Gloucestershire Branch - The National Autistic Society

Gloucestershire Branch
(Formerly Stroud Autistic Support Group)
Tuesday, 9th March - Support Group Meeting 7.30pm at the Milestone School, Longlevens
Subject: Transition to Adult Services for Young People on the Autism Spectrum
Guest Speakers: Patrick Graham - Operations & Development Mgr., Community & Adult Care Directorate
Barbara Russell - ASD Co-Ordinator, National Autistic Society
Patrick Graham will give a presentation on the transition pathway for young people with a statement of
educational needs (SEN), and talk about how the Community and Adult Care Directorate (C&ACD) work
with people with autism. The C&ACD are currently looking to appoint a Transition Co-Ordinator, and if that
person is in post by March, they will accompany Patrick.
Barbara Russell will talk about how to access a Directory of the services, which are available in the county
for Adults with Asperger syndrome and guidance on topics such as how to get a Community Care
Assessment. Barbara will also provide an update on the ASD Partnership Board, their future plans and
Tuesday, 16th March - Meeting at Springbank Resource Centre, Cheltenham (10am-12 noon)
Friday, 26th March - Meeting at Tewkesbury Library (Elmbury Room), Tewkesbury (1.15-3.15pm)
Informal get together and opportunity to meet up with other parents and carers for coffee and chat.
Tuesday, 13th April 2010 - Practical Cooking Workshop - Launchpad College, Tewkesbury
10am-12noon - Cost: £2 per person
Come along and make your own pizza! We have use of the kitchen studio at the new Launchpad Centre in
Tewkesbury during the half term holiday. All ingredients will be provided, so no need to bring anything. This
workshop is suitable for 5 years and upwards and is offered to individuals with ASD, plus siblings. An adult
(i.e. a parent/carer) needs to stay for the duration of this workshop and may work alongside their child
during the session.
Tuesday, 20th April - Meeting at Springbank Resource Centre, Cheltenham (10am-12 noon)
Friday, 30th April - Meeting at Tewkesbury Library (Elmbury Room), Tewkesbury (1.15-3.15pm)
Informal get together and opportunity to meet up with other parents and carers for coffee and chat.
Wednesday, 12th May - An Evening Lecture by Dr. Wendy Lawson (7.00-9.00pm)
Subject: The Changing Face of Autism
Venue: Alderman Knight School, Tewkesbury, Glos. GL20 8JJ
Tickets: Parents/Family Member/Individual with ASD - £8.00
Professionals - £ 15.00
The Changing Face of Autism
This presentation will discuss how the understanding of autism spectrum (AS) has changed over time and
is now being considered by virtue of strengths rather than weaknesses, by interests and learning styles
rather than as a triad of impairment. It explores how to utilise the AS cognitive strength and build social
understanding, as well as create positive images of autism within society at large.
Dr. Wendy Lawson, Bss, Bsw (Hons), Gdip (PsychStud) Gdip (Psych) PhD (Psych)
Wendy Lawson is an adult with an autism spectrum disorder. She is a qualified counsellor, social worker
and psychologist and is well known and respected for her writing and lectures based on her own
experiences as a person with autism. Wendy’s strong personality and sense of humour make her talks
hugely popular and thoroughly recommended.
Tuesday, 18th May - Meeting at Springbank Resource Centre, Cheltenham (10am-12 noon)
Friday, 28th May - Meeting at Tewkesbury Library (Elmbury Room), Tewkesbury (1.15-3.15pm)
Informal get together and opportunity to meet up with other parents and carers for coffee and chat.
Thursday, 3rd June - Horseriding - Tumpy Green Equestrian Centre, Cam, Dursley.
10.30am and 11.00am - Cost: £2 per person - (seven places in each session)
This activity is open to all age groups and offered to individuals with an ASD, plus siblings.
Tuesday, 8th June - Meeting at Springbank Resource Centre, Cheltenham (10am-12 noon)
Friday, 25th June - Meeting at Tewkesbury Library (Elmbury Room), Tewkesbury (1.15-3.15pm)
Informal get together and opportunity to meet up with other parents and carers for coffee and chat.
Tuesday, 6th July - Meeting at Springbank Resource Centre, Cheltenham (10am-12 noon)
Informal get together and opportunity to meet up with other parents and carers for coffee and chat.
Tuesday, 13th July – 2nd Branch Annual General Meeting (AGM)/’Life at the Edge - Luke’s Life
with Labels’ (7.00-9.00pm) at Alderman Knight School, Tewkesbury
7.00pm - 2nd Annual General Meeting:
The Branch Officer and Treasurer will briefly summarise what the branch has achieved over the past
year and re-elect the new branch committee.
7.15pm (approx.) - ‘Life at the Edge - Luke’s Life with Labels’
Guest Speakers: Jan and Luke Greenman (mother and son)
Jan Greenman has written a book ‘Life at the Edge - A True Story of Luke’s Life with Labels’. It is her
account of living with her son, Luke, who has a diagnosis of Aspergers syndrome, ADHD, and chronic
anxiety. Jan speaks from the heart telling the full and sometimes shocking story of life with Luke’s autistic
labels and the challenges that her family have faced and overcome, relating anecdotes and funny stories
that other parents can relate to.
Luke Dicker will then talk about what life is like for him and gives his own perspective about the main
incidents and influences in his life, and what has helped him to overcome. Luke was the youngest ever
speaker at the international ADDISS conference in London last year, he was filmed for an entire day by
the BBC for the Politics Show, interviewing politicians in Westminster ahead of the 2nd reading of the
Autism Bill.
Thursday, 5th August – Family Evening at Cattle Country Adventure Park, Berkeley (6.00-8.00pm)
Cost: Free. This is a free evening of fun for the whole family - the park offers indoor and outdoor play
equipment, including outdoor splash pool and bouncy pillow.
Monday, 16th to Friday, 20th August - Autism Activity Week (Playscheme) - Alderman Knight
School, Tewkesbury
Time: 10.00am-3.00pm (Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday), 10.00am-3.15pm (Wednesday)
Contribution: £5 per person/per day Group Size: 15
This activity week is open to children/young people with an autism spectrum, aged 8-16 years. The
week will include a variety of activities, i.e. sports, swimming, cooking, arts and crafts, kayaking/water
rafting, drama, etc.
Tuesday, 14th September (7.30pm) - ‘Driving with Autism’ - Julia Malkin
Venue: Alderman Knight School, Tewkesbury
Julia Malkin was recently featured on the BBC3 TV programme ‘Autistic Driving School’. Julia is one of
Britain’s most decorated driving instructors and one of only two autistic driving instructors in the country.
Through her passion for driving, Julia has overcome a lifetime of prejudice and bullying. She now
specializes in helping other autistic people to learn to drive and wants to inspire people to achieve things
in life regardless of their disabilities. Julia’s presentation will discuss the support required, how parents
and professionals can help, communication and distraction issues as raised in the film ‘Autistic Driving
School’ and the ‘Revolutions’ course for Approved Driving Instructors.
If you would like to receive information about the NAS Gloucestershire Branch or any of our events/
activities, please contact Amanda Jenkins, PO Box 1088, Cheltenham, Glos., GL50 9LH, Tel. No.
0777 073 1012, Email: