StateNet, Net @EDU and Both

StateNet, Net @EDU and Both
State Public Sector/Education Network Table – 01/2007
Legislative appropriation from
Alabama Educational Trust
Fund, from sales of services to
industrial firms, and from federal
contract and grants. Allows nocost access to some public
schools and colleges. Some new
customers must pay a portion
cost. Private schools, general
fund state agencies and
commercial customers continue
to pay fully
ADEC members will work with
their local ISPs to leverage ERate and Rural Health Care
funding whenever possible to
increase their first mile
State government agencies, 4-year
universities, 2-year colleges and K12 schools receive services at or
partial cost. Commercial use
available for full cost.
Alabama Supercomputer
Authority a public
corporation. Ten member
Board appointed by
executive branch.
Affiliate member of Internet2
Non-profit schools, libraries,
museums, healthcare facilities and
research institutions in Alaska.
ADEC executive committee
representing core
membership including U of
Alaska, AK Native Tribal
Health Consortium, Dept. of
Education and Early
Development, Alaska
National Guard and K012
School District
Affiliate member of Intternet2
through the University of
Since its 1987 inceptions, the
AZ State Public Information
Network (ASPIN) coalition has
been pivotal in the establishment
of state networking resources.
ASPIN garnered funding and
establishes AZ first connections
to what has become the Internet
The ASPIN coalition extended this
connectivity from the universities
rural community colleges, and onto
K-12, while building partnerships
between university researchers and
the community. Currently the main
ASPIN NOC’s are at the three main
state universities in the state: AZ
State, Northern AZ and the
University of AZ
Initial funding in 1991 through
NSF connection programs. Since
the original NSF grant expired in
1993 all 21 of the charter
institutions have remained as
active participants in ARKnet.
Institutions that elect to join the
confederation assume
responsibility for all costs
associated with connection to the
ARKnet network.
ARKnet’s membership now
includes all of the state’s
universities, colleges, community
colleges and technical institutes, as
well as several non profit
organizations, state agencies, and
public libraries
The California legislature
authorized auxiliary funding for
the 96-97 fiscal year for this
project to assure that each of the
designated community college
sites have established necessary
infrastructure capability for
teleconferencing, connections to
CSUnet and satellite downlink
capabilities, The CalREN-2
network is the most effective
advanced communications
service available to all higher
education in California
CENIC is a not-for-profit
corporation the California Institute
of Technology CA State University,
Stanford Univ, Univ of CA, Univ of
Southern CA, CA Community
Colleges and the statewide K-12
school system. CENIC’s mission is
to facilitate and coordinate the
development, deployment and
operation of a set of robust multitiered advanced network services
for this research and education
Alabama Research and
Education Network (AREN)
686 Discovery Drive
Huntsville, AL 35806
(256) 971-7404
Fax: (256) 971-7473
Not an Net @EDU Member
Alaska Distance Education
Consortium (ADEC)
Rich Greenfield
2702 Gambell Street, Ste. 103
Anchorage, AK 99503
phone: 907.269.4611
Arizona State Public
Information (ASPIN)
Barnaby Wasson
(480) 965-3224
155 Razorback Road ADSB
Fayetteville, AR 72701
Not an Net @EDU Member
5757 Plaza Drive, Suite 205
Cypress, CA 90630
(714) 220-3400
Connecticut Education
Network (CEN)
101 East River Drive
East Hartford, CT 06108
(860) 622-2200
Not an Net @EDU Member
No information available at this
The State of Connecticut
centrally funds ISP and Filtering
services for K12 and libraries
through the general fund. Higher
Ed entities pay for Internet1 and
Internet bandwidth on a per
mbps/mo basis
CEN provides services to all public
school districts (198+), regional
education services centers (6)
vocational technical centers (18)
public and private college campuses
(48+) and libraries (160+)
ARKnet is organized as a
not-for-profit confederation
managed by a Board of
Directors consisting of eight
to fourteen members and
governed by a set of bylaws.
