ALL CHANGES FROM CURRENT VERSION STUDENT DISCIPLINE PROCESS Passed by University Council, January 22, 1992; Revised June 1993 Introduction. Student discipline has been delegated by the President to the Vice President for Student Life who shares that responsibility with the Peer Review Board and certain members of the Student Life Team. Any member of the University community who believes that a student or group has violated the Student Code (“Complainant”) should direct a written complaint or incident report to the Community Standards Officer*. Any complaint or incident report should be submitted as soon as possible after the incident takes place, preferably within one week. Options for Disposition of a Complaint. A student or group accused of violating the Student Code may: 1. Accept responsibility for the violation and have the Student Life Administrator impose a sanction; 2. Seek to resolve the complaint through mediation with the agreement of the party filing the complaint; or 3. Request a hearing Students or student groups accused of violating the Student Code, or any non-academic University policy/regulation, who request a hearing may have the option of having the case heard by a Student Life Administrator or the Peer Review Board. In the case of minor violations, the administrator (except for violations of the Sexual Offense Policy which shall be heard by the Student Life Administrator as described in that Policy). In the case of less serious violations, as determined by the University, the Student Life Administrator will be the Residence Life Area * The Community Standards Officer is Dr. Nancy Komada. Dr. Komada is located in 239 Campion Center and may be reached at (610) 660-1046. Coordinator for resident students and the Community Standards Officer for non-resident students. In the case of majorall other violations, the hearing officer will usually be the Community Standards Officer. (Note: If a student is charged withinvolved in an incident that may be a violation of the Student Code during the last two (2) weeks of the semester or during the time period between the spring and fall semesters, the University reserves the right to schedule the accused student for an administrativea hearing before a Student Life Administrator to ensure a timely resolution for all parties involved.) Within either option the procedures articulated below will be followed. Violation of Law and University Discipline. University disciplinary proceedings may be instituted against a student charged with conduct that potentially violates both the criminal law and the University’s Student Code (that is, if both potential violations result from the same factual situation) without regard to pending civil or criminal litigation in court or criminal arrest and prosecution. Proceedings in accordance with the Student Discipline Process may be carried out prior to, simultaneously with, or following civil or criminal proceedings off campus as determined in the judgment of the Vice President for Student Life. Determinations made or sanctions imposed in accordance with the Student Discipline Process shall not be subject to change because criminal charges arising out of the same facts giving rise to violation of University rules were dismissed, reduced, or resolved in favor of or against the criminal law defendant. Disciplinary Holds. At any time after the filing of a complaint, the Community Standards Officer may place a “Disciplinary Hold” on the academic records of any student for the purpose of preserving the status quo pending the outcome of proceedings or enforcing a disciplinary sanction. A 2 “Disciplinary Hold” may prevent among other things, registration, the release of transcripts, and the awarding of a degree. Peer Review Board Membership. A Peer Review Board (PRB) will be comprised of the following members: 1. Chair - This non-voting student member is selected annually by agreement of the Presidents of the University Student Senate, the Greek Council, the Student Union Board (SUB) and the Vice President for Student Life or designate. In the event of a tie-vote for the chairChair, the Moderator of the PRB will cast the deciding vote. Nominations for the position of Chair can originate from any University member. 2. The Board - The University Student Senate will publicize and accept applications from students interested in service on the PRB. A Committee composed of the Vice President for Student Life / designate, the Chair of the PRB and the Presidents of the University Student Senate, the Greek Council and the Student Union Board will then select a pool of 25 members. When a hearing is necessary, the PRB Chair will then select 5 students from the pool to serve. Members are expected to refuse to hear a case when a conflict of interest or bias existsThe hearing may proceed with 4 students, with the agreement of the accused student and Complainant. 