ASSIGNMENT I PGDM (Supported by e learning ) (Module III) Subject Code : eMM02 Subject Name : Sales And Distribution Management Time : 2 hrs Max. Marks : 100 Attempt all questions . All questions are compulsory and each question carries 2 marks . No negative marking is there. 1. The main tasks of sales management are :a) b) c) d) e) Planning , direction and control of personal selling Recruiting , selecting , assigning , routing , supervising , paying and motivating. Channel management , target setting , budgetary control Logistics management , territory management , sales forecasting. All of the above 2. The main duties & responsibilities of sales manager are :- a) b) c) d) e) Earning revenue and achieving targets. Only completing administration responsibilities of his deptt. Overall marketing responsibility of his sales territories. Be alert to new sales and promotional ideas. All of the above 3. In Hard sell strategy salesperson is focused on :a) b) c) d) Concerned for customer Integration between sales and distribution functions Concern for self Concerned for both customer and self. 4. Objective of Personal Selling is :a) b) c) d) e) Provides human touch to business transactions Helps facilitate the seller to advertise and promote the products or services. Helps the seller in achieving the targets only. Build long term relations between the business and the customer. All of the above 5. What are the correct sequence of steps in Personal selling process :a) prospecting, pre-approach , approach , presentation and demonstration , handling objections , closing , follow-up. b) prospecting, presentation and demonstration , pre-approach, approach , handling objections, closing , follow-up. c) Presentation and demonstration , pre-approach , approach, closing , follow-up , handling objections , closing. d) Pre-approach, approach, prospecting , presentation and demonstration , handling objections, closing and follow-up 6. Planning functions of sales organization involves :a) selecting salesmen, training salesmen , control of salesmen, remuneration of salesmen. b) Sales promotion, selling routine – execution of customer’s orders. c) Sales forecasting , sales budgeting , selling policy. d) All of the above 7. Informal communication structure refers to :a) b) c) d) Downward communication Upward communication Horizontal and vertical communication None of the above. 8. Vertical organization structure refers to the following :- a) There the number of management levels is reduced appreciably but number of managers at any particular level is increased. b) There are several layers of sales management – all of which report vertically. c) Responsibility and authority are delegated to middle level and lower level. d) Where a line function is a primary activity and staff function is a supporting activity. e) All of the above. 9. Geographic sales organization structure is followed in which type of organization a) b) c) d) Consumer durable FMCG Services sector All of the above. 10. Sales forecasting involves :a) b) c) d) e) deciding on sales targets deciding on sales budget an estimate of sales during a specified future period. an estimation of market share of a firm. All of the above 11. Survey method of sales forecasting is based on :a) b) c) d) opinion of buyers and consumers opinion of executives and consultants opinion of sales force opinion of channels of distribution. 12. Expert opinion method of sales forecasting is based on :a) b) c) d) opinion of executives and consultants Opinion of buyers and consumers Regression analysis Moving average method 13. Sales volume quotas include :a) products contributing to varying levels of profits b) selling costs are within reasonable limits. c) Job-related duties useful for attaining salespeople’s performance targets. d) Sales in rupees or product unit objectives for a specific period of time. 14. Why establish sales territories ? a) b) c) d) To achieve targets To do sales forecasting To learn selling techniques To obtain entire coverage of the market 15. Prime factor to be considered for designing sales territory a) b) c) d) Market build up approach Workload approach Determining a basic geographical control unit Moving average method. a. b. c. d. e. either A is correct either B is correct either C is correct either D is correct either A,B,C re correct 16. There are three types of sales expenses : a) Fixed expenses b) Performance related expenses c) Activity –related Expenses Is the statement a. TRUE b. FALSE. 17. Which factor out of the following should sales manager take into account while preparing the sales budget :a) b) c) d) e) sales territory salesman estimates past sales figures and trend sales quotas. All of the above 18. Following are the important sales costs which should be kept in mind by a sales manager :- a) b) c) d) a. b. Cost of goods per rupee of sales Profit per rupee of sales Cost per territory Cost per sales person Is the statement TRUE FALSE 19. Following factors should be considered while preparing job description a) b) c) d) e) Title of the job Duties and responsibilities Reporting methods Technical requirements Territory to be covered Is the statement a. TRUE b. FALSE 20. Which of the following is the correct sequence of steps in any selection procedure. a) job offer, physical examination, reference check , psychological testing , interview , application scrutiny , hiring profile. b) Application scrutiny , interview, reference check , psychological testing , physical examination , job offer , hiring people. c) Interview, application scrutiny, hiring profile , physical examination, reference check , job offer, psychological testing. d) Hiring profile , application scrutiny, interview, psychological testing , reference check , physical examination , job offer. 21. Which of the following sequence of steps is correct in an interview procedure. a) Reviewing background information , preparing a question plan , conducting the interview , concluding the interview. b) Conducting the interview , preparing a question plan , concluding the interview, reviewing background information. c) Preparing a question plan, conducting the interview, reviewing background information, concluding the interview. 22. Psychological testing is designed to measure the technical competencies in a sales person Is the statement a. b. TRUE FALSE. 