Each director fills a position
according to institutional
categories as specified in the
ARKnet bylaws. Directors
are elected from the
institutional representatives
appointed by each member
The Board of Director is the
main controlling body of
CENIC and CalRen. The
CENIC Board of Directors
consists of three board
members each for CSU, UC
and CCC. One member each
for Stanford, USC, and
CalTech and two outside
members: Ron Johnson,
Univ of Washington and
Larry Smarr, CA Institute of
Telecommunications and
Technology. There are three
advisory councils to the
Board: Business Advisory
Council (BAC). Digital CATechnical Advisory Council
(DC-TAC) High
Performance Research
This project is none
initiative of Gov. Jodi Rells
and is overseen by a statut
statutorily created
“Commission for
Educational Technology and
partnership with the
University of Connecticut
are providing project
management network
architecture and operational
support for the project
The ASPIN Network
Operations Center (NOC) is
the technical end of ASPIN.
The NOC provides the
technical connectivity and
wiring that helps people get on
the Internet. The ASPIN NOC
provides high speed point to
point and frame rely
connectivity and technical
support to hundreds of
organizations in AZ
No dial up access provisions.
All connections are through
dedicated lines
There are three levels of
CalRen they include CalRenXD, CENIC’s experimental
and developmental network
will support bleeding-edge
services for network
researched at sites. CalRENHPR, CENIC’s high
performance research network
provides leading edge services
for large application users and
CENIC associates sites.
CalREN-DC, CENIC’s Digital
CA network provides high
quality services for K-20
students faculty researchers
and staff. CENIC’s support of
K-12 networking extends the
existing CalREN backbone
CEN is a statewide K-12
library and higher education
network. Non library sites are
built exclusively with gigabit
and Ethernet based optical
network links. About 80% of
the sites are with lightly fiber
under the states control. 20%
of the sites use telco managed
Ethernet services
No information available at this
Florida LambdaRail, LLC
C6100 University Center
Florida State University
Tallahassee, FL 32306
No information available at this
The FLR is a 501©(3), not-forprofit, tax exempt organization,
funded and supported by the
accredited investors, a
consortium of public and private
Florida State higher education
institutions to advance research,
education and economic
development activities
Florida Information Resource
Network (FIRN2)
FL Department of Education
Turlington Building
325 West Gaines Street
Tallahassee, FL 32399
No information available at this
Georgia State Legislature, via
the Georgia Board of Regents
Office of Information and
Instructional Technology
270 Washington Street, SW
Atlanta, GA 30334
Illinois Century Network
120 W. Jefferson, Suite B
Springfield, IL 62702
(217) 557-6555
Indiana Higher Education
Telecommunications Systems
714 North Senate Avenue
Indianapolis, IN 46202
(317) 263-8900
Fax: (317) 263-8831
IOWA Communications
Network (ICN)
P.O. Box 587
Johnstown, IA 50131
(515) 725-4633
Fax: (515) 725-4727
Not an Net @EDU Member
No information available at this
No information available at this
The ICN is funded through an
appropriation from the state.
Additional funding comes from
E-rate reimbursements and
constituents through a cost
recovery model.
Equity member institutions and
affiliate participants sponsored and
supported by an Equity Member to
obtain FLR services
Authority and oversight is
centralized and invested in a
Board of Directors
augmented by the necessary
delegations of authority and
operational management
requited to effectively and
efficiently conduct
The FLR network
infrastructure is a DWDM
based optical footprint
deployed on 1,540 route miles
of dark fiber with a capacity of
32 wavelengths per fiber pair.
Core nodes are located in
Jacksonville, Orlando, Miami,
Tampa, Gainesville,
Tallahassee and Pensacola as
well as links to the NLR nodes
located in Jacksonville and
University System of Georgia,
public libraries, K-12 and private
institutions. Basic service at no cost
to University Systems entities
whose mission and purpose are
compatible with that of the
University System. State agencies
and education organizations may
contract for PeachNet services
based on a fee structure established
by the Office of Information and
Instructional Technology
Georgia State Legislature,
via the Georgia Board of
Regents Office of
Information and
Instructional Technology
PeachNet is built using
DWDM over fiber optic cable
to provide Gigabit Ethernet.
Leased circuits are used to
provide OC-12, OC-3, and T1
speed connections
The ICN connects over 7,000
constituents at K-12 schools
Colleges and Universities, Libraries,
Museums, Healthcare facilities, and
Municipal and State Government
Primary constituents (K-12 Schools,
institutions of higher education)
receive a baseline level of
bandwidth dependent on their
published FTE (full time
enrollment) or a flat rate o f1.5
Mbps (libraries and museums)
The Illinois Century
Network is a service of IL
Department of Central
Management Services. A
policy Committee serves is
an advisory capacity.
