lmmanuel Christian Reformed Church September 6, 2015 Wes Kremers remains in the critical care unit at Meijer Heart Center following surgery. Continue to pray for God’s protection and healing. No visitors are requested at this time. WELCOME TO IMMANUEL! We’re glad that you joined us today, and we pray that you will encounter God through prayer, worship, and his word. Guest mailboxes are located after the alphabetical list of members. Please pick up this information if you would like details on Immanuel’s ministries. This morning Pastor Bob will continue with the series of messages, “Spiritual Emotions” with part 2 of Humility. Offerings: General Fund & Building Fund This evening we welcome as our guests, Pastor Nate Meldrim and the congregation of Messiah CRC. The message will be “Work - A Gift of God” from Ecclesiastes 5:12-20. Offering: Hudsonville Christian School NURSERY Today: 10:00AM 5:30PM Next Sunday: 8:45AM 11:00AM 5:30PM Edwin Pettinga returned home again following a long hospitalization. Pray for continued recovery. Joe Lems – severe back pain Sharon Ondersma – M.S. Lula Ringerwole Room 2307 Faith Hospice at Trillium Woods 8214 Pfeiffer Farms Drive SW Byron Center MI 49315 Mari Schut - chemotherapy treatment Pete Van Rijs – durable cancer remission Brian Wigger – medication to shrink tumor Lance Corporal Josh Ter Keurst – Marines Captain Ron Thenn – Army Melanie Kamminga, Jessica & Elleanna Smith, Evan & Colin Nieuwenhuis Lette Huisman, Cyndy Hoogeboom Lette Huisman Curt & Monica Hoogeboom, Evamarie Eggebeen, Jacquelin Veldink Dawn Van Dyken CHILDREN’S WORSHIP ORIENTATION Next Sunday: - 11AM The Light THIS WEEK TUESDAY 7:00PM 7:00PM SEPTEMBER 8 Fired Up Fit Class Kids Hope Training - Adult Ed Room WEDNESDAY 6:30PM 7:00PM 7:00PM 7:30PM SEPTEMBER 9 Executive Committee Full Council Immanuel Circle Pastoral Elders & Deacons, Administrative Committee THURSDAY 7:00PM SEPTEMBER 10 Knitting Ministry NEXT SUNDAY – SEPTEMBER 13, 2015 8:45 & 11:00AM Pastor Bob Offerings: General Fund & Level 3 Tuition Assistance 5:30PM Pastor Bob Offering: Hudsonville Christian School MEETINGS - September 13 10:00AM Education Hour Kickoff - FLC 6:30PM E.T. Kickoff - Nieuwenhuis home THE LAURELS OF HUDSONVILLE – 9:00AM Elder Arne Larsen Ken Pohler, Postma families PRAYER REQUESTS Joey Huisman had ACL surgery this past Wednesday. Pray for healing and a complete recovery. 2nd Lieutant Stephan Thenn – Marines Praying for Michele The sign-up page to pray for Michele Vande Steeg, as she embarks on an incredible journey, has been set up and is ready for you to sign up! The link is: http://www.signupgenius.com/go/10c0f4daeab23a1f94-praying If you do not have access to a computer and would love to signup, please contact the church office or call Holly Postma (6695131). OPPORTUNITIES Circle Letter A - Nursery Volunteers If you have not filled out the survey online, please circle Letter A in the Friendship Folders to indicate your willingness to serve in the nursery. Please also indicate which service(s) you prefer. Even if you think you are on an existing nursery list, please circle Letter A to remain on a nursery rotation. The more volunteers we have, the better this ministry works! Thank you! Lette Huisman and Alicia Ter Keurst CHURCH ANNOUNCEMENTS Directory Update Josh & Megan Ter Keurst 943 Faulkingham Ct Jacksonville NC 28543 Morning Worship Times Beginning next Sunday, September 13, we will return to morning worship times of 8:45AM & 11AM. Our evening worship will remain at 5:30PM. Children's Worship Orientation Orientation for new students will be next Sunday, September 13, at 11AM. We invite 3 year olds and students who haven't attended Children's Worship (3 years - PK) to join us with a parent to find out what Children's Worship is all about! Children's Worship will resume on September 20 for everyone. Sunday School and Higher Ground We are still in need of a few more volunteers for the upcoming year. You can choose to teach a class by yourself, share a class, or sign up