3. Moderator - The moderatorModerator is selected from the professional staff of the Student Life team by the Vice President for a term of at least two semesters. The moderatorModerator shall advise the PRB on matters such as the admissibility of evidence and precedents in sanctions. The moderatorModerator will also facilitate the appropriate paper work and record keeping,; tape hearings of violations, if deemed necessary by the Moderator; and reserve hearing space and assure that all appropriate 3 witnesses attend the hearings. Pre-Hearing Procedures. Upon receiving written notice of a possible violation, the appropriate Student Life Administrator will notify the accused student of the charges, provide an opportunity to discuss the discipline process and hearing options, offer the student hearing options and set a date/time for the hearing, if requested. If a hearing is scheduled, the accused student will be informed in writing of the date, time and location of the hearing at least 72 hours (usually 3 working days) before the hearing. Disciplinary Advisors are listed on the charge letter. These administrators and are available to consult with the student throughout the process. Additional student rightsA Complainant may also choose an advisor from the University community to assist him/her through the process, including accompanying the student at a hearing, but not to speak or ask questions on behalf of the Complainant. Hearing Procedures. Hearings shall be private. Disciplinary hearings are not trials, and they are not constrained by technical rules of procedure, evidence or judicial formality. They are designed to encourage open discussion among the participants that promotes the PRB or Student Life Administrator’s understanding of the facts, the individuals involved, the circumstances under which the incident occurred and the nature of the conduct. The rules of evidence applicable to legal proceedings do not apply to disciplinary hearings. Information, including hearsay evidence, may be considered if it is relevant, not unduly repetitious, and the sort of information on which responsible persons are accustomed to rely in the conduct of serious affairs. In no case will the results of a polygraph test be used in a student disciplinary hearing. The PRB and Student Life Administrator shall determine responsibility based on whether it is more likely than not that the accused student or 4 group violated the Student Code. The rights of an accused student include: • the right to be present throughout the hearing but not during the deliberation of the Board or the presiding administrator. or Student Life Administrator. • the right to remain silent (i.e. not testifying against him/herself)not to speak. The accused student must realize that if silence is maintained, the case will be determined on the evidence presented.however, that if he/she does not speak, the case will be determined on the evidence presented. • the right to ask for the replacement of members of the Board or the administrator because of conflicts of interest or possible existence of bias. Final decisions rest with the Chair of the PRB or the Vice President for Student Life.PRB or Student Life Administrator because of possible conflicts of interest or bias. Objections should be made in writing at least forty-eight (48) hours before the hearing. Final decisions rest with the Chair of the PRB or the Vice President for Student Life, and the Vice President shall replace any disqualified members. • the right to know all the evidence and hear testimony presented at the hearing and to ask questions of Board members, the administrator or those presenting evidence or testimony.PRB members, the Student Life Administrator or witnesses. Questions for a witness may be suggested by the student to the Chair of the PRB or Student Life Administrator, and the Chair or Student Life Administrator will question the witness as appropriate. the right to present pertinent evidence and the testimony of witnesses to substantiate 5 his/her case. the right to comment upon and respond to the charges. the right to an advisor from the University community who may advise the accused • the right to present pertinent evidence and the testimony of witnesses to substantiate his/her case. * the right to comment upon and respond to the charges. * the right to one advisor from the University community who may advise the accused student during the hearing but may not speak or ask questions for the accused student. Failure In order to schedule a hearing, class schedules are reviewed to find a common available time. Students are expected to attend their hearings or forfeit their opportunity to provide testimony. The accused student’s failure to attend the PRB or administrative hearing does not limit the PRB or administrator from taking action. If a hearing is scheduledstudent misses a hearing due to an emergency or was notified less than 72 hours in advance of a hearing, it is the student’s responsibility to contact the Community Standards Office within 24 hours of the hearing. If a hearing is held, the accused student will receive notificationbe notified in writing of the findings, sanctions, and the right to appeal within (5) workingbusiness days after the hearing. The accused student may waive any of the above rights. In all situations, the Peer Review Board will makerecommend its findings and sanctions available to the Community Standards Officer for review, approval and implementation. When an administrator is the hearing officer, the findings and sanctions may be reviewed