Members include the Board
of Higher Education, the
Community College Board,
the State Board of
Education, the State
Museum, the State Library,
the Department of Central
Mgmt Services, and the
Governors office.
Legislation also Governor’s
office. Legislation also
allows representation from
other participant constituent
institutions not already
IHETS is governed by the
IHETS Board of Directors,
the IHETS Management
Committee, and the Indiana
Partnership for Statewide
Education (IPSE) and the
Integrated Technologies
Committee (ITC). ITN is
currently operated
maintained and managed by
IHETS. When finalized, the
I-Light network’s broadband
coordinating body will
consist of one representative
from IHETS and one
member each of the state’s
House of Rep and State
technology committees and a
rep of commercial telecom
IOWA Telecommunications
and technology Commission,
a three member state
appointed body with the sole
authority to supervise the
management, development,
and operation of the IOWA
Communications Network
and ensure that all
components of the network
are technically compatible
The ICN is an IP based
statewide high speed
telecommunications network.
The fully redundant network
backbone consists of 15
strategically located pop sites
all connected via DS3-OC48
level circuits. One circuit into
the backbone can provide
connectivity with other
constituents, the Internet,
Internet2, video and other IP
services. The ICN also offers
QoS, centralized resources
such as filtering, and is fully IP
Multicast enabled. Total
capacity to the Internet is 3.5
IHETS is a non-profit, state
supported consortium serving
the telecommunication and elearning needs of 40 public and
private colleges and universities.
In addition, IHETS operate and
manages two public sector
network the IN
Telecommunication Network
(ITN) and an emerging I-Light2
network which consists of 15
individual fiber connected nodes
across the state. The ITN and the
I-Light systems may be
combined to form a single public
sector network called I-Light
Members of Indiana’s public sector
including: IHETS higher education
consortium members, public charter
and private K-12 schools, public
libraries state and municipal gov’t
agencies and offices, public
broadcasting outlets, public and notfor-profit health care facilities,
museums and other not-for-profit
ICN is a state developed and
state owned network. Ongoing
funding from services, with
shortfall made up by state
appropriations. Network
development by state
appropriation. The cost
associated with Part 3 of the
network were 94,600,000 with
the project ending during FY
Public and non public K-12 school
districts public and private
institutions of higher education,
public libraries area education
agencies. State and federal agencies,
state and federal courts
IHETS provides a public
sector statewide network
infrastructure supporting
Quality of Service (QoS) for
voice, video and data
applications. Through the
network, members access the
statewide H.323 video
conferencing services, online
collaboration tools and
streaming. Access is provided
in the form of 56K, T1, T1
Tail, 5mb fractional DS-3,
15mb fractional DS-3, and
45mb DS-3 speeds. All
connections are through
dedicated lines, TCP/IP
protocol. An affiliate member
of Internet2 and the SEGP for
the state of Indiana
ICN is a digital network that
presently connects over 750
end points throughout the state
by fiber optic cable. The video,
data, and voice signals are
encoded into light pulses and
transmitted over the individual
strands of fiber. By digitizing
the signal, each fiber is capable
of carrying the equivalent of
32,256 telephone circuits
Kansas Research and
Education Network (KanREN)
P.O. Box 442167
Lawrence, KS 66044
(785) 856-9800
Fax: (785) 856-1377
Doug Heacock – Exec Dir.
Kentucky TeleLinking
Network (KTLN)
KanREN is funded largely
through membership fees paid
by member institutions.
