2009-2010 English Questions Set 14

MACC English Questions
East/West Tournament – March 20, 2010 – Set 14 – Round 1
Please Read Aloud: All of the questions in this match are 5-second questions.
This is the first directed question for team A.
What is a 14-line poem with a specific rhyme scheme and meter called? Begin (sonnet)
This is the first directed question for team B.
In the poem, Ballad of Birmingham by Dudley Randall, what tragedy prompted him to
write the poem? Begin (the bombing of a church in Birmingham, Alabama)
This is the second directed question for team A.
In the novel, St. Dale by Sharyn McCrumb, which speedway is known as “The Lady in
Black” and why was it called that? Begin (Darlington or Darlington Raceway and it was
the first track to be paved)
This is the second directed question for team B.
In the play, Twelve Angry Men, where did juror Eight say he got his knife and how much
did it cost? Begin (in a junk shop around the corner from the boy’s house and it cost $2)
This is the third directed question for team A.
In the play, Death of A Salesman, who was the greatest salesman Willie ever knew? Begin
(Dave Singleman)
This is the third directed question for team B.
In the nonfiction selection, What Wendell Wants Ch. 2 by Jenny Lee, what ultimately
happened to the Most Annoying Toy in the World? Begin (it pulled through and was back
in action the following week – answers do not have to be exact)
This is the fourth directed question for team A.
In the short story, Split Cherry Tree, to what does Dave’s father compare himself when he
says he is behind and doesn’t belong at school? Begin (a dead leaf)
This is the fourth directed question for team B.
In the short story, Lamb to the Slaughter, what does Mary buy for dessert? Begin
(cheesecake or a slice of cheesecake)
This is the fifth directed question for team A.
In the short story, The Drunkard by Frank O’Connor, what was one of the three danger
signs that Larry’s father was going to start drinking? Begin (One of the following: a sunny
day, a fine funeral, or the distinguished company of clerics and public men)
MACC English Questions Page 2
East/West Tournament – March 20, 2010 – Set 14 – Round 1
This is the fifth directed question for team B.
In the short story, The Drunkard by Frank O’Connor, what did Larry’s mother run out to
pawn when her husband was drunk and didn’t work? Begin (a clock or the kitchen clock)
This is the sixth directed question for team A.
In the short story, Dr. Heidegger’s Experiment by Nathaniel Hawthorne, which guest had
lived in deep seclusion on account of certain scandalous stories? Begin (Widow Wycherly)
This is the sixth directed question for team B.
What is a poetic meter consisting of a line with five feet in each of which the iamb is
dominant? Begin (iambic pentameter)
This is the seventh directed question for team A.
In the poem, Ballad of Birmingham by Dudley Randall, what question is asked in the first
line of the poem? Begin (“Mother dear, may I go downtown?)
This is the seventh directed question for team B.
In the novel, St. Dale by Sharyn McCrumb, what emergency happened that caused the tour
to have to leave the Darlington race early? Begin (Arlene Powell had a heart attack or
Arlene Powell got sick and was taken to hospital)
This is the eighth directed question for team A.
In the play, Twelve Angry Men, what does juror Eight call juror Three because he says he
would pull the switch at the boy’s execution? Begin (a sadist)
This is the eighth directed question for team B.
In the play, Death of A Salesman, who says "My salvation is that I never took any interest
in anything"? Begin (Charley)
This is the ninth directed question for team A.
In the short story, The Monkey’s Paw, from where did the stranger who was apprehensive
about entering the house come? Begin (Maw and Meggins where Herbert worked)
This is the ninth directed question for team B.
In the short story, Split Cherry Tree, how did Fred Wutts describe Dave’s father to Glenn
Armstrong when Mr. Sexton and Professor Herbert were touring the school? Begin (as a
rough looking scamp)
MACC English Questions Page 3
East/West Tournament – March 20, 2010 – Set 14 – Round 1
This is the tenth and final directed question for team A.
In the short story, Lamb to the Slaughter, what two things did the police suggest might have
been used for the murder weapon? Begin (both must be given – a large metal vase or a big
This is the tenth and final directed question for team B.
In the short story, Dr. Heidegger’s Experiment by Nathaniel Hawthorne, which of the guests
had wasted his best years in the pursuit of sinful pleasures? Begin (Colonel Killigrew)
That ends the portion of the match with directed questions. Coaches, if you have any team
member substitutions, please send those team members to the stage at this time. (Note:
Allow time for substitutes to be seated, introduce substitute team members.)