by the Vice President for Student Life or designate. If a student misses a hearing due to an emergency or was notified less than 72 hours in advance of a hearing, it is the student’s responsibility to contact the disciplinary office within 24 hours. In order to schedule a hearing, class schedules are reviewed to find a common available time. Students are expected to attend their hearings or forfeit their 6 opportunity to provide testimony. The PRB or Student Life Administrator may accommodate concerns for the personal safety, well-being, and/or fears of confrontation of the Complainant, accused student, and/or other witness during the hearing by providing separate facilities, by using a visual screen, and/or by permitting participation by telephone, videophone, closed circuit television, video conferencing, videotape, audio tape, written statement, or other means, as the Student Life Administrator determines to be appropriate. Factors in Sanctioning. The following factors will be considered in determining sanctions: present attitude,; past record, both positive and negative,; the severity of the damage, injury, harm or disruption or the potential for such,; the student’s or group’s honesty, cooperation and willingness to make amends. Parental Notification The Office of Student Life, the Vice President for Student Life, or his/her designee at their discretion, may notify parents of dependent students under the following circumstances: 1. Health and safety matter whether or not student is hospitalized; 2. When a student’s housing or student status is in jeopardy; 3. Violations in the local community; 4. Disciplinary or judicial matters. Appeals Appeals. Appeals may be made to the chairChair of the University Appeals Board on Student Life within five (5) business days of notification of the action taken by the PRB or the Student Life Administrator. (The appeal should be delivered to the Office of Student Life for transmittal to the Chair.) The University Appeals board will hear all cases which it deems serious and where it finds evidence exists of : 7 a. improper, inadequate or incorrect procedures, prejudicial conduct, and/or ; b. prejudicial conduct by the Peer Review Board or Student Life Administrator; c. new information, sufficient to alter a decision, that was not reasonably available to the person appealing the decision at the time of the original hearing; and/or d. disproportionate penalties. Refusal to hear a case will have the effect of letting stand the previous decision. (The name and address of the chair can be obtained through the Office of Student Life.) Interpretation. In the event that any ambiguity arises or there is inconsistency or a need for clarification, all definitions, interpretations or clarifications of the Student Discipline Process shall be made by the Vice President or his/her designatefor Student Life, and all findings shall be final. Discipline Records: Inter-Institutional Communications The University may disseminate student disciplinary information to officials at other schools without prior consent if (1) prior misconduct poses a significant risk to others and (2) officials at the other institution have a “legitimate educational interest” in the behavior of the student. Permitted Disclosure of Discipline Records. Generally the University does not disclose information from discipline records, including sanctions, unless permitted by law, for example: Parents of dependent students may be informed of disciplinary sanctions imposed on those students and parents of students under age 21 may be informed of disciplinary violations with respect to the use or consumption of alcohol or controlled substances. The final results of a disciplinary hearing with respect to a crime of violence may be disclosed to the victim, and in some cases, to the University community. Discipline Records Retention. Disciplinary sanctions shall not be made part of the student’s permanent academic record, but 8 shall become part of the student’s disciplinary record. Undergraduate discipline records are kept for 35 years after a student has graduated and are maintained and stored in the Office of Student Life, 2nd floor Campion Student Center. Records are generally confidential except in the case of a subpoena, student consent or as provided above. In serious cases, e.g., where a crime of violence is committed, the results of a hearing may be released. Students have a right to file complaints concerning alleged failures by the University to comply with the requirements of FERPA and the implementing regulations. Complaints should be addressed to the Family Compliance Office, U.S. Department of Education, 400 Maryland Avenue, S.W., Washington D.C. 20202-4605. 9 Document comparison done by DeltaView on Monday, April 09, 2007 11:10:01 AM Input: Document 1 Document 2 Rendering set file://S:/Student Discipline Process-original.doc file://S:/Student Discipline Process-rev-03-30-07.doc Standard Legend: Insertion Deletion Moved from Moved to Style change Format change Moved deletion Inserted cell Deleted cell Moved cell Split/Merged cell Padding cell Statistics: Count Insertions Deletions Moved from Moved to Style change Format changed Total changes 97 62 11 11 0 0 181