KanREN is also, under contract
with the Kansas Board of
Regents to operate the Kan-ed
backbone network, and operates
the Kan-ed Network Operations
Center on their behalf. KanREN
was initially funded in 93 &94
with NSF grant funding, but has
received no grant funding of any
kind since that time
Kan-REN is a non-profit consortium
of educational institutions in
Kansas. Our constituents include
state Board of Regents universities,
private colleges and universities,
community colleges, K-12 school
districts, public libraries and other
non-profit organizations with an
education or research mission
KanREN is governed by a
board of Directors, elected
from the membership, with
representation from each of
the major constituency
groups in the consortium
Department of Education grant
in 1994
School, colleges, universities, and
public and private agencies will
provide new opportunities for
systemic change and will assist in
the elimination of barriers imposed
by geography and socioeconomic
Provided for elementary and
secondary schools and
continuing through graduate
and professional school
Mostly state funded LaNet is
staffed and run by the state
office of Telecommunications
Management. An outgrowth of
cooperative effort b/t the office
of Telecommunications
Management, state agencies, and
the higher education community
in LA
Any political subdivision of the
State of LA, including city and
parish government; private and
public educational institutions
within the State of LA from
kindergarten through university
level; other qualifying institutions as
described in the OTM Rules and
Seven member LaNet
Technology planning Board
The physical capacity of each
of these connections is OC-3
The Maine Public Utilities
Commission ordered the creation
of a statewide data network. The
project is funded for 5 years at
$4 million per year
Public libraries and accredited
school in the state of Maine
MSLN is run by a Board of
Advisor that reports
regularly to the PUC on the
status of the project
The project provides each
participating site the choice of
a 56kb connection or 1 free
voice line with 22 hours of free
toll calling which could be
used for dial up service to the
UMATS is revenue based with
internal and external based
funding allocations determined
one year in advance
Public Higher Ed and K-12.
UMATS is a SEGP, which offers
services to outside public and
private education to Internet 2 and
ISP commodity services
UMATS Council, one voting
representative from each
USM institution. Elected
engineering committee (7)
and an elected executive
committee (6), chaired by
the Council Chair.
3 ISP totaling 2Gb/s, 1 Internet
2. DWDM implementation
raising infrastructure to 10G
and eventually 40G. Minimum
connection for member is DS3,
migrating to fiber backbone.
Remote sites clear channel
lower speeds, and NO ATM.
BERnet is a peering point for all
state networks in Baltimore and
funds were one time with annual
maintenance paid by UMATS
BERnet provides the peering point
that localizes traffic between the
major networks in the State. The
networks include Research and
Education (UMATS and MAX),
Libraries (SAIOR), and the State
(government, City of Baltimore, and
Consortium Representatives
UMATS, State, City of
Baltimore, Johns Hopkins,
UMB, UMBC, Morgan State
University, Enoch Pratt
Library SAILOR
gigE handoffs migrating to
10Gb/s over DWDM ring
between 7 locations within the
Baltimore, Washington,
Annapolis corridor
A public-private partnership
established by U. Mass Turnpike
Authority and technology firms.
Grew out of a conveyance in
1993 of fiber optic plant to the
state from MTA. $1.5 million in
start up funds from a state IT
bond in Jan 1997
High speed internet access for Mass
public non-profit institutions
department, and agencies. Currently
we are the Internet Service
Providers (ISP) for most of the
state’s 29 public higher education
campuses, five of the eight public
library consortia, the Dept of
Education (DOE), the Board of
Higher Education (BHE), Mass
Interaction (MI), and several K-12
school districts
U. Mass focused MITI
executive board is
responsible for the backbone
network facility
Merit is a non-profit corporation
owned by twelve of Michigan’s
four year publicly supported
Merit affiliates include: 70 colleges
and universities, 24 community
colleges, 253 K-12 schools or
school districts 16 local, state and
federal government agencies, 17
healthcare organizations, 74
libraries, 46 non profit organizations
and 51 business
Operated by Merit Network,
Inc a non-profit corporation
owned by 12 of MI 4-year
public universities. In
addition to the twelve
members there are 427
affiliates with a combined
total of 551 direct network
NITI’s cornerstone is a high
speed (2.4 Gbps)
IP/ATM/SONET - based
network which ties Eastern,
Central and Western
Massachusetts communities
together over 120-mile long
fiber optic network. The
network provides high speed
internet, interactive video,
cross-state transport and
application hosting services to
public institutions throughout
the state
Comprehensive dial up and
direct connection services.