just for electives (6 weeks starting January) for grades 6-12. We also need substitutes and someone to help with our Bible Memory program. Please contact Lindsey Heuker if you're interested (lheuker@immanuelcrc.com or 901-6511). Will you be the ONE? Our Kids Hope ministry is in need of several mentors who are willing to be the ONE for a student at Park Elementary. Can you commit to spending ONE hour a week with a student for ONE year? Times are flexible during the school day (9-3:30) and the teachers are willing to work with your schedule. Don't make excuses! Kids Hope accepts any mentors who are 16 or older. We also need more men to be great role models for the kids. We will be having a mentor training on Tuesday, September 8, from 7-9PM. If you are interested, or want more information, please contact Evamarie Eggebeen (kidshope@immanuelcrc.com or 9145629). Crop Hunger Walk It's time to dust off the walking shoes and mark your calendars for the Crop Hunger Walk on October 11th!!! Watch the bulletin for more information to come!! Interested in Prison Ministry? Alpha Prison Ministry specializes in on-site, one-to-one Bible study with men in 6 West Michigan prisons. Alpha is holding their Annual Banquet on Monday, September 21, at 6:30PM. You are invited to attend the banquet and learn more about the activities, personnel, and results of this ministry. Please RSVP by September 6 to Mike or Holly Vredevoogd (616-896-6687). ADULT MINISTRIES Immanuel Circle Join us this Wednesday, September 9, at 7PM in the Adult Ed Room to study the book of Luke, Lesson 12. If you have a desire to study God’s Word, bring your Bible; study books will be available. We look forward to seeing you! Questions? Please call Patsy Holmes (669-1888) or Wanda Schut (669-1989). YOUTH MINISTRIES One Cadet Counselor Needed We need one more counselor to help with the upcoming 7th grade to work with Mike Vredevoogd and Jeff Rylaarsdam. Please prayerfully consider helping out. It's a minimal time commitment with only two meetings per month and we really have a good time! If you are interested, please contact Jeff Kooienga (616-8366506). ET Kickoff Kick off is coming soon! September 13 at the Nieuwenhuis’s! 6:30-8:30pm 8th graders - Sweet snack 7th graders - Salty snack 6th graders - Drink Nieuwenhuis's Address: 6766 - 64th Ave. Crossroads Kickoff Kick off is coming soon! September 20 at the Nieuwenhuis's! 6:30-9:00pm Freshmen-Sophomores - Sweet snack Juniors-Seniors - Salty snack Leaders - Drink Nieuwenhuis's Address: 6766 - 64th Ave FINANCIAL UPDATES September Corners Offering Cincinnati Mission Trip August 30, 2015 General Fund $8,970 Legacy Fund 475 Immanuel Knitting Ministry 127 General Fund Year-to-Date Received $ 89,528 Budget goal 112,308 Over (Under) (22,780) Budget received – 80% Fiscal year – July 1, 2015 – June 30, 2016 To fulfill our General Fund budget, an average weekly offering of $12,479 is necessary. Please tithe in faith and as your response to God’s blessings. WEEKLY PRAYER GUIDE September 6, 2015 SUNDAY Remember in prayer and with a card this week our shut-ins: Corky Van Leeuwen, Lucy Mennega MONDAY Pray for God’s strength to be with the many persecuted Christians in Greece. TUESDAY Pray for God’s blessing and protection this week on our Administrative Assistant, Lynnea Van Wylen. WEDNESDAY Pray for Jennifer Kragt and her work in Uganda with International Teams. THURSDAY Pray for these young adults and remember them with a note or card: Hope Gaffner, Laura Huberts, Caleb Van Dyke FRIDAY Pray for God’s blessing on our Youth Ministries. SATURDAY Ask God to bless the civil and church leaders of our city and the residents of your street. Denominational Prayer Line: 1-888-CRC-PRAY REQUESTED ANNOUNCEMENTS Men's Daybreak Bible Study will begin its season on Tuesday, September 8 at 8AM in the Lounge of Ridgewood CRC. Dr. Carl Bosma will lead us in a study of the Psalms. Our sessions are held weekly and open to men of any age. We look forward to having you join us! Hillcrest CRC's