23. The following steps show the formal compensation process :- a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) establish sales force objectives determine compensation objectives , strategies and tactics determine compensation factors implement long and short-term range programmes communicate compensation policy relate rewards to performance measure individual , group and organizational performance appraisal and recycling establish sales force objectives Is this process applicable to every type of sales organization a. Yes b. No 24. For preparing a good sales compensation plan , which of the following essential steps should be taken :a) b) c) d) a. b. c. have performance based pay levels be adjustable to meet companys’ goals and individual’s aspirations. Define the sales job Use grading or classification of jobs so that jobs may be compared. either A is correct either B is correct either C is correct either A or D is correct All are correct. d. e. 25. The problem of motivating sales representatives has been studied by Churchill , Ford & Walker. They propose the following way :a) b) c) d) a. b. c. d. Satisfaction , rewards, performance, effort and motivation Motivation , effort , performance , rewards, and satisfaction Effort , motivation , performance, rewards, and satisfaction Performance , rewards , motivation , effort and satisfaction either A is correct either B is correct either C is correct either D is correct 26. ________________________________ involve suppliers and intermediaries working closely together. a) b) c) d) Horizontal Marketing system Inclined Marketing system Vertical Marketing system Shared Marketing system 27. Which of the following is an importance of Channel of Distribution ? a) b) c) d) Cost savings in specialization Reduce Exchange time Customers want to conveniently shop for variety All of the above. 28. Which of the following is not a problem of assortment ? a) b) c) d) New products yet are unknown to customers Existing products are new to a particular market Ease of getting more brands under one roof. All of the above. 29. __________________ PAY the other channel participants by relinquishing some portion of the price paid by the end customer. a) b) c) d) Manufacturers Wholesalers Retailers Consumers 30. Distribution strategy is influenced by :a) b) c) d) the market structure the firm’s objective resources All of the above 31. The benefit of Distribution Channel includes : a) b) c) d) Increases time Increases costs Larger quantity sales Create sales 32. ___________________leads directly to product selection and pricing policy a) b) c) d) Strategic positioning Retail positioning Market positioning All of the above. 33. Direct marketing enables you to talk directly , identify , isolate and communicate with well –defined target markets resulting into higher conversion and success rate. a) b) c) d) Flexible targeting Direct selling Target market Variable segment 34. Which of the following is feature /s of Direct marketing ? a) Provides greater control and accountability in terms of measuring results than any other marketing methods . b) Allows you to repetitively test the various tools in order to hit upon the most successful combination. c) Is the most effective tool for building customer relationship which can be used as a mode to stimulate demand for retail sales. d) All of the above. 35. Direct selling is considered more as a __________________ of direct marketing a) b) c) d) superset subset sameset suberbset 36. A database marketing strategy comprises of the steps as : a) b) c) d) Discovery , formulation, deployment Discriminate, formulate , development Discovery, formulation, development Decipher, formulate, develop 37. Which of the following is not the major objective of a sales organization or the sales division. a) b) c) d) Increase sales volume Profits Attain short-term growth Attain long term growth 38. Identify the trends that have shaped the sales function . a) b) c) d) Shorter product life cycle Longer and more complex sales cycle Reduced customer loyalty and rising customer expectations All of the above 39. Which one of the following is not a Core Competency of Sales Manager ? a) b) c) d) Attainment of targets Ability to get things done Dependability Non cooperation 40. “Salesperson is actively engaged in using their skills to obtain orders from customers . Which type of selling role is mentioned here ? a) b) c) d) Order Getter Order taker Order influencer Either (2) or (3) 41. Which type of selling is commonly found in pharmaceuticals , where salespeople , known as product detailers , discuss products with doctors (influencers) who then write prescriptions for their patients (final customer) and higher education , where salespeople call on college professors (influencers) who make requirements to students (final customer) for specific textbooks ? a) b) c) d) Word-of-mouth-promotion Business-to-business selling Missionary selling Trade selling 42. Identify the five integral steps which make an effective sales plan. a) b) c) d) Prospect , qualify, interest , fact find , close Payment, qualify , interest , fact find, close Prospect , quantify, interest, fact find, close Prospect, qualify, internal analysis, fact find, close 43. A successful sales presentation can be made by a) b) c) d) understanding the customer’s needs explaining the product features explaining business proposition in detail All of the above 44. The following are the important sales costs which should be kept in mind by a sales manager : a. b. cost of goods per rupee of sales profit per rupee of sales c. d. e. f. g. cost per segment cost per territory cost per salesperson cost per channel member Average cost per order Is the statement A)True B) False 45. The following factors should be taken into consideration in the credit rating of dealers/distributors: a. b. c. d. e. f. organizational set-up of the firm market reputation trade line of dealers/distributors financial position of dealers/distributors analysis of financial statement history of payments Is the statement 1. True B) false 46. Steps in designing a credit Control system a. b. c. d. e. identifying credit distributors and wholesalers or consumers on the basis of past experience processing the credit sanction circulating and implementing the credit sanction Aging analysis Reviewing credit sanctions from time to time Is the statement A)True B) false 47. Which of the following is the step in designing a sales control system a. past sales figure and trend b. c. d. designing a reporting system and feedback system salesmen’s estimates to exercise control over future planning and over the results of the company. 48. The aim of the sales audit in any sales organization is to : a. b. c. d. objective setting general trade prospects financial aspect find out the true and accurate position of sales 49. What is sales management information system ? a. b. c. Is it about deciding on sales targets Is it about sales forecasting Is it about allocation of sales staff to territories 50. Following are important sales costs which should be kept in mind by a sales manager : a. b. c. d. e. f. g. Is the above statement True false cost of goods per rupee of value profit per rupee of sales cost per segment cost per territory cost per salesperson cost per channel member average cost per order