Frame relay, ATM 45 Mbps
connection to internet MCI
600 Cooper Drive
Lexington, KY 40502
(859) 258-7000
Not an Net @EDU Member
OTM Network Services
P.O. Box 94280
Baton Rouge, LA 70804
(225) 219-4860
Fax: (225) 342-6867
Not an Net @EDU Member
Maine School & Library
Network (MSLN)
(207) 561-3587
Fax: (207) 581-3531
Not an Net @EDU Member
The University System of
Maryland Academic
Telecommunications System
Baltimore Education &
Research Network (BERnet)
3300 Metzerott Road
Adelphi, MD 20783
University System of
Richard Rose
Executive Director UMATSUSM Office IT
KanREN operates a TCP/IP
backbone network over gigabit
Ethernet connections to
member sites include point to
point T1 circuits, frame relay
circuits, and ATM (multipleT1 IMA connections) We
currently provide 325 Mbps of
commodity Internet access to
our connected members. We
also provide Internet2 access
to several of our major
university members and we are
the Internet2 SEPG for Kansas
KTLN is based on VTEL
develop compresses digital
video conferencing systems
generally communicating at
approximately 30 frames per
second over high speed
telephone lines. The
communication occupies ¼ of
a T-1 line or 384,000 bits of
data per second
(301) 445-2789
Fax: (301) 445-2761
Not an Net @EDU Member
Massachusetts Information
Turnpike (MITI)
333 South Street, Suite 400
Shrewsbury, MA 01545
(508) 856-2804
Not an Net @EDU Member
4251 Plymouth Road
Arbor Lakes Bldg.1
Suite 200
Ann Arbor, MI 48105
(734) 764-9430
300 South Hwy
Minneapolis, MN 55426
(952) 230-4100
Fax: (952) 230-4200
Not an Net @EDU Member
(662) 915-7206
Fax: (662) 915-7180
Not an Net @EDU Member
MOREnet – The Missouri
Research and Education
3212A LeMone Industrial
Columbia, MO 65201
(573) 884-7200
Fax: (573) 884-6673
1 Computer Bldg M/S 270
Reno, NV 89557
(775) 789-3710
Fax: (775) 789-3748
ONVOY is Minnesota’s
Integrated Broadband Provider,
a unique class of company
focused on serving enterprise
customers that recognize
Onvoy was established to enhance
the academic, research and
economic environment of the State
of Minnesota through the use of
computer and information networks.
Acceptable use policy does not
restrict services to public sector
High Performance Support,
provides computing cycles,
applications and support,
enhances instructional and
research climates, serves all 8
Mississippi Public Universities
and helps bring research
MISNET provides Internet
connectivity to business/corporate
educational institutions, federal/state
Board of Trustees of State
Institutions of Higher
Original MOREnet consortium
connected via NSF grants. On
going funding provided by: state
appropriations member dues,
member service fees, port fees,
direct network fees and one time
start up cost
Provides Internet connectivity
access to Internet2, technical
support, videoconferencing services
and training to Missouri K-12
schools colleges and universities
and public libraries, health care and
state gov’t and other affiliated
University of Missouri
System a MOU with the
University created the
MOREnet council that
provides planning and
budgetary oversight.
Additional information
council can be found at
975 member connections.
1Gbps backbone, 4G Internet
access and OC12 connection to
GPN for I2 access. H.323
video conferencing support.
NevadaNet provides wide area
transport/connectivity, Internet
access, network engineering and
operational support, and centralized
video scheduling services to NSHE
Institutions, the K-12 community,
and rural telehealth entities
throughout the state of Nevada.
NevadaNet also provides video
support to approx 50 other state and
non-profit entities on an “as
available” basis
Nevada System of Higher
Education System
Computing Services
Looped, fiber based 1/10 GB/s
backbone utilizing CISCO
equipment and serving
approximately 220 sites over
50,000 square miles
Members include forty-five public
and private colleges and
universities. A growing number of
K-12 districts with programmatic
ties to member institutions are
connecting to the network
The NJ President’s Council
founded NJEDge.NET as the
organization to foster interinstitutional collaboration
and leverage the collective
buying power of the
membership to achieve
economies of scale. The
President’s Council
established a Network
Advisory Board comprised
primarily of institutional
CIO’s to meet on a monthly
basis to oversee the
operation of the statewide
An MPLS based IP.WPN,
operated as a managed service
by Verizon, provides a private
statewide network
infrastructure supporting
Quality of Service (QoS) for
voice, video and data
application. Resources
provided to the membership
include commodity internet;
statewide H.323 video conf
services; satellite
uplink/downlink services; online collaboration tools;
telephony and statewide
software site licensing.