No form of conferring is allowed during the tossup portion of the match. Conferring includes
sharing of written or verbal information or signals. Please remove all written material
from your team tables. Writing is not permitted during tossup rounds, except in the math
We will now have ten tossup questions. Remember, the person who buzzes in must give the
answer immediately. Please wait until I recognize the team before you give an answer. The
penalty for buzzing in early and giving a wrong answer is minus 2 points, and the question
will then be reread in its entirety to the other team.
This is the first tossup question.
From what work by what author is the following quote: “The children who come out of
slum backgrounds are potential menaces to society”? Begin (Twelve Angry Men by
Reginald Rose)
This is the second tossup question.
In the play, Pygmalion by George Bernard Shaw, name one of the four things Higgins tells
Eliza to think of instead of things of her future. Begin (one of the following: chocolates,
taxis, gold or diamonds)
This is the third tossup question.
In the poem, The Stone by Wilfrid Wilson Gibson, how is the face of her lover described as
he lay under the stone that killed him? Begin (face of clay)
This is the fourth tossup question.
In the novel, Their Eyes Were Watching God, what did Tea Cake spend the money he took
from Janie on after he took the $200 from her hiding place? Begin (chicken and macaroni
dinner for his fellow railroad workers)
MACC English Questions Page 4
East/West Tournament – March 20, 2010 – Set 14 – Round 1
This is the fifth tossup question.
In the short story, The Lottery by Shirley Jackson, what was in the black box? Begin (slips
of paper)
This is the sixth tossup question.
In the short story, The Man Who Knew How by Dorothy Sayers, who did Pender think had
“a secret face, the face of one who knew a great deal to other people’s disadvantage”?
Begin (the man sitting across from him on the train: also accept Bill Buckley)
This is the seventh tossup question.
In the short story, No Talent Kid by Kurt Vonnegut, who beat the Lincoln High School
Band in the only competition they lost in the last ten years? Begin (Johnstown or
Johnstown High School)
This is the eighth tossup question.
In the short story, Hop-Frog by Edgar Allan Poe, when do the king and his ministers enter
the party? Begin (midnight)
This is the ninth tossup question.
In the short story, Araby by James Joyce, what money did the narrator’s uncle give to him
so he could go to the bazaar? Begin (a florin)
This is the tenth and final tossup question.
(Emcee note – if match is tied after this question go to the three tie breakers at the end of these
questions – use all three, even if tie is broken on first or second question!)
In the short story, The Gift of Cochise by Louis L’Amour, why did Cochise say that it was
well that Mrs. Lowe had no man? Begin (she would raise an army of little warriors to fight
his people)
(SWAC Emcees only – Ask if there are any appeals)
EMERGENCY QUESTIONS (To be used in an emergency only –DO NOT USE AS EXTRA TIE
BREAKERS – but they can be used in place of tie breakers as they would be used if a
question has a mistake, if the emcee “flubs” a question, etc.):
You have 5 seconds to answer this question.
In the poem, The Stone by Wilfrid Wilson Gibson, what does the narrator say “plucked the
heart from me, sucked the breath from m and curdled the warm blood in me”? Begin (the
woman’s grey eyes)
MACC English Questions Page 5
East/West Tournament – March 20, 2010 – Set 14 – Round 1
You have 5 seconds to answer this question.
In the short story, The Gift of Cochise by Louis L’Amour, what two things did Ed Lowe go
to El Paso to get? Begin (supplies and seed)
TIE BREAKERS(To be used in cases of tie games – use all three questions, even if the tie is
broken with the first or second question; in case teams are still tied at the end of these
three questions – the game remains a tie.):
This is the first tiebreaker question.
In the novel, The Bean Trees, how do people eat in heaven according to Estevan? Begin (by
feeding each other with long spoons)
This is the second tiebreaker question.
In the poem, Woman Work by Maya Angelou, what chore involved the tots? Begin (the tots
to dress)
This is the third tiebreaker question.
In the novel, St. Dale by Sharyn McCrumb, Cayle said that Dale fixed her car, a bow-tie,
when she was stranded on a dark country road. What kind of car is a bow-tie? Begin
(Chevrolet or Chevy)