬.‫ أَنا آمركَ ان ا ُخرجْ منه وال تَعُدْ اليه من بعد‬،‫ أَيها الرو ُح أألص ُم االبكم‬:‫قائال ًله‬
:‫ ولما دخ َل البيت سأَله تالميذُه على انفراد‬.‫ع بيده وأَنهضهُ فقام‬
ُ ‫ فأخذ يسو‬.‫ت حتى قا َل كثيرون إِنه قد مات‬
ِ ‫فصار كالمي‬
‫ ولما خرجوا‬.‫ ِإن هذا الجنس ال يمكنُ ان يخر َج بشيءٍ ِإال بالصالةِ والصوم‬:‫لماذا ل ْم نستطي ْع نحنُ أَن نُخر ُجه؟ فقا َل لهم‬
ْ ‫ ولم‬،‫ اجتازوا في الجليل‬،‫من هناك‬
‫سيُسل ُم إِلى‬
َ‫ إِن ابن‬:‫ وكان يعلّ ُم تالميذه ويقو ُل لهم‬.‫يكن يريدُ أَن يدري أَحد‬
َ ‫االنسان‬
.‫اليوم الثالث‬
‫ وبعد أَن يُقتَ َل يقو ُم في‬،ُ‫أَيدي الناس فيقتلونَه‬
Hymn to the Theotokos:
In you, O full of grace, all creation exults, the hierarchy of angels
together with the race of men: in you, sanctified Temple, spiritual
Paradise, Glory of virgins of whom God took flesh whom our God who
exists before the world, became a child! For He has made your womb
his throne, making it more spacious than the heavens. In you, O Woman
full of grace, all creation exults: glory to you!
َ‫ محاف ُل المالئكة وأ‬.‫ إن البرايا بأسرها تفر ُح ب ِك يا ممتلئةً نعمة‬: ‫النشيد لوالدة االله‬
‫ أَيها‬.‫يعظمون‬
ِ ‫جناس البشر‬
‫ ألنه صنع‬.‫ وهو الهنا قب َل الدهور‬،ً‫ التي منها تجسد االلهُ وصار طفال‬،‫وفخر اَلبتولية‬
‫والفردوس الناطق‬
ُ ‫الهيك ُل المتقد‬
‫بك كل البرايا‬
‫ وجعل بطن َِك أ‬،‫مستودعك عرشا‬
ِ ‫وتمج‬
ِ ‫ يا ممتلئة نعمة تفر ُح‬،‫ لذلك‬.‫رحب من السماوات‬
Easter Brunch Celebration: Come celebrate as one big family. Easter Brunch will take
place on April 20th at St. John’s Hall. Doors Open at 1;00 pm; Food will be served at 1:30.
Egg Hunt and lots of fun for the kids; Amazing Magical Show with Live Animals by the
Magician Jaime Aponte. DJ by Adal Bicharat. Donation: $35 for Adults, $20 for Children
6-12 years old; Kids under 6 years old eat free. Call Fadi Azar 1t 630-873-3426 or Fadi
Tamer at 8947-873-3426.
Decorated Palm Sunday candles will be sold every weekend in March. This year you can
purchase a plain 24 inch candle for $10 or you can purchase a decorated 24 inch candle for
$15. Please fill out the candle form and return it to Esis Abado.
As a reminder, candles will only be sold in March, not in April.
St. John’s Soccer Team: We would like to start a soccer team to play in doors in an
organized club. We welcome people from the church to join for fun and exercise. The games
will start in April. We will play in the evenings for 10 weeks. For more information please
talk to Sam Ferraye at 312-810-3314
St. John’s Scout will start to practice after Sunday School at the end of the Divine Liturgy .
Be in the loop and be a part of our growing church!
We've had an overwhelming response of Parishioners registering for our text messaging
communication system! Did you receive our text message today? If not, sign up today!
1. Create a new text message.
2. Type in 773-877-3017 as recipient
3. In the message section, type: @stjohnchgo. 4. Hit send
5. You should receive a message asking for your full name
6. Please type your full name and press send
7. You should receive another message saying "Thanks Mr(s). _____. As a member of
@stjohnchgo, you will receive all St John Baptist's Remind101 notifications. Reply HELP
for commands."
Home Blessings:
This is a Melkite Tradition that goes back to too many years. As we
all know, it is blessing the homes of the faithful by sprinkling it with
holy water. To make an appointment with Fr. Ezzat for the blessing
of your home, please call him at (708) 938 5804 or (708) 407 6847.
To sponsor the Coffee Hour and remember your loved ones, please contact Randa
Tourjman at (773)865-8377. Also please note that there is a donation of $20 for the
coffee in addition to the snacks. Thank you for your supporting your church.
The Coffee Hour Schedule:
March 30th
Farid & Suzy Bichara & Yvette Selim
April 6th
Nouha Ferraye
April 13
Easter Bazaar
April 20th
Easter Sunday
April 27th
May 4th
May 11th
May 18th
May 25th
Pierre & Kinda Azar
Issa & Inam Bisharat and Adel & Mary Bisharat
Elias & Mariam Jabbour
Rafidi Family (6-month-memorial for Nada Rafidi)
Ehab & Nancy Harb
Let’s Pray for Peace: To all the troubled countries in the Middle
East. May the Prince of Peace shine his divine light on those regions.
We ask You, O Lord, hear us and have mercy.
NAMY Update: 4/6/2014 NAMY Meeting
National Melkite Convention 2014:
-We need the business people in our parish to help us with the Ad Book.
-We also need professionals in our community to help us
sell advertising for our Ad Book.
-Please contact Odeh Akkawi at 312-659-6804.
-We Still Need a Parishioner with Great Organizational
Skill to Chair Hospitality.
-We appreciate your help!
1. Chairpersons for our Events have been Selected:
a. Thursday Night: Angie Ghanayem
b. Friday Night: JoAnn Fakhouri
c. Saturday Night: Inaam Bisharat
d. Welcoming Committee: Pierre Azar
e. Registration: Nouha & Sam Ferreye, Fadi Tamer
We thank them for their contribution. Please offer them your support.
2. Please get the word out on our convention.
a. "Like" us on Facebook. Just type "2014 Melkite Convention" in search bar.
b. Make sure all of your family and friends know.
3. Check out our 2 page ad in the Fall 2013 Sophia Magazine
Total Collection: Mar. 23rd , $2,657
Regular $1,811 + Spanish $171 + Electronic $675)
Liturgy Intentions
To add or remove Names from the list please call (708/492-0391)
Happiness and Prosperity: Farid & Suzy Bichara and Yvette Selim
Health & Speedy Recovery: Marcelle Maloyan, Antoinette Mansour,
Marie Rose Souri, Jule Sayegh, Rose Ghawi, Georgette Alkhouri
Repose in the Heavenly Kingdom:
Issam Rafidi (3rd & 9th-day-memorial)
Laila, Nada, Fuad, George and Violet Rafid
Joe Bou-Sliman
George Sidawi,
Archdeacon Elias Sahyouni and,
Deacon Lawrence Farhat (2005)
By the Rafidi Family
By Peter & Julie Yff
By our Church