NJEDge.NET is the statewide
regional aggregator for
Internet2 and is connected to
the MAGPI GigaPOP.
NJEDge.NET is an affiliate
Member of Internet2 and the
SEGP for New Jersey
Major research institution, other
universities and colleges with
limited participation of libraries,
museums gov’t and health care
A Board of Directors
composed of senior
technology leaders from 20+
NY higher education
NYSERNet established a
dedicated Fiber optic
infrastructure in NYC using 20
year IRUs in 2003. NYSERNet
established and operates its
own collocation site in
Manhattan which is currently
utilized by 20+ regional,
national and international R&E
networks. NYSERNet is
implementing an optical
network from Buffalo to NYC
in 1stQtr 2005. At turn-up the
network will provide thirtytwo 10 GBPS lambdas
No information available at this
No information available at this
NevadaNet is an initiative of the
Nevada System of Higher
Education with funding from
Nevada Legislature via the
NSHE Board of Regents with
supplemental federal grant
No information available at this
NJEDge.NET is a not-for-profit
corporation supported by a
combination of membership
service fees, and a state of New
Jersey budget appropriation
NJEDge.NET – New Jersey
Higher Education Network
George Laskaris
(973) 596-5490
No information available at this
NYSERNet, Inc.
NYSETNet is a 501c(3)
corporation. NYSERNet utilizes
state and federal support as well
as its own endowment to support
projects for its members
100 Elmwood Davis Road
Syracuse, NY 13212
(315) 413-0345
Fax: (315) 413-0346
attachments from 223
separate locations
Onvoy Board of Directors
Provides direct connection,
dial up and web hosting
services. Onvoy connects to
1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th Tier
Markets. Network features
include OCN, DS3 and DS1
services for voice and data
transport and connectivity, SS7
and SONET technologies, self
healing capabilities and 24x7
network monitoring
72 nodes to Beowulf cluster,
each a Gateway E-6000 P4
2.8GHz, with 1GB RDRAM
memory and 80 GB hard drive
North Carolina Research and
Education Network (NCREN,
operates by MCNC
John Killebrew
(919) 248-4129
Fax: (919) 248-9245
Not an Net @EDU Member
Information Technology Dept
600 E. Boulevard Ave
Dept 112
Bismarck, ND 58505
(701) 328-3190
Fax: (701) 328-3000
Not an Net @EDU Member
1224 Kinnear Road
Columbus, OH 43121
(614) 292-9248
Fax: (614) 292-7168
P.O. Box 108800
Oklahoma City, OK 73101
Not an Net @EDU Member
Network for Education and
Research in Oregon (NERO)
(541) 346-6376
(RINET) Rhode Island
Network for Educational
NCREN is intended to use
receipts from operation as
primary funding source. Largest
part of this funding about 65%
comes via an annual agreement
with UNC Office of the
President, a state-funded
organization. Remainder comes
from fees collected for use of the
network from all connected
entities. These receipts are
currently supplemented by
endowment funds
Focus on higher education, but is
inclusive of all layers of education
(k-20); state, county and local
governments; research organizations
and a very small number of related
commercial business operations
Operated by MCNC which
has a Board of Directors.
Also has the NCREN
Advisory Committee, which
is empowered to male
operational and strategic
recommendations to
leadership and to UNCGeneral Administration
STAGENet is funded from fees
from network use by higher
education, K-12, state agencies
and local governments, as
required in state law. State
appropriations fund the cost for
many of these entities
STAGENet is a robust statewide
network providing Internet
connectivity and videoconferencing
to ND all K-12 schools, higher
education, public libraries, state
agencies, county government and
local governments
STAGENet governance
structure includes
representatives from state
and local government, K-12,
colleges and universities,
interactive video network,
and voice communication.
STAGENet is the lawful
responsibility of the ND
State CIO
The Third Frontier Network is
one of the premiere Regional
Optical Network. Funding for
the new network comes from a
loan, state capital allocations and
fees from member Universities
OarNet provides high quality
Internet1, Internet2 and Intra-Ohio
services to nearly 100 of Ohio’s
colleges and universities at
competitive rates. OARNet is a
consortium of these members
OARNet is a division of the
Ohio Supercomputer Center
(OSC), a technology
initiative of the Ohio Board
of Regents
Connectivity ranging from
fractional T1’s up to Gig of
OneNet’s origin began in 1992.