Discovery Night A series of elective courses for all adults -- Our first course of the 2015-2016 season is entitled, Spiritual Warfare: Fighting the Battles & Winning the War. This course is an honest look at who Satan is, his tactics, and how we can live victoriously through Jesus on this side of the kingdom of heaven. We will be delving into scripture in order to discover the reality of spiritual warfare and the promise of victory. Leading us will be our own Darrell Morey. This course will run for four weeks on Wednesdays beginning on September 9, 6:30-8:30pm in the Fellowship Hall. Sign up at signupgenius.com. Search using the email address of triciabosma@comcast.net . Feel free to email or call as well, 616-669-6556. Hope to see you there! Love INC Opportunities Serve Opportunity for Spanish speakers! Life Skills, the relational ministry of Love INC, has written lessons in English that are sometimes a struggle for Spanish participants. Help is needed to rewrite these lessons in Spanish. Transportation Needed: Love INC Hudsonville is looking for 3 to 4 individuals who may be willing to drive participants round trip to the LIFE SKILLS Program on Wednesday mornings at Jenison Christian Church. Our immediate need is a participant from Hudsonville that has two small children. She will provide the car seats needed. Please contact Mary Zoet at the LIFE SKILLS program of LOVE INC at 662-3300, xt 112, if interested. Opportunity to Serve! Are you looking for a purposeful and fun way to serve? If you are searching for a way to work hard and have fun doing it, while also engaging with new people and showing them the love of Christ, we have just the place for you! Consider helping out in our Sorting Warehouse, the donation drop off area of Love INC. We have an opening on Monday mornings from 9-1pm starting in September. Please call Kaitlin at 662.3300 x127 or kaitlinv@loveinthenameofchrist.org for more information on these opportunities or to request a tour of all ministry areas at Love INC. Set Free Ministries is presenting a 12 week lecture series that will strengthen marriages. This series will be on Thursday evenings, September 10 – November 19 from 7-9PM at the Balsam House. Cost: $45/couple or $25/individual; Paul and Anne Tameling are facilitators. Reservations are necessary. Call Nancy at Set Free Ministries, 616-7265400 or email nancyb@setfreeministries.com. Borculo Christian School Fall Kids Clothing & Toy Sale will be held on Saturday, September 12 from 9am – noon at the school (6830 96th Ave., Zeeland). If you are interested in being a seller, please contact us at bcsclothingsale@borculochrschool.org for more information. Hope to see you there! Ladies Bible Study Lynelle Pierce led “Women of the Bible” (some well known, some obscure) a 13-week study will begin on September 16, 2015 at Bauer CRC (4958 Bauer Rd Hudsonville. ) The every Wednesday study will meet in #103 and #104 from 1:15-2:30 PM. Materials will be available at the first session. For more information please contact Marcia Wierda at 616-669-6608. Ridgewood CRC invites all ladies to hear speaker, Amelia Rhodes, on September 17 at 10AM. She will be speaking on "Hope and Help for Hard Times". Story hour and nursery will be available. Hymn Sing Our annual hymn sing for the benefit of Mississippi Christian Family Services will be held on September 20 at the 1st Jenison Chr. Ref. Church,, 8360 Cottonwood Dr. The time is 7:30pm. Cliff Doornbos will again be our director along with many instrumentalists. We are excited to have the Skylight Quartet as our special guests. Come join us as we sing praise to God through the old gospel hymns. Sunset Retirement Communities & Services’ Fall Gala Join us on Monday, October 5th, at 6pm at The Pinnacle Center, for a benefit for resident benevolence. Be blessed by inspirational comedian Lyndy Phillips and be a blessing to a select group at Sunset; residents who have outlived their resources and need financial assistance. Call 457.2770 ext.1116 for details.