It was at this time that voters in
OK approved a statewide capital
bond issue that provided $14
million for the implementation
of a statewide
telecommunications network
OneNet’s state-of-the-art
technology and dedicated staff
currently provide high-speed
communications to a variety of OK
entities such as: public and
vocational-technical schools
colleges and universities, public
libraries, local, tribes, state and
federal government, courts system,
rural health care delivery systems
and programs engaged in research
NERO acts as the network service
provider for OWEN. OWEN
partners aggregate traffic from their
respective members and
interconnect with each other and the
global internet through NERO. The
OWEN partners are: OREGON
University System, Oregon State
Dept of Administrative Services and
OPEN (Oregon Public Education
Network, serving K-12)
Oklahoma State Regents for
Higher Education in
conjunction with the OK
Office of State Finance
Currently 42 hub sites provide
the framework for the state’s
integrated telecommunication
network. Every OneNet hub
site is served by a full DS-3
telecommunication circuit, and
has it win SUN computer
system, has a local bank of
modems, and has a Cisco high
performance data router
OWEN Partners
NERO consists of a high speed
core network with hubs in
Portland, Corvallis and
Eugene. The core hub sites are
fully interconnected at DS3
(45Mbs) or higher
RINET offers Internet connectivity
for Rhode Island K-12 schools,
libraries, local and state government
Board of Directors
Comprehensive dialup and
dedicated frame relay, ATM,
and Ethernet service with
bandwidth ranging from
128Kbps to OC-3. QoS
throughout network to support
voice, video, and data.
Resources provided to
members include: H.323 video
and bridging support, I2 access
through OSHEAN, email, Web
hosting, content filtering,
managed WAN and firewall
services and student
information data services
Initial funding for NERO was
provided by an award from
NASA with the goal of
enhancing science and
engineering education in Oregon
across the board from K-12
through graduate school and
continuing education for high
technology employees
No information available at this
RINET is a consortium of Rhode
Island educational and library
organizations and municipal and
state government agencies
646 Camp Avenue
North Kingstown, RI 02852
(401) 295-9200
Fax: (401) 295-8101
No information available at this
No information available at this
NCREN is a statewide private
network with 2.4 Gbps
resilient ring backbones, metro
fiber rings, and connectivity
optimized at Gigabit Ethernet
for all state-supported
institutions. This network
includes access for every
member to each other and to
commodity Internet and to
private steering to Bell, RoadRunner, ITC
Deltacom, and others. The
statewide private line network
uses regional Points-of
Presence in eight location
scattered in every part of the
state to house the network
equipment and serve as local
access point for the member
institutions. Service also
include IP networking and
both scheduled and adhoc twoway interactive video
conferencing. Also provides
collocation, managed hosting,
data backup , and disaster
resistance recovery capabilities
Managed services by DCN, a
consortium of state local
telcos, include a SONET ring
operating at 2.488 Gbps with
capacity to grow to OC192
rings. K-12 minimum access is
T-1. Higher education access is
10 Mbps to 1 Gbps. 2-OC-12s
provide Internet Access.
Internet2 access of 45Mbps
(66Mbps) purchased service
Not clearly stated
ConnecTEN build and support
unique technology solution for state
gov’t K-12 school systems, and
system integrators across statewide
and local network
Not clearly stated
Not clearly stated
LEARN received $7.3 million
from the State of TX to build an
optical fiber network to serve the
research, education and health
science needs for the State. All
operations are funded by
member/users institutions.
LEARN is a 501(c)3 cooperative
effort of 33 Texas institutions and
consortia therof.
LEARN’s is governed by a
33 member participant board
appointed by member
institution. The Executive
Director and CEO reports to
the Board and has overall
responsibility for the
State appropriations provide
2/3rds of the revenue, and
Federal E-Rate and other federal
funds make up remainder of $32
million annual budget
UEN is a partnership formalized in
Utah state law of all public schools,
public higher education, and public
libraries. It also provides Internet
connectivity for state government
The governing board of
UEN is its Steering
Committee, whose members
include equal numbers from
public and higher education,
representatives of the state
legislature and governor’s
office, state library and a
business representative
At present, LEARN has
approximately 2000 miles of
fiber in service or under
development. LEARN
provides layer 1 and 2 services
and provides connections to
Internet2 networks, NLR and
other networks. LEARN
provides 1 Gig and 10 Gig
dedicated and shared services
to individual institutions and
aggregators. .
Network backbone is a
DWDM optical fiber, leased
from regional telco’s circuits
from backbone PoP’s to
secondary schools and higher
ed campuses are 100-100 mb/s
Ethernet fiber. Elementary
circuits are mixed, from T1 to
Ethernet fiber
GOVnet is the name given to the
network infrastructure which
serves government offices
Government offices, K-12 libraries
Information Resource
Management Advisory
Council (IRMAC) provides
the policy managerial, and
financial oversight of
GOVnet. These policies and
procedures are administered
through the office of the
Chief Information Officer
A switched 56 Kbps, 384 Kbps
or 1.54 Mbps frame-relay
connection is available. Pointto-point 56 Kbps and 1.54
Mbps (T-1) connections are
also available
The result of a project led by
Virginia Tech in association
with Old Dominion University
and the Virginia Community
College systems to develop
universal access to advanced
digital communications services
for all of VA
Participation is open to all
institutions of higher education,
public and private school, private
educational sites, agencies and
Project led b y Virginia Tech
DS, DS-3 dedicated access
available ATM infrastructure
$42.3 million from the state
legislature for backbone
construction and start-up costs.
Ongoing operations of the
shared infrastructure funded
through an internal service fund
Public and private K-12 and higher
education, including community
colleges. Inclusive of public
libraries other public sector, noneducation use contemplated
Implementation by the
Planning and Oversight
Committee, ongoing
maintenance through
collaboration of existing
relevant entities
No information available at
this time.
State College and University
Systems of West Virginia
State Government, K-12, public
libraries and county government
The WVNET Policy Board
serves as the final
clearinghouse for problem
resolution, oversight, and
direction and policy issues
and provides a flexible and
dynamic policy and planning
structure to support a broad
clientele base for the future.
Provides high speed
connections via either frame
relay or ATM
WiscNet is 100% funded via the
sale of network-based services to
our members. Internet1 and
Internet2 access, web content,
filtering, anti-spam/virus
filtering, site firewall
management and IMAP email
service. No State of Wisconsin
appropriations directly support
Restricted to Wisconsin only:
WiscNet members include all public
higher education, 95% of private
higher education, 70% of public and
private K-12, 80% of libraries state
government, and 50% of city/county
WiscNet is a tax exempt,
non-profit association whose
fiscal agent is the University
of Wisconsin-Madison.
WiscNet is governed by an
11 member Board of
Directors elected by the
designated representatives of
member organization.
WiscNet also operates the
Through February 2006,
WiscNet will use a leased
statewide ATM-on-SONET
OC3/OC 12 backbone with 15
aggregation hubs supporting
T1, fractional and full T3, and
Ethernet service. We drain to
multiple NSP’s at Chicago,
Minneapolis and Milwaukee.
Total throughout capacity is
2.3 Gbps
101 McGavock Street
Nashville, TN 37203
Not an Net @EDU Member
(LEARN) Lonestar Education
and Research Network
P.O. Box 7407
Austin, TX 78713
Jim Williams (Exec Director)
(512) 475-8754
(UEN) Utah Education
Mike Petersen (Exec Director)
(801) 581-6991
Not an Net @EDU Member
GOVnet & k12Net
10 Baldwin Street
Montpelier, VT 05602
(802) 828-3774
Not an Net @EDU Member
Network Virginia
Service Providers: Sprint –
Derek Broka (703) 725-1473
Mark Roberts (804) 772-1473
Not an Net @EDU Member
Washington K-20 Educational
Telecomm Network
710 Sleater-Kinney Road
Suite Q
P.O. Box 42445
Olympia, WA 98504
(360) 407-1011
Not an Net @EDU Member
837 Chestnut Ridge Road
Morgantown, WV 26505
(304) 293-5192
Fax: (304) 293-5540
Not an Net @EDU Member
740 Regent Street
Suite 203
Madison, WI 53715
(608) 265-6761
Fax: (608)262-9085
Not an Net @EDU